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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Wednesday, July 12th of 2023 You will see this on Monday, July 17th And that is because I was spending some time with the Lord by myself It was he was very adamant that I need to do this at a particular time So when he tells me to do something I obey it So I want to make sure that you get all these prophetic words While I was gone and in prayer with the Lord So today’s prophetic word is called AN ENTIRE ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT IS ABOUT TO FALL I heard this prophetic word on July 5th of 2023 and I do have a recording of this because this prophetic word came Once again on one of our prayer calls So when I get to that, I will be sharing my screen with you and then of course going back over the prophetic word Before I get to that, if you do have any praise reports or prayer requests, please go to our website at jgminternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Greene Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. And thank you all for sending in all those praise reports and sharing with us what God is doing in your life. It is so encouraging to all the team and we read them out. And we just shout and celebrate with you on what God is doing and how he’s answering your prayers And there’s been so many miracles. We’ve been seeing and hearing about so many cancers just being just annihilated They’re just not there. They just disappear and how God is healing so many people So again, thank each and every one of you for sending those in we love love love To see God working on your behalf and you sharing that with us So thank you. And of course all of us here at Julie Green Ministries International We do love each and every one of you and we do pray For our viewers our partners. We pray for all of you on a continual basis. And so just thank you. Thank you Thank you for watching and thank you for being a partner with this ministry You guys are such a blessing to us and it’s just an amazing to see how God is bringing all of us together for such a time as this. Well, that is all the announcements to make and here is the prophetic word. I will be right back after this video is done.
Something big is coming. Yes, something big is coming that is about to hit this country and try to shake it from its foundation. Shake it all the way loose. Shake it, destroy it, break it, annihilate it. Your enemy is out there right now doing everything they possibly can, bringing every plan, bringing every person that they could possibly imagine. They’re finding all of these people, bringing them together for this time, for the ultimate fall of America, for the ultimate fall of the Christians who kept it standing, the ultimate fall of any patriot, any person who fought for this country, who believes in this country, the ultimate fall. That’s what they desire. That’s what they plan. Something big is on the horizon. Something you don’t see. I see. Another thing they don’t count on is me. I have told you time and time again. This country will not go down, that it will not fall, and it will not die, a form of it will , the country, they were trying to get it to become, a nation that bowed down, bowed on its knees to the globalists and the one world government. that it will give all of its freedom, all of its secrets, weapons away to their enemy for money and more power. They were giving your secrets away, Intel. Much Intel has been given to your enemies, especially China. Intel, you never would have thought your government would give away from money, to sell you out, to bring you down, to destroy you from within. Many foreign countries have infiltrated this land and your government allowed it. There has been a great war to bring this nation to its knees, to destroy it from the core, destroy it from within. My David stands in their way. You, my church, stand in their way. I say this day, I have given you power, I have given you authority, and I have given you assignments. So get up out of all the things that you are dealing with in your own lives, things that are distracting you from focusing on the real thing and what’s really going on. You hold the line. You are set here for this time. There are reinforcements and they’re coming. They’re coming. They’re coming. And no matter what the enemies do next, a swap, they’re going to try to swap, a great swap is coming. You say, Lord, what is that? One person for another in more ways than one. They want it where it’s unnoticed, but it won’t work. I warned you about the man that stands in the White House. He’s not who he appears to be. That reveal is coming. You’ve seen just a little bit of how I am going to unmask, not just him, but every person that has been wearing these masks more ways than one, who say they’re one person when they’re really another, who say they’re on one side when really they’re another. Enough is enough. I’ve had enough. My people, my children, get fed up. Call these reveals into existence, into the scene. Many dirty secrets are about to be exposed out of Washington, secrets out of your House of Representatives, secrets out of your Senate, secrets that were hidden so deep in the White House They thought they would never come out. Giant secrets are coming. I told you whistleblowers, these are those days. They’re coming with blueprints. They’re coming with video. They’re coming with phone calls. They’re coming with ultimate proof that can’t be denied. I will reveal who the puppet masters are. I will reveal where all the strings go. who the puppets are. I will reveal everything. There’s going to come a time where there’s a Great Reveal and a great implosion. It is going to implode. Everything is imploding. Their foundation is crumbling and they are about to take a fall that no one saw. So instead of the ultimate fall of this country. It was the ultimate fall of the one world government, their system, their finances, and everything that they had planned, their viruses. Yeah, I said VIRUSE(S) they were coming. They were trying them on a few. My children, get prepared now. The preparation time is almost over. The battle is intensifying. Things are heating up. So get up! Get up with me! I will give you the things to say, the things to do. I told you these things. I will give you and reveal to you great revelations of things to come. So when they come, you will know this is what God said. Get right before me. Shake all those chains off that have held you down. Focus on my word, because you are about to see AN ENTIRE ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT FALL, and not just one. Great political stir-rups, shakeups, political implosion is about to hit this earth. Removals that no one thought could ever take place in this period of time. Get ready to take back what is yours. Get ready to be used by me in a greater way. Get ready for restoration. Get ready for celebration. And get ready for the victories that I keep continuously talking about, because they are just about here. So receive my joy, receive my peace this day, and receive my love. Receive thou the Deliverer, receive me. Put me first, and you will see. You’ll rejoice, you’ll rejoice in great and mighty victories, saith the Lord.
