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Goood Morning, Everybody. Today is Thursday, July 27th of 2023, and thank you again for joining today’s live show. I will be sharing another prophetic word today. I know I did a couple of days of teaching and expect I will at least do at least one of those days of teachings next week as well. I’ve already prerecorded several videos for you next week while I am gone, but I wanted to make sure that you had all these live streams and all these teachings this week, but it really is important, even when I’m not around, that you still have the encouragement of the word of God. So I’m making sure, even though I’m not around, I have all of these videos out for you every single morning at the exact same time. Now today I’m going to share a message with you. This is a prophetic word. I received again on another prayer call. This was the second one from July 10th It’s called WHAT YOUR ENEMIES ARE PLANNING NEXT WILL NOT STAND So again, God is warning us about what our enemies plans are. He’s not saying exactly But he’s saying hey, I’m giving you a heads up. They’re planning something and this is that darkness This is that that that shaking that God’s been really telling us about But at the same time when he’s telling us about these warnings and he’s telling us about these shakings and he’s telling us the plans of the enemy He’s saying I want you to be prepared So before I get to this message really quick. I want to read something to you That I really hope and I will probably do it again later on in this message, but he gave me this about two days ago and I wrote it down and he wanted me to share it and it says, God is rising up a mighty army. He has equipped, empowered, enlightened to rise above anything and everything that comes up against them. So God is rising up an army He’s an empowering us He’s enlightening us and he’s helping us and he’s quick equipping us, but he’s helping us rise above everything and anything that comes against us and That’s something that again. We should be Excited about we don’t dread the unknown. You don’t dread all these things that are coming God says hey, I’m equipping you I’m empowering you. I’m enlighten you so then you don’t have to be partakers of what is about to take place on this earth so then you’re not you’re not gonna fear it so God again God warns he always warns before something happens he doesn’t say hey I’m warning you and you just have to deal with all these things God is saying I’m warning you to separate you from those things so before I get to that if you do Have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page Or you can write us at Julie green ministries international 46 20 East 50 3rd Street suite 200 down for Iowa 52807 Now I’m going to share my screen with you once I get done sharing the screen I will be right back on with the scriptures. God has given to me and with more encouragement on what God has for us as the body of Christ. So I will be right back.
Use your authority over and over against them. Whenever you see something negative, pull it down. Whenever you hear something negative, pull it down. Whenever you get overwhelmed with something that you’re seeing that’s going on in your news or what’s going on in the church or what’s going on in your life, you pull it down by my name. I have said, use my authority. Your enemies are planning something so horrific, so big and so disgustingly bad, but you can pull it down where it annihilates it and it doesn’t even exist. This is a time to know who you are with me. This is a time to know your authority. This is a time right now to start getting into my word and start using it forcefully. Remember my word is a weapon, a weapon against your enemy. Use it forcefully against him. My children, this is a time of eruptions, of Eruptions of great and mighty eruptions because of the corruption. Great and mighty eruptions because of corruption versus travailing at the amount of corruption, the amount of sin, amount of evil and lies that is going forth. But I say this day, speak my words, get on your knees and pray. Don’t put up with your enemy’s plans. Don’t put up with his symptoms. Don’t put up with that pain. Don’t put up with the things that are going on in your families, or the things that are going on in your relationships, or the things that are going on in your finances. Don’t put up. But you use my word forcefully against it, and you command these things to come down that are against you. I’m saying this again to remind you what kind of authority you actually have. You have actual authority to change your life. To change what you see. To change what you hear. To change what you feel. To change governments. To change laws. Something significant is about to take place. Remember these words. Remember your place, your place of authority with me. Don’t put up with these things anymore. Use my word to change your nations. I told you governments will collapse in a day. It’s already started, and more will continue. You are getting your nations back. You’re getting your freedoms back. So keep declaring. Rejoice! Sing! Sing praises unto me! He destroys your enemy, saith the Lord.
