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Goood uh Morning Everybody. Today is Wednesday May 3rd of 2023 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it’s called MANY GOVERNMENTAL SECRETS WILL BE REVEALED THAT WILL CHANGE THE COURSE OF THIS NATION I heard this prophetic word on April
25th of 2023. Before I get to that I do have a few announcements to make. Now I was on two live shows right here on this Rumble channel. One with Marty Grisham from Loudmouth Prayer and it was a powerful a little over an hour of a live show talking about the power of words, the power of God’s words, what you do and we’re starting to do like a fundamental of believer and how you use your authority in the Word of God and how to pray in the situations that you are facing today and how not to give up and how not to get into despair and hopelessness and it was a very powerful. I love being on with Marty. Just being on with people with like faith is is just a wonderful and joyous time that is for sure. Now also I was on with Clay Clark. It was about an hour and a half after I got off the last one though I had to another one with Clay and that was another great show because that was very factual on what is going on and who these people are that are doing all this stuff that we see today and what exactly they’re doing and not only what they’re doing but what we should do about it because there’s there’s two things there what they’re doing and then what we should do about it because a lot of people are getting frustrated because they see all these things are going on you should know what’s going on but not trust in the fact that they have more power over you or the more power the most high God remember he lives on the inside of you and that’s what we always have to remember is that our God is greater he is the most high it says first John 4 for the Greater one lives on the inside of you than he that’s in the world so we start taking God’s Word for what it says and start magnifying the Word of God in each and every one of our lives instead of magnifying all the difficulties and all the stresses and all the troubles and I know it’s easier said than done I know for my own example in my own life that it’s easier said than done but it can be done because God is one who gives you that strength he gives you the ability to get the job done then also today at 11 o’clock central time I’ll be on with Pastor David Scarlett because today’s Wednesday so I’ll be on his take five with his glory and I am very excited about that show I always am being on the take five show with all of his glory team because God always is doing something he’s always confirming his word and just when you think like that’s so exciting then he does something even better for the next one so it just keeps intensifying and so I am looking forward to the show with Pastor Dave today I love Wednesday’s with Pastor Dave so all those links will be in the description box for you okay I’ll have all that information there for you so you can watch all these live shows okay now that is all besides of course I just won’t let you guys know first and foremost we do pray over each and every one of our viewers and we pray over all of our partners and we just want to thank you and God bless each and every one of you and know that you are not alone in the struggles that you are facing because God has put us together and we all we have a powerful prayer team here for those who do not know and we do pray over the viewers every single day now so we tell you we’re faithful and praying over you and praying over those prayer requests that are being sent in but also we just love and are so encouraged by all the praise reports of what God is doing for each and every one of you so if you do have a praise report or a prayer request if you want prayer you can go to JGM international org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 Davenport Iowa 52807 okay we are always here for you even though we may not know each other but God has have God has us praying for you so I just want you guys to know that all right now so this prophetic word again is called
For I the Lord am paving the way to your victories. Your enemies are being silenced. They and all their plans are being annihilated before me. My children I’m the lion of the tribe of Judah and in my roar it will level anything in its path. I am the King of Kings and you are my children and you are with me beware of the deception that is about to be poured out like never before. You are in a great battle for this nation a great battle for freedom. A great battle for truth. A great battle for life, but remember this battle has already been predetermined on who wins and that’s the children of the Most High God because the battle has been conquered in and with the name of Jesus. Have faith in that name like never before use that name against your enemies like never before. My children stand and fight the good fight of faith because it’s one that you win. Remember a child of mine always wins when they stand in faith and they refuse to quit don’t quit now, because drastic changes are about to be made for your good sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Cataclysmic this word I say again will be in your news for shocking reason
Cornell University will be in your news for a surprising reason. A roller coaster ride of ups and downs politically is about to take place. My children I have said many times before people are stepping down people are walking away. I have said that people could not stay in those positions that didn’t belong to them. A major stir-up is taking place in your government that people can’t see yet, but soon a great shock is about to take place in this land sayeth the Lord.
