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Goood Morning Everybody. Today is Monday, April 3rd of 2023. And I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today. And it’s called GET READY TO SEE THINGS YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOU WOULD SEE. I heard this prophetic word on March 22nd of 2023. And before I get to that, I do have a few announcements to make. Now this month, April 21st through the 23rd, I will be in Peoria, Illinois with brother Timothy Dixon for what’s called the Exodus. If you’d like to have more information regarding this event, you can go to our website at jgminternational.org under our events page, or you can click on the description box below. I do have a link in there for you. Also, I will be part of the Reawaken America tour in Miami, Florida, that is in May. And so if you’d like more information regarding that event, you can also click in the description box. I do have a link there for you for that event. And I hope we can see you and we will see you there. Also, no matter what is the Lord has had on my heart to speak this week, at some point, I may not do a prophetic word, I may just do a teaching or prayer, or some type of encouragement. We’ll see how he wants me to do these things that might even be tomorrow morning. So you might be seeing me do something a little bit different. Again, every morning when I get on, it’s exactly what God wants you to hear for that very day in that very hour, but he really has it on my heart to do something a little bit differently. So I will let you know about that. And also, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgminternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. All right, that is all the announcements for today. And here is a prophetic word.
Again, this is from March 22. For I the Lord this day, I’m telling my children that governmental changes will happen. Not only the removal of the ones who have manipulated and stolen these positions for money and power, but governmental changes on how things are done. Kings and presidents will go to my children, my prophets, and the ones who I’ve chosen to advise them in this hour. What do you mean, Lord, by all of this? I mean that leaders will not get their advice just from any ordinary person, but those who I put on this earth to advise them in this hour. For the system that is coming upon this earth, leaders will need godly counsel in my wisdom, not just the wisdom of man. This should have already been, but your enemies have gotten in and destroyed what has been put in place. And this is what you have now. Destruction of freedom, destruction of Liberty, destruction of nations because of tyrannical governments and men doing whatever they want for themselves, not for the people, and not for safety, not for prosperity for many, or peace. No, governmental unruly control that is unruly and unlawful and unjust. My children, you are asking, how can this be? But if you look in my word, this is how things had been. But in this time, it looks impossible, because men and government separated churches and state to get you to believe that two had to be separated, when in fact it is the opposite of what had always been. Churches should have never been pushed out of the government when they took biblical advisors away from the leaders. Evil came in to a degree that you see today. That should have never been. But people believe these laws and these leaders more than they believe what was spoken in my word. This is about to change. Yes, it is. There are many of my children praying for this to happen and invited me back into places I had previously been kicked out of. My glory will fill governments again and revival will break out in your capitals and in your leaders and nothing Satan will stop and nothing Satan does, excuse me, will stop what I’m about to do to destroy this system and his government and his laws that never should have been. Now. It’s coming because I am coming to move all of this out of the way because I am here to stay and to the days of Tribulation where I will not be for that time. Judgment will come upon this earth like never before. My children, changes are taking place. Shifts are being made and nothing will stay as it is now. Sayeth the Lord, your redeemer.
Hypersonic, this word will be in your news for a significant reason. Apostasy, this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Something significant is about to happen to the Biden on live TV that they cannot hide. President Macron is about to be exposed in ways he will not be able to stay in this position that he holds right now.
Trudeau, truth is coming for you and there’s nowhere for you to hide and you will not stay in the position that you hold either. Governments are falling. Presidents are falling. Governors are falling. Senators are falling. Congressmen are falling. CEOs are falling. Many in powerful positions are falling. Falling from power, falling from their influence, falling from any protection they thought they had. Falling with no way to stop it because my hand is moving them out of the way and I am standing in the way from them going any further. I have told you before that I am in the way and they will not have their way. They will not have my nations. They will not have my church. They will not take control over this earth that I’ve created for you. No, they will not. So do not fear them or fear what they say or do. Their fall is coming. One that will be seen by the world. Judgment is coming. Great judgments against the ones against me and my children. Get ready to see things you never thought you would see. It will be great. So focus on me and my words and nothing should move you or harm you. I’m here to give you rest where you can’t find anywhere else. I’ll give you peace where it seems like there isn’t any. I am everything you need. So stand and rest in me. Sayeth the Lord, your redeemer.
