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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today’s actually still Wednesday, June 28th of 2023. You will see this on Friday, June 30th. And the reason for that is because I am out of town. Now, as a reminder, I also want you to know that there will be no uploads, there will be no videos on Monday or Tuesday of next week because the office will be closed. I wanna make sure that the social media team also had a day off. So I will not be uploading on Monday or Tuesday. Okay, I will be back on Wednesday, July 5th. So with the prophecies that God has given to me and or encouraging words or whatever he has me to do for next week, I just want to let you know, you will not see me upload Monday or Tuesday, but I will be back on July 5th. Okay, and also if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMinternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Greene Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200, Danport, Iowa 52807. That is all the announcements I have for today. Now this powerful prophetic word I’m going to give to you today is called THE GREAT RETURN I heard this prophetic word on June 19th. It was the first out of I think two or three I don’t remember exactly but I know it was more than one and I received them on our prayer call This one I actually received the first one on June 19th. I received this one in Prayer with the Lord that morning. So the other ones I share with you will be ones that were actually on their prayer call So I’ll have the videos for those So again, it’s called
A great return is coming, a return to the king, a return to morality, a return to freedom, a return to justice, a return of a great and mighty nation, a return of a rightful President, a return of a powerful body of Christ, a return to peace, a return to truth, a return to my Glory upon this earth. A return to order. A return to power in the hands it belongs to. A return of the world out of the hands of the wicked. A return of my children into my lands and into my authority. A return of children, families, wealth, jobs, inventions, corporations, rightful governments, rightful positions and who they really belong to. A return of the actual White House and the anointed one I have chosen, saith the Lord. The return of a great and mighty nation and not a twisted version your enemies wanted you to see or believe in. A return of the airwaves into the hands of my children on the side of the true side of truth. A great return of miracles, signs, and wonders. A great return back to me, the Most High God. a return to people’s first love, which is my son, a return of the nations, return of congregations to the rightful pastors, a return to a great and mighty victory, a return of wealth, a return of health, a return of freedom in your minds, a return of the right way of thinking, a return of power, I say again, my children, it’s time to arise and take this day. The return of the economy. A return of my hand. A return of this world and what it has for my children. Yes, I say a great and mighty return of my angel armies. A great return to me, saith the Lord. A great revival because the great truth pouring out, filling this earth. A great return to your promised lands, your promised way of living, a great and mighty anointing, a great return of a great mighty anointing that will get the world’s attention, a return to church, a return of a great hunger for my word. My children, it’s time of the Great Exodus, which is the great return from how things have been to where they should have been all along. Get ready for this great return, a great return of spirituality, of discernment, of resurrection power. It’s coming. So be prepared. Get ready. Get ready to move. Get ready to stand. Get ready to fight. Get ready to receive it because it’s time of a great restoration. And to my children, rejoice in this restoration. Rejoice for this great return. It’s not if it will happen it will happen This is guaranteed because I have guaranteed it and I’m a sure thing and the world will know soon that The world will know we will see so hold on and the world will soon know that saith the Lord your Redeemer. Sorry about that. And the world will soon know that saith the Lord your Redeemer. I wanted to get that part, right?
