This is the time for things to Intensify
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Good morning, everybody. Today is Monday, February 6 of 2023, and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today, and it’s called This is a time for things to Intensify. I heard this prophetic word on the stage at the gathering. It was a Tuesday night. And so I will be doing like I did before, before I will be sharing the screen and sharing that video and audio with you where the Lord was actually giving it to me before I started preaching that night. And I wanted to give it to you how it was given. And then, of course, I will go over whatever the Lord wants me to and then I’ll go back over the prophetic word like I always do. So this is not a very long one, but it’s very powerful. The things that the Lord says in it is extremely important for the time that we’re living in today. And of course, he’s giving us things to look forward to. He’s giving us things to focus on. And again, I love how he says it and he does it. So I wanted to get it to you how it was given on stage. Also, I’ll be on A good friend of Mine tomorrow. It’s called upfront in the Prophetic with Francine. And once I have those live show, or once I have that link to that show, I’ll make sure that I share it with you. And then Wednesday, of course, is I’ll be on with Pastor Day. Take five and his glory. That will be at 11:00 Central time and 12:00 Eastern time. Then you’ll be seeing me recording or pre-recording because I’m going to go out of town the latter part of this week to spend more time with the Lord. This is a very intense time that we’re living in right now. Things are going to start changing rapidly. And I know he wants me to do this where I’m just cut everything off and go into prayer. So I am going to let you know that I will try to do all five videos in a time period that I have. If I don’t, I’ll at least do four. But I will give you as much as I can give you, I promise, because that’s what I’m here for, to give you daily encouragement. So I think that is all the announcements to make. Besides, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International and it is 46 20 east 53rd street, suite 200, Devonport, Iowa, 52807. All right, now I’m going to share the screen and then I’m going to have that prophetic word go and then I will turn it off and then I will go over the prophetic word, of course, with you or any I have some scriptures down here that the Lord wanted me to. So we’ll see how he wants to do things because sometimes he changes it up again. Because this is what he wants for you to hear, for this very day, this very hour. Not me. All right, let me share my screen here.
This is the time for things to intensify
My children, I know things look dark, and I know that you have been in despair. And I know that my church looks broken and unaware. Most of the time, my church wasn’t even aware that I was missing in their services. They didn’t know. But there has been a shaking. There has been an awakening. This is a time for revival. This is the time for my church to reunite as one. This is the time to turn down the spirits and bring them down of religion. This is the time to bring down the spirits that have brought legalism. This is a time to bring down the spirits that have brought down fear, that have overwhelmed my church. This is the time to bring it down. It is a time to bring down the spirit of depression on my church, these spirits that have broken my people, that have overwhelmed them, that have brought so much pressure and pain. This is a time for my children to break forth and to break free. Yes, I says, free. I freed my people before their exodus and I’m freeing my people once again. No matter what your enemies have done to you, no matter what they have done and no matter how many ways they’ve done it, I am Jehovah Rafa, and I am the healer. And I am coming down to deliver my people. I am coming down to bring healing that you have never known. Some of you have never known a healing at the way you’re about to feel. My people have been in pain all the time. They’ve been broken and battered and bruised. But this is a time of rapid things. Rapid. Oh, yes, I said rapid. A rapid move of my spirit, a rapid intensity, appealing signs and miracles and wonders. This is the time for things to pick up. Oh, you will see something with your enemies, but laugh, because I am laughing in the heavenlies. I sit in the heavenlies and laugh because I know the end from the beginning. And my children need to know that I am the one true God. And I am bringing down every single enemy that you face today. My angel armies are moving. They are moving before you. So believe me, my children, that’s all I ask of you. I’m asking you to believe me. Believe me the more than what you see. You go forth with me on the inside of you. Go forth with me. Go into battle. Go into battle with me. Because if you go into battle with me, you are not alone. You go into battle with me, and I have already conquered the world. You go into battle with me and there is no devil in hell that will stop what I have planned for you. So, my children, is time to break free, and it’s time to break forth. It is time to move, and it’s time to march. It is time to take back the ground that the enemy has stolen from my church. It is time, my children. It is time for the Exodus that you have been waiting for. It is time down to bring down the Pharaohs, the Pharaohs of today. It is time to bring them down. It is time to see your enemies fall. Yes, it is. Oh, yes, it is. My children have wondered, God, but it’s been taking so long. God, where are you? I don’t think you’re coming, God, because it’s taking too long. They’re taking more of our freedoms and where are you, God? Why aren’t you listening? My children, all I needed from you was your belief and trust in me. I need you to believe me more than you believe what you feel. I need you to trust me more than you believe in anything that Washington DC is doing. Don’t put your faith and trust in what you see, because I am a supernatural God. Oh, yes, I am a supernatural god. And I will put the super upon the natural, my children. Oh, you do need to do it to expect more from me. I am going to show up in churches. Some of them may not know what to do because I am going to show up in the midst of them, even unaware. And I’m going to make my presence known. And some will shake, and some will get in scare, and they will fear, but it will shake the chains off, because this is a time to shake those shackles off. This is a time to break free and to break forth. This is the time, my children are 2020 free. You will see me.