Now before I go back over this word, there’s a few scriptures that he had given me this morning that I will give out to you. Now again, this is a time that the Lord has been speaking about over and over and over again. For the last year or two, what he’s been saying is do not be moved by what you see. Do not get into fear and also things are not how they appear to be. So what do you need to do during these times where it looks like it’s getting darker, where it looks like things are getting more impossible, where it looks like things are going in the wrong direction, where it looks like things are starting to really overwhelm and get worse. What did God say? It will get darker before it got brighter. It would look worse before it got better. He didn’t say it was worse. He said it would look worse. Our enemy is on the rampage right now going to and fro seeking who he may devour. That’s in first Peter chapter five and verse eight. But before that it says we’re supposed to humble our, um, hold on. I want to, I don’t want to quote it. I can’t quote this. I have to read it because this is a time where we have to cast all of our cares upon God because he cares for us. Now first, first Peter chapter five verse six. Therefore humble yourselves, demote and lower yourselves in your own estimation under the mighty hand of God that in due time he may exalt you. Verse seven, casting the whole of your care, all of your anxieties, all of your worries, all of your concerns once and for all on him for he cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. Verse eight, be well balanced, temperate, sober of mind, be vigilant and cautious at all times for the enemy of yours. The devil roams around like a lion in fierce hunger, seeking someone to seize upon and devour. That’s where first eight is what he was just talking about. Now verse nine, what are we supposed to do? He’s roaming around, around the earth, all over the place seeking someone to devour, someone to get into fear, someone to get into worry, someone to get in so much doubt and unbelief, someone to get in so much self pity that they just give up and quit and wave that white flag. What are we supposed to do when all of our feelings or everything in our situations and our lives look that that’s what we should do or feel that’s what we should do. Must give up and quit is easier. No it’s not. I promise you it’s not easier. But look what we’re supposed to do in verse nine. Withstand him firm in faith against his onset, rooted, established, strong, immovable and determined knowing that the same identical sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood, the whole body of Christians throughout the world. Verse 10, after you have suffered a little while the God of all grace who imparts all blessing and favor who has called you to his own eternal glory in Christ Jesus will himself complete and make you what you ought to be. Establish, ground you securely, strengthen and settle you. So what does that mean? When your enemies come to strike, when they have come to throw their best shot, if you refuse to give up and quit, if you refuse to believe in the enemy and what he’s doing against you is more powerful than how God is. If we just believe God, God you are more able, God you are the God who nothing is impossible. I thank you Father God that there’s nothing bigger than you because you’re the most I got. If we would just stand firm in that faith knowing and trusting in God no matter what comes our way then he perfects us, he strengthens us. Look at this, then he establishes, grounds you, securely strengthen and settle you. You’re immovable, you’re indestructible. Why? Because your faith, you’re walking by faith and not by sight. Remember it says in God’s word in Isaiah 54 17, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Julie I just can’t do it. Really? You can’t? Philippians 4 13. You can do what? How many things? It says all things. You can do all things through who? Christ, whom strengthens you. It’s not your strength, it’s not your ability, it’s his. If we would just lean on his own or his understanding and not our own, if we would just lean and trust in his strength and not our own, if we would trust in him and his ability and everything he said he’s already done because the blood covenant we have then we would be immovable. But Julie but what about what they’re doing to our president? This is a time to be unshakable. This is what I think he’s going to talk more about tomorrow with you. I don’t know if I’ll be doing a prophetic word. But what I’m saying is it going to be a word that you do need to hear. And it’s important for the entire body of Christ. Whether he does it tomorrow or not I don’t know but I think he will. But again it’s the marching orders, it’s the encouragement that he’s giving us, it’s these scriptures that he’s getting us to put in our hearts. Why? Because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And if we’re hearing that’s Romans 10 17. If we’re hearing the words of God it brings faith. The shield of faith that will quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Go read Ephesians 6 put on the whole armor of God. Don’t go through your day without your armor. Why is that important? Why do you think we have an armor? Because God said to fight the good fight of faith. You’re in a fight, you’re in a war. Now when a soldier goes into war he’s got some type of protection and weapon. God didn’t put you out there without protection and a weapon. God’s word is a two edged sword that will quench all the fiery darts. Oh sorry, he’s a two edged sword. Hold on I’m gonna go to Ephesians. I just said the sword of the spirit and then the shield of faith. So hold on a minute. It’s right here. Ephesians 6 and verse 13. Therefore put on God’s complete armor that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day. That you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day. That you may resist and stand your ground. That’s what God wants you to do. To resist and stand your ground. Heaven and all the Christ’s demands to stand firmly in your place. Stand. This is