Searchable transcript for the Serious.
Wave of death among the Elites promised. Execution language. WOW

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody today is Thursday July 6 of 2023 and I do have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today And it’s called DEAD MAN WALKING This is the second prophetic word. I heard on June 22nd The first one was the one I gave to you yesterday So this was also on the prayer team call so I will be sharing my screen with you Once I’m done sharing the screen, I will get back on and give you scriptures or whatever else The Lord has for me to give to you today And I also will be pre recording for tomorrow’s video one of my sons does have surgery tomorrow So I have to be out of the office again tomorrow. So I wanted to make sure that I do pre record this for you So you have the word that God has for each and every one of you tomorrow, Friday, July 7th. Okay, before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMinternational.org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Downport, Iowa, 52807. So again, I’m gonna be sharing my screen with you here, and as soon as the video is done, I will be right back. And I mean, there’s more than one.
There are people who have withstood. There are people who have gotten extremely arrogant and prideful and stood their ground in positions that didn’t belong to them. Men and women who stole for their own purposes and their own reason, for more money and for more power. Yes, there are DEAD MEN WALKING I say this day, there is judgments coming, great judgments for those who stood in offices that did not belong to them. There’s great judgments coming for those seats of power that they were never meant to be there. How they put themselves there, there has been strategies. There has been many things that the enemies have done. Great planning, they thought, to strategically put certain people in certain places to get exactly what they want in everything, not only in this nation, but around the world. There are many DEAD MEN WALKING in this government, but in governments all over, because this is a time of judgment. This is a time of removals. This is a time of a great shift of power. This is a time that the world will know who these people really are. And all that they have done against humanity, all they have done with freedoms, all they have done with your food and your air and your soil and all they have done in your governments, all they have done, all of these things, and with your economy, how they were puppet masters and they had puppet strings, and they were doing all these things they wanted. I am making sure each and every one of those men and women, They’re coming out of the shadows. They’re coming out of the darkness and places that they so wanted to hide in. They’re coming out because my light is shining them out. Remember this day what I said. Things will happen in your White House. Things will happen in your Capitol. Things will happen in governments worldwide Suddenly. Suddenly people will leave. Suddenly people will be removed. Suddenly some will die. I’ve used the word tribunal. I have used the word justice. I have used the word many, many times before treason. Treason. Many people have committed treason. These high crimes you’ve never thought they could possibly do and they did. And they think that they protected themselves, surrounding themselves with judges and lawyers and other political people to protect them behind their walls and their doors. They too are DEAD MEN WALKING But this is the day and the hour where there is going to be many judged in political positions. their walls of protection I’ve told you they have come down no matter what it looks like, haul them down. Suddenly people will drop, suddenly people will be removed, suddenly people will just leave and retire. But this is my hand moving and correcting and cleansing this country. The nations around the Israel. I’m protecting them from their enemies. I’m protecting this nation, the Eagle, my United States, from their enemies. I’m protecting. Not only am I protecting, but I’m showing. I’m showing the world who the protector really is. And I’m showing all of these men who boldly stood up and thought that they could just overthrow me. I’m going to show them how mightily idle(?) (ireful ?) I really am. I’m going to show them who I really am. I’m going to show them how I am the most high God. I am showing the world that I am a deliverer and great deliverance is coming. So remember these words, DEAD MEN WALKING When you see of Presidents being removed, when you see Congressmen and women being removed, when you see senators being removed, when you see prime ministers being removed, any government official being removed, lawyers, judges being removed, generals being removed. Yes, people in high places, their judgment has come and it’s time for great judgment to be seen. Sayeth the Lord.
