Julie Green transcript NATIONS WILL COLLAPSE IN A DAY Feb 3 2023

Searchable transcript for the Serious


Skip the Intro by scrolling down to red text

Hello morning everybody it’s actually still Wednesday February 8th of 2023. You will see this on Monday February 13th and the reason for that is because I was out of town spending time with the Lord in prayer and I wanted to make sure that you received these prophecies and Prophecies Fulfilled when I Was Gone the prophecy that I’m going to give you today it’s called NATIONS WILL COLLAPSE IN A DAY and I heard this prophetic word on February 3rd of 2023.

Before I get to that if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports please go to our website at

jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at juliegreen Ministries International 4620 East 53rd

Street Suite 200 Davenport Iowa 528 0.07 that is all the announcements I have for today and here is a prophetic word


 I was given this word February 3rd of 2023.

For I the Lord want to remind my children that your enemies are not in control no matter what things appear like the FBI the CIA or in Washington DC the globalists are not in control and they are not bigger than me. Do not fear them do not pay attention to their intimidation tactics ,do not pay attention to their lies. Do not pay attention to their so-called rules. Judgment will be seen on each and every one of them.

They will not continue to manipulate. They will not continue to control they will not continue on their path of what is their truth, and what they say is a lie, and how they manipulate the world with it, my truth will prevail, will override them all excuse me. My truth will override them all. Their Justice Departments are about to fall it will be so great all the world will know what they have done

I’m cleansing out the DOJ the Supreme Court and their so-called three-letter agencies

They were supposed to be for you but they chose this side of the wicked for money and  power and they turned against you my children.

A Mighty Awakening is about to occur yes I said Mighty because I am mighty and my glory will fill this Earth, and your enemies do not have the power to stop it saith the Lord.

My children Stop The Strife stop the division stop being distracted with Earthly things focus on ME and not on man. Focus on my word and not their words.

This is a time to press in and press through I’ve told you about these things before. So when nation collapse– when Nations collapse in a day, and they will, when governments fall because they will– fear will not grip youconfusion will not hold you— and you will not be moved by all that you are seeing. Remember this my children your enemies cannot stand up against me and win saith the Lord.

Locusts will be in the news for a significant reason.

A Storm is coming like no other storm. In this location is important

The weather is about to greatly change in a way it will get the world’s attention not just one country will be affected. This will be seen worldwide.

Mega this word will be used in your news

For a surprising reason Sunshine and Roses this phrase will be in your news for surprising reason.

A commander will be in your news for a significant reason.

Shocking news reports and documents are about to surface and these whistleblowers your enemies cannot stop and they cannot stop the truth from coming out, no matter how hard they have tried it’s not working. Truth will always prevail over lies.

An underground mine will be in your news for a significant reason.

Gold is about to be in major news stories.

a Crash is coming the world has never seen.

An attack on the United States dollar and another attack another type of attack this nation didn’t even know was happening right now, will be stopped. My children many are about to fall.

YES I said FALL I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again because it’s true don’t trust what you see right now and don’t give in to their pressure or give in to their intimidation tactics or into their laws it’s all about to change abruptly.

Get ready for the flood of truth that’s about to take over this world sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary LONG PREACHING SESSION Best part is toward the end, in blue, about the serious need for personal GNOSIS as opposed to non functioning belief. Its taken up again in the Afterword

NOW I want to go over some scriptures the Lord was giving me this morning remember God’s word is truth.

Now one of the things that he sayslet me see which one and I’m sorry if this is loud in your ear here I’ll move this over here

um the Lord says again in his word in John

15 verse 11. I have told you these things that my joy and delight may be in you and that your joy and gladness may be full of measure and complete and overflow overflowing now the reason why I’m saying that is because God has given us his word is truth and he’s given to us that his Joy,

and remember the joy of the Lord is our strength so in times of confusion times of Darkness times when things just seem so abnormal they’re becoming out of control you don’t know what to do you don’t know what to say you go to the written word of God go to his word because it will bring joy and that Joy will give you strength it will give you peace in the midst of things that will just try to destroy your peace it will bring such Focus you’ll be able to just focus on the Lord and of course when you’re in his word faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word so more faith is more trust in God even

an unsub and when things are unstable it looks like things are uncertain it looks like things are darker it looks like things are uncontrollable it looks like things are getting worse God is saying