verse 14. So stand therefore, hold your ground, having tightened the belt of truth. So you put on your belt of truth around your loins and having put on your breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God. So your belt of truth and your breastplate of righteousness. Then having shod your feet with preparation to face the enemy with what? A firm footed stability, the promptness and the readiness produced by the good news of the gospel of peace. So how do you put on your um, you shod your feet with the gospel of peace? This is why it’s so important to get in the word of God. Verse 16 lift up overall the covering shield of saving faith upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked one. Then verse 17 and take the hammer of salvation and the sword of the spirit wheels which is the word of God. And then verse 18 says pray at all times on every occasion and every season in the spirit with all manner of prayer and treaty to that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance. Interceding in behalf of all saints God consecrated people. Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand in the evil day and stand and hold your ground. That’s what God wants you to do. But Julie what about what’s going on in our government? Stand your ground. What’s going on with inflation? Stand your ground. What’s going on with all these things all around the world? Stand your ground. What’s going on with court cases? What’s going on with your children? What’s going on with your health? What’s going on with the doctor says something. Stand your ground. That’s why God has given you the armor of God to stand and stand there for and not be moved by what you hear. Not be moved by the fiery darts of the wicked one. To not be moved by his pressure. To not be moved by the feelings that he’s trying to put an overwhelm you with. Don’t be moved. Don’t be moved. These weren’t even the scriptures I was going to get to. I uh um but again it’s uh it’s what God wants. So where he had me earlier that I’ll read really quickly before I go back over this prophetic word. Um is Psalm Psalm 91. Go to Psalm 91. Again write these scriptures down and start meditating on them. Psalm 91 I’m just going to read the first few. Verse 1 he who dwells in the sacred place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. Verse 2 I will say the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my God and him I will trust. Verse 3 surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that walks in darkness nor the destruction that lays waste at noon day. Now listen to this too. Verse 7 a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you. Think of the land of Goshen. They were under the shadow of the almighty they were under his protection. There’s no difference now we are still in the shadow of the most high God and we are under his protection. We just need to trust and rely on that fact. Make him say Lord I’m not going to lean on my own understanding I’m going to make you first priority in my life. I’m going to focus on your word and what your word says not what man says not what man is doing. I’m going to believe you I’m not going to give in I’m not going to quit I’m not going to give in to fear I will not be afraid. And then also go read Psalm 23 too I’m not going to be able to have time for for for time sake to read all of it but 20 just read the whole entire chapter this it’s only six verses but Psalm 23 and verse four is what I’m going to read yes though I walk through the deep sunless valley of the shadow of death I will fear or dread no evil for you are with me your rod to protect your staff to guide they comfort me. Now I’ll read this verse five you’ll prepare a table before me and the presence of my enemies you know it my head with oil my brimming cup runneth over so it doesn’t matter what the enemy has planned. Right there he even said so make a tape table for you in the presence of your enemies so it means no matter what your enemies are trying to do to you your heavenly father has everything you need has everything he has equipped equipped you he has given you everything you have need of in order to withstand and face and face that fight that good fight of faith and win in spite of your enemies tactics despite of your enemies plans that’s why it says in Micah chapter seven and verse eight write that down Micah chapter seven and verse eight it says rejoice not against me all my enemy for when I fall I shall arise. Your enemies know that when you get it on the inside of you that you are a child of the Most High God that you are in the army of the Lord that you have the greater one on the inside of you then he that’s in the world they that scares them to death because they know there is nothing to defeat a child of God who is steadfast who is grounded who is settled who is focused who will not be moved who will not give up who will not give a give in there’s nothing they can do and that’s why you rejoice in the midst of everything that you see you rejoice and that fact that your enemy is a loser and it cannot defeat you as long as you have faith and trust in God here’s the last paragraph of the prophetic word get ready to see things you never thought you would see now that’s the title to this prophetic word because he does name the titles why is this so specifically important right there and he had me put it in bold get ready to see things you never thought you would see because people are thinking this could only be done we can only be saved this can only happen because this is how the rule of law is God says he’s doing things in unconventional ways look at the word of God look how many times he did things in unconventional ways it came out of nowhere it seemed like it came out of like how could this be I mean people can they believe what they were saying what God was doing because it was so miraculous and powerful and that’s what we have to consider today God’s going to do something that we have never seen again look at the example of the Red Sea that never happened before they were stuck they were trapped God’s people look like they had no way