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Good morning, everybody. Today is actually Sunday, October 16 of 2022. And you will see this on Monday, October 17. The reason for that is because I’ll be traveling out of town on Wednesday for the Reawaken America tour. So I want to make sure you have all of these prophesies that I’ve already heard, plus proxy fulfilled videos. I will get out as many as I can for you. The only day you may not see me is Tuesday of next week because that’s why I’ll be traveling back home. I don’t know if I can do that many videos. I will do the best that I can. You will see that I will do another one here after this one today. But also since you’re going to be seeing this on Monday, October 17, I will be live with Clay Clark and General Michael Flynn. Remember, this one was postponed from about a week and a half ago and we are doing it on this channel at 04:00 Central time. So I hope you can join General Michael Flynn, myself and Clay Clark. It should be an amazing show. I am so looking forward to it. And if you do not have your tickets for the Re-Awake in America tour, go and get them. So you can go to our website@jgmational.org under our events page or I do have the direct link to get your tickets and that’s below. I’m telling you, God moves every single time in each one of these events. It’s getting stronger and stronger with miracle signs and wonders and God’s movement. It is amazing. I just love these events and see what God is doing and what he is saying. So if you haven’t been to one, you should go to one. There’s only two left for this year anyway. All right, now if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries. P-O-X 1252. Bet, Norfolk, 52722.

Now, I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today, and it’s called

Things are Not How They Appear to Be Around the World.

I heard this prophetic word on October 10 of 2022. Now, I had a word, a couple I don’t know if it was a week or so ago it was called things are Not How They Appear to Be in Washington, DC. And now he’s saying things are not how they appear to be around the world, and they’re not. God has been telling us that for a long time and it is amazing to see what he’s saying. And now they’re coming to pass as fast as they are.

All right, now here’s a prophetic word.

I, the Lord this day, am telling my children, great destruction and great devastation is coming to your enemies and the enemies of Almighty God. A change, a great change of leadership, a great change of scenery, a great change of governments, a great fall is coming. Get ready, my children. It is the hour for change. In a way, it will be difficult for some to bear because they didn’t believe my prophets and didn’t heed any of my warnings that I had given to them. A great exchange is taking place. Great walls will crumble to the ground. A scrambling has begun with this fraudulent government. It’s running out of options and it’s running out of time. TickTock goes the clock, and the clock is about to strike 12. 12 is a number your enemies hate. But for my children, they know what it stands for- government. But it also stands for authority. And my authority and my government shall rule this Earth, and it shall completely destroy this Godless system that has been upon this earth. A great shift has started. So, my children, prepare to see things you would not expect. Prepare to see my hand move in ways you didn’t think possible. Prepare to receive from me, things you didn’t ask for. I am moving now, so don’t lose heart and do not faint when you are at the end of this ungodly, of these ungodly governments and their systems they put in place against you. It’s your time, my children. So be my children. I put you on this Earth to be. You are overcomers. You are more than conquerors because you are my children. And I’m showering my love upon you, which will restore everything that has been stolen. So get ready to receive and get ready for me Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

Instrumental this word will be used in your news in a very unusual reason.

Trumble this name will be in your news.

Watch London. Something is about to take place there that will get the world’s attention.

Sudan is about to be in your news. New Zealand will be in your news. Something is about to rock that nation.

Greenland will be in your news. Many things are taking place there, but the world will soon hear about it.

Gorbachev. This name will be in your news. Truth will pour out regarding this name and expose more that is goings on in Russia. More than you realized. Things are not how they appear to be with Putin. I will say again, there are maneuvers that are being made to help the United States. You have no idea what information that is about to be released that has been held back until the right time. And the right time is about to start in a great uproar this will bring. Listen to these words carefully. Red and October, then put them together. Remember, do not go by appearances. I told you about things in the water that have been hidden that your enemies were about to do against you. My children, it is now being stopped, and soon you will hear and see what has been used against you. Do not listen to what the news is saying about Putin. There have been a great war of false information and distractions to cause the world to believe these falsehoods. The war that has been going on in front of you has been a deception. For you to believe one thing when the truth is something totally different. I will reveal the truth. I am using many people right now, my children, you would never guess I could use. Stay on guard. Stay in my word, and stay praying. Sayeth The Lord

Conquest. This word will be used in your news and in a way you wouldn’t have expected. Battles have been going on where the world did not see them. A war of information, a war to save the children, a war to save the nations, a war to stop these manmade catastrophes, manmade shortages and inflation, manmade economic destruction. A war that’s been going on to stop more coups from taking place. A war has been going on to bring the right leaders back into their positions of power. A war has been going on, a war of all wars. They took your peace. They took your children. They took your governments. They controlled the narratives. They stole your freedoms and your jobs. They stole your finances. They blackmailed, they bribed, and they weaseled their way into controlling this world. They stole intelligence agencies so they would fight against you and not fight for you. They twisted the truth into lies so people would just believe everything they said. They stole the truth from you and use your money to steal more. Many things have been upside down, and I’m about to abruptly turn it right side up, and your enemies won’t know what hit them. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.