Julie Commentary Okay, of course, I’ll go back over this prophetic word once again, but God has given us several different times where he’s talked about judgment. Now I want to read something. As you know, of course, I always go over the Exodus, but there’s something that when I was listening to that prophetic word while you guys were listening to it again. This is one scripture that came to my heart, so I want to make sure I share it with you. This is Exodus chapter 15 in verse 6. It says, Your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power. Your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy. So when our enemy looks like it’s out of control, it looks like they’re winning. They’re getting away with everything they want. They can do whatever they want. They’re they’re protecting themselves in every way and there’s nothing that’s ever going to get to them That’s what it looked like in the land of Egypt as well It looked like Pharaoh could do whatever he wanted when he wanted to do it It looks like no matter how many times Moses went back to him and said let my people go It was like Pharaoh laughed in his face and said who are you? Not doing that. I can do whatever I want. I’m Pharaoh. This is my land. This is my kingdom And I’m in charge That’s how arrogant he was Moses went back how many times how many different plagues were there ten and No matter how many times he went back It seemed like Pharaoh was not ever gonna do anything and then he made it worse on the children of Israel We talked was all the time and it has gotten worse. It seemed like on the body of Christ even today no matter how many times the prophets have spoken and said let my people go or how many times we have heard in prophetic words that there is going to be a Deliverance there is going to be a shift there is gonna be judgments There is going to be a turnaround and there’s gonna be great reveals and there’s gonna be great removals and it looks like it’s not Happened yet, and it looks like nothing’s going on. It looks like things are getting worse instead of better. It’s the same thing happen then This is not different Remember, there’s nothing new under the Sun When Moses was doing that remember when Moses was going back to Pharaoh and he was saying let my people go and then Pharaoh would Make it worse on the children of Israel They were mad at him. They were mad at Moses instead of being mad at Pharaoh. They were mad at Moses They were mad at the one who was trying to help them Because they were thinking what he was doing was making their life worse It’s another strategic part of the enemy strategy of war is a put a lot of pressure on and if you put more pressure on and more pressure on and more pressure on you will easily give in to their power their authority and their control and whatever they want when you are under pressure like that that is when we have to what just like it was yesterday’s teaching the F’s firm focused foundation on the Father. I’m going to say that again. Firm, Focused, Foundation and the Father. Because your enemy is deceiving, distracting, destroying. In 3Ds. Because the devil. Deceive, distract, destroy. That’s what the devil wants. But if we open the Word of God and find out what it says, again, your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power. Your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy. Verse seven, this is Exodus chapter 15 and verse seven. In the greatness of your majesty, you overthrow those rising against you. What he’s been talking about a lot of different prophetic words. He’s been talking about moving his right hand, moving his hand and placing judgment. Remember his right hand is referencing placing judgment on one party to place blessing on another. So he says again, Exodus 15 and verse 7, in the greatness of your majesty, you overthrow those who rise up against you. You send forth your fury and it consumes them like a stubble. There is nothing bigger than God. There’s no one bigger than God. There’s no amount of money that can stop God and his will. Nothing. I don’t care how many globalists there are. They’re not going to stop God. verse 8 With a blast of your nostrils the waters piled up and the floods were stood fixed in a heap the deep congealed in the heart of the sea verse 9 the enemy said I will pursue I will overtake I will divide the spoil my desire shall be satisfied upon them I will draw my sword in my hand shall destroy them Verse 10, you Lord blew your wind, though his wind destroyed the enemy. You your Lord blew your wind, the sea covered them. They sank as lead in the mighty waters. Verse 11, who is like you, oh Lord, among the Gods, who is like you glorious and holiness and awesome and splendor doing wonders with the breath of his nostrils, the Red Sea parted and by his wind the Red Sea came down on the enemy and that was their ultimate destruction but it looked like the enemy was going to win it looked like the enemy had the God’s people exactly where they wanted them and it wasn’t true but that’s what it looked like remember how many times God has said you probably get tired of hearing me say this but God is saying so many times over and over again Things are not how they appear to be now when I read something else I know I’ve brothers to you as before it’s another scripture that came this morning all right so Hebrews 10 and 30 for we know him who said of vengeance is mine retribution and the meting out of full justice rests with me I will repay I will exact the compensation says the Lord and again the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause in the cases of his people God is the judge over all the earth.” Psalm 75 and verse 7. He puts down one and brings up another. God is the judgment, say that again, over all the earth. So right now you have a lot of unruly judges, you have a lot of lawlessness, you have a lot of injustice, and it frustrates people because where there’s injustice, people perish. They get frustrated, they get overwhelmed, they give in, they quit Because they don’t see justice is ever gonna be served. So they give in to the power of the enemy or they give into a deception We can never give up or give in No matter how bad it seems no matter what it looks like. We cannot give in to what the enemy wants us to give in to Again, I’m gonna read this again Hebrews 10 30 listen to this very carefully study this scripture out. I love it’s the only favorite scriptures I mean, I’m gonna be wrong. I love the whole Bible Love this scripture, especially when there was times where I was