Time to tear this One World Gov Apart
Good morning everybody. Today is Wednesday, January 4 of 2023. And I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today. And it’s called It’s Time to Tear the One World Government Apart. I heard this prophetic word on December 31 of 2022. Before I get to that, but I do have a few announcements to make. Now, today is a new time, but still an amazing and a great show. I love it. I love being on it. It is with Pastor Dave, take five in his glory. It will be on at 12:00 Central time and 01:00 Eastern time. I am very excited for the show because the Lord has given me so many prophetic words that I cannot wait to share with Pastor Dave. And I am so excited to hear the confirmations that God always has for us on that show. So I hope you can join us. I will have the links in the description box for you. Again, new time, still a saved. Great show is 12:00 Central time and 01:00 Eastern time. And also, this is how I’ve been starting out, the year of 2023. So I’m going to read a few of the things that God wants us to declare it. Now, tomorrow, which is Thursday, January 5, I will have the 2023 prophecy, the whole thing that God has given to me, and I will be sharing it with you. But until then, I’ve been sharing some little bit apart, just a little bit of it, to get you to decree this every single day because God meets our words. All right? Now, in agreement with his. So, all right, write this down if you haven’t. And again, I will see what I can do to try to put this in the description box for you. And I will copy and paste it so you guys actually have it until we get it on our website. But if you can’t get it, I just want you guys to write this down. It is so important, it’s important for us to start the day out with this.
All right, now,
2023 is a year to be free.
2023 is a year of glee.
2023, a year of prophecy.
2023, a year to end what you see.
2023, a year of great victory, a year of great prosperity. The year 2023 is a year to be free.
I call it in, and I call in the freedom. Freedom from sickness, freedom from lack, freedom from families being divided, freedom in our lands, freedom from tyrannical governments, freedom in all the things our enemies have used to hold us captive. Father God, I call in the freedom. I am free in my spirit, I am free in my soul. I’m free in my body. I am free socially. I’m free in finances to freely serve you in all ways. This is a year of 2023, a year to be free. 2023, a year for me. I call it in everything that I have been believing for, everything that I have been standing for, all the things that have been discouraging me, all the things that look impossible, I say no. This is 2023 a year for me. I thank you, Father, that everything that I have been standing for believing for, I take it in the year of 2023, I am calling it in by faith, the things that God wants me to have. 2023 is a year of freedom. I take every impossible situation in my life and I thank you, Father God, that you are turning it around today. This is a year that I will see more glory. Hallelujah. And I just wanted to again, I want to say that every single day for as long as he wants me to say it to you, get this down in your hearts. This is a year for you to be free. No matter what you’ve been dealing with, no matter how many things you’ve been going through, God is bigger. Remind yourself of that. God is bigger than all the situations in my life. God is bigger than all the circumstances that I’m facing. God is bigger than the doctor’s report. God is bigger than what my bank account says. God is bigger. God is bigger than what our governments are doing. God is bigger. He’s bigger, and he is the way maker. So these words that I’m giving you every single day that God gives to me, to give to you, these are first mana from heaven. This is to bring you joy. This is to bring you encouragement. This is to bring you to the truth, to bring you freedom. Because when the sunsets free is free indeed, we are free. Because of what Jesus has already done for us, we are free. Say I am free. I’m free from everything that set me back in 2000 and 2o22. I am free from everything that set me back in 2021. I’m free from anything that set me back in my past. I am moving forward with the life that God has for me, and I receive that in Jesus name. Is that better than what most people start the year out with? Now, I’ll be doing another prophecy fulfilled video this Friday. I’m so excited about it because there’s been some huge ones in these last few days. And I want to give you guys encouragement. You’ll also see me start pre-recording because I’ll be going out of town for just a couple of days to spending time with the Lord, spending time in prayer, seeking Him on this year, seeking him on what he wants this ministry to do, seeking Him on what he wants me to say to you. Just seeking him and filling myself up. I just want to let you guys know so you will start seeing me pre-recorded here all right now. And also, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under your contact page or on our contact page. Excuse me. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. All right. Now this is the prophetic word.
It’s Time to Tear the One World Government Apart.
I heard this prophetic word on December 31 of 2022 and I was so excited to give this to you. All right.
