Julie Green transcript A REMOVAL OF BIDEN IS COMING

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Goood uh Morning Everybody Today is Tuesday May 16th of 2023 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it’s called a A REMOVAL OF THE BIDEN IS COMING I heard this prophetic word on May 7th of 2023 so just a few days ago. Now I actually had given part of this prophetic word on the stage Down in Miami at the Reawaken America Tour and I will have at some point here soon I know we recorded it and I will have that up there for you because the Lord did add something So when I can get that I’ll make sure that I send that out to the team is working on that very hard And we can get that video out to you. So anyway, I wanted to give this video out Regarding this prophetic word today along with some scriptures and some teaching that the Lord had given me this morning while I was in prayer regarding this Prophetic word. So before I get to that if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200 at Davenport, Iowa 5 to 8 And you will be seeing me pre-recording a whole bunch of videos for this week because I will be actually heading and flying out of town again on Thursday for the One Day Healing Revival event down in Tulsa, Oklahoma. So if you want more information regarding that event, you can click on the description box below and I do have a link in there for you. That is all the announcements today, and here is the prophetic word.


Again, this word was from May 7th of 2023.

The removal of the Biden is coming. A removal in a way no one saw coming. A removal that will shock this nation. a removal that will heal a nation, a removal that will unite a nation, a removal that only I could do, a removal that will get the world’s attention, a removal of all removals, a removal of an entire government governmental body, excuse me, a removal so great it will shake the world. This removal will say to this world that justice is not dead and liberty is not dead and our God is not dead. A removal that will tear apart the globalists and destroy their reset. A removal that will bring life back into a dying country. I will bring freedom to a nation that has been held in captivity for a nation to be reborn for the soul of a nation is coming back to life stronger than it was originally. This will bring revival and my glory into this nation that will spread to all nations around the world. My glory will be seen and experienced. Lord, how can a removal do all this? It’s not just one removal. Don’t you remember I didn’t just take care of Pharaoh when he pursued my children? I took them all down at one time. But this is a time it will be greater than that. A spiritual shaking and awakening will happen at the same time around the world. Don’t get caught up on all the evil reports or on how bad things may appear right now. I have told you time and time again, all these things are temporary. It’s all coming to an end. So hold on to me. Hold on to truth. Hold on to my words. Have faith in me more than what you see. It’s time to arise and walk by faith because the just shall live by faith and it’s that time now. It’s time to rise higher than every situation and every circumstance in your life or what you are dealing with in your nations. Resist him, your adversary, and he must flee. Learn your authority in me that I have already given to you. It’s time to arise, children of Almighty God, and be the light in this dark world, saith the Lord your Redeemer.”

