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Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday, October 12 of 2022, and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called Great Darkness is Coming Against Your Enemies. I heard this prophetic word on October 5 of 2022. Before I get to that, I do have a very important announcement in to make. I will be making another video right after this one. There was a huge fulfillment of prophecy yesterday, and I want to get that out in a separate video. Just that one prophecy. There’s several other ones. I’ll make a multiple prophecy fulfilled video here shortly, but this one is extremely important. It’s regarding Tulsi Goddard gave me a prophetic word back in February and March regarding what just happened yesterday. So I want to make a very quick video on that. And also, don’t forget, I will be part of his glory today at 1130 Central Time. Now, I will make sure that I leave a link in the description box for you so you can join us live. I hope you can. It’s always a great show. So now again, this prophetic word is called Great Darkness is Coming against your enemies. And before I get to that, I do want to give you guys the opportunity. If you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgmunational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries, 1252 Bend, or fivewell 52722. We do have a very powerful prayer team here, and I know you guys, the ones of you who have seen us at different events, yes, we do have a very powerful prayer team, and it is awesome to see what God is doing through them. All right, so that’s all the announcements today. Again, you’ll see me in another video very shortly after I make this video, all right?

Great Darkness is Coming against your Enemies

For I, the Lord this day, am encouraging my children to rise up and take back what is yours. Rise up in my strength and ability. Rise up and stand up and receive my truth. Receive my freedom. Receive my love. Receive my blood covenant. Receive your deliverance. Receive your healing. Receive a restoration of your finances that have been stolen from you through this world system. Receive my wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Receive your callings. Receive and accept your assignments. Receive your victories. My children, I am telling you these things again and again so you will see that I have not left you or forsaken you. You are not defeated and your enemies are not winning, and they are not to rule in this earth over you. So take back the authority I have given you on this earth. Take back what Jesus has paid for. It’s a time for my children. It’s a time for my glory. It’s a time for revival. It’s time for a great awakening and miracles not known to this magnitude by mankind. So get ready, my children. Changes are upon you, and it’s about to get very interesting Saith, the Lord, your Redeemer

Whistleblowers. This word will be in your news. More and more war. Your enemies will keep shouting and they will keep pursuing it. But do not fear what they are trying to do. I am cutting off their plans. I’m cutting off their lines of communication. I’m cutting off their power and ability to start this world war. They don’t have more power than me. And they will soon see that as true. Do not fear Russia. Do not fear China. Do not fear Iran. Do not fear Iraq. And definitely do not fear the so called government of the United States. They are impostors faiths and frauds and they do not have the power to pull off their plans. Instead, the truth will drag them down and remove them from their places of power. I say this again. Do not fear the economy. Do not fear the shortages. Do not fear inflation. Do not fear these things. They are not bigger than me. I’m the most high God, and no one or nothing is bigger than that. So rely on that fact and stay focused on my words. Your enemies are all coming down the way they will fall. No one could have dreamed it up or imagine how I will do it. My ways are higher than your ways. So watch as I do these things I have promised you. Say the Lord of Hosts. An archeologist will be in your news for a surprising reason. A doctor is about to be exposed big time. A Well known Medical Center is about to be in your news. Exposures. One right after another. Saith the Lord.

Antarctica I say this name again, exposures are about to be made. Many things have been hidden in this area. Things that your enemies didn’t want uncovered. A shock this will bring to the world. Many things have been hidden all over this world that are all about to be revealed by me Saith the Lord of Hosts.

Oprah. This name will be in your news. Warnings I had given and my warnings were ignored. I’m about to bring many big names down. No longer can they hide who they really are. Saith the Lord of Hosts.