Julie Commentary
See how forceful when he gave that word. He keeps reminding us all the time that we have Authority, there’s things that we can do about what we see a lot of people think that no matter What’s going on in the world That’s just life and that’s just things we had to put up with I want to read what the Lord had given me to give to you He is rising up. God is rising up a mighty army. He has equipped empowered, enlightened to rise above anything and everything that comes up against them. He wants you to know that he’s equipping you, empowering you, he’s enlightening you, he’s giving you these revelations from heaven. So then when these things come about, when you see these things come at you, or when you’re dealing with things in your own personal life that overwhelm you or look so impossible that it makes you feel like to give up and quit and Surrender into the pressure of your enemy and his defeat for you and We have to realize we can’t go by sight. We can’t go by any of our five physical senses whatsoever And that’s why God is telling us all the time that we are safe to stay focused on his word They stay focused on what he has already done for us and And when he says over and over, and he’s been saying this to us, use my word forcefully. So again, if you are parents and you have a child and they’re acting out, would you talk to them in a very quiet voice? Would you talk to them in an authoritative voice, no matter if it’s my children or no matter if it’s my dog? I have a different tone and they know what mom is not happy Because I will speak to them and like that authoritative corrective voice We need to do the same thing with our enemy speak to him in that authoritative and corrective voice and Remember you have God in all of heaven backing you up Because the blood covenant that you have with God Almighty He has empowered you with the armor of Almighty God. And one of those weapons in the armor of God is what? The sword of the spirit. It’s the word of truth. God’s written word is a weapon. It’s a two-edged sword. And so when you’re thinking about that, when you’re thinking about using God’s word, And you’re thinking about declaring, decreeing, you’re thinking about fighting the good fight of faith. You’re even thinking about some people it’s a fight for their life because they have a terminal illness. It’s what doctor said. The doctor’s giving a bad report. When you’re thinking of using the Word of God, you think about that, that you have a sword in your hand and And you have a sword and it’s destroying everything that your enemy is doing to you. The thing when you do is to use your authority, you speak it out your mouth. You are damaging, think about this for a minute, you are damaging your enemy. When you’re speaking the word of God with force, you are destroying his power. You are annihilating him and his ability to control your life his ability to control your body His ability to take your kids his ability to destroy your finances You are saying all heaven is backing me up because it is written That no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rise up against me I will condemn That’s Isaiah 54 17 that’s the amplified or classical version. I’m not gonna well I did quote it but let me go back to it Isaiah 54 17 this is a scripture that you all need to get down in your heart because all of these weapons there’s weapons of everywhere against you that the enemy uses and so what you have to do by Combating all that stuff No matter what the weapon is get it down into your heart Isaiah 54 verse 17 classic amplified version But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment You shall show to be in the wrong that peace righteousness security triumph over opposition God is told and it go on I’ll say the rest is the heritage of the servants of the Lord those in whom it is ideal servant of the Lord is reproduced This is the righteousness or the vindication Which they obtained from me. This is that which I am part to them as our justification sayeth the Lord so we arise over opposition Remember what was the last two teachings last two days if you guys did not get that and watch it go back and watch it Again, that’s just a foundation Teachings on the blessing that empowerment for you to prosper to succeed to increase to excel and to rise above Everything that’s trying to keep you back and to hold you down. That’s what the blessing is That’s what you saw in the book of Genesis Then of course and many different our scriptures, but I gotta go to this one And then you have the favor of God the favor of God at what it protects you. It’s like a shield around you God is saying no weapon your enemy has multiple weapons that he uses against you on a daily basis but you can stand firm and Stand and say no weapon. It doesn’t matter what the weapon is It doesn’t matter what the test or trial is. It doesn’t matter what the plan is No weapon formed against me shall prosper and I am stopping it by the blood and by the name of Jesus remember God said in Matthew God is equipping you with the knowledge of Who you are in Christ you can’t do these. Well, you could do these things without him, but you wouldn’t go very far Again, you can’t fight a spiritual battle with natural ability So you need to fight a