Searchable transcript for the Serious

Goood uh Morning Everybody. Today is Tuesday, May 23rd of 2023 and as you can see I am back home from Tulsa and from the healing revival event that we had down there with Jenny and Marty Grisham from Loud Mouth Prayer. It was an amazing service and thank you to Marty and Jenny from Loud Mouth Prayer for letting us all go down there and be able to be a part of such an amazing event. And if you did miss it, I will have a link in the description box for you so you can go back and watch part of that service. Again, God was moving and the things he was saying and doing was he’s just an amazing God. He truly is an amazing God and he knows exactly what you have to hear for this very day and this very hour. Now I do have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it is called, ANOTHER LAPTOP IS ABOUT TO SURFACE And I heard this prophetic word on May 16th of 2023. So before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgminternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Danport, Iowa, 52807 And all that information is in the description box below for you. All right, now here is the prophetic word.

ANOTHER LAPTOP IS ABOUT TO SURFACE on May 16th of 2023 is when I heard it.

Underground tunnels are about to be exposed on what has been hidden inside of them and an outrage and an outcry will be heard. I have seen such a degree of evil most people didn’t even know existed. I’ve heard the cry of the victims. I’ve heard the cry of my children. I’ve heard the cries of the oppressed. I’ve seen the injustice. I’ve seen the oppression. I have seen the affliction. I have seen the slavery. I have seen all that they have done to each and every one of you. I have already made a way out. A way of escape. A way to be delivered. A way to a landing place. Yes, because I am that way. I will not leave you where you are now. No, that’s not who I am. I am justice. I am deliverance. I am truth. I am life. I am restoration. I am peace. I am joy. I am everything you need when you need it. My children, I have said this time and time again, because I want this revelation knowledge to get down in your hearts so deep it rises up in you who I am and I am with you wherever you go. I am a good God, but I also am a good Father and I will never fail you, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.

Major bombshell reports will come out regarding the ROCKERFELLERS that can no longer be hidden on how much they have done. All the evil they have committed in this nation and around the world, everything they financed, where they received this money from, will all be exposed and everyone along with them. Another Laptop is about to surface. A laptop of ALL laptops that will seem to break the internet, you would say. It will spread like wildfire of all that is on it and who it all exposes. This is the beginning of the end for the Biden administration, sayeth the Lord.

AQUAFIX this name will be in your news for a significant reason. You haven’t seen all the classified documents that have been hidden illegally from Obama or the Biden. It’s all coming to the surface and it will all be seen. The globalists are under extreme pressure to get rid of the Biden because the cases are building up against him and Hunter faster than they realized. So watch what they let out next to expose the Biden crime family. I’ve said a great fall is coming because it is. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.

HAVANA I say this name again because something significant is about to take place there.

