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Goood uh Morning Everybody! Today is Thursday, May 4th of 2023 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it’s called THE END OF THE GLOBAL RESET I heard this prophetic word back on April 26th of 2023. Before I get to that, now if you miss a live show with Pastor Dave and myself with Take 5 in his glory yesterday, go and watch it. Of course it was another amazing show and seeing the prophetic words are given and what is going on in the headlines today. God is in control and that’s what we have to know each and every day when we see crazy things going on in our news and we see that it looks like it’s getting worse and not better and we have to remind ourself God is in control. That he’s the great I AM. That he is greater than anything we see and he’s an answer to every problem that we are facing and that is what we focus on every day and not focus and magnify the problem because that’s what your enemy wants you to do. If you focus on the problem, then you’re not focusing on God and then you will get in fear and then worry and despair and then you’ll want to give up and quit and that’s the last thing that a child the most high God should ever do is quit when you’ve already been guaranteed the victory in the end of every situation that you’re facing because Jesus is your victory. Okay, and also if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 and it’s Devonport, Iowa 52807. Now, in less well in the little over a week I should say for eight days I will be in Miami, Florida at the Trump Doral Hotel at the Reawaken America Tour. I am so excited for this event. If you want more information you can click on the description box below. I do have a link in there for you and then the following weekend I’ll be in Tulsa, Oklahoma for a one-day healing revival event with Marty Grisham and Jenny Grisham from Loudmouth Prayer and I’m also looking forward to that. So, you will start seeing me pre-record videos on maybe either Sunday or early Monday and I’ll be pre-recording through a Monday of next week or the following week and then I will be home only for two days so you’ll see me recording so I’m going out town again. So, this is gonna be a very quick turnaround between trips but I’ll make sure that I can get whatever I can out to each every one of you. I don’t know if I can for the second trip the second leg I don’t know if I’ll be able to get every day but I will do the best that I can for each every one of you and if we can go live certain days or if we can record for you and I can post those we will do whatever we can to get out the Word of God to you. I just don’t know what all I can do yet. So, you guys know I love you and I want you to have these encouraging words. I want you to have the prophetic words that God has given to give you hope that this is not all gonna stay the way it’s looking right now. So, okay. Alright,
and I again I heard this prophetic word on April 26th of 2023.
For I the Lord this day am telling you I am the end to all of what you see. I am the end to all your enemies plans. I am the end to the global reset. I am the end to the attempts of a global currency right now. I am the end to your enemy stealing of your nations. I am the end to all the injustice. I am the end to all your enemies’ power.
Yes, I am their end just like I was to Pharaoh and all of his men and every enemy of my children.
I am the end to every plan. I am the end to all of their chaos and destruction. I am the way. I am the answer. I am the deliverer. I am justice. I am liberty. I am freedom. I am truth and I am coming in like a flood to destroy every lie that was in that has imprisoned you. My children, I will say this again, I am not leaving things the way they are now. No, because I am truth. I have said that I will not leave you nor forsake you. I will not do that. I would never leave you. No, not with this. My children, don’t you see there is nothing bigger than me. Again, wake up to truth. Wake up to my righteousness. Wake up to my authority. Wake up to my dominion. Wake up to my blood covenant that I have with you. Wake up to everything that I have already done for you. I am alive and I am not dead. And yes, I’m still on the throne. I am still the Most High God. So come up, my body. Come up and get up. Come up to your rightful place of authority, your rightful place of dominion, the place I have prepared for you to be children of Almighty God. My ways are higher than your ways. I have anointed you, not just to be just mere men, but anointed children of the Most High God that cannot be defeated. So come up to where you are supposed to be with my authority, saith the Lord of Hosts. Wise guy, this phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason. A well-known senator will step away and not finish their term, and it will surprise you in the reason why. I will say this again. There’s coming a great shaking in your governmental power, O United States. A great awakening is coming to this nation. A great upset and a great divide in leadership and the parties they belong to. My eagle is about to rise higher because the people who have held it captive will now be the ones who will be in chains and in prison cells they never thought would be for them. They built them for you. I told you these are the days of Haman.