MacEnany. This name will be in your news. Watch Times Square. Things are not how they appear to be. No matter what you see, these are the days for governors to fall watch one right after another. They will step down or be removed. I’m cleansing the states from the top down. And yes, that includes your Federal and governmental positions because great removals have begun and more will be seen. Many things took place behind closed doors you haven’t seen yet. Deals have been made and many more are about to be made. Your enemies are terrified of what moves are about to be completed. They know they can’t stop the storm that’s coming. They can’t stop the military might that is coming for them. Some of the inner circle in the enemy’s camps will still believe they can hold on and will try to. But they will fall flat and fall on their faces on center stage. They don’t have the power, they don’t have the resources to defeat what’s coming. Because what’s coming is me and my army. Say the Lord of Hosts scandals are about to consume the Federal Reserve and the IRS. Scandals and dirty deals and heinous cover ups. I’m stopping them from what they really wanted for you, O United States, get ready to see your Capital fall. Yes, the phrase White House down will be heard. Your capital is about to be under siege for their tyranny in that crime they were just about to commit. My hand is stopping them like I have stopped all the enemies against my people before Saith the Lord of Hosts.

An unusual storm cloud will be seen and video of it will go all over. Because of how it looks, Itold you. These were the days of unusual things to take place. A fiery explosion will be reported and this location is important at what you are about to see next. A great darkness is coming against your enemies. I told you before, my children the great plagues of today will be seen against your enemies and against our monuments, against our buildings against our governments and against their plans. I have said, enough is enough. And these words are about to manifest so the world can see them and the world will see my judgments against your enemies. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.