For I the Lord this day I’m reminding my children of all the words I have given to you, all of my written words reminding you of your authority. But so many in my body are complaining, still are in fear, are under pressure to give up and quit because it’s too good to be true, or that they have tried to believe for so long and nothing’s happening they are saying and thinking. Again I ask my children because things don’t look the way you wanted them to yet, and that’s it’s never going to happen. Where do you think those thoughts are coming from? They are not my thoughts for you. Your adversary is painting a very bleak picture. For my children to stop believing, to stop receiving, because it’s too hard. The battle has gone on for too long. It’s getting worse. Nothing is changing. Your enemies, they just keep winning and taking more power. It’s so confusing on what to believe, because what you see is just so overwhelming. Your enemies count on this. They count on you to say these things, think these things. It’s easier to place such overwhelming doubt in your minds and in your hearts. This is a spiritual war. My children and most people in the church aren’t fighting at all because they don’t know how. Also, this is a battle hold on a second. Is in the church are not fighting at all because they don’t know this is a battle. Excuse me if I skipped a sentence, so I apologize. So I’ll say that again, the church are not fighting at all because they don’t know this is a battle and they don’t know how to fight. That is why there is a shaking. That is why darkness is overtaking it seems like. A shaking must take place for my body to wake up. The world has done a great job over many years to rock my church and to asleep into thinking the way the world thinks. That way manmade doctrines come in to deceive the masses. Again, I say great shaking is hitting my church and it’s happening now. My children, be prepared for this time. The world is shaking and truth is destroying every lie. But it’s much bigger than that in my church. A great separation is taking place and a cleansing is happening. To destroy their religion and to destroy their traditions, to destroy deception, to destroy ideology, to destroy legalism, to destroy laziness, to destroy the lukewarm church. That either my children need to be hot or cold. I have said these things in my word. I’m not saying those words to discourage. I’m not saying these words to bring confusion. Satan is the author of both of these things. And I told you, in my written word, I chasten or correct whom I love. So you don’t keep going in the wrong direction, my children. Don’t listen to those who mock, who judge, who constantly criticize. That’s not for me. That’s not walking in love. That’s not from me. That’s not walking in love. Where do you think those people are coming from your enemy’s camp to deceive you out of believing the truth? This is nothing new. An old tactic of your adversaries that he has tried for many years. My children, things are changing, things are moving, things are shifting. Things are being overturned. Things will not look the same. Don’t believe the words of your neighbors. Believe my words. My children, your enemies are being judged. Your enemies are being thrown out of their positions. Your enemies are not staying where they are. They’re not staying in power and control. And they will do anything for NO, this is not the way things will stay. This fraudulent government will be removed in a way you can’t see or dream up. Your enemy’s plans for world takeover will not succeed, and they will not proceed. And they will not succeed. My children, this is the time I’ve warned you of. So why is this time coming by surprise? Your enemies are trying something bigger, something that will finally bring in the new world order. They think it’s not happening now. So, my children, arise and fight the good fight. Arise in my joy. Arise in my strength. Arise in my power. Arise now from defeat. Arise now from sickness and disease. Arise. Arise to where I need you to be. This is a time for suddenlies, for sudden changes, for sudden shifts, for sudden governments to be overthrown. It’s time to tear this one world government apart, to take them down, remove their power over my church. So again I say, my church arrives. My church Wake up. My church. Use my authority and have faith in my name. Have faith in my blood that is more powerful than the things that you see. Nothing is more powerful than me, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.
The WHO is being Exposed news reports one run right after another will reveal the truth on what they have been hiding, what all they have been hiding, who controlled them and who has been financing their plans. It’s all coming out, so get ready.
The World Economic Forum. They’re all murderers, liars, thieves, snakes. They’re also the pharaohs of today. And people believe in their power and their control because they have money. That money belongs to my church. That power belongs to my church. Jesus destroyed this power and destroyed their control. But they have deceived, manipulated, killed countless people to get the power that they have now. My children, call them down, call them to be exposed and every lie to be revealed. Remember my name and my blood is more powerful than anything they could dream of having. Say eth the Lord of Hosts.
By calling them all down, rendering their power useless, rendering them helpless against you, against your nations, watch how fast it all comes down.
The IRS scandal is coming that will break their power and break their control. Listen to the whistleblowers who will expose them. This is much bigger than anyone knew about. Much bigger.