I say again Adam Schiff is about to be exposed for everything he took part in against this nation. Truth will be revealed about what is hidden in Ukraine many dark secrets are in that land that will implicate many in your fake government. Oh United States I told you all of those things will not stay hidden any longer sayeth the Lord.
WINGATE I say this name again will be in your news for a shocking reason. Another CIA cover-up is about to be exposed and even more FBI whistleblowers are about to surface that will bring a great shaking to this nation A MASK is about to be exposed on live TV that your enemies cannot cover up.
Again I say great shaking is taking place in your Pentagon Oh United States that will shake this nation as well A great shaking in the land of Canada it’s about to be seen that will usher in your freedoms once again. I’m about to expose Obamas in a way that can’t be denied, on who they really are. Every lie will be revealed every crime committed will not go unpunished. The grip they have had on this nation and the one that was given to them by the elites will also be exposed.
Many governmental secrets are about to be revealed that will change the course of this nation. It’s changing. Things are changing in your government things are changing in the economy, things are changing in your leadership I have said before great shifts are taking place.
Right now a major news station is about to shut their doors. I told you to watch CNN I told you this would take place. Watch a shaking also at ABC CBS at Fox News and MSNBC great shakings are coming to the major news stations they will not continue to control this country or the truth on what it actually is Whistleblowers are coming with proof that the news media helps steal elections. Help steal a nation, help control what people were allowed to hear and wicked twisting of the truth. A great fall the news industry is coming so be prepared for the ramifications that will take place after this. Your enemies will become even more desperate because they have lost control of the masses through their news reports But do not fear this but rejoice in the fact that no matter how bad or how big or how dark things may appear I am greater I am bigger and I am the answer to every problem and I am turning all things around for your good sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary NOW before I go back over that the Lord has had me in different scriptures this morning but something that stuck out at me he had me in the book of Daniel this morning in different parts of Daniel reading you know Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams and he had me reading about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he had me reading about Daniel’s dreams because a lot of things that are going on right now was prophesied back a long time ago and one of the things we have to take away from all of this is that God knew all of this before we knew about it and before we were in the midst of it Nothing is coming to a surprise to God that’s why he gives prophetic words and a lot of the Bible is prophecy some have already been fulfilled and some we are waiting for the fulfillment but in the time of the prophecy being given and the prophecy being manifested so coming to pass there is a great war waged for you to give up on that word to give up in God in his written word the enemy will pour out everything he possibly can to this just get you so overwhelmed burdened down so hopeless aggravated in impossible situations he will get you to a point where all you think you can do is quit so you can get reprieve from the effects of the trial you’re in from the effects of the circumstances that you are that you are in you are being tormented by and it’s a lie quit is never an option I said this yesterday after clay had to get off for another show and the Lord had me continue on with a show for a few minutes longer which should never be an option for a child the most high God even one thing he said in this prophetic word is he said that the battles already been determined because the battles already been won by our Lord and Savior it has Jesus has already defeated our enemy Clashes 215 I say it all the time Hebrews 2 and 14 I quote those all the time 2nd Corinthians 2 and 14 all these things talk about it also in Romans he talks about that we are more than conquerors we overcome the world we’re overcomers we’re world changers and we’re world overcomers because of the sacrificial lamb because of what Jesus has already done for us so in order to rise above circumstances to rise above the test and the trials I’m gonna read something in Daniel about what Shadrach Meshach and Abednego did and they are a great example for what they went through but how they handled it and how a child the Most High God should be handling their situations if God could do it for Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they didn’t even have the same covenant we do they had a covenant with God yes it did they had the Abrahamic covenant but now we have the blood covenant with Jesus Christ because of what Jesus has done we have a better covenant founded on better promises than they did but look how God saved them it’s so powerful that it’s used as an example today and it’s still no written word of God why why is this so important because of the power that’s in this story the power that is in the written word of God to get us to realize no matter if we are facing a fiery furnace he shows up in the