January 6 Information has been suppressed and is about to be released. It was also held back until the right time so your enemies couldn’t cover it up with more lies and get away with it. This information will set everyone free who has been illegally detained and imprisoned. I’m opening those prison cells like Paul and Silas. My children. If I did it for them, I can do it now, too. I will overturn everything unjust in this nation. Nothing they have done against you will stand. Do not ever forget who I am and what I can do. Saith, the Lord of Hosts.

More military movements will be seen that can’t be denied. I told you these things were coming to remind you that I am in control again. I tell you, these are the days of more whistleblowers. And these whistleblowers have more explosive information that hasn’t been released yet. All this information will cause an avalanche of truth to hit your enemies and destroy all their false narratives. I will say again, one day everything seems normal, and the next, sudden changes, and it’s on the horizon. So, my children, prepare to see these things. Prepare with me, and I will show you how to use your authority. Sayeth the Lord. Your Redeemer.

Now, before I go over this prophetic word once again how I always do. I want to give you something. And some people, it’s really hard for them to believe one day is all it takes and one day is all God needs. That’s it. One day you said, God, how is that humanly possible? Well, it’s not for us, but it is for God love and Book of Exodus. But also, do you remember in 2020, everyone, I think, does one day our life was normal and next it was taken from us. What? What was taken? Our normal way of life. If man could do that, or the enemies of Almighty God could change the world in one day, then why couldn’t God change the world in one day? Well, again, he changed it for the Israelites in Goshen. He’s the same God, so why wouldn’t he do it again? He asks us many questions in these prophetic words for reasons. He wants to change our perspectives. He wants us to answer the questions he’s asking so we see things in a totally different light. Well, if God did this once, there’s no respect for a person, then why wouldn’t he do it again? And he mentions Paul and Silas in his prophetic word. Again, a lot of the things he mentions more than one time these prophetic words. Julie, it’s repetitive. Yes, God sometimes has to be repetitive because saying it one time doesn’t always get it down into your spirit so deep your enemy can’t take it away. One of the things we have to understand is if we do get the word down in our hearts, if it’s rooted in planet, then when test and trial comes, or then when our adversary uses deception, we will not be moved. Look at the parable of the Sower. The sower? Sows the word Jesus gives many exhibit examples of what happens. The thief comes immediately to steal the Word. So once the Word comes, once revelation comes, once prophetic word comes, the thieves tries to immediately steal it. Why? Because if you don’t have that word in your heart so deep he can easily come and steal it away. And as an example of a parent, there’s times where I have to remind my children or repeat myself more than once to get them to do something I need them to do. And sometimes if they don’t do it the first time, I have to be a little bit louder the second time. Or if I have to use a third time, then I can get a little bit louder to really get their attention. God is our Father, we are his children. And if we’re not obeying or heeding his words, sometimes he has to, or a lot of times he has to repeat himself. Why? So we can get that word firmly planted in our heart. So when test comes, when trial comes, when adversity comes, when the world seems upside down and it’s discouraging or frustrating, god will give us those words. It gives us every single day, in prophetic words, to get us rooted in his plan and his perspective of what things are and not what they appear to be. God is that absolutely good? He is good and he is our father. He doesn’t want us to go down a wrong path. He doesn’t want us to make wrong decisions, but ultimately, it is our choice. So he’s giving us this freshman from heaven every single day to get our encouragement up, to get our hope up to hear the truth out. So the truth will set you free. Well, I want to go back over this prophetic word once again because there is a lot in here, as it usually is. OK, the last part of this is so my children, prepare to see these things. Prepare with me and I will show you how to use your authority, say the Lord your Redeemer. Now, using your authority, there’s many different scriptures in the Bible about your God given authority. God has given that authority to you, even Google and look up or use Duck, Go, whatever, and do a search for all scriptures regarding authority and you will see, do a do research on it and God will give you the revelation of what he has for you and what he’s already given to you. He hadn’t put his part in bold. I will say again, one day everything seems normal and the next sudden changes and it’s on the horizon. That means we are right at that breaking point, or we’re right at that time where everything is going to change. He said Jews have been going on for a long time. It has. But God has waited for his church to wake up. He’s waited for his church to take back authority. And it just took a little bit longer than we wanted for that part of the awakening of the remnant of Almighty God. And he waited for a lot of people to repent. Remember that’s on the heart of God, even though these people are so evil and so wrong, he wants them to really turn from their wicked ways and to repent and turn back to Him, or turn to Him for the first time. God is long suffering. So in the time of we’re waiting, God gives us patience. So in that patience, he grows our strength, he grows our faith in Him. As long as we’re looking at Him and not looking at what’s going on. All right. All this information will cause an avalanche of truth to hit your enemies and destroy all the false narratives. What information? More military movements will be seen that can’t be denied. I told you these things were coming to remind you that I’m in control again. I tell you, these are the days of more whistleblowers. And these whistleblowers have more explosive information that hasn’t been released yet. The information that will destroy all the narratives of the enemy the information that will destroy the power of the enemy. The information that will store this fraudulent government hasn’t been released yet. When you are in the war that God says we’re in, I’m going to go up and read that paragraph again. You have to do things strategically. You can’t give out everything you have at one time. You have to wait and be patient to use it for the right time. And that’s why we haven’t seen or heard anything or everything just yet. So be patient. God wins. That’s all you need to know. God wins. Our enemies never have the upper hand and they would never smart God. So if we know God wins and he never loses, then why does it matter? Even if it did take another month or so or whatever, why would it matter? Because we know the end. The end result is going to be God. God wins and so do we. Because we are on his side. God is before us. Who’s we against us? If we don’t have found our side, whom shall we fear? All right, this is another one I will overturn. This is in bold. I will overturn everything unjust in this nation. Nothing they have done against you will stand. Do not ever forget who I am and what I can do. I want to read that part again. Do not ever forget who I am and what I can do. That’s why it’s so important to get into prayer. And that’s why also it’s so important to read the Word of God. So you don’t forget who God is and you don’t forget what God can do. It will destroy fear, it will