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Disruptions & Eruptions coming to Washington DC
Morning everybody. Today is still actually Friday, January 6 of 2023. You will see this on Tuesday, January 10. The reason for that is because I’m spending several days in prayer with the Lord and I wanted to make sure you had these prophetic words and of course, these encouragements that God wants you to have in. I will be back on Tuesday and you will also see me on if you can join us. I will be with Clay Clark on a Thrive Time show at 01:00 Central Time. I will have that link in the description box. And because you will see this on Tuesday, the following day, Wednesday, January 11, I will be back on with Pastor David Scarlett with Take Five and His Glory and that will be at the new time, which is 12:00 Eastern time and 11:00 Central time. So I got that wrong last time. So again, it’s 11:00 Central Time and 12:00 Eastern Time. So I hope you can join those shows. Also, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd street, suite 200, Devonport, Iowa, 52807. And don’t forget about the gathering. It is January 19 through the 25th in Grand Ridge, Florida. Timothy Dixon, myself, Manuel Johnson, Amanda Grace, both of the bullocks. And also it’s going to be Jared. And the kindred souls and the Isaacs. So please come and join us in Florida for that powerful, I would say powerful and prophetic event. I’m so looking forward to it. I hope you are too. If you want more information, you can click on the description box below in that link that I have put there. Or you can go to our website@jgminternational.org under our events page. Well, I think that’s all the announcements for today. And this prophetic word I’m about to give to you, it’s called
Disruptions and Eruptions are Coming to Washington DC.
I heard this prophetic word on January 4 of 2023. So just a few days ago, for I, the Lord this day, am telling you once again, my children, your enemies are on center stage to expose them. They are still on center stage to tear their plans apart so they will not recover from it. They are still on center stage to annihilate their power and their control. I have left them there for a short time to let the world see who they really are and what they have been hiding, to have their masks removed, to open up the floodgates, to show you all what they have done. They are not staying there. Do not fear what they say or what they are trying to do. My children, the next move your enemies make will be the last ones against you. Say it. The enemies we see today, it will not stay this way. They are all being exposed. They are all being removed. Their power is destroyed. They have nothing over me or my nation. I say this again, my children. The greater one lives on the inside of you. So say this. I will not fear what they are doing. It will not last. It will not affect me. I cover myself, my family and everything we own with the blood of Jesus. We are covered with his blood and his name. And the enemy cannot penetrate that bloodline. The enemy cannot touch me or anything that is mine. Just like at the Passover. In these days, we will watch every enemy fall. We will watch the enemy’s walls all come down. We will watch all their plans fail. We will watch everything and everyone against us be overthrown. Governments, businesses, banks, economies, everything is being cleansed, and we are being delivered from it all. In the mighty name of Jesus. 2023 is my year to be free from it all. So I take everything that belongs to me back. My health, my freedom, my finances, my nation. Let freedom ring. Let the people sing freedom. Shout it my children. Say these words over and over. Sickness and disease or sickness. Excuse me. Must flee. Fear must flee. Lack, poverty, debt, depression, worry, anxiety, any form of slavery must flee. Because when we resist the devil, he must flee. He doesn’t have a choice. My children, use my authority to take back what is yours. Now. I say this continuously to get this down in your heart, so your enemy can’t take it away.