Julie Commentary Now this prophetic word is, you know, kind of short, but it’s extremely powerful because one of the things that God is talking about in this prophetic word, which is obviously it was named A removal of the Biden is coming And he says it’s it’s the Removal of ALL Removals. I want to give you a few scriptures when I was studying this morning. I said, okay Lord, I Know that every single time that you give a prophetic word. You’re always going to give scripture with it to back it up Because if it doesn’t align with scriptures, then you throw it out So when I was sitting there praying this morning One of the things that he gave me and I know I’ve given this scripture to you many times before is psalm 75 psalm 75. Sorry for kicking the microphone. Sorry. Okay. So psalm 75 and verse seven, but God is a judge. He puts down one and lifts up another. So it’s God is the one who Removes he is the one who judges and he puts down one and brings up another. I Know and I’ve said many times before I even said it from the stage. A lot of people are growing weary They’re frustrated. They’re angry because our judicial system has failed Everywhere we looked things have failed whether it be the elections whether it be, you know, our government officials whether it be the the DOJ Whether it is the Supreme Court Whether it is other judges throughout this land We’ve seen the evidence We’ve seen the things that they have ignored and thrown out and thrown out and they would not listen or if they did listen they just acted like it was not a big deal or It wasn’t really what it was and they again threw it out or ignored it so we’ve had our the door slam in our face time and time again and it’s very hard when you’re sitting there crying out for justice and it seems like the opposite is taking place where there is so much Injustice that is going on around the world today Injustice is growing and it’s overwhelming so many people But at that time where it is becoming overwhelming That’s when we have to remind ourselves that God is the God of justice God is a God of justice and God is not dead Justice is not dead and Liberty is not dead. That’s exactly what he said in this prophetic word it’s not because he’s not and he is the God of Justice now, I want to read some more scriptures. I wrote down several of them So I’m gonna turn to Psalm 61 and verse 8. Write these scriptures down and you guys can read over them too. Psalm 61 and verse 8. For I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery and wrong with violence or burnt offerings. And I will faithfully give them their recompense in truth. I will make an everlasting covenant or league with them What does God say in here that he loves justice? I’m gonna read it again for I the Lord love Justice, I hate robbery and wrong Violence or burnt offerings now look what he said Robbery, he hates injustice because he loves justice, but he also hates robbery And we have seen what people have done to us in our nation We’re stealing our elections, stealing the seats of the President and other seats in the House and the Senate and stealing seats everywhere Stealing our rights and our freedoms as citizens of this country and I know this has been going on worldwide This is not just United States problem. This is a world of problem. It’s happening everywhere you look there’s governments that are tyrannical and they’re turning on their people and they’re enslaving them in every shape and form in every way possible and That’s why God says when things like this happen No one else can save you Nothing else can save you but him and he is a sure thing and he is faithful To his word to perform his work now. I also want to read Psalm 30 in verse 18. Again, write these down. Psalm 30 in verse 18. This is the amplified version of this scripture. Isaiah 30 in verse 18. And therefore the Lord earnestly waits, expecting, looking, and longing to be gracious to you. And therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you, show loving kindness to you. For the Lord God is a God of justice.” So here’s another one where he talks about justice and it says, “…blessed, happy, fortunate to be envied are all those who earnestly wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him, for He is victory.” Remember we talked about that Jehovah-Nessi, our banner or our victory. He is victory. His favor, his love, his peace, his joy, his matchless, unbroken companionship. And so again, it says here, God is the God of justice. Now I’m gonna read another one. Psalm 9. Again, God is not just God. All right? He’s Not just God. He has many different names and each and every one of those names mean something and So the reason why you need to know the names of God is because when we’re going through situations like this you can say no God is the God of justice. He’s not dead. That means justice is not dead No matter what things look like around the world today God is not dead justice is not dead and justice will be served because God will serve the justice Because he hears the cries of his people and he promises to deliver us out of it all He’s the Most High God. He doesn’t fail us So you when you think about that when you see all these horrible things going on and then you think about God You think about who he is you think that he you know that you know that you know He’s not dead and you think upon these things then fear stops now Psalm verse 9 and verse 7 and 8 But the Lord shall remain and continue forever He has prepared and established his throne for judgment judgment and justice and He will judge the world in righteousness Righteousness and equity he will minister justice to the peoples in uprightness and I’m gonna go to verse 9 also the Lord will also be refuge in a high tower for the oppressed a Refuge and stronghold in times of trouble high-cost destitution and desperation So he is our strong tower So when he and he says obviously there’s going to be times where we we’re going to face