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Takes the shine of Julies new mike.

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Goood Morning everybody to day is Tuesday. February twenty eighth of twenty twenty three and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and its called
I heard this prophetic word on the February the twentieth
of twenty twenty three Before I get to that I do have a few announcements to make. Now if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports please go to a website at jgm international dot org on our contact page or you can write us
Julie Green ministries international.
Forty six twenty east fifty third street suite two hundred
Davenport Iowa five two eight Zero seven
and as you know I told you before and if you don’t, we do have a very powerful prayer team here.
At Julie Green Ministries and we do Love to pray for each and every one of you.
And we’ve seen so many miracle signs and wonders we’re hearing about so many different praise reports sort of what God is doing in so amazing how God has put us all together for such a time as this Also don’t forget I will be a part of the Exodus Which is going to be an event in April April twenty first of the twenty third with brother Timothy Dixon.
Jared and the Kindred souls and also JR Lock so if you like to have more information regarding that event you can go to our website at jgm international dot org under our events page or I have the direct link down in the description box below for you. And you will seeing me pre recording I do have to leave town tomorrow for a few days away back this weekend and then I’m leaving town again next Tuesday so you’ll start seeing me pre-record.
This Sunday for it all of next week and a few days after that so I’ll be gone.
A lot in the next two weeks but I want to make sure that you get always different prophetic words or the Lord has me just pray or whatever he has me to do. I will do it because he knows what you need more than I do.
Alright so that is all the announcements to make.
And and of course tomorrow I will will be on with pastor David Scarlet with Take Five in His Glory at eleven o’clock central time and twelve o’clock eastern time and I will have those links in a description box for you especially for the next video I may care of by an hour or so once I get done with this one. I will have it for you tomorrow but I will have those links for your be able to watch that live show.
Alright that’s all the announcements I have for today.
And here’s a prophetic word.
and again I heard this prophetic word On February twentieth.
My children I am telling you this day that every lie that has held this nation is being revealed. It is being destroyed. It is being annihilated.
There is no lie that has been told, that will stand, and that will continue in the direction to hold this world under the control of the globalists and their plans plans excuse me , for this earth.
Along with what they have done to all the earth’s resources.
They have tried to destroy them, been poisoned, to cause great sickness. Great diseases for money and power.
The more they could destroy YOU the more power they had.
They profited off killing people they profited off wars.
They profited on natural disasters. They profited during times of economic collapse. My children the sinister plans against you will be hard to hear once they are all exposed.
How callous and inhumane these people are
They are monsters in what they have done to continue to manipulate and control your lives is being destroyed and their power is denied.
So they cannot continue with their plans against you.
They will profit no more. They will succeed no more. They will reign no more.
What their reign excuse me will not continue.
Their governments will not rule. The laws will not continue to control and to enslave.
Their murderous acts will be exposed and restorations you will receive.
My children this is the time of all your enemies have done to you and your nations, the economies into this world. For to be stopped and reversals will continue to take place and restorations you will experience like never before.
Saith the Lord your Redeemer.
Air Raid sirens will be in your news again and again to bring utter fear and distractions. Remember what I have said Do not believe what they are saying. Do not believe in this war. It. Will not. Succeed.
A wave runner will be in your news. For an unusual reason.
Monte Cristo.
This location will be in your news for a significant reason.
A plague of flies will be reported in your news unusual storms biblical proportions they will say.
Pay attention to this location many other things will take place after you see this.
Something of biblical proportions will take place in Washington DC
Something’s about to descend in that area.
That will not go unnoticed.
And people will not be able to explain what is going on.
Significant things are taking place where you can’t see them.
But. You soon will. Sayeth the Lord.
An activist will be in your news. For a surprising reason.
This name will be in your news for a significant reason.
A political rat is about to be exposed and removed From their position.
Pennsylvania. A vacating of a seat Is about to take place that will shock your state. And another will be removed.
A restoration will take place in these political seats of power that had been stolen. It all will be returned and NOT Just in Pennsylvania.
Oh United States justice is being served and a revolution has begun.
Something dramatic will take place in Boston. Watch the east coast.
Because a cleansing has begun.
Rhode island is about to in your news.
A scandal is about to be exposed.