Julie Green Commentary
Okay, in this prophetic word once again, the Lord is telling us time and time again that things are gonna shake up and things are intensifying and that’s the reason why he’s giving us so much revelation about the authority of the believer the authority that we have in the name of Jesus the authority that we have upon this earth because of that name because the blood covenant that we have with God Almighty because there has been such well a non-existent where the church was That’s not speaking about this whatsoever. There was no teachings on this. So a lot of God’s people don’t know that they have authority. They don’t know the power of the name of Jesus. They don’t know that with our power of our words, we can change what we see. We can change our lives. We can change what’s going on in the world because God has given us the power and authority in that name that’s above every name you remember he has given every lawful thing to Jesus God has given it it says in his word this was last week’s prophetic word and teaching but he’s given everything to Jesus which is the lawful owner of all things and we are joint heirs with Christ so we have power We have authority and we have dominion over everything that we see. And again, the reason why a lot of these things have to happen, unfortunately, it’s true, but it does, is to wake people up. It’s to get them out of complacency. It’s to get them out where they’ve had blinders on their eyes forever. It’s been getting them out of these places where they just accept defeat on every level, in every way. They weren’t taking the Word of God seriously. That they weren’t focusing on God. The church was just kind of, I don’t even know, there, I guess. The world counted on it. The enemies counted on that. They counted on us to be weak, to be wimpy, to sit back, shut up, and just take everything that they were doing. And now it’s a time that God is saying don’t do that anymore. There is, um, a couple definitions. Now, first of all, in the title of this prophetic word is called an entire illegitimate government is about to fall. So I looked up illegitimate. I mean, I know what it means, but again, I want to see the definition for it. That’s illegitimate not recognized as lawful now they’re giving us like an illegitimate child but that’s not obviously what we’re looking for we’re looking for illegitimate and in regards to a government but it’s not recognized as lawful so if there’s another one so he says an entire illegitimate government is about to fall so i was like okay i want to look up the definition of fall and not just as like you’re, you know, falling down. But this is like a fall from power. To lose one’s authority or power in a particular situation or setting. So you have an illegitimate government that’s not authorized by the law. Okay? You have an illegitimate government that’s not authorized by the law, not accordance with acceptable standards or rules. So when you have an illegitimate government that should not be in power, they weren’t duly elected, they didn’t follow the Constitution, they put themselves in that particular place, they’re not authorized by the law, so the law is not backing them up. It may appear that way, but it’s not. Remember, who is the one that upholds the law? It’s God Almighty. We’re supposed to be His representatives upon this earth that say, okay Lord, this is your law and we will make sure it’s upheld. We will do our part in this earth. To hold down and to keep evil under our feet. God has given us that ability and that authority. But I’m going to read that again. Illegitimate is not authorized by law and not in accordance with the acceptable standards or rules. And okay, now you got a fall. A fall from power is to lose one’s authority or power in a particular situation or setting. So your illegitimate government that’s not lawful and they are about to lose their authority and power in a particular situation. That is what this is. It’s what we’re seeing. Now, it also says in God’s Word, and he says this all the time, that things are not how they appear to be. He says that in a lot of different prophetic words. So I want to read the scripture on a 2nd Corinthians chapter 5, 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 7. Why would God say this? This is not even the only place where he says we should walk by faith. Listen to this. For we walk by faith. This is 2 Corinthians 5 verse 7, the classic amplified version. For we walk by faith, we regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief, respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things with trust and holy fervor. Thus we walk not by sight or appearance. We’re not supposed to walk by sight or appearance. Why? Why is that scripture there? Because at some point in time which is Since pretty much since Satan tried to take over with Adam and Eve things are not how they appear to be that’s where we’re supposed to walk by faith or trusting in God and in his word and not to be moved by situations or Circumstances because what Jesus did is he came back and he destroyed the power of the enemy He took back the keys to hell that’s in the grave He’s given them to us and so even though a situation or circumstance might look a certain way. I’ll get that, I promise. I just get excited doing all that. When a situation looks a certain way, we can change it by the power of the name of Jesus and by authority of the word of God that he has given to us. We are not, listen, thus we walk not by sight or appearance. If you walk by sight or appearance, you can be deceived distract destroyed. Remember the three D’s deceive distract destroyed. That’s