Don’t dwell on the things you did last year, the things you did yesterday, because today is a new day. Receive what Jesus has done. He paid for you and your freedom. He paid for your restoration, he paid for your healing. He paid for you. So receive it today. Receive his sacrifice. Receive his victory. Receive your healing. Receive it all. Receive your bills paid because I am your provider. No amount of lack shortages, no amount of inflation is bigger than me. So stand up now and receive my provisions for you. Call them in. In this economy, the evil rulers cannot keep you enslaved financially in any way. Say it. God is my source of supply, and I shall not lack anything. My children, this is your promised land, where you are healed, where you are made whole, where you are free, where you have all your needs met. This life I have for you, your lives are about to be like a dream. Because what I’m about to pour out upon this earth is like nothing that any man has ever seen at one time. My glory will fill this earth more miracles than ever before, financial shifts that no man has ever seen or experienced. So get ready, my children, to see the Pharaohs of today fall before you. You are coming to the end of what you see. So shout it now. The end is near. Shout. The end is now, saith the Lord Your Redeemer
Disruptions. Eruptions are coming to Washington DC. My children. You will start to see it break away, fall apart. You will see many leave and many will resign or step down, or some will die. But major disruptions are coming to their plans, their laws, their so called Senate majority, their so called House numbers. Oh, something big is coming to shake up all and show the real numbers, the real truth, the real red wave. It will show who actually won elections. It will show how much cheating has gone on, how much stealing, how much deception. It will show you who all got paid to fake what you see. It’s all coming. So brace for this great impact that is about to hit your nation and destroy their narrative and their movie once and for all. The credits team is about to start playing.
A great shaking is coming upon the White House and all who are inside of it who do not belong there. A vacating of the seat of the President, it will appear like. But remember, the one I have anointed has been president all along. It just looked differently. Things are not how they appear to be. He didn’t abandon you when he supposedly left the White House. His assignment changed to take your enemies out for good. And it couldn’t have been done with him being where he was.
This is my assignment. My church needed this. This nation needed this to show you who was really in your government and how evil Washington had become. The destruction and the demise is coming. Hang on, my children. I am coming to restore your rightful president and restore this nation to the nation it should have been by now. So pray him back. Who, you might ask? Your rightful president, the rightful one. Don’t wait for your next elections. No. I am bringing him back. But man or not, I’m bringing him back. Not man alone. Then everyone will know that I am the great I AM. And no one else will get credit for this restoration. A great political shakeup is about to be seen in the land of my eagle. But that’s not the only country that it’s happening to. Canada, Australia, France, Ukraine, China, Brazil, New Zealand and so many more. My children, get prepared for governments to fall. The time has come for their governmental rule to come to an end.
Your tax system is a lie. This has been utterly abused and used to enslave you for their financial gain, for their lusts and their pleasures of the flesh. And I am ripping their system apart with my hand. So, my children, proclaim today all your tax dollars back that went and were used for evil, use, for tyranny, used for terrorism, used against you in any way. Take it all back and it will bring them to their knees. They needed money to keep you where you are, but it’s yours. So take it back. Take back the power I have given you. Plunder the world of what belongs to you. This is part of the great Exodus. These are the days for my children to arise in my power, in my authority, and to receive all that belongs to them. So my children take it all back today. Sayeth The Lord your redeemer.
Julie Commentary Now I want to go over something. This is a scripture that he’s just bringing to my spirit. Sometimes I will take a break, I have to listen. Because these next words, I don’t plan this. And you guys know who watched me have been following this ministry for a long time. This is the Lord’s. It’s his words, his way. And so whenever it comes to these videos, when I start, he gives me the prophetic word to give for that day. But right after I say the Lord your redeemer. It’s what he wants set it’s never planned. Sometimes he’ll give me a scripture before and sometimes he doesn’t. But this scripture was just given to me. It’s in Exodus chapter three. Julie, I’m surprised you’re back in Exodus. I know this is probably surprising a lot of you. My heart has been in Exodus for probably twelve years for sure. All right, this is Exodus chapter three and verse 19. Listen to this because remember this was the original Exodus and we are experiencing and been in the middle of this, the greater Exodus. And it started in the year of 2022. This is verse 19, Exodus three and the Amplified version. And I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so. No, not by a mighty hand. I’m going to stop right there. When he had me studying this back ten to twelve years. Now I know it was at least twelve years ago. It’s like around 2010, 2011. And one of the things he said was whenever you saw the word Egypt put the world, because right now we have been dominated by a world system, the beast system, antichrist system, a one rule government, however you want to say it, it all means the same thing. So he said whenever you see the word Egypt, replace it. So I’m going to read that