Massive truth is about to pour out of Guantanamo Bay regarding things that have been hidden there, and the time is drawing near when I will prove these words that have gone forth are not a conspiracy but truth, saith the Lord.
A massive information dump and a massive exposure exposures will pour out regarding Kamala. I’ve told you before your enemies have no more use for them, and they will both be brought down, her and the Biden. Just watch and get ready the great fall that will cause a great shock and a great disturbance that will take place in American politics in the likes that has never been seen before. O United States, do not surrender. Do not give up. Stand and fight and push back on all this tyranny. It’s not for today. No, it’s the church’s time now because this is a time of a great awakening to my son and the truth to set the world free. So people now can make their own decisions on what they truly believe and will no longer be pressured by all the deception and the corruption to believe a lie. A great eruption of truth is coming that will shake nations. It will shake governments and it’s time for the great shaking, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Green commentary Now in this prophetic word, there is a lot to go over and to explain. Now first and foremost, if you kept seeing or kept hearing in the beginning part of this prophecy, he kept saying, I am. I am. And then he would give what he is. He said, I am truth. He also kept saying in the first paragraph or the first two paragraphs, I am the end. The end to what? The end to what we see. He’s the end to the tyranny. He’s the end of the global reset. He’s the end to global currency. He’s the end to World War III as of right now. It’s not the time. He is the end of the things that enemies are trying to do. He is the end. And you can say, well, who is? Why does he keep referring to himself as I AM? Well, you can look. You will never guess what scripture I’m gonna go to or what chapter in the Bible I’m gonna go to. I know you guys have no idea because I never am in the book of Exodus. He always has me back here. But this morning when I was going over this prophetic word and I was in prayer and of course he took me back to the book of Exodus chapter 3. When he first said this to Moses, he never had spoken to himself like he never said I am that I am before. It’s not how he told Abraham who he was. He said he was El Shaddai, but he never referred to himself as I AM. So if you read in verse 14, Exodus 3 and verse 14. And God said to Moses, I am who I am and what I am and what I will be, I will be. And he said, you shall say this to the Israelites, I AM has sent you. And I read this the other day over and over and over again. Because this is not just any scripture in the Bible to look over. You need to ponder it, read it, and get that revelation that is inside of it. Because God’s Word is inexhaustible. You could read a scripture 500 times. In 501 or 502, you’re gonna get a massive revelation of that scripture. Because his word is living. But if you read, I’m gonna read this again, Exodus chapter 3 and verse 14. And God said to Moses, I am who I am. Now when I first heard this as a kid, I was like, I don’t understand this. Out of all the names that he could have come up with, why did he say, I am who I am? I did not get it. I was like, Lord, you have, you’re this mighty God. Why would you say, I am? Can you think of something cooler? Like those were thoughts as a little kid. Because as a little kid, I loved this story. And so, as you know, I know why he had me in this story so much as a little kid and even a younger adult. But because there’s so much power in this story, in this revelation, there’s so much of this in here. He says, I am who I am and what. So it’s who and then he says what. I am, I then will be what I will be. So he’s talking about who, what, and will. He said, you shall say to the Israelites, I am, has that you? Who is I am? I am is everything. You need a commander-in-chief, you need somebody to lead you, he’s that. If you need somebody to deliver you, he’s that. If you need somebody to problem-solve for you, he’s that. If you need healing, he’s that. If you need finances, he’s that. If you need an escape from a situation, he’s that. If you need freedom from fear or worry, or anxiety, or whatever it is, he’s that. If you need freedom from a disease that’s trying to kill you, he’s life. I am that I am. He is what he will be. He’s everything. He’s every answer to every problem. He is the one who goes before us. He is the one that fights for us. He’s the one who stands in the way. He’s the one who tears down governments. He’s the one who tears down and brings down a king, and kings, and then brings up another one to replace them. He is everything. And it’s just that simple. You think about it. He was the deliverer who saved a nation in a day. He was a deliverer who took down Pharaoh and all of his men in a day. He was this God who also tore down the walls of Jericho in a day, right before his children’s face and right before the enemy. He was also the one who parted the Red Sea and