The Federal Reserve will be demolished. And watch and see how fast their power fails and their powers destroyed. All of these things were never meant to be. I have told you that before. This beast system is coming down. My system will come and replace it until the time of the end. It’s not the time yet for the beast system, my children. My church has much to do before the end. Many lives need to be saved first. The gospel needs to be preached into all nations. This hasn’t happened yet. My children. The great Exodus is about to come to an explosive place. Restorations, deliverances overturning, overthrowing, judgment and justice. It’s all coming. So Brace for what is about to happen next to bring your victories. Shout, our time has come and our time is now. Everything that belongs to the church, everything that belongs to you, say it now. I take it in the name of Jesus that won it for me. Say these things. Shout these things now, my children, and watch my hand move. It’s moving. And your celebrations are near, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary And before I go back to this word, there was a scripture that he really wanted me to give out to you. And I know he’s been talking a lot about in the book of Exodus, and a lot about the original Exodus. The reason why I say the original is because we’ve already started the greater Exodus. We’ve seen the beginning of it, and now we’re coming to the time where we’re going to see the end. And so towards the end of the Exodus, of course, the beginning is when all the plagues happened, the destruction happened to the Egyptians, to Egypt itself. There was one thing after another. And of course, you can see when all those things happened, the land of Goshen was protected. We are children of the Most high God. We have a better covenant than the children of Israel did. Remind yourselves of Goshen. Remind yourselves as when these things start to shake and when these things start to happen, and things are starting to intensify right now. Remember when things were intensifying in the original Exodus, God’s people, the Israelites, were not affected at all. They were protected. They were shielded, you would say, by the hand of God. God made sure that Goshen did not take part in any of those things that happened in Egypt. We have a better blood covenant than they did. They had, yes, they sacrificed lambs blood. They had sacrificed the unblemished lamb. They put the blood on the door post. But we have the sacrificial lamb. Jesus Christ is the one who was slain for us. He shed his blood for us. We have power in that name, power in that blood covenant. We just have to know it. We have to know the power of the blood. Why do you think religion has destroyed that teaching? Has destroyed teaching of faith, has destroyed teaching of the authority of Almighty God, has destroyed the teaching of the knowledge of the name of Jesus. Let’s just teach salvation, which is good, teach salvation. But you can’t walk around as a warrior in the body of Christ. You are in the army of the Lord. You can’t walk around with just the helmet of salvation on, and then nothing else. Our enemies laugh because people walk on and walk around and do the daily life with a helmet of salvation on and they have nothing else on. They’re not covered up anywhere else. We have to have the full armor of God. The full armor of God. You’ll find that in Ephesians six. Why? To fight the enemy, you have to have the full armor, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness. We shot our feet with a preparation of the gospel of peace, above all, taking the shield of faith, the shield of faith, which will quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, the hammer of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. You have to have the full armor of God on. Put it on every day. Plead the blood of Jesus and say, I plead the blood of Jesus on the top of the head of his soul to my feet and my enemy cannot penetrate this blood. He cannot penetrate, he cannot egg in, he cannot destroy, he cannot affect me because I had the blood of Jesus Christ. Think of the land of Goshen. Think of the protection that they had with just a normal lamb. Yes, it was an unblemished lamb, but it was a natural lamb. We have the sacrificial lamb. And so this is why religion and manmade doctrines had deceived the masses into what did he say we rocked them into a deception, rocks us asleep. And so that’s why God is saying this is a time where we have to push through, be consistent, be persistent on knowing the name of Jesus, knowing your blood covenant that you have with him, knowing the power and authority and dominion that you have, and not giving in, not quitting. No matter how bad it seems like, no matter how your feelings are telling you, just quit. Just quit. Just quit. When you quit, what does that leave? That leaves you defeated. That leaves your enemy power over you. But it’s easier. No, it’s not. Trust me, it’s not easier. Your feelings will tell you that.