going through something. It was so hard to deal with and I’d look at the scripture and I’d read it over and over and over again for we know who him who said Vengeance is Mine Retribution and the meting out of how much justice full Justice rests with me. So it rests with God. I Again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause in the cases of his people God is the one who does it and We will never be put to shame God is a sure thing He says Vengeance is Mine. We don’t have to get get revenge We don’t have to sit there and try to figure this out and try to get back at the ones who are against us No, we just let God deal with it But Julie, how is this all gonna play out? I don’t know. I Just know that God promises in his word that he always causes us to triumph. I’m sitting there and I’m reading these scriptures and just Knowing that God Doesn’t ever let us down. I want to read another one Luke Luke 18 and This is verse 1. Also Jesus told them a parable of the fact that they ought always and listen they are they ought always To pray not to turn coward faint lose heart or give up What is the enemy ultimately trying to do right now is it cause you to faint is It to cause you to turn to be turned coward and To lose heart and to give up that’s it Your enemy’s ultimate plan if he can put so much pressure on you or he can make a certain situation or circumstance Look so bad. Trust me. There’s even times not that long ago that there were certain situations in my own life where it looked like things were getting worse and not better and it’s sometimes you have to really force yourself to pick yourself up and Read the Word of God and say no, I’m not gonna move by what I see. This is a time I know I’m gonna walk by faith. I’m not gonna walk by sight. I will not be moved. I will not quit I will not be defeated because Jesus is my victory You have to be your own cheerleader Remember what David did I talked about to me many times before with David and Ziggler? He had to encourage himself in the Lord. These are the days right now we are all going through things that it’s hard to deal with and It looks really Overwhelming and difficult and so stupid like it just looks so ridiculous Like how are you ever gonna overcome the situation and instead of getting better? It’s getting worse. You’re just like God What’s going on? And then Micah chapter 7 verse 8 comes to my heart all the time Rejoice not against me. Oh my enemy for when I fall I Shall rise God is our light in the midst of darkness So it doesn’t matter how dark many things may seem it doesn’t matter what’s going on and how bad it looks God is absolutely good. But God is also the light in the midst of that darkness. I Want to read something else. So your enemy remember yesterday’s video The enemy roams around seeking who he may devour. He roams around like a lion. He’s not a lion He just roams around like a lion So seeking who he may don’t let him devour you and be steadfast firm and confident in the fact that you Will not be shaken. You will let me move. You will not lose You will not quit you will not give up because God is the God who said I am your victory Because he’s Jehovah Nissi. He’s our banner or our victory he is victory and so Hold your place right there at Luke 18 1. I want to read something else really quickly to you Hebrews Go back to Hebrews chapter 10. This is verse 23 though So when your adversaries trying to get you to turn coward faint lose heart and give up Hebrews 10 23 says so let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess in our Acknowledgement of it for he whose promise is reliable sure and faithful to his word Okay, he’s reliable and faithful to his word. Where’s his word say he always causes us to triumph It also his word says that we can do all things through who through Christ whom strengthens us He also says that we’re the head not the tail. We are the above not beneath He also says our enemies underneath underneath our feet said our enemy has been disarmed. He said our enemy has been brought to nothing He’s reliable and sure and faithful to his word in verse 24 and let us consider and give attention Continuous care to watching over one another studying how we may stir up stimulate and incite to love and helpful deeds and of notable activities But if you also read I’m gonna go back to Luke 18 in a second But this is Hebrews 10 35 Through 36 you’re not therefore fling away your fearless confidence For it carries a great and glorious compensation and reward For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance. This is verse 36 So that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God thus receive and carry away and enjoy the full of what is promised There is a reward of those who will not give up and quit Who will not faint who will not lose heart There is a reward God rewards those who are consistent and Persistent and who will not give up and who will not quit who will walk by faith and not by sight Who will stand strong and use the authority that God has given to them and refuse to give in to what the enemy is saying or? doing God rewards those now I want to read Luke 18 and verse 7. Luke 18 and verse 7. And will not our just God defend and protect and avenge his elect, his chosen ones? Right now people are questioning if God will defend us. They’re questioning if God’s gonna do anything. They’re questioning if anything’s gonna change. They’re questioning if this is gonna keep getting worse instead of getting better. And God, where is God in all of this? And God’s just letting this happen because this person did this and this person did that. And you know, we’re just living in the time of judgment right now. God is saying there is a time of judgment. He’s judging our enemies for what they’ve done to us. The church has to get up off their tuchus or off their bottom and we have to, and I know I’m using some words, you guys are probably laughing at me, but we have to get up instead of sitting down, we have to stand up and fight the good fight of faith which God has called us to do, the just to live by faith, and when we stand and fight the good fight of faith. It’s a fight that we win. We have to get off our backsides and we have to stand up. We have to hold that line. We have to refuse to give up, refuse to give in. We have to stand firm, stand strong, and stand united and say we will not be divided. We will not quit. We will not give in. We will not lose and we will not let our adversary take a victory that Jesus has already won for us. Can I get an amen? That’s the kind