destroy worry. It will destroy doubt. It will destroy unbelief. Trust me, the more you get into the word of God, the more you will know who he is and you won’t forget who he is and what he can do. And it will destroy your perspective of being defeated or your perspective of it’s hopeless. God is the God who nothing is impossible. Alright? And the Word brings you hope and it’s the good news and it’s the truth. And it sets you free. All right. January 6. Now, I know people have said and people have shown there’s lots of going on January 6, whatever they want to call it committee. But it’s a bunch of false and fake and frauds. The January 6 information that has been suppressed is about to be released. There’s information about January 6 have not been released yet. It was also held back until the right time so your enemies couldn’t cover it up with more lies and get away with it. This information will set everyone free that has been illegally detained and imprisoned. I’m opening up those prison cells like Paula and Silas, my children. If I did it for them, I can do it for you now too. Now, if you know anybody who has been wrongfully imprisoned because of january 6, you read in the Book of Acts about Paul and Silas and you start praising and worshiping. You start praying and thanking God that your family member or your friend or whoever it is, your son or daughter will be released. And you start praising and thanking God that way. Remember, speak life, speak blessing, speak freedom, speak truth, don’t speak your problem. Don’t speak about the mountain, you speak to that mountain. God said if he did it for Paul and Silas, why would he not do it right now? God is the same God and he will release those prisoners. That’s what God promised. He released Paul and silence because it was unjust. He released all those people because it’s unjust. We all know it’s unjust. What they said about January 6 is not true. And I’m very bold about that because it is not true. I saw videos of people there, they’re praising and worshiping God. There was little kids, there was families, they were praising God. Things are not always how they appear to be. That’s that cause they’re not alright. And we know why that day was said the way it was, because it started a false narrative against this nation and to bring fear so you wouldn’t say no to them again. And that’s what’s happened. A lot of people did not have not stood up for them or against them. They have not done some of these protests or they have not got their voices heard because what if that happened again? There’s a lot of things that they did that day to cause a lot of fear and to cause a lot of disruption and to cause a stopping of that election. And God said there’s blueprints regarding January 6 and there is a computer out there that has a proof of it all and someone has it, someone on the good side. So you soon hear about it when it’s the right time and it’s very soon. And I don’t know the dates, but don’t ask me because God doesn’t give me dates. I’ll repeat that god did not give me dates. So I don’t know. He just gives me seasons. All right? Battles have been going on where the world did not see them. Did you hear that? Battles have been going on. The world has not seen them. A war of information, a war to save the children, a war to save the nations, a war to stop these manmade catastrophes. Yes, man made catastrophes. Manmade shortages and inflation. It’s not how it appears to be with those things. Manmade economic destruction does not appear how it is with the economy. A war that’s been going on to stop more couos there’s been a lot of twos from taking place. A war that has been going on to bring the right leaders back into their places of power. A war has been going on. A war of all wars. They took your peace, they took your children. They took your government, they controlled the narratives. They stole your freedoms and your jobs, they stole your finances. They blackmailed, they bribed, and they weasel their way into power, weasel their way into control in this world. They stole intelligent agencies so they would fight against you and not for you. They twisted the truth into lie so people would just believe everything they said. They stole the truth from you, and they used your money to steal more. I’m saying it again. They use your money to steal more. They’ve used our taxpayer dollars for things that are not lawful. Many things have been upside down, and I’m about to abruptly turn it right up. And your enemies won’t know what hit them. Saith the Lord of Hosts. Our enemies will never know what’s hit them, because God is never going to let them know. Look all the examples in the Bible you can read all the enemies of Almighty God, what they were trying to do, and how God abroad has stopped them, and nothing that they thought they could do, it wasn’t accomplished. All right. Conquest. This word will be used in your news and in a way you wouldn’t have expected. Stay on your guard. Stay in my word, and stay praying with me, say the Lord. Stay praying with God. Why? Because he will give you peace, he will give you rest, he will give you joy, and he’ll give you truth. It will set you free. And remember, prayer is the most powerful weapon you can use with the name of Jesus. You don’t need physical weapons. You need the name of Jesus in your mouth. Power, prayer, powerful weapon. All right. The world that has been going on in front of you has been deception for you to believe one thing when the truth is something totally different. The work that has been going on in front of you has been deception for you to believe one thing when the truth is something totally different. I will reveal the truth. I am using many people right now, my children. You would have never guessed I could use God. If you use people that you never guessed he could use, yes, and it would surprise us how many people he’s using. Listen to these words carefully read in October, then put them together. Remember, do not go by appearances. I told you about these things in the water that had been hidden that your enemies were about to do against you. My children, it is now being stopped, and soon you will hear and see what has been used against you. Do not listen to what the news is trying to say about or news is saying about Putin. There has been a great war of false information and distractions that caused the world to believe those falsehoods. Do not go by what they’re saying regarding Putin. Guys been talking about this since February. Things will not appear to be. And if you don’t know what Rhett October it is. Go look it up. They’re hunting for something. That’s what I’m going to say. All right, Gorbachev. This name will be in your news. Truth will pour out regarding this name and expose more that is going on in Russia. Then you realize things are not how they appear with Putin. I will say again, these are maneuvers that are being made to help the United States. These are maneuvers being made to help the United States. You have no idea what information that is about to be released that has been held back until the right time. The time is about to start in a great uproar. This will bring maneuvers that are being made to help the United States. There are maneuvers that have been made to help the United States. And there are some people that God is using that people will be like, God couldn’t use that person. God can use anybody who’s willing. All right. Greenland will soon be in your news. Many things are taking place there that the world will soon hear about. So Greenland, and then he says New Zealand and Sudan. But New Zealand, he said something about to rock that nation. Something is about to rock New Zealand. All right. Sudan will be in the news and then London. Something is about to take place there that will get the world’s attention. So something is about to take place majorly in London.