out that’s what it looks like we have right now we have no way out the enemy has surrounded us they’ve overtaken everything they control everything and there’s nothing we can do and then again you say but God there is nothing impossible for my God we will not be defeated because he says in this word that he has overcome the world in John 16 33 he’s overcome the world he’s deprived it of his ability to harm us and he’s congregated for us so be prepared to see things you thought you would never see because God is a God of nothing is impossible it will be great that means it will be huge it will be to the point where you don’t you won’t even know how to wrap your head around what you’re seeing and they said so focus on me remember with Peter guy goes back to that a lot Peter walking on the water focus on Jesus focus on God don’t focus on a man don’t focus on all these things you focus on God the reason why you stay focused on God is because when all these things are changing out here and all these things are moving and all these things are not normal like you’re used to you’re still focused on God and you will not be moved and that’s the whole the whole point so focus on me in my words and nothing should move you or harm you I am here to give you rest where you can’t find anywhere else people can’t find rest everything is so dramatic and traumatic to people it looks like you know there’s just nothing to rest in you rest in God I also talks about look go look up Acts chapter 3 verse 19 when we go into the presence of God we go into our prayer causes we go into pray it’s a time of refreshing and rest so go look up Acts chapter 3 and verse 19 and then also read on to Acts 3 and 21 all right now I am here to give you rest where you can’t find anywhere else I’ll give you peace where it seems like there isn’t any he’s our Prince of peace remember I am everything you need so stand and rest in me sayeth the Lord your Redeemer he is our rest he’s our Prince of peace he’s our comforter he’s our advocate he’s our standby he’s our healer he’s our provider he’s our everything he also avenges us because he said in his word in Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 30 that vengeance is his even when it looks like the worst case scenario remember nothing is bigger than God and everything Satan meant for harm God will turn it into something good I told you before I am in the way and they will not have their way they will not have my nations this is in bold right here they will not have my nations who are God’s nations Israel and United States of America and if they can’t have Israel and they cannot have United States of America then they can’t have the world Julie the United States and Israel are under a track right now they are because your enemy is so desperate to get their one world order or the one world government or their great reset they had to take these two nations out and that’s right reason why these two nations are under attack but God said remember but God they will not have my nations so what do you do as a child the Most High God when it looks like they’re taking over his nations you stand firm with the armor of Almighty God and you pray and you shout and you declare and you decree the words that God needs you to say to tear down your enemies to tear down their walls to turn down their power you are a child the Most High God you are in the army of the Lord don’t back off and do not quit you stand and you stand and you stand and you shout and you shout louder than you did yesterday but you’re looking worse than shout even louder than that our enemy is persistent but you be consistent in your faith and trust in God so it says they will not have my nations they will not have my church that’s also in bold because right now the enemy is trying to tear the body of Christ apart by division as if us fighting our enemy people are fighting each other they’re turning people against somebody else that’s not what God says we’re supposed to be united that’s what happened in the book of Acts chapter 2 they were in one accord the enemy is doing everything to keep the body of Christ out of being in one accord when God is saying be in one accord so pray that the division and the body of Christ stops it halts it ceases it becomes nothing the body of Christ is to come together and fight the enemy not each other they will not take control of this earth that I created for you no they will not so do not fear them or fear what they say or do their fall is coming one that will be seen by the world judgment judgment is coming great judgment against the ones against me and my children remember when you see in the Bible talk about God’s mighty hand it means placing judgment on one party to place blessing on another you’re going to see the judgment on the one and seeing the blessing on the other which is God’s people so we’re going to see that again right now we’re seeing all things that God has been prophesying the Lord’s been prophesying the things that we see right now over and over and over again prophecies aren’t for today really because why are they are they for today because why are they coming to pass because God said if our enemies can speak every day then why can’t God if God has put prophets on in the earth before during tumultuous times then why would God not do it again for us why is he any different he’s not he’s the same guy yesterday today and forever if you have not seen the video that he had me make last week about the importance of the prophets it explains all those questions and gives you answers on those things all right now events are falling they are look over the world look what’s going on look at all of the unrest look at all the protests look at all the people that are just screaming and shouting for freedom that they want it back there’s a resistance God said there was and now we’re seeing it all over the place now you’re not going to know it by some of the lame stream media how they won’t cover it but it is going on in many different nations and one of them is France God’s been talking about an uprising in France he’s been talking about