stood in the way so Pharaoh could not get to God’s people. He was the one who helped Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in a fire. He was the one who helped Daniel against lions. He also helped David against Goliath, and against a lion, and against a bear. He helped David when it came with Ziglat, and when it came with taking all his things back that were stolen from him. He was the one who came to die for us, to redeem us from a curse that was brought into the earth, and that Satan had control over. Because what Adam and Eve did, he’s the one who destroyed it. He’s the one who brought himself to bear the curse, to annihilate it, and its power against you and I. He saved us. He set us free for all eternity with him, and he’s our Dad. He’s our Father. He’s the one who walked on the water to save Peter and the disciples when they were in that boat. And of course when Peter got out to walk on the water, and then you guys know the story, the storm got really strong. He got frustrated. He looked at the storm and started looking at Jesus, and he started to fall. He is that I AM. He is the God to whom nothing is impossible. He is the God who nothing is bigger than he is. He’s the creator of heaven and earth, and he lives on the inside of you. So we have the right perspective of a situation, and we get to know who God really is. I’ve said this before, how can you trust somebody you do not know? And how do you get to know this great I AM who hears the cries of his people and who has promised that he will deliver them out of it all? He’s promised that he has made you the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Because of what Jesus did, and we accept him as our Lord and Savior, we have been made righteous. We also sit at the right hand of the Father with Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2 6. We sit in heavenly places. Even though it may look like we’re here, we’re really citizens of heaven. I know that may seem outlandish and crazy and hard to understand that, but we are. This is not our permanent home. Heaven is our home. That I am that I am. He says, I am who I am. Who do you need at the time? Do you need a comforter? Do you need somebody to hear you cry and help you because there’s no one else around? That’s who he is. You need somebody to defend you in a war because there’s so much evil against you? That’s who he is. He is everything. And to wrap our head around that, to get that revelation of how powerful that is, of what he’s saying in this prophetic word, he is our deliverer. And he is the same God who delivered a nation in a day. He is the same God who brought down all the enemies of the Israelites in one day. He is that same one. People have discredited that. They have been deceived about it, that he’s not, that he doesn’t do these things because they don’t see the manifestations of this stuff in their own life. Well, they can’t if they don’t believe it, but God still is because he says it in his word. He doesn’t change. So if we understood who he is, then we’d be excited about what we see. I’ll say it again. If we understood who he is, we would be excited about what we see. Julie, that’s nuts! Why are we excited what we see right now with all the craziness going on? Because he said it was gonna happen. He said these things. He talked about this exposure. He talked about these things that are going on in news today. He said it. Now, not all of it’s come to pass, and not all of it, when he says one thing, you’re just like, well, I thought he said this, and well, that prophecy wasn’t true because it didn’t come to pass that way. Things are always how they seem to be. They’re not. Things are not how they appear. That’s what he keeps saying. Now, I want to go back over this prophetic word. A great eruption of truth is coming that will shake nations. It will shake governments, and it’s time for the great shaking, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. He’s been talking about a shaking. Now, he’s bringing something up to me as I’m speaking these words to you right now. So I want to look up, and everybody knows what shaking is, but I’m gonna look up the definition anyway. Move an object up or down or from side to side with rapid, forceful, jerky movements. Okay. Another one is of a structure of a land tremble or vibrate. So something to me, when you hear of a shaking, it startles people. It gets their attention. Yes, it does shake the ground beneath you. You everybody thinks when they think of a shaking, they think of like an earthquake. So when an earthquake violently shakes, because depending on what size it is, and how big it is, it’s maybe just a little tremor, or it can be a very violent earthquake. So the more violent it is, of course, the more destruction it does. Well, this is not only about physical. This is also about the spiritual, and so right now, we may not see everything that’s going on, because remember it says in God’s Word in 2nd Corinthians 4 16 through 18, it talks about everything that’s seen as temporary. It’s fleeting and subject to change, or it has an expiration date, and the things which are