Julie Green transcript THE FALL OF THE BIDEN IS NEAR Jan 14 23

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Morning everybody. It’s actually Saturday, January 14 of 2023. You will see this on Wednesday, January 18. The reason for that is because I will be out of town in Florida for the gathering and the Reawaken America tour. So the gathering is with Timothy Dixon, Emmanuel Johnson, Amanda Grace, both Robin and Robin Bullock. Jared and the kindred souls and the Isaacs. That is from January 19 through the 25th. And I will also be a part of the rewaken America tour, that is January 20 through the 21st. I’ll be speaking in Nashville on Saturday the 21st. For more information regarding those events, you can go to our website@jgminternational.org under our events page or you can click on the description box below. There is links in there for you for more information. Well, that’s all the announcements I have today. But if you also have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page where you can write us at julie Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd street, suite 200, Dagmore, Iowa 52807.

All right, here’s a prophetic word for today, and it is called

The Fall of the Biden is Near.

I heard this prophetic word on January 11 of 2023. For I the Lord this day and telling my children to stop waiting on man in man’s ways. Children of Almighty God, you should be waiting on me. The great I AM. I am the one that will change it all. Don’t rely on anything you see. Don’t trust those things, my children. Call in my flood of truth, call in my glory to fill this earth. Call in revival, call in restorations. Call down your enemies and their plans. Stop waiting on someone else to do those things. You say, Lord, I am just one person, I can’t change anything. No, you’re not just one person. You are part of the body of Christ. You are not insignificant. You are important, each and every one of you. This Endtime harvest of souls, I handpicked all my children for this time. All of you have an important part to do and it’s now. So get ready to receive an overflow.

The windows of heaven are open to receive more from me with less obstructions. My children, I will say this again. Shout your freedoms, resist your enemies. Shout their plans to be sought. I have given you the authority. You have the host of angels waiting for your command, my children. So put them to work with my words, not yours. I will give you these words to say and when to say them. So pray, listen, obey, and the world around you will change.

Great disruptions, great eruptions, great governmental changes, great governmental shifts are about to be seen. But Lord, “nothing is happening. We just keep losing over and over again”. And I’m asking you, my children, do you really believe that? I have told you over and over again not to go by how things appear because the things which are seen will change it’s not if they will change I’m asking this again who are you putting your trust in, my children? ME or what you see? Come and follow me and take your authority. March forward and stand and take what belongs to you. I will say this again and again so you get this revelation in your hearts. Your enemies can’t win because I AM and always will be undefeated. Sayeth Lord your redeemer

Holocaust. I say this word again will be in your news for a significant reason.

Bangor Maine will be also be in your news for a significant reason.

The Tigris and the Euphrates River will be in your news for a significant reason. A well known wall will be in your news for a surprising reason. Israel do not fear what your enemies are saying or doing. Do not fear this fake government in the land of my eagle your enemies will not conquer you but they will be conquered

Taiwan. I told you, my children. Things are not how they appear there and the truth and what has been hidden in that land will be exposed. Don’t believe anything about a war. Just another distraction from truth. But it will not work. Sayeth The Lord

Ridicule. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason. . This phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. Get ready, my children. More truth about the Biden is about to be uncovered. The globalists don’t want him anymore. He is too problematic and slipping too fast. They can’t control his mouth even with an earpiece the teleprompters or their scripts. What do we do with him? They are asking and shouting what can we do? They are screaming. My children, more explosive evidence is coming that will no longer be hidden. The fall of the Biden is near so shout it now. Shout it loudly for all to hear sayeth the Lord of Hosts

Traitor. The people in this land, in the land of my Eagle will start to scream at so many traitors to their freedom, traitors to this nation. Remove them. People will shout my children, people are being removed. It’s just a matter of time for all of Washington to shake. I have infiltrated the infiltrators so stop going by what you see, because things are not how they appear to be.