the collapse or the um collapse of their government especially of their president maybe it wasn’t their government but I know it’s our president being removed there are governments are coming down governments are falling presidents are falling governors are falling senators are falling congressmen are falling CEOs are falling many in powerful positions are falling we’ve already seen a whole bunch and that’s just the beginning he says uh falling from power falling from their influence falling from their protection they thought they had falling with no way to stop it because my hand is moving them out of the way and I’m standing in the way from them going any further so what do we do right now what is God telling us to do he has given us specific instructions about marching orders about calling them down calling them down in every way shape or form calling them down yelling and shouting their walls the walls of protection why because this is like what he’s saying with um the walls of Jericho this is the time to shout this is that time to declare decree that our enemies will not have their way don’t talk about the mountain the mountain of problems you talk to the mountain all right now Trudeau truth is coming for you and there is nowhere for you to hide you will you will also not stay in the position that you hold right now God’s been talking about Trudeau for a long time he’s been talking about Trudeau he’s also been talking about macron or macaroon or whatever he promised his name president macaroon which is a president of France he’s about and if I pronounced that wrong I’m sorry uh he’s about to be exposed in ways he will not be able to stay in the position that he holds right now God’s talked about that he’s talked about Chinese talked about Australia these governments are not going to stay the way they are now neither is the one in the United States of America it’s not staying the way it is God is going to change it that’s why he says get ready to see things you never thought you would see governments collapsing in a day we’ve already seen some of those but we’ll see more something significant is about to take place of the Biden on live TV that they cannot hide now he’s been talking about certain things like this and we have seen the downfall of the Biden we’ve seen his cognitive ability decline worse and worse throughout this last year or more and so we’re going to start seeing even greater now remember these are the days of Haman everything that they’re doing to so see the destruction against the children of almighty God and against God’s David against our rightful president look for more destruction to happen to them see time and harvest you can’t get away from it apostasy this word will be in your news for a surprising reason supersonic this world will be in your news for a significant reason judgment will come upon this earth like never before my children changes are taking place ships are being made and nothing will stay as it is now say the Lord your redeemer now nothing is going to stay the way it is now judgment is happening and these words these are words that God is speaking God is saying these things he wants you to rely and trust in him I have no idea how he’s going to do it or what he’s going to do I have no clue and it doesn’t matter it doesn’t move me that I don’t know what he’s going to do exactly I just know he’s going to do something because he says vengeance is mine and he also says that we’re supposed to trust him I trust him I’ve seen what he’s done in my own life I trust God but Julie Howe doesn’t matter he’s a guy surprises he’ll surprise us I just know that he can and he will all right now then it says my glory will fill governments again look what happened to George Washington they first thing he did as president was prayed for this country he went down to the church and he prayed for like four hours or whatever it was and they prayed for this nation yep God’s glory was in that government my glory will fill governments again a revival will break out in your capitals and in your leaders and nothing Satan does will stop what I’m about to do to destroy his system what is his system this godless system Babylon system that we see today and destroy his system and his governments and his laws never should have been now no this should not have been right now this is more for the tribulation period that for now but it is a time that we are being shaken because of it and awaken back up because too many people in the body of Christ were asleep it’s coming because I am coming to move all of this out of the way because I’m here to stay into the days of tribulation where I will not be here for that time I will not where I will not be for that time as God’s even taken the Holy Ghost out of the earth but there are going to be two witnesses that will be able to do certain things for a short time to show God’s power read the book of Revelation it’s the only Bible it’s the only book of the Bible that God talks about you are blessed because you read it there’s a lot of people that did not believe me Julie that does not say that go read Revelation chapter one I think it’s verse three you are blessed because you read it it might even be hold on for the sake of time I shouldn’t I gotta keep going here but I’ll prove it I’m not this is what it says in God’s word I’m not saying it’s what he says okay let me see his word says it verse three bless is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and keep those things which are written in it the time is near I’ll read it amplified bless happy be envied is a man who reads aloud in this assembly is the word of this prophecy and blessed happy to be envied are those who hear it and read it and who keep themselves true to the things which are written in it heating them and laying them to their heart the time for them to be fulfilled is near you’re blessed because you read the book of Revelation Julie I don’t understand the book of Revelation ask God he will give you the ability to understand it the enlightenment all right now my children you were asking how can this be but if you look in my word