Expedia. This name will be in your news. My children. I am expediting your enemy’s destruction and the failing of their governments and governmental world system and their economic system. The perfect storm is against them. It’s about to be seen Saith the Lord of Hosts. My children, deny your enemy’s power to exist. Deny your enemies to continue their governments and their control over you. Do it My children, I have heard your cries and I’m answering your prayers. So awaken and get up from your place of defeat and despair. Your time is come. And my children’s time is now, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary Now, before I go back and re-read you guys know I do that. Before I go back and re-read that prophecy some of the things that when I was studying this morning the Lord gave me a few scriptures and I wanted to read them to you. This is in Deuteronomy, chapter 20 and verse one. Listen to this very closely. Remember, God is saying yesterday, today and forever. Deuteronomy, chapter 20 and verse one when you go forth to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots in an army greater than your own do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt is with you. And when you come near to the battle the priest shall approach and speak to them. That was verse two. Now listen to verse three and four and shall say to them, here, O Israel. Oh, you draw near this day in battle against your enemies. Let not your minds and your hearts faint. Fear not, do not tremble or be terrified and in dread because of them. So what God is saying is do not panic. This is an amplified version. By the way. This is verse four. For the Lord your God is he is who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to save you. Now, I want to go over something again. Do not be afraid of them. For the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt is with you. Remember, God spoke this to Joshua in Joshua, chapter one and verse five. So he said to him that he will go hold on a minute. No man should stand before you all the days of your life. So I was with Moses, so I will be with you. That’s what he said to Joshua in Joshua, chapter one, verse five. Remember, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. So how he was with Joshua, how he was with Moses, how he was with the Israelites, that’s how he is with you. But he has a better covenant with us now. So he’s saying, you’re not be afraid of them. But what he did look at an army greater than your own. We have an army that we’re facing that looks like is greater than we are. And God says, do not go by what things appear like. Even says this in Two Kings, chapter six. When Elijah was talking to Ghaziah and Hayese ran and told Elijah, look, there is an army against us. And Elijah prayed over Jehziah and said, Lord, open his eyes. Well, his natural eyes were already open and he saw thousands of men cornering them or surrounding them on a hill. And they were by themselves. It was just Elijah and Gehazii. And guess what happened when Elijah prayed Ghazi? The Lord opened his eyes. Gehazia’s eyes were open, but it was his spiritual eyes were open. And he saw the thousands and thousands of fiery chariots. There were angels that surrounded them. That was more in number than the enemies against them. And he also said this in two Chronicles, four or two Corinthians. Excuse me. I’ll get that right. Two Corinthians, chapter four, verse 16th or 18. Remember, the things which are seen are temporary. The things which are not seen are everlasting. So we see our enemies against us. That’s temporary. Because what we don’t see is God and his angels and the armies that are against our enemies. And those are everlasting. No matter what is going on in the world today, no matter what we’re facing in our own individual lives. Remember, God is the same God who delivered the nation of Israel out of the hands of the Egyptians, he’s still that God that does those same things. If he delivered the Israelites, we have a better covenant than they. Why would he not deliver us to remember these things? When fear tries to go get a hold of you and grasp you and get you to panic in this word when it’s saying verse three, let not your minds and hearts faint, nor fear not and do not tremble, nor be terrified and in dread because of them. That means do not panic, and panic is groundless fear. Remember, fear is false evidence that appears real. You can say, Julie, all these things we can see, it is real. No, it’s not. It may be a looks like it is, but it really is not. Because remember, God is the one who is in control. He is the one who is doing all these things behind the scenes that we can’t see and we don’t understand. Just like Elijah could see. And Elijah knew that there was more a number than Gahazi. I did. Gahazi was only looking in the natural. He was only seeing the enemies against them. And Elijah said, open his spiritual eyes, Lord. Open his eyes. And then he saw the chariots of fire that were surrounding them. That was more in number. You have more in number with you than your enemies have. We have a greater covenant than they did. And so God did not leave them nor forsake them. God’s not going to leave you. He’s not going to forsake you. He’s not going to forsake this nation. He’s not going to forsake no matter where you are in the world today, he’s not going to forsake you, because so God was with Moses, so he will be with you. He is the same god. He doesn’t change. He doesn’t break his cup. He doesn’t alter his word that goes out of his mouth. I’m going to read that for you really quick and I’ll go back over this word. Sometimes it’s hard for me to have these prophetic words and then we got to have the teaching on the inside of me. It’s so hard not to say it. That’s why these are getting longer, because there’s not just prophetic words, but there’s teaching these prophetic words and revelations in these prophetic words that God wants to give us. This is something I don’t even plan on saying. God just gives these things and it’s awesome. I love it. All right. Now, Psalm 89 and verse 34. Now listen to this. My covenant I will not break or profane, nor also the thing that has gone out of my lips. God will not alter what has gone out of his lips. What has gone out of his lips. Here’s a word. If he says, here’s the cries of his people, and he will deliver them out of it all. That’s in Psalms, especially in different parts of Psalms, but he says, I will deliver them out of it all. It doesn’t mean he’s going to deliver you out of some things. That means he’s going to deliver you out of all things. So look to God in the midst of this situation, in the midst of this darkness, as darkness for our enemies, it’s mostly light for us. Remember Goshen, never forget Goshen, no matter what things look like in the world today, you remember Goshen and you remember that God is the same yesterday and in forever. And really quick. He’s given me another scripture that I was reading this morning, because this is how good God is. Okay, this is Deuteronomy, chapter seven, verse nine. No one recognizes and understand, therefore, that the Lord your God, he is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant instead, fast, love and mercy with those who love Him and keeps his commandments to a thousand generations. It’s in Deuteronomy chapter seven and verse nine. There hasn’t been thousands of generations or thousand generations even since the beginning. So remember, you are a part of that because he said he keeps his covenant to a thousand generations, and there hasn’t been that many. So you are a part of this. God will never break his covenant or alter the words that come out of his mouth. He has said that. So I could go on and on and on. I love to teach the word of God, and I love to see what God is doing, but I want to go back over this prophetic word. And again, I’m making a second video right after this regarding a huge fulfillment that has happened with Tulsa Goddard that the Lord has given me back in February and March of this year to prove again for all those naysays, God does give us the news before the news. All right, my children, deny your enemy’s power to exist. Deny your enemy’s power to continue their governments and their control over you. Do not do it. My children, I have heard your cries and I’m answering your prayer. So awaken and get up from your place of defeat and despair. Your time has come, my children’s. Time is now. Saint, the Lord your redeemer. I could do a whole other different teaching on the power and authority that God has given to us, and I’ve given that many different times. This is so important right now to know the authority of the believer. There’s books out there, there’s teaching out there and get it the authority of the believer and know who you are in Christ Jesus. My children, I’m expediting your enemy’s destruction and their failing of their governmental world system and their economic system. The perfect storm is against them. It’s about to be seen, say the Lord of Hosts. Remember, he this is I don’t know how many times he’s talking about a perfect storm against them. Probably four, five, six times, I don’t know. It’s been a lot. So, again, there are things going on you may not specifically see but remember with Elijah prank over Gay Haziah ghazi eventually saw, you don’t happen to see all those things, but just know in your heart that those things are there. God is there. He is there. He’s waiting in the wings. He had these plans. He is the waymaker. He is the Prince of Peace. He is our joy. He is our Jehovah Nissi. Which is our banner or which is our victory? Victory is his name. So that’s why you can count on Him to not let us down. It’s his name. It’s who he is. Expedia. This name will be in your news. And then a great darkness is coming against your enemies. I told you before, my children, the great plagues of today will be seen against your enemies and against our monuments. We’ve seen them before, and he’s saying we’re going to see more, all right? And against our buildings, against our governments, against our plans. I said enough is enough. And these words are about to manifest so the world can see them. And the world will see my judgments against your enemies, saith the Lord of Hosts. So this is something we are about to see, is God’s. Hold on, I’m fixing something here. My mistype word, all right? We’re about to see God. And what he did, even against the Egyptians, is what he’s going to do. Similar to what he’s doing now. Because remember, the Egyptians were they kept pursuing God’s people, and this is what they’re doing. They were warned. They were told to stop. They were told all these things. God warned them over and over again. They’re not listening. And they keep pursuing. They keep with their plans. And that’s why you’re going to see things going on. But God didn’t want that to happen. He wanted them to stop. He wanted them to heed his warnings and turn back to the wicked ways. He wanted them to repent. God does not want to have this happen. Remember, he loves mankind. He created man. He created man to have a family. And he knows even Jesus said, Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do. He knows it’s the enemy that’s controlling them. It’s not them. He’s just using them as a vessel. And unfortunately, they are just being used by the devil, and they don’t even realize it. Some of them do, and they don’t care. A fiery explosion will be reported, and its location is important at what you are about to see next. So listen first on the news, a fiery explosion, and then pay attention to the location. But God said, what you are about to see next, it’s important. The unusual storm cloud will be seen in a video of it will go all over because of how it looks. I told you these were the days of unusual things to take place. So an unusual Storm cloud Washington, DC. is apparently going to go viral, and that’s the just I’m getting of it. And it says, why? Because it’s unusual. It’s that unusual. All right, get ready to see your capital fall. Yes, the phrase White House down will be heard. Your capital is about to be under siege for their tyranny and their crimes, that they were just about to commit. My hand is stopping them like I stopped all the enemies against my people before, say the Lord of Hosts.

