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Good morning, everybody. As you can still see for me, it is December 3 of 2022, and you will see this on Tuesday, December 6. And reason for that again is because I will be going out of town. So you will be seeing me pre-recorded from now on until I come back. I come back on Tuesday of the following week. And I think that is like the 13th or 14th or something. But I will have all the prophetic words I normally would have, or at least encouraging words for you or prophecies fulfilled for you, before I leave. So I’ll make sure I record all those for you. So today’s powerful prophetic word is called A mighty move against this fraudulent government is about to take place. I read this prophetic word on December 1 of 2022. Before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jjmnternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at julie. Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd Street, Suite 200 Davenport, Iowa, 52807. Now, all that information is in the description box below for you. Yes, we now have a physical address that all of us here at Julie Group Ministries are excited about. So that is all the announcements except for don’t forget tomorrow for you, it will be tomorrow on Wednesday, December 7. I will be doing his glory with Pastor David Scarlett. And take five. I know I have missed it. I know he probably has two. He was in Israel. And I can’t wait to see what God is going to confirm on that show. There’s been so many prophetic words. So I hope you guys all can join us on that live show. It’s always great to be on with Pastor Dave. All right, now here’s the prophetic word.
A Mighty Move against this Fraudulent Government is about to take place.
And again, I heard this on December 1.
For I, the Lord, this day am telling my children, I am going to shake my nation loose from this illegitimate government and the world leaders. Watch something significant that is about to be exposed in the land of the Eagle regarding Washington, DC Oh, yes, this great explosion of information they will not see coming, and they will have nothing big enough to defend themselves. A stone is about to be thrown in Washington, DC. That will knock them all off their feet and onto their faces. I, the Lord, have said, I will not be mocked. They have done these things against you, children of Almighty God, in defiance of me. So you are about to see great and mighty shaking in Washington, DC One that people did not expect and could not see coming. A mighty move against this fraudulent government is about to take place.
I say again, my children, all those you see before you, you soon will not see again. Arrests have been made. Some people are detained, that will surprise you on who in your government. CEOs of many major corporations. Hollywood and people in the church as well. Many wolves were hiding. But it is now time to bring them all out, to be exposed. This is my time, not theirs. It is your freedom and your time, my children. And soon you will see it’s all true Sayeth The Lord your Redeemer
Ambassadors will be in your news. One will resign and the other ambassador will die suddenly. Yes. Swift moves will be seen. And many people in powerful positions will suddenly be removed Saith the Lord.
Dominion. This company will come down. It will be destroyed. And major exposures are about to come out regarding all this company has done against my Eagle. It wasn’t just stolen elections. No. It runs much deeper than that. Their CEO is about to resign to save the fallout. But that will not work. Because they won’t stop me and my hand from destroying all they have done. And what has been stolen will be given back Saith the Lord.
Many big name people will be connected to this company. And some of these names will surprise you. But everyone connected will be brought down and every company connected. And the money trail is great. It will all be told to the world. So, my children get ready for what you are about to hear Saith the Lord of Hosts.
A very large earthquake is about to shake and quake. You will know this one is the one I have been speaking of. It will be larger than an eight on the Richter scale. I have said this and warned about this. The shaking is more than a shaking in the natural. It is a shaking that will shake your enemies loose of everything they have stolen everything they had planned. And my nation will be completely set free. Do not fear when you see natural catastrophes happen in many places around the world at one time. Know that is a sign to you. What can be shaken will be. And everything stolen will be given back to you. Sayeth The Lord.
RoboCop. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason.
A lion will be in your news. And remember, I am the lion of the tribe of Judah and you are about to hear me roar. Sayeth The Lord.
A well known bridge will be in your news for a significant reason. A major false flag is about to be perpetrated in this nation. My children see through this. Don’t believe this. Stand and pray and stop their lives and their control. You have the power because I have given it to you. You are not left with nothing. You have me on the inside of you. So shout as loud as you can and watch what happens suddenly to your enemies Saith the Lord.
