A Warning of What is to come
Read the intro its useful
Good morning, everybody. Today is Monday, January 30 of 2023. I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today, and it is called a warning on what is to come. I heard this prophetic word on January 18 of 2023. Before I get to this, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org on our contact page. Or you can write us at julie Green Ministries International, 4620 east 53rd Street, Sweet, 200, Devonport, Iowa, 52807. Now, this was called A Warning on What is to Come. I actually heard this prophetic word with my team while we were down in Florida. We were just doing a prayer time, and the Lord gave this prophecy, and I knew I had to give it out. Sometimes prophetic words you want to hear because they’re good news, and other times you hear them. It’s hard because you don’t want to have to give these ones out. But at the same time, remember there is something bad going on one side, and there is something good going on the other. When God refers to his hand, it’s placing judgment on one party and placing blessing on another. So you will hear in this prophetic word a warning on what is to come. But I’m going to give you many scriptures. When I was studying this morning before I did this video on what God wants you to take away from this first and foremost, he talks about this all the time to us is the thing he keeps saying is do not fear. So as I read this prophetic word, it is a warning, but it’s not to get you into fear. It’s to get you just to be prepared on what is to come. Okay? Do not fear, because that’s what Satan wants you to do. He wants you to get in fear. He wants you to take your focus off God and not off what God is actually saying. Okay? Here’s a prophetic word,
A Warning on What is to Come
My children. Get prepared. Not only will you see my glory, not only will you see revival, not only will you see things that I have never done before for mankind, you will see great death. And that’s what you need to be prepared for. There’s death coming. There’s a wave of death unprecedented. I need my church to be prepared to build up your faith and to be able to, when people are coming and they will come running, because the world will look so dark, it will look so evil, the world will look so upside down. But that’s when my church, my children, your light will be magnified and my love will be glorified. I will shine my light through you in the midst of this death, in the midst of the evil, my goodness, my blessing, and the life that I have will be poured out and manifested even more because my grace is sufficient for you.
So in this time, I told you, this is the hour when they will come running. They will come running. They will come running in your churches, and they will not be big enough. Prepare for those stadiums, because all over the news there will be so much death. At the same time, I will raise people up that will do my will and will be used by me with more miracles. Excuse me.
Limbs will come out, blind people will be able to see. Deaf ears open, and people who are in wheelchairs will no longer have to stay in them. I’m asking you today, are you ready? Are you ready? Saturate yourselves in my word. Prepare your hearts, because some people’s hearts will fail them at what’s about to come on this earth. Now, this is nothing to fear. Remember, I am saying this again. There is nothing to fear, for I am here, and I will always be here.
In this time, the ground will shake, the earth will quake, the weather will seem unprecedented. The economies will fail, the markets will crash everywhere. This is me bringing in my kingdom, bringing in the system that I have for you. And it is the death of a manmade Godless system. Remember, this is only temporary. This is only to bring in the great harvest of souls. I’ve told you, be prepared for the financial turnarounds. Be prepared for the wealth transfer. Call in everything that I have put in your heart. Do not I will say this again. Do not limit me, because what I have for you is limitless. The reason why I have to prepare your hearts now, I have to warn you, because what you’re about to see, so be with me, and you will be in glee. You will be in the laughter when so many people are in sorrow. I am bringing you this joy unprecedented because you will have to hear things and you have to see things that most people would not be able to bear. This is the church that I have chosen for this time. This is my body that I need for this time. So be prepared. Where there is death, life will be even greater. Everything your enemy is doing, no matter the multitude, no matter how bad it is, I am greater than he is, and the world will know it. Your enemies will know that I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the God who released my people from the grip of a monster. I see the monsters of today, they are multiplied. I will deal with them the same way I dealt with that Pharaoh. So do not fear what they are about to do, but be prepared for all those families that will be dealing with grief. I need you to get with me so you can show me to the world. The world needs my children. They used to turn away from you. They used to mock you. But in the midst of this, they will turn toward you, and they are going to come running. So, my children, be prepared for what you are about to hear, what you’re about to see, and what you’re about to experience. You will be like my Goshen These signs will not harm you. These things will not affect you. But you will still need to pray. Spend time with me, because my glory, my glory, cherish it. Receive it. Increase after increase after increase after increase. I will do mighty works for you that you never thought were possible. My children will raise people from the dead in unprecedented numbers. So this day and this year, in this time, remember 2023. Remember this. 2023 is 2020 free. Yes, 2020 free. Not three. Not just three, but free. Free. Everything that you’ve been held back, everything that tormented, everything that tortured, every prison cell, every chain. Remember free. Say it. Declare it. Decree it every day. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom is yours. Freedom is now Saith the Lord.