spiritual battle with spiritual weapons, and that’s what God has given He doesn’t have to give us. He’s already has given us these things now Matthew 18 18 this truly I tell you whatever you forbid and declared to be improper and Unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden and lawful UNLAWFUL in heaven and whatever you permit and declare proper and unlawful on earth must be whatever is already permitted in heaven so he said forbid and Bind. All right, you guys know I do this. I don’t have it pulled up I didn’t think I was gonna do it, but let’s see the definition of forbid Refuse to allow Order someone not to do something So God has given you the ability on this earth to refuse to allow your enemy to do whatever he wants. The other part of it is to order someone not to do something. So if you see your enemy doing something against you or against your children, you have symptoms on your body, a bad doctor’s report, you see what’s going on around the governments around the world, You see the freedoms that are taking you see all the injustice God is saying right here. You have the ability to forbid to allow you can for you can refuse to allow that thing against you. So what else did that scripture say? Forbid and declare to be improper. All right, so let’s see here improper not in accordance with accepted rules or standards, especially or of a morality or honesty, lacking in modesty or decency, incorrect or accurate. So we are fighting a war of disinformation. A lot of what the enemy is saying through the news media is inaccurate. It’s a lie. God is saying you have the ability to declare that or forbid it and call it unlawful. You can forbid and bind it from prospering. You can forbid it. You can deny its power and its access against you, against your children, against your nation, whatever it is. You can deny. Let’s look at the word deny state that one refuses to admit the truth of existence of or refuse to give in or grant something requested or desired of someone You have the ability right here. It says in God’s Word in Matthew 18 2 I truly tell whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what already isn’t forbidden in heaven Well, it already is lies deception Death all those things already forbidden in heaven So that means when you are doing that and you are standing firm on the Word of God and you’re speaking the Word of God Against things in your life. Remember no weapon and then also remember that you have the ability to bind and forbid and deny The enemy’s power against you God has given you everything you need right now to declare unlawful Anything the enemy is doing what do we know about whatever is unlawful with the curse you can go in Deuteronomy chapter 15 Deuteronomy chapter 28 15 on is the curse you can go through it and Deny every part of that access in your life Now Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14. That’s the blessing And that’s what God is saying. That’s for you The curse is what’s for the world, but the blessing is for you why because you were part of the world, but when you ask Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior into your heart as your Lord and Savior it denied the power of the curse and denied the access because Jesus and Galatians 3 13 and 14 has redeemed you from the curse Colossians 2 15 disarmed the enemy Hebrews 2 14 made him of no effect made him nothing that is what Jesus has done for you and that is what we need to know and in this prophetic word over and over he’s saying this I’m gonna go back over it again I have more scriptures but let me go back over part of this because he wants me to so let me go it says for I the Lord this day I’m telling my children to tear down the walls of the enemy and You have that power like it says in Matthew 18 18 You have the power truly. I tell you whatever you forbid declare to be Improper and unlawful on earth must be already forbidden in heaven. You have the ability right here to tear down the walls of the enemy sin sickness, disease, all this evil, all this death, all this corruption, all of this injustice, all these lies, their house of cards is falling. You can see it. You can see what’s going on in the enemy’s camp. And just like what Pastor Dave and I talked about yesterday on take five with his glory, is even what that plea deal was what happened with Hunter. With the lawyers calling in and pretending they The Republican lawyers and say throw out what I just said They got caught The enemies are so desperate. They’re pulling up pranks or they’re doing things that like a teenager would do Who would do that? They can be disbarred now and his plea deal has been thrown out Why the house of cards is falling whistleblowers are coming out from everywhere God These are the days of the whistleblowers and God’s also telling you just like the walls of Jericho When he had his children to walk around those walls, they had to shout. He’s saying you tear down those walls of the enemy How can you tear down the walls of the enemy you shout him down with the Word of God and forbid or deny its? access Against you against your children against your jobs against your nations You have the ability because of that name of Jesus is in order for you to do all these things You can’t do it in your own