Connecticut something extraordinary is about to take place to shake up the put lit a politics excuse me. In your state.
Major exposures are about to be revealed at the southern border That your enemies tried to keep hidden And it no longer will be.
Treason has taken place
unrest has taken place.
Terrorist movements have been made.
A whistle blower is about to expose the Biden
and his connections to this nation and
oh sorry, connections to these nation(s).
Where they were paid to bring in their military to destroy this nation from within.
Money and bribery backroom deals, treasonous acts have been made.
They have been caught and all will be brought down.
The Biden is about to fall in a way no one saw coming. Not even your enemies.
So remember my children prepare for things to shift.
Things to shake. Everything’ to build with intensity.
Before a major explosion That will take place in this nation. That will free it.
Once and for all.
Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer
Julie Commentary
And while I was studying this morning.
And he had me name this arr a prophetic word
he doesn’t always have me name it on that day.
But why– he had me name it.
And he put revolution in the name.
And he’s been talking about revival. He’s been talking about revolution. Look at this. I wanted to look up the definition for revolution. A forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.
Read that again.
A forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system and.
So when I was going back over and was reading prophetic word and he had that part in there. About a revolution has begun. It was so powerful that it
stuck out to me. You know you hear words all the time and you know what they mean but really truly wanted to give you the definition.
And will look at the definition again I was like
How powerful is that !
It was of course, there that movie, that Jesus Revolution that happened in the nineteen sixties and seventies and we’re starting to see that happening again with a revival that started In this nation.
It is going and its crossing I did have A prophecy fulfilled last week.
About how it’s going and it’s spreading Worldwide. This revolution or these revivals a revival is just God’s glory and we’ve been talking about God’s glory as God has a power presence and his goodness And Jesus’ revolution What I remember that again so if it’s Jesus revolution.
More people are coming to Christ In this time.
In his revolution because it’s what ?
Its that definition again.
A forcible overthrow. Of a government or social order.
In favor of a new system what is God been talking about?
This last year and a half ? About taking down this ungodly Babylonian system that we see today.
And he says putting in his kingdom system.
And then you look at revolution and he gave me that
lot over a week ago his prophetic word.
I mean I thought about it but not really thought
about to said go look up that definition.
The one studying not only do I said the scriptures.
There’s sometimes that he has me look up words and definitions.
And that’s just because what he’s saying to me that almost and it just becomes more of.
A just Like WOW…….
Now I even get it even more it’s a revelation
on what he was meaning.
Like I knew what he was being, but not to this degree
and I just started getting really really excited because we are part of something where God is over throwing a system
He’s overthrowing governments as what he’s been talking about out.
And a revolution has begun that should make everybody excited right now
the revolution has already begun.
What ?
The Jesus revolution.
God his kingdom. That he is going to have.
A what ?
Remember he said that everything seemed like it’s upside down would actually he’s really turning it right side up ?
Because everything has gone in the right the wrong direction.
Because things have been going in the wrong direction for such a long time but it just seemed so normal to us
There was this a life that we knew and so it didn’t seem like anything we should be expecting anything different
it was just normal.
And God said. Your normal was not normal at all
and he also had me and a couple of different scriptures.
That I want to give to you today one of the things that he’s been saying over and over again and I read it a lot out of psalms Thirty four of versus seventeen through nineteen but he also gave me another scripture today to read
In this is you’ll find in psalm one o seven.
Now there are several times
Now to give it to you really quickly before I go back or the prophetic word.
Because again this is what God wants to do as he wants to give us encouragement.
Then not only does he hear the cries of his people because he does.
First and foremost he hears the cries of his people.
So he knows the oppression
He knows the darkness, he knows the overwhelming circumstances he knows impossible situations, he knows what things that the enemies are doing. He knows.
And it’s good that we know that he knows.
But. Now. What is he gonna do about it ?
So he says in his word.
Psalm one o seven and this is verse six and again this is amplified version.
Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble.
He delivered them out of their distresses.
Verse seven he led them forth by the straight and right way.
That they might go to a city where they could establish their homes.
Then a jump down. And verse nineteen.
The psalm 107
The many cry to the Lord in their trouble and he delivers them out of their distresses How many times did he have to tell us that in his word ?