unseen, the things of the Spirit, are what eternal. There are things going on that will come out, and that will shake or shock nations, and that is to get people awake. Still, so many people in the body of Christ are still asleep. There’s still so many people in America are still asleep. There’s people around the nations that are still asleep, or there are so many blinders on people’s eyes. They don’t see the truth. They don’t want to believe the truth. Oh, there’s so much full of hopelessness and despair. They don’t think there’s any positive thing can happen. Now, I want to go back over this word. Okay, listen very carefully. Oh, United States, do not surrender. Do not give up. Stand up and fight, and push back on all this tyranny. It’s not for today. No, it’s the church’s time now, because this is a time of a great awakening to my Son, and the truth has set the world free. So, people now can make their own decisions on what they truly believe, and will no longer be pressured by all the deception and corruption to believe a lie. Remember the three D’s. Write these down. Deceive, distract, destroy. There are so many people that are distracted with multiple different things. They’re deceived into these distractions, and then also they’re ultimately destroyed, because it even says in Hosea 4, 6, that God’s people are destroyed for a what? Lack of knowledge. If you are deceived in believing a lie is truth, you were destroyed for a lack of knowledge, because you don’t have the knowledge of knowing that what you believe is actually a lie, and that’s like with most of the news media. They are liars. They don’t tell you the truth. They don’t want to tell you the truth, because all they are is a globalist arm to the one world government, and they just speak what the globalists want you to hear, and that’s not a conspiracy. We can see the two-tiered justice system, which people didn’t believe was real, and it is. You can see that they’re hiding all the things for the Biden, or they’re letting certain things creep out, you know, here and there, but ultimately, this should have happened a long time ago, but it didn’t happen, because the timing is for now, but they don’t want you informed, is what I’m trying to get at. They don’t want you informed in the truth, and the reason for that is because the truth will set people free, and that also the truth will get people to rise up and fight back. Now, I’m not talking about violently. Do not think that I’m talking like that, because I’m not. The greatest way you can fight in a battle like this, because this is a spiritual one, that comes in natural. The way you can fight this is a spiritual battle, is by spiritual means. That’s by prayer. Physically, you’re only gonna get so far, but prayer, they can’t stop you. The power of prayer is more powerful than any other weapon, and that’s how we deal with things. We don’t deal with things violently. We deal with things in prayer. Okay, now, then he says, so no longer will be pressured in all the deception and corruption to believe a lie. So people are so under pressure, that they don’t see the truth. So when all these things come out in this great awakening, they’ll have the ability to see the truth, and then make their own decision, whether they want to believe that truth or not, and they won’t be so enslaved, where they can’t see it, and they can’t make their own decision. I hope that makes sense, because a lot of people in the world today don’t have the ability to make their own decision the right way, because they don’t know the full truth. So this is, the great awakening is gonna allow them to have the knowledge of the truth, whether they accept it or not. That is their choice. At least they’re given one. Okay, then he says, a massive information dump and a massive exposure will pour out regarding Kamala. So all of a sudden, you’re seeing what they’re doing with Hunter, and what they’re doing with the Biden. That’s been prophesied since the beginning of 2022. I think even starting in the end of 2021, if I’m right. I’d have to go back and look at all the prophecies regarding the Biden and Hunter. There’s been tons of them. One of the ways that he said was, once you start seeing them, letting all this information out, that’s when you know they’re gonna start letting them go. They’re gonna start with Hunter first, which they did. He talked about the laptops, of which there’s more than one. They’re talking about it constantly now. Then it’s going to implicate Biden, the Biden, which we are seeing now. They are a complete criminal family. They’re a crime family, and they are full of it. It’s not just those two. It’s not just the Biden. It’s not just Hunter. It is, I don’t know, there was like nine or so family members now that are included that they got some of this money that’s been distributed from four nations that Joe and Hunter got. So again, now all of a sudden you’re seeing all these exposures regarding the Biden because they’re realizing because it’s cognitive function and how much people hate his guts, they don’t want him for their candidate. So now, not only are they gonna pour this