Julie Commentary NOW in this Great Return The Great Return God talks about this and I and I want to read this again in Acts chapter 3 in Acts chapter 3 he talks about the complete restoration of all things and then he also says in this paragraph he talks about That it’s part of the great Exodus The great Exodus is part of the great return The same thing with the original Exodus with you saw with the children of Israel when they were in the land of Egypt They had power. They had wealth. They were living in the land of Canaan They came over because of Joseph’s and they lived in the land of Egypt for a while. Well, the Egyptians took their power and their wealth away as you could say it was their the power which was their blessing Their the blessing was their empowerment to prosper to succeed to excel in a rise above all which would try to keep us Keep them back and hold them down Well, they lost that because they got in prison in to the land of Egypt. God spoke to Moses about this in the book of Genesis. It was for 400 and some years and that’s exactly what happened. But there was a restoration of that blessing. There was a restoration of their freedom. There was a restoration of their healing. There was a great restoration or a great return to where God really wanted them. God wanted them back in the land of Canaan, which was the promised land, Which was a land flowing with milk and honey and land with no lack. It was where he wanted them He didn’t want them under the hand of the oppressors. He didn’t want them enslaved. He didn’t want them sick He didn’t want them burdened down. He didn’t want them to have a slave mentality. He didn’t want that He wanted them to have a return to where they belonged as his people in their land So this is part of the greater Exodus. That was our example God is saying he wants us to return to the lands that he had originally given to us Not the way that we have been living not under the control of the dominion of darkness Not under the control of these globalists and their agenda and what they want you to have and what they don’t want you to have What they want you to see and what they don’t want you to see what they want you to hear and what they don’t Want you to hear again We’ve been living a life that God never intended us to live not like this But God is saying there’s a great return of what of his glory of his complete Restoration of all things that he wants upon this earth Again, you can find that in Acts chapter 3. This is great revelation This is in the Word of God that he has a complete restoration of all things Even though what the prophets of the old have talked about in the in this written word now It says in Acts chapter 3 verse 21 whom heaven must retain or receive or retain until the time of her complete restoration of all that God spoke in the mouth of his Holy Prophets for ages past in the most ancient time in the memory of man now Who heaven must receive now? I’m gonna read in Acts chapter 3 in verse 20 and They may send to you the Christ the Messiah who before was designated and appointed for you even Jesus Whom so Jesus is the one who must be retained or until the time of complete restoration of all that God has spoken by the mouth of the Holy Prophets that that means in order for Jesus to return the complete Restoration of what had been spoken by in the prophets of old comes to pass complete Restoration the complete listen complete restoration. That’s what it says This is the amplified classic amplified version of Acts chapter 3 and verse 21 You can also see another version of this in Joel chapter 2 in Joel chapter 2 and verse 25 now look at this it also talks about a restoration God is the God of restoration or God’s a God of Returning things back to the hands of the rightful owner All right now act or Joel chapter 2 and verse 25 and he says and I will restore or Replace for you the years a locust has eaten the hopping locust the stripping locust and the crawling locust my great army Which I have sent among you Again, there is time of judgment or there’s time and awakening There’s time where God will remove his hand for God’s people to turn back to him So they’re not living in the way that they were living without God They were just doing things how they wanted it to do However, they wanted to believe acting where any way they want to so God had removed his hand But there’s a time where he says a return of my hand He was just talking about this in this prophetic work a return of his hand What does that mean a return of his hand a hand is the hand of what he means in the Bible There’s a twofold for this a hand of God when it’s moving to place judgment on one party to place blessing on another I’ve talked about this many times before because this is a revelation that God has given His hand is referencing placing judgment on one party and placing blessing on another that which means taking or placing judgment on the one party who is taken what belonged to the other and Restoring it back to who it belongs to you. You can also see this in Proverbs Proverbs chapter 6 Okay, Proverbs chapter 6 and verse 30, men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is hungry, verse 31. But if he has found out, he must restore seven times what he stole. He must give the whole substance of his house if necessary to meet the fine. That means when a thief has been caught, he has to give it back. When we catch our enemy stealing from us, we can demand a seven fold return. We can demand it back seven times what he has stolen from us. Again, that’s what’s called a basically retroactive restoration. We can see the restoration. You can look up in the book of Exodus. I’ve given out so many times before Exodus chapter three, well, okay. This is an example of a retroactive restoration. So they of course, I