Julie Green transcript THE DEEP STATE IS COLLAPSING Feb 21 2023

from Bitchute

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LOL I duplicate Julies videos that come with youtube CC captions now with permanent subtitles burned into her video on Bitchute. Reason being many of her youtube videos will be pulled by bots because they continually contain forbidden words. Her entire channel was once deleted and we lost hundreds of videos. Never again.


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Goood morning everybody today is Monday February 21st of 2023 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it’s called THE DEEP STATE IS COLLAPSING

I heard this prophetic word on February 14th of 2023. before I get to that if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports please go to our website at jgminternational.org under our contact page where you can write us at Julie green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 Davenport Iowa 52807 and all of that information is on the description box below and like I have said before under many different social media platforms there are people who are fraudulent and who are acting and pretending to be us and they are not so if you want the direct links for all of our actual channels on other platforms you can click on the description box below or you can go to our website on our front page of our website we have all those links there for you there are many people out there that are pretending to be us asking you for money or donations do not give them anything because they are not Julie green Ministries we will not ask you for money and it’s very important for me to say that over and over and over again that is not what this ministry is about and anything that God wants this ministry to do he is the one who provides it so I just want to thank each and every one of you who watch each and every one of you who are Partners each and every one of you who just supports this ministry we love you and we thank you and I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you for allowing us into your homes to be a part of one another because we are family we may not know each other personally but we are Brothers and Sisters in Christ this is the one and the most important times in human history to be United and to be one in the body of Christ no matter what we exactly believe we are to be one there are many people out there right now all over the world trying to destroy the body of Christ and the power that is in it trying to divide and trying to bring strife because there is a revival going on and this revival is just going to keep picking up steam more and more you’ll see it everywhere all over the world why because this is the time that we have been waiting for a Time Of Glory, Time of Revival, why do you think things have been so depressing or things that look so dark ? Things have looked so impossible because Satan always does. He always throws the most things that he possibly can do right up to before breakthrough to get God’s people to give up and quit.

If we just focus and persevere and be steadfast on God’s love and on his power and on his goodness then we will not be moved and this glory of God or God’s presence throughout this world will greatly increase because we’re not complaining about all the wrong things that are going on or all the horrible things that are going on we’re praising and worshiping God which destroys the power of the enemy so today before I give this prophetic word just thank him for how beautiful he is how awesome he is how good he is I’ve been crying all morning long at least most morning anyway so I’m going to warn you if I start crying don’t be surprised because the presence of God has just been so strong this morning because of love for his people. We haven’t even seen his full goodness or his full Glory at but we will if we expect it if we focus on it if we dare to believe when you stop giving all attention to the enemy and start giving our attention to God and thanking him for just who he is and believing him no matter what I’ll go over some scriptures at the end before I go back over and read this prophetic word again like I always do I just had to give somebody or many people need to have this encouragement today even though you can’t go to some of these places where the Revival is right now because of your physical body or finances you don’t have to go anywhere God can show up in your home he’s in you the greater one lives on the inside of you you call and ask for God’s glory in your home in your places of work in your church in your city ask and you shall receive don’t get discouraged today because you can’t go to some of these places you can make it happen in your own by just believing him and asking him God is omnipotent he’s everywhere he will be everywhere you need him to be again so we need to hear that today all right now here’s a prophetic word for today it is called the


Short message long preach.

and I heard this prophetic word on February 14th of 2023.

For I the Lord this day I’m telling my children things are picking up pace and you will see many things go from bad to worse it will appear like. Many will scream and cry what is going on your enemies will try more Wars pestilences shortages famines they are trying everything now to regain momentum ,to regain power.

They have lost their resistance and through failing plans you will see your enemies desperation grow more and more, a desperation that will become more obvious to the world and when they’re on live TV they will not be able to compose themselves.

I told you before listen to your enemies words they are trying to keep their narratives going and it’s not working they will open up their mouths and speak the truth when they met to tell a lie nothing they are trying is working so someone will run and cower and not answer questions to the American people or the news media because they have no logical explanation or answers to their narratives and what they’re saying and wanting people to believe in.

Outrage and outcry is gaining momentum against the so-called Administration in control of DC you will see more and more turn on each other in their own party it’s growing because they see their writing on the wall look as more people leave their positions their seats of power and some will switch parties because they know there is no hope of saving theirs.

The Deep state and its power over this nation is collapsing my Eagle is rising not dying.