Now, he talked about things happening in Washington, DC. Many and different multiple times. And remember, the more he says those things, the more the quicker those things are going to come to pass. Now, there’s a lot of things about our capital of the United States of America that we don’t even know yet, but we’re certainly going to find out again that capital is on property that doesn’t belong to the United States of America. I’m going to keep saying that doesn’t make any sense. If you have a capital of the country, why would that capital not be on the same property of that nation? And again, all their symbolisms. If you have not been to Washington, DC. There are symbolisms all over the place. They’re not of God. So he’s saying that things are going to happen. So he keeps telling us to watch the capital. He’s mentioned again the storm is brewing and it’s going to come to Washington. All right, then scandals are about to consume the Federal Reserve and IRS scandals and dirty deals and heinous cover ups. I’m stopping them from what they really wanted from you all. United States. So watch something happens. The Federal Reserve and the IRS now again, then there was the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, and of course, what’s going on in the White House right now. And now he’s saying watch the Federal Reserve and the IRS. Okay? No matter what you see, these are the days for governors to fall. Now, he’s been talking about many, many governors falling, and now he’s saying this is a damn time of a governor’s to fall. Watch one after another, they will step down or be removed. I’m cleansing the states from the top down. And yes, that includes your federal and governmental position because great removals have begun and moral will be seen. So things have happened behind the scenes that we haven’t seen yet. Many things took place behind closed doors we haven’t seen yet. Deals have been made, and many more are about to be made. Your enemies are terrified of what moves are about to be completed. They know they can’t stop the storm that’s coming. They can’t stop the military might that is coming for them. Some of the inner circle in the enemy’s camp still believe they can hold on, and they will try, but they will fall flat and fall flat. on their face on center stage. They don’t have the power and they don’t have the resources to defeat what’s coming, because what’s coming is ME and my army. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Remember, no one can defeat God. He’s the most high God. What is his army? The angel armies. And God is also using armies of people in this world. God is never, ever, ever going to be defeated. It doesn’t matter how much money our enemies have, doesn’t matter how big our enemies are, doesn’t matter how much they control it doesn’t matter. Remember Egypt was the most powerful country in the world. They had the most resources in the world in that time. And it didn’t stop God, no matter what they had, no matter what kind of control they had over God’s people. When God said, Let my people go, and it said, Enough is enough, that was it. His words came to pass. It’s like his words created the world. Now it says, watch Times Square. I don’t know exactly what this is, but he said, Watch Time Square. Things are not how they appear to be. So there’s going to be news coming out around Times Square. Something’s going to go on there. All right, Mac and Ernie, this name will be in your news. And then Oprah. Now listen to this. This name will be in your news. Warnings I had given, and my warnings were ignored. I’m about to bring down many big names. I’m about to bring many big names down. No longer can they hide who they really are. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. So big names, a lot of people in Hollywood, God’s been talking about that, a lot of who are athletes, who are actors, actresses, directors, producers, whoever they are, businesses, CEOs, no matter who they are, big names. People you know, who’ve been in the spotlight for a long time, guys saying, I’m bringing them down. He’s given them warnings and they’ve ignored them. So now it’s time for their judgment.