Now look at this in Exodus chapter 14. Now I can’t read all this for the sake of time, so I really want to go back over this prophetic word, but Exodus chapter 14 and verse four. Listen to what the Lord said. I will harden and make stubborn strong Pharaoh’s heart, and he will pursue them. And now listen to this. I got stuck at this for a while when I was younger, especially until the Lord started talking to me about the greater Exodus back about twelve years ago. And I could never understand this as a kid. God, why would you want to harden the heart of Pharaoh? Why would you do that? If they would just let him go, then they just let him go, have been fine. God wanted to show Pharaoh that no matter how many gods he served and he thought himself as a god, the Lord was showing him, I am the most high God. So when he pursued and he hardened his heart, God showed not only the Egyptians and Pharaoh that everything they believed was a lie. And the Moses God was on the side of their enemy. And it was their ultimate demise. As they were chasing the children of Israel in the Red Sea. That was their utter destruction. They really thought that sea parted for them. They realized closed was too late, that sea parted for the Israelites. And to listen. Then it said, and I will gain honor and glory over Pharaoh and all of his hosts, and the Egyptian shall know that I am the Lord. And they did so. So when he hardened his heart, they kept pursuing it. Our enemies are the Pharaohs of today and they keep pursuing us. It looks like they keep taking more ground. It looks like they keep just taking more of freedoms away, destroying our lives by the day. That’s what it looks like. That’s what it looked like for the children of Israel as well. That’s what it looked like for them. It looked like their lives were just so attacked and so pursued. There was nothing, there was no way out. Now look. Then the Egyptians pursued them. This is verse nine in Exodus 14. And all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh and his horsemen and his army overtook them and encamped at the Red Sea. Now guess what? The Lord stopped him, even though Israel was what? They were trapped, but Lord stopped. Pharaoh went out all of his army. Then it said, look in verse ten, the bottom of it, for the sake of time. The frightened and Israelites were exceedingly frightened and cried out to the Lord. And they said to Moses, is it because there are no graves in Egypt? They have taken us away to die in the wilderness? Fear, doubt, worry, unbelief. That’s what’s going on in the body of Christ right now. Fear, doubt, worry, unbelief. Why didn’t God save us from the 2020 election? Why did God save us from the 2022 election? Why is that not saving us? Why are they in control? Why are they stealing all these things? Why are they allowed to do all these things? It wasn’t just worse before. Where’s God? Where’s God now? Look. Look at what Moses said to them. Jump down. In verse 13, Moses told the people, fear not. God is saying to you, fear not, stand still, firm, confident and undismayed and see the salvation of the Lord which he will work for you today. And for the Egyptians you have seen today, you shall never see again. Verse 14, the Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest. God is saying to you, he is fighting for you, so remain at peace. Remain at rest. Look at I’m going to say this again. The Lord will fight for you. You shall hold your peace and remain at rest. Hold your peace and remain at rest. God is fighting for you. God is fighting for you. He’s fighting for our nations. He’s not letting them win. The enemies we see today, the Pharaohs up today. We are not going to see it again. We are going to get to that point. What is it? I don’t exactly know. He doesn’t give me dates. But I will tell you that it’s coming close. It’s coming near. I was overwhelmed when I was in prayer this morning, the overwhelming of the end of the enemies that we’re seeing, it is coming close. It is so close. And God is saying that is why so many of us are under pressure. That is why the church is overwhelmed right now, because it is the time where our enemies are throwing everything they possibly can on us to give us a give up and quit. And God is saying, stand persevere, be persistent, be consistent. Stand up. Use my authority, use my name. Don’t ever give up. Don’t ever quit. Because there was a reward for those who will stand there’s, a reward for those who will believe and not quit. There’s a reward. But I’m telling you, there has been a shift, a mighty shift. I can feel it in my spirit. It’s overwhelming in a good way. It’s a good way. It’s a good thing. God is doing something we can’t see right now. But that’s why he’s giving us all these things every single day. Every single day he’s given us this. Why? So we don’t give in to the pressures from our enemies and we know the truth. So it can set us free. I’m going to go over this really fast.