what the devil wants That’s the devil is the devil wants you the first D deceive distract destroy now The father wants you to have firm foundation a Firm Focused Foundation on the father or him. He wants you a firm found a foundation Firm focus foundation on him. Firm Focused Foundation on the Father. That way you’re not deceived, distracted, destroyed by the devil. Okay, now something else. It says in God’s Word more than once. I’m pretty sure it’s at least four times. The just Just shall live by faith. The just shall live by faith. What is that? We are supposed to walk according to the word of God and not how things appear to be. We are not supposed to go, this, it looks one way and we just have to accept it. We don’t. We have power, we have authority, and we have dominion in Luke 10 19 over all the power of the enemy. So we are not supposed to walk by sight because we can change what we see with the power of God’s Word. So the just shall live by faith and the reason why it’s so important for the just to live by faith again, is because we won’t be distracted by the enemy. We won’t believe in the enemy’s tactics and his deception. Now, where you can find, you can walk by faith and not by sight. I want you guys to turn to Romans 1 17 says, for there is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written, the just shall live by faith that’s Romans 1 17 also Galatians 3 11 but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident for the just shall live by faith I’m gonna read another one Romans 10 or sorry excuse me Hebrews 10 38 now the just shall live by faith. But if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.” Why will God say more than once, several different times, and people say, God doesn’t repeat himself. Yes, he does. If you’re a parent and you love your child and you see him going in the wrong direction, would you not repeat yourself to get them in the right direction? To help them from making major and massive wrong decisions, yes, you would. Same thing with God. He’s trying to get our attention, again, to walk by faith and trusting in Him. When we have a war of disinformation going on, we have a war that is going on in so many different areas of our life that’s trying to deceive us in every way. It’s trying to discourage us. It’s trying to distract us. God is saying if you have a firm a focused foundation on the Father and If you are walking by faith and not by sight If you’re walking say Lord, I’m gonna I’m gonna not be moved by what I see. I’m only be moved by the Word of God That’s how we’re supposed to conduct our lives By being only moved by the Word of God and not by what we see the enemy counts on you to live by how you see things and And so if they can make things appear one way, and they’re not, but if you truly believe it, they can get you, they can completely destroy you out of deception. And that’s exactly what Satan did when it came to the garden of Eden. He made it look one way, he made it sound one way, it sounded good to Adam and Eve, and then they lost everything that God had for them. Again, of course, then Jesus came and got it back. So I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word and thank you once again for all those viewers who watch, who write all these scriptures down for everybody else. So if you guys did not get all these scriptures, please write them down or go into the comment section and go and find them because I know there’s so many people that write them down for you. And go back and read These scriptures get a revelation of faith. Okay another scripture you guys can go to about faith Now listen, this is a classic amplified. This is Hebrews 11 and verse 1 and one of these days I’m gonna pray into it more on Maybe I’ll do a series on on faith and what faith is Because there’s a longest time even when I was a kid. I kept hearing faith. I was growing up in the faith with the hearing faith all the time and faith teachings and I Was like, okay great. That sounds really good, but I didn’t understand what it was But faith is literally it’s just trusting in God no matter what you see no matter what you feel No matter your five physical senses are telling you you’re gonna believe God in God’s work All right now Hebrews chapter 11 in verse 1 now faith is the assurance the confidence or the confirmation, excuse me. Now, faith is the insurance, the confirmation, the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of things we do not see. Our faith is the title deed or the confirmation or the proof of the things we don’t see yet. Of the conviction of the reality of faith, perceiving as real fact, what is not revealed to the senses. Again, if I add at times that is such a profound I I love that scripture You could go on and read this for a long time And just get the revelation of this and of course down in Hebrews 11 chapter 6 without faith is impossible to please God Why would you be pleasing God if you weren’t trusting him? I mean, that’s it’s simple Without faith, it’s impossible to please God. Why would you not please God if you’re not trusting in him? So Again, I really want to do, I’ll see when I can do that. There’s so many teachings I have. There’s just so many. All right. Now, let’s go back over this prophetic word here. All right. He says, something big is coming. Yes, something big is coming that’s about to hit this country and to shake it from its foundation. That’s pretty big if it’s going to shake something off a foundation. Now, if you think about that in the natural, I want to give you a perspective on this. if you think about that’s a natural what could shake a house off of a foundation ? a Tornado a