just said that they were enslaved for over 420 some years in the book of Exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 now listen to this So, okay. First of all, I’m gonna read out of verse 19, I guess because he does talk about this first about his hand and Exodus chapter 3 verse 19 and I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go Unless forced to do so. No not by a mighty hand. So again, it’s not by your own Natural ability or natural strength. It’s by God’s hand moving. The enemy will let you go. Look, we says in verse 20 and I will stretch out my hand So again, he’s talking about look what he says. I will stretch out my hand and smite the Egypt with all my wonders in Which I will do in it and after that he will let you go So again, this is an example of God’s hand moving to place judgment on one side to place Restoration and to a return of something that was taken in to his own people now listen, then he also says in verse 21, and I will give his people favor and Respect inside the Egyptian and it shall be that when they go you shall not go empty-handed So all the possessions that not only were taken from the Israelites the Egyptians had to give it back But everything the Egyptians had they gave to the Israelites now look at this verse 22 but for every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and other than that be they may be residing at her house of jewels and articles of silver and gold and Garments which you shall put on your sons and daughters and you shall strip the Egyptians of the belongings Due to YOU the belongings due to you again This is the classic amplified version of Exodus chapter 3 19 through 22 now again, I’m gonna read that belongings due to you That is a return of something that belonged to you. That is a restoration in a retroactive restoration So everything the Egyptian had stolen from the Israelites in the land of Egypt when they were living in Goshen God said I am restoring. I am restoring what was belonging to you over the course of 400 and some years and not only am I gonna restore to you what the Egyptian had taken from you I’m gonna make sure that the Egyptians have to pay up and give to you even what they had So he gave the Israelites the wealth of the Egyptians Not only what the Egyptians stole from him, but what the Egyptians had before they stole it from him. I would say that’s complete restoration or a great return of something God will make sure the enemy gives back what he has stolen Now I’m gonna give you another scripture in Hebrews. I read this one a lot Hebrews chapter 10 write all these scriptures down if you can again go back over them I say this every day go back over them study them because God will give you great revelation I’ve been studying the book of Exodus, you know that I’ve been studying all this for the long time So this morning he’s talking about this was what this was. This was the Exodus was a return a Return a return of their freedom. He was showing me always again. God wants us to have these revelations So then we have things going on in our own life Then we can know the truth so the truth sets us free so we can take back what had been stolen from us That’s a revelation that God wants us to have now Hebrews chapter 10 now look at this You can say that in the book of Exodus with Regarding the Egyptians and against the Israelites you could say you God’s vengeance God was judging That’s why there was judgments with the plagues with the Egyptians and what they were doing to God’s people There was vengeance the vengeance of God you can listen to this Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 30 for we know him who said that vengeance is mine. Retribution and the meting out of full justice rests with me. Listen to this. I will repay. I will exact the compensation says the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and sell the cause in the cases of his people. He’s the one he said, I will exact the compensation. All right. Now let’s look up. He just has me do this right now. I wasn’t planning on this or I would have had this already up. I’m looking at the definition for compensation. Something typically, money, awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering. Another one is the action or process of awarding someone money as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering. So again, recompense or compensation, monetary Haman given to individuals or exchange for their services. this. Um, so I’m going to go back to that, that, um, retribution. I’m going to read it. I want to find retribution, um, and get the definition for this. Again, this is how I study. I study by, I will look up scriptures. I will look up definitions of words because that’s just, he unctions me to do that. And when he does that, then I was like get a greater revelation of what he was meaning in that scripture or what he was meeting in that prophetic word. And it just jumps out at me like a magnifying glass. I just get super excited about it. As you can tell I’m super excited about today this one today. All right now retribution Punishment inflicted on someone as Vengeance for a wrong or a criminal act now if you think about this for a minute When God said in his Word in Proverbs 6 30 and 31 when a thief has been caught He’s got to give it back seven times Well, you got think about this for a minute when you when you a thief when they steal something something it’s a criminal act So when God is talking about retribution, he’s talking about compensation. Again, retribution, punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance, God says vengeance is his, that means he’s gonna make sure of retribution. He’s gonna make sure of compensation. He’s gonna make sure a return of what belonged to you gets into your hands, and he’s gonna make