Everything that belongs to my church, everything that belongs to you, say it now. Say this right now. I take it in the name of Jesus. That won it for me. Say these things. Shut these things now, my children, watch my hand move. It’s moving. And your celebrations are near. So take back everything that Jesus has won for you? What do you win for you? Your freedom. Your freedom in your spirit, your freedom in your soul. Your freedom in your body. Freedom in every area of your life. Say, I am free in every area of my life. Everything that chained me, everything that tormented me, every impossible situation, everything that enemy has done, it will not hold me, it will not control me. I am free today. In Jesus name. All right, now, see, isn’t it better than just giving in to hopelessness and despair? It is, trust me. It’s better start getting up. It’s not easy in those days, but it’s easier to fight and know that there’s hope at the end and the life at the end of the tunnel than it is to be hopeless, to give up the hopeless and despair and to think that nothing’s ever going to happen. Don’t believe the lies of the enemy. Restoration, deliverance says, overturning overthrowing judgment and justice. It’s all coming. So Brace forward is about to happen next. Keeps talking about bracing, what’s going to happen next? Because it’s going to be bigger than we realize. It’s bigger. It’s bigger than our enemies. It’s bigger than their plans, it’s bigger than their laws. It’s bigger than everything that they’ve been doing. It’s bigger. And he says, everything that can be shaken will be shaken. And that’s why he’s warning us, because things are intensifying. There’s not going to be a place where we’re like, oh, this is normal, this is normal. No, he said, take people out of the normal, because with normal they get comfortable. People had to be shaken who are still asleep.
Now. He says, Shout. Our time has come and our time is now. Shot with me. Our time has come and our time is now. Say it again. Our time has come and our time is now. We don’t have to wait. There has been delays. Yes, there has been delays, but that those delays are not going to hold back the plans of Almighty God. They didn’t happen when we wanted, but just like the children of Israel, when we were in wilderness, god only wanted them to walk for eleven days. I think, like people say, it was like ten or eleven days to get to the promised land from Egypt. That was his plan. He told them, you’re going to the Promised land. They were supposed to go there, walk right in. They believed a lie. God’s people have been leaving a lie and has held us in a place that God doesn’t want us. That’s why God is saying these words to us, so people don’t believe in evil. Report God. His plan was not for the children of Israel to walk in the wilderness for 40 years. That was their choice, it was their decision. They believed the lie and they did not believe God. They murmured, they groaned, complained, they questioned him constantly. And that’s what God’s people are doing now. That’s why? The ones like us who are awake, we had to pray for the ones who are asleep, the ones who are deceived so we can walk in to our promised lands, which is the way of life that God has always wanted us live. Not specific land. It’s just a way of life that God has always wanted us to live. Now, my feeling the great Exodus is about to come to an explosive place. The great exodus started in 2022. Now, in 2023 its about to come into an explosive place. Before the end of the original Exodus, it came to an explosive place in many different areas of it. It looked more impossible, more dark, like it was never going to happen. And just when they thought they were free, just when they had hoped that lie at the end of the tunnel, something else happened. To bring discouragement, to bring despair, to bring hopelessness. We cannot fall into the deception and the trickery of our enemy like our ancestors did. We need to learn from their mistakes. That’s why I think he keeps bringing it up.
Now listen. He’s talking about the WHO The Federal Reserve is also talking about the World’s Economic Forum. This is what he says the Federal Reserve will be demolished in Washington. How fast their power and their power fails and their power is destroyed. All these things were never meant to be. What things? The Federal Reserve, the IRS, and the WHO. The World Health Organization. None of those things were ever meant to be. That’s the beast system. Most of Wall Street, actually. No. All of Wall Street. That’s the beast system. It’s not meant to help you. It’s meant to enslave you. Some people have gotten rich. Some people have gotten blessed by it. But the majority of people, it hurts them. This is what he was saying. I told you this that before. Told us what before? The beast system is coming down. My system will come and replace it until the time of the end. Is at the time yet for the beast system. My children, my church has much to do before the end. We are on assignment. There is much to do before the end. People think stand now, not yet. Why? This is why many lives need to be saved first. The gospel needs to be preached into all the nations. And this hasn’t happened yet. People want to be the end. They want the rapture. They want all these things to happen yet. It’s not time for that yet. We have a job to do. We are on assignment to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ into all nations, to bring more people into the body of Christ. That’s our assignment. It hasn’t happened yet. We are at the time of the great harvest of souls. But God cannot, we cannot be broke, we cannot be sick, we cannot be in fear. We cannot be just like everybody else. That’s. Why God needs us free so we can free other people with the word and the truth of Almighty God. That is our assignment. It’s not just about us. He wants us to be free so we can go and bless and free other people with the knowledge of Jesus Christ. That’s the whole point. It’s not about selfishness. It’s not about my name is Jimmy. I’ll take all you give me. That’s not what it’s all about. It’s about he wants you free to be able to fulfill the assignments that he asked for you on this earth to help other people know him. That’s what’s all about. The IRS scandal. There’s an IRS scandal. It’s like the second or third time they talked about the IRS. It is huge. It’s huge. They just added 82 or 83,000 people to the IRS. What?