Exodus chapter three and verse 19 over again. And I know that the king of this world or the kings of this world will not let you go unless forced to do so. So they’re not going to let us go. The government, the one rule government, the Elitists, the swamp, the deep state, however you want to call it, they’re not going to let us go unless they’re forced to do so. No, not by a mighty hand. What that part of the scripture means, it’s not by man’s hand, it’s not by a mighty army by itself. This is something that will have to take the hand of almighty God. It took the hand of Almighty God in the original Exodus it was not man, it wasn’t Moses by himself. Moses could not stop and say Pharoah let God’s people go and then they just left. Moses had to have God go before him. Just like it says in Joshua chapter one and verse five no man can stand before you all the days of your life. So I was with Moses, so I will be with you. He was speaking to Joshua at that time. We can proclaim and decree these things, no man can stay excuse me before you all the days of your life so I was with Moses, so I’ll be with you. How was he with Moses? He was a deliverer. He was the great I AM, he was the I am that I am. He was everything that the children of Israel needed and everything that Moses needed to deliver him out of the power in the hand of the Egyptians. And I’m going to keep reading now listen to this, verse 20 this is the key. So I will stretch out my hand and smite the world with all my wonders which I will do in it. And after that he says he but they will let you go. This is what told me to study and get it down to my heart this way. And then verse 21 now listen to what he keeps saying, he’s not done talking. I will give this people favor and respect the sight of now this is the it says the Egyptians but I’m gonna say the world and it shall be that when you go, you shall not go empty handed. What is it God been talking about? Retroactive restorations. Why do our enemies have so much power? Because they control the money, they control the world economy. All right? So in this greater Exodus we’re not going to go out of it empty handed. This is what he said in this prophetic word and as soon as I heard it and I read it back to you, this scripture just bubbled up in my spirit. Because remember, God will always with prophetic, always. When you’re hearing anyone speak God’s word, it has to align back with his word. If it doesn’t align with the word, throw it out. Look what he says in verse 22. This is again exist chapter three, verse 22 amplify but every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and of her that they might be residing at her house. Jewels and articles of silver and gold garments in which you shall put on your sons and your daughters and you shall strip the Egyptians of what belongs to you. I’m going to read that again. You shall strip the world of belongings due to you. What are the belongings that are due to us? Our taxes that have been stolen. Remember Pharaoh? He enslaved the children of Israel when they came from the land of Canaan. Joseph’s family when Joseph was second in command and they his family were invited to live in Egypt with him, all the Israelites, that’s how they started. They went from the land of Canaan, the promised land, into Egypt, where Joseph was sacking in command. They had money, they had wealth. Remember, they plundered the Egyptians, they had all of this, so they came into Egypt with money. If you read in Exodus chapter one, the reason why he started to do what he was doing to them, Pharaoh, because they came to many in number and he was afraid of them. So he started killing them and he started taxing them to death or taxing them into a slavery he put in a system because this new Pharaoh did not remember Joseph, didn’t care who Joseph was because it had been so long. And so he taxed them into poverty, into slavery. Remember, the Lord has been giving us prophetic words about the IRS, about the Federal Reserve, about the World Economic Forum, about the Wall Street, about all of these things, all the beast, all the beast you consider and say, all the beast. The pharmaceutical companies, and again, all these things, the FDA, our government, all of these things all going together, the UN, the EU, all one system. And it’s meant not to help you. I don’t care what they say. If they say this is helping you, believe the opposite. Because all they do is lie. They don’t know to tell the truth. Remember who is the father of lies, the devil. They are his children. They’re not God’s people, the children of the world. They’re liars, they’re manipulative, they’re thieves. And so it’s okay for these people, the world things, even some of the church things, it’s okay for these people have money. Oh, they earned it. Really. They earned it by manipulation and stealing and killing people. This is an evil, evil system. And guys, when saying, we’ve been saying in these words, this is the Great Exodus. If you saw the Egyptians be plundered by the Israelites at the end of the Exodus, while it was in Egypt itself, if you see that they took everything, the gold, the silver, everything, the Israelites took it from the Egyptians. God said in his word in Exodus chapter three, they plundered them of all that belonged to them. What? Because it was stolen from them. What is God saying in these prophetic words? Things have been stolen from us. Things we didn’t even know had been stolen from us. Stolen from your parents or your grandparents. Things have been stolen from us? Of course. Remember what God said about this nation? Things been going on for the course over 100 years. And this is not talking about, just about us in the United States of America. This has happened all over the world. We’ve been deceived, manipulated, enslaved into a Godless system, the Babylon system, which is a system without God to meet your own needs, to do everything without him. The world wanted you to stay focused on the world and not focus on God. This