So go forth in your victory, sayeth the Lord.
Okay, that’s the reason why I wanted to show you that is because of how the Lord was saying that. And one of the things he said toward the end then is, this is the year 2023, and this is a year you will see me is what the Lord said. This is the year 2023, and this is a year you will see me. Julie what does that mean? We’ll see the works of Almighty God, the manifestations of more healings, more signs, more wonders. But remember, with that, there’s also what you’re going to see is the enemy trying to stop that. You can see the things that intensify in the last few months. You can see your enemies trying to do all of these different things to cause distractions, to cause fear, to cause worry, to cause anxiety. But God and that’s what we have to remember is but God, God is the same. Yesterday, today, and forever. He brought down the Pharaohs of old. Why would he not do the same thing now? People think, well, only way it’s going to save us is if we just have another election and we can just get these people out of here. That’s a man’s way, that’s what we’re used to. We don’t know any different, but neither do the children of Israel. I want to read a scripture to you. Yesterday morning when I got up to study, before I went to church, I just sometimes open my Bible and then all of a sudden one scripture or two will just jump out at the page at me. I don’t even mean to turn. I just literally open the Bible. I’m not specifically opening it up to a certain scripture or certain page. And my Bible opened up in Psalm 50. The Lord does this to me all the time. And it was Psalm 50 and verse 15. And call on me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you and you shall honor and glorify me. I’m going to read it again. And call on me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you. He doesn’t say sometimes, he doesn’t say, you win a few, you lose a few in a day of trouble. I’m sorry, this time you’re just going to have to deal with it. No, he says, I will deliver you. You can read in Exodus chapter six for the sake of time. I’m not going to do it today because I’ve done it before, but in Exodus chapter six, read the first. I think it’s like eight or nine verses. The Lord says I will seven times. He also introduces himself as El Shadai. Now, okay, I’ll turn back over there really quickly. He wants me to turn over there. Exodus chapter six and verse three. I peer to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as Almighty God or Al Shadai the God whom nothing is impossible. That was Genesis 17. But my name Lord Or Yahweh. This is Exodus chapter six, verse three, Amplified version. Yahweh, the redemptive name of God. I did not make myself known to them in acts and great miracles. Read that again. I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty or Al Shadai. Al Shadai is the God whom nothing is impossible but my name, the Lord Yahweh, the redemptive name of God. I did not make myself known to them in acts and great miracles. So God was saying to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I did not act with great and mighty miracles. So he was telling them before the great and mighty miracles happened. They didn’t know me by this name. They didn’t know me by these acts. They didn’t know me by these miracles. But you are. That’s what he was telling them. Verse four. I have also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan. That was the promised land, the land of their temporary residence in which they were strangers. Verse five. I have also heard the groaning of the Israelites whom the Egyptians have enslaved, and I have earnestly remembered my covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We have a covenant with God Almighty, the blood covenant. Would he have because of what Jesus Christ has already done, if he earnestly remembered the Abraham that covenant, the covenant that they were under in this particular time period, and he honored it? He earnestly he didn’t just remember, he earnestly remembered. Why would God not earnestly remember and stand and honor the blood covenant we have with him now, with his Son? We have a better covenant than the Israelites did, a better one. We have the covenant of Jesus Christ, of his blood that was shed for us, that was better than Abrahamic covenant. That’s why when people say that’s not God doesn’t do those things today, why would you think that we have a blood covenant? Think of what the name of Jesus means. The name of Jesus is above every name. Every name must bow to that name. Your enemies are destroyed and brought to nothing with that name and people having faith in that name. So why all of a sudden are people saying, God’s not going to do anything now? He wouldn’t do it that way. How do we know? We don’t know the ways of God. All of them, the children of Israel could never have dreamed of what he did and what he was going to do. They didn’t know. He even said, I did not make myself known to them in acts and great miracles. They didn’t know Him in that way. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t going to do it. Don’t limit God and what God can do. Go into his written word. Tell people, say all the talking. Don’t just listen to these prophetic words and go, oh, that was a great one. I can’t wait till tomorrow. Stop. This is fresh manna from heaven. These are words to bring encouragement, words to bring hope, words to bring truth, not to bring hopium, is what some people say. Oh, that person just brings hopium. What does hopeium do? Nothing. It’s false. But hope and trust in God, he’s a sure thing. I’m always going to point you back to God, not pointing you to me. I’m just a person. Go to God, get into his word, find out who he is. But he says, I’m earnestly remember my covenant. If he did it for them and we have a better covenant, why would he not earnestly remember his covenant? Now, accordingly, say to the Israelites, I am the Lord. I will bring that’s the first one. I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. I will free you from their bondage. I will rescue you with an outstretched arm, with special vigorous action, and by mighty acts of judgment. God is the same God, right? He’s the same God. This is verse seven in Exodus, chapter six. I will make, I will take you to me for my people. I will be to you a God. And you shall know that it is I, the Lord your God, who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will bring you into the land concerning which I lifted My hands and swore that I would give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I will give it to you as a heritage. I am the Lord. You shall have the pledge of My changeless, my changeless, omnipotence and faithfulness. So seven times he says, I will, but I want you to read for yourself and get into your spirit, the last paragraph or the last scripture I just gave you, exodus, chapter six and verse eight in the Amplified, I am the Lord, you have the pledge of My changeless, omnipotence and faithfulness. He doesn’t change. He says, I’m God, I change not. He’s changeless. He’s omnipotent. It means he’s everywhere. Why do people think God’s not going to do anything? Why? That’s not God. That’s not who he is. That’s not what he says in his word. Go read all those things, all the Scriptures. He says new Testament and Old Testament. We both look it up. But I’m going to read something to you in Proverbs three, five and six. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and he shall direct your path. Lean not unto your own understanding. It’s so easy right now for people to lean on their own understanding and lean to what they know and to what to be as normal or what they think is going to happen, what they’re used to. Well, things have never happened like this in the past, so why would they happen now in your past? But look what God didn’t in the Bible. He’s the same. Why all of a sudden would he be talking about the Exodus now as much as he’s talking about it? Because he wants you to have faith and trust in Him. You might not know Him for those acts and great miracles and great signs and great wonders. Just because you don’t know Him in that way doesn’t mean he’s not that way, right? Yeah. All right. Now, one of the things that he said in this word about rapid, things are going to pick up in like, a rapid pace. I look at the dictionary for this word, so the definition for this in the dictionary and it says rapid happening in a short time or at a fast pace. Happening in a short time or fast pace. So I also want to look up the definition because we’re in that moment, and this is what I do when I study, when he gives out certain words, he’ll have me look up the definitions for these words, even though I know basically what they mean. But I really want to get the definition for them intensify become or make intense. And then the other one is increase so that one’s not hold on to become intense or more intense, to grow stronger or more acute, to make intense or intensive strengthen to make more acute or sharpen. This is how I study.