midst of it he might not have saved Shadrach Meshach and Abednego before the fire that would have been a good story too but how it is just so much more powerful that they were thrown in the fire the people who threw them in died they were bound and gagged in that fire but all of a sudden Nebuchadnezzar looked back and he saw that they were walking around in the fire so they had they were bound and their hands and their feet they’re bound they had all their clothes and all of a sudden no more about they didn’t they were not bound anymore they were up walking around the Nebuchadnezzar said did we not throw three people in the fiery furnace I’m like well yes okay and we did he said I see the fourth and it looks like the Son of God that’s in look he answered I see four men loose walking in the midst of fire so they weren’t loose they were thrown in with chains around them basically and it says in the midst of the fire and they are not hurt in the form of the fourth it’s like the Son of God and why this is so powerful is because you read on so they were thrown into the fire they weren’t saved before they were thrown in the fire then Jesus shows up in the midst of that fire and he’s walking around with him King Nebuchadnezzar of course he calls them out and he says Shadrach Meshach and Abednego servants of the Most High God come out and come here then Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came from the midst of the fire so they came out of that fiery furnace but if you read on and it talked about how all the administrators and governors and the king counsellors they gathered together and they saw this is verse 27 and they saw these men on whose bodies the fire had no power We all know the destruction and the damage that fired does and King Nebuchadnezzar out of his anger told the people to fire that furnace up seven times hotter well normal heated fire a normal furnace heat would have killed them but out of his rage he said seven times hotter because he did that like I said earlier the men who threw them in were actually killed themselves but Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they saw the fire had no power God stood in the way he was the way for them and he stood in the way he was their way out and he stood in the way of the enemies what they were trying to do against Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he stood in the way so it didn’t affect them even in the midst of a fire the fire had no power and then I read on then I read on a bit more I was just I was so excited why the fire had no power it didn’t like just just reading it like that just reading it the fire had no power over them and just made me excited if you can’t tell now listen then it goes on the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected and the smell of fire was not on them so even like if I’m grilling and that flame comes up I mean I can smell like my hair will smell like grill I love to grill it’s one of my favorite things to do for cooking I love to grill but I can tell like even my hair will smell if I’m like making burgers and it’s a really windy day and it’s like the smoke is going right in my face no matter if I change the course of the grill or you know the direction of the grill or not the smell gets in my hair and then I just want to wash it because I don’t like the smell yes I’m getting to a point here and if like if you love campfires and you want to make s’mores with the kids and you’re sitting by a campfire one of the things I hate the most I love campfires I love sitting by a fire I used to love camping we used to have a camp we used to go camping but I hated the smell of a fire in my hair no matter what no matter if I wasn’t even the in the wind of the fire where the smoke was going for some reason no matter what you still smelled horribly bad that’s one thing I didn’t like about it I love the fire but not the smell they were in a fire not sitting by one or not standing in front of a grill they were in it and the fire had no power and they didn’t even smell and their hair wasn’t even singed they weren’t affected at all not by the power of the fire not by the smell or any effect that a fire would normally have that’s God that’s totally God and so when we think about this in this perspective if they were thrown in a fire by their enemy but the one thing we also have to know about this story is in let’s see here go up to verse 17 in Daniel chapter 3 if this is the case our God because you know King Nebuchadnezzar was telling him I’m gonna throw you in the furnace because you didn’t bow down to my golden image and they said if this is the case our God whom we serve is able so they were bold in their trusting in God he’s able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us from your hand he will they had a knowing on the inside of them that he will deliver us it wasn’t oh my God please come and save us Lord are you going to I mean are we gonna be left are we gonna die no there was no doubt there was no worry there was no unbelief there was no fear they stood bold just like David stood boldly in front of Goliath that’s a special anointing they didn’t have God on the inside they’d have a greater one on the inside first John 4 4 like we do if those guys were looking down at us right now you like David or Daniel who was in the lions den who shatter at me Shack and Bendigo or Moses or they’d be cheering us on don’t give up we were in similar situations some even worse than ours it looked like