Yeah. No, that’s not a good thing. The IRS scandals come in that will break their power and break their control. Listen to the whistleblowers who will expose them. This is much bigger than anyone knew about it’s. Much bigger. So we’re going to find out. The Federal Reserve is going to be destroyed. The IRS is going to be destroyed, and so is the WHO. It’s part of the Beast system. It’s part of the One World Government. And he said he’s tearing it apart. Say that the One World Government is being torn apart. The World Economic Forum. Listen what he says they are who he says they are. They are murderers. They are liars. They’re thieves. They’re snakes. They’re also the pharaohs of today. And people believe in their power and their control because they have money. That money belongs to my church. That power belongs to my church. Jesus destroyed their power and destroy their control. But they have deceived, manipulated, and killed countless listen to this. This isn’t bold. They have killed countless people to get the power they have now. They’ve killed countless people. The world looks up to these people. Why? Because they have money. My children. Call them down. Call them to be exposed in every lie to be revealed. Remember my name. And my blood is more powerful than anything they could dream of having. To read that again. This isn’t bold. Remember my name. My blood is more powerful than anything they could dream of having. God is more powerful than they are. Any power they have and an amount of money they have. God is more powerful the WHO, the World Health Organization is being exposed. News reports, one right after another, will reveal the truth on what they have been hiding. All they have been hiding. Listen to this. Who controls them and who has been financing their plans. It’s all coming out. So get ready. The Plandemic they had in 2020, that wasn’t even the first thing they’ve ever done against us. There’s there’s a lot going on, especially with pharmaceutical lot going on with these viruses. It’s been going on a lot longer. They’ve been doing stuff, stuff to our food. The FDA is involved in this. The pharmaceutical companies are involved in this. This is the beast system. They’re all connected to what? To bring destruction, to bring the population and to enslave you into their control. So again I say, my church, arise. My church Wake up. My church used my authority and have faith in my name. Have faith in my blood that is more powerful than the things you see. Nothing is more powerful than me. Faith. The Lord your Redeemer. Nothing is more powerful than God. Nothing. I don’t care how big their system is. I don’t care how many people have this system. I don’t care how much money they have in their system. I don’t care what they control. Nothing is bigger than God, and he lives in you. My children, this is the time. I have warned you of everything that can be shaken will be shaken. That’s what he’s talking about. So why is this coming by surprise? Your enemies are trying something bigger, something that will finally bring in a new world order. They think it’s not happening now. So, my children, arise and fight the good fight. Arise in my joy. Arise in my strength. Arise in my power. Arise from defeat. Arise now from sickness and disease. Arise now. Arise to where I need you to be. This is time for suddenlies, for sudden changes, for sudden shifts, for sudden governments to be overthrown. It’s time to tear this one world government apart. That’s God’s words. Say it. It’s time to tear this one world government apart. You have that power because you had the resurrection power of the name of Jesus on the inside of you. You have the greater one that’s on the inside of you. And he’s greater than that one world government to take them down and to remove their power. Now, what he says over my church the Church is supposed to have the power and authority, dominion on this earth, his body. Why? Because Jesus is the head, we are the body, and everything is under our feet. It hasn’t been under our feet for a long time because of deception, because a lack of knowledge Joseph four six, that we have been destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. If you have a knowledge of all these things and where these things should be and how much authority you have, how much authority in the name of Jesus, how much throwing the blood of Jesus Christ, then all these things run rampant. That’s why God is giving us these words, to let us know the truth, to show us what is really supposed to be going on. Yes, the church is supposed to have money, and that’s supposed to be poor. Julie, that’s blasphemy says, what- religion? The love of money is a root of all evil. It’s the love, it’s not the fact that you have it. We’re supposed to have it to be a distribution center, to be blessed, to be a blessing to give so that people who are can go into all the earth and teach and preach the name of Jesus and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. That it takes money to do that. Religion has taught you yet before listen. Has taught you. Oh, if you have money, you’re evil. So then the evil ones have the money. Look at the World Economic Forum. These people are evil. They’re murderers or snakes, they’re liars or thieves, and they have it because they’ve stolen it away from the church because of religion. That’s going to ruffle some feathers today, but that’s what it does. It destroys the power of the enemy. All