the enemy pay for it. That’s God’s promise. That’s what he’s saying. Again, this is the reason why we should all be excited in the body of Christ No matter what the enemy does that he has to give it back Everything he has taken and that’s guaranteed. I want to show you another Example of this in the Word of God which is in Job All right in Job. All right. This is Job Job 42. So another example of what had been stolen was given back. Job, Job. Now when people refer to the story of Job, they refer to the story of Job as an, Oh my gosh, the horror that man went through that short time. It was probably between nine to 18 months of his life in these, in these chapters where he lost everything. I mean, he literally lost everything. And so people, when they tell the story of Job, they tell the story of his loss. They don’t tell the story of his return, of the recompense, of the retribution that God had given him. Now listen to this. Job chapter 42 and verse 10. And the Lord returned the captivity of Job and restored his Fortunes and when he prayed for his friends. Also, the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before It was a great return God had taken Everything that Satan had stolen from Job and God had given it back to Job times two So that’s twofold. He gave it back to him twice twice the time no matter what the enemy had did God gave him two Times with Satan has stolen from him. So again, most people and religion. Well, can they also They always talk about what Job lost But it wasn’t just a sad story Job did lose all these things and it was horrible and it was awful but at the same time at the end of the book of Job it talks about a Return a return of everything that’s been stolen and then he got it double double for his trouble you could say So God promises us we can get seven times. So the worst-case scenario you get double But God has promised us. No, you can call in seven times You think about this for a minute all these examples. I’ve just given you in the Bible of God promising complete restoration God promising a return God promising a retribution God promising all these things to you a Compensation of what the enemy has stolen. He will return to you. So the enemy has stolen from you He’s not gonna be able to keep it if you know the truth and that truth set you free you can say Satan I know what you’ve done to me. I know that you’ve stolen from me and I command it back seven times It is written remember all the times when Jesus spoke to Satan He said is written that men shall not live by bread alone But by what every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. So if we’re thinking about this Our words can help return to us what has been stolen We can decree a thing we decree a thing and be established Unto us now if we and again another scriptures now We can sit there and say and we know what has been stolen from us We know our freedoms have been stolen We know that our peace has been stolen. Our joy has been stolen. Families have been stolen. Finances, jobs, whatever it is. You can say, Father God, I thank you. It says in your word that you are in the job. You’re in the business of complete restoration. You said vengeance is yours. So I thank you, Father God, for the vengeance. I thank you, Father God, for placing judgment on my adversary, to place blessing on me. And I thank you for a retroactive restoration of everything this enemy has stolen from me. I commend it back times seven it is written and I know it says in your word in Isaiah 55 11 your word is not returned you avoid I Thank you that it will accomplish when what it pleases and you prosper the things for which you have sent it I thank you Father. God. I have my Restoration do you see the difference in going into prayer closets and just freaking out? Getting into fear getting into worry and you’re saying God, that’s what it looks like That’s what it looks like this. That’s what it looks like and just get overwhelmed and then you just tell him everything’s going wrong But you’re not giving him his word back. God is saying to us this day. We have to know that God is a God that has recompense on his heart a Great return the great return of what what he’s saying this prophetic word. I’m gonna go back over it Okay, I’m gonna go back over it right now. And then, um, I’ll give you any other scriptures that he wants me to give you THE GREAT RETURN not just ‘a’ THE he’s specific a GREAT RETURN of coming of it the return of a great return is coming a return to the king What King of Kings Lord of Lords Jesus a great return to Jesus? That should be exciting right there a great return to morality Amen, I’m a very excited about that one a great return to freedom a return to justice a return of a great and mighty nation a Return of a rightful President a return of a powerful body of Christ a return to peace a return to truth a return to my Glory upon this earth a return to order a return to power in the hands it belongs to a return of the world out of the hands of the wicked a return of my children into my lands and into my authority a Great return of my of children a great return of children because children have been stolen The innocence of children have been stolen How God’s gonna return all that? I don’t know but he says he will a great return of children into my Okay, hold on a great return of my children into my lands and to my authority a great return of children families wealth jobs inventions corporations rightful governments rightful positions in who they really belong to If you’ve had a job stolen from you that rightfully belonged to you, God is saying he can restore it, but even give you a better one. A return of the actual White House and the anointed one I have chosen. Again, things that have been stolen have to be returned. It’s not if, it’s