Backlash this word will be in your news more and more because your enemies are receiving and will continue to receive backlash regarding their careless decisions and things they are saying and doing are not making any sense for their lack of protection for this nation and more than in the party of the left will even scream treason and traitors and want something to be done Impeach Impeach many will shout, and not just for the Biden. But many are going along with him and their disastrous agendas ,

Great eruptions are about to take place in Washington D.C an attempted attack on this soil will be stopped and many will know it was an inside job and more will turn on Washington D.C and those who are there.

Tensions are growing with foreign Nations THAT WAS DELIBERATE

Disaster upon disaster and Distraction after Distraction to bring destruction and disruptions.

The waters are stirring and are about to give up the things that have been hidden inside. Your enemies are losing their power losing their territory and losing their positions they will completely fail in everything they have been doing saith the Lord

Something significant is about to take place in Uruguay you will know it as soon as you see it. A whistleblower is about to come forward with what has taken place.

And the sky is above you O United States and it’s not what you think. Your enemies will not get out of this what they wanted be confident in this time that I am God and I am greater than any enemy I am greater than their power, their plans so Rejoice that I am your victory and I am on your side and I am on the inside of you, and I am judging, I am moving, I am avenging and it will be, will be over very soon saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary

Now the last part I want to read that again he says I am your Victory I am on the inside of you I am judging I am moving I am avenging and it will be all over very soon.

A lot of people are starting to lose hope they’re starting to grow weary. They’re starting to think that nothing will be done about anything that we are experiencing. Anything that we are going through in the first paragraph some people will be stuck on it because things will look worse. Things will get more chaotic or more confusing but God said it will appear like.

Don’t go by how things appear we can find that in second Corinthians chapter four and verse 4 or 16 through 18.

I’m going to read that I wasn’t going to I was just going to quote it but I’m being corrected to read it now this is why it’s so important not to be focused on the things that we see right now it’s so important not to believe

everything that you’re seeing or to believe those things are going to keep lasting they’re going to keep going on

they’re going to keep prospering they’re going to keep growing in intensity against us and it’s going to prosper

When that’s the exact opposite of what the word of God says it might grow in intensity and I might seem like it’s

going to be worse but it won’t Prosper. It will not get out

of it with what the Enemy so desired. I want to read this

second Corinthians chapter four and verse 16. this is the Amplified

Therefore we do not become discouraged utterly spiritless exhausted and worried out through fear that’s I’m gonna stop right there for a minute.

That’s what our enemy is trying to do to us right now is to get so worried so buried in exhaustion through fear and doubt and worry and unbelief if he does that he steals your joy you have no strength to fight him back that’s why there’s so much fear going on around the world today because if there’s fear there is no faith that’s why it’s important to stand up that’s why it’s important to shout

that’s why it’s important to focus on Jesus that’s why it’s important to get in the word of God

to find that truth that will set you free that’s why it’s important to get up

every day and focus on Jesus and him alone

the sacrifice that he made what he did already for us he doesn’t

have to do it again he’s already done it he’s already freed you he’s already delivered he’s already

done these things your enemy is lying to you saying you have all these things and there’s no hope for you

and that’s not what Jesus has said and that’s not what he’s already done

Satan is a liar he puts symptoms and diseases on people when he doesn’t have the right to.

By Jesus Stripes you were healed

I’m gonna go on I’m gonna do that again therefore we do not become discouraged utterly

spiritless exhausted and worried out through fear though our outer man is progressively

decaying and wasting away yet our inner self is being progressively renewed day after

day now listen to this is Paul and we all know what happened with Paul

You should read the scriptures of how horrible things got for him the persecution he received because the words he was speaking and he was standing up for our Lord and savior

he was saying for our light momentary affliction the slight distress of this passing hour is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of Glory beyond all measure excessively surpassing all comparison and all calculation of vast transpondent glory and blessedness never disease since we consider and look not into the things which are seen but to the things which are unseen. the things that are visible are

temporary temporal brief, and fleeting but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting even though we may be seeing things right now they will not last forever

but God’s word God’s word will never change God’s words are Everlasting that’s why God says in these prophetic words all the time every almost every day to focus getting

his word getting his presence don’t take my word for it

don’t take anybody’s word for it what they’re saying you get into the

word of God you get that relationship with him that

he so desires he so desires a fellowship with you

that you know him on a personal level so that way when Tests come or Trials come you know him and you won’t be moved by the things that you are seeing. Something so beautiful if you have been watching The Chosen in the last episode

and I don’t want to ruin it for some people but it’s in the Bible so not really ruining it for those apart were Peter got out of the boat they were in the midst of that storm remember they were supposed to cross over the Sea of Galilee and go back home Jesus went out to pray and the disciples got into the boat they were supposed to go across Jesus set out to meet you on the other side or I will meet you on their side and I got to the point where they weren’t going anywhere because the storm was so severe it was so fierce they were getting into fear they were fighting their focus wasn’t on just what they saw they saw the miracle of feeding of the thousands of people with the fishes and the bread were the lows. They saw this miracle they saw all these Miracles that Jesus was doing when the storm was pounding up against our boat they forgot