Antarctica. I say the same again. Exposures are about to be made, and many things have been hidden in this area, things that your enemies didn’t want uncovered. A shock this will bring to the world. Many things have been hidden all over the world that are all about to be revealed by me, saeth the Lord of Hosts. So there are things being hidden. God is saying all over the world, and he is going to uncover it all. So something big is about to be uncovered, and it will shock people what they have been hiding in Antarctica. You’d think it’s uninhabitable, so we wouldn’t think anything is there, but things are there.

A well known medical center is about to be in your news. Exposure after another, say the Lord, and then a doctor is about to be exposed big time. An archaeologist will be in the news for a surprising reason. Now listen to this. Do not fear Russia. Do not fear China. Do not fear Iran. Do not fear Iraq, and definitely do not fear the so called government of the United States. They are imposters, fix and frauds, and they do not have power to pull off their plans. Instead, the truth will drag them down or remove them from their places of power. I say this again, do not fear the economy. Do not fear the shortages. Do not fear inflation. Do not fear these things. They are not bigger than me. I’m a multi God. No one or nothing is bigger than that. So rely on that fact and stay focused on my words. Or enemies are all coming down the way they fall. No one could have dreamed it up or imagined how I will do it. My ways are higher than your ways. So watch as I do these things I have promised you. Sayeth. The Lord of Hosts.

The reason why he’s saying do not fear Russia is because the world and the news stations are trying to make you fear Russia. And what Russia is going to do. Now, remember, Putin is not perfect, but God has said he’s given them certain things. He’s being used by God. Putin’s being used by God, but he’s given a line. Don’t go crossing this line. If you cross this line, you gave him a warning. If you cross the line, the judgment was going to come. Whether or not I cross that line or not, I don’t know. But God is saying, do not go by appearances in what the news stations are telling you about what’s going on in Russia. It’s not how it appears to be. So do not fear what they are saying. War. Your enemies will keep shouting, they will keep pursuing it, but do not fear what they are trying to do. I’m cutting off their plans. I’m cutting off their lines of communication. I’m cutting off their power and ability to start this world war. They don’t have more power than me, and they will soon see that as true. So, again, they’re trying to start a war. And why they start a war is distraction, distraction, distraction. Your enemies love to start wars or start chaos, destruction, because they want distractions. They don’t want the truth to come out. The more the truth comes out, they will distract you into looking this way. Hey, look this way. While the truth is coming out this way. We want you to look this way and get frustrated and get upset. Don’t pay attention to the news. They will have big new things come out, or big, whatever, when information is coming out, like what’s going on with Hunter Biden, that’s a huge prophecy being fulfilled, because God’s been prophesying that since the end of last year about Hunter Biden and all of his laptops, and all of a sudden there’s a second laptop. God said there was going to be. I mean, this is not surprised God at all, and why it should surprise us when God said it before the time happened. God gives us the news before the news. That’s what prophecy is. Prophecy is newsy for the news. All right, whistleblowers. This world will be in your news more and more. Now, this is the first paragraph. For I the Lord this day. I’m encouraging my tone to rise up and take back what is yours. Rise up in my strength and ability. Rise up and stand up and receive my truth. Receive my freedom. Receive my love. Receive my blood covenant. Receive your deliverance. Receive your healing. Receive a restoration on your finances that have been stolen from you through this world system. Receive my wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Receive your callings. Receive and accept your assignments. Receive your victories, my tour. I am telling you these things again and again, so you will see that I have not left you, nor forsaken you. You are not defeated. Your enemies are not winning, and they are not to rule on this Earth over you. So take back the authority I’ve given you on this Earth. Take back what Jesus has paid for. It’s time for my children. It’s time for my glory. It’s time for revival. It’s time for Great Awakening. Miracles are not known to this magnitude by mankind. So get ready, my children. Changes are upon you, and it’s about to get very interesting, sayeth the Lord Your Redeemer.