Don’t just go forbidden it without forbidding it and using the name of Jesus and Standing and using the Word of God remember in Isaiah 55 11 God’s words Do not return to him boy There’s also another scripture that talks about that God watches over his word faithful to perform it So, when you’re speaking God’s word out, he’s faithful, he’s watching over his word that you are speaking, and he’s faithful to perform that word. It’s not you are trying to get these words to be performed. God is the one that performs those words. God is the one that brings those things to pass. He just needs your agreement with him. Remember it says in God’s Word and Night it’s all 91 Thousand may come at one side and ten thousand over it will not come near you It also says in God’s Word what you what I went to wait. Oh, hold on It says in God’s Word one thousand or you can bring one thousand to flight When you are rebuking and binding you yourself can bring one thousand of those things to flight and rebuke them away It says when two or more believers, it’s 10,000 in flight So you by yourself can put a thousand demons in flight, but two or more or for two people you can put 10,000 So this is the reason why he wants us all to be in agreement You just think how many if we’re rebuking just think how many we’re rebuking at once Just think about that for a minute how much we can be rebuking at one time if we are one accord and we’re in agreement And that’s why what happened in Acts chapter 2 when the Holy Ghost came down And you saw that in Acts chapter 2, but why why did that happen? because they were in one accord and That’s the reason why the enemies tried to cause such division in the body of Christ If he could divide the body of Christ and a lot of the body of Christ is dividing themselves But one thing that God is saying Don’t divide. Unite. Unite. You may not agree with everything. He’s not asking us to agree with each other about everything, but he is asking us to come together and be united in the body of Christ to fight the enemy. Because if the body of Christ is united, do you think how much destruction we can do to our enemy. Is it fighting each other or fighting him? And that’s why he wants us to be distracted with fighting each other. So we’re busy not fighting him. And that’s why it’s so important to stay united in the body of Christ. If you see people out there and they’re trying to divide, just pray. Don’t get nasty. Don’t hate on them, just pray. Pray for the unity in the body of Christ. Now, I’m gonna go back to this prophetic word. For I the Lord this day am telling my children to tear down the walls of the enemy. Use authority over and over against them. Whenever you see something negative, pull it down. Whenever you hear something negative, or sorry, pull it down. Whenever you hear, whenever you get overwhelmed, excuse me, with something that you’re seeing, Because a lot of people are getting overwhelmed with what they’re seeing. What does it say to do about it? It’s going on the news or what’s going on in the churches or what’s going on in your life. Pull it down with my name. That’s how you pull these things down. It’s how you bind, forbid, and deny. Bind, forbid, and deny. That’s your job. To bind to forbid and to deny the enemy’s power over you This as I have said to use my authority He’s already told us about he talks about the authority every single day When he’s giving us prophetic words or he’s giving me just teachings to give to you After the prophetic word or just teachings instead of a prophetic word that day. He always goes back to his authority Why is he doing that because the body of Christ didn’t know you had any you didn’t because a lot of people weren’t taught that and that’s why he’s saying this and enunciating it every day you have something to say and you have something to do and God will back you up instead of say God’s got your back all right he says your enemies are planning something so horrific now you had me put this in bold SO HORRIFIC SO BIG AND DISGUSTINGLY BAD BUT YOU CAN PULL IT DOWN so they’re about to pull something that we don’t see yet God’s warning us about it he said this evil disgustingly bad and what we can do is bind forbid and deny that plan or those plans any plans I don’t care how many there are you have power to stop it with the name of Jesus Christ remember all things are what? underneath your feet God has given us so many beautiful examples in the Bible about what he’s done for his children and how much he loves you now much authority that he’s giving you on this earth to not put up with everything that Satan has been doing. He says, so obviously the enemy’s planning on something big. He said, but my word annihilates it. So that’s why he’s telling us every day in these videos, every day, if he gives a prophetic word or a teaching, to get in his word, because his word annihilates the power of the enemy. It doesn’t even exist, so it will annihilate it like it doesn’t exist. That’s what Hebrews 2 14, I know I quoted it earlier, this is the amplified Hebrews 2 14, since therefore these his children share in flesh and blood and physical Nature of human beings he himself in a similar manner partook of the same nature that by going through death What he did that’s the cross that