No. You look at ME focus on ME focus on my word and it says even okay here in verse 7 this is uh sorry I didn’t give you the scripture before that was John 15 and verse 11. now I’m going to give you John 15 in verse 7. if you live in me abide vitally United to me and my words remain in you why does God keep telling us in all these prophetic words to remain in his word or abide in his word or stand on his word or focus on his word ? this is the Amplified version of the scripture. and this is what he’s sayingif you live in me abide vitally united to me and my words. Remain in you continue to live in your heart. Ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. So God is also telling us if we abide in his word whatever you ask the Father in his word it’ll be done for you so if you know the truth about who God is, you know the truth about what God has done, then you ask because you’ll ask in faith it’ll be done for you why do you think he’s telling us of things to say and things to do right now, because it will be done he also says whatever you bear or produce much fruit my father is honored and glorified, and you shall show and prove yourselves to be true followers of mine that’s verse 8. verse 9. I have loved you just as the father has loved in me. Abide in my love continue his love with me verse 10. if you keep my Commandments, if you continue to obey instructions you abide in my love, and live on it just as I have obeyed my Father’s commandments and love on his love then he says in verse 11 I have told you these things that my joy may be, may be delight in you that your joy gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing he wants you to abide in him to abide in his word to abide in that truth because that truth will set you free, that truth will bring you Joy, the truth will bring you peace in the midst of anything that’s uncertain, the thing that you have to go away with all these things that are going on in the world today, or any of these prophetic words that bring a warning, raise prophetic words that bring things you just don’t understand, go to the written word of God now uh John 16. in verse 1.

I have told you all these things so that you should not be offended, take it unaware and falter, or because to stumble and Fall Away, I told you to keep you from being scandalized and repelled, so what is God saying he’s told us these things he’s warned us of these things so we would not look, we should not be offended, some people get offended with the truth because they don’t understand it, but he’s telling us these things we may not like to hear. Everything that’s being said he’s telling us these things for a reason

Now jump over to um

okay verse 8. this is John 16 and verse 8.

And when he comes he will convict and convince the world and bring demonstration to it about Sin about righteousness, uprightness, and right standing with God and about judgment.

And I’m going to jump to verse 11 and judgment because the ruler Evil Genius Prince of this world Satan is judged condemned and sentenced already isn’t passed upon him Satan is little G or the little God of this world.

One language that says in the scripture he is judged and condemned in sentence already is passed upon him when God’s been telling us all these things that Satan our adversaries been using people again we don’t rush with flesh and blood against principalities powers and rulers of the darkness of this world he’s using people if our adversary has already been judged has already been sentenced so is everybody he’s using that’s why God keeps saying do not fear these people do not look to them do not be intimidated by them because they’ve already been sentenced and judged you just haven’t seen the Fulfillment of that judgment but you will verse 12 I have so many things to say to you but you were not able to bear them or to take them upon you or to grasp them now verse 13 but when he said the spirit of Truth the truth-giving spirit comes which that’s the Holy Spirit like he’s talking about he will guide you into all truth the whole truth full truth for you will not speak his own message or his own authority but he will tell whatever he hears from the father he’ll give the message that has been given to him

He will announce and declare to you all things that are come and that will happen in the future the Holy Spirit our comforter if you read this in John 15 and verse 26 um but when the comforter counselor helper Advocate intercessor strengthener standby comes whom I have sent to you from the Father the spirit of Truth who comes proceeds from me the father he himself will testify regarding me but also will testify my witness because you have been with me from the beginning

Remember Father God the Son and the Holy Spirit

He’s talking about the Holy Spirit well give us truth he will guide us in the right direction he will guide us in the church and will also tell us things that will happen in the future that’s prophetic words okay again I’ll say this is verse John 16 and verse 13. he will give the message that has been given to him he will announce and declare to you the things that there are to come that will happen in the future he’s given us that comforter that Advocate that standby that intercessor the one that gives us wisdom and knowledge understanding and so we don’t have to deal with all the things that are in this world remember Jesus said we’re in this world but we’re not of it um I just read that again in another scripture but I’m gonna read this in John or John 17 Again I was just reading this and uh here I wrote in John 17 13-17 many times but I want to give you a different example of it in John 15 and it says in verse 19. You know what ! I’m gonna go back up to verse 17. this is what I command you that you love one another

verse 18. this is John 15 verse 18. the world hates you know that it hated me

before it hated you. That’s why that’s why you see so much of the world coming against God’s people

19. if you belong to the world the world would treat you with affection and would love you as its own

so if you being persecuted the world hates you it’s because it hated Jesus first

but because you are not of the world no longer one with it when you become a Born Again child of the most high God you are not one with the world anymore. The world hates detests you. Remember I told you a servant is not greater than his master is not superior to him if they persecute me they will also persecute you. If they if they kept my word and obeyed my teachings they will also keep and Obey yours and he goes on and on he’s also saying you are not of this world he says it again in John 17.