stuff out, but now they’re gonna do something to Kamala. He says, I told you before, your enemies have no more use for them, and they will both be brought down, her and the Biden. Why do you say that? Okay, well first of all, no one likes her either. She’s incompetent, and it’s obvious. Everything that she’s told to do, she doesn’t do, and she cackles like a hyena whenever she gets in public places. When she doesn’t, she gets uncomfortable, she cackles to the point where she doesn’t even make any sense, just like Joe does. They don’t know what they’re doing, and the world can see that. They’re a laughingstock. They’re not accepted. Even by their own party doesn’t like them. So what are they gonna do? Well, they have to change it in order to have, because you know, President Trump’s gonna be the candidate. We all know that, but in order for him to have, them to have any chance against him, they’re gonna have to have somebody different, because Joe and Kamala are not gonna cut it, and they can’t cheat the way they did last time. Now, that’s why they’re trying this, all of this indictments and things. He said, just watch, get ready, the Great Fall. He’s been talking about the fall of the Bidens, but also that goes along with the fall of Kamala. It’s not just Joe and Hunter and those guys. It will be them, but it also will be Kamala, and you’re gonna start seeing this now. They’re starting to be in the news more and more and more and more. Again, the Lord talked about this already, so don’t get in despair and frustrated because nothing’s being done. Yes, it is. You may not see it yet, but God said this was gonna happen, and then he said what was gonna happen after that. Judgment. So he said the great fall, now listen, that will cause a great shock and a great disturbance that will take place in American politics in the likes that has never been seen before. So again, he talks about unconventional ways. He said A GREAT DISTURBANCE IN AMERICAN POLITICS IN LIKES THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN
SEEN BEFORE This is massive. That’s a massive statement. He had me put it in bold for a specific reason. A great disturbance. This is something that’s not gonna be subtle. It is going to cause a disruption, okay, and that will take place in American politics in the likes that has never been seen before. So we can’t compare this to anything, is what I’m getting at. We can’t compare what God’s about to do in our politics we have never seen before. God would not be in our politics. He would have been if we didn’t kick him out. We never should have kicked him out of politics, because then we wouldn’t have the Biden and the rest of them.
All right, now, massive truth is to pour out of Guantanamo Bay regarding things that have been hidden there. The time is drawing near when I will pour these words that have gone forth are not a conspiracy but truth, sayeth the Lord. Now, what has been going on in Guantanamo? That’s factual. You can see they’re building stuff there, and it’s not for just what, five or six detainees supposedly that are there, or how many? It’s like not very many. I think it’s like ten or less. They’re spending multi-millions of dollars down there. Again, didn’t know this until the prophecies came out. There’s something going on in Guantanamo. It is not a conspiracy. Our enemies want us to believe it’s a conspiracy, but it’s not. If it was, then why would they be building multi-million dollar facilities in that area that houses only a couple people? That, originally, the Obama tried to get that shut down a long time ago, and there’s more activity there. Okay, again, prophecies fulfilled. You need to go back and see what I’m talking about. You need to go back to the prophecies fulfilled. All these videos will show you what God said and what’s actually coming to pass right now in the news. These are proven. These are not just words. He says, I will shake this again. I’ll say this again, excuse me. I will say this again. There is coming a great shaking in your governmental power, O United States. So governmental powers in this country, they’re going to shake. A great awakening is coming to this nation. A great upset and a great divide in leadership and the parties they belong to. My eagle is about to rise higher because the people who have held it captive and will now be the ones who will be in the chains and in prison cells, they never thought they would be in them. They never thought it would be for them, excuse me. They never thought it would be for them. They were building things, especially under Obama, that was going to house people. Us. That’s what they wanted. Well, it’s going to be for them. He said, they built them for YOU. But, I told you these are the days of Haman. So what they try to do or what they want to do for us is actually going to happen to them. Then he says, a very well-known senator. So watch, a senator will step away and not finish their term and it will surprise you in the reason why. So that means they will not make it to 2024 or if they were in office till 2026, either way they are not going to make it till the end of their term.