of attitude that we have to have Okay We do I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word because this is this is something that people like DEAD MEN WALKING what? So was Pharaoh Pharaoh and all of his men were dead men walking. They just didn’t know it So this is what it says a dead man walking and I mean, there’s more than one There are people who have with stood there are people who have gotten Extremely arrogant and prideful and stood their ground and positions. They didn’t belong to them Men and women who stole for their own purposes their own reason for more money and for more power Yes, there are DEAD MEN WALKING I say this day this is judgment is coming in great judgment for those who have stood in offices that did not belong to them This is happening all over the world This is a great judgment is coming for those seats of power that were never meant to be there how they put themselves there That’s why God says in his word in Psalm 75 and verse 7 Well, I was just telling you about earlier. He puts down one and brings up another God is the one who removes Men think they can stay in positions of power just like Pharaoh I’m sure he thought he could stay in that position of power too. And God says no you don’t When people are against God they lose People will not it doesn’t matter how much money they have how many people back them They can’t stay if it’s against the will of God period he says, um There is great judgments coming great judgments for those who have stood in offices that don’t belong to them This is a great judgment coming for those seats of power that were never theirs Never meant to be there how they put themselves there because they have They put themselves in places all over the world and God says Not Today not gonna happen. You’re not staying in those positions There has been strategies or has been many things that evil has done with great planning They thought strategically to put certain people in positions to get exactly what they want and everything now only in this nation But around the world There are men many many dead men walking in this government but in the government’s all over because this is the time of Great judgment again. He talked about great judgment. And when we see judgment Remember, it’s placing judgment on one and place blessing on another. This is a time of great removals Or this time of removals, excuse me. This is time of great shifts of power This is a time that the world will know who these people really are and all that they have done against humanity All they have done with the freedoms all they have done with your food all they’ve done with your air all they’ve done with your Soil all they have done in your governments all they have done all these things and with your economy how they were Puppets they were puppet masters. They had puppet strings So there was puppet masters with puppets that they were controlling them with strings. That’s what he’s saying This is all spiritual. You can obviously know that but and they were doing all of these things that way wanted They’re just in there making all these decisions doing everything want to putting in yes men and women all these different positions Using them as their puppets wherever they wanted to say whatever they wanted them to say Thinking they’re just gonna get out whatever they want including putting people in places of power as in like places of judges to have the law backing them up just in case anybody was trying to fight them back. He says, I am making sure each and every one of them, men and women, they’re coming out of the shadows, they’re coming out of the darkness places that they wanted to hide in. They’re coming out because my light is shining, my light is shining them out because God is light. Remember this day what I said, things will happen in your White House, things will happen in your Capitol, things will Happen in your governments worldwide. Suddenly suddenly people will leave suddenly people will be removed Suddenly some will die. I have used the world word tribunal. I’ve used the word justice I have used the word many many times before treason Treason many people have committed treason these high crimes You’ve never thought they would could possibly do and they did and they think that they protected themselves Surrounding themselves with judges and lawyers and other political people to protect them behind their walls and their doors They too. They are too DEAD MEN WALKING This is a day in the hour where there is going to be many judge and political positions the walls of protection I’ve told you that come down No matter what it looks like call them down suddenly suddenly people will drop suddenly people be removed Suddenly people will just leave and retire. This is my hand moving and correcting and cleansing this country The nation’s around the world like including the land of Israel. I am protecting them from their enemies I’m protecting this nation the eagle my United States from their enemies. I’m protecting and now I’m protecting he keeps saying that he’s probably he’s Protecting he said but I’m showing and I’m showing the world who’s the protector really is God says he’s showing the world who the protector really is and I’m showing all of them All these men who boldly stood up and thought they could just overthrow me I’m going to show them how mightily I am. I’m going to show them who I really am I’m going to show them how I am the most I got I’m showing the world that I am the deliverer the great deliverance is coming so remember these words DEAD MEN WALKING when you see of Presidents being removed He said PresidentS. He didn’t say President more than one Presidents being removed when you see Congressmen and women being removed when you see senators being removed You see prime ministers being removed. We see any government officials being removed We see lawyers judges being removed generals being removed. Yes people in High Places their judgment has come in this time of great judgment to be seen So judgment has come but now he’s saying it’s time for the judgment to be seen So again, this is where we as children of Almighty God Say what have a Firm Focused Foundation on the Father. It’s no matter what things look like no matter how crazy they may seem to be appearing God is saying stay Firm and Focus on the Father have that Foundation We are going to start seeing things and people I know are wondering Why is it taking so long? What’s going on? This has been going on for this time. This has been going on for this time And God is saying