But this is how many times he says that in this chapter alone
I’m gonna go on. This verse twenty He sent his word.
And healed them and delivered them from their destruction.
Now verse jump down to verse twenty eight.
Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble and he brings them out of their distresses.
He calms the storm.
In the verse thirty one O then men will give thanks to the Lord for his goodness. Because he is good
Now it says it in verse six he says he hears and delivers
and verse nineteen he hears and delivers in verse twenty he sent his word to heal and deliver
and then he says In verse twenty eight he hears and delivers and then twenty nine he brings ’em out of oh sorry he brings them out of their distresses and he calms the storm.
He calms the storm. Just like I gave the example yesterday.
Was the disciples on the– in the boat did two different times.
Where they were caught in the maw storm. And both times.
Jesus calmed the storm.
No matter what we are facing whether it’s like David with a giant, with Goliath.
Or Shadrach Meshach and Abednego a fiery furnace because of King Nebuchadnezzar.
Or the disciples because of the storm.
The walls of Jericho with the children of Israel.
When they’re facing an enemy they had walls protecting them and it looked like they were– had no way to penetrate that wall or to defeat the enemy.
And God was there each time.
I give example of Exodus every single time because you know like back to this preacher I talk about Exodus.
All the time I love the book of Exodus.
Because he’s doing these things now as we speak.
But one thing we do have to take from all of this right now.
Is that God hears.
And not only does God hear
but God has a solution he has an answer he will
deliver you
that is his promise.
So when your enemy says nothing’s going to happen
when you are he says no way no how God has left you he has forsaken you nothing’s going to be done.
The what you see is going to keep continuing to get worse.
In your life is never going to change that’s what he wanted to believe.
The enemy is a liar.
If he is saying
no way impossible to big too hard.
Then you know he’s lying.
Because our God.
Our God is faithful.
He is faithful not only to hear you.
But here’s the cry of people and he promises to deliver.
And I’m gonna read really quick before I go back
over cause I have to do another video so I can’t take too long today.
One of the scriptures that I wanted to read
Is in first John
Chapter five.
Listen to this.
First John chapter five and verse fourteen and thirteen and this is the amplified version and again if you’re looking for the right amplified version its a classical amplified.
That I use.
All right now.
In verse fourteen it says in his confidence and assurance that privilege of boldness which we have in him.
We are sure that we ask any thing we make any request.
According to his will.
In agreement with his own plan he listens and he hears us.
And if he’s since we positively know that he listens
to us and whenever we ask we also know with a settled in absolute knowledge
that we have granted us our present possessions and the requests made of him
Jesus says in John and John
chapter fourteen and and sixteen why we ask in my name
I will give it to you.
So and it says also Isaiah fifty five eleven.
God’s word does not return to him void.
See if you’re facing us sit in
a certain situation and it looks and looks impossible or looks too overwhelming and it’s hard to deal with and it’s hard to bear.
That’s when you go to the scriptures you find
what God says about err certain situations
you also find out about God’s saying that he has made you more than a cockroach
that he has caught always caused you to triumph that you can do all things through Christ who will strengthen you
that he is a God him nothing is impossible if you look at these scriptures in the midst of these things then you won’t
seem like something is so impossible and it will bring
joy back into your heart again.
It will help you
stand and fight the good fight of faith
which God has called us to do.
Alright now I’m going back over his word again.
So remember my children.
Listen to what he is saying prepare for things to shift.
Things to shake
and for things to build intensity before a major explosion that will take place in this
nation that will free it once and for all
he’s been talking to us about being prepared
he has been talking to us.
About shifts and shaking.
Why ?
because things are not going to stay the way we see them
and so he’s preparing us
to be aware.
Of when things shift or when they
shake one things changed dramatically
on how to deal with it
again if you want more information about the decrease declarations and the marching orders
you can go to our website under our blog
and there’s a lot of different ones that God has given us
the exact words to say
and he’s telling us
what he wants us to do
again we are in the army of the lord
and so we’re always gonna– our commander
in-chief is good and give us the things to say
and things to do.
So he does it has given us a lot of marching orders to obey so
and they are good so all right now.
Ah the BIDEN IS ABOUT TO FALL in a way no one
a not even is…..
hold on….
the BIDEN IS ABOUT TO FALL in a way no one saw coming Not even your enemies.