things like this There was times in the Bible in many different situations where God’s people were seeing injustice they were seeing kings and and they were seeing all these different types of leaders running rampant and enslaving God’s people and enslaving the world with their laws and their ideals and So every single time though you see that God’s people had a person like this or a country like this God always made a way out. He always intervened. He always brought in judgment and he always brought in justice God never failed his people never All right. Here’s another one Luke 18 Now again, I’m gonna go back over and read that prophetic word Luke 18 If I stop flipping all this page, here we go Luke 18 and verse 7 and will not our just God defend and protect and avenge his elect His chosen ones who cried at him day and night Will he defer them and delay help on their behalf? So a lot of people are asking why is it taking God so long? They are thinking that he’s delayed or they’re thinking that he’s not going to do anything But look at what this says in verse 8. This is Luke 18 and 8 I will tell you he will defend protect and avenge them Speedily now that was throw some people off because they’re gonna say this has not been speedily because this is taking forever It’s gone on too long and some people will say it’s even too late It’s not too late for God ever God doesn’t go by our time table God is not subject to time at all. That’s been that was brought in by the curse God knows what he’s doing and the longer we’ve gone through this even though the most it’s been oppressive It’s been dark. It’s been hard. There’s been a lot of pressure. A lot of people are just trying to give in and quit But look at all this exposure. Look at all these things. Look at the prophecies that are being fulfilled all the time daily That’s God showing us who he is. It’s got showing us that he’s not forsaken us. It’s not showing us Hey, even while you’re waiting for the end. I am giving you these things to hold on to I’m giving you these things to get You give you peace and rest and joy and hope in the midst of hopelessness God will never forsake his people. He never does that. He never will I Want to read two more scriptures and I’ll go back over the prophetic word. So Psalm 37 and verse 28 Psalm 37 and verse 28. Again, why I give you these is because you want to hear from more than just one instance in the Bible. I’m trying to give you more than two or three witnesses. Okay, Psalm 37. For the Lord delights in justice and forsakes not his saints They are preserved forever, but the offspring of the wicked in time shall be cut off I’m gonna read that again. This is Psalm 37 and verse 28 for the Lord delights in Justice and forsakes his saints and not hold on and forsakes not his saints They are preserved preserved forever, but the offspring of the wicked in time shall be cut off So I’m gonna read the New King James version. It says for the Lord loves justice and Does NOT forsake his saints. They are preserved forever But he the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off and the righteousness the right Hold on the righteous shall inherit the land and dwell in it forever so then it says in Verse 29 in the Amplified then the consistently righteous shall inherit the land and dwell upon it forever So God loves justice. What we’ve seen does not look like justice. It looks like the opposite. Remember, Satan wants you to see all these things in order to try your faith to get you to get overwhelmed, pressured, and to give up and quitting. And that’s how we have to know where all this is coming from. We’re in war. We’re battle and when you have warfare as extreme as this can be and it has been if you know the enemy’s tactic you know what he’s going to do then you will be prepared for it and you won’t give in to it in his strategies okay now one more Hebrews 10 30 For we know him who said vengeance is mine retribution and meting out a full justice This is the amplified version Rest with me. I will repay I will exact the compensation says the Lord and again The Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause in the cases of his people again. It says That he said vengeance is mine retribution and meting out of full justice. So that’s how many scriptures? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven scriptures regarding how God is the God of justice. And so you also have in the Bible when it talks about because even that scripture I would just gave you about robbery. He hates robbery. He hates a thief. Now he hates the sin of it. You You know what I’m saying, because he doesn’t hate people. He hates robbery. He hates sin. And so if you think about it, look at all the stuff that’s been going on in our own country, let alone what’s been going on around the world. It’s been stealing, robbery, thievery, however you want to call it, and whatever you want to call it. But in Proverbs chapter 6 and verse 30 and 31, he said, when a thief has been caught, he has to give it back seven times. He didn’t say That he might have to or every once in a while when he’s caught. He’s got to give it back He said no when the thief has been caught. He has to give it back. And so the thieves have been caught we’ve all we all know it and That’s when we have to buckle down and say I am going to stand and I’m going to keep praying and I’m going to keep Going until I see full justice because God’s a God of justice and you read these scriptures the seven scriptures I gave you today you read and get that faith on the inside of you that God is the God of justice This is not just a feel-me-good Teaching this is truth Because I’ve given you what God said in his word not my opinion It’s what God says who he is If you look at Elohim You look at El Shaddai Elohim is the creator of heaven and earth El Shaddai is a God whom nothing is impossible Jehovah Nissi our banner or a victory He is our Prince of Peace. He is our Jehovah Jireh our provider