he might bring to naught And to make of no effect him who had the power of death That is the devil he brought the devil to nothing and to make no effect. You say, Julie, but he’s out there over and over and over again. He’s out there doing all these things. All these people are doing these things. They’re getting away with all these things. No, they’re not. God is the judge over all the earth and God is the God of justice. Remember, he lets your enemy go so far and he entraps them for their ultimate defeat if they won’t turn around and they won’t repent. God’s desire is for them to repent. He wills that no-man perish. But they refuse to repent and they keep going in that direction of their ultimate defeat. Then he says, use my word and annihilates it and doesn’t even exist. This is the time to know who you are with me. This is the time to know who we are with God. And what did he say we are? I’m gonna remind you right here. God is raising up a mighty army. You are in the army of the Lord. Don’t forget each and every day to put on the full armor of Almighty God. You can find that in Ephesians 6. Start with verse 10 and I want you to read all of it until verse 18. Ephesians 6 10 through 18 talks about the power, it’s God’s power, not your might but His. Then you put on the armor of God that you may be able to stand against all the wiles or what all of the plans or all of the weapons of the enemy. So he’s God is raising up a mighty army. He is equipped, empowered, enlightened to rise above anything and everything that comes up against them. Remember the blessing causes you to rise above and the shield of faith or the sorry the favor of God surrounds you like a shield, but you also have the shield of faith that destroys or quenches all the fiery darts of the wicked one. So don’t go a day without putting your armor on. Like one of the things that we do as a prayer team here at JGMI, when we do our prayer call every day to pray for you and pray for whatever God has us to pray for that day, we always put, we plead the blood of Jesus and we always put on our armor. You need your armor to Destroy the power of the enemy against you Now he says THIS IS THE TIME TO KNOW YOUR AUTHORITY and he had me put that in bold Above any other time in history. This is a time right now as a child the Most High God to know your authority in the name of Jesus and What Jesus has done remember? He’s a lawful owner of all things And you’re the joint heir with Christ So we you can do all things through Christ Philippians 4 13 We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us He gives us the ability he strengthens us he gives us the power to rise above these things and to get to the other side of that power of the enemy To get the other side of that test or trial to get other side of that impossible looking situation It’s like we’re right here and then I’ll use my microphone. We’re right here and then you have this mountain that’s Trying to stop you and then God’s over here saying look I’m on the other side of that impossible looking situation Your enemy’s trying to stop you and I’m just on the other side. So just get up and over Get over it get over to the other side. And how can you do that? by knowing the authority that you have in The name of Jesus and the blood covenant that you have with God Almighty So he says again This is time to know your authority This is a time right now to start getting into my word and start using it forcefully Remember every time you speak the Word of God it is a weapon and it destroys the power of the enemy That’s why he says use it forcefully Then he goes remember my word is a weapon a weapon against your enemy use it forcefully against him My children, this is a time of eruptions of eruptions He said it twice of great and mighty eruptions. He’s saying it again because of the corruption Great and mighty eruptions. He says it again Because of the corruption that the earth is travailing at the amount of corruption the amount of sin the amount of evil and lies That are going forth He says but I say this day Speak my words Then he says get on your knees and pray Don’t put up with your enemy’s plans. Don’t put up with his symptoms. That’s very important for those of you who are struggling with pain. If you are struggling with a terminal illness, if you are struggling with something, don’t put up with his symptoms. And I know how hard that is. Trust me, it’s something who struggled every single day. I know how hard it is because you just don’t feel like fighting Because it’s exhausting it feels like Because you’re constantly up against it But God is saying don’t put up those symptoms. Don’t put up those lies from the pit of hell. Don’t put up with that that weapon of the enemy He says don’t put up with that pain Don’t put up with those things that are going on in your families the things that are going on in your relationships The things that are going on your finances Don’t put up with that use force, my word forcefully against it. You command these things to come down. He says that are against you. You command these things to come down that are against you. Remember what Matthew 18, 18 says, remember you have the ability to forbid, to bind and to deny the enemy’s power against you. Deny its access. All