Verse 14 I have given in a delivered to them your word message and the world has hated them because they are not of this world do not belong to this world just as I am not of this world do not I do not ask that you keep them

out of this world but you keep and protect them from the evil one verse 16. they are not of the world worldly

belonging to the world just as I am not the world how are we not of this world look at

what he’s saying Sanctify them purify consecrate separate them from your yourself make them Holy

by the truth your word is truth how do we get separated from the world

with God’s word God’s word is truth

just as I said just as you said means this world I I have also sent them into

the world so what is he saying God’s word separates us from the truth

you can also read in Romans chapter 12 and it says that we’re supposed to renew our- renew our minds

okay I’m not going to quote it Romans chapter 14.

Romans chapter 12. all right Romans chapter 12.

this is the um New King James Version I have a parallel bios that’s why I go back and forth between uh new King James

and the Amplified Romans chapter 12 verse 1 I beseech you there for my brethren by the mercies of

God that you present your bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service

and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by transformed by the

renewing of your mind that you may prove that is good and acceptable and perfect will of God

now the Amplified version says do not be conformed to this world or this age

fashioned after and adapted to his external superficial Customs do not be

transformed Changed by the entire renew of your mind by its new ideals and new attitude and then you may prove for

yourself what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God we’re not supposed to be transformed by

the world I just gave to you and that was a few hours an hour or so ago for me

um but it was a day ago for you when I was doing the prophecies fulfill sorry it was a couple days ago for you because it was a prophecy fulfilled on Friday

how big Tech has used their social media to transform the way you see things

change your perspective change your thought patterns change what you do they want to control you through them these

social media platforms that’s what they do with their algorithms and what they say is true and they say it’s not

the reason why I read these scriptures to today is because the Lord wants you to know what is real truth

real truth is his word go into his word it will transform how you see things it

will transform how you look at your situations and what you do about them

the world will have you saying everything’s impossible everything is so dark everything is so Sinister God’s not

going to do anything nothing’s going to change everything’s gonna get worse that’s what the world wants you to do the world wants you to submit under

their control and under their rule they want you to give up and quit they don’t want you to fight the good fight of Faith they don’t want they want you to

be their slave but God saying if we know the truth if

we get into the word of God if we seek the word of God for the truth the word is truth it will set you free your it

will transform how you see things you’ll see Through The Eyes Of God how the way

that God wants you to see the world and the way the guy wants you to see your circumstances through his blood sacrifice through what Jesus has already

done that you are more than a conqueror that he always calls you to Triumph he wants you to see these things the way he

wants you to see them not the way the world wants you to see yourself or your circumstances and in these

prophetic words how many times they tell us these things that’s why it’s so important not for only for me to give these prophetic

words out which is awesome that he’s giving us his fresh Manna From Heaven and we have the ability to hear the words that God is saying but also he’s

saying get into my word don’t you see those these prophetic words and go oh that was great get into the word

God will always take you back to his word because his word brings Joy his word brings peace his word brings

Freedom his word brings a transformation or renewal of your mind the world is trying to transform you

into their mold God is saying but his word will destroy

that mold you are unique all of us are unique that’s why we have

our own uh fingerprints that one person has a zigzag fingerprints we’re unique

but the world wants to make you like everyone else they want to transform you into being

that everyone is the same they think the same they talk the same no

God is saying we mean to be transformed by the renewal of our minds which is through the word of God now okay I’m

gonna go back to this prophetic word it says get ready for the flood of truth that’s about to take over this world say

the Lord your Redeemer what what is it his truth God is truth his words are

never going to be without form or power they’re they are always going to be

forever his word his word

changes not his words will destroy the lies it will destroy the power of the enemy

is the word our spirit in our life John 6 36. see if you see these things

or hold on is it John 6 36 or John 6 46 I’m not going to quote that wrong hold

on and look that up for you

I never want to say anything wrong when I’m on here

so I’m sorry it’s John 6 63. I knew

something wasn’t right about that that’s why I corrected myself knew it wasn’t right John 6 63 it is a spirit

who gives life the flesh profits nothing the words I speak to you are spirit and they are