right, now again, we are under the Abrahamic covenant and Abrahamic covenant. It says in Genesis twelve, chapter two, a distribution center, blessed be a blessing to bless all the nations. I have time to read it right now. I’ll maybe go and read it tomorrow. I got to get through this. Well, no, I’m not. I’m going to read it. Julie, you can’t quote the Bible. No, I shouldn’t. You’re right. Should never just quote it. I should always read it no matter how much time I take. Yeah, these are like ten or 15 minutes videos, and now they’re almost there. Okay, this is the Amplified version of Genesis, chapter twelve, and verse two. And I will make of you a great nation. I will bless you with abundant increase of favors and make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing. Dispensing goods to others. How can you dispense goods to others if you want a poverty, lack and debt? That’s what the world wanted you to be in, not what God wanted you to be in. That’s different. Julie just became poor. Not financially, he became poor. What he took the curse upon his body wasn’t financially. He supported everyone who followed him. It takes a lot of money to do it. Now, bless those who bless you this is verse three. Who infer prosperity or happiness upon you and curse them, who curse or uses insolent language toward you and you all your families and kindred on the earth, and you will bless them and you will bless themselves. Does that sound like somebody who is deprived? No. First and foremost, God is our provider. That’s his name. Jehovah Gyra. Will God allow you to be poor or want you to be poor, or want you to be lack? Want to be property? Wanting to live a patch or paycheck? No. The beast system has that set up so you can live that way. I’m seriously helping somebody right now who has had this train of thought their entire life because of what Jesus taught them. This is not me. This is a Bible. God is Jehovah Gyra. Look to Jehovah Gyra to meet your needs, not just your job. This fraudulent government will be removed in a way you can’t see or dream up. We can’t figure this out, and it’s not buying elections. Yeah, people relied on elections, and look what happened. Your enemy’s plans for a world takeover will not proceed and will not succeed. Your enemy’s plans for a world takeover will not proceed, and they will not succeed. Your enemies are being judged. Your enemies are being thrown out of their positions. Your enemies are not staying where they are. They are not staying the power and control that they will do anything for. No, this will not stay. Things will not stay this way. No, this is not the way things will stay. I’ll say it right. No, this is not the way things will stay. My children. Things are changing. Things are moving. Things are shifting. Things are being overturned. Things will not look the same. Don’t believe the words of your enemies or believe the words of your neighbors enemies. I say that, too. He said to neighbors. But your neighbors can be your enemies. I’m not talking about just your physical neighbors. I’m just talking about people in your inner circle, people that are around you. But believe my words, my children. So God, again, is telling us to believe him. Focus on him, my children. Don’t listen to those who mock, who judge, who constantly criticize. That’s not from me. That’s not walking in love. The body of Christ is deceiving people. They’re mocking.
Yeah. What would happen with numbers? Chapter 13. Read it. Numbers 13 and verse 30 and through 33. Not everybody in the body will tell you and lead you in the right direction. My children. Don’t listen to those words who mock, who judge, who constantly criticize. That’s not for me. That’s not walking in love. Where do you think those people are coming from your enemy’s camp to deceive you out of believing the truth? This is nothing new and old tactic of your adversaries that he tried for many years. Nothing new is under the sun. A great separation is taking place, and a cleansing is happening to destroy their religion, he said. Their religion, their traditions. To destroy deception, to destroy ideology, to destroy legalism, to destroy laziness, to destroy the Lukewarm church. That neither my children need to be hot or cold. We had to be either hot or cold. We’re not supposed to be lukewarm, remember? It says he’ll even spew us out of his mouth and wear lukewarm. I have said these things in my word. That’s in Revelations, by the way. I’m not saying those words to discourage I’m not saying these words to bring confusion. Satan is the author of both of these things. And I’ve told you in my written word, I chasten or correct who my love. So you don’t keep going the wrong direction, us as a parent, a natural human being, parent are going to correct our children from going in the wrong direction so they don’t get hurt. They don’t ruin their lives. God does the same thing for us. He tries to get us to go in the right direction. Your adversary is painting a very bleak picture for my children to stop believing, to stop receiving, because it’s too hard. The battle has gone on too long. It’s getting worse. Nothing is changing. Your enemies just keep winning, keep taking power. It’s so confusing on what to believe, because what we see is just overwhelming. Look what he says. Your enemies count on this. They count on you to say these things, think these things, so it’s easier to place such overwhelming doubt in your minds and in your hearts. This is