My children, these two are your marching orders to a great victory. Stop the nonsense, stop the judging, stop the finger pointing on one another in my church stop fighting amongst yourselves stop quarreling stop the finger pointing on one another in my church stop fighting amongst yourselves. Excuse me, I read that wrong I lost my place so let me start this again my children, these two are your marching orders to a great victory. I do apologize. Stop the nonsense, stop the judging stop the finger pointing on one another in my church stop fighting amongst yourselves stop quarreling stop being offended at one another, say, or what others believe. That is what your enemies want. They are counting on you fighting each other, so you are not fighting them. My Church, stop this now and get right before me. I am the judge. I am and will take care of the ones who are lying and leading My church in the wrong direction. I will correct the ones behind the pulpits. So stop it now. It is now time to be united in Christ, united in My word, united in My name. It’s time to wake up all who have been asleep. It’s time to take charge. It’s time to take back. It’s time to take over sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary So in this prophetic word, and as you can see, the last paragraph or so, he changed course at the very end. And one of the things he was saying is he was talking to the body of Christ specifically about what’s been going on in the body of Christ. Too many of the body of Christ been fingerpointing. He’s saying quarreling. Remember, in the word of God, it says where strife is, is where every other thing is. So when you have so much strife in the church because of religion, because of legalism, the Church is fighting amongst themselves. Remember, we’re supposed to be a body. A body works together. Jesus is ahead. We are the body. The Body of Christ is supposed to work together. Right now, the Body of Christ really looks like it’s in bad shape. It really, truly does, because this denomination is fighting with this denomination, and they can’t say this because that’s not what it is. And they are fighting and fighting and fighting. God is telling us, stop it. And the reason why he’s saying that is because your enemies are counting. Our enemies are counting on us fighting each other and not fighting them. We have to remember who the actual enemy is. It’s not each other. When they believe in this, in that church, that’s between them and God. If that’s what they want to believe, God will deal with them. If it’s not the truth. God is the one who judges, not us. We just pray for those who are asleep. We pray for those who are being led in the wrong direction. We pray for those maybe even pray for our enemies. But God is saying we’ve been distracted. Our focus and our tension has been on the wrong thing either by what that denomination says. They can’t say that. They can’t do those things. Blasphemy, if you don’t get upset and I’m serious. I’m being serious for them. When the Church has been fighting amongst itself because of denominations and divisions, they haven’t been fighting the enemy at all. Why do you think the enemy took over our schools? How do you think the enemy took over the globe, the economies? How do they take over our governments? How they even take over some of the churches. Not even said the serpent has gotten in. How? Deceive, distract, destroy. Three major DS. He gave me his revelation about ten years ago about these three words deceive, distract, destroy. Our enemy deceives us and distracts us at the same time he’s destroying us. If we’re fighting amongst ourselves, we’re not paying attention to what our enemies are doing. We’re not paying attention to what they’re stealing. We’re not paying attention to freedom. They’re taking away because we’re distracted and we’re being deceived. God is telling us there’s no more time for that. Does it matter? God will deal with the ones who are wrong in some of the things that they believe in. Religious traditions, if you watch the chosen Jesus is always I mean, he was against religion, the law, because it held Him back to the truth. Those religious leaders missed it. He was right there in front of them, the Messiah, the Son of God, he was right there, and they didn’t see. And right now, so many of the body of Christ, because religion, traditions, legalism, they don’t see. They don’t see the truth. They won’t listen. Their ears will not hear. Even Jesus said, those who have ears, let them hear. But some people just refuse to hear. They refuse to listen. And some people with this prophetic word don’t get it funded, say these things don’t happen. Women don’t prophesy, and they definitely aren’t supposed to preach it. Says who? Or the tradition, religious doctrine. God will use those who are willing. We can’t be stuck on the things of the world. If there are things you question, get into