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And do note here after repeating that he is no psychic for years, Alex finally admits he doesn’t just read the deep state periodicals and books he is in fact GNOSTIC receiving messaging dreams from God about what to read and collect and present. This explains why he is nearly always right years before anybody else. Even the Deep State Oligarchs begrudgingly admit Alex Jones is right about everything they do. That’s been found in their correspondence.

We got to come together under a code of freedom and liberty and justice and coming together and working together and being strong. And that’s what infowars is. And that’s why the enemies of humanity, hate us so much, because we love God, and God loves humanity. And I am a human supremacist. I am a human supremacist. I am a human supremacist.
That term will be the future war with the robots and the AI. What you’re hearing now is the entire future and everything they tried to stop us from doing. Our supremacy will not end with this planet. We will people the stars. We will colonize. We will green dead worlds. We will go interdimensional. We will unlock the secrets of the universe. God has laid them out like Christmas presents for his children. And I am extremely honored to be in the fulcrum and the heart of the fight to bring our race, the human race, in a race for the future. I am honored to be here. And we will break the enemy. We will break the pedophiles. We will break the Satanists. Because God already sent his own self down here to show us he could do it. God would never ask us to go through an obstacle course he wouldn’t go through. And now we’re going to go through what Christ did, and we’re going to go through it, and we’re going to be destroyed, but reborn on the other side.
I’m going to go ahead in the next segment, not the next segment. Open up to you about some real secrets. I don’t just know all this stuff from the documents. I know 95% of it from that. But like so many other people have been given, I guess what they would call divine inspiration or just those magic moments. And for over 30 years, I have had recurring dreams, and I saw what was coming and literally had countless dreams, but also recurring dreams about what was going to be unfolding. Maybe I won’t do it. Next segment. It’s so heavy, but I’ll try to give you the introduction to it, but I just did it earlier, and it’s Human supremacy. And I like to show exhibits anything I talk about. Maybe I won’t explain human supremacy today because it’s such a big deal, but will you guys please print me the opening part of Genesis where God gives us dominion over the Earth? Whether you believe in that or not, you got to decide whether you have dominion over yourself. And you got to decide whether it’s God that’s going to have dominion over you, that you get orders from as an agent of God, or whether some other human that’s jacked into the evil force is going to have dominion over you. But I realized my 28 years on air just during the last few breaks has now come to the pinnacle of the most important information we’re ever going to reveal here on air. And it’s quite a download, but all the planets aligned, all the information just condensed. It was that galaxy brain moment that so many seek. But it’s God’s plan, and it really is. Do we want to have a human plan or a post human plan? Noval Harare and Claus Schwab and Bill Gates say humans are obsolete. We’re scum because they know we are their competition. They know that if we go for what we want and what God wants us to have, they can’t compete with that transmission. They can’t compete with that blueprint. They can’t compete without architecture. They can’t compete with that master plan. But I just see it now. It’ll be so clear soon. Are you pro Human or are you Anti Human? And of course, we wrote the book on are you pro Human or anti Human? Now it’s being picked up by the intellectuals and the human resistance everywhere, but you are the human resistance to this alien takeover. And again, when I say alien takeover, I don’t mean some little tinfoil flying saucer crashing in Roswell from Alpha Centauri or from Beetle Guese.
I’m talking about the transmission in the universe of God’s order and God’s will. Or do you choose to serve the agents of death?
I will tell you, we are the human supremacy movement. And damn, did I not have black people growing up in Dallas, Texas do horrible, mean, racist things to me, but also had black people take me in their house and cook me amazing dinners and literally pet me and tell me how much they love me. And I had white people do horrible things to me in my life, but also had white people take me in their house and pet me and tell me how great I was. And I had Mexicans break my leg, but I also had Mexicans do wonderful things for me because they’re all people. And like Martin Luther King said, we’re not going to judge them off what color they are. We’re going to judge them off of their character, of their actions and deeds. So I’m going to say it right now real clear. I love everybody, no matter what color your beautiful skin is, whether you’re a pink, polka dotted speckled creature like me, or whether you got beautiful ebony skin or you got pure, beautiful white skin, what I’m looking for is porcelain skin. What I care about your heart and your guts and your mind, and you’re under attack by these Satanists, and they want to kill you, and they want to kill your children. And I say we set our differences aside. And I say we come together and we beat these people and we smash their technocracy and we build the future together. And we can do anything with our real diversity. These enemies tell us all day about diversity. They mean divided and conquered groups of people separate from each other. I want unity. They claim they’re going to give us unity with their AI, telling us what to do. That’s a Satanic unity and a counterfeit of God’s unity. Our unity will come out of our individual actions based on love and justice and freedom and God’s spirit coming together through the conflict that is about to unfold. So you’ve got my pledge to never surrender. You have my pledge to never back down to these demons and these Satanist. You have my pledge to be 100% committed to you. Not because I’m some