but they dared to stand because they would they refused not to give in because if they give in they would die have faith in God or trust in God and his ability to protect you there’s so many instances in the Bible where he stood in the way of the power of the enemy that way had no effect on his people I say this all the time Goshen is a marvelous example of that no matter what you are facing God is your deliverer he is your standby your advocate your comforter your healer your Redeemer your strong tower your victory no matter what you need he is and so again in Daniel chapter 3 verse 27 that the fire had no power that’s miraculous that’s a super natural miraculous manifestation of what God did for them Jesus showed up if Jesus showed up for them he’ll show up for you and if we see right here in Daniel that the fire had no power and we see in Hebrews chapter 2 and 14 that Jesus has brought our enemy to nothing or to not zero zip zilch nada he brought him to nothing he paralyzed him against you especially when you have the faith and trust in God okay that may enemy may have done something against me yeah he does but what he wanted did not prevail he might have tried something but it didn’t work because I stood and that should be your testimony that I will stand and stand therefore and it Colossians or yeah Colossians 2 and 15 remember he’s been disarmed because what Jesus did on that cross and what Jesus did we went to hell in our place he’s disarmed him and redeemed you from the curse Galatians 3 and 13 and 14 read it all these scriptures that I’m reading to you write them down if you missed it rewind this go back write the scriptures down if I was tech savvy if I would know how to do it I would have the scriptures below for you but I don’t know how to do that so I apologize but one of these days I will have somebody that can help me with that okay but until then write these scriptures down read them get into your prayer closets I says every single day and I will continue to say this don’t take my word for it get into the Word of God yourself Get to know God on a personal level he wants to know you he hand-picked you You are his creation you were his child — Oh Oh here we go again Julie
With Julies limited vocabulary above, we find it limits her thinking about the meanings of words, so that her conversation here is nonsense as she repeats by habit long established theocratic mantras seriously contradicted by the Catholic Church. 50pc of US religious people believe in demonic possession. So now you know why I ingratiate myself with these Christians with free subtitling for everybody. The posted subtitled video listing is already drawing written praise. AND a still small voice just suggested, “it sounded like a thought so who could it be ?” that I include the demonic possession debunking video from AJ the story teller with suitable retitling in the list of subtitled Julie videos that I post daily under Julie vids. Thin end of the wedge.
Julie Commentary All right now I’m gonna go back over the prophetic word again Okay a great fall now this is he had a prophetic word regarding the news industry and he’s talked about them several different times something massive and we’ve already seen certain things that have gone on with like Tucker Carlson and what’s going on with Fox and they’re losing millions of viewers they’re also losing billions of dollars this is nothing that’s hasn’t been prophesied God prophesied the news industry was gonna come down that they would be judged for all the things that they’ve been putting out he’s gonna shut the mouths of the Lions or the liars it’s like you did with Daniel on the lion’s den a Great Fall the news industry is coming so be prepared for the ramifications now listen this carefully that will take place after this Your enemies will become even more desperate because they have lost control of the masses through their news reports right then and there people are going to start panicking what else are they gonna do to us that they haven’t already done ? If there’s ramifications they’re gonna come following what’s gonna happen with the news media they’ve already you have to think they’ve already lost control majority people do not trust the news media period anymore they don’t have the loyal the loyal base that watches them that thinks they actually tell the truth majority of people know that they’re liars there’s no such thing as journalism journalism anymore it’s propaganda they all say the same thing it’s a two-tiered system because they only want you to hear what they want you to hear and they won’t tell the truth and if they do say anything about the truth they’ll twist it into the point where it’s a lie but he says but do not fear this do not fear what they’re what they’re gonna do after they get desperate but rejoice in the fact that no matter how bad or how big or how dark things may appear again he’s telling us about how things are going to get looking darker and worse and then people get all stressed out and all upset why is this taking so long and why are things getting worse he told us this and then he says but the reason why you’re not supposed to get into fear I am greater I am bigger I am the answer to every problem I am turning all things around for your good sayeth the Lord your Redeemer Look at Egypt alone it got worse for Israel I give this example a lot it’s a great example when Moses kept going to Pharaoh and every time I got going to Pharaoh Pharaoh got angry and you know use