Now, one of the things that I want to go over, because you guys all know that I will go over this prophetic word, but I know people will get caught up on hearing about the death. And, yes, it was hard for me to hear it. It was hard for me to give it that day. It was even hard for me to give it today. But the Lord has been telling us about an angel of death, the same type of thing that happened in the land of Egypt with the first Exodus and with the judgment upon the Egyptians for holding God’s people. When God says, let my people go. There was many judgments in the land of Egypt, but, you know, there was ten plagues or you could say ten judgments. And in that particular point in time, the Pharaoh was refusing to let God’s people go. No matter what type of situation, no matter what plague that they were enduring, they refused to let God’s people go. He just kept hardening his heart, and he just kept making it harder for God’s people to live. That is what’s been going on lately. No matter what kind of pressure the enemy’s been under, no matter what the warnings, they still refuse to listen to God. Now, I want to go over something, because when God is talking to us and he’s warning us about things to come, God is not leaving us without hope again. The first thing your enemy wants you to pay attention to is the fact that he said death in unprecedented ways and unprecedented numbers. But this is what God is saying in the book of Exodus. Yes, I’m bringing up Exodus again. He talked about this like three, at least a minimum of three different kinds in Exodus, chapter eight and verse 23. This is why I’m saying this, because this is what he’s been saying. I will make a difference between my people and your people tomorrow. This sign shall be. Now I’m going to read this in the Amplified and he says, and I will put a division and a sign of deliverance between my people and your people. By tomorrow shall this sign be in evidence. This is what Moses was talking to. He was speaking about the fourth plague and this was the flies. And so he was saying that there was going to be a distinction between the Egyptians and God’s people. He was saying that the Egyptians are going to deal with this plague of flies. But at the same time God’s people were not going to deal with it at all. He was greatly distinguishing, that’s what he says. Or he says, I put a division in a sign of deliverance between my people and your people. He also says this in Acts chapter nine and verse four. Now this was the plague of the livestock, or you could say food. There was a food shortage because this was what happened with his plague. And he says, but the Lord shall make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt and nothing shall die of that belongs to the Israelites. So he was talking about how the Egyptians were going to deal with a food shortage, but God’s people were not. So all the livestock of the Egyptians were going to die, but the livestock of the Israelites were aspirant they were saved. So again, another great distinction. Now then he goes on to say in verse six, but all the livestock of the Israelites, not one died. That’s Exodus chapter nine in verse six. So not one livestock of the Israelites died, even though all of them from the Egyptians did. So then of course, Pharaoh refuses to let God’s people go no matter what happens.