They gave it hold on. Intense is used to describe something that is very great, extreme in strength or degree. So I want to give you just different ways to look at that word. So he’s talking about intensification and things intensifying. He’s talking about things happening at a rapid pace. He’s talking about escalation, he’s talking about exceeding. He uses these words why? To show us things are going to change and they’re not going to be just slow pace and just changing, just kind of where you kind of notice and you kind of don’t. No, this is things to intensify in the bad and things to intensify and the good. Remember, your adversary doesn’t want this glory. He doesn’t doesn’t want your miracles. He doesn’t want your deliverance. He doesn’t want you to trust God. He doesn’t want you to get out of fear. He doesn’t want you to get out of depression. All the things that God said he was going to do, he doesn’t want this. But what do we do? We focus on God. We focus on him. Go look at the story with Peter in the water, walking in the water. Why do I say that all the time? Why do I say that all the time? Because he wants to remind us what we do in the midst of a storm, what we do in the midst of when things intensify, we keep our focus on Him. All right, now I’m going to go back over and read this prophetic word.
Let me pull it up here, there, make sure I’ll be able to see it better. All right, this is the time for things to intensify. And again, I did hear a sort on the 24 January. My children, I know things look dark and I know that you believe you have been in despair. Excuse me. I know things look dark and I know that you’ve been in despair. I know that my church looks broken and unaware most of the time. My church seems even unaware that I was missing in their services. They didn’t know. There has been a shaking. There’s been an awakening. I’m going to stop right there for a minute. And I usually go backwards to forward. Now I’m going forward to backward, top to bottom. Listen to that for a minute. They didn’t know. There has been a shaking and there has been awakening. This is the first paragraph and I want to say I usually start at the bottom paragraph and go back up. This time I’m going to start from the top bottom. They didn’t know that he was missing in their services.
They weren’t expecting the glory. They weren’t expecting the miracle signs and wonders. They weren’t expecting healing. They weren’t expecting freedom, because religion and legalism will tell you that’s not for now. And so they would just go to hear services, to hear the good news, and then they would leave. And do not expect a change. God is telling you he wants you to expect a change. He wants you to look to him. He wants you to press in. He wants you to press through. He wants you to expect the God of the breakthrough, to expect Jehovah Rapha, which is healer. Expect Jehovah jay or your provider. Expect the great idea. Expect Jehovah Nissi, your banner or your victory. Expect him to show up. That’s what he wants. He says, this is the time for revival. This is the time for my church to reunite as one. This is the time to tear down the spirits, tear them down over religion. Religion has been brought into the church to bring a weakness or a wimpiness or nothing for nothing to happen. Look what happened with Jesus when he was with his disciples and all the legalism and all the religiousness. They didn’t get– they missed out on what Jesus was doing. They missed out on him. They didn’t see him. He was right there. The God. The Son of God. Excuse me? The Son of God. He was right there and they missed it. They were blinded from the truth. And people are now because of religion. Remember, there’s nothing new under the sun. It’s the same. It’s the same devil, just different people that he uses. This is a time to bring down the spirits that have brought legalism this is a time to bring down the spirits that have brought down fear. What? We brought down fear in this earth like no other time in human history. Fear is filling the earth like no other time in history. He’s saying we need to get rid of it. We need to bring it down. We need to destroy those principles and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world. Go read Ephesians 610 on that have overwhelmed my church. This is the time to bring it down. This is the time to bring down the spirit of depression over my church. Fear and depression, legalism and religiousness. That’s in the church he’s talking about, not just the world. He’s saying in his church that it brought so much pressure and pain. When you are depressed, it will bring physical pain. This is time for my church to break forth and break free. Yes, I said free. I freed my people from their Exodus before their Exodus. Excuse me. And I am free. And he said, I freed my people before their Exodus. He freedom in their body, he freedom in their mind. Look what no feeble means. They were not sick. They were not weak. They were not broken spiritually anymore at that particular time. He freedom in the passover and then he freedom physically out of Egypt the next day. I am freeing my people once again. No matter what your enemies have done to you, no matter what they have done, no matter how many ways they’ve done it. I am Jehovah Rafa. I am the healer. I am coming down to deliver my people. I am coming down to bring healing that you have never known. Some of you have never known a healing, not the way you’re about to feel. Same thing with the children of Israel when they were in Goshen, when