Constantine. I say this name again will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Florida is about to be in major news stories. Something significant is about to take place there where my David is. My children, something is coming. Something big is coming that was held back until now. So rejoice The Eagle is about to soar sayeth The Lord your Redeemer. I had to change it because I couldn’t see what this was in front of this laptop. So I want to read this last paragraph again here. Florida is about to be in major news stories. Something significant is about to take place there where my David is. My children, something big is coming that was held back until now. So rejoice. The Eagle is about to soar sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary So one of the things that the Lord has been saying over and over and over again is to pray without ceasing for our President. Alright? For President, anybody who’s with him. He’s been saying about shouting our enemies down. He’s been saying about keeping focus on him, about praying, standing fast, and not giving up, not quitting, not getting to fear. She’s been giving us many marching orders. But one of these marching orders that are very, very important is the shout, shouting our enemies down. Declarations, decreeing. And say, how do you do that? You speak these words that God is telling you to speak. He’s saying to you, you shout them down. So like this heavenly Father, I just want to praise and thank you that every evil ruler I want to thank you Father God, that every person in these powerful positions that do not belong there, that are against you. I thank you, Father God. I am calling them down right now in the name of Jesus to be removed because you said NO. Up and formed against us are prosperous and we are shouting down because you told us to shout and we are obeying you. And just like the walls of Jericho, everything against us will be removed. It will come crumbling down. I thank you Father God, that no weapon formed against us to prosper. I thank you and I declare our freedoms I thank you and declare freedoms in our nation that we are set free in Jesus name. And every lie will be revealed. And every truth, Father God, will destroy every bondage, it will destroy every hole, it will destroy every line that has been against us. But holy, that’s a hostage. I thank you, Father God for our freedoms. I thank you Father God, for a great shaking that will wake up the Bible, that will wake up the churches, that will wake up the nations around the world, and it will shake us loose from all its captivity. That’s declaring that’s decreeing, that’s not telling God. Oh my God, Lord, all these things are going on. Look at what’s happening. And nothing is being done. Nothing. Looks like it’s changing. Things are getting worse. That is like not complaining to God. That’s saying, okay, God, you said in your word that you’ve given us power and authority and dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses. That’s in Luke 1019. It also says in Ephesians chapter one. Listen to this. This is really important to know that you are not on the same level as your enemy. Your enemy is not bigger than you. You are bigger than your enemy. Why? Because you have the greater one. John four four. You have the greater one on the inside of you. But listen to the scripture in Ephesians chapter one, Ephesians chapter one, it says and I’m going to read out of the new King James Version. I’m going to start with verse 19, one nine. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power? So us who believe the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe, so God’s given us power. Those who believe in his power, those who believe that what he says is true, those who believe his word, those who will stand fast, those who will not be shaken, those will be consistent in their faith, those who will be saying, Lord, I will not be moved, I will not believe what their enemy is doing. I thank you because you are truth. You are the God of the heaven and earth. You are the judge over all the earth. I thank you, Father God that you are undefeated. I thank you, Father God, that no upper formed against us a prosper. I thank you, Father God that you are moving your hand and you are a sure thing again. I’m going to read this again. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power of God’s power toward us? Who believe that we’re going to believe God over what we see? We’re going to believe God over what we feel. We’re going to leave God no matter what is going on in the world. We believe God and his power, his glory will rise up on the inside of us because the faith, God’s faith, will rise up on the inside of us. Praise the Lord. Now, this is verse 20, which he worked in Christ. Remember, we can do all things through Christ whom strengthens us. That Philippians four and 13, which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in heavenly places. So Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God. He’s sitting at the right hand. Now listen to this, verse 21. Now, Jesus is the head of the church or the body of Christ, and we’re body. Jesus is the head, we’re the body. We’re joint heirs with Jesus Christ. So if we’re joint heirs with him and