the Word and ask Him. It’s that simple. There are so many things in my own life that I had to ask questions about, even this morning, and he gave me the answer. He’ll always give you the answer with his word. He’ll always line up with his word. I told you time and time again, I’m a person. I’m just a human being. I can make mistakes, and I do all the time. That’s why you have to get into the Word. Check it for yourself. I don’t want you to rely on me and what I say. Yes, these words were given to me by God, but I want you to know Him, not just through me and the prophetic words, but through Him personally. He wants a personal relationship with each and every one of you. And one of the things that I do love, I love all of his prophetic words, but I do love about this one. He’s telling each and every one of you how significant, how important each and every one of you are, because it said we are just insignificant. And God was telling you how important you are. And you’re not alone. You’re part of the body of Christ. Your enemy will make you think that you’re alone. He’ll make you think that nobody understands. He’ll make you think that nobody feels the way you do. Nobody experiences things that you’re experiencing, and it’s a lie. All of us have gone through struggles and hard times. But one who understands, who always understand, who will always be there for you, is our Lord. He was tempted. He knows was it like to live as a man on this earth, but he destroyed the power of the enemy on our behalf. So we just think about this for a minute. If we are doing things all things through Christ, it’s his ability, it’s his strength, it’s his wisdom. It’s his knowledge, it’s understanding. It takes the pressure of us to be perfect. God is not. I want to tell you this right now. I’m speaking to somebody. God does not expect you to be perfect. God does not expect you to not ever make a mistake. You’re a human being. I can’t tell you all times I’d have to repent or make a mistake, and I have to ask God for forgiveness. Everybody does. Don’t beat yourself up because you made a mistake. If you fall down, get back up. Mocking, chapter seven, verse eight. Rejoice on against me, on my enemy. When I fall, I shall arise. And the natural when you fall down, people get back up. Why can’t people do that spiritually? Well, made a mistake. I fell. So get up. Ask God to forgive you. Move on. He forgives us. Remember, he throws our sins as far as the east to the west and remembers them no more. He chooses not to remember your faults. He chooses not to remember any of the sin that you committed. He loves you that much. He will not hold it against you. And I want to say something else. When you go to God most people will run away from God when they’ve sinned because they don’t want to face Him. Just like what happened with Adam and even the Garden. Once they sinned, they knew they were naked. They ran and hid. They made a suit out of figs or leaves. I mean out of leaves. And they hid from him. Why did they hide from Him? Because sin brings shame and guilt and condemnation. So they hid from him. Most God’s people, when they stand, they run away. God is saying, don’t run away. Run to. When you go to God and ask him to forgive you, that is not the first time he found out about the sin you committed. God is omnipotent. Omnipotent. He’s everywhere. He knows. He knows what you’ve done before you tell Him. But when you tell Him, that’s when you get rid of it. Don’t hold on to that sin. Don’t hold on to that guilt and shame and condemnation. Don’t hold on to those things in the past. Got to say move forward. Move with him. You are not who your thoughts say you are. You are not who the world says you are. You’re not a failure. You’re not a quitter, and you’re not a nobody. You’re a child of God. God made you special, and he loves you very much. It’s important for each and one of you to know that this is definitely not what I was going to say today. But again, he knew what you had to hear. I always want Him to say what people need to hear, not what I want. I want to say what my plans were. Most of, I don’t have any. I just walk by faith. I just let Him say, because you’re his people. He knows your heart. He knows the despair. He knows the test that you’re going through. He knows the struggles that you’re dealing with. I don’t, but he does. And just when I was in a very dark place, I asked Him, lord, what do you want Me to hear today? What do you want me to see? What do you want me to know? And every time I cried out to Him in those dark times, I heard exactly what he needed me to hear to get me back up again. And I pray this is exactly what it does for you. It is a blessing and an honor to be a part of the body of Christ. It’s not always easy, but it’s a blessing, because God always causes us to try and remember. And it’s the darkness before the dawning, so don’t give up and quit Mass.

