Searchable transcript for the Serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually still Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 You will see this on Friday, July 14th, and that is because I’m spending time with the Lord He put it on my heart to really set myself aside and just saturate myself in the Lord and in his presence So that’s exactly what I’m doing Because we are living in that time when we have to obey God when he says something to do do it But we always should have been that way anyway, but we are living in unprecedented times And so I just want to let you know I wanted to make sure that you received all of these prophetic words Words of encouragement whatever the Lord has these scriptures for the day the words for the day that God has for you Even though I am off spending time With the Lord in deep prayer, but I want to make sure you receive these while I was gone So, again, I want you to let you know that I will be back. I will be pre-recording even through Monday morning, because I’ll be back Monday morning, but after the 630 when I usually post a video, so I want to make sure that you received all of these. Now, the prophetic word I’m giving you today is called One Nation Under God. I received this prophetic word on July 11th. This was not on a prayer call because the ministry was closed that day to give the ministry team some much-needed time off to spend time with their families for the 4th of July weekend. And so this was when I was spending time with the Lord myself. Okay. Before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise report, please go to our website at jgminternational.org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. Now again, this is all the announcements I have but this prophetic word again It’s called one nation under God and I heard this on July 3rd It was right before our Independence Day, obviously of July 4th, and this was so strong on my heart And I want to share it out with you
It says for I the Lord declare this day the freedom the United States has been paid for My children, do not give in to this deception. Do not give in to this lawlessness. Do not give in to this tyranny. Do not give in to their power. This nation is not theirs to take. It’s not theirs to control. It’s not theirs to dominate. It’s not theirs. So don’t give in now, but rise up, children of Almighty God. Take back your freedom. Take back your nations. Take back your children. Take back this great nation. The blood that has been shed cries out to me to defend, protect this great nation from this evil regime trying to kill the soul once and for all. To kill any freedoms you have left. This will not happen. This is my nation, not theirs. They cannot take this nation and kill it and turn it into what they want it to be. There will be no death to America. There will be no death to my church. There will be no death to the freedom that people have died for, that my son died for. I have a covenant with my children and I will honor it. My children get on your knees and demand, declare your freedoms today and tell hell how it cannot have what is already yours. America the beautiful, I’ve said before and I will say it again, you are beautiful, and no one will take that away. I have blessed this great nation. My children, if you could only see the nation I see, united and covered by the blood of Jesus. I see it strong. I see it healed. I see it restored. I see it blessed. I see a light to this world. Why do you think darkness has tried so hard to put it out, but they can’t put it out? Because they can’t put me out. I am that light and my light shines upon this nation Let freedom ring. Oh my United States Arise arise to the country you were called to be Great removals are coming. A great return is coming. A great justice is coming. A great surrender is coming. A great shock is coming. A great reveal is coming. I’m cleansing this land of what has been tried to tarnish and destroy what this country stood for. This nation will be great again and no devil in hell can stop that.
One Nation under God. What does that mean? A nation that is protected by me. One nation that is held up by my hand. One nation that is blessed by me. One nation that is healed by me. This land is a land that is special in my sight. No matter how twisted it looks like, don’t look at that. My nation of the United States of America, you will rise from the ashes your enemies have made. You will rise from the mess they’ve tried to create. You will not fall this day or the next. So America, arise and take your place where you belong. My children stop letting your government rule the way they do. That is not what your Constitution says that government should do. Freedom is pouring out everywhere. A freedom never known to you like this before. My children have freedom so sweet and so beautiful. Many will say this is a freedom. This is what we never knew could exist. If freedom is so free, it was worth how long we stood. And it was worth the fight. Never surrender. Never surrender to a lie. Never surrender to tyranny. Never surrender to darkness. Never surrender to a power that shouldn’t exist. And a power that cannot hold you. A writer is coming. A writer that will shout the truth. That will shout the truth loudly for all to hear. A whistleblower that has been held back for a certain time. Someone who will shout the truth and the walls will crumble. The enemies have tried to hide behind. Shout no more. Shout their demise. Shout the destruction. Don’t give up now. A SURRENDER is about to be seen. White flag raised. Together they will all fall. Great blasphemy I’ve seen and I’ve heard. And watch what happens next in the White House and in your Capitol building into Washington, D.C.