all started back in the Tower of Babel. Go read it. That was with Nimrod. This has been going on for a long time. There’s nothing new under the sun. Enemy starts doing something, God destroys it. They get their plans back together, they do something else, and God destroys it. It goes on and on and on and on. We’re at a time where the enemies looked like they were winning, and God saying, Nope, I’m destroying it now. I’m telling my children, I’m telling my church to start knowing who you are and what belongs to you. It’s important for us to know what belongs to us. Our freedoms belong to us. Why? Because Jesus paid for our freedom. There’s been so many men and women in these countries that have died for our freedoms, and these people are deceiving us out of it. No more God. That is enough is enough. So I want to go back and read over. I’m telling you, I wish I had time to go over the entire teaching and I will at some point go over the entire revelation of this greater Exodus. This is just a good part of it, a good foundation foundational basis of this greater exodus that he’s been teaching me. He said a long time ago, what once was will be again, but to a greater degree. And he was talking to me about the Exodus, and I didn’t understand it like I do now. I mean, I started to and I was really excited about it, but now, seeing how it has, not only would I hear that and I was studying it, but now seeing it all being played out right now, you just get so excited. You’re like, Lord, you said this for so long and it’s like now we’re starting to see it. And so I didn’t realize how bad things were going to get. I will be honest with you. I never thought things were going to get this bad. I did not. I thought things were going to be shifted before now. And then the Lord was saying, though, these things had to take place, just like with the children of Israel. He said, Look, Julie, look, in my word, it got more harsh for them, it got darker for them, it got more impossible for them. And then the end came. So just when it looks like it’s the most harsh, most can’t get any darker, couldn’t get any more impossible. That’s a good indication. You have Satan exactly where you want him. And God is about to break through for you if you don’t give up. We are under a mandate not to give up, not to quit, not to be in fear, not to be shaken, not to be moved, to remain at peace and rest. How we do that? We stay in the word of God. So I’m going to go back over this prophetic word. These are the days for my children to arise in my power and my authority and to receive all that belongs to them. So my children take it all back today, saith the Lord Your Redeemer. He’s been saying that over and over and over. Why? To get us in our spirit that we have authority, we have the meaning, we have the power that God has given to us in this earth. Remember, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. Romans 1017 faith does not come by. Oh, I heard that scripture. That’s a good scripture. No, faith comes by hearing it and hearing it. Hearing it on a daily basis read over and over and over and over again until they just bubble up on the inside of you and just get really excited because more and more revelation, God’s word is inexhaustible. That means you will never learn. I don’t care what religion tells you. I don’t care with legalism or ideology. You will never learn. All within the Bible, it’s inexhaustible. You always learn something. When we go up to heaven, we’re going to learn what we didn’t learn here. Okay, that’s another fantastic something I can get excited about and talk about for a long time. All right, now listen to this. Your tax system is a lie. Point blank. That’s what he says. Remember, he’s been talking about the IRS. He’s been talking about what’s going on in this country and how evil it’s been. The tax system is a lie. This has been utterly abused and used to enslave you for their financial gain and for their lusts and the pleasures of the flesh. That involves trafficking. This has not just been going on in this nation. This has been going on in nations around the world. This is not just Epstein island. Oh goes far beyond that. This is an underground world. Heinous crimes are committed every day against children. And that’s why the church has to wake up. We have to have this righteous in a nation. If we can’t fight for ourselves, we need to fight for those children. We need to fight for this generation. We need to fight for our nations. If we don’t, then the enemies win. I don’t care how hard it is. You pick yourself up and get up. Get up. There’s nothing that will overtake you. Read two Corinthians, chapter ten and verse 13. All right now your tax system is a lie. This has been utterly abused and used to enslave you for their financial gain, for the lust of the flesh, the lust and the pleasures of the flesh. And I am ripping their system apart with my hand. So my children proclaimed today all your tax dollars back that went and were used for evil. Remember progress 631? When thief has been caught, he’s got to give it back. How many times? Seven times. You have to plunder his whole entire house, every reservoir he’s got. Why because the thieves have been caught. They’re not using our tax dollars for us. And what they’re supposed to be using it for, they’re using it against us. He’s saying this. We’re seeing some of the laws that they’ve passed. We’re seeing some of the things that they use for our tax dollars, giving it to billions of dollars to a country that is using bioweapons against us. Yes, I’m speaking of Ukraine. Do not believe Zelensky. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and he is an actor. The Ukrainian people you pray for, you pray for them because they’re under such tyranny, just like we are here in this country and so many others are around world, the people. But they’re not getting the money this supposedly government is giving to them. It’s going to hide their crimes in that nation and in this nation.