some probably not good language against him and then he would say you know what now I’m gonna make it tougher for the Israelites and the job is gonna be harder he wanted to punish the Israelites for what Moses was saying and Moses was trying to do Moses was trying to help the people and then it looked like Moses was making their lives worse The things that the Israelites said in Egypt before their Exodus are the same things and the same feelings that people are going through right now it’s not any different. God even gave that revelation a long time ago so what we have to know if God saved a nation in a day and he’s the same God don’t count him out doesn’t matter how long it takes it doesn’t matter what it looks like his plan is always bigger and better than ours he’s never late even though it seems like it sometimes but he’s not Whistleblowers are coming with proof that the news media helped steal elections which most of us already know help steal a nation help control what people were allowed to hear and wicked twisting of the truth. We see that almost every day if not every day they are wicked most of them are they know the truth but because they want to make their money they want to stay with the positions that they’re in they will say a bold-faced lie and tell it like it they’re believing it’s the truth and they have stolen so on not just one nation they haven’t just stolen this nation they’ve stolen many they they’re just another arm of the one world government that’s what they do they help them they help them do that with their propaganda machine this is what all they are a major news station is about to shut their doors God has said before about CNN I told you to watch CNN I told you this list would take place watch a shaking also at ABC CBS at Fox News and MSNBC great shakings are coming to the news news major news stations excuse me they will not continue to control this country or the truth on what it actually is so they will tell you this is truth when it actually isn’t Like Biden won the election and he didn’t and yes we’re still talking about it because it’s still true today you don’t ever give up on what their lie was don’t ever give in to it. It’s changing what’s changing things are changing in your government things are changing in the economy things are changing in your leadership I have said before great shifts are taking place right now praise the Lord yes they are there is more exposure in the last several months than there has been in the last two years probably and people are getting upset because there is exposures of it there’s nothing being done about it how do you know nothing’s being done because that’s what it looks like don’t go by how things appear God says that all the time because he knows the end from the beginning you should be excited that prophecies are being fulfilled and not looking at the downside of it of what’s really going what it looks like it’s going on but be excited about what’s really going on behind the scenes that you’re not seeing right now MANY GOVERNMENTAL SECRETS ARE ABOUT TO BE REVEALED THAT WILL CHANGE THE COURSE OF THIS NATION There has been many secrets in the government and the Lord said what over over a hundred years and he was going to expose it all this country was in the right direction for a very long time then you had people the one world government elitists who got in infiltrated our government and it tried to change the course this nation for a very very long time even had people killed over and over and over again so this country would come down to a point that there would be a one world government a one world economic system a one world religion and the Antichrist could roll Book of Revelation that is their ultimate goal they want to control you why do you think AI is coming out and all these computers and that’s some things that Clay was talking about yesterday these things are real it’s in the Bible so how people say that the Bible is has nothing to do with going on the world today I beg to differ now are we in tribulation no but we are leading up to things that what they wanted to do right now yeah they’re already trying to implicate or implement things it’s not gonna happen yet because God’s glory and the greatest harvest of souls will happen first Complete restoration of all things Acts chapter 3 and verse 21 write that scripture down as well off to an end time teaching at some point to um I’m about to expose the Obamas in a way that can’t be denied on who they really are every lie will be revealed and every crime committed will not go unpunished the grip they’ve had on this nation and the ones that was given to them by the elites will also be exposed Now of course you fear a lot of things because of what was going on a long time ago I think it was even before Obama won the first election it might have been right after that the Henry Kissinger he’s part of the Bilderbergs and the Illuminati and all the secret societies and which one he’s part of I don’t remember but he’s part of the globalists and one of the things that he said was that they were grooming Obama to be the LEADER OF THE