A great fall is about to take place. BIDEN IS A FAKE, people will scream. TWO PRESIDENTS? HOW CAN THIS BE? How can this happen in our nation? Great judgment will be seen in this land against the ones who have stolen your freedom, stolen your nation, stolen your elections, and stolen your health. The day is drawing near where you will see them all be removed who are against you. So stand your ground and hold the line and do not give up on me and my protection of it. You will see that I am the Defender and the Protector of the United States and your enemies will never have this nation and what they desired from it. The Great Reset is about to Fall. Hold a little bit longer. Their dam is about to break and every lie is about to be revealed and truth will completely set you free. I am with this nation, no matter what man says, no matter what your enemy says, no matter what it looks like, this nation, it will be what it was always meant to be upon this earth. A blessing to the nations, a light to the world, a superpower to help defend and protect from the evil and corruption and the enemies that have tried to infiltrate every nation upon this earth. This country will be what I have called it to be. Nothing will get in the way of that. Freedom is coming like you have never known. Call it in and receive it now. In my name of Jesus, it has been when your enemies are defeated. Believe that this day, freedom will rise and liberty will be celebrated once again. Shout your freedoms today. Take back what is yours now. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.”
Julie Commentary I tried so hard at the beginning of this not to cry, but there’s so much. When I was receiving this word from the Lord, you could just feel the compassion and the love of God for this country and for the people of this nation but what it was meant to always be. Our enemies have infiltrated this country to a degree. We as American citizens never thought this would ever happen to such a great nation. It would never happen to a nation that people from all over the world die to try to get into. There’s people all over the world because they just want freedom and our enemies are trying to take that freedom away and I was I was going through and dictating this out because it was on in my notebook and I was turned on God bless the USA which it’s hard to listen to that song and not cry but there was just so many things about that song but one thing just stands out to me over and over and over again regarding it and I wish I could play that soundly in the back of this video but I can’t because of copyright issues but your flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take it away. They have tried to manipulate. They have tried to lie. They have tried to change our history. They’re taking down statues and they’re taking down our Ten Commandments and they’re taking down God out of everything they possibly can in this country. They’re trying to manipulate and change our children in what they believe this country really truly is and what it really truly stands for. And one thing that really stuck out to me in this prophetic word is that, do you remember when Cain killed Abel and God said your the blood of your brother cries out to me. He said, where is your brother? And then of course Cain says, I’m not my brother’s keeper. And then God says, his blood cries out to me. So many have fought for this country and didn’t come home. Some have fought in our own land and never got to enjoy the victory. And I think of all these men and women that go overseas and they fight for us and then they come home. And because of PTSD and because of the trauma that they face in war and the things that they see, they’re never the same. And so many people just take that for granted. You know, you take freedom. Freedom isn’t free. Somebody had to pay for it. The God says the blood of those people cries out to him for justice. and of course that he mentions of the blood of Jesus Christ we now I know a lot of you are gonna watch this that aren’t from this country because you know we have people watching from all over the world our enemies know if this country falls so does the world this country will not fall I know a lot of people are getting overwhelmed and scared because that’s exactly what it looks like but I want to read over this prophetic word once again and listen to what it says, for I the Lord declare this day the freedom of the United States has been paid for. My children, do not give in to this deception. Do not give in to lawlessness. Do not give in to tyranny. Do not give in to their power. They haven’t put this in bold too. THIS NATION IS NOT THEIRS TO TAKE It’s not theirs to control. It’s not theirs to dominate. It’s not theirs. So don’t give in. But rise up children of Almighty God and take back your freedom. Take back your nations. Take back your children. Take back this great nation. We all know it looks like this nation has fallen. Especially who thinks, you know, the way it looks like with our government and who thinks that they’re trying to run this country. Running into the ground. Destroying everything. Trying to make us Weak in front of the world Destroy us