Wise guy. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason. Then he says, my ways are higher than your ways. I have anointed you, not just to be, not just to be, just mere men. And that means mankind. He’s not just talking about men in general. He’s talking about mankind and what mere men is just ordinary. So he’s talking about you are not just an ordinary person. You are a child of God. You’ve been anointed and appointed by God to be on this earth for this very day and this very reason and this very time for a reason. He’s given you an assignment. You may not know what that assignment is. You may not understand but he will give you what he’s he will give you the revelation of what it is. He’s hand-picked you. You are special to Almighty God. You’ve been hand-picked. You may not be in the five-fold ministry but doesn’t mean just because you’re not in the five-fold ministry you’re still part of the body of Christ and the body of Christ we’re all we’re all need to be connected and we’re all important. Then he says you’re not just mere men but anointed children of the Most High God that cannot be defeated. Why can we not be defeated? Even though it looks like we’re defeated in many avenues in our life in many situations but what he’s saying you can’t be defeated is because you have you have the greater one that lives on the inside of you and if you trust in that you trust in the name of Jesus if you trust in the fact that God is on the inside of you you can’t be defeated. So he says come so come up where you are supposed to be with my authority again with the authority the power and dominion that he’s given you. I’ve given you several different scriptures about anointing or I mean about the power authority dominion I’m gonna give them to you again really fast it’s Deuteronomy I’m sorry not Deuteronomy Genesis 1 26 through 28 read Luke 10 and 19 read those two scriptures there’s more then you can also read Hebrews 1 1 through 4 okay read those three all right now he had me put this in cap locks and bold I AM ALIVE REMEMBER THAT I AM THAT I AM he says I AM NOT DEAD THAT MEANS THAT I AM that I AM IS STILL ALIVE and he still is the same God who did these things before HE IS NOT DEAD HIS WORKS ARE NOT DEAD the manifestation of who he is IS NOT DEAD even though religion will tell you that. HE’S NOT DEAD I love that song and I love those movies God is NOT Dead and yes I’m still on the throne what throne the throne of the most high God he’s still the judge that rules over all the earth I am still the most high God so come up my body come up and get up why is he talking about that because Jesus is the head we’re the body we’re supposed to be in alignment and we’re supposed to be with him he says come up to your rightful place of authority remember if you read Genesis 1 26 or 28 talks about you he gives you in the amplified version it says complete authority over what over everything in this earth he’s giving you complete authority then he says your rightful place of dominion also Genesis talks about dominion and he says the place I have prepared for you to be children of Almighty God so we are children of Almighty God and we need to start acting like it it’s it’s past the time all right now my children I will say this again I am NOT leaving things the way they are people believe that things are going to be left the way they are they’re not it’s not time for that yet they’re trying to speed up this time you know what they do they deceive the church into thinking that this is just gonna be the way it’s going to be and we’re just stuck in it we’re not we have a choice he says no because I am truth I have said that I will not leave you nor forsake you I will not do that I would never leave you no not with this What? in this situation where it looks like we have no power it looks like we have no authority it looks like we’re defeated and it looks like we just got to get up up God would not leave us like that God has never left his children like that even when they’re in the wilderness that was their decision that was not God’s decision how about we learn from our ancestors mistakes and not wander around for that long and suffer he says my children don’t you see there is nothing bigger than me again wake up to truth wake up to my righteousness wake up to my authority wake up to my dominion wake up to my blood covenant we have a blood covenant with Jesus Christ that I have with you wake up to everything that I have already done for you God has already done these things he already even says read write this down Colossians 1 12 through 14 it says he’s already drawn us out of the darkness and the control that the world has over us he’s already got okay hold on I can’t quote it I can’t it’s too important even though I’m running out of time here but okay so Colossians 1 12 through 14 giving thanks to the Father who is qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints saints God’s holy people in the light so we have an inheritance of God’s holy people we are God’s holy people in the light which is God is light all right now verse 13 this is the one I want you to pay attention to the Father who our Father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of his son of his love and it says whom we have our redemption through his blood which means the forgiveness of our sins and that’s what talks about that that’s one just one place talks about that’s the blood covenant that’s why important to get in the scriptures okay um now this is when he says I am the way I am the answer I am the deliverer I am justice I am liberty I am freedom I am truth and I’m coming in like a flood to destroy rely that has imprisoned you God is justice I know we’ve seen a lot of injustice going on trust me I hate it I hate injustice it’s what one of the things that drives me every day I want to see justice because I know that’s who God is I want to see justice in this country I want to see justice for each and every one of us all right this is