BRAZIL will be in your news for a shocking reason. A shaking is about to take place there that will get the world’s attention. My children, get prepared for more truth because more truth brings more shaking. More shakings brings changes. More shaking makes your enemies angry and more desperate than they were before. So get ready for normal to be no more. A new normal will come in that you never knew existed. get ready because my hand is moving to move all you see out of the way before me sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary So a couple of things that he says right here that I know will get people’s attention it’s get ready for normal to be no more. That would bring a lot of not fear, but worry of what does that mean? And people will get stressed out because they want to go back to normal. A lot of people say they want to go back to before what happened in 2020 and that they can be more normal again in life. God has said to us in prophetic words before that was not the normal that he wanted us to experience or even know that was the world’s normal or you can even say an evil normal. We were complacent. We were just surviving. We were just going day to day in living our lives. But God is saying that’s not the normal that he has for each and every one of us. What he wants to be as normal on a day-to-day basis is that you are thriving, is that the resurrection power of Jesus is working on the inside of you, that the just shall live by faith, that you know the power, the authority and dominion that you have in this earth and you use it and you see the manifestation of it. That’s the normal that God wants you to know. He wants you to know him on a deeper level. So if you know him, then these things that are going on in your life won’t burden you down, won’t weigh you out or weigh you down. It won’t stress you out. That’s why I meant to say world won’t control what you do or what you say or how you react to certain things. What God is saying is the new normal, is a child of God knowing they are a child of God and that they are in the army of the Lord, that they have all power, authority and dominion in this earth because the greater one lives on the inside of you. God reminds us a lot about that in each and every one of these words. He reminds us of who He is. These prophetic words are great to know the news before the news and what God is going to do. But it’s also beautiful and I love it how he shows us not only what is to come, but who he really is. And earlier in this prophetic word, he talks about how he is justice. A lot of people are searching and crying out for justice. Well, God is that so many people need peace because it seems like there is none. Well, he is he is the Prince of Peace. We need joy. And it seems like no one is joyful. Why did Satan go after that? Because the joy of the Lord is your strength. All of these things that are going on in the world are to get you away from knowing who you are and how important you are to God. How much power authority and dominion you do have in this earth. How you don’t have to put up with sickness and disease. How you don’t have to put up with this lawlessness. You don’t. God didn’t say you were in this world. So get over it. You’re just going to have to deal with it. He wouldn’t say that we’re in this world. John 14 or John 17 verse 13 through 17. Excuse me, John 17 verse 13 through 17. He says we’re in this world, but he also says twice when Jesus was praying. He said they’re in this world, but they are not of it. Just as I am not of this world. He said that we are not of this world just as Jesus wasn’t. Jesus wouldn’t have to deal with all these things. Remember, he’s the one who redeemed us from the curse. And when we ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, and we ask him into our hearts, we are not just citizens of this earth or citizens of our own country. We are citizens of heaven and we have the greater one on the inside of us. And so if we think about that for a minute, the one who created heaven and earth isn’t the inside of us, then why should we just deal with things or put up with things? We don’t have to. Just like when Adam and Eve sinned, God had already made a way out of that mess. Because just like he said, the seed of a woman will bruise your head. That’s what he talked. He told Satan or the serpent that in the garden, the seed of a woman is going to bruise your head. He already made a way of escape because he is the way maker. And so you see all these different situations in your own life and you can see a way out. Look up. Look to God because he is your way out. And he actually had me studying this morning before I got this prophetic word. I made this video and I was I’m like, Okay, Lord, what do you want me to do today? What do you want me to study? What do you want me to say? Because it is his word. It’s not mine. One of the things that he was talking about is he brought me up to the story of Belshazzar and the handwriting on the wall. This is in Daniel chapter five and why this is so important is because he gave us a prophetic word. in 2022. And he said that the handwriting is on the wall for our enemies and people have forgotten what God has done in the past for his people and what he’s also warned or judged the enemies of Almighty God. Now, Belshazzar made many mistakes, okay, because Belshazzar remained arrogant and he was proud. Now, he was Nebuchadnezzar’s, it was his son. And so, Daniel reminds Nebuchadnezzar, or not reminds Belshazzar, that his Father Nebuchadnezzar, when he became Arrogant was thrown down and he