from within because the house divided against itself cannot stand They’re trying to divide us in every way shape and form When God is saying you need to unite we need to stand together and Believe that God This is his nation This is one nation under God and I love how later on in this prophetic word. He puts a perspective of what does that mean? And I guess I’ve never really thought about I’ve heard that so many times One Nation Under God but When he said it that prophetic word, it’s just so Wow Here’s a second paragraph the blood that has been shed So many men and women have died for this country for our freedom and these people in our government right now are just like spitting on it We have to fight for them the ones that can’t fight for themselves anymore We have to fight for them They fought for us. They paid the ultimate sacrifice and Listen, they says the blood that has that has been shed in Christ to me to defend and protect this great nation from the evil Trying to kill the soul once and for all To kill any freedom you have left. This will not happen. This is my nation not theirs They cannot take this nation and kill it and turn it into what they want it to be The globalists want to turn this into a third world country They’re trying to paralyze us. They’re trying to make us helpless and hopeless. They’re trying to take any financial freedom we had Any independence we had from other nations They’re trying to destroy our dollar They’re trying to destroy our health. They’re trying to store our children Everything we as a body of Christ even American citizens cannot stand by and just allow this to happen Because if we keep complaining about it, we’re gonna keep remaining in the same situation and God says no He says you take it back you stand You declare you command their walls to come down He’s giving us something to say and do and not just to sit back and just think it’s just gonna fall on our lap He’s giving us something to say and he says there’s no death to America That’s what our enemies chant all the time in our country And this is illegitimate government people. They give Our money our taxpayer money to people who cry out Death to America He says there will be no death to America. There’ll be no death to my church because that’s exactly what also they’re trying to kill They’re trying to kill the body of Christ in any power that it has That’s why they’re trying to deceive That’s why they’ve gotten into the churches and cause so much religion and they’ve caused so much legalism So it it just stops the glory of Almighty God because man’s in control and God’s not There’ll be no death to the freedom that people have died for what my son died for I have a covenant with my children and I will honor it God is faithful to his word. He says my children get on your knees and demand and declared your freedoms Today that hell how it cannot have what is already yours That’s exactly what’s trying to happen right now There’s all these people are trying to take something that’s already ours And God has been repeating himself and trying to get our attention that this country and our freedoms are already ours Because it’s not only paid for by our military men and women who have fought and died It’s also paid for the ultimate price was paid for by Jesus Christ He says America the beautiful I’ve said before I will say it again. You are beautiful and no one will take that away I’ve been all over this country in the last year and a half And I’ve seen the beauty of it and I think of how blessed we are They have a creator of heaven and earth That loved us so much that created something and of course we have places beautiful all over the world But he created that beauty for us to enjoy and they are trying to just destroy any beauty that anything that we have I have blessed this great nation My children if you could only see the nation I see united covered by the blood of Jesus Listen to what the Lord sees This station right now, you know, it looks like a hot mess He says I see it strong Right now it looks like it’s weak and torn apart He goes I see it healed. It looks like it’s so sick. He goes and I see it restored. I See it blessed. I see a light to this world Why do you think darkness has tried so hard to put it out? They can’t put it out because they can’t put me out. I am that light, and my light shines upon this nation. Let freedom ring, oh my United States. Arise, arise to the country you were called to be. We haven’t even got to see the country that we really are supposed to be. Because our enemy has tried to destroy it since the beginning. and he says great removals are coming a great return is coming a great justice is coming a Great surrender is coming a great shock is coming a great reveal is coming I’m cleansing this land of what it has Been tried to tarnish how they’ve tried to tarnish and destroy what this country stood for this nation will be a great again Remember that again? this nation will be great again and No devil in hell can stop that One nation under God What does that mean? A nation that is protected by me. One nation that is held up by my hand. One nation that is blessed by me. One nation that is healed by me. This