UN or the LEADER OF THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT government he says it on national TV National television so again there’s a lot more going on than we see right now and they talked about a great shaking the land of Canada is about to be seen that will usher in your freedoms once again he’s talked about Canada over and over and over again and please keep Canada up in your prayers along with Arthur Pulaski I just had a conversation with him the other day and please came up and him up in prayers because they’re trying to stop him in that country they’re trying to make him an example out of him they are trying to persecute him in ways to intimidate just like with a similar things that they did with the January 6th in this country so please keep him up in your prayers okay that God’s will be done and everything against him will be destroyed and taken down because God has given many different prophetic words about people who are like Arthur who are bold to stand up in their faith and they won’t back off and they won’t back down just like we were just reading about God will save him I know God will save him because God has said it we just pray for him pray for his peace of his family pray for their protection and pray for a speedy a speedy vindication and justice on his behalf all right now and again I say great shaking is taking place in your Pentagon oh United States that will shake this nation as well so he’s talked about the Pentagon more than once multiple different times he’s talked about generals that will be stripped of their of all the things that they have been given all their badges of honor all those things that they have will be ripped away from them a MASK is about to be exposed on live TV that your enemies cannot cover up now people are questioning what happened even with Biden the Biden in Ireland that was so obvious when he you know it’s his neck that is I’m sorry no one can excuse it away they try to excuse that away but that was we know what that was and God said there was gonna be an unmasking of the Biden and so whether it’s his mask or it’s somebody else’s a mask is about to be exposed on live TV that your enemies cannot cover up. He’s talked about this before and it will happen. Whose it is I don’t know we’ve already started to see some like I said with him being in Ireland and what was seen with him itching his neck another CIA cover up is about to be exposed and even more FBI whistleblowers are about to surface that will bring a great shaking to this nation we’ve already seen a lot of exposures with the CIA we’ve already seen a lot of exposures with the FBI we’re especially the NSA there hasn’t been a lot on them yet but there will be but God has said many multiple times that they were gonna be from the top down so watch the CIA leader and also the head of the FBI watch those two people and what God does about them all right now WINGATE I say the same again will be in your news for a shocking reason that’s not the first time I heard about this that word and that’s why the Lord said I say again he’s mentioned it I don’t remember how long ago that was it was a while ago but he has mentioned that before truth will be revealed about what’s hidden in Ukraine he said multiple different prophecies regarding Ukraine multiple different words and the reason is because we are giving them billions and billions of our taxpayer dollar and it’s not to help the people of Ukraine unfortunately it’s not they have an unruly tyrannical evil government in Ukraine and they are not there to help the people they are only there to help themselves there are things in that country that you are going to be shocked to find out that our country had to do with it and had things hidden there many darker secrets are in that land that will implicate many in your fake government Oh United States I told you all of those things will not stay hidden any longer sayeth the Lord we’ve already had proof of bio labs that were hidden there and the money trail just watch the money trail will come back on some of the people in the government now of this country and that’s why they’re being Ukraine is being paid off that’s why Afghanistan left we left all those billions and billions and billions of dollars in cash along with all the guns and along with all the Blackhawks and along with all this that was not done on accident that was a
payoff um I say again Adam Schiff is about to be exposed for everything he took part in against this nation the Lord’s had many different prophetic words also regarding Adam Schiff and his exposure and he has not gotten away with anything he has done it doesn’t matter what it looks like then he goes on to say my children I have said many times before people are stepping down we’ve already seen a lot of them but we’re gonna start seeing even more people are walking away I have said that people could not stay in those positions that didn’t belong to them a major stir-up is taking place in your government that people cannot see yet a major stir-up is half or is taking place in your government that people can’t see yet but soon a great shock is about to take place in this land sayeth the Lord so things are going on we’ve talked about this before over and over again that we don’t see Shadrach Meshach and Abednego great example had no idea they could not see their deliverance out of that furnace all they saw was a furnace that was heated up seven times hotter they didn’t see their end they knew God was gonna do it somehow same thing with a Abraham when he was gonna sacrifice Isaac he knew what the end was gonna be he just didn’t know how he was gonna get to the end we don’t know have to know how we get to the end we just have to know that God is the end of everything that we see but soon a great shock will take place in this land is about to take place in this land sayeth the Lord my children or then he says Roller coaster ride of ups and downs politically is about to take place and they talk about and then he hadn’t put that in bold so we will see what that is I don’t know so I’m not gonna sit there and try to figure that out that’s not my job my job is to give you what the Lord is saying and what he’s telling us to do about it