alive that’s what God was saying his words are Spirit in their life go read

John 6 63. in the Amplified version it says it is a

spirit who gives life he is life Giver the flesh conveys no benefit whatever there is no profit in it

and we’re speaking the words of the world the word the words or truths

that I have been speaking to you or spirit in our life that’s what the Lord is saying

the God’s word has every answer that you need it’s not outdated no matter what the

world tries telling you okay now it says my children many are about to fall

who is about to fall the enemies of almighty God are about to fall and some people will twist the words and

say it’s only just Democrats no it’s the enemies of almighty God I don’t care what side they’re on if their enemy

of almighty God they’re gonna fall because of what God Said he’ll say well that’s a bold statement No it’s not God said the Pharaoh the

Pharaohs of today are going to fall out the Pharaohs of old look at what happened go look in the

Bible God’s the same yesterday to name forever there’s nothing to order the Sun these

people have tried this over and over and over and over and over again the enemy doesn’t he just uses something somebody’s new but it’s nothing new that

he does he said yes I said fall I said it before and I’m saying it again because it’s true don’t trust what you see right now

remember things are not how they appear to you say don’t trust what you see right now don’t give in to their pressure or give in to their

intimidation tactics or into their laws it’s all about to change abruptly

so things are changing their things are going to change and they’re going to change abruptly people say well it’s taking so long nothing’s changing the

Israelites sought that the same thing when they were in Egypt they thought the same thing nothing’s changing things are just getting worse Moses you keep going

to pharaoh and you keep saying let people go and he’s not doing it and he’s making our lives more miserable stop it

shut up you know that’s what they were saying

things did get worse there before they got better but it didn’t change the fact that God was going to save his people

and he did now listen to what he says an attack on

the United States dollar and another type of attack

on This Nation didn’t even know what was happening right now so an attack on the dollar and

then there was another attack on this nation that we didn’t even know about that’s happening right now

right this very minute he says in bold or in cap locks it will

be stopped it’s happening right now but it will be stopped

it’s not going to get the way they want it

it will be stopped then he says a crash is coming that the world has never seen

a crash is coming that the world is interesting to you Julie what that is at and more it could be the stock market

people again they asked me Julian talk about the stock market I am not an investment person I have nothing to do

with the stock market I’m just telling you what God is telling me I have I don’t know about the stock market I don’t invest in the stock market I never

have but wait God will tell you he is the one

you get in fellowship with the Lord he will give you the instructions on what you should do if you have money in

the stock market if you have things that are invested he will tell you what to do don’t look to me to tell you

I don’t know everyone’s personal um assets or what they have in stock markets tell me all different I don’t

know and I’m not an investment person so I’m not going to tell you what to do so don’t ask

you go pray that’s what I’m gonna tell you you go pray God will tell you he leads you and guide you in the right

direction where you should go he will tell you what to do if he’s going to warn you he’s not going

to leave you without a direction if he’s telling you if he does tell you to get out of it he’s not going to leave

without Direction on what to do with it now gold is about to be in major news

stories as well so gold Watch What Happens and watch what they say about gold now there was a prophecy many many

months ago that God talked about we were going to go back to the gold standard yes is this what he’s talking about I

don’t know it could be something totally different there could be another major news stories I don’t think there’s just one prophecy that will be fulfilled

about regarding gold so just watch I think there’ll be multiple things

but an underground mine will be in your news for a significant reason this is not the first time he’s

talked about minds before but watch what um happens with an underground mine

and the state says significant okay shocking news reports and documents are about to surface and these

whistleblowers your enemies cannot stop they cannot stop the truth from coming no matter how hard they have tried it’s

not working truth will always Prevail over lies why because God is truth

God’s word is truth and Satan only has his lies because Satan is a father of Lies God is the god

of Truth and Satan is a father of Lies so truth that’s why truth will always Prevail over a lie because God will

always Prevail over Satan the end you don’t think even get much depth on

that truth will always Prevail over life because God will always Prevail over Satan because Satan is a liar

all right now a Commander will be in your news for a significant reason

sunshine and Roses as phrase will be in the news for a surprising reason Mega

not Maga but mega Mega this word will be in your news for a surprising reason

a storm what no this isn’t bold. A storm like no other storm at this location a storm is coming like no other storm and this location is important the weather is about to be greatly or is about to greatly change change in a way it will get the world’s attention not just one country will be affected