right, then he says I’m saying this again to remind you the kind of authority that you have The authority that you actually have you have actual authority to change your life To change what you see to change what you hear to change what you feel to change governments to change the lives Insignificant or they said it’s a change that something significant is about to take place Remember these words, so your enemies are about to do something very significant It’s about to take place. It says remember your place Your place of authority with me don’t put up with these things anymore He says use my word to change your nations. You have the ability no matter what that power of the enemy has you have the ability to deny forbid and Hold on DENY FORBID and BIND What the enemy is doing Use my word to change your nations. I’ve told you your governments will collapse in a day We’ve already seen governments collapse in a day lately It’s already started and more will continue you’re getting your nation’s back. You’re getting your freedoms back. So keep declaring Rejoice and sing sing praises unto me and it destroys your enemy Sayeth the Lord. Praise destroys your enemy. You can see that in 2nd Chronicles 20, 2nd Chronicles 20 and 22. I’ve read this whole story. Go back and read all of 2nd Chronicles 20. I love that story. Especially when it looks like you’re up against an army that is so much bigger than you that you have no power against that army and then you look to God and say God they’re bigger than me but I know they’re not bigger than you and then it’s in God’s hands and it says in 2nd Chronicles 20 22 now when they began to sing and to praise the Lord set ambushes against the people what against all the enemies of God against God’s people, he set ambushes when God’s people were praising and worshiping him. So the thing is, when we realize, when we are seeing those sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God, even again, even though when it feels like, I can’t do it today Lord, and I know, take it from me, I get it. I have been in those times where you don’t feel like praising and worshiping, you don’t feel like praying at all. But then you do. You slap yourself across the face and go, you know what? I’m going to get up and I’m going to do this today. You don’t have to slap yourself. You just get in front of a mirror and say, you know what? You’re going to get up and you’re going to stop sulking. You’re going to stop feeling sorry for yourself today. And you’re going to get up and you’re going to praise God because you are breathing and you have life and God has blessed you and everything that Jesus has done for me. I’m going to start sacrificing that of that praise and thanksgiving and just thanking Jesus for what he’s done for me. I’m gonna focus on that right now if I can’t focus on anything else Be your own cheerleader Put on some praise and worship Think about this if you put it on some praise and worship It destroys the power of your enemy and God sets ambushes up against the enemy And he’ll completely defeated That’s why he gives you all these feelings for you not to do these things because when you’re doing these things it destroys him There’s so many things that religion and legalism has destroyed in the body of Christ For so long because these were tools and weapons against the enemy and the enemy is trying to destroy it So that’s so controversial in the body of Christ is speaking in tongues. Oh my gosh Have you mentioned it to some people? Oh my goodness They get angry That’s of the devil who said in the Bible it talks about speaking in other tongues Are you gonna believe somebody’s doctrine? Are you believe a man? Are you believe what God said? It’s in the word. It’s written That’s what happened in the book of Acts chapter 2 so if you think about this for a minute your enemy and the reason why tongues has been so Controversial in the body of Christ reason why some people getting such uproar about it is because That’s a perfect prayer. You can’t mess it up. You speak in other tongues and you’re praying to God And it’s your perfect prayer between you and him and you know who can’t interfere and you know who can’t understand the devil He can’t interfere with it. He can’t stop it The only way he can stop it is by deceiving you and thinking that’s not of God But it is of God That is of God. That is your special prayer language between you and him where the enemy can not intervene He cannot interfere with it. He can’t stop it. He can’t block it He doesn’t know what’s being said and it destroys his power over you and even says when you don’t know how to pray so again, all these things that God is giving to us is tools their weapons against our enemy, but the problem is the church has not been teaching this and When the church has not been teaching it then people have gotten confused or they think and they believe a lie So it’s really important for you to get in the Bible and say, okay, Lord Julie was talking about Tongues today. What do you want me to know about it? Search it out. Search it out God is our helper He’s our counselor. He’s our advocate. He’s our standby. He’s our teacher He any single time you have a question you go to him And I’ve told you before every day don’t take my word for it and