he’s sitting at the right hand, that means we’re sitting at the right hand. We can do all things through Christ. We can’t do all things on our own. We can’t not do all things on our own. We do all things from Him in which he worked in Christ. He raised Him from the dead and seated Him as right hand in heavenly places. Now, where is he in heavenly places? Verse 21. Far above all principality, power and might and dominion, every name that his name, not only in this age, age that they were in, not only in this age, but also in wishes to come –that’s ours. We’re in the age which is to come. Jesus’s name is above all names. Every name must bow to that name. And remember, if he’s the head and he’s at the right hand of God, that means we are the body. We are also the right hand. You get it? I know you do. Okay, listen. We’re far above all Principalities of power and might and dominion. We’re far above. We are far above all Principalities power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also which is to come. Verse 22 and he put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things of the Church. He put all things under whose feet? Our feet. The devil’s underneath our feet. In Hebrews two and 14, he’s brought the Satan to nothing. In classes 215, he’s just armed him. You can say Julie- But all these things are going on. So it doesn’t change the fact of what the word of God says. But we are far above. Principalities powers and writing a million and all these things that are going on, we are far above. Why? Because we have the greater one on the inside of us. We are the body of Christ. Jesus is the head. We are the body. Because the body and the head are one. He’s sitting at the right hand of God. That means we’re sitting at the right hand of God. In spiritual places, we are sitting at the right hand of God. So if we are sitting at the right hand of God, all these things are far beneath us because we are far above. We are far above. Principalities powers of my dominion. We are far above. So that means all these people that we’re seeing before us today, they don’t have more power than we do, because we have more power, because we have the greater one on the inside of us. Now, don’t try to do anything on our own. If you try doing it against a spiritual thing, you’re not going to win. You can’t do things on your own might and your own ability against spiritual warfare. You have to do all things in Christ through Christ. It’s not in your own ability. If you try it on your own, you’ll lose. That’s why you have to do all things through Christ. That’s why you always have to have the word of God. On the inside of you. It’s a two edged sword or a double edged sword that will pierce. It’s a sword, the sword of the spirit. It’s a weapon against your adversary. The truth. The truth is a weapon against your adversary. The truth will set you free. Why? Because it will destroy all the weapons. It will destroy all the lies. It will destroy all the discouragement. It will destroy the– that he’s trying to distract. It will destroy all distractions. It will destroy all the things that he’s trying to destroy you. He even said, the truth will separate you from the world. Now, a lot of people that will abash this who are not born again, who do not believe in the word of God, who do not believe in all these things, they’re going to think we’re crazy Kooks. So they thought Noah was, too, until the door shut, until it started to rain. Think about all these things. Think about all the people of God who were mocked until God showed up. A lot of people are mocked right now, but God will show up. There’s going to be a time discount like the Noah’s Ark. They thought he was crazy. They thought he was lunatic. They laughed at him. They mocked at him. You can’t imagine the names they were calling him when he was just loving on them and trying to save them. Moses or Noah just wanted to save them. Noah was just like, come on, come on. There’s going to be a flood. Floods coming, floods coming. They’re just like, you’re an idiot. God is warning of all these things, and they think we’re idiots because they don’t know the truth. You can’t hate people, even though they’re mocking us and they’re nasty, and they’re calling you horrible names. God loves the sinner but hates the sin. So you don’t hate anyone. You may hate what they’re doing, but you can’t hate them. Remember, Jesus said on the cross, Father, forgive them. They know not what they do. They were killing they were trying to kill him. They were spitting on they were doing all these horrible, heinous, evil, disgusting things to our Lord and Savior. Oh, he was on the cross, father, forgive them. They don’t know what they do. Not all these people that are going on right now. This is a spiritual battle. There might be human beings involved, but it’s a spiritual battle. It is good versus evil. It is God versus Satan. It is the soul of this nation. I think the Biden is that many times we’re fighting for the soul of this nation. Now they’re trying to kill it, not trying to save anything. They live in death. They don’t live in life. God’s not a political God. God will always side with life. Think about that. God will always side with life. He will not side with a party of death.