This will be seen worldwide that was also in bold so you’re going to see a member he said

things are intensifying there’s gonna be an uptick in things what uptick in the weather hurricanes earthquakes natural disasters

like tornadoes and such things like that floods

so when he’s saying this he said it’s not going to happen in one country they’re going to say this is going to happen worldwide

and this is part of that judgment go look at the 10 plagues that happen in

Egypt go look. It also affected weather

he said judgments are upon the service we’ve already seen an uptick in a lot of different things earthquakes volcanoes erupting crazy

weather all over it’s just going to intensify he said it but something is coming it’s going to

get the world’s attention even more remember he said do not fear what’s

coming now Locusts are gonna uh we’ll be in the

news for a significant reason this is like the third or fourth time I think he’s mentioned Locus at least I know he’s mentioned it at least twice if not

three times before I told you about these things before so

when Nations collapse in a day and they will

so Nations will collapse in a day so Julie that is not possible yes it is

Egypt collapsed in a day

it’s happened before God said it’s going to happen again Nations can collapse in a day it’s

happened before it will happen again and he says when governments fall because they will he’s been talking

about governments following fear will not grip you

so he said I told you these things so then when these things happen you don’t know what’s going on that fear will not

grip you confusion will not hold you you will not be moved by all the things you were

saying remember this my children your enemies cannot stand up against me and win God always wins or enemies won’t

now that’s what he’s saying my children stop this Strife there’s been a lot of division in the body of Christ

he said stop the strife stop the division

we’re supposed to be together we’re supposed to be one Jesus is ahead we’re the body

we have an enemy we have to fight we can’t be distracted but all these other things that are going on in the church

God says his head Jesus is ahead we’re the body we have an enemy we’re fighting the

enemy wants us to fight the enemy wants us to be divided because the house divided against itself cannot stand and

God said stop stop we’re supposed to love

and we don’t want Russell with flesh and blood we’re not wrestling people okay we’re not wrestling with people so

don’t get mad at people no matter what don’t get mad at people focus on God and ask him how to pray

about the situation look what he says focus on me and not on

man this is important focus on God not on man focus on my work what focus on his

written word and not on their words this is a time to press in and press through

this is very important that was in bold too my children a mighty Awakening is about to occur yes I said Mighty because I am

mighty my glory will fill this Earth and your enemies do not have the power to stop it they don’t they don’t have the power to stop it

no matter what they say or what they do they’re not going to stop what God’s going to do they can’t they don’t have the power

but when you say when you when you think about a mighty Awakening

and he’s talking about Mighty shakings that means they’re going to be Mighty things that means that means there’s going to be things that are going to be

uncomfortable things will be

not normal and that’s why God keeps reminding us do not fear

now he says I’m cleansing out the DOJ the Supreme Court and their so-called three-letter agencies

he talked about them many many times before all of them that were supposed to be for you

they were designed for us they were designed to protect us from our from um our enemies

they weren’t supposed to be our enemy and we’ve seen that there’s been an arm in the One World Government they’ve been used against us

we’re saying that with the Twitter files we’re seeing what’s happened with the FBI we’re seeing what’s happening with the CIA

and then watch to see what’s going to happen more within NSA but they chose the side of the wicked

for money power and turn against you not not again do not misquote me not everybody in the CIA not everybody in

the FBI not everybody in the NSA are evil it’s the leaders that have taken over

these three letter agencies that have promoted evil

some are very very very evil and some are not some are just good people that wanted to be and these these

um agencies to help out pray for those that are in there pray that they’re the ones who are

promoted they’re the ones that take charge they’re the ones who are in leadership because doing the will of God guys put people in every situation in

every position so when the evil ones are removed that they will take back what God wants

all right now their Justice departments are about to fall a great fall so great all the world

will know uh uh what they have done so they’re great their great fall is going to be a great exposure it’s going

to take them all out and the world will know it says they will not continue to

manipulate because they’ve manipulate manipulating the world it will not continue to control they will not continue on their path of what their

truth and what they say is a lie and how they manipulate the world with it my truth will override them all

judgments will be seen on each and every one of them the ones who won’t repent

Do not fear them do not pay attention to their intimidation tactics do not pay attention to their lies do not pay

attention to their so-called rule God says don’t pay attention you pay attention to him

for I the Lord want to remind my children that your enemies are not in control

No matter what things appear like the FBI the CIA and all in Washington D.C the globalists are not in control this

is involved and they are not bigger than me

I mean bringing this up a lot about looking up the names of God and looking up and reading that book

because it’s important is about Marilyn Hickey that’s a book that I have by the names of God because you’ll know you’ll

get to know God in a better way and I say this before many times before too if you don’t know him how can you

trust somebody you do not know you know a version of him because of what people have said about him

but how do you really truly trust him in the midst of such darkness in the midst of such shaking in the midst of such

adversity if you don’t know him personally you can’t know him through somebody else just like with my husband I can’t know

my husband through somebody else I know him because I know him I know him personally I can finish his sentence he can finish mine you’ve been together for a very long time

So if you think about it in those ways we’re supposed to be in fellowship with God just like that

We’re supposed to know him, know him, and that’s the whole point (Gnosis its technically called)

Don’t know him through somebody else. Don’t make Idols out of people.