when. Everything stolen has to be returned, especially if you’ve catched them. And our thieves we’ve see today in our nations have been caught That these we see before us have been caught The return of a great and mighty nation and not a twisted version your enemies wanted you to see or believe in the return of the airwaves the hands of my children on the true side of truth a Great return of miracles signs and wonders a return back to me the most high God It returned him to people’s first love, which is my son Jesus praise the Lord and people stop doing things unto themselves will do it unto the Lord the return to Jesus and Not the world’s way of doing things a return of mine of the nation’s the return of congregations to the rightful pastors a return to a great mighty victory a Return of wealth. That’s the wealth transfer a return of health a return of freedom in your minds a return of your Right way of thinking because propaganda deception They have twisted people’s minds in the ways that they’ve been thinking so they don’t not thinking the right way So God says he’s a Restorer that remember in the book of Exodus. There was no feeble that included they had a sound mind a Return of power. I say again in my children it is a time to arise and take this day return to the economy again out of the hands of the wicked a Return of my hand remember talked about his hand. I show you what his hand did. That’s just one example There’s many different examples of his hand And we turn to this world and what it has for my children. So everything in it member He said in the Word of God in Psalm It says that the earth is is given over to the children of men. So everything in this earth is ours He also talks about that in Genesis 1 26 through 28 You can find that out complete authority dominion and power over all of it also in Luke 10 and 19 Yes, I say a great and mighty return of my angel armies a great in return to the to me say the Lord a great revival because of the great truth pouring out and filling this earth a great return to your promised lands your promised way of living a great a return of great and mighty anointing that will get the world’s attention a Return to church a return of great hunger for my word. My children is time for a great Exodus Which is the great return to how things have been to where they should have been all along That’s part of the great Exodus or we turn to things that should have been all along That means the body of Christ Aligning with Jesus the body of Christ being that light being that salt into the world and bringing God’s glory bringing God’s Word Into the world for this complete Restoration of all things which is talked about in the book of Acts So again, this is a reason why we should all be excited no matter what things look like Return to God return to his word return to truth Return to joy and freedom that God has get ready for this great return of spirituality of discernment of resurrection power It’s coming. So be prepared get ready Get ready So that twice to move get ready to stand and get ready to fight and get ready to receive Because it’s that time of great restoration on to my children So again, he’s saying it’s time for the great restoration on to his children and I wanted to make you guys aware of that Because it’s time for us to be aware. It’s time to receive Rejoice in this restoration rejoice with this is a great Return It’s not if it will happen it Will happen he had me put that in bold This is guaranteed because I have guaranteed it and I’m a sure thing and the world will soon know that Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. So again, God is telling us this great Exodus is another example of a great return a great return to the authority that God’s children truly have Revelation knowledge truth that will set people free. It should never be the government controlling the world It really should be the children of Almighty God having a complete authority in Dominion in this earth Which God has spoken about in his written word more than once that we have. I just gave you the scriptures. We have Authority it should not be in the hands of the wicked but again and Hosea of four six and I say this all the time and I stress this because the Lord does We are destroyed for a lack of knowledge so if you don’t have a lack of knowledge of the power and authority and dominion you have you don’t have the Knowledge that you have the right to a return of things that have been stolen from you that you can call it in you can call it back then you won’t look for it you won’t ask for it and then their enemy steals it from you and then he’s able to keep it and so that’s why it’s important to know the truth of God’s written word to know what he says so you can have what belongs to you I heard from a pastor one time was a great revelation of this of God’s people so this was a true story this was a person who lived under a bridge they were homeless person they lived under a and then unfortunately they died under that bridge. But come to find out that person was actually the sole heir of inheritance of $300 million. So that person lived homeless, but didn’t know they were an heir. They were an heir and what rightfully belonged to them was $300 million. But what good did that do for them? because they didn’t know. It was theirs. It had their name on it, but they didn’t know about it. And because they didn’t know about it, that person did not have the right just to go into a lawyer and say, hey, that will says my name, and I take what belongs to me. That person died without knowing that. When they rightfully had an inheritance so large, They would have not have had to worry about money They would have had a place to live That person could have given some of that money and been a great distribution center my point