That’s what this is against. And God is a political God. He’s God of truth and he’s got of life. And anybody who stands in his way, judgment’s coming, all right. And he put all things under his feet and gave him to be all of all things to church, which is his body, the fullness of Him that fills on all. Listen, I have this written in my Bible that we have the knowledge of being in Christ. It’s important that we know that we are in Christ. We’re not by ourself. Knowledge acted upon brings results. So if you act upon, I thank you Father God. I can do all things for Christ and strengthen me. I thank you Father God. I will not quit. That I will not give up. I will not give in to these feelings that are telling me that everything is impossible and I’ve got to give up. And there’s nothing’s going to change. You fight that. You stay on the knowledge of Almighty God in his word and authority belongs to every child of God. Authority belongs to every child of God. Read Luke 1019, read Genesis, chapter 126 to 28. Read those things. Even Jesus said, I have all these things. You go in my name and you do it and you’re going to do greater work than me because I go to my father. Jesus said that’s why when religions says that there’s no miracle signs and wonders, that was just for the beginning of church. No, it’s not his date. His word doesn’t change. He didn’t say stop. He never said stop. Gods have got a miracles. God doesn’t change. God’s the same yesterday and forever. Don’t let religion tell you otherwise. It’s a lie to get you into a deception that you believe that God is not the same God of the Bible. So then when we are a child of God and we know the truth, that we are no longer dominated by the devil. Let me read that again. When a child of God knows the truth, they are no longer dominated by the devil. A truth will set you free. But if you don’t know the truth, Hosea four six, God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Then you are dominated by the devil if you don’t know the truth. That’s why it’s very important to know the word of God. And that’s why even says and I’ll read it really quick in Joshua one eight things one eight nine. I got a fat finger in it. I’ll get to it. Joshua one eight. This is the amplified version. The book of the law shall not depart of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night. That you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. When you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have wisely had good success. The book of the law shall not depart from your sight. You shall meditate on it day night. What does meditate mean? Repeat it, read it, say it. Declare it, decree it. That’s how we make our way prosperous. We have the truth. The truth is on the inside of us. We have to get the word in there, get the word so deep down in there, because remember the sower sows the word, you can find that in one example in Mark, chapter four, the sower sows the word. That’s why God is giving us marching orders. He’s giving us words to say. He’s giving us things to do. There’s many different examples in the Bible of how he’s done this before with his people, and he’s doing it again now. So I’m gonna read back over this prophetic word now, the last paragraph, because I can’t scroll up any farther because this laptop is in my way, in front of my big desktop until it gets fixed. So I want to read this last paragraph, and then I’ll go over and read the rest of it.
Florida is about to be in major news stories. Something significant is about to take place there where my David is My children, something big is coming that was held back until now. So rejoice the Eagle is about to soar sayeth The Lord your Redeemer.
So something significant is about to happen in Florida, where his David is. And we all know that his David is the real president of the United States. Not the fake one, the real one, which is the one who was rightfully elected. And as you can see, with a huge drop, and not only everything that was dropped on Twitter, but on Twitter, where they held back all this stuff right before the election of Hunter Biden,Hhunter Biden’s laptop, because not only did it that would have implicated Hunter Biden, but also implicated a jail, and they suppressed it. And the FBI was involved, and they were involved with Facebook. Yeah, the election was stolen in many more ways than one, and we all know that. And, yes, God is doing something about it, because I will do a propehecy fulfillment regarding Hillary Biden. There’s a lot of information I’ll have to have my team help me with it so I can do it before I leave here. Of all the stuff that God said about Hunter Biden before, all the stuff is coming out, and now we see it come out. And then I want to show you what God said about it coming out and then what he’s going to do about it, not what man is going to do about it. Yes, he’ll have men implicate some of this stuff and arrest some of these people and all those things that have to go down in courts and everything like that. But God is the one ! Man can’t stop God.