when our storms of our own lives become so severe we forget

the words of Our Lord we forget what he’s done we forget

he’s already destroyed our enemy then all of a sudden

they saw him walking on the water at first as I was a ghost

so Peter said bid me to come and Jesus said because it was him

and Peter did it he had faith and he walked in that water that was by

Jesus words they would hold him up

Jesus’s words hold you up they destroy the power of the enemy

they destroy that pressure they destroy the fear they destroy the worry they destroy the anxiety they destroy

every single thing that any that enemy is trying to do to you it destroys it the power of the blood and the name of

Jesus but many of us in these storms of life

keep our eyes on the Storm and just like Peter

we sometimes think or we fall

but again the beautiful part Jesus came

picked him up and put them back on the boat

as the man by the pool Bethesda

a man said I don’t have a man to put me in the pool but you just asked you want to be healed

Jesus was that man The Man by the pool Bethesda didn’t need

the water he just needed Jesus he showed up

for that man in his Darkest Hour he showed up for the disciples in the

midst of a horrible storm and he said peace be still in the storm ceased he showed up

Shadrach Meshach and Bendigo he showed up in the midst

of a fiery furnace he was the pillar by day and the fire by night

in the wilderness Jesus

is the word that became flesh

he is the word he is everything

we need no matter what we see no matter what we go through he is everything we need

and sometimes we just lose focus on this because life circumstances are so

overwhelming read those stories and get it again

get your faith up he was with David

against Goliath it doesn’t

even though David couldn’t see him he was there

it wasn’t David’s strength but it was a faith and trusting in God and God’s

deliverance and Power if we just dare to believe

that not only God hears but God delivers

there is revivals sparking up everywhere and he said it was going to happen

in the midst of such hell on Earth

darkness and despair in impossible situations

if God’s people would just dare to believe

that he’s the way that he is the truth is

let’s get fed up with our enemies narrative

with their power and their control because they don’t have it

keep your focus on Jesus and know you may not understand how he’s

going to do it or when exactly that don’t lose that hope

no matter what anybody else says that’s what I said don’t pay attention

what men are saying our doctrines are saying what religion is telling you

you pay attention to him

he’s telling us to pursue to overtake and recover all

that’s been stolen no matter what happens

you remember these words that our God

is greater he is bigger

he is delivering he is a benching he is judging

we’re going to start to see the enemy’s plans fall apart even more now than ever in history

with their plans falling apart you will see a greater desperation

you will see them try horrible things

but remember these are the days of Haman

you know what the Lord had me praying for this morning he

our enemies

he had me praying for them

foreign he doesn’t want

to see them

doing these things he’s wanted to continue excuse me doing these things

because judgment is coming

and their end will be something he doesn’t want for them

it’s her choice but we are supposed to pray for our enemy

Jesus did on the cross he said father forgive them they know not what they do

these people don’t know what they’re doing they may think they do

they may think they have everything under control but they don’t

don’t focus on them don’t focus on what they’re doing

don’t focus on the destruction don’t focus on the chaos don’t focus on those things

you focus on every time

our God showed up for his people

he showed up in the midst of every and possible and crazy situation

his children got themselves in or the enemy put them in

his plan for them never changed his plans for us haven’t changed either

so let’s pray and focus and praise him that Revival is sweeping this land

and it’s sweeping around the world destroy the power of the enemy

I want to go back over this prophetic word be confident in this time that I am God

I am greater than any enemy I am greater than their power their plans to rejoice

that I am your Victory I am on the inside of you I am judging I am moving I am avenging and it will be all over very

soon say the Lord for your Redeemer he’s telling us it’s going to be all over

soon but be confident in who he is how do you do that get in his word and

see who he is now listen what this says a

whistleblower is about to come forward with what has taken place in the skies

above you oh United States and it’s not what you think

your enemies will not get out of this what they wanted there’s been many things going on above

us yes we saw the balloons that God has prophesied about those

it will not be what they wanted it to be yeah they were spying they were getting Intel

but they were getting more than that there was a plan in place

a plan of Destruction a plan of a takedown or take control over of this

nation and it will not happen

because they are they don’t see that God

this is his Nation we are one nation under God

our enemies plans can go so far and they can’t go anymore they’re about to hit that point of no

return something big is brewing something big

is coming because God is coming

his plans will prevail no matter what things appear like right

now our enemies will not get what they want which is take complete over over this