So remember my children.
He er sorry I went I went
Ient back to the wrong paragraph I went to the one below it not the one above that.
So he is saying that BIDEN IS GOING TO FALL is going to fall in a way no one saw coming Not even his enemies
so not even the people that are surrounding him.
And so.
There are things again you can only get away with things for so long and then
judgment will come
and that’s what God is basically saying there.
Awright major exposures are about to be revealed at the southern border
they your enemies tried to keep hidden
and no longer will be
treason has taken place unrest has taken place
terrorist movements have been and
have been made but a whistleblower
is about to expose THE BIDEN in his
connections to this nation.
Or these nations excuse me I’ll say that again.
Arr expose THE BIDEN and and his connections to
these nations What nations? God will expose
the nations that he’s been connected to,
to allow these people into our borders. This is not an accident– why these people are are being allowed across the border and
I don’t know how many millions have already been allowed.
He says where they were paid to bring in their military to destroy this nation from within—
Money and bribery backroom deals treasonous
acts had been made and they have been caught and all will be brought down.
So again God is protecting our borders
but he is saying there’s been things that are going
on that are well deeper than we know about and that’s the reason why we are supposed
to stand was supposed to pray we’re supposed to decree
in god’s will and thank him
for protecting us,
because not only they’re trying to destroy us from the outside they were trying to destroy us from within.
Connecticut something extraordinary is about to take place to shake up the politics in your state so look at something to abruptly happen or change dramatically for Connecticut.
And then Rhode island as about to be in your news a scandal is about to be exposed.
Watch the east coast because a cleansing has begun.
Something dramatic will happen in Boston so he’s talking about Boston he’s talking about the whole east coast. You talking about Rhode island he’s talking about Connecticut
so something going to happen all over that he’s been talking a lot about the east coast and a lot of also about the Atlantic ocean.
So again keep our eyes on the east all right now
definition mission for revolution how powerful is that.
The revelation that God is giving us in this prophetic word.
Pennsylvania vacating have a seat is about to take place that will shock your state another will be removed.
He restoration will take place in his political seats of power
that had been stolen
it’ll all be returned and not just in Pennsylvania remember he’s been talking about a lot of political seats being given back to the rightful owner so the rightful owners of that seat.
Anything so one seat in Pennsylvania will be vacated.
And then another one will be removed so one person is going to vacate it and another person’s gotta be forcefully it sounds like removed.
Okay now also a political rat is about to be exposed and removed from their position so a political rat I mean that
that could be anyone there’s a lot of people and I in those positions are rats so.
awright Scalise this name the news for a significant reason
and activists will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Something of biblical proportions will take place in Washington DC
Something is about to be to descend in that area that will not go unnoticed and people will not be able to explain what is going on.
Significant things are taking place where you can’t see them but you soon will, saith the Lord
So biblical and he’s been using that to explain, a lot of things of biblical proportions, we are going to be seeing and he also said a plague of flies.
Remember, he said we were going to start seeing the what happened in the plagues of Egypt ?
We’re gonna start seeing that now and we are seeing some of ’em.
I know Locusts is definitely one of them.
But watch would happen now go back and if you’re not knowing what all the plagues were those ten plagues of Egypt as those things were going to happen again go study that and see what happened in the Land of Egypt and I just know you’re going to see a lot of that now.
A plague of insects to be reported in your news Unusual storms.
Biblical proportions they will say.
Swarms not storms.
Unusual swarms I don’t know how that.
I dictated it when I said that it.
Said it was storms and not swarms so swarms.
Of biblical proportions was they will say pay attention this location.
Many other things will take place after you see that so.
If Idid say storms and so swarms earlier I do apologize I did not catch that right away.
Because it is supposed to be swarms.
Right now Monte Cristo this location will be in your news for a significant reason.
A Wave Runner will be in your news for an unusual reason.
Now this is a second time a might mention of….
maybe three times now ,and then there’s a second time second or third time anyway
he’s mentioned Air Raid sirens
who says Air Raid sirens will be in your news again
and again to bring utter fear and distractions
remember I said do not believe what they are saying and do not believe in this war it will not succeed.