spiritual war. My children and most people in the church are not fighting at all because they don’t know this is a battle. Most of the church is not fighting. They don’t know they’re in a battle. They just think this is a way of life. This is just normal, this is just life. Life sucks. Sorry, I didn’t use that word, but that’s what people think. It’s sad, but it’s true. The church are not fighting at all because they don’t know this is a battle. They don’t know how to fight. This is why there is a shaking. This is why there’s darkness. It seems darkness is taking over. It seems a shaking must take place for my body to wake up. The world has done a great job of many years to rock my church and to asleep into thinking the way the world thinks, the way man made doctrines come in to deceive the masses. Again, I say a great shaking is hitting my church and it’s happening now, my children, be prepared for this time. The world is shaking. He’s been saying that over and over. And truth is destroying everything at every lie. But it’s much bigger than that in my church. And he said it’s because there’s a great separation for our Lord this day. I am reminding my children of all the words I have given to you, all my written words, reminding you of your authority. But so many of my body are complaining, still, are in fear, are under pressure to give up and quit because it’s too hard to be true. It’s too good to be true. Or they have tried to believe for so long and nothing’s happening. They are saying and thinking again. I ask you, my children, because things don’t look the way you want them to yet, and that it’s never going to happen. Why do you think those thoughts are coming? Where do you think those thoughts are coming from? They are not my thoughts for you. Our enemies have done a great job to rock the church to sleep, and to just go to church, listen, have your ears tickled, hear good preaching and go home. But nothing comes of it. That’s not the way it’s supposed to be. They’re supposed to be miracle signs and wonders. People getting healed, people getting set free. They’re supposed to be God invited into churches. His presence should be there, not we have a teaching for 15 minutes. We’re going to go and have all these programs. We’re going to have all these things we’re going to have all these things set up. Where is God? In and out. You and I have a responsibility to pray, to have the church awakened. That’s what we’re going to do right now.
Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, we thank you and praise you for the truth, and the truth is setting us free. Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus word, commanding and decreeing all the blinders are removed and hearts are softened. Right now we command that spirit of religion, the spirit of legalism, to be broken off the body of Christ. Right now, in Jesus name, we’re declaring a revival. We’re declaring an awakening, a Great awakening in the body of Christ. We declare and decree that people who are asleep we’re declaring them awake right now. In Jesus name, all of our family members who’ve been deceived, who’ve been lied to, Father God that they have been chained and enslaved in this world and beast system, we’re declaring the freedom and we’re calling them in right now. In the body of Christ, in the name of Jesus. We thank you, Father God, that everything our enemies have been stealing from us we command it back seven times. Because that is what your word says in Proverbs 630 and 31. We’re commanding a retroactive restoration of everything that’s been stolen. We’re commanding our bodies to be healed. We’re commanding our bodies to be made whole. We’re commanding a retroactive restoration of the finances that have been stolen from us. And we thank you, Father God, that we declare our freedoms and restoration soundness wholeness. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. And amen hopes to encourage you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give us everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day. Bye.

These videos started out at 15 to 20 mins and gradually expanded to almost 1 hour. So its getting hard to process. And its beyond the attention span of most modern people.
Now most religions advocate poverty and its explained to us that this is quite wrong. We need prosperity and money to spread virtuous thinking to diminish evil. Its addressed here.
That’s why God is giving us these words, to let us know the truth, to show us what is really supposed to be going on. Yes, the church is supposed to have money, and that’s supposed to be poor. Julie, that’s blasphemy says, what- religion? The love of money is a root of all evil. It’s the love, it’s not the fact that you have it. We’re supposed to have it to be a distribution center, to be blessed, to be a blessing to give so that people who are can go into all the earth and teach and preach the name of Jesus and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.
And we can see the value of the advised dumping of religious thinking and legalism which comprises the THEOCRACY that becomes an unelected unauthorised regulatory body practising in some cases Cancel Culture like the loony left that we all despise. Even Julie practices this. But she is not alone. Many Christian Community leaders practice cancel culture. I am producing a video to this effect to challenge theocrats. Expect controversy.
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