He’s Jehovah Rapha our healer again so many different names of God and if you know who he is truly know who he is Again, one of the greatest books in the names of God and I mentioned this before and I take this down as a note, Marilyn Hinckley and it’s The Names of God. I love that book. And the reason why I love that book is because it just gives such a great explanation of that name and who he is and why it’s so important to know the different names of God and how It really builds up your faith and knowing who God is so in certain situations that you’re facing you’re like no This is who God is. He doesn’t just have these things. He is this He is a God of justice He doesn’t just have it. He is it. Okay. I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word Resist him your adversary and he must flee now that as soon as I heard the Lord say that that’s James 4 7 Resist the devil and he must He doesn’t say that he has a choice Resist the devil and he must flee so if we resist them and keep telling them to get off of our country to get out of our Our government to get out of our judicial system to get out of the executive branch to get out of whatever System that you have in your own country if you sit there and praise and thank God and resist the devil There’s nothing that enemy can do to stop it Especially when you know your authority and then he says then he says right here learn your authority in me I’ve given you over many different prophetic words the thought that you have in Jesus in that name a name above every name So if you look again write this down Genesis 1 26 or 28 Then you can also look up Luke 10 and 19 You can also look up Hebrews 10 2 and 14 You can look up Colossians 1 12 through 14 You can look up Colossians 2 and 15 all these things if we again if you go into the scriptures That’s what destroys the power of the enemy Because faith comes by hearing Romans 10 17 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God That’s how faith comes. That’s how also, you know, the truth and that truth will set you free Then it says learn your authority and me that I have already given to you It’s time to arise children of Almighty God and be the light in this dark world. Say it’s the Lord your Redeemer We are supposed to be that light We’re not supposed to let darkness run rampant. We’re supposed to be light. All right, and then he says This is in bold. DONT GET CAUGHT UP IN ALL THE EVIL REPORTS OR HOW BAD THINGS MAY APPEAR RIGHT NOW Again, he’s always talking about how things may appear. It doesn’t say these things are that way. He says they appear that way. I’ve told you time and time again, all of these things are temporary and it’s all coming to an end. So hold on to me. Hold on to truth. Hold on to my words. Have faith in me more than what you see. It’s time to arise and walk by faith because an just to live by faith and it’s that time now. It’s time to arise higher than every situation, every circumstance in your life or what you are dealing with in your own nations. Now again, it says the just shall live by faith. He speaks about that at least four times in the Bible. He talked about the just shall live by faith. What living by trusting and leaning and relying on God, his own understanding and not on our own. And then of course he talks about this removal with the first page of this prophecy and it says, Lord how can a removal do all of this? It’s not just one removal, he’s saying. Don’t don’t you Remember I did I didn’t excuse me just take care of Pharaoh when he pursued my children I took them all down at one time But this time it will be greater than that a spiritual shaking and awakening will happen at the same time around the world now again It’s not just one removal that he’s talking about and He says just like Pharaoh God didn’t take out just Pharaoh. It was Pharaoh the one who was leading the charge Okay, he was leading the charge, but all the 600 men that were with him They all were judged at the same time as Pharaoh and look how massive that removal was And look what happened to the children of Israel now if they would have listened to God They would have gotten right into the promised land, but they didn’t So let’s learn from their mistakes and not do what they did All right now says this will bring a revival in my glory into this nation that will spread to all nations around the world my glory will be seen and Experiences he’s been talking about his glory that is going to fill this earth like the flood and Noah’s day It’s gonna be that Massive and his glory is his presence his power and his goodness Okay, God’s presence is gonna flood the earth That’s power is gonna flood the earth and God’s goodness is going to flood the earth and this is not just hopium I don’t know who came up with that but people have been saying it and this is not just too good to be true God is absolutely good. I’m giving you scriptures to back these things up. Not my personal opinion Scripturally God has never failed Scripturally, there’s nothing impossible for God scripturally. God says he’s a God of justice Scripturally God says he places judgment on one in places busting on another Scripturally, he says I will not fail Scripturally, he says he doesn’t lie Scripturally, he says he hears the cry of his people and he delivers them out of it. Oh, he didn’t say sometimes he said all These are scriptural. This is truth Again, I tell you all over and over and over again every day. You’re probably tired of hearing me says by say every day Please go check the scriptures out for yourself get into prayer find out what God is saying to you about what is going on He doesn’t just talk to people like me. He talks to everybody. He says his sheep know his voice all right now listen to the All the removals that are coming a removal of the Biden is coming a removal in a way no one saw coming A removal that will shock this nation a removal that will heal a nation a removal that will unite a nation a removal