they were in Egypt, they didn’t know healing. They didn’t know freedom. They had no idea what God was about to bring forth to them. Neither do God’s. People now Michael have been in pain all the time. They’ve been broken and battered and bruised. This is a time for rapid. Remember, I just gave it a definition of rapid. Rapid. Oh yes, I said rapid. A rapid move of my spirit, a rapid intensity. What’s an of healing signs miracles and wonders. When you have God’s glory, his glory is means manifested power, manifested goodness and manifest presence. So when you have those things, which is his glory, remember, even Moses asked, show me your glory, Lord. When you have God’s glory, show up. It’s a presence, his power and his goodness which will bring healing sides, miracles and wonders. This is the time for things to pick up. Oh yes. You will see something your enemies. You will see something with your enemies. So things are going to intensify with our enemies. They’re going to do things. But God said, don’t worry about it. Things are going to intensify. They’re going to do things, they’re going to scare certain people. They’re going to do things, they’re going to freak people out. But God said, don’t, don’t laugh because I am in the heavenlies. I’m laughing in the heavenlies. I sit in the heavenlies and laugh because I know the end from the beginning. Think about that. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God, the Moses, God is on your side and he knows the end from the beginning. And my children need to know that I am the one true God. I am bringing down every single enemy that you face today. My angel armies are moving. They are moving before you. So believe me my children, that’s all I ask of you. He’s asking us to believe Him. Now. I’m asking you to believe me. Believe me more than what you see. He’s asking us to believe Him more than what we see. That’s why I read proverbs to you. But lean not under your own understanding. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. You go forth with me on the inside of you. Go forth with me. Go into battle. Go into battle with me. Because if you go into battle with me, you are not alone. Remember the battle is the Lord’s, the greater ones on the inside of you than he is in the world. One. John. Four. Four. I get to you all the time. Because we need to be more God inside minded. Go into battle with me. I’ve already conquered the world. Go into battle with me. There’s no devil in hell that will stop what I have planned for you. No devil in hell will stop what I planned for you. That’s what he said. Satan could never stop God, and he never will. Never. Doesn’t matter how many he’s got with him. There’s more with you. There is with your enemy. So, my children’s, the time to break free, and it’s time to break forth. It is the time to move it. It’s time to march. It’s time to take back the ground. And the enemy is stolen from my church. It’s time for my children, and it’s time for the exodus that you have been waiting for. It’s time to bring it down. The Pharaohs. The Pharaohs of today again, no different. It’s time to bring them down. It’s time to see your enemies fall. Yes, it is. Oh, yes, it is. My children have wondered, God, it’s taking so long. God, where are you? I don’t think you’re coming, God, because it’s taking too long. They’re taking more of our freedoms. Where are you, God? Why aren’t you listening? So people are shouting and screaming and crying, all these things. And God says, my children, all I needed from you was your belief and trust in me. That’s how powerful that is. I need you to believe me more than you believe what you feel. I need you to trust me more than you believe what? Anything that Washington DC. Is doing. Too many people are paying attention to what’s going on in the natural. Don’t bury your head and act like nothing’s going on, but don’t trust in it. Don’t put your faith and trust in what you see. Because I’m a supernatural god. Oh, yes. I’m a supernatural God. And I put the super upon the natural. We live in a natural world, but we serve a supernatural God. He trumps everything that goes on in this world. My children, all you need to do is to expect more from me. I’m going to show up in churches. Some of them may not even know what to do because I’m going to show up in the midst of them, even unaware. And I’m going to make my presence known. And some will shake, and some will get into scare, and they will fear what because they won’t know what to do when he shows up. They weren’t expecting his presence. They weren’t expecting how good he was. So it’s going to scare them. But he says, but it will shake the shackles off. To shake the chains off. Excuse me. Because of the time to shake those shackles off. This is the time to break free and time to break forth. This is the time for my children. 2023, you will see me, so go forth in your victory. 2023, you. Will see me. What has he been saying? Say, Julie, what part of him? Go look into scriptures. Remember I told you about that book? The Names of God by Marilyn Hickey? Go look that up. Go research him on who he is and how to know him. How do you trust him? You do not know. Now, I’m going to leave in the link in the description box that whole entire service from the gathering. This was on Timothy Dixon’s Rumble channel. His rumble. Channel The gathering. This was from Tuesday night. It was January 24. That was just about a five minute period of the whole entire teaching. Go and watch it. I’ll leave that link in the description for you.