learned that God had sovereignty over the kingdom of men Say so Daniel was talking and warning Belshazzar about not getting too arrogant and pride and boastful In his own power in it with his throne, okay So then Belshazzar doesn’t listen and he doesn’t learn. So what happens with Belshazzar is he remained arrogant and prideful and despite knowing all the details. Now he already knew what to do and what not to do and he just, he completely didn’t care. He ignored it and all the details of God disposing of his great grandfather from power and restoring him to power only after he humbled himself by acknowledging that God was a sovereign over him. So when you think about this for a minute, Belshazzar knew what happened to Nebuchadnezzar, okay, he knew what happened to Nebuchadnezzar and he didn’t care because he’s thinking I am different, I’m more powerful, I’m smarter than Nebuchadnezzar and nothing’s going to happen to me. Well, that wasn’t true. So one night as they were partying and they were actually using things to drink wine that they were not supposed to touch. And a handwriting came on the wall. This is again, this is Daniel chapter five. And it said in verse 25, the handwriting, the inscription was written, many, many, techo, you farsen, many, many, techo, you farsen. And what that means is numbered, weighed and division Now when that came up handwriting on the wall and Daniel actually had to come and interpret it and because it did bring the fear to Belshazzar and all of his people while they were partying and being drunkards and stuff and then all of a sudden they saw this hand start writing on the wall. So, Daniel came in and interpreted it, and it meant God had weighed Belshazzar and his kingdom and found them wanting and would destroy them. So, what was he saying? This was judgment. That hand written on the wall, those words, mene mene tegu ufarsin, was saying, I’m judging you. I’ve seen all you’ve arrogantly done against me. You’ve refused to repent. Now you will be destroyed and people think that in this time that we’re living in right now when all these people are doing all these things against God’s people and against God’s nations. That nothing is going to be done about it. This is in yet another example. I use another example outside of Exodus. I know it’s hard for some people to believe because I love the book of Exodus and what happened in the book of Exodus. Well, God did for his people because he saved a nation in a day. Right here was also showing what Belshazzar did against God. It was showing he was warned just like all these people we see today against us. They’ve been warned and they’ve ignored the warnings. God loves every man, remember? He doesn’t love the sin, but he loves the sinner. He loves them. Jesus came to die for all of us, not just certain people. He came to die for every man and woman, but not everybody accepts that. And so with all these people, all these globalists, all these people that are running these tyrannical governments worldwide, it’s not just here in America, God has warned them all to stop, turn around and repent for what they’re doing. But now the handwriting is already on the wall, like Belshazzar. The handwriting is on the wall for their judgment and destruction. Again, God didn’t want that. He wanted them to repent and give back what they had stolen. But some people refuse. Just like with Pharaoh, he hardened his heart against God. These people have hardened their heart against God also. But when you harden your heart against God, it doesn’t, uh, fare well for you. God doesn’t want you to be judged the way he’s going to have to judge. He wishes that no man perish, but some people, well, they choose their own path. We have our own wills. So again, like what Belshazzar, he was told, he was warned and he ignored it. He should have learned from King Nebuchadnezzar and what happened with King Nebuchadnezzar and he refused because he thought he was somebody special. How many people we see today in our own governments and these world leaders that think there’s something special but they’re just different and they are cocky and arrogant and they’re against God I shouldn’t use that word but you know what I mean they’re arrogant against God so I’m just using nowadays terms but I shouldn’t have, so please forgive me all right now so I’m gonna go back to this prophetic word so it says so get ready for normal to be no more, which I just explained. A new normal that will come in that you never knew existed. That means a better way of life. Remember, God says before us, life and death, blessing and cursing, he says, you choose. But he also says in a word that he has fought the, that you fight a good fight of faith, the one that you win. So we fight a good fight. And it’s when we win. Also, he said before us, what a good life. He has a good life for each and every one of us. God is absolutely good. And he does have something set aside for us, this good way of living or good life for us that Jesus has already died and paid for. He says, Oh, get ready, because my hand is moving to move all you out of the way before me, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. God is moving the things out of the way and just like happened with Belshazzar and right after that his kingdom was destroyed by the Medes and the Persians. Just how the handwriting on the wall was told to them. They become destruction. He was weighed. Judgment was coming. It’s the same thing that’s happening right now. judgment is coming there will be destruction to things that we do see right now that is against God.