Now. I want to go back over this prophetic word. This is what he’s telling us. This is another marching order for us to receive a great victory. Remember, I’m going to go back to this because he’s telling me to. Julie you talk about this all the time. Because he talks about it all the time. He tells her what to say. Children of Israel in the wilderness now he’s warning us there’s already been delays from 2022. Things were supposed to happen last year. Didn’t delayed. But Joe, he said 2022. Yes, that was his will for 2022. Is his will for 2023. The children of Israel, they were supposed to get right to the Promised Land. That was God’s will. They delayed it.

We can delay those things and not even realize it. Truly, that’s not possible. Yes, it is. Go read the book. Go kick it in God’s word. Go see, because they’re doubt, they’re unbelief. They’re murmuring, they’re groaning, they’re complaining. They they’re the ones who restricted God. They limited the Holy One of Israel. It says it in the Bible. Go read it. We can limit God with our words, with what we believe, with what we receive. We can limit him. It says it in the Bible. Go back and read that. Because he’s saying this is the greater Exodus. Go look at the things that happen in the first one to get to know what’s going to happen in the second one. We can delay the promised land. That’s not his will. For us. That’s what prophecies are. Prophecies are warnings. They’re telling you what God wants. They’re telling you his will. But we have a part to play. So these are our marching orders. And be very cautiously, careful now. He’s telling us this is what we need to do. So we need to obey. And the ones who aren’t obeying are the ones who are asleep, are the ones who are not paying attention. We have to pray for them. We have to pray for those who are blind. Pray for those who are not listening. Pray for those who refuse to believe that God is going to do anything. Let’s pray for them. And pray for this shaking, pray for this change, pray for this revival. Pray for God’s glory. We have to do that. We have a part to play in it. He’s telling us that the children of Israel, when there was wildness, they had a part to play. You know what all they had to do? Believe and take what was rightfully theirs. All we have to do is believe and take what’s rightfully ours. It’s that simple. But people make it hard. All right, now look what he’s saying. My church. Stop this right now and get right before me. That’s in bold. He had me put that in bold. I am the judge, and I will take care of the ones who are lying and leading my church in the wrong direction. There are people in the body of Christ that are judging people behind the pulpit. They are judging the prophets, they are judging the evangelists, they are judging the teachers. They’re judging the FIFO ministry. And God said, knock it off. They may be doing things wrong. I see people who do things wrong. You don’t hear me saying their names. You don’t hear me calling them out. Why? Because it’s not my business. I just pray that God shows them the right thing. I just pray that God opens our eyes, softens our heart to the truth. But I will not ever name a name. And you, in the body of Christ, should never name a name. And you definitely shouldn’t do it on camera. You never name a name, especially somebody is in the body of Christ. Don’t do it. You will find yourself in trouble, because God is the one who judge. He’s the one who judges and corrects the ones he calls. So what we need to do is pray about it. He said, I will correct those ones behind the pulpit. Don’t do it. Don’t correct them. God will correct them. Pray for their correction, but don’t correct them. He said. So stop it now. It’s now time to be united. Stop being offended. There’s so many churches that break up all the time, separation of church all the time. And that’s why you see so many different types of congregations and you see so many different types of denominations, is because people are separate, separate, separate. Because of so much strife. Strife has gotten the body of Christ and it’s crazy. And God is saying, knock it off. In a polite way. I will correct the one thing on the pulpit, so stop it now. It’s time to be united in Christ. It’s time to be united in him. Is that the only thing we can agree upon right now? Be united in Christ, in what Christ has done. United in my word. It’s united in what God’s word says, not what a man doctrine says about it. United in my name. What’s his name? The name of Jesus. Be united in that name. It’s time to wake up all who have been asleep. It’s time to take charge. It’s time to take back. It’s time to take over, saith the Lord, your redeemer.

Find out what you have. Find out what’s rightfully yours. God has given the earth over to of the children of men. That is us, the body of Christ. We see the note when we can take it over. We see a notice. We can take back what is rightfully ours. If you don’t know it’s rightfully ours, how do you know what to take back? How do you know what to fight for? You won’t because you don’t know what he’s saying. My children, these two are your marching orders to a great victory. These are your marching orders to a great victory. Stop the nonsense, stop the judging. Stop the finger pointing on one another in my church. Stop fighting amongst yourselves. Stop quarreling and stop being offended at what others say or others believe. That is what your enemies want. He has that in bold. They are counting on you fighting each other, so you are not fighting them. So many people will not listen to these words from God because I’m a woman. They won’t listen to these words because they truly believe there’s no prophets in the land today. These are not my words. And yes, there are prophets. There always will be because there’s a five fold ministry. Listen to the words of Jesus. Again. People take things, twist it and not believe that what’s really what the word of God says. So they won’t take these warnings, they won’t listen to what God is saying to listen to. And then things happen and they wonder why God is giving us strict orders. Stop the strife amongst the church. Start paying attention to the real enemy, which is not each other. It’s our enemy. So that’s what we have to start paying attention to. Now in this paragraph traitors, the people in this land of my eagle will start to scream at so many traitors to freedom, traitors to this nation, and they’ll say, remove them all. People will shout, so they’re going to say people are going to shout, remove all the traitors. We know that there’s been a lot of traitors. We know that there’s a deep state. We know that there is a one world government trying to take over this country. So we’re saying the people in the land of the eagle are going to start screaming these things because we’re going to start hearing more and more. It is sad to say we’ve heard so much junk already and people are not upset enough. That’s why God told everything can be shaken, will be shaken. People like, it’s going to get worse. Yes, there’s going to be more shaking. Not to be in fear about it. There has to be shaking because people aren’t mad, righteous indignation, not writing up in them with all the lies that are being told. What can we do about it? God is on the inside of you. If God goes before you, who can be against you? If God’s on your side, who show you fear? Now listen, he also says, my children, people are being removed. He said people are not are going to be. People are being removed and it’s just a matter of time for Washington to shake. Things are not how they appear to be. Remember he talked about actors and places of people so they can keep this movie going. Yes, I said it. It’s a movie. It’s fake. Lots of props, lots of sets, lots of actors. You’ll see, I’ve infiltrated the infiltrators. I love when he says that. So stop going by what you see because things aren’t how they appear to be. Now remember, there are people who are good, who look really bad. Keep your enemy’s friends close, but your enemies closer, that type of thing. There are people that you were going to realize they weren’t traitors. They were honestly on assignment to do something that was very hard for them to do. They had to be somebody who they weren’t. So they catch the ones who’ve been destroying our nation and their names will be vindicated. And I’m not going to get into who, although, I mean, I don’t know who all they are. I know a few people, but I don’t know everybody. And I’m not going to get into that right now. Now get ready, my children.