Hurricane something that is powerful Destructive and we’re not talking about just a physical foundation of this country We’re talking about the spiritual one The one that the enemy has tried to build up the one the enemy has tried to change They’re trying to change the foundation of our country trying to change our history Try to change what our country stands for and the assignment that God has it on this earth to be and to fulfill They’ve tried to change that since the beginning But something so destructive and so powerful is gonna knock it off its foundation Which is the foundation that they had not the one that was always meant to be To shake it all the way loose to shake it to destroy it to break it to annihilate it again That’s forceful So when he said something big is coming, he said keeps on telling us to brace for impact It’s something that’s gonna be substantial. It’s not just gonna be like, oh, well, that was nice No, it’s big And it says your enemy is out of there right now. The enemy is out there right now doing everything They possibly can bringing every plan bringing every person they could possibly imagine They are finding all these people bringing them together for this time for the ultimate fall of America Listen to that They’re doing everything they can bringing everyone They are doing everything right now Right now for the ultimate fall of America, but not just for America They’re doing everything for the ultimate fall of the Christians who kept it standing Listen how profound that is the ultimate fall of the CHRISTIANS WHO KEPT IT STANDING We are keeping it standing Remember they’re trying to kill the soul of a nation, but the soul of a nation is God. They can’t kill God They try to they try to eliminate him. They try to remove him from everything, but they can’t kill God But the ultimate fall of any patriot, any person who fought for this country, who believes in this country, the ultimate fall, that’s what they desire. Now it doesn’t say that’s what they’re going to get. It says that’s what they desire. That’s their plan. Something big is on the horizon. Something you don’t see. I see another thing They don’t count on is me So God sees obviously he sees his plan and he sees his will going forth and the enemies don’t see it They can’t see it and it’s gonna like blindside. I’m just like what happened with the Red Sea and Pharaoh. It blindsided them They had no idea They thought the Red Sea parted for them Why they thought that I don’t know just their arrogance I guess and their pride, but they walked into the trap and it was their ultimate fall they thought that Red Sea was gonna be the fall of the ultimate fall of the Israelites when it was actually the ultimate fall of them of themselves he says listen I have told you a time and time again this country will not go down this country will not go down that it will not fall and it will not die I want you guys to hear that again this country will not go down, this country will not fall, and it will not die. A form of it will, the country they were trying to get it to become, a nation that bowed its knees to the globalists, a one-world government, and that would give all of its freedom and all of its secrets. Listen to this! We were giving away all of our secrets, all of our weapons, away to the enemy for money, for their more money and power how they thought this is stupid how they are thinking this you know deep state how they thought by giving away our secrets and giving away our weapons it somehow gives them more power to me you are not very smart because if you’re giving away your secrets you’re giving away your weapons and they’re giving you money who has got more power really it’s not the money its the person with the secrets and his person with the weapons all right now they’re giving your secrets away your Intel much Intel has been given to your enemies listen that much Intel it’s already been given to who especially to China you never would have thought your government would give away for more money or for money to sell you out they’re selling us out our own now they’re not they’re not legitimate, but our own illegitimate government body, majority of them, they’re giving away our money. That should make any American citizen angry. And you can see that. They accidentally lost billions of dollars by an accounting error and gave it to Ukraine. Give me a break. That doesn’t happen. You don’t lose billions of dollars. Like that payoff effect when Afghanistan happen when we just left everything there? That was a payoff. We gave them our weapons, we gave them cash, and we left it. That was a payoff. To bring you down to destroy you from within, again, a house divided against itself cannot stand, and that’s why they’re trying to destroy us from within, and that’s why they’re so illegitimate, because they couldn’t get enough people to agree with them, so now They just have yes people in there that just will sell themselves and sell or sell the devil and sell themselves out for money now I’m not saying everybody in the government’s evil. I’m not saying that majority are Many foreign countries have infiltrated this land in your government and they allowed it There has been a great war now. Listen to this. There’s been a great war to bring this nation to its knees Destroy it from its from the core Destroy it from the core Destroy it from within. Then he had me put this in bold. MY DAVID STANDS IN THEIR WAY My church, you, my church, stand in their way. Why? Because God’s standing in their way. And God’s on the inside of us. We can’t do anything without him. I say this day, I’ve given you power. I’ve given you authority. I’ve given