Then you have the plague of hail, which was hail turned into fire and yet the 8th plague was locust. And then again God says this to Moses, this is Exodus chapter eleven and verse seven. This is the death of the first born announced. This is the angel of death. But one of the things that was spoken is but against none of the children of Israel shall a dog move its tongue against a man or beast. You shall know that the Lord does not, or the Lord excuse me, the Lord does make a difference between the Egyptians and Israel. I’m going to read this again. The Lord makes a distinction, this is Amplified distinction between the Egyptians and Israel. So in the new King James it says God makes a difference. And then the Amplified says he makes a distinction between the Israelites in Egypt. So what we are dealing with in the world today, God saying that death is coming, but just like the land of Goshen, not one Israelite died, not one. The plagues didn’t affect them. The angel of death did not hit them. Why? Because they were God’s people and God was making a great distinction or a great difference between the children of Israel and the children of Egypt. The Egyptians knew that the Israelite God was more powerful and he was on their side. Now the Israelites sought their God and their God’s vengeance. They’re god avenging they’re god protecting. So he was judging the Egyptians for protecting his people. At the very same time, remember God says in his word that he is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Now in this prophetic word, he’s talking about something similar. He said there’s going to be death unprecedented but his grace is sufficient for us where there is great death, his life, his glory, his revival, his the miracles, the signs and wonders that he has. So on one side there’s going to be great death, on the other side there’s going to be great glory. And it talks about joy. Where there is such sorrow, why is that? God is separating us, but he’s going to give us a great joy unprecedented. Why? Because joy is our strength. The joy of the Lord is our strength. You have to have joy to have strength. And what we need right now in this unprecedented time is strength. So what we should be asking God for strength. That’s why he needs us to spend time with Him. The press in to receive his joy, to receive his love, to receive his words. He’s given us many marching orders. Remember the children of Israel during the Passover gave them what you could say was marching orders. He gave them things to do, things to obey. Right now he’s giving us things to do, things to obey. This is nothing to fear. Even says that God says it’s nothing to fear. Now I’m going to go on, it says in Exes chapter 13. And then I’m going to go on to different scriptures in the New Testament, in Exodus chapter 13 and verse three. This is the amplified version. It says, And Moses said to the people, earnestly remember this day in which you came out from the Egypt as the house of bondage and the bondsman, for by the strength of the hand of the Lord brought you out from this place. God’s hand brought them out of that bondage, out of that slavery, out of that murderous person’s hands, or like even says in this word, a monster. Pharaoh was a monster. He was completely evil. And we’re seeing monsters of today completely evil and inhumane, don’t care about anything but themselves, their money and their power. They don’t care how many people die, they cause great death. Why? Because they want a depopulation of the world. What did Pharaoh want? The same thing, because he knew that the children of Israel knew there were more in number. They could gang up against them and destroy their power and destroy what they had created, the Egyptians had created in this massive nation, knew they were more in number and they knew they were fruitful. They were multiplying. They got into his slavery and they forgot who they were. They forgot whose they were. They forgot about how powerful God was and is. Now, next is chapter 14. Now look, we tell them all these things
exist. Chapter 14 and verse 13. Moses says of the people, fear not, stand still, firm, confident, undisputed, and see the salvation of the Lord which he work. He will work for you today. He will, not that he might. He will work for you today, for the Egyptians. You see today, you should never see again. Verse 14. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest. We shall remember that the Lord fights for us. We should hold our peace and remain at rest. Why does he keep going over the Exodus? Why does he keep having me talk about the Exodus all the time? Because we should have our peace and remain at rest. That the Lord fights for us. There’s nothing new under the sun, nothing. They may call it something different, but it’s the same thing, and it’s the same devil working with different people. Now and of course the fulfillment of this in Exodus chapter 14 and verse 31. And Israel saw that the great work which the Lord did against the Egyptians and the people reverently feared the Lord and trust that it relied on and remained steadfast the Lord to his servants. Now, verse Exodus, chapter 15 and verse six. Look what they said after they saw what God did for them. Your right hand, Lord, is glorious and power. Your right handle, Lord, shatters the enemy. Now, I want to read something again. It’s talking about a great distinction, a great distinguishing or a great difference between the Israelites and the Egyptians. Now, I’m going to read this out of the New Testament. So I read you the Old Testament. Now I’m going