More truth about the Biden is about to be uncovered. So we haven’t heard all about him. Trust me. This is just a little bit that we’ve heard. Little trickle. The globalists don’t want him anymore. He is too problematic and is slipping too fast. They can’t control his mouth even with their earpiece teleprompters or their scripts. What do we do with him? They are asking and they are shouting, what can we do? They are screaming, my children, more explosive evidence now. This is int bold. Explosive evidence that’s coming that will no longer be hidden. The fall of the Biden is near. Now. This is something he’s telling us to do right after he says that. And it’s in bold. He says show. Shout it now and shout it loudly for all to hear. Say the Lord of Hosts. So what are we supposed to do? Shout the fall of what divided? The fall of the narrative, the fall of the lie. It’s not against him personally. Now, again, we don’t rest with flesh and blood against principal’s powers and rulers of the darkness of this world. It’s the thing that’s behind them, that drives them to this deception. In these lives. God wanted them to repent. He wanted them to change course. He wanted them to change what they were doing. But they refused. They’re like barrel. They harden their heart. So we had to pray them down from their removal, get them removed other places they should not be. Same thing with the tone of Israel. I’m sure they could have helped Moses by an agreement with Moses and God. They didn’t. They cried a lot and complained. So I’m going to say about that all right now,

Backlash. This phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. So this word, backlash, watch that word in the news for a shocking reason and then ridicule. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Now, this is not he has mentioned Taiwan a lot. He’s mentioning it again. Now, listen what he’s saying. I told you, my children, things are not how they appear there. And truth and what has been hidden in that land will be exposed. So something’s been hidden in Taiwan. Now, this whole thing with China and Taiwan, there’s more to this story, especially anything pretty much regarding China. There’s a lot more to this story than we’ve already heard. They’ve had their hand in a lot of these cookie jars and God’s going to expose it. And he is bringing them down to their knees. He even said, like Egypt. He said that in a prophecy long time ago, and I can’t remember which it was sometime last year. But he says things are not how they appear to be in the truth of what has been hidden in that land will be exposed. Don’t believe everything about a war. Just another distraction from the truth. But it will not work. Say at the Lord. This is what the enemies do when they are desperate. They start wars. Russian, Ukraine, there is so much more to that story. Do not believe what you’re hearing on the news. The news is telling you that Zelensky is a good guy. You obviously know he’s got to be the opposite. He’s an actor. He’s a traitor. He is evil. And what he’s doing to the Ukrainian people is horrible and horrific. And what he’s doing to this country is the same. He is a liar, manipulator and a thief. And you’ll see. And he will be removed from a seat of power. Say, Julie, those are harsh words. Yep. Those are the words that God said. He doesn’t take time until people want what they are doing. Remember, there are bio labs and weapons. Bio weapons and labs. Excuse me. In Ukraine, sex trafficking is in Ukraine. He is the one who is putting these things against his people. It’s not Russia. Russia is trying to stop the next maneuvers of the one world government. And he is using Putin. Yes. Even though he is not that greatest other man in the world, but he is using him. Why do you think Biden and Obama and all those guys hate him so much? You have to question that. He has things on them, and you’ll soon find out.