you assignments. So get up out of all these things that you are dealing with in your own lives. Things that are distracting you from focusing on the real thing and what’s really going on Satan’s using everything in your life to distract you and God’s saying get up because I have made you more than a conqueror Because of Christ you hold the line you are set here for this time Now listen to this. He had me put this in bold, too. THERE ARE REINFORCEMENTS AND THEY’RE COMING THEY’RE COMING THEY’RE COMING NO MATTER WHAT THE ENEMY DOES NEXT So first of all when people think of what reinforcements we have on our side an army angel armies We have Angels that are like what 10 12 20 feet tall Even though we can’t see him doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They’re on our side They’re on our side They’re chariots of fire. Remember again, I go back to Elijah and Gahazii. I go read that in 2nd Kings chapter 6 It is just so profound. There’s a reason for that if And that they had an old covenant. We have a better covenant So if God did that and God showed him that and God was like, hey, look He’s showing that to us who hey look if I did it for them. I’m no respecter of persons. I’ll do it for you He says there are reinforcements. I’m gonna look up that definition really fast. I know I’m going a little bit Long here, but hey reinforce or reinforcement meant Definition, I’m gonna look this up The action or process of reinforcing or strengthening. God is reinforcing us, or he’s strengthening us. He’s bringing the Hosts of Angels to reinforce what we say. Remember, the angels hearken diligently to the voice of Lord thy God. The process of encouraging or establishing or belief of pattern or behavior, especially by encouraging a reward, an extra personal ascent to increase the strength of an army or a similar force. I’m gonna read it again. Extra personnel sent to increase the strength of an army or a similar force. Reinforcements. God is sending reinforcements. All right. Now, let me go finish this here. A swap. Then he goes, a swap. They’re going to try a swap. A great swap is coming. You say, Lord, what is that? One person for another? In more ways than one so he’s asking like it’s asking that we’re asking that question he’s answering it is that one person for another he says yes and what in more ways than one they want it where it’s unnoticed of course they do but it won’t work I’ve warned you about the man who stands in the White House remember he calls them the “Bi-den” the Biden he’s not who he appears to be the reveal is coming. You’ve seen just a little bit of how I’m going to an unmask, not just him. We’ve seen the decline of his mental cognitive function. God already talked about that. He started talking about showing the mask, which he’s already done. But again, it’s going to be more noticeable now and it’s gonna be to the point where it’s undeniable and they can’t hide it. But every person that has been wearing these masks, it’s not just one. In more ways than one, who say they’re one person when they’re really another. So there’s actors. Julie that’s conspiracy. No. That’s what God is telling us. We are not supposed to walk on how we’re not supposed to believe what things appear to be right now. He says who say they’re on one side when they’re really on another. There’s a lot of those. There’s a lot of rhinos right now who say they’re really Republicans when they’re actually Democrat or the deep state. Then God says enough is enough. I’ve had enough my people children get fed up call these reveals into existence into the scene many dirt dirty secrets are about to be exposed out of Washington secrets out of out of the House of Representatives secrets out of your Senate secrets that were hidden so deep in the White House they thought they would never come out God’s talked about with the White House and the secrets in the White House what’s been hidden in the walls of the White House and underneath the White House and God saying it’s all coming out giant secrets Are coming I told you whistleblowers they are coming Those are the days are coming with blueprints are coming with videos are coming with phone calls are coming with ultimate proof That can’t be denied. We’ve already started to see a flood of that, but it’s gonna start to intensify I will reveal who the puppet masters are. I will revere where all the strings go While the puppets are I will reveal everything they’re going going to come come a time where there’s a great reveal and a great implosion It’s going to implode. Everything is imploding. Their foundation is crumbling. They are about to take a fall that no one saw So instead of the ultimate fall of this country, which is what they wanted It would be the ultimate fall of the one world government their system their finances everything they had planned That’s gonna be the ultimate fall not us You’ll see them try but it ain’t gonna work. He says viruses. Yes. I said viruses they were coming They were trying them on a few What does that mean? They were trying viruses on some, they were using people as guinea pigs, they were trying these viruses and see what these viruses were gonna do because COVID wasn’t strong enough. It wasn’t deadly enough. Not kidding you. Because they want, they want a lockdown, they want a type of like a martial law where you have nothing left to say. You have no rights whatsoever. My children get prepared now, the preparation time is almost over, the Battle is intensifying things are heating up. So get up get up with me. I’ll give you things to say I’ll give you things to do. I told you these things I give you and reveal to you great revelations of