All right? Now, he said, Take back proclaim today. So, my children, proclaim, excuse me today, all your tax dollars back that went and were used for evil, used for tyranny, used for terrorism, used against you in any way, take it back. It will bring them to their knees. What? They have to have money. They have to have money to control you. They have to have money to stay in power. Can we stop talking about money? Why? Because religion says so. The Church stopped talking about it. The Church expected all these things. And then that’s why we have a world economic forum. That’s why we have people that have all this money. They didn’t earn it. They stole it. And that I can teach on for a long time.
Jesus. Okay? One of God’s names is Jehovah Gyra, our provider. Either we believe God or we don’t. If you will have your needs met and you’re living under this tyrannical systems all over the world, these economies, all those systems, and you’re living in lack. God says you shall lack nothing. God has way more plans for us than what we have been receiving. He said, Take it all back and it’ll bring them to their knees. They needed money to keep you where you are, but it’s yours. So take it back. Take back the power I’ve given you. Plunder the world of what belongs to you. This is part of the great Exodus. What do the children of Israel do when they were leaving Egypt? They plundered the Egyptians of all that belonged to them. That was part of the first and original Exodus. This is part of the second and the greater Exodus to plunder the world and what belongs to us. Plundering it from them. This is biblical, and this is what he’s saying for us to do. All right. Now, a great political shakeup is about to be seen in the land of my eagle. That’s not the only country that this is happening to. Canada, Australia, France, Ukraine, China, Brazil, New Zealand, and so many more. My children, get prepared for governments to fall. The time has come for their governmental rule to come to an end.
All right? Now, where you are living at, your nation was not mentioned. God said, and so many more. He’s talking about the nations around the world. Okay? He’s talking about every nation around the world. You proclaim your deliverance. You proclaim your freedom. You proclaim restoration. No matter where you are, you are a child of God. He’s not limited to the United States of America. He’s not limited to just certain countries. No, he’s not. If you are a child of God, you have the greater one on the inside of you. You can proclaim this in your nation. He’s been saying that to do that is not just about this country.