Trumbell. T-R-U-M-B-E-L-L. This name will be in your news and then Instrumental. This word will be used in your news in a very unusual way. Now a great shift has started. So, my children, prepare to see these things you would not expect. Prepare to see my hand move in ways you didn’t think possible. Prepare to receive from me things you didn’t ask for. I am moving now, so do not lose heart and do not faint when you are at the end of these ungodly governments. They’re ungodly. When they’re not of him in their systems, they put in place against you. It’s your time, my children. So be my children. I put you on this Earth to be. Who are we? We are overcomers. You are more than conquerors because you are my children. And I’m showing you my love or showering my love upon you, which will restore everything that’s been so on. So get ready to receive and get ready for me. Stay at the Lord your Redeemer. Get ready for the glory of Almighty God. He’s been talking about that his glory is going to fill it to Earth like the days of Naught. Here’s the first paragraph. I the Lord this day and telling my children great destruction and great devastation that’s coming to your enemies and the enemies of Almighty God. A great change of leadership and a great change of scenery, a great change of governments, a great fall is coming. And get ready my children. It is the power for change. In a way, it will be difficult for some to bear because they didn’t believe my prophecies and heed any of my warnings that I’d given to them. A great exchange is taking place. Great walls will crumble to the ground. A scrambling has to be done with this fraudulent government. It’s running out of options. It’s running out of time. TikTok goes the clock, and the clock is about to strike. Twelve 12 is a very important number in the body of Christ. Twelve is a very important number. Look it up. What twelve means. It means governmental authority. Twelve is a number of your enemies hate. And this is why. Because my children, they know what it stands for, government, but also it stands for authority. And my authority and my government shall rule in this earth and it shall completely destroy the scyla system that’s upon this earth. It’s always got plans and it’s always his will. And it will never be the enemies. It looked like God had taken his hand off. There’s been a lot of evil that’s been going around the world. Yes, there has. Remember it says in John Ten the Thief, john 1010 the thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. But God has come to give us life and to live it more abundantly. The thief steals, kills and destroys. God does not. There’s been a lot of things that have been going on that people have questioned, pray and ask God, this is the time to stay in prayer, and this is the time to stay praising and worshiping, and this is the time right now to rejoice. How can we rejoice? Julie? You give the sacrifice of praise. Remember, praise and worshippers were put on the front lines in a battle. Praise and worship destroys the power of the enemy. If you’re going through things today, start praising the worship, not praising Marshmallow and died because of it. You don’t praise and worship them because of destruction that you’re saying or what you’re facing. You praise Him despite what you’re going through, and God will bring you to the other side. I promise you, God does not fail. He will never forsake you. God is on your side and he always wins. I hope to encourage you today.