nation complete destruction of this nation to kill this nation it will not work

they will not have their One World Government no matter how bad they want it

something significant is about to take place in Uruguay you will know it as soon as you see it

the waters are stirring and are about to give up the things that have been hidden inside your enemies are losing their

power losing their territory in their positions they will completely fail in everything they have been doing

saith the Lord there has been a war going on that we have not seen

a war going on to completely destroy this country destroy our freedom destroy

our independence destroy what this nation stands for

this war has been going on all around us in every way

that we live we didn’t even know it some of us didn’t see it we’re starting to see the repercussions

of it now this has been going on for a very long time this is a slow and tedious war

against us they’ve infiltrated our country

they’ve infiltrated our government they’ve infiltrated a three-letter agencies they’ve infiltrated everything

they’ve infiltrated our churches this was a slow and painful death of

this nation they thought

but God we’ll have the final say

all right now disaster upon disaster distraction after distraction to bring

destruction in disruptions this is the plan of enemy that’s what

they wanted disaster upon disaster distraction after distraction to bring destruction and

disruptions that was our ultimate goal

and they will fall short they will fall flat they’ll fall on their face whatever you want to say

now how do you put some bold tensions are growing with foreign Nations that was deliberate

they’ve been doing these things on purpose and someone’s gonna come out

and spill the beans and show us exactly what’s been going on

an attempted attack now listen an attempted attack on this soil will be

stopped and many will know it as was an inside job and more will turn on

Washington DC and those are who are there was an attempted attack on This Nation

people will know it was an inside job someone and some people in Washington DC

and those who are there they are the ones who plan it and it did not go as

they wanted it to go and people are going to squeal

they’re turning on each other whistleblowers will continue to come

forward and they will be heard greater eruptions are about to take

place in Washington DC there are things we have not heard yet

and no people are not getting away with what they’ve been doing it looks like it

but the judge over the Earth that gavel’s about to come down

and judgment will be served no matter what they try to do to stop it

nothing will stop the move in the hand of God

so again he uses these words in Peach and Peach many will shout and not just

for the Biden but many that are going along with him

and their disastrous agenda agendas so not just yelling and or crying peach

and peach because of the Biden and wanting him out but anybody that’s along

with him in the government they’re going to want them all out

because other disastrous agendas and you can start seeing

people are already starting to turn but it’s going to start intensifying even more

backlash this word will be in your news more and more because your enemies are receiving and will continue to receive

backlash regarding their careless careless decisions things they are saying and doing are not making any

sense for their lack of protection for this nation more people in the party the lack will scream treason traitors and

want something to be done so even people in the left will scream treason and

traitors against their own party and against the Rhinos that are on the right

so anybody that’s in a deep State people even on the left side on the Democratic

side are going to start screaming about Traders and treasonous acts because it’s gonna be so blatantly

obvious listen this is affecting everyone I don’t care what side of the aisle you are on this is affecting your family

it’s affecting your children it’s affecting your job and if your finances this is affecting everyone

but God remember now if you’re no if you’re a child of both side God remember it’s like the children of the Atlantic

Ocean it’s not going to affect you like that the people the world is

and they’re going to start turning on themselves because of desperation because they’re going to want freedom from this because they’re realizing they

thought that they were going to be safe because they were on that party in that party or they were a part of the deep

State they were and they’re not their family is not safe their finances aren’t safe their jobs aren’t safe

they’re gonna start realizing and that’s why they’re gonna start turning on each other an outrage and an outcry is

gaining momentum against the so-called Administration in Washington or in control of DC so so-called

Administration in control of DC remember he said so-called he doesn’t say they are you will see more and more turn on each

other in their own party is growing because they see their writing on their wall look as more people leave their

positions their seats of power and some will switch parties because they know there is no hope of saving theirs the

Deep state and its power over this nation is collapsing my Eagle is rising not dying

so again they wanted the exact opposite they wanted destruction exactly the exact opposite is happening

when they want all this stuff going on look at the Revival that’s happening and it’s time to keep growing and growing

we’re going to see the greatest a Revival that the world has ever seen

all right now I’ve told you before listen to your enemies words they are trying to keep their narratives going it’s not working they will open up their

mouths and speak the truth when they meant to lie this the Lord’s been saying this before over and over again he’s been talking about the enemies aren’t

going to get on live TV they’re going to start saying things they’re going to try to start speaking a lie and they’re actually going to start telling the truth nothing they are trying is working

it looks like it to some people and some people it’s blatantly obvious and things that they’re trying are not working so some little running cower and not

answer the questions to the American people or the news media because they are have no logical explanation or