Okay, now, Constantine, I say, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. Constantine, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. A major false flag is about to be perpetrated in this nation. My children see through this. Don’t believe this. Stand and pray and stop their lives and their control. You have the power because I have given it to you. You are not left with nothing. You have me on the inside of you. So shout as loud as you can and watch what happens suddenly to your enemies. He’s telling us to shout. Shout them down, just like I showed you earlier in this video. Go back and watch that part. And then we have marching orders on the website now. That God has given through many different prophetic words, different one of these prophetic words. I’ll say that slower. You can go to Jgmnternational.org under our blog page and you can see those marching orders and you can see what God needs you to say. And do not listen to this. You have me on the inside of you. So shout as hard as you can what happened with shouting in the walls of Jericho. The walls came down. God is telling us now, listen, they obeyed. And that’s what God wants us to do. He wants us also to obey right now. So shout as loud as you can and watch what happened suddenly to your enemy. The walls of Jericho happened suddenly. The Red Sea happened suddenly. Him saving Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego happened suddenly. Him saving David against Goliath happened suddenly. You have Daniel happened suddenly. Because if you would have thrown a man in the lion set, you should have immediately died. You throwed men in a fire furnace seven times hotter, they would suddenly die. You have the Red Sea, which all the enemies, All Pharaoh and his men died suddenly in the Red Sea suddenly. They’ve happened before God. The same God. Yesterday, today and forever. God said he would then, he’s saying he is, he will now, so why would he not remember? The truth is destroying all the lies and all the narratives and all the ways that people have been thinking that was right. And it’s not so suddenly. Watch what happened suddenly to your enemies now. There’s going to be a false flag. There’s been many false flags in this country and around the world. They’ve done this all over the place. What false flags calls distractions and a lying, deception, deceiving, narrative, however you want to put it. They try to deceive, distract, destroy. Remember, deceive, distract, destroy. A false flag is well, deceiving you and distracting you into looking this way when they are planning on destroying you over here. But you’re too busy looking over there. That’s why God says, focus on me, focus on me. Look at me. Look what happened with Peter. I’m going to say that again. Look out with Peter. Peter took his focus off Jesus and he put it on the storm and then he started to sink on the water. When he was walking on the water, the deception was, I can’t walk on the water when it’s windy. And then he started to fall. He was walking on the water. His faith had him walking on the water, but the storm came, and it got his eyes or his focus off Jesus. And so when storms come in our life, satan wants to get our focus off of Jesus. What does God keep saying? Keep your focus on Jesus. Keep your focus on me. Get into my word. Stand, pray, receive. Fight the good fight of faith. Keep saying all these things. This is nothing new. Again, Ecclesiates one, verse nine. There’s nothing new on verse nine. So don’t worry about the false flag. Don’t be distracted by it. Don’t give in to it. Start praying God’s will and to thank Him. That what he says he’s going to do. He’s gonna do. Stand on it, focus on it. Get in his word even more. When these some of these things happen. Remember, God said it was going to get darker for it. It’s going to get better. Don’t be afraid about that statement. But he’s saying, just because it looks that way, remember, even though it appears one way, it’s actually another. Things will appear one way when they’re actually another. So things will appear really bad and really dark and really horrifying and really impossible, and things are getting worse when it’s actually the opposite. That’s why he keeps giving these words every day. All right.
A well known bridge will be in your news for a significant reason. A well known bridge. So look for anything that has anything regarding a well known bridge. I love this.
A lion will be in the news. So we’ll see and hear about a lion being in the news. I think this is the second time he talked about a lion. It might even be the third time. I don’t remember. But he said, A lion will be in your news. And remember, I am the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and you’re about to hear me roar. I love that song. If you guys don’t know that song with Elvis something, I’m the lion. I love that. I listen to that song all the time. The line of the tribe of Judah. You’re about to hear me. War when God speaks and what he says, no one can stop it. Remember, he said, Let my people go, Pharaoh. And no matter how much power he had, no money had, no matter what he had, couldn’t stop the words of Almighty God that were told to Moses to say God performed His Word, that he told Moses to say to Pharaoh, we’re supposed to speak these words against these people? God is saying, I am fabled to perform my Word. Not your words, but his words. We should all be excited right now. Who cares what it looks like? God is fixing it all.