things to come So when they come you will know This is what God said get right before me shake all these chains off that have held you down Focus on my word because you are about to see AN ENTIRE ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT FALL Not just one We’ve already seen collapse of governments. God prophesied this Governments were going to collapse in a day. We have seen several now Then he says and not just one great political stirrups shakeups political implosion is about to hit this earth Removals that no one thought would ever take place in this period of time get ready to take back What is yours get ready be used by mean and great away get ready for restoration get ready for celebration Get ready for victories that I kept I keep continuously Talking about because they are just about here. So receive my joy receive my peace this day and receive my love receive the Them a deliverer receive me receive God as your deliverer Put me first. You will see you rejoice rejoice In great and mighty victories. So God says we will rejoice. So again, we’re supposed to do sacrifice of praise And to the Lord because he is doing these things no matter what things look like right now. So again There already has been there just I think it was Was over in Denmark or something there their government just collapsed God’s been warning about what’s going on in France France is collapsing right now. We’ve seen other Like I think was in Japan. It was another government that collapsed sometime last year. There are governments Imploding now if I said the wrong country, I do apologize because that was some time ago for a couple of these But again, this is happening right now Right now God is saying governments are going to collapse in a day and we’re seeing that start to happen over and all around the world So again, even though you’re not gonna hear a lot of stuff on the news media But things are heating up. They’re intensifying people are fighting back God said there was a resistance growing around the world and there is and they want their freedoms back and so what do we need to do we need to to speak the words that God’s telling us to speak do what God tells us to do we need to keep calling these people down okay well I want to pray reaching every one of you before I go and pray about the situation and pray what God wants us to pray regarding our government and our freedoms and again I I wanna pray for each and every one of you, but also the situation as well. Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, we just lift up this country to you, Father God, and we tear down every illegitimate person. And we thank you, Father God, no matter what is going on in this country. I thank you, Father God, that it is coming down because you are a God of justice. You are the God over all of the earth. You put down one and bring up another. So we thank you, Father God, that every person that’s against you Will not stay in positions of power that they do not belong in any person who’s stolen those positions any person Who is cheated their way in those positions no matter what it is Father God I thank you that they will not stand we call down their walls. We call down their power We call in these great reveals we call in this great evidence. That’s about to explode Everywhere that’s going to expose every secret heavenly Father We thank you that every lie will be revealed and truth will come in like a flood and it will destroy the power It will destroy every lie. It will destroy every type of plan that they had against us and we thank you Father God it says in your word and Isaiah 54 17 no weapon formed against us shall prosper These were weapons that were formed against us. So we call them down. We deny their power We deny their access to keep going. We deny their access to keep trying to keep our freedoms from us We thank you Father God. We call in our freedoms. We command them and decree them back right now by the blood of Jesus And Heavenly Father, I lift up every person at the sound of my voice and I thank you I praise you Father God that they will stand up that it stirs them up on the inside to get fed up to this Get that revelation on the inside of them who they are with you The authority that they have in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and the authority of that name That they know that they are not that they are the head and not the tail that they are above they are not beneath That they are not a victim, but they are victor that they are overcomers They are your children and you set them high above our enemy And I thank you Father God that they see things through your eyes and not their own And we thank you for all of this That we have a Firm Focus, Foundation on you, Father, that we will not be moved and we will not be shaking in this great time of shaking. In Jesus name, amen, amen. Well, I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

Exhilarating predictions here of the fall of The Biden Impostor Government. Promises of even more whistleblowers and an avalanche of irrefutable evidence of criminality. Which is currently snowballing daily on the news. LOL. If Biden is shown to be only AN ACTOR what could he be charged with ? Bad acting ? Only 3 yrs for impersonating a federal officer. Mysteriously most of the Biden impostor government have NOT sworn proper oaths of office. NOT an accident. Cant be charged with Treason crimes of state. Looks like God will be taking them down with sudden resignations, early retirements and stopping them breathing. We breathe only with permission, you know. So permission can be withdrawn.
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