All right now my children get prepared for more truth because more truth brings more shaking more shaking brings changes more shakings make your enemies angry and more desperate than they were before the things that are going on right now to expose one right after another, over and over again. Remember it says piling up on them it’s like a perfect storm. All these things are piling up on the enemy and what they used to get away with, they’re not getting away with anymore. So they’re getting desperate and so the more they get desperate the more they get angry the more they get angry they turn on you and I. Just like what happened with Pharaoh in the book of Exodus with the jews when they were in the land of Egypt. The more Moses went back to him, the more judgments that happened to them, to Egyptians, the more he got angry and punished to Israelites. But God ultimately had the final say, just like he will again. He only lets people go so far and not any farther.

Now Brazil will be in your news for a shocking reason, a shaking is about to take place there that will get the world’s attention. So again, with all this truth that is coming out, there has been shakings, there There has been things going on, but it will intensify, but not to be afraid of it. So something significant is going to happen in Brazil and then also Havana. Now he’s mentioned Brazil multiple times and he’s also mentioned Havana more than once. I say his name again because something significant is about to take place there. So watch something happen in Havana and also Brazil.

Okay, the globalists are under extreme pressure to get rid of the Biden because the cases are building up against him and Hunter faster than they realized. So watch what they let out next to expose the Biden crime family. I have said a great fall is coming because it is, says the Lord. God has been talking about this fall for about a year and a half or so, and now we’re starting to see more and more and more of it. What the Lord was talking about in earlier of 2022 with the laptops, with Hunter, with Biden, are all starting to come out now. I know a lot of us wanted to happen sooner, but it is coming out. Now, a lot of people are frustrated because not only is it coming out, but it looks like there’s nothing being done because the DOJ is in on it, our looks like they’re Sorry, judicial system is also in on it and nothing is being done. Our FBI, the CIA, they’re hiding things. They won’t uphold the law. And everywhere you turn, again, injustice after injustice after injustice. And so that’s why people get frustrated and upset. And that’s why you have to look to God and not to man. God is the God of justice and justice will be served no matter how it looks right now or not. Just like with Belshazzar when he thought he was going to get away with everything that he was doing against God, he thought so until it was too late. Pharaoh kept pursuing God’s people until he couldn’t, until that judgment came. God is the same God, again, we don’t rejoice in the fact that people will get judged. We rejoice in the fact of justice being served and that God is on our side and that he is our deliverer. You still need to pray for people, whether we feel like it or not, we still have to pray for them. So more things are going to come out regarding the Biden, of course, and what all they’ve done. This is the tip of the iceberg, you would say there’s more coming out regarding what they’ve all done. And then he also goes on to say, you haven’t seen all the classified documents that have been hidden illegally from Obama and Biden. So there’s more hidden classified documents that will come out. He said it’s all coming to the surface and it will all be seen. I know they’ve hidden a lot of stuff with Biden, but God, not only said Biden but he also said Obama. Now this is this word I I was like Lord is this what you really said ? and it was AQUAFIX um and he said this name will be in your news for a significant reason it’s very odd and it’s very weird but that’s what he said so I wrote it down aqua and then it’s fixed it’s two different words but it’s one name all Now, if I say that right, it’s Aquafix, but it does have a space, so that’s how he had me write it. All right. Now, another laptop is about to surface. A laptop of ALL laptops that will seem to break the internet, you would say. Now, he does put it in our terms, how we would understand it. Then he said it will spread like wildfire of all that is on it and who it all exposes, who would all expose it. So then he says, this is the beginning of the end for the Biden administration. Now one of the things he said, the Laptop of All Laptops, we’ve already seen the laptop from hell as they call it was Hunter Biden’s laptop. Now there is more than one laptop of his. I think there’s at least two or three that have surfaced, but there’s something else going to come out. Whether this is Hunter’s or whoever’s, I don’t know. He doesn’t say, he just says, another laptop is about to surface and he had me put that in bold. And then he says the LAPTOP OF ALL LAPTOPS So can we imagine anything worse than what we’ve seen with Hunter? Not really, but apparently this is going to, uh, going to be more severe of exposure than even what Hunter’s was. But I don’t know who it belongs to because he did not specifically say yet. Uh, then he talks about more bombshell reports will come out regarding the Rockefellers that can no longer be hidden on how much they have done and All the evil they have committed in this nation and around the world, everything they have financed, where they have received this money from, will all be exposed and everyone along with them. So there’s a lot of deep-seated things regarding the Rockefellers now. This is how I only knew that name by Rockefeller Center in New York. I had no idea that it was a family. I had no idea who they were and why they were so important. But more and more there’s things coming out. These prophetic words that I’ve heard, this is not the first time I’ve heard about Rockefeller. So we will see what the Lord is going to reveal but it’s going to be huge on the influence and what they’ve done and he said the evil they’ve committed not only in this nation, but what they’ve done around the world. So we will find out more about them.