get in the Word of God and see what he says He’s the one who will direct your path. Don’t let somebody else direct your path Don’t do that. Don’t if anytime you’re listening to somebody preaching Get in the Word of God and see what it says. Is this was what you’re saying God? Or is that just a man’s version of your word? You can do that. God wants you to do that. And if anybody tells you not to do that, that’s not of God Because anybody should every single time a preacher teaching or a pastor’s teaching They should always bring you back to God and not to themself That’s how you know who’s true and who’s not who’s gonna bring you back to God every time Because it’s God Not man. So what we have to do in this time is Remember who we are fighting. Yep. We got an enemy But the enemy is not each other. The enemy is not each other. It’s not the body of Christ. We are supposed to be in one with the head, which is Jesus. We have the, Willie, the mandate. I want to read something out of Jeremiah. And then I’m going to probably close here. Jeremiah chapter one. Let’s see here. Yeah, I’m gonna go Jeremiah chapter 1 first. Jeremiah chapter 1 and One minute I’m gonna start with verse 8 Jeremiah 1 8 this is a classic amplifying Be not afraid of them their faces for I with you to deliver you Be not afraid of their faces Because I am with you and I will deliver you. That’s what the Lord is saying Do not be afraid of what these people are gonna do no matter what they do. Don’t be afraid of it then he says in verse 9, then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said to me Behold. I have put my words in your mouth. I Have put my words in your mouth Remember what he said to Job. He did create a thing and it shall be established I think I read that to you yesterday the day before that then in verse 10 This is what he’s been talking about in this book in this prophetic word. See I have this day appointed you to oversight of the nations and of the kingdoms to root out to pull down to destroy to overthrow To build and to plant. Remember that again. I See that I have appointed you this day To oversight of the nations and of the kingdom to root out pull down to destroy and to overthrow What? Everything the enemy is doing Forbid Bind and Deny So and then we’re supposed to build and plant God wants us to Use as vessels the vessels of Almighty God to restore To build what? to build the army of the Lord To build the church the body of Christ up To be that light in the midst of all of this darkness You know why it’s so dark because where is the church? Where is the light? Where is the light shining? Where are these pastors who will not they will not give in they will not submit They will stand boldly behind those pulpits and speak the Word of God no matter how many people like it or dislike it But you are obeying Almighty God and you’re speaking the Word of God no matter how much persecution you get You have to know Jesus got persecution if you are doing the right thing. You will get persecuted Trust me You’ll get persecuted But the thing is if you know where you stand and if you know, you’re on the right side with God Almighty It doesn’t matter how much persecution you get you are standing boldly in the face of adversity and saying Father God I am going to stand with you I’m gonna stand boldly in the face of the enemy and I will not quit. I will not give in I will not surrender I will not bow so I will not burn and if you have put me here to root out To pull down and destroy and overthrow That’s what I’m gonna do. What do you also tell David in Ziglag? When he lost everything in 1st Samuel chapter 30, what’d he tell him to do? to pursue to overtake and recover all All these things that the God’s people were in the midst of such great adversity And it looks like they were gonna lose and God is telling them He’s giving them a strategy in the midst of this battle or in the midst of war and saying hey You’re gonna come out the winner in the end and that’s how you got to see it. You’re gonna come out the winner These people will not how God’s gonna bring him down. I don’t know exactly but all I know is he’s saying their walls are coming down He’s saying the Giants are falling. He’s saying that the house of cards is coming down No matter what they are doing no matter how desperate they get there. They are very desperate right now Very and with this desperation, they’re gonna try more and that’s what God is talking about with these warnings But you have to know who you are Whose you are you are a child of the Most High God You’re a joint heir with Jesus Christ. You have his authority. You have his name. You have the blood covenant You have the armor of Almighty God you have every weapon you are equipped to fight this battle no matter how Insignificant you may feel You’re not insignificant You hold your head up high and know who you belong to you belong to the creator of heaven and earth Don’t see yourself the way your devil the devil wants you to see yourself. So then my last scripture, I’m gonna pray Jeremiah 33 11 and This is a classic amplified Jeremiah 33 11 there shall be heard again the voice of the joy the voice of gladness and the voice of the bridegroom the voice of the bride and the voices of those who sing as They bring