to read you the New Testament, John 17. Now look at this. This is what Jesus, one of the last things he prayed for before he went to the cross. And listen to what he says. And now I’m coming to you. I say these things while I’m still in the world so that my joy may be made full and complete and perfect in them. What is this prophetic word talking about? This prophetic word was talking about giving us unprecedented joy. This is what Jesus was saying. Why do we need joy? Because the joy of the Lord is our strength. And then he goes on to say that my joy may be full and complete and perfect in them, that they may experience my delight fulfilled in them, that my enjoyment may be perfected in their own souls, that they may have gladness within them, filling their hearts. So he wants gladness or joy to fill our hearts. Okay. Then he goes on. This is John 17, verse 14. I have given and delivered to them your word or your message. This is the amplified version of this. And the world has hated them. Oh yeah, they do. They, they. You can tell the world still hates us today. And because they are not of this world, remember Jesus said, they are not of this world, do not belong to this world. Just as I am not of this world. Remember the greater ones on the inside of us than he that’s in the world. We are in this world, but we are not of it. Remember the children of Israel had a distinction or a difference between them and the Egyptians. Same thing is happening now. We are in this world, but we are not of it. Things are going to happen in this world, but they’re not going to happen to us. Because why God’s our protector Verse 15 I do not ask you that you take them out of this world, but you keep and protect them from the evil one. Who’s the evil one? Our adversary, the devil, the liar, the thief, the killer. Now watch what he also says, verse 16, they are not of this world, worthy belonging to this world. This is I’m not of the world. He said it twice. Then he says in verse 17, sanctify them purify consecrate, separate them, separate them, separate them. So he said, So what happened to them in Exodus? Now he’s saying that again. Separate them for yourself, make them holy by the truth. Your word is true. So what separates us from the world? The word of God. That’s what separates us. That’s what God keeps telling us in all these prophetic words, to get into His Word, to spend time with Him, to pray. Just as you’ve sent me into the world, I have also sent them into the world. Now Matthew 28, I’m going to read this and I’m going to go back over the prophetic work. There’s many other scriptures I want to get to and I’m not going to have time. So Matthew 28, listen to this very carefully. This is what this prophetic word is also talking about. Matthew 28 and verse 18, Jesus approached them, breaking the silence, and said to them, listen to this. This is what Jesus said to them all authority, all power of rule in heaven and on earth has been given to me. So all power, all rule in heaven, on earth has been given to me. Has been given to who? Jesus. Now look what he says. He gave him a command or a marching order. Go then. This is 19. Go then and make disciples of the nations, baptizing him in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you. Behold, I am with you all the days, perpetually, on uniformly and every occasion to very close and consumption of the age. Jesus name is above how many names? Above all names. And then look at this Mark chapter 16. All these things are in this prophetic word. And God gave me all of these scriptures that go along with this prophetic word. Remember, prophecy is always going to line up with the word of God. Always. Now listen. Then he says Mark chapter 16 and verse 15. And he said to them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Listen, he who believes that his baptized will be saved, but he does not believe will be condemned. Verse 17. And these signs will follow those who believe in my name. You will cast out demons. They will speak in new tongues. They will take up serpents. And if they drink anything deadly, it will in no means hurt them. They will handle the sick and they shall recover. So he’s saying all these things will happen. A person that is called by the name of Jesus, who has Jesus on the inside of him because he is greater than he is in the world, he says, you go, you lay hands on the snake and they shall recover. You will cast out demons. He’s saying all he thinks that we’re going to be what? Signs. Signs of him? Miracles. Signs and wonders. Speaking in new tongues. People say that speaking in tongues of the devil. No one eight. Read Romans chapter eight and verse 26. And also read this right here where he spent speaking new tongues. That’s a whole other teaching than I’ll have to get to some other time. I want to go back over and read this prophetic word. So when you’re seeing these things when we go to churches and when we’re going to event, you should see these miracles, signs and wonders. You should see these things happening a lot of times. You see in churches there’s nothing going on. Then you have to beg, you have to ask. That question is why? Why aren’t the miracle signs and wonders going on in certain churches? All right, now this is the last paragraph. So my children, be prepared for what you are about to hear and what you’re about to see and what you’re about to experience. You’ll be like Goshen. Remember, we’re just talking about that distinction or that great separation. These things will not harm you. That’s why he’s saying not to fear. These things will not harm