Is that a lot of God’s children don’t know what God has for them and what has their name on it? And if they don’t know that They won’t demand it. They won’t expect it. They won’t receive it And the how we know this is to get in God’s written word, which is his will You know Jesus died. This is his will for us of what he longs and desires for us to have But how do you know what rightfully belongs to you if you don’t know what the will says? That person died not knowing God is trying to get his children’s attention of knowing what’s in his will So, not only do you know about it, what God has for you, but you can be partakers and be able to enjoy that inheritance that Jesus paid for and he died for. This is important right now for us to know who we are in Christ Jesus, us to know the authority that we have in Christ Jesus, us to know that Jesus died so we could live. He suffered so we wouldn’t have to suffer. And so many people suffer on a daily basis. He has taken that away. But Satan doesn’t want you to know that Jesus took it away for you. He doesn’t want you to know that. He wants you to know that you’re just some lowly sinner. But if you don’t know the truth, that you’ve been made the righteousness of God through Christ, that you won’t be partaker of that redemption. You won’t fight for your redemption rights or what belongs to you. So this is what’s so important in the body of Christ right now that we know the truth The truth will set us free so we can take back and we can be a part of THE GREAT RETURN Praise the Lord. I mean how exciting is this again? This is not just words on a on a piece of paper or a word on a screen These are God’s words and they line up with his written word and he’s trying to get his he’s like, hey Hey, I’ve got these things for you and I want you to be partakers of it. This is not just about money. This is about freedom in your mind. This is about freedom in your soul, your mind, your will and your emotions. Freedom right here. Freedom in your bodies. Freedom in your families. Freedom. Jesus died for your freedom. And our enemy is trying to do everything he can and use every person he can to take those freedoms away. And what do we do? We have to know that truth so that truth sets us free So we can fight the good fight of faith and take back and receive this great return Alright, I want to pray over each and every one of you heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus We want to thank you for the revelation of this great return We want to thank you Father God that everything the enemy has stolen from your people Every person that’s watching the sound of my voice all viewers all partners Father Got all people who are watching I thank and praise you heavenly Father that they have a return of everything that’s been stolen I thank you that this revelation Resonates on the inside of them and it just grows and it grows and it grows it grows on the inside of them So when they find out the truth that it sets them free they take back they take back and they they empty the reservoirs Of the enemy of what he has taken from them and I thank you Father God every blinder is removed. All hearts are softened and I thank you Father. God fear is destroyed I bind that spirit of fear right now in the name of Jesus Christ. I Bind it. I rebuke it and I render it helpless And I thank you Father God for truth setting your people free this day This day they’re set free this day. They’re restored this day. I Thank you Father God That they know who they are in Christ, that they’re not by themselves, and it’s never the end until they win. I thank you for giving them that hope, giving them that courage, but giving them that strength to hold on. And I thank you, Father God, for it. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Again, I hope it’s encouraging today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know. Who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day

This the clearest commitment so far to a radical renewal of society that can only be achieved by a massive injection of supernatural magic that has been withheld for millennia. The with-holding of the magic for so long allowed evil to triumph and take us to the brink of mass extermination. The with-holding of restorative magic is still very much in force as we see serious crimes by many enemies like Hunter Biden and Hilary Clinton still going unpunished. Not one orange suit yet.
Yet the process of awakening and activating sleeping populations is happening as EU nations are enjoying conservative electoral push backs with Spain and Sweden going back to Nuclear reactors and communist German politicians doing an about-face declaring coal actually “Green” after all. following the bombing of the Nordstream 2 pipeline from Russia.
Amazingly France’s Macron wants to join BRICS the new alliance of alternative international currencies to walk away from the global 75 years dominance of the US dollar in international transactions. ( I am told it will come back.)
Seems like a great idea doesnt it ? Globalism smashed, cut in half, EU smashed as Macron joins BRICS and numerous countries including German politicians want to leave the EU. So a new BRICS globalism arises eh ?
Well not so fast.
Macron is facing removal for corruption and he is partying during the current shooting-of-a-youth riots.
BRICS leading “partner” is CHINA. And China is collapsing economically, and population wise (kindergartens closing) due to its communist party government actually being organised crime gutting native Chinese corporations.
So unsurprisingly Chinese millionaires and Billionaires are leaving China in droves.
Conservative Video headlines say it all.
few examples
“LARGEST EVACUATION! Foxconn ( Apple) & 200+ Listed Companies Flee China to Vietnam, the End of MADE IN CHINA!”