But I want to pray over you.
Look what God is saying. This is a year, 2023 year to be free. But a year to see me. A year to see God in ways we haven’t seen Him before. But I don’t understand. Doesn’t matter. You don’t have to try to understand. Lean not onto your own understanding. Just trust in God more than you trust in what you see.
All right. Now I want to pray for each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, I just lift up every person in the sound of my voice. Father God, I thank you. That you are the God of miracles, that you are the God of signs and wonders. That you are the God You are our healer, you are our provider. You are our deliverer. You are our victory. You are everything we need you to be right now. I thank you that you are the God of the breakthrough. I thank you, Father God, for the miracles, for the sights and wonders you’re going to pour out. We call upon you, Father God, and we are asking for Your glory. Show us your glory, Lord. Show us your glory. Show us, Father God, in ways we haven’t even known from you before. Shake those shackles off of Your people. Destroy the power over them. Father God, we thank you because of what Jesus has done. You’ve already done that. But let them see in ways they’ve never seen before. We thank you that you have brought our enemies to nothing. We thank you that the name of Jesus is above every name. So I thank you, Father of God, for destroying the enemy. I thank you for healing. I thank you for delivering. I thank you, Heavenly Father, for bringing them much joy, for turning into their mourning, into joy, for giving them peace that they’ve never known whatever they need. Father God, I thank you that you are more you are more than enough. And I thank you, Heavenly Father. You are absolutely good. We thank you. You hear the cries of Your people and you deliver us out of it all. We thank you, Father God, for it. We are delivered. We are healed, we are set free. We are the children of the Most High God and we win. And we will declare it and decree it. We receive your marching orders. We thank you for them. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. Well, again, I hope to encourage you today. Please, like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

So God is coming back with a rush of intensity to remind us he still exists after a prolonged absence. A prolonged absence which enabled toxic globalism to flourish and the church to be infiltrated by enemies. Great harm has been done. We were locked out of home because of our teenage psychopathic behaviour in early times. So the feeling of aloneness many report like angry comedian George Carlin, was to make us realise that we can’t survive longterm without the active support of God.
Brinkmanship seems to be a hallmark of God’s operations. From Exodus to this very day we can suspect he lets things get really bad with no way out and then rides in like the cavalry to the rescue in an unexpected way. Its certainly one way of making people look inside themselves for God. So its quite a frightening therapy. And thus quite a bountiful harvest. It seems we brought this on ourselves with our odious cruel selfish behaviours a long time ago if you read The Key by Whitely Streiber.
So we are going thru the process of separation and it causes us great distress. So we start calling in God.
Anyway the process of ReGodification is well under way with wild weather occurring everywhere making sheer fools of our idiot climate control lobby. Leaders falling in numbers to become greater soon. The trend has been noticed. Serious predicted earthquakes in Turkey emphasises how helpless we are against nature. And the aggressive weather, volcanos and earthquakes is to continue indefinitely.
And a welcome major move by Jordan Peterson to set up an ANTI- WEF organisation to counter the insane oligarch machinations to barcode us all like supermarket commodities for orderly disposal. And wildcard Elon Musk who has already proved his worth, may have a major effect on the EU which is facing destruction. He is being threatened that he must submit twitter to EU government control.
My solution would be agreement. OK. Twitter will censor people for the EU government BUT every censorship strike would be made public on a web page. Name the person censored, why and what Government minister did it. It would have the same effect as publishing the internal documents of US Twitter. Which came as massive surprise revealing systemic evil deep in government organs. It certainly wouldn’t make the EU government more popular LOL. A bargaining chip is that Musk could move Mercedes to the UK. He reportedly owns it. Mercedes have already mentioned they could move to the UK where most of their customers are.
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