you. These things will not affect you. But you still need to pray. He’s giving us an order. You still need to pray and you still need to spend time with me because of my glory. My glory. What his glory? Manifests of power, manifested presence and manifest the goodness of God. And even says, even Moses said, show me your glory. Glory. Go look and do some study on what God’s glory is. It’s a powerful study. My glory. Cherish should expect it receive an increase after increase after increase after increase. He repeated that four times. Increase after increase after increase after increase. I’ll do mighty works for you that you will never have thought were possible. I’ll do mighty works for you that you never thought were possible. My children will raise people from the dead in unprecedented numbers. Remember Jesus said, you’ll do more work than I because I go to my father. Did Jesus raised people from the dead? All the things he told us to do? Let’s say this year, this time. Remember 2023. Remember this 2023 is 2020. Free. Not just three, but free. Free everything that you have been held back. Free with every torment, every torture, every prison salary chain. Remember free. Say it. Declare it every day. Declare every day freedom. Freedom. Freedom is yours. Freedom is now saith the Lord. So he said freedom four times. Also, he had increased four times. He said freedom four times. What he wants us to get that down into your heart about increase in freedom. A great separation. He is not leaving you without hope. If people are saying they’re giving you warning, they give you no hope. That’s not God. God will always give you a hope. He will always give you something good to hold on to, because his word is the good news. And he says, So be prepared where there is death. Now, listen, on one side is death. Just like in Egypt and then in Goshen, there wasn’t he said, so be prepared. Where there is death, life will be even greater. One side is death, one side is life. Everything your enemy is doing, no matter the multitudes, no matter how bad it is, I am greater than he is. The world will know it. Your enemies will know it that I am the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I’m the God who released my people from the grip of a monster. Who was the master? The monster was Pharaoh. But it wasn’t just Pharaoh as a person, it was the devil inside of him. God uses people as vessels, and Satan uses people as vessels. I see monsters of today. They are multiplied because there’s more than just one. Pharaoh was just one. Yeah, he had an army, but he was the one that controlled everything. You have a multitude. You have a one world government and you have many different men that are controlling the world system. He said, I see the monsters of today, so there’s multiple. And he says, I will deal with them the same way I dealt with that Pharaoh. So do not fear what they are about to do. He’s Italians are about to do something. He says, don’t fear it, but be prepared for all those families that will be dealing with grief. Why? Because of the death. Many people will be dealing with death. They’ll be dealing with grief. I need you to get with me so you can show me to the world. The world needs my children. The world needs to see God through the children of almighty god. They need to see that we are distinguished. They need to see that we have something different on our life. They need to see that when there is great death and there is darkness and there is all this craziness going on in the world, we are steadfast. We are receiving God’s glory, his power. We have miracles, signs and wonders going on. When there’s great death, all of a sudden people raising people from the dead. There’s miracle signs and wonders going on. Why? There’s a great distinction. We should be the same as the world. We should not be safe like the world. We should not be broken like the world. We should not be in fear like the world. We should not be like the world. We should be separated from the world. We should be separated. We should not be the same. We are children of almighty God. We have a better covenant than the Israelites did when he saved him in the land of Goshen. Why would we not expect that? Now? Why would we expect that God is just going to leave us in this world? Why would we expect that he’s just going to leave us like everybody else? He’s not. Then he says, I need you to get with me so you can show me who’s I’m talking about. He wants us to show him to the world. The world needs my children. They used to turn away from you. They used to mock you. But in the midst of this, they will turn toward you and they’re going to come running. So he said that multiple times in this prophetic word. They’re going to come running. We saw it with 911. This is worse than 911 because of the amount of death that will happen. Remember, for about two weeks, everybody right after 911 turned to churches. But then the churches didn’t teach them anything, so then they stopped. We need to be prepared to receive these people that are coming. And this time the ground will shake, the earth will quake, the weather will seem unprecedented, the economies will fail, the markets will crash. Now all of a sudden embraced it and start freaking out right there and gossip. Don’t. That’s their kingdom. That’s their Babylonian system being destroyed. This is me bringing in my kingdom, bringing in a system that I have for you in the death of man made Godless system, the man made Godless system. And he says I’m destroying it. Remember, this is only temporary. This is only to bring in the great