RoboCop this phrase will be in news for a surprising reason. I was like Ford. RoboCop I remember this movie. My kids loved this movie. When. They were growing up. And I remember it was a movie when I was growing up as a kid, and they remade it when my kids were little. So, RoboCop, it’s going to be a phrase. I don’t think it has anything to do with the reference of a movie, but that’s what I thought of when I first heard about that phrase. I was like, RoboCop, and it made me think of the movie. I’m sure it does with you guys, too. But that phrase, some reason, sometimes the reason it’s going to be in the news for a reason, it’s going to get our attention because God said it first.
Now, this is something that is very be careful because people get into fear when they hear about it. Don’t get into fear because God says don’t. Many different times. He says, do not fear. Do not fret. A very large earthquake is about to shake and quake. You will know this one is the one I’ve been speaking of. It will be larger than an eight on the Richter scale. I have said this and warned about this. The shaking is more than a shaking in the natural so it looks like it’s going to be this big, huge earthquake over at eight on the Richter scale. And it’s going to be the point where it’s a natural disaster. But he said it is a shaking that will shake your enemies loose of everything they have stolen, of everything you have planned in the nation, will be completely set free. Do not fear when you see natural catastrophes. Now, we talked about this earthquake is going to be overnight. And then he said, natural catastrophes will happen in many places around the world at one time. Natural catastrophes will happen around the world all at one time. If you can look at Egypt with the Egyptians and the Journal of Israel and Land of Goshen, you could say all those plagues were natural disasters. Think about that for a minute. They affected the water, it affected the sunlight, it affected even our bodies. It affected– it was hail turned into fire, it was angel death, all these different things. There were disasters, there were catastrophes, there were judgments or plagues that happened to the land of Egypt. But God saved his children. He said to me, many natural disasters at one time, but do not fear it. And they said, no, this is a sign to you that what can be shaken will be shaken. What can be shaken will be shaken, and everything stolen will be given back to you. That’s not just our rightful presence or our freedoms. Everything that’s been stolen, we’re going to find out. All these things have been stolen, and it’s been more than we thought. Just like the children of Israel or when they were leaving Egypt, they didn’t just get their gold and silver. They got their freedom in their souls, their freedom in their minds, their freedom in their bodies, their freedom in every area of their life. Freedom. That’s what God is saying.
Again, many big name people will be connected to this company. What can I read up here? Dominion. Dominion. This company will come down. It will be destroyed. And major exposures are about to come out regarding all this company has done against my Eagle. It wasn’t just stolen elections. No. It runs much deeper than that. The CEO is about to resign to save the fallout. But it will not work. Because they won’t stop me in my hand from destroying all they have. And what they have stolen will be given back. Sayeth the Lord. Many big name people will be connected to this company. And some of these names will surprise you. But everyone connected will be brought down in every company connected. And the money trail is great. So the money trail is going to be exposed and a connecting every single one split. This is a huge web that they weaved. Huge. And the money trail is going to be great in all we told is the world. So my children, get ready for what you were about to hear. It’s bigger than you think. So get ready for what we’re about to hear about Dominion. But not only about them stealing the elections, but it goes greater and deeper than that.
Ambassadors will be in your news. One will resign and the other ambassador will die suddenly. Yes, swift moves will be seen and many people in powerful positions will suddenly be removed Saith the Lord. Many wolves were hiding. But it is now time to bring them all out to be exposed. This is my time, not theirs. It is your freedom and your time my children. And soon you will see it’s all true. It’s our time for freedom. And God says we’re going to see it’s all true.