land is a land that is special in my sight. No matter how twisted it looks like, don’t look at that. My nation, the United States of America, you will rise from the ashes that your enemies have made. You will rise from the mess they tried to create. You will not fall this day or the next. So America arise and take your place where you belong Our enemies have made it so look so impossible that this will ever take place But remember God is El Shaddai. He’s a God who nothing is impossible. So it’s not impossible for God This is what God sees and this is what he wants us to see and he wants us to believe and say My children stop letting your government rule the way they do That is not your Constitution. That’s not what your Constitution says a Government should do they’re not ruling in a way. There are not going by our Constitution at all They’re trying to throw it to the wind. They’re trying to make it like it. It’s an old document that shouldn’t exist Because it handcuffs them it restricts them of what they truly want to do and God says you hold them accountable to the Constitution United States he made that Constitution for us to have to protect us from exactly what we are dealing with in this country right now He says freedom is pouring out everywhere if freedom never known to you like this before my freedom a freedom so sweet So beautiful many will say this is a freedom This is freedom. This is what we never knew could exist a Freedom so free it was worth how long we had to stand and it was worth the fight Never surrender never surrender to a lie never surrender to tyranny never surrender to darkness never surrender to a power that shouldn’t Exist and a power that cannot hold you Lisa’s a WRITER is coming a writer is coming that will shout the truth that will shout the truth loudly for all to hear a Whistleblower that has been held back for a certain time Someone who will shout the truth and the walls will crumble the enemies have tried to hide behind shout shout no more shout their demise shout their destruction don’t give up now and surrender a surrender sorry don’t give up now a SURRENDER IS about to be seen IN A WHITE FLAG RAISED together they will all fall Great blasphemy I’ve seen and I’ve heard watch what happens in the next in the White House and in your Capitol building into and to Washington DC a great fall is about to take place. THE BIDEN IS A FAKE People will scream TWO PRESIDENTS How can this be? How could this happen in our nation? Great judgment will be seen in this land against the ones who have stolen your freedom, stolen your nation, stolen your elections, stolen your health. The day is drawing near where you will see them all be removed who are against you. So stand your ground, hold the line and do not give up on me and my protection of it. You will see that I am the defender and protector of the United States and your enemies will never have this nation and what they desire from it. The Great Reset is about to fall. Hold a little bit longer. Their dam is about to break. Every lie is about to be revealed and truth completely to set you free. I am with this nation no matter what man says, no matter what your enemies say, no matter what it looks like. This nation will be what it was always meant to be upon this Earth a blessing to the nations a light to the world a Superpower to help defend and protect from the evil corruption and the enemies that have tried to infiltrate every nation upon this earth This country will be what I’ve called it to be and nothing will get in the way of that Freedom is coming like you’ve never known call it in and receive it now in my name of Jesus. It has been when your enemies Your enemies are defeated The name of Jesus is a name that defeats our enemy as well. This is saying believe that this day Freedom will rise and Liberty will be celebrated once again. Shout your freedoms today. Take back. What is yours now? Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer Jesus’s name is a name our Enemies are defeated by We have to take that name seriously This prophetic word is showing Us the love that God has for our great nation This is when we hold the line This is when we stand and no matter what how many times you fall down because it sucks To stand sometimes really long. It sucks just to fight and it feels like that fight is never gonna end In all the ground that you’re making it looks like you just you’re losing it again That’s what they count on. They count on you getting stressed out. They can’t count on you getting distressed. They count on you getting frustrated. They count on you getting discouraged. They count on you quitting. We can’t quit on God. Don’t quit on what He has. He has something so far more beautiful than we could have ever imagined. Remember it says in His Word in Ephesians 3, He can do it You can do exceedingly abundantly more we can ask or think it’s an Ephesians 3 20 God can do it Remember God says in his word in Hebrews 10 and 30 that vengeance is mine. That’s what he says full justice rests with God man can not overthrow God So what is our part to see? This one nation under God. What is our part to see this? America the beautiful to be beautiful