I want to pray for each one of you, heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name. I just want to pray over every single person that’s listening, father God, no matter how hard their life is right now, no matter the desperation have my Father, that they’re facing or impossible situations they’re facing, you hear the cries of your people and you deliver them out of it all. So I thank you, Father God for their deliverance. I thank you, Father God for their freedom. I thank you, Father God for their overflow. I thank you Father and God for change coming off. I thank you Father and God for the. God of the breakthrough, for visiting their house. I thank you, Father God, for turning their lives around. I thank you for healing them and for setting them free. I thank you for that redemption rights that no weapon forming against them shall prosper. Every tongue that rises up against them, they shall condemn. So I want to praise and thank you, Father God, for their victories. I want to praise and thank you, Father God, for their strength. For the joy of the Lord is your strength. So I pray an impartation of joy upon your people, of joy that will bring such strength, the joy that will bring peace, the joy for their gods that will show them that nothing they see against them will stay that way, that you are changing the course of their lives, that you are changing everything they see to change it into their victory. And we thank you for what Jesus has already done for us. In Jesus name, amen. And amen. We all of us encourage you today. Please, like, subscribe and share and give us everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word. We need to hear the truth. Because truth set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.


Red October is mentioned. In this lesson. It’s likely referring to a movie about a Russian submarine commander Sean Connery who defected to the United States changing sides. This is some kind of. Metaphor. Allegory here. The Russian doomsday tidal wave sub has disappeared. That’s one theory.

There is another theory. Equally fascinating because it’s about information garnered secretly by a piece of Russian software called Red October. Comment about it underneath the video, it’s well worth a look.

Operation Red October or Red October was a cyberespionage malware program discovered in October 2012 and uncovered in January 2013 by Russian firm Kaspersky Lab. The malware was reportedly operating worldwide for up to five years prior to discovery, transmitting information ranging from diplomatic secrets to personal information, including from mobile devices. The primary vectors used to install the malware were emails containing attached documents that exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word and Excel.[1][2] Later, a webpage was found that exploited a known vulnerability in the Java browser plugin.[1][3] Red October was termed an advanced cyberespionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations worldwide. A map of the extent of the operation was released by the Kaspersky Lab – the “Moscow-based antivirus firm that uncovered the campaign.”[4] After being revealed, domain registrars and hosting companies shut down as many as 60 domains, used by the virus creators to receive information. The attackers, themselves, shut down their end of the operation, as well.[ Also Bolshevik involved in a Typhoon-class ballistic missile submarine Red October

That above is from Rumble comments column.

And we are mysteriously told the disappearing Russian doomsday tsunami sub has vital information. And Putin knows vital information about something deep in the US that the globalists dearly want to suppress. The War is the deception. And Putin may not be the enemy he is made out to be, is the hint. And so Putins vital info could have been obtained by the Red October malware. Or a later version.

And here is another explanation that its about defection

PurpleVase, 1 hour ago

The Hunt for Red October. I liked Tom Clancy books and that movie. So we have the “missing” Russian Submarine (see Dave Scarlett with Julie on Take Five the past two weeks), which we’ve already heard in a word last week has the material information we need. So, remember the movie, the submarine defected to the good side.

And here is a bit more

charlenej5, 1 hour ago

Regarding New Zealand prophecy, Stew Peters very recently interviewed a woman from there who said the people are planning an uprising against their government. She asked for prayers. The NZ government has been just as bad as Australia over COVID-19 measures.

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