angel, not because I want to save you, but because I’m following God’s plan. And I know we’ve got to save each other. I need you. You need me. We can’t beat this without each other. We got to do it. We can’t let these monsters win all over the world, from Africa to Latin America to Asia to North America to Europe. They’re cutting off the power. They’re cutting off the farms. They’re cutting off the ranches. They’re harassing our hardest working people, and they’re turning us against each other. And you know what? When you get some group discriminates against you and some group hurts you and some group gangs up on you, you get pissed and you look for a group to join, because that’s a normal human attribute, because you’re looking for a gang to protect you. But you got to transcend that and join Christ’s God’s gang and realize that Jesus didn’t take it on the other cheek because he was weak, but he was teaching us how to transcend their control. He wasn’t backing down. He wasn’t a loser. He was the winner. And he used his intellect, because he was the son of God to counter them and to show them what real strength was. And he transcended death itself. We must transcend the racism they taught us. We must transcend all their garbage and realize they create the problem and then offer the solution as if they’re the priest, as if they’re the arbiters, as if they’re the ones that can fix all this, when they’re the ones that didn’t create it all. They just greased the skids, using our own weakness against us. And we have to blast past these people. We got to come together under a code of freedom and liberty and justice and coming together and working together and being strong, and that’s what Infowars is. And that’s why the enemies of humanity hate us so much, because we love God, and God loves humanity. And I am a Human
Supremacist. I am a human supremacist. I am a human supremacist. I am a human supremacist. That term will be the future war with the robots and the AI. What you’re hearing now is the entire future and everything they tried to stop us from doing. Our supremacy will not end with this planet. We will people the stars. We will colonize. We will green dead worlds. We will go interdimensional. We will unlock the secrets of the universe. God has laid them out like Christmas presents for his children. And I am extremely honored to be in the fulcrum and the heart of the fight to bring our race, the human race, in a race for the future. I am honored to be here. And we will break the enemy. We will break the pedophiles, we will break the Satanist. Because God already sent his own self down here to show us he could do it. God would never ask us to go through an obstacle course he wouldn’t go through. And now we’re going to go through what Christ did, and we’re going to go through it, and we’re going to be destroyed, but reborn on the other side. Stay with us.
We have done incredible things together. The Infowars family that you are the heart of has changed the world for the better. Humanity is not being hit flat footed by the globalist takeover. The resistance is exploding all across the world, and it is incredible. So I salute you and I thank you for your support. You are what they fear most populist patriots, not just in the US. But worldwide that want a pro-human future. Our work has never been more important and Infowars has never been under greater attack. And we have plans and operations that we know will not just keep us on the air, but make Infowars more effective than ever. A lot of projects we’ve been involved in are just now launching, like the book, like Alex’s War and so many other projects that are three or four months behind but are about to be rolled out. But those projects could be blown up on the ground, on the launch pad if we don’t get hundreds of thousands of dollars of extra funding every month for the next six months. At least. Because the bandwidth alone at banned dot video is costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars a month because it’s a rebel outpost with 5678 910 million views a day changing the world. So again, thank you for what you’ve done there but help keep us on the air now more than ever. The great reset book. Now available for pre order. Also sign copies. Infowarstore.com the enemy’s battle plan. Absolute must have Inforestore.com. Please get it there now. We also have Vitamin E Fusion, sold out for a long time. Our number one best selling product. So good for your immune system, it is back in stock discounted. Infowarstorecom Body’s ultimate Turmeric Formula Our newest product diet for us. I’ve already lost £39 on this. I was getting really fat. Infowarstore.com, you get all three of our great toothpaste that are fluoride free for 50% off together or 40% off individually. We need funds now more than ever. Help keep us on the air at this critical juncture. You’re going to see major victory very soon. Hell, we’re already seeing it. So I salute you. I thank you. Please go to Infowarsore.com right now and check out these and other amazing products.

So Alex Jones confesses to being the recipient of messaging gnostic dreams for 30 years. Kept it a secret. Insisted he was never psychic just read the evil globalists’ books and journals. But just now he says he has obtained years of help from God via messaging dreams. So he is an inspired prophet. Genetically he is an Historian by nature. Taking after his mother. So it looks like he was chosen because of his origin his interests and his abilities. What is missing is his mention of physical signals and an internal mentoring voice which some Christians have. But they have a “soft little voice” that is not really an audible voice (Julie Green) A kind of telepathy. With NO physical signals Christians report. I have asked many. They can’t describe any physical experience.
So this same God has a gift upgrade for everyone of all faiths and NO faith. God has said via Julie Green that we are being changed also.
So his gifted new form of hi definition spirit connection is Laymans Gnosis meaning for everybody. Its a standardisation to put us all on the same page and to give us an identical working vocabulary.
So here it is its FREE. Takes about 20 mins. Its tried and tested in 10 countries over 15 yrs.
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