and great again. What is our part? Our part is to not surrender our part is to stand and hold the line Our part is to stand and stand there for our part is to shout down their walls Our part is a shout their demise. Our part is to shout their removal. Our part is to not give up on What God is saying? That’s our part. Our part is to trust in Almighty God and say what He needs us to say and when He needs us to say it. This is a beautiful nation. Land of the free, home of the brave. This is one nation under God. No matter what these people have tried to do in this last several years, they can’t take it away. They can’t take away what our flag stands for. They can’t take away the light in this Nation that they’ve tried to put out they can’t because God is our light There’s so many servicemen and women that have come home Who’ve lost people they fought right next to they come home to a government that won’t stand up Who won’t defend and protect? The people of this great nation you have people out there veterans out there. They’re wondering was it all for nothing ? Wasn’t I think of those people and I said no matter what, I will never quit. I will never give up. And it’s our time. And I have said before, it’s our time to fight for them. So this day, take away from this prophetic word. God’s not done with this country. Our enemies will not have this country. God is telling us, you take it back. We’ll take back our elections. We’ll take back our freedoms. We will take back who our rightful president truly, truly is. We’ll take back our House of Representatives, our Senate, and what it really should be and how they should be holding up and standing for the Constitution of the United States of America. America, this is not over. That’s what they want you to believe. It’s not done. God’s not done. If God’s not done, we can’t give up now. And I want to pray right now with everyone to stand. The reason why I’m crying is I just feel the love of God for all the children but for also this nation. He hears the cries of his people and he promises to deliver us out of it all. Our country is gonna be great again. And I know a lot of us can’t wait for that day. I know I can’t, but it will happen. It’s not if, it’s will. It will. So Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, we just want to praise and thank you for these words. We want to praise and thank you, Father God, for your love, for your protection. We want to thank you for delivering us, Father God. We want to thank you for defending us and protecting us from everything that’s going on in this country, but everything This going around the nations around the world Father God, we take back our country by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We take back our government We take back what’s rightfully ours. We take back the freedom and the Liberty that Liberty has already been paid for We take it back and we stand together and we will hold that line and we won’t give up and we won’t quit and if we Fall down we’re gonna get right back up again. I thank you father God for giving them strength to persevere to rise above To stand and stand there for to never quit to never give up and to never give in And to see this through the eyes of christ to see the strong to see the victory to see who they truly are with you And to see father god what you have for them To see that we were never alone To see that you are the great. I am you delivered a country in a nation in a day You delivered your people in a day All it takes is one day and one day is all you need and we thank you father God for that day We thank you father God no matter what happens. We treat right now in that day of freedom of great and mighty freedom and Celebrations we will stand here. We will trust you. We will defend our freedoms and We thank you for the angel armies. We thank you for the host of angel armies that stands guard with us We thank you for the name of Jesus and for that blood, that bloodline that our enemy cannot penetrate and he cannot destroy. So we thank you, Father God, for our freedoms this day. We thank you, Father God, for our deliverance this day. We thank you, Father God, that we have this nation. We call this nation one nation under God. We call this nation beautiful. We call this nation great again. We call this nation free again. We call this nation blessed again, and we thank you father God for it In Jesus name. Amen. Amen Well, I was encouraging today, please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone You know who needs to hear an encouraging word Who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day

We have already been told in these WORDS the real Biden is dead.
April 2019 Biden disappeared and reappeared with such a different voice and face, friends didn’t recognise him. Tucker Carlson. Video.
He is played by two actors. Different voices different demeanours. Spotted by many.
When the actors are exposed it will destroy the NWO like a master diamond craftsman cutting a diamond into many pieces ( I was told this morning)
This event is calculated to end the NWO.
And we are here in ringside seats we are so blessed.
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