listen, it’s all the timing of God. God is never late. He’s not he’s not late God can retroactively restore What has been stolen including the time don’t ask how we can do that, but that’s just God Look what he did with the children of Israel in the land of Egypt. He restored those 425 years to them. He gave him back their health. He gave him back their wealth their like their their well-being. He gave him back their Finances he gave him back their freedom Retroactively restored would have been stolen from them over for over 400 years God is that same God. He is that same God who showed up for them. He is that God. And so when you think about all these different things, I love, and I know I quote this a lot, but I love stories like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I love the stories of David. I love the story of Daniel. I love these stories. And the reason why is because they were in these predicaments. They were in these situations where it was just impossible. They could not have gotten out without God, but even we’re in impossible situations. That’s when God of the impossible shows up So we should be excited today. So I want to pray a reach and every one of you No matter what’s going on in the world and what’s going on in your own life. God is your victory Heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus I just lift up every person the sound of my voice and I want to praise and thank you Father this day that this is a Day that you have made we will rejoice to be glad in it I thank you Father God for your glory to shine upon your people I thank you Father. God that pain has to go. I thank you Father. God that sickness has to go I thank you Father. God that every knee must bow to the sound of the name of Jesus So Satan I bind you away from God’s people I render you helpless against them and I command that they have their victories through the blood of Jesus Christ We are rightfully theirs I thank you for our Father God for removing their blinders for opening their eyes for softening their heart I thank you Father God for getting them up when they have fallen down I thank you for God for restoring their joy restoring their peace and everything that’s been stolen from them and their well-being in their mind They’re sold Father. God. I thank and praise you heavenly Father that you are their Prince of Peace I thank you Father God that you are their joy because you are their strength I want to praise and thank you Father God you always cause your children to triumph So no matter what situation they are going in we are calling in and declaring in that their victories Right now by the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I thank you Father God this very day that you’re showing them how special they are You’re showing them Father God their calling and then you’ve gifted them with everything that they have to have for this very day in this Very hour no matter what they have to have you are it you have given them every tool You’ve given them everything they need You’ve already given it to him And I thank you they see every situation through your eyes and not their own Through their eyes of Christ the eyes of that blood that Jesus is blood that was shed for us and we see through all that and we see it to the other side and We see our victory. It’s already been paid for and I thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. Amen Remember, I just pray you see through the other side of the bloodline of what Jesus has done. It’s already done. It’s already been completed. Remember he said it is finished It is finished your enemies defeat is finished. It’s already been done It’s already been one it’s already been guaranteed You see through that bloodline you see through that you see through the eyes of Christ You see what he’s already done for you, and then you won’t be shaken and you won’t be moved God’s got it Keep thinking that and keep saying that God’s got it. God’s got me. God’s got the situation around the world I thank you Father God that your hands are bigger Than anything that we see today And just thank him. He’s a judge over all the earth Nothing’s gonna stop the will of Almighty God So anyway, I hope this encouraged you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone You know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

Umpteen repetitions of DEAD MEN WALKING is an ominous display of the seriousness of the situation. No more Mr Nice Guy. One detects anger toward the ones convicted who wont repent. Ensuring their removal.
Ensuring our liberation from the evildoers. And it appears to be so imminent. This is exceedingly exciting.
On another familiar note, readers might recall 5 months ago I made a video critical of Julie Green Augmented I certainly forgot. Anyway somebody called LoveSumsitup left a coupla very brief comments to the effect she was missing me ( so I thought she was one of those Russian women forever trying to get mens attention for scam romantic reasons)
Then she very briefly said
4 days ago (edited)I have the still small voice and I’ve a supernatural audible songs and inner songs and heard an audible voice commanding wake up.
7 replies
4 days agoMiss you
So I trod very carefully assuming she might be a right religious girl in the southern bible belt. I gave her a very lengthy roundabout description of how TBH could help her out hoping not to offend her.
12 hrs later I got this unexpected post script
2 days ago And it was after your activation video
So she had already found TBH Oh……
Just looking at her favourited videos she is quite seriously chasing Gnosis. Spent years collecting videos of intellectuals selling books about Hindu Gnosis and how to get home via intellectual reasoning and “philosophy” which always pushes my Monty Python button. But this is serious.
So she is not one of those Russian girls after all.
And now After I volunteered to her a few answers she never asked for, its slowly revealed LOL She is deeply shy. Wont even tell me her name and city. Wont send me an email. Same old same old.
Same thing happened recently when a British Engineer bright fellow, found TBH and was such an avid Youtuber he couldnt tear himself away from online conversations to supply an email address.
For years I pondered over whether the site should have a visitors logbook knowing it would be abused by trolls. Cancel culture got worse. People became less trusting. But the majority of responders prefer a fly thru encounter so that’s why TBH was made fully automated.
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