the first paragraph for I the Lord this day I’m telling you listen how powerful it says I’ve already gone over it I am the end he gives you many examples in the Almighty God he ended their plans he ended their slavery he ended their killing he ended them he ended their empires I am the end to all of what you see I am the end to all your enemies plans I am the end to the global reset I am the end to the attempts of global currency right now they’re trying to do global currency a one world government a one world economic system a one world religion that’s what they’re trying to do book of Revelation how people don’t think the Bible is not true I don’t know these people are trying this right now it’s not working and it won’t it’s not yet I am the end to your enemies stealing of your nations we’ve seen them still many nations not just ours I am the end to all the injustice we’ve seen a lot of that we’ve seen judges that won’t stand up we’ve seen our Supreme Court fail us too I am the end to all your enemies power yes I am their end just like I was to Pharaoh and all of his men and every enemy of my children I am the end to every plan I am the end to all their chaos and destruction God is the great I AM he is everything and I do hope this encouraged you and these are not just words I don’t just get out here every day and get up at 3 a.m. or sooner to be up here and give you a whole bunch of fluff or a whole bunch of things that I don’t believe in or I don’t believe is absolute truth God is a good God and he’s not leaving us in this situation this is not the time to give up and quit this is not the time to give in to despair and I want to pray over each and every one of you because there’s so many people that are giving in they’re giving up they’re quitting Quit should never be an option to a child the Most High God when the Lord has already won the battle all we have to do is stand and fight the good fight of faith and receive what Jesus has already done. So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name I lift up every person right now and Father God I know I can feel it people are just overwhelmed they don’t know what to believe what is true and what isn’t because there’s a war of information there is so much deception that’s going on in the world today to try to leave lead your people astray and Father God I thank you for truth which your word is truth I thank you that they have a greater hunger for your word and they also have greater revelation and knowledge of your word so when they read it they know what you are saying and not what a man has twisted those words to mean Father God I thank you that you are the great I AM that you are the end to our enemies plans you are the end to all this injustice Father God I thank you that you are getting each and every one of them up right now on the inside and picking them up to stand and fight fight the good fight that they win that Jesus has already defeated their enemy I thank you for a spiritual pick-me-up if you want to call it but just a joy up just a piece on the inside of them that they’ve never felt Father so many of them have not been they haven’t been taught they don’t know certain things and the enemy is trying to use that to get him in this dark place and I thank you for shining the light on each every one of them in giving them truth and your glory to shine upon them to destroy every shackle to destroy every chain destroy all that pain to destroy all that fear to destroy all that despair to destroy all that heaviness to destroy all that weight destroy all those impossible situations to destroy every evil thing against them and I thank you Father God for each and every one of these precious people they are my brothers and sisters in Christ and I thank you Father God for bringing us all together right now there’s unity in the body of Christ to stand up against the evil powers in this world they will not prevail against us and I thank you Father God for showing each every one of them how special they are to you and I thank you for it in Jesus name amen and amen Remember you are special to Almighty God and he’s hand-picked you for such a time as this well hope to encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give this everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day
Unsurprising revelations about Gitmo expansion with the deep state’s most evil intentions, but wonderful news about its ultimate use where the worst evildoers finish up in the prison they built for US with Days of Haman influence now in force.
I have often thought there is a need to use overseas military courts such as in Gitmo to ensure fairer jury trials. Sorely needed to prevent New York partisan juries finding every Democrat criminal innocent no matter what evil they have done. And SOROS appointed progressive District Attorneys insanely insisting every transaction in Donald Trumps life is a criminal offence even before they are elected, such as Alvin Bragg and Letitia James. While downgrading murders to misdemeanours, in their usual marxist inversion of common sense.
Though I am uncertain if this would improve much because SOROS would game that system too. He would make donations to the military Justice JAG corps to ensure military jurors were all handpicked bolshevik nihilists who just happened to work at Gitmo.
If only days of Haman would fall upon SOROS. Though he is kept alive I think to ensure the left continues its own institutional and demographic suicide as is frequently pointed out by good news people like Dr Steve Turely. Exposed is FOX news using SOROS funded Media Matters to attempt a feeble “smearing” of Tucker Carlson which has backfired badly on FOX causing them even more financial loss. After Tuckers removal FOX viewers have not returned to watch big drawcard FOX comedian Rodney Gutfeld. Their ratings are in catastrophic decline signalling the death of legacy media. All of this foreshadowed by God.
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