harvests of souls. I told you, be prepared for the financial turnaround. Be prepared for the wealth transfer calling, everything I have put in your heart, do not, and I say this again, do not limit me, because what I have for you is limitless god’s, unlimited God. The reason why to prepare your hearts. Now I have to warn you, because what you’re about to see, so be with me and. You will be in glee. Or you’ll be what? In joy. You’ll be in laughter. So when many people are in sorrow, I am bringing this joy unprecedented, because you will have to hear things and you’ll have to see things that most people will not be able to bear. This is the church that I have chosen for this time. This is the body that I need for this time. And people are wondering, how can we be in joy? Why so many people are in sorrow? It’s because we know the truth. And the truth is setting us free. We have to have that joy because when they are in sorrow, they’re going to come running, because they’re going to want to know why we are different. And we’re going to show God to them so they can come in, so they can receive that joy, so they can be free from that grief, so they can be free from that sorrow. Remember, God needs us to be his hands and his feet, to speak the words of God, to speak the words of truth, to get people to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. That’s what this is all about. He’s judging the world from what the world has done to his people, to his children. But he still wants the world to be saved and to know his son. That’s what his son came for. Nellis has nothing to fear. Remember, I am saying this again. There is nothing to fear, for I am here and I will always be here. He said this there’s children of Israel. He’s saying to us now he heard the cries of his people. He hears the cries of his people now. We shall not fear. So this time, I’ve told you, this is the hour when they will come running. He says twice, they will come running. They will come running three times in your churches. They will not be big enough. So he’s saying, our churches are not going to be big enough. So we got to prepare preset. For what? For stadiums. Because all over the news there will be such death. At the same time, I’ll raise people up that will do My will and be used by Me for more miracles. Limbs will come out, blind, people will be able to see death. Ears will be open and people who are in wheelchairs will no longer have to stay in them. I’m asking you today, are you ready? He says it again. Are you ready? Saturate yourselves in my word. Prepare your hearts, because some people’s hearts will fail them at what is about to come on this earth. So he’s saying, at the same time, there’s going to be all this bad. There’s going to be even more goodness that will outweigh the bad. It will be magnified. And so when all of the darkness is going on, people are going to see this light and they’re going to run to that light. Cyni says, My children, get prepared. Not only will you see my glory, not only will you see revival, not only will you see things that I have never done before for mankind, you will see. So he’s saying all the good things, and it’s at the same time. He’s saying at the same time, you’re going to see death. That’s what you need to be prepared for. There is death coming. There’s a wave of death unprecedented. I need my church. Be prepared to build up your faith, to be able to when people are coming, they will come running because the world will look so dark, will look so evil, and the world will look so upside down. But remember, he’s not talking yet. He’s not just giving you this hopeless situation and saying good luck. He’s saying, BUT that’s when my church, my children, your light will be magnified what we’re supposed to be salt and light into this world. Your light will be magnified, and my love will be glorified. I will shine my light through you in the midst of the death, in the midst of evil. My goodness, my blessing, my life that I have will be poured out and manifested even more because my grace is sufficient for you. So he’s talking about all these bad things are going to happen. Yes, but he’s also talking about all the good things that will happen at the same time. Look at Goshen, and then look at the Egypt, okay? Look at ocean. Look at the Egyptian. Then Jesus said, they’re in this world, but they are not of it. And he says, what separates us from the world? God’s truth. God’s word separates us from the world. So when you’re seeing all these things, he’s saying, do not fear these things. Do not get overwhelmed. Do not get under pressure. Do not magnify the problem. Do not magnify all these horrible things that are going on, but magnify God. Magnify him and decree declare his glory shall be seen. Where there is darkness, where there is death, there will always be light. There will always be life. With Satan men’s. Harm. God will always turn it into something greater, and he will always turn into something good for you. Satan does not have the final say. He will never have the final say. He’s never had the final say. So with this warning comes things that God has never done on this earth before. He’s about to do for the people of this world to show who he is. Satan is doing this one thing on this other side. He’s trying to destroy the world. He’s trying to bring it into one world government system. He’s trying to bring it down to its knees. But God is saying, not today is saying, that can happen. And that’s where we have to be magnifying God, magnifying truth and not magnifying the throne. Hopefully encourage you today.