All right, hang on, my children. I am coming to restore your rightful president and restore this nation to the nation. It should have been all it should have been by now. It should have been a great and more powerful nation than it is right now. And the reason why it hasn’t been, it’s been infiltrated. So pray him back in who? Who is this pray in? Your rightful president. The rightful one. He said. You’re rightful president. The rightful one. Don’t wait for your next election. Don’t say, okay, Lord, bring the rival president back in 2024. Stop STOP the 2024. Why is he saying that? Because it doesn’t take an election to bring him back when you already won something. But it’s been stolen from you when a thief is caught. He’s got to give it back. What? He’s got to give it back. He’s got to give a substance of what he stole back. He wants to have another election for that. If you won something and you find out somebody cheated, you get what you won. Look at the original Exodus. It was all unconventional. God did things in unconventional ways. There was nothing that anybody could have dreamed up that he was doing. Nothing? No. Nothing. No thing. No one could have dreamed up what he was doing. Why? Because it was God. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His ways are higher than our ways. In Isaiah 50 511 now, it says, don’t wait for the next elections. No, I am bringing him back. Not man alone. God is bringing him back. It’s not an election that’s going to get credit. It’s not going no. They’ve been stealing our elections. Why would we wait for another one? Don’t wait for another one. You call him back, and you call him back now. That’s what God wants us to do. He says, then everyone will know that I’m the great I AM, and no one else will get credit for this restoration. He wants the world to know that he is still the great I Am, just like he did when he was the great I Am. In the original Exodus, he was showing not only proving to the children of Israel that he was the God Of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was their deliverer. He was their provider. He was a deliverer. But he’s also showing the Egyptians that their gods were nothing and he was the one true God. It was showing it on both sides, not just one. It was showing it on both. He’s doing that again. He’s doing that again. He’s the same. Yesterday, today, and forever. He saved the nation. He will save the nations. Now listen to this. A vacating of a seat of the president it will appear like. A vacating of a seat of the president. It will appear like but remember, the one I have anointed has been president all along. Julie what does that mean? Pray into it. I know exactly what’s going to look like. I know exactly what he’s doing. I’m only saying what I’m allowed to get to you. I can’t say anything more. I’m not going to add my words to it. If he’s not telling me that I can say something, I’m not going to say it. So he said, Remember the one I have in a point. It has been present all along. It just looked differently. When you have an anointing like our president and has on him, he has an anointing of Almighty God to be the president, no man can take that away. I don’t give a crap what it looks like. Now. It’s probably not the right word to use, but I don’t care what it looks like. I don’t care that it looks like certain things have gone on. You’re anointed and appointed. No man can take an anointing away. Period. The end. No man has more power than God’s power or God’s plan. It doesn’t happen. He said it just looked differently. Things are not how they appear to be. He didn’t abandon you. Some people think he abandoned us. We’ve got to think about something about it. Stop. Stop. And the reason why I’m saying that is because you don’t know what’s going on and what God told him to do. What God told any of them to do. You don’t know what God tells me to do and what I have to do behind the scenes. You don’t know all that. It’s because it’s between us and God. If God tells us to do something, we have to do it. No matter whether it looks good or not, we have to do it because in the end there’s vindication. Vindication. God will always do that. Okay, listen. It just looked differently. Things are not how they appear to be. He didn’t abandon you. And he supposedly he said supposedly. He didn’t say he did. He said supposedly. This is the second or third time he said that. Supposedly left the seat of the White House. Or supposedly left the White House. Now, listen to what he’s saying. He’s giving you the answer to this. His assignment changed to take your enemies out for good, and it couldn’t have been done with him being where he was, so we couldn’t have taken them out. And it fulfilled his assignment that God needed him to fulfill. In the seat in the supposed White House, remember, God gave us, and I’ll go over this prophetic word in the beginning about them being on center stage and why, why they had to be on center stage. He said, listen to this. It couldn’t have been done with him being where he was. This is my assignment. My church needed this. Why? Because so many in the body of Christ were looking at Trump to do it all. No man can do it all. He’s not the savior. God. God is our deliverer. Jesus is our savior. You can’t look to a man to do all the work. You can’t do that. Now, he’s a known and appointed people to do certain things, but you can’t just say, okay, it’s up to you. It’s not up to just a man. It’s up to us to pray, up to us to decree that, to us to believe. That’s up to us to receive. It’s up to us. There’s a church of the body of Christ to surround and protect who God chooses. It’s not just the people who are out there. We’re in the body. Every body part has a different part to play, but every part is important. You are important. You may not have a job out in the spotlight. It doesn’t matter. You are still important to God. Your voice is so little to be heard. You are important. You are powerful because you have the great one on the inside of you. Nobody is just a nobody. You’re a somebody because God made you, and God made you special. I love veggie. Chiles. My kids used to watch that when they were little. God made you special, and he loves you very much. That is such a powerful, powerful statement. All right, so this is my assignment. My church needed this. This nation needed this to show you who was really in your government, how evil Washington had become and destruction and their demise is coming. So we saw how we saw some of the evil. We saw some of the things that were going on. We saw some of the RINOS, we saw the swamp. We haven’t seen it all. In order for us to even see it all, HE had to be removed then to be put on stage for their ultimate destruction and their ultimate demise. That’s what he’s saying. It’s hard to hear that. I know. I would rather have gone it the other way too. Trust me. Really? But that wasn’t God’s plan. So I just received what God’s plan is. I said, okay, God, is this what it’s supposed to be? And this is what it’s supposed to be. I just received it in Jesus name, and I just know that truth prevails. And you win. And we win because you win because you’re undefeated. And we’re on your side. God’s before us. Who can be against us? God before us. Who shall we fear? We shouldn’t fear anyone except we have to fear the Lord or respect the Lord. Reverence the Lord.