Israel do not fear what your enemies are saying or doing. Do not fear this fake government in the land of my eagle. Your enemies will not conquer you. They will be conquered. Remember days of Haman? I love the fact that what happened with Biden in all those confidential documents he’s not supposed to have in three different locations. He was a vice president. He’s not supposed to have those confidential papers at all. Now, President Trump, he can declassify things that have them. He declassified that stuff. He can have it. Whatever they say on the news was a pure bunch of crap. I’ll say that bluntly, but Biden was vice president. He’s not allowed to have those things. Days of Hayman, when they sit there and they do all these things over and over and over again, it gets a child of all night again. All those things that they’re doing, it’s going to fall back and boomerang, back on them. Go read the Book of Esther and see what happened. Haman a well known wall will be in your news for a surprising reason. Now, he didn’t say which wall. He just said, A well known wall will be in your news. The Tigris and the Euphrates. So Tigris and the Euphrates River will be in your news for a significant reason. So those two rivers, look at what’s going on with them for a significant reason, and it will be in the news because of what’s going on with it. Bangor, Maine will also be in your news for a significant reason. Holocaust. This word again excuse me. This word again will be in your news for a significant reason. Now. I’ve heard holocaust at least twice. I think it’s like the second time or third time. I don’t remember. I know it’s not the first time, so watch for that word to be in your news. Okay, so this one up here, it says I’m going to go back up a couple of paragraphs. Here we go. The windows of habit are open. To receive more from me with less obstructions. My children, I will say this again. Shout your freedoms. He’s telling us things to say. Remember, resist your enemies. Resist the devil. He must flee. That is in. James four seven. Shout their plans to be stopped. I have given you the authority. You have the host of angels waiting for your commands. He says, the angels harken diligently to the voice of Lord your God. Give the words that God is saying to you, speak them. And the angels have to listen and they listen. So we have a host of angels, we can’t see them, but they’re there. He said, the host of angels, they’re waiting for your commands, my children. So put them to work with my words, not yours. Your words are not going to work. Only God’s words. I will give you these words to say and when. It’s very important not only what to say, but when to say them. So pray, listen, and obey the word and the world around you will change. Great disruptions, great eruptions, great governmental changes, great governmental shifts are about to be seen. And then there’s also a question. When people are hearing this, this is their question and God’s giving them their answer. So as soon as they hear these words, they’re already questioning him. He’s saying, this is what people are saying, but Lord, nothing’s happening. As soon as they hear that prophetic word, they’re saying in their hearts and their minds, nothing’s happening. We just keep losing over and over and over again. And he’s asking the ones who are saying that, I’m asking you, my children, do you really believe that? I told you over and over again not to go by how things appear, because the things which are seen will change? That’s in two corinthians 416 through 18. Go and read it. Get that revelation in your heart. The things which are seen are temporal from not going to last forever. It’s not if they will change. I’m asking this again. Who are putting what are you putting your trust in, my children? Me or what you see? Come and follow me. Come and take your authority. March forward and stand and take what belongs to you. I will say this again and again so you get the revelation in your heart. Your enemies can’t win because I am and always will be undefeated. Say it’s. The Lord, your redeemer God’s. Undefeated. The end. God always wins. You have to say much more than that. Our enemies lose. God wins every single time. It doesn’t matter what things look like, doesn’t matter how bad things appear. God will always win for I the Lord this day I’m telling my children to stop waiting on man and man’s ways. Let’s just say he said the other day and a lot of people didn’t like to hear that. Stop waiting for the 2024 election. That’s not the answer. God is the answer. I know people don’t like that, but it’s true. People waiting for 2022. There’s supposed to be a Red sea. There was a Red Tsunami. They’ve stolen it. That’s why we have to trust in God and not man’s ways. Well, they do. Those still another one. Let’s stop it before that happens. Turn. Of all mighty God you should be waiting on me. The great I AM. I am the one who will change it all. Don’t rely on anything you see. Don’t trust those things, my children. Then he’s telling us what to say. Call in my flood of truth, call in My glory to fill this earth. Call in revival, call in restorations. Then call down your enemies and their plans. Stop waiting on someone else to do those things. You say, lord, I’m just one person. I can’t change anything. No, you’re not just one person. You are the part of the body of Christ. Heavy for that in bold. You are a part of the body of Christ. You are not alone. I said that earlier. You are part of a body. You’re not by yourself. You are not insignificant. Your enemy will tell you that you’re insignificant. You’re your enemy will tell you that you’re not important. Your enemy will tell you that you’re weak. Your enemy will tell you that you’re defeated. Your enemy will tell you that you’re a nobody. It’s a lie. Don’t listen to him. You get into the Word and see what God says about you and how important you are to Him. You are important, each and every one of you, for this end time. Harvest of souls, I’ve hand picked all my children for this time. All of you have an important part to do, and it’s now. So get ready to receive an overflow so each and every one of you are important to God. You’re not insignificant. Don’t go by how you feel about yourself, what the world has told you, who you are, what your thoughts, what you appear to be like in your own life. You need to see yourself, how God sees you. God sees you through the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He sees you through that blood. He sees you through that sacrifice. He sees you how he has put you on this earth to be that person. He doesn’t see you as broken. He doesn’t see you as insignificant. He doesn’t see you as a failure. He doesn’t see you as a quitter. He doesn’t see you how your enemy wants you to see yourself. He sees you through the eyes of love. So today God is calling upon the Church to be united, united in his word, united in his name, united, and that’s what we have to be. God will give us the strength and the ability to do those things that he needs us to do. He now does give us these assignments and say, okay, just figure them out. He gives us these assignments, and he gives us the ability to complete those assignments.