Arrests have been made. Some people are detained. And he had to put that I’m bold. Arrests have been made. Some people are detained that will surprise you on who in your government. CEOs of many major corporations. Hollywood. And people in churches as well. So arrests have been made. And he said it more than once. And some people are already tamed. You haven’t heard about it, but you will. There’s been a lot of military movements that God has been speaking of that have been going on. God is saying this it’s not a conspiracy. But the enemies are going to say it’s a conspiracy to get you to believe a lie. There are two voices in the world. Truth or lie. God is performing his word over and over in these prophetic words. Over and over and over through his word. Truth or lie. Good report, evil report. I said again to my tone. All those you see before you will soon not see again. You will soon not see them again. That’s what he’s saying. I the Lord have said I will not be mocked. They have done these things against you children of almighty God in defiance of me. So you are about to see a great and mighty shaking in Washington DC. One that people did not expect and could not see coming. A mighty move against this fraudulent government is about to take place then he even said the scenery of the nation was going to change. He even said he was going to destroy all of DC. And the capital was going to change locations. That is all in prophetic words. He’s been saying that for a long time. I know that seems oh my gosh, how can that all happen? Only God can do it. I have no idea. He just said that. This is what he’s been saying. A stone is about to be thrown in Washington DC. That will knock them all off their feet and on their faces. Remember David and Goliath? That took 1 stone, that was it. He didn’t talk about his David. He didn’t talk about his stone. And the stone God says is me, is what God has been saying. Stone is God. For I the Lord, Today I’m telling my children, I am going to shake my nation loose from this illegitimate government. And the world leaders watch something significant that is about to be exposed in the land of the Eagle regarding Washington D. C. Oh yes, this great explosion of information they will not see coming. And they will have nothing big enough to defend themselves because nothing is bigger than God.
So hope this has encouraged you today. Just know you read in the Bible. Get all get your faith filled up. Get all the truth that you can get in your heart so that Satan can’t steal from you. Remember, when you know the truth, it will set you free. Don’t take my word for it. Get into God’s word. Get into his presence, get into your prayer closets. Ask God, god, what do you want me to know about these prophetic words? Go read them. When they’re put on the prophecy page, go read them. You pray. Get into your prayer causes with these words and say, Lord, what do you want me to know about them? What enlightenment, what revelations do you want me to have and what might? Well, what do you want me to say? What do you want me to do? God wants you to work too. He wants he wants you to receive your calling and receive how important you are to the body of Christ right now. How important you are to the world. You are important to all mighty God.
Well, I want to pray for each and every one of you before I go. Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just want to lift up every person right now. I thank you for their victories. I thank you for the health right now into their mortal bodies. I thank you for their God, for freedom and deliverance. Right now. In the name of Jesus, from any spirit of fear, I bind you off of them. I bind any suicidal spirits off. I bind any spirit of death, any terminal they have gotten terminal things from the doctor saying this is what’s going to happen, you are going to die. I proclaim it and decree and break those words down away from you and off of you. I thank you Father God, that they shall live and they will not die because that is your will for them was long life. Will you satisfy them so no matter what has been proclaimed over them, I thank you Father God, that your truth, your word is more powerful than that. I want to thank you Father God, that they are the head and not the tail, the bubble and not beneath the No weapon formed against them shall prosper that you always caused them to triumph. You have guarantee us our victory because you are our victory and we thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. Now, if you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, write the ministry, we will pray for you and speak words of life. It is your choice to choose life. Satan can’t. It’s your choice to choose life. You choose life. God saying you choose. He’ll back you up. You choose. God does not want you to die. You choose life. Well, hopefully I encourage you to. I really do want to know how much I love you. But first, God loves you and God bless you and have a wonderful day.

A massive explosive information attack is to hit the Washington establishment. They will be blindsided.
Previous forecasts of the utter destruction of Washington DC requiring the capital to be moved to another place on actual American territory already precede this lecture. Beginning with a massive storm. And damage to Masonic / satanic monuments. All done in 2022 we are told. 20 odd days left. I don’t mind if God takes a bit longer. He did mention a delay in obtaining vital information.
And the great great news is that the Election stealing Dominion Computer company owned by the CCP is to be destroyed any time soon. This is deliverance.
Not just election stealing but it seems massive bribery and subversion and many other companies are involved. This is our dreams come true. Hopefully we will return to paper ballots, locally counted, in small numbers. One day voting only. ID and citizenship required. And this applies to the whole world. Most countries. Not just the US. And YES the CCP purchased Dominion Voting 1 month before the 2020 election ! Destruction of Dominion will be pivotal. WE cant do this ourselves in 50 states with long term leasing contracts forever. Only God can do this.
Natural catastrophes will happen in many places around the world at one time. That should serve as a signal to the faithless that there is more to life than Secular Globalism and living under neo-feudalism
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