Now I’m going to read the whole first page and it says, UNDERGROUND TUNNELS are about to be exposed on what has been hidden inside of them and an outrage and an outcry will be heard. Now this, again, this is not the first time he’s talked about underground tunnels and he’s seen what’s happening in them and not only has he seen what’s happening in them. But justice will be served and people will be vindicated and people will be delivered and set free from everything that’s happened in those tunnels. Then he says, I have seen such a degree of evil. Most people didn’t even know existed. I’ve heard the cry of the victims. I’ve heard the cries of my children. I’ve heard the cries of the oppressed. I’ve seen the injustice. I’ve seen the oppression. I’ve seen the affliction. I’ve seen the slavery. I’ve seen all they have done to each and every one of you. And already made a way out, a way of escape, a way to be delivered, a way to a landing place. Yes, because I am that way. I will not leave you where you are now. No, that’s not who I am. I am justice. I am deliverance. I am truth. I am life. I am restoration. I am peace. I am joy. I am everything you need when you need it. That’s just certain things that God is saying that who he is. And that’s why we have to know who he is. The situations that we face in our life won’t seem so big and they won’t seem so impossible, they won’t seem so dark, they won’t seem so, um, uh, not, I already said they weren’t impossible, but where there’s just no hope, you won’t see those things that way anymore because you’ll be focusing on more of who God is and what he has for you. My children and I have said this time and time again, now listen, he’s repeated himself. He repeats himself. A lot of people don’t think that God repeats himself. If you look in the Bible, it’s like 365 times that God says, do not fear or fear not. Why would he have to repeat himself basically for one day for each day of the year? Why? So people won’t fear. You don’t always get it the first time. That’s why faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God, Romans 10, 17. So he says, my children, I have said this time and time again, because I want this revelation knowledge to get down in your hearts so deep it rises up in you. Who I am and I’m with you everywhere you go. He had me put that in bold. I am with you everywhere you go. God wants to remind us that we are not alone. God wants to remind us that everywhere we go, He’s on the inside of us and He’s with us. And we remind ourselves of that on a daily basis. We are not alone no matter how we feel. Then he says, I’m a good God, but I am also a good Father and I will never fail you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. Again, he says that in his written word that he will never leave us nor forsake us and he is a good Father. He’s absolutely good, and no matter what and all people ask these questions over and over and over again, If God is so good, then why are all these bad things happening? Because people have a free will. He doesn’t want these things. He said, I said before you life and death blessing and cursing, you choose. A lot of people don’t realize they choose, they’re saying things or doing things that are against God. don’t even realize it sometimes but bad things happen in this earth because the serpent had came in he deceived Adam out of what was rightfully his the dominion the power of this earth and the curse came in but then God sent Jesus to redeem us from the curse now we just have to rely and trust in God and our redemption from the curse so we realize how much power and authority dominion we do have. So then it doesn’t affect us like would affect the rest of the world. We are redeemed from it. And so what I want you to take away from today is that you are never alone and that God is with you wherever you go. Things are changing. People are a justice will be served. People will not get away with what they’ve been doing to you or to your nation. They’re not going to get away with it. God has done this time and time again in his word and that’s why we have to go back in his word and find out who he really is and what he does situations like we’re in right now and if we know him know him like that then we wouldn’t get so discouraged about what we’re seeing well God will take care of it he did it before it says in his word he’s no respecter of persons well hope I encourage you I want to pray over each and every one of you

Heavenly Father I want to pray over each person over every precious person That’s watching this video Father God. I thank you that there’s no distance in this spiritual realm and I thank you Father God for your love for your mercy for your patience for your forgiveness for your kindness for your grace. I thank you Father God for everything that you’re doing in the midst of all of this evil that’s going around the world today that you are raising up your children. You are showing them who you are. You’re picking them up after we have fallen. You are giving us revelation, knowledge, and fresh manna from heaven. So Father God, no matter what is going on in their life today, I thank you that the God of the breakthrough visits their home. I thank you for something good happens to them, that you are shown to them that is undeniable how absolutely good you truly are, even in the midst of such great darkness. I thank and praise you, Father God, for showing them who they are, how much authority they have and how special each and every one of them to they are to you. They have been handpicked in this earth for such a time as this. I thank you for showing them Father God how strong they are not by themselves but in you. I thank you Father God to show them that you are the way maker, that you are truth, that you are life, that you are peace, that you are joy so strongly on their behalf today. And I thank you Father God for it in Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Again, remember, you’re not just somebody. You’re a child of the most high God and you’ve been hand picked by him. Each and every one of you are important. You have a purpose for being here on this earth right now. And God not only has a purpose for you, but he’s also equipped you with everything you need. No matter what it looks like, no matter what it feels like, you are special to Almighty God and you are important. So I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share and give this to everyone you know. Who needs to hear an encouraging word? Who needs to hear the truth? Because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

After word

Laptop eh ? Pelosi lost one on Jan 6. She said it was empty. She could have more than one. She may have planned the whole Jan 6 insurrection in a single laptop. It was quite an operation. Serious analysts now say from public sources there were more than a hundred maybe two hundred undercover agents in the crowd. 40 disguised as Proud boys. dozens of plainclothes DC police, many FBI. DHS. And many Secret Service people. Do you think they are only the Presidential security and for VIP politicians ? Think again. During Covid the Secret Service received employer assistance of $100 Billion. To help them “struggle” thru the pandemic.

Wonder just how many laptops get lost/stolen in DC ? How many are cloned overnight by the Cloud ?

BREAKING! Hundreds Of Undercover Feds Were In The Crowd On Jan 6th!

YES count goes to 100 so far known

Since the day of the riots, chaos and vandalism that took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021, speculation has swirled about the presence of undercover federal agents among the protesters. Now the Biden administration is admitting that dozens of Justice Department plants were present on January 6th, as well as dozens more FBI agents, Secret Service agents and who knows how many other law enforcement personnel. Jimmy notes that he has been consistent in his insistence that January 6 was a fed operation from the start and that this latest revelation represents complete vindication for that belief.

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