Well, I hope this encourage you today. I want to pray over each and every one of you, Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name. I just want to pray over each person the sound of my voice. Heavenly Father, I ask you to help them seize the eyes of Christ. Help them see how much they are loved. Help them see how they’re they’re so significant, they’re so important. They are so loved by you. Let them see, Father God, the sacrifice, the shed blood of Jesus, that you love them so much that if you have to, you’d come back to sacrifice again just for them. But we know, Father God, that Jesus sacrificed was enough. It was more than enough. But let them see. Let them see through their failures. Let them see through their past mistakes. Let them see for that sin consciousness. Let them see you and let them see how you see them. Let them see that their life matters. They are important, no matter how unimportant they feel. I thank You, Father God, that they see through the lies of their enemy. I thank you for picking them up where they are and putting them on a solid foundation of you and Your word and Your love, Father God, and I thank you. Nothing that enemy has done to them, it will not prosper against them. They will not stay where they are. They will not stay in that situation. They will not stay defeated, they will not stay weak, they will not stay sick, they will not stay wimpy, they will not stay depressed, they will not stay in fear, no, because you have made them more than conquerors. And I thank You, Father God, that they see that, because they see you. And we thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen. And amen. I know that is for somebody. I can feel the compassion and the love of Almighty God in those words. You are important and your life matters. If you need prayer because of depression, fear or even suicide, I want you to write us. I lived through all of that. I used to be that person and now God has me on the other side of it to help you. So write us at Julie Green Ministries International and all that information is in the description box below. And I also gave at the beginning of the video, email us, go to our website under our contact information, let us know and we will pray for you. And I promise there is light in that dark tunnel. I promise there is a way out, even though it doesn’t feel like it, because Jesus says your way out, he’s your waymaker. You’re not alone. Even though your situation tells that you are, you’re not. Jesus is always with you. Well, God loves you. I love you, God bless you and have a wonderful day.


Widespread Gnosis is here referred to

He wants a personal relationship with each and every one of you”

As opposed to blind faith and empty ritualism. Yet the whole christian religion provides no simple formula for connecting to God personally. Its been withheld for millennia. So I have seen many comments to the effect that |”I sat in prayer for months in my prayer closet and nothing happened” Desperate pleas for contact have been ignored. It can turn people into atheists or cause utter rejection of religion because it doesn’t deliver in most cases.

God is locked in to the Bible-Christianity metaphor because there are 60 million evangelical Christians in the Southern Bible Belt. US is a very Christian religious society. He is already pushing the envelope telling Christians to stop thinking religiously and legalistically. Just listen to ME he says. So it doesn’t leave much religion left and God acknowledges he is going to lose a lot of followers by eliminating manmade religions.

Of course Laymans Gnosis is waiting in the wings. Hopefully to catch a much wider spectrum of people with a direct no frills connection to God that will be a harvest triumph. But we need God to bring people into the website so we are waiting for that. It may first happen with Julie reporting she is hearing internal music and voice and saying its all OK now. She has practically confessed to that already. I made a protest video (another page) about the absurdity of her theocratic rulings telling God what to do. LOL

That’s an obstacle to be overcome that only God can fix when the time is ripe.

I will be laughing with joy when she reports she hears “And I love you so……..” I was told this would happen.

I found the transcript where she details how she HEARS so many things in her own head. Her woeful lack of vocabulary is part of the problem mixed with Christian theocratic brainwashing since birth. I’ll put that under the protest video.

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