answers to their narratives and what they are saying and wanting people to believe what they’re saying and what’s actually

happening is complete opposite and so they have no explanation to the the junk

that’s coming out their mouth they’re talking out both sides of the mouth they can’t even keep their lives straight anymore

you will start seeing your enemies desperation grow more and more I desperation that will become more obvious to the world and when they are

on live TV they’ll not be able to compose themselves so they’ll not be able to to to compose themselves and

keep a normal like straight look on their face or a smile or they can’t keep their lie going

you’ll start seeing more of them fail like that on TV for I the Lord this day I’m telling my

children things are picking up pace and you will see many things go from bad to worse but again this is nothing to fear

he said go back to worse it will appear like and then he had me put that in bold it will appear like because it’s not

actually happening that way that’s what it looks like many will scream and cry what is going on your enemies will try

more Wars pestilences specialist says the sickness and diseases for those who don’t know shortages and famine they are

trying everything now to regain momentum to regain power they have lost or resistance and through failing plans

but they’re not going to get it no matter what they’re doing it’s not

working people are seeing through their lives they’re seeing through their plans they’re seeing through is this the best

they got look at the people they’re picking for these positions this is the best they have

it’s it’s sad it’s very sad if you look at the people that they are trying to put in those

positions that’s how you know their plans are failing when you have people that cannot comprehend or say a normal

sentence on live TV or you have people in these powerful positions who are in a

hospital because of depression this is not something I’m making fun of this is serious

these are the people that they’re picking they’re not even competent at all

this is sad that these people are being force in these or to stay in these positions

when they’re not mentally capable of keeping them why do you think God’s people need they

need to know they need to focus they need to stay in

presence of God knowing who he is staying in his word I say the presence

of God knowing that he’s on the inside of you praying to him believing him trusting in Him praising him worshiping

him that’s why you say in the presence of God remember he goes where you go because he’s on the inside of you

let’s give our heavenly father more of attention stop focusing on all these distractions

that are around us right now know that they’re there but don’t let them have power over you over your mind

over your family over your church the atmosphere expectancy is the

breeding ground for your miracle get your expectancy up today

that God is good that God is bigger the God is the god of nothing is impossible that he is on your

side there are enemies are coming down get your trust back up in God

and how do you do that you’re getting his word I want to pray over each and every one

of you today does it matter that if I know you or not

but God does heavenly father right now in Jesus name

I just lift up every person right now there are so many people father God that

are they’re listening all over the world

they are broken they are overwhelmed

they’re confused they’re in fear doubt and worry are consuming them

depress her to give up and quit is overwhelming them

but God you are greater heavenly father I thank you that you

have told us that your glory is going to fill this earth like the water filled

the Earth the time of Noah we thank you Father God For Your Glory to fill their

homes right now the ones who believe

fill their homes we thank you Father God you’ve destroyed

the chains you have destroyed the power of the enemy you’ve destroyed him and made him

to nothing everything that’s holding them back everything that’s keeping them down everything that’s tormenting them

everything that’s enslaving them I thank you Father God right now for those chains to be broken

I thank you for their healing so Deliverance for the restoration for their soundness

for their wholeness to give you glory

father God we thank you that you are greater than anything that we see today

I thank you for showing Yourself Strong on their behalf I thank you that they’re seeing in a way

that they have never seen you they’re experiencing your presence in a way they’ve never experienced your presence

before I thank you Jesus

for your name it’s above every name we thank you Jesus for your sacrifice we

thank you Jesus for the blood that you’ve shed for us

that destroyed the power of our enemy

thank you for your love we receive it by faith in Jesus name

amen and amen and I just want to tell you

you are worthy despite what you’ve ever done

you go to your heavenly father you ask him to forgive you and he is faithful

first John 1 7-9 7 and 9.

he is faithful to forgive you lift up your hands today and just

receive the goodness of almighty God like I said at the beginning of this

video you can re see Revival in your home you could start a Revival Where You Are

by just believing and receiving presence of almighty God

My Hope Is encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give this everyone you know who needs here to

encourage you work I need to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I

love you God bless you and have a wonderful day

After word

Short message and a long preach. Bible stories revision

The constant re-telling of bible stories seems to be for those who only believe what they have read, been told. Who have not yet attained Gnosis. And thanks to God these days Gnosis can be achieved without Holy books. Via Laymans Gnosis.

Conventional religious revivals are rising in such volume its alarming the atheist Left. Yet they seem oblivious that they are aborting themselves out of existence and all their LGBTQ variations prevent one thing, their own Breeding. How can they be so gullible ? Actively participating in their own group extinction. Every choice they make is death cult themed.

Choose Life. Choose God.

About the Author

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