Times on this earth are getting very interesting, and I’m getting very, very excited to see what God is about to do. You can see that things are starting to get a little bit more unsettling, it looks like, around the world. But God told us this was going to happen. He told us about the shortages, he told us about the inflation, that’s proxy being fulfilled. He told us about the worst. He told us about all these things. And God is saying, don’t look to those things. Don’t magnify those things. Don’t get frustrated by those things. Don’t fake, don’t get into fear because of those things. God is saying, focus on me. He’s giving us prophecies every day. What a blessing that is. It’s given to us every day. So we focus on Him so he can give us peace and rest when there’s so much unrest around the world. He wants to get your focus and trust back on Him. So when all these things happen, because it may look worse before it gets better, but God is saying, don’t pay attention. Don’t fall for that stuff. Like the world’s going to fall for God has you. He’s got everything. He’s got it in the palm of his hand. Read Psalm 91. So you get that in your spirit over and over and over again. If that was my fault, one side of 100 a number, but not come near me. She is our principalie. He is our high power. She is our protector, he is our deliverer. And so many times he says that in his words when he has taken for His Word or at His Word. So I want to pray over one of you today. Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I pray over every single person who is watching this video, even the ones who are watching it for the wrong reason. Father God, I pray that their blinders are removed and their hearts are softened to your truth. Those naysayers, those mockers, those the ones who have been so religious and so legalistic that they don’t see the truth, I thank You, Father God, that this is now helping them see that you love them, that these words are speaking to them as well, not just those who are paying attention, those who are hungry for Your word. I thank you, Father God. It is turning the course of their lives and they are hungry for it. Father, forgive them. They know not what they were doing. And I thank You, Father God, for showering Your love upon them as well, no matter how they have been, no matter what they’ve said against any person in your body of Christ, I thank You, Father God, that they are turning and they’re repenting and they’re coming to you. I thank you, Father God, for your word is truth. And I thank You, Father God, that you are separating us from the world. And I thank you. Praise you, Father God. No matter what Your Church is going through today, no matter what they’re going through in their personal life, Father God, you are their way out. You are their waymaker. You are the prince of peace. You are the healer. You are the redeemer. You are the Solomon King. I thank you, Father God. But they get up to their places of despair. They get up to their places of fear and defeat right now by the blood of Jesus. And they know they have their victory because of what Jesus has done for them. And we thank You, Father God, for the boldness like a lion. We thank You, Father God, that we have a refreshing on the inside of us our enemies cannot take away. And we thank you for all that in Jesus name, amen. Amen. Yes. God even says, pray for your enemy no matter what anybody said against you and no matter what they’ve done. God says, pray for your enemies because he loves them. He doesn’t love what they’re doing against you, but pray for them because you know what? It’s freeing for you. It frees you from the unforgiveness. That God, he says, if you don’t forgive, I can’t forgive you. So it’s very important today to forgive. Even though those people are against you, forgive them. There’s been many people against me. God says, forgive them, and I do. And I even pray for them because it’s between them and God. If you forgive, don’t be in the middle of that, because then it’s between you and God. So I also encourage you today, please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging work, who needs to hear the truth because the truth sets you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day. Bye.


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