So on because of the Lord been talking about world war three that’s what your enemies want and has been
under the prophecies fulfilled
because they are now talking about it more and more
they are not going to get what they want. It will not happen
so do not get overwhelmed or get into fear
because they’re talking about this more and more they want you just to believe this is truly going to happen
and you to get an affair and be overwhelmed by that and Gods says don’t because it’s not.
My children this is a time of all your enemies have done to your nations
a economies into the world l for it to be stopped.
It’s not the time of the enemies to keep going
Its a time for all they’ve done to be stopped and reversals will continue take place and restorations you will experience like never before saith the Lord your Redeemer.
All right now what is he saying about what they’ve been doing ? they will profit no more they will they will no more succeed.
They’re reign will………
They will profit no more they will succeed no more, their reign will not continue, their government’s will not rule, their laws will not continue to control and enslave
their murderous acts will be exposed and restorations you will receive.
Again it’s not going to continue
in the way it has. We are not going to keep seeing these people do whatever they want and get away with that
That’s what God is saying
And what do they profit from? He says they profited off killing people they profit on
was a profit on natural disaster they profited during times of economic collapse.
My children sinister plans against you will be hard to heal once they are all exposed
How callous and how inhumane these people are they are monsters and what they have done with they have done to continue to me manipulate and control your lives is being destroyed and their power has been denied.
So they can not continue with their plans against you.
And this is the first paragraph My children I am telling you this day that every lie that has held this nation is being revealed it is being destroyed is being annihilated.
There is no lie that has been told that will stand
and it will not continue or it yeah
and that will continue the direction to hold this world under the control the globalists and their plans for this earth.
Along with what they have done to all the earth’s resources they have tried to destroy they have been poisoned the caused great sickness. Great diseases for money and power and the more they could destroy you the more money they had Again same type of things happen in the land of Egypt there is nothing new under the sun and so what God wants us to do is remember.
That nothing our enemies have done to destroy god. God is a God Restoration he will Retroactively restore what has been done to us physically spiritually socially financially and what they’ve done to the earth’s resources with soil, our air, our food, our water
God is a God of restoration.
And so when we see all these same things that have been going on don’t magnify all these things and worry about. If they’re going to stay that way or how God’s going to fix it because again God will fix it.
He says he hears the cry of the people and remember he not only hears but he delivers.
He’s a deliverer.
So I hope this encourages you seriously to today. I
really do because this is why this is like the
fresh manna from heaven that God ihas given to us
on a daily basis basis of encouragement of his love.
Of his answers to what seemed so seemingly impossible or frustrating and God is saying look to me and my written word. Go into your prayer closet. Seek God. He will give you rest on a time of there’s much time of unrest God will give you rest and peace.
I pray whichever want to have my follow right now in Jesus’ name I just want to lift up every person the sound of my voice I just want to praise and thank you father God that no weapon formed against us shall prosper I thank you and praise you right now if they have been under so much unrest father God I thank you that you give them rest if they have not found any peace I thank you Father god that you are their Prince of Peace I think for other God for giving them joy I thank you father God for healing that person right now are the people several over might now that they are under so much excruciating pain and I thank you father God that right now pain you have to go and in the name of Jesus.
There are so many distressing situations father God but I thank you that you are they’re burden bearer.
And I thank and praise you father God right now that you are the answer you’re the solution you are the problem solver to everything that’s going on this earth today
and I thank you for putting us all here for such a time as this but not only putting us all here for this but we are able.
We are all a part of this revolution we’re part of this revival we’re a part of this great glory We are part of this great harvest of souls and we thank you father God for choosing. This body of Christ to be here for this very moment in this very day and to be able to be the partakers of something that you have never done before it in human history like this and we thank you for it in Jesus’ name amen and amen.
Just remember your enemy is attacking you. In this degree and to this degree Because he wants to discourage it. He doesn’t want you to believe in Gods breakthrough. He doesn’t want you to receive what God has already done for you.
He doesn’t want you to be partakers of something the world has never seen, that’s why.
That the fight is so hard and look so overwhelming.
He wants to overwhelm you. Remember Satan’s a liar he can’t stop something that God has planned.
All right well.
I just want to say.
Please like subscribe and share give this to everyone you know who needs to hear and encouraging word. Who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I have you God bless you and have a wonderful day.
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