Comment I left
That a Communist Chinese government would overtax native corporations so they leave the country is a stunning indictment of the CCPs lack of business acumen. So the hugely productive benefit of the slave labour 72 hour week is lost because of the taxation greed of the CCP. And 90 million workers have applied for visas to migrate out. And their cities are emptying. They are baking Falling into their future, the CCP.

Billionaire immigrants destination preferences in order.
Unites States, Canada, Australia UK Singapore

More headlines
(Migration Report) CCP’s Nightmare Is Coming! 13,500 Tycoons Flee China, $48 Billion Taken Away, Highest Number Global
Just ONE CCP scam explained
At various levels of the Chinese government, there are schemes to seize profitable private enterprises through “joint ventures”
In some projects, the government only invests one yuan but demands a 49% or 51% stake. Private business owners either have to compromise to obtain the project or close down.
When John asked Mike if there is still a possibility for a comeback now that the central government is once again emphasizing private enterprises, Mike responded, “Take out as much money as you can and leave as soon as possible (meaning emigrate).
No one has confidence in Xi Jinping anymore.”
Excerpt from narration explains the unstoppable collapse
Moreover, under the CCP’s authoritarian system characterized by the symbiotic relationship between power and wealth, many billionaires have made money due to their political connections.
They either spend money to cultivate relationships with officials or are officials themselves.
In such an environment of collusion between power and money and rampant corruption, almost everyone has voluntarily or involuntarily engaged in wrongdoing, which means almost everyone has potential vulnerabilities.
Therefore, rather than staying in the country and becoming the next sacrificial lamb in the anti-corruption campaign, it is better to escape overseas early and live the rest of their lives without constant fear and worry.
Useful summary of why Chinese business class is deserting their homeland.
The question of why Chinese entrepreneurs, including China’s homegrown tycoons, are considering leaving their homeland requires deeper examination. Cao Dewang, known widely as
China’s “Glass King,” detailed his motivations behind his decision to invest in the United States. He pointedly noted that, of a million earned, a mere 420,000 stays in one’s pocket in China, a figure dwarfed by its US equivalent of 600,000. China’s low labour costs are overshadowed by the environmental and fire safety related costs, amplifying the actual tax burden to 45%, a significant drag on an entrepreneur’s income. Sentiments of disenchantment with China are
shared by foreign entrepreneurs. Many perceive China’s manufacturing environment as failing to eclipse its international competitors significantly. Challenges abound,
from labour costs to locating capable, honest manufacturers, to protecting intellectual property. Add to these issues the slow pace of Chinese transportation, an unwillingness amongst manufacturers to accept orders below a certain volume, the volatility of China’s economic and political climate, and perpetually shifting trade regulations.
The nail in the coffin, however, is the unshakeable perception of “Made in China” as a byword for substandard quality in the Western world, a reputation proving hard to shed.
The habits of the Chinese are distinguishable no matter where they venture. These indelible traits could potentially put Chinese enterprises in awkward predicaments in overseas ventures. For instance, a Chinese company won a bid to build a school in Thailand, promising a timeline that was significantly shorter than that of local companies. However, their failure to adhere to this agreed timeframe resulted not just in unfinished work, but also a hefty fine. In conclusion, geopolitical uncertainties have compelled many Chinese companies to follow the shifting currents of the global industrial chain.
However, their practical operational capabilities, questionable domestic habits, and the international community’s largely negative perception of China all pose significant hurdles
to their progress abroad. Even in the era of globalization, the reception towards Chinese enterprises remains tepid at best. The influence of the Chinese Communist Party certainly casts a long shadow over the reputation of these enterprises. Though Chinese companies actively scout for overseas markets, the road ahead is fraught with challenges and unknowns.

So CHINA will not be the biggest Economy of the world ever. Its already passed its highwater mark.
90 million chinese people have applied to leave china. Its their main workforce ! They gaze at the US Canada and Australia and UK.
They will damage whatever country they go to.
There will be no invasion of Taiwan. They cant afford it.
BRICS is likely to go badly with China collapsing
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