that will only I could do that’s what God’s saying we can’t rely on a man to do this removal it’s God that’s doing this removal that’s why it’s gonna be like never seen before a removal that will get the world’s attention a Removal of ALL removals that means it’s gonna be better than the removals we’ve seen in the Bible a removal of an entire governmental body a Removal so great. It will shake the world this removal will say to this world that justice is not dead Why is justice not dead? I just gave you all the scriptures of why because God’s a God of justice and God is not dead and Liberty is not dead our God is not dead A removal that will tear apart the globalists and destroy their reset a removal that will bring life into back into a dying country a It will bring freedom to a nation that was being held in captivity. For a nation to be reborn, for a soul of a nation is coming back to life stronger than it was originally.” And something that I was looking up earlier about justice and justice means, um, let me see what if I, if I still have it out here, to make right. Justice means to make right. remember God is a God who who does a retroactive restorations and that’s what you saw with Exodus and you saw what happened to the children of Israel with Egypt and they stole all those things for over 400 years from all the Israelites and the Egyptians not only had to free them But they also had to give back every single thing plus more They had to give damages. So say for instance you get in a car accident it’s not your fault somebody hit and did a hit-and-run and that person was caught. They totally they totaled your car and you go to a judge and the judge says that person is found guilty. Great! That’s great that that person’s found guilty. I am glad that that person was found guilty. But real justice is gonna say not only are they found guilty, but they have to pay for damages. Our God makes sure that our enemy, the devil, has to pay for damages he caused. That’s at Proverbs 6 30 and 31. He has to pay for it. He’s not gonna get away with stealing. I don’t care if it was stealing of elections or if it was stealing in other ways. He doesn’t get away with it. He has to return and repay the damages. So nothing’s too late for God. And I truly do hope this encouraged you. God is not dead. God is not done. This country is not dead. And it’s not done with what it needs to do, what needs to come from this nation. This country is being reborn. God is sifting out all of the people that need to be removed. We didn’t know all the things that were hidden and he’s letting that be seen on center stage. Now I want you guys to pray with me regarding not only this nation but I want to pray over each and every one of you. So Heavenly Father we thank you for this prophetic word. We thank you Father God for this fresh manna from heaven every single day. We want to thank you that you are, and we’ve seen in the scriptures that you are the God of justice. We thank you, Father God, that everything that’s been trying to tear this country apart is being torn apart itself. We thank you for all these removals. We thank you, Father God, for justice being served. We thank you for judgment being served. We thank you, Father God, for the truth to prevail over every single lie that has held us in captivity We tear those lies down we tear that power down right now by the blood of Jesus Christ And I thank you Father God this country is being reborn We thank you for our God that justice is not dead because you’re not we thank you that liberty and our freedoms Will prevail over all of this wickedness and evil that’s been trying to take us all down We thank you Father God that you are the same yesterday today and forever and have a Father I want to lift up every precious person that’s watching this video No matter what their situation no matter what their circumstances are facing their life. I thank you Father God that you are the answer to every Problem they have I thank you Father God for showing yourself strong on their behalf I thank you for the healing for the soundness for the wholeness for restoration for strength for joy for peace and Righteous indignation on the inside of them to keep fighting the good fight of faith I thank you Father God that you’re not just picking them up and putting them on sound ground No, you’re picking them up putting them up on sound ground and you’re making them stronger than they were before they fell and before this situation that they’re facing and I thank you Father God for your goodness to shine upon your people right now in Jesus mighty name amen and amen well I hope this encouraged you today please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.


Short message but the most major ever Removal of Biden. Its unclear whether it will include the destruction of Washington DC. Before or after Bidens removal. So Biden goes down goes off stage. Would the faceless deep state just pleasantly leave Washington and say OK we lost, we are going home ? Highly unlikely. Most of the Government including the White House cabinet and Kamala Harris did NOT swear proper legal Oaths of Office. SGT report. So they have no right to be there. Trump would only need some loyal military people to put him back in the White House. So Biden is the lynch pin holding the entire NWO charade together. Democrats will be glad to see him removed. Neglecting VP Kamala Harris Would this make House Leader controlled RINO Kevin Mc Carthy the third in line for the Presidency ? This is pulp thriller stuff.

Would Hillary Clinton make her move ? She must have a move ready. But she is foreshadowed to be publicly exposed with Bill.

We have been told the end is near.

And Kari Lake appears to have got the AZ election dispute case Government Defence to admit they fudged signature matching for many thousands of votes. May 16 and 17 ( “Its an art not a science”) LOL.

What exciting times !

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