sacrifices of Thanksgiving into the house of the Lord give praise and thanks to the Lord of hosts The Lord is good for his mercy and kindness and steadfast love and doer forever. I love this part of the scripture for I will cause the captivity of the land to be reversed and Return it to be as it was in the first When people think America can’t be reborn when people think that our freedoms cannot be restored And they see all this injustice And they see everything being slipping they slept and taken away from us just slipping away from us Over and over again. The enemy is just doing one thing after another Taking stuff away from us Burdening us financially Burdening people with all these things God’s saying I’m going to reverse This captivity he’s done it before and he’ll do it again. God is that same God So, when you’re up against these things and you see these things, if you need more encouragement, if you need encouragement on the weekend when I’m not here, get into the Word. Get encouragement from God. Get encouragement from God every day. Get encouragement from Him. He will give you that encouragement. His Word brings joy, which is joy is strength. If you don’t have enough joy in your life or strength in your life, if you feel like You don’t have enough strength. That means you don’t have enough joy That means you better get in the Word of God and get it because you will need a lot of joy to fight the good fight of faith Said Julie, I don’t have any faith. My faith is my faith is so weak faith comes by hearing and Hearing by the Word of God not having heard You have to hear the Word of God every single day and build upon it. God’s Word is inexhaustible That means you will always learn something about the Word of God. You’re never gonna know everything. And what we don’t know here, what we don’t learn here, we will learn in heaven. So God wants to equip you. He’s already done this, but He wants you to have the knowledge of it. He wants you to see yourself the way He sees you, not the way you’ve seen yourself. Defeated, overran, failure, a sinner, unworthy, no matter what it is. That’s what God has for you. And I want to pray each and every one of you today that you start seeing through the eyes of Christ who he has meant you to be and not who you think you are. So heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I just lift up every person at the sound of my voice. I want to praise and thank you, Father of God, that they start seeing through the eyes of Christ And through who he has made them to be Through his sacrifice and the shedding of his blood And I plead the blood of Jesus over each and every one of them that they see through the eyes of Christ But they realize how important that they are in this world How important they are to you and to building up your kingdom Father God upon this earth Want to praise and thank you no matter what tests or trial and adversity that they are facing no matter what weight that they are under Torment has been trying to keep them in prison I thank you for their chains and their shackles to come off and their prison doors to open wide And I thank you Father God because of what Jesus has done that he has set them free today So I thank and praise you Father God that pain has to go out of your children any disease your virus and infection Cannot stay on them and I command that spirit that’s trying to attack your mind with depression or fear and in worrying Anxiety or on a worthiness. I command it to be released out of your mind right now in the name of Jesus I declare that you have a sound and that you have a strong mind. You are not Fearful and anxiety stricken, but you are strong and you have the mind of Christ And I thank you Father God no matter what any doctor report I thank you that each person the sound of my voice who is willing to stand and Declare a life that they will live and they will not die No matter what their body is telling them No matter what the doctor is telling them your word stands and Destroys that fact it destroys that tool. It destroys that weapon. It destroys that disease Against them Because it’s your word and your word is our weapon Father God that you have given to us upon this earth and we praise you and we thank you that you have given us all of These things and we have the knowledge on the inside that it is growing stronger every day that we have the victory through the precious blood and the precious name of Jesus and we thank you for it in Jesus name amen and amen now again and everything is going wrong in your life and sometimes it can feel that way sometimes it can look that way you remind yourself what Jesus has done for you you remind yourself of the blood sacrifice that was shed. Now he went to hell in your place so you wouldn’t have to. He bore every sickness and disease so you wouldn’t have to. He bore all that sin and all that shame so you wouldn’t have to. So if you can’t think of anything else that’s good, just think of God who’s absolutely good, who sent his son for you and I to live, and to live freely. So, I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

Coming is something so disgustingly bad that even God is lost for words.
But boys and girls the believers are safe.
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