Don’t do it. A lot of people make Idols out of people who are out there in the spotlight. All of us who were being called by God are just human beings that have anointing that God has given to us or gifts that God has given but you have anointings and you have gifts that God has given to you which is all different

Don’t put people up on a pedestal go to God yourself.

He wants a personal relationship with each and every one of you.

Now I want to pray over you again it’s important because there’s times where he said there was gonna be a great silence and we were going to be all turned off

and we are. When that’s going to happen don’t ask. I have no idea he didn’t give me that date

If he didn’t tell me. I can’t tell you I can’t give you any more than he’s already told me

Well there’s gonna be a time, that’s why he wants you to know him for him, not through someone else.

So heavenly father right now in Jesus name I just want to lift up every person at the sound of my voice and we follow. I thank you that you have

brought us that comforter you brought us that our Advocate our standby I thank

you Father God because of Jesus he’s our Prince of Peace our bird and Bearer our comforter

he’s our very present help in the time of need we thank you Father God no matter what’s going on in the world

Today you are bigger, we thank you that you are in control we thank you that we will not be moved by what we see we will

not be moved by all its adversity we will let me move all this division we may not be moved by all this fear we might be moved by all this confusion we

will not be moved by what our enemies are trying to do to us

I thank you Father God I thank you that you are the way the

truth and the life I thank you, that you are our Victory I thank you that you are a Healer so no

matter what these people need today I thank you Father God you are that and they know that you are that you are everything that you need that they need you to be in this very day and this very hour I think that you are

pouring out your glory like never before. I thank you Father God that no weapon formed against them shall prosper I

thank you Father God the god of the Breakthrough is visiting them and something good is going to happen to them

I think that they see you in a different way I think that they know you as father

they know you as Lord I thank you Father God they know you

in a personal way and help them give them wisdom and not understanding make it easier or make it plain

For them you make it plain you make it easy the world tries to make it harder so we

thank you Father God for all that you’re doing for us and all you’re doing through us and we thank you for it in Jesus name amen and amen.

Well I hope to encourage you today please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day


In previous dissertations many times over, God has made it clear religions are to be eliminated. Stop thinking religiously and legalistically he states with vigour. So the only thing left is going to be Personal Gnosis.

This very long preaching is imploring everyone to find God personally in a state of Gnosis, (as opposed to non functional belief) Normally attained, Julie says in a prayer closet for an unspecified time. She describes it as an intertwinement like a marriage

Julie says My husband because I know him I know him personally, I can finish his sentence he can finish mine you’ve been together for a very long time

So if you think about it in those ways we’re supposed to be in fellowship with God just like that

We’re supposed to know him, know him, and that’s the whole point (Gnosis its technically called)

Don’t know him through somebody else. Don’t make Idols out of people, she says.

No particular procedure do Christians provide for getting there. Julie vaguely recommends the prayer closet. Which appears to require wishing and hoping begging and pleading. And I have seen many complaints that this doesn’t work for everybody. Though she recommends the prayer closet procedure, she herself appears to have known the spirit since her birth. Hands on healing at five years old she reports. So Christianity provides no ready logical procedure for knowing the spirit for the multitudes.

My take is that its been deliberately withheld. Part of being locked out of communion with God for our psychopathic behaviours a long time ago.

But now, after millennia the lockout is over. We are back in Gods grace. And he has provided Laymans Gnosis so that anyone can connect to God in 20 mins. Regardless of belief or non belief even despite baggage. With immediate physical evidence that a process has begun that delivers people into the arms of God. Described are way points, with obvious clear evidence markers. And a clear simple vocabulary is introduced to take mystery and vagary out of the process. All provided by God to vastly boost the harvest.

So we are just waiting on a move from God to nudge people into TBH in numbers. The LG process is thoroughly modern makes much use of the Internet and provides much repeating evidence for our scientific thinking.

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