I want to pray for each and every one of you, heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just pray over each and every person right now. And I thank you that your joy is unprecedented on Your people, that there is a special impartation of Your joy right now by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I thank you that you are giving them that joy. You are giving them that strength. You are giving them that peace. Father God, so in the midst of all these things that are about to come upon this earth, we thank you that you are separating us. We thank you, Father God, that we are in this world, but we are none of it. We thank you that you have given us a name above every name. We thank you, Father of God, that you are bringing down your glory upon us. You are separating us from the world. We thank you that Noah performance gives us a prosper. We think that Your light is shining through us to shine in the midst of all this darkness. And we thank you, Father God, for choosing us for such a time as this, for choosing us to be the body of Christ that the world needed. We thank you, Father God, that you are raising us up. You are perfecting us. You are strengthening us in the midst of all of these things. We thank you that we are rising above every test, every trial, every adversity, everything that Satan meant for us. We thank you, Father God. It is destroyed. It is a malady. It is brought to nothing because of what Jesus has already done for us. We believe. We receive when we pray, that we are healed, that we are sound, that we are made whole, that we are strong, that we are redeemed, that we have the power and authority, dominion that You’ve given to us through that Name, that’s above every name. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Well, if I encourage you today, please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know, who needs an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth says I’m free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

This the starkest warning given about the coming mass deaths. Not our own deaths but that of elitist enemies and their support groups, families, enablers, puppeteers etc. And the fortunes of the righteous will rise more than commensurately. So its blue skies for believers. Julie talked a long time ago about bodies in the streets that was the dark impression she was given. Kent Christmas another prophet has said 2023 is the year for mass death. Where death occupies the headlines but the righteous will celebrate their improving lives. Which is going to baffle a lot of frightened people and hopefully promote sufficient curiosity for them to ask why religious people are so bouyant in the darkness. What they are doing in those churches ?
Would this Holy megadeath be big enough to stop the perennial complaint that Nothings Happening Lord ! I’m still waiting !
Conventional religion is disadvantaged in a crisis situation because people need theological training, bible study, visits to pointy buildings, and also requires affirmations and oaths and confessions and “Faith”. That’s quite a “to do” list.
Unimpeded by any of that is Laymans Gnosis provided by God for virtually instant connection to God with immediate physical feedback and its physically contagious. But no one knows about it yet save a handful of hardy pioneers that have verified it over the NET in more than 10 countries.
Fascinatingly it only appeals to shy thoughtful people.
Never had a life-of-the Party Extrovert ask me about Gnosis.
I just had one of these individuals walk away from LG because of fears it might derail his comedian career. That’s life to them. Comedic Chaos.
So I am assuming with massive megadeath fear filled headlines even raving extroverts might think their life-of-the party-career is over and actually have a genuine thought. Perhaps pose several linked questions ? I suspect God will have something up his sleeve to shew people into TBH.
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