All right. Great shaking is upon the White House. And I’m not going to say fear as in fear, as in be afraid of God. Let’s inspect him, respect him, and reverence him. Okay? Don’t put that same fear in different translations. I can go over that again. I don’t have much time. I got to go and finish this work. I’ll explain that some other time.
A great shaking is coming upon the White House and all who were inside of it who don’t belong there. So we’re going to start saying he’s been mentioning the White House over and over and over again. He’s been mentioning Washington, DC. Over and over again. Watch. The more he mentions it, the more something is about to happen. And what we’re saying with the whole thing that’s going on in the House of Representatives, that’s prophetic. I’ll do prophecy fulfilled video on that coming up on Friday.
Okay. Disruptions eruptions are coming to Washington, DC. My children, you will start to see it breaking away, falling apart. You will see many leave, many resign, set down, and some will die. But major disruptions are coming to their plans. Their laws are so called Senate majority. He said they’re so called and that’s in bold. They’re so called White House numbers. The numbers in the White House, how they are, are not real. It’s way different than what it looks like. It looks like like this. It’s like that. Your so called Senate majority of your so called House numbers Oh something big is coming to shake it all up and show to show what the real numbers, the real truth, the real Red wave who actually won elections. Elections. There’s a lot of them. It will show how much cheating has gone on. It will show how much dealing. It will show much deception. It will show who all got paid and fake what you see. It’s all coming. So brace for this great impact that is about to hit your nation and destroy their narrative and their movie once and for all. The credit scene is about to start playing. You know when you see a movie, at the end of the movie, there’s a credit scene. He’s saying that credit scene is about to play because he’s been saying, we’ve been seeing this movie in front of us. My children, and this is your promised land, where you are healed, where you are made whole. So the first Exodus had a promised land. This Exodus has a promised land. It’s not a literal land. It’s a way of life. What kind of life? Where you are healed, where you are made whole, where you are free, where you have all your needs met. This is a life I have for you. Your lives are about to be like a dream. Because what I’m about to pour out upon this earth is like nothing that any man has ever seen at one time. My glory will fill this earth more miracles than ever before. Financial shifts that no man has ever seen or experienced. So get ready, my children, to see the Pharaohs of today to fall before you. You are coming to the end of what you see. So shout it now. The end is near. Shout the end is now, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.
