For I the Lord this day have spoken to you through my written word of these days that you are living in now.
Wars and rumours of wars, famines pestilences earthquakes in various places, and I have said these were like birth pains of a woman. All of this will intensify.
But my children I know from the beginning there is nothing to fear with what you are hearing on this earth. NO. Not regarding any nation or any war.
Distractions I say, to get you off paying attention to something else as their empire crumbles to the ground and they are scrambling to devise a plan to save what they have left. What you are seeing right now in this world is nothing to fear I will tell you again, my children you are on my side and I never lose your enemies will never outsmart me neither will they devise a plan no matter how intricate it is I know exactly what to do and when to do it their power is useless against me, and my plans remember, remind yourselves I created the Heavens and the Earth my hammer is coming down. My gavel is coming down.
Justice and judgment at the same time you will see.
I warned you my children your adversaries will do anything to take the tension off of themselves right now they will try things with your borders they will try things again with your freedoms over the virus and mandates, and lockdowns and wars to try to bring confusion and fear. They want to fully break you right now into submitting and believing them. I am in control. Your so-called government they are nothing in my sight. Worms in the ground, their plans are nothing. Watch as February draws near, more exposure, watch them intensify and how much more will come out regarding January 6th.
Floodgates are widening to show the truth on what happened that day. Nancy Pelosi this will be a great fall for you.
I’m exposing everything about what you and your plans and how and who helped you plan this against the rightful President.
Or who devises the plan with you. I will expose oh YES Obama and the puppet masters made this plan for you to carry it out. All the congressmen and senators who helped ,with capitol police and not all. Some were totally innocent of your plan come out. Shout Eit all in Jesus name.
No matter the lies where they’re hidden, all will be exposed .Watch as my states continue to come out with the truth. More laws being passed to protect the next election, but first 2020 will be corrected, and I mean that that was all catwalks.
The certifications will be passed to the majority of the states. There was a Red tsunami that day and I will show the world what actually happened, every state and every seat will be given back, to the rightful winners. Brace for impact that no one thought was possible to this degree of a correction at one time, when my hand moves to correct it all.
The stock market will continue to fall my children
I have been warning you of this. Some of this manipulation is from them to bring fear they think they can control it but little do they know I control it. When I say let my people go, all in their markets in their storehouses in their hands would be blasted out and everything they own will be turned over to the rightful owner.
Do not fear when you see the Dow fall to a new low.
I got this my children, this will be me destroying their system and putting up a new one.
The wealth of the centre is laid up for the just and this is the time I have spoken about in my word Biblical times, but that means great joy and celebration for my children.
There is nothing to worry about so just declare your freedoms and stay with me and in my Word everything is gonna be okay.
Things will look chaotic confusing and dark for a short time and just know I got this. Your enemies are going down in this hour these are their final hours and these are their final days.
Death will hit Hollywood on a major scale. Also your Government officials that were against you–
The Angel of Death is moving now, and it is striking your enemies who refuse to repent and turn back.
Mourning no more my children.
I am turning your mourning into joy unspeakable in this hour. I am at work for you to destroy them for the freedoms that they have destroyed and I’m bringing them back.
They will soon fill your streets and disgust for the reinstatement of your rightful President
A new Inauguration will take place this year.
But I will empty the streets and nothing and I mean nothing of their plans will work.
The world will be watching as a rightful President takes back his place of power and the puppet show is destroyed.
More fake props and fake sets are about to be exposed on live TV.
These are the days of exposures and removals . More will fall. More will be removed more will step down, and not just in your land, but all over, leaders in other nations will leave office for various reasons Why? Because it’s my reset of the new for you. Let freedom ring in this hour for you my children
Saith the Lord of Hosts End message

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