Cornell University that’s C O R N E LL Cornell University will be in your news for a surprising reason so he’s mentioned a lot of universities lately and so we’ll see what happens on these college campuses and what’s going to be in the news
Cataclysmic this word I say again will be in your news for a shocking reason okay they says remember a child of mine always wins when they stand in faith and they refuse to quit don’t quit now because drastic changes are about to be made for your good sayeth the Lord your Redeemer drastic changes not just changes he said drastic changes are gonna be for your good they may look bad at first but it really is for your good now he says beware of the deception that’s about to be poured out like never before lies are gonna continue and lies are gonna get worse but you are in a great battle for this nation a great battle for freedom a great battle for truth a great battle for life but remember this battle has already been predetermined who wins why God knows the end from the beginning that’s why and that’s the children the most high God because the battle has been conquered in and with the name of Jesus have faith in that name like never before use that name against your enemies like never before my children stand and fight the good fight of faith because it’s one that you win so have faith in the name of Jesus here is the first paragraph for I the Lord and paving the way he part of the way in the Red Sea so he paved the way to their victory I’m paving the way to your victories your enemies are being silenced they and all their plans are being annihilated before me my children I in the lion of the tribe of Judah and in my roar he had me put simple it will level anything in its path I’m the king of kings and you are my children and you are with me so when he roars and he’s a lion the tribe of Judah when he roars it levels everything in its path the path of the roar and so what does that mean when we speak the word of God in faith in faith and we speak the name of Jesus in faith and knowing that name is above every name knowing that every knee most about of that name knowing that name is total destruction annihilation of your enemies power against you when you have faith in that name and you speak that name with boldness and you speak that name with authority all hell quivers at that name and you shout that name in it levels everything in that path in your path it’s important to know who you are in Christ Jesus not your ability by yourself but who you are in Christ Jesus well I want to pray over each everyone of you I really do hope this encourage you because that is a whole point of every morning it’s not just to get hyped up on what we can’t wait for another prophecy it’s great to hear manna from heaven but it’s not the sole purpose the sole purpose is being encouraged on what God is saying and it’s coming to pass in front of you so it helps you have a stronger and a greater and trusting relationship with him knowing that he spoke these words and these words are coming to pass and he’s a person who is faithful and you can trust him Heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus I just lift up every person the sound of my voice and I thank you Father God that they are realizing they become they’re becoming more God inside minded so they know who they are in Christ Jesus they know that the greater one lives on the inside of them then he that’s in the world that they know that they have a blood covenant with you they know that victories already been won because of what Jesus has done and so I declare and decree victories in their life declare and decree healing in their life declare decree freedom in their life declare and decree deliverance in their life no matter what the Satan what and the enemies doing in any way shape or form I thank you Father God that you are the way maker you are their answer you are their advocate you are their standby you are their deliverer you are the great I am and I thank you and I praise you Father God that no matter how dark it gets your light is brighter your light is greater and your light annihilates and destroys the power of darkness so we thank you for your glory to shine on these people Lord that your glory that the God of the breakthrough is known that the God of the breakthrough manifests yourself Father you manifest yourself on their in their life and I thank you for all the testimonies that they’re having turn every test into a testimony to use them to speak through them to bring more people into your kingdom and we thank you that you you’ve risen us all up for such a time as this we thank you for every tool we thank you for all the things that you’re doing and we’re all we’re gonna thank you for the victories that have already been guaranteed to us through the name in the blood of Jesus Christ and we thank you for it in Jesus name amen and amen well again don’t forget to watch today’s live show with pastor David myself with take five and his glory at 11 o’clock central time well God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day
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