This is something I was also saying. Don’t do all the things you did last year. So because some people getting into guilt, shame, condemnation, he said, don’t. Don’t do all the things you did last year. Don’t do all the things you did yesterday, because today is a new day. Receive what Jesus has done. He’s paid for your freedom. He’s paid for your restoration. He’s paid for your healing. He’s paid for you. So receive it today. Receive his sacrifice. Receive his victory. Receive your healing. Receive it all. Receive your bills being paid. Because I’m your provider. No amount of lack shortages, no amount of inflation is bigger than me. So stand up now and receive my provisions for you. Call them in. And this economy, these evil rulers cannot keep you in slave financially in any way. Say it. God is my source of supply and I shall not lack anything. Remember, God is your source. And also, when he’s saying that, don’t dwell on the things last year. Don’t dwell on the things you did yesterday. Why? Because if you repent, you ask God to forgive you. He forgives you of all of your sins and remembers them no more. So don’t dwell on those things. Don’t have sin consciousness. If you if you’ve really been serious and sincere and asking God to forgive you, don’t dwell on it. Okay, my children, these next moves your enemies will make will be the last ones against you. Say it. The enemies we see today will not say this way. They’re all being exposed. They’re all being removed, their powers being destroyed. They have nothing over me or my nation. I say this again, my children, the greater one lives on the inside of you. So say this I will not fear what they are doing. It will not last. It will not affect me. I cover myself, my family and everything we own with the blood of Jesus. We are covered with the blood and with his name. And the enemy cannot penetrate that bloodline. The enemy cannot touch me or anything that is mine. Just like at the Passover in these days, we will watch every enemy fall. We will watch the enemy’s walls all come down. We will watch all their plans fail. We will watch everything and everyone against us be overthrown. What? Governments, businesses, banks, economies, everything is being cleansed and we are being delivered from all in the mighty name of Jesus. 2023 is my year to be free from it all. So I take everything that belongs to me. My health, my freedom, my finances, my nation. Let freedom ring. The people saying freedom, let shout at my children, say these words over and over. Sickness must flee. Fear must flee. Lack, poverty, debt, depression, worry, anxiety, any form of slavery must flee. Because when we resist the devil, he must flee. He doesn’t have a choice. My children. Use my authority to take back what is yours. Now, I say this continuously. Get this down in your hearts so your enemy can’t take it away.
For I The Lord this day. I’m telling you once again, my children, I already went over this, so I’m not going to go over it again. But he says your enemies are on center stage. I’ve already given the reason why. What? To expose them. They are still on center stage. To tear their plans apart so they will not recover from it. They are still on center stage to annihilate their plan and their control. I have left them there for a short time, to let the world see who they really are and what they have been hiding, to have their masks removed, to open up the floodgates, to show you all what they have done. They are not staying there. Do not fear what they say or what they are trying to do. So many people are getting stuck on what they are doing. God is saying, don’t. They are not staying in the power, they’re not staying in those positions, they’re not staying in control. And we should not be focusing only and solely on what is going wrong. Remember, we’re supposed to magnify God, not magnify the problem. Magnify the problem solver.
I want to pray over each and every one of you today, Father God, right now, in the name of Jesus, we just want to praise and thank you. We are calling our enemies down. We’re calling their control down. We’re calling their governments down. We’re calling the beast system down. Now, by the authority, the name of Jesus, this world system, I thank you, Father God. It is not time for that. And we have the power, we have authority and dominion to call it down, to command. It could come down at the walls of Jericho. So we are demanding and decreeing our freedom. We’re demanding and decreeing our health. We’re demanding and decreeing all that belongs to us. We are plundering the world of the things that belong to us, Father God, because it is our time for our greater exits. We thank you, Father God, for the promised land that you have given to us the life of where we are living whole, where we are living free from sickness and disease, lack of poverty and debt, and everything that the world has been trying to use to keep us under their dominion, to keep us under their control. We are in this world, but we are not of it. We rebuke its hold. We rendered help us against us. By the authority and by the name of Jesus, we thank you for letting us know the truth. And the truth is setting us free. We thank you for the name of Jesus, for the power of that name, for the power of the blood covenant we have. We thank you, Father God, that you are Jehovah Nissi. You are our banner. You are our victory. You are Jehovah Gyra. You are our provider. You are our deliverer. You are everything we need you to be. And we thank you for it this day. In Jesus name. Amen. And amen. I hope this encouraged you today. Please likes subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word. Who needs you? The truth. Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

2023 is already off to a very welcome payback start namely the victory the stripping of power of the Globalist House Speaker McCarthy by patriots in the Republican party. 87,000 IRS agents defunded same day. This piece is pure joy to see.
This is for the people who say nothing is happening LOL.
2022 election overturn here foreshadowed.
“But major disruptions are coming to their plans, their laws, their so called Senate majority, their so called House numbers. Oh, something big is coming to shake up all and show the real numbers, the real truth, the real Red wave”.
And are Bidens lawyers getting rid of him ? Finding classified documents he should never have ? Twice ? “Vacated presidential seat” is worded in this Julie Lesson.
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