this is how things had been what’s he talking about I’m gonna go read up and I’ll finish reading that paragraph in a second for I the Lord this day I’m telling my children that governmental changes will happen not only the removal of the ones who had been had manipulated and stolen these positions for money and power but governmental changes on how things are done he’s in change how things are done kings and presidents will go to my children my prophets and the ones who I have chosen to advise them in this hour God is putting God’s people his mouthpieces some of them in certain positions will they will be advising kings and presidents so he says that’s what he’s saying right here what do you mean by all of this I mean the leaders will not get their advice just from any ordinary person but those who I put on this earth to advise them in this hour that is in bold God has people handpicked for that the system that is coming upon this earth these leaders will need godly counsel and my wisdom not the wisdom of man this should have always always already been but your enemies have gotten in and destroyed what had been in place and this is what you have now so you took ungodly counsel out of the government’s and now you have what we see unruly tyrannical evil disgusting governments that don’t have any just laws whatsoever who are going after people like we see now like with our president our rightful one unjustly they’re bending laws to make things up and they’re gonna do it for him believe you me if they get out they fade God away with it which they’re not they’d go after you and I the same way that’s why we can never give into this destruction of freedom destruction of Liberty destruction of nations because the tyrannical governments and men doing whatever they want for themselves not for the people and not for safety not for prosperity for many or peace nor government unruly and and control that is unruly unlawful and unjust so you have unruly uncontrollable and unruly unlawful and unjust my children you were asking how can this be but if you look in my word this is how things had been but in this time it looks impossible because men and government separated churches and state to get you to believe the two had to be separated that was a lie church and state no the government should never have power over the church period the end God has given the earth over to the children of men doesn’t belong to governments it belongs to God’s people so this is a big lie separate from church and state is a big lie you took God out of the government when you did that so he says to get you to believe the two had to be separated when the fact the opposite um what had always been churches that have never been pushed out of the government when they took biblical advisors away from leaders evil came in to a degree you see today that should have never been but people believe these laws and listen to this this is in bold people believe these laws and these leaders more than they believed what was spoken in my word this is about to change yes it is there are many of my children praying for this to happen and invited me back into places I had previously been kicked out of God had been kicked out of our governments he’d been kicked out of our economy he’d been kicked out of all these things because man was just running rampant and doing whatever they want making all these laws up as they went and the church didn’t even realize that God was not even invited to some of the church services that’s why there’s a lot there hasn’t been a lot there’s been a lot of stagnant stagnancy because there hadn’t been a lot of miracle signs and winners there hadn’t been a lot of things that God uh was wanted to do for the body of Christ Jesus said you go away hands on the sick and they shall recover he said you’ll be doing my works and me because I go to my father we haven’t seen a lot of that why because people stop believing it so this is the time I went over time again but this is the time we have to get in line with the word of God not with man so I want to pray reach every one of you today heavenly father right now in the name of Jesus I just lift up every person at the sound of my voice and I thank you father God for a revelation from heaven I thank you father God for these prophetic words and this fresh man that you are giving to us we thank you father God that we Cherish these words we think that we will lean not on your own understanding I thank you father God that you have given us every tool and every weapon that we need to fight against our enemy and one of the most powerful tools in the word is the name of Jesus Christ I thank you father God for giving us that name above every name I think that it becomes so real on the inside of them on the authority of the name of Jesus and the blood covenant that we have with you that they are undefeated because you are undefeated I thank you father God for giving us greater revelation in the victory that we already have that it’s not impossible to get this victory because it has already been done it’s already guaranteed our enemy’s loss is guaranteed so I thank you father God for giving them peace I thank you father God for giving them your strength or your joint I thank you father God that they are rising up greater and greater anointing in revelation of who you are and whose they are that they are your children of the most high God and they are in the army of the Lord you’ve equipped them you have not left them nor forsaken them they have the victory no matter how it feels no matter what things seem like and we thank you that we are more than conquerors we thank you father God that we are overcomers I thank you father God for lighting that fire on the inside of them that righteous indignation that they stand up and they speak your words with your authority and your power in every situation that they face they come on our top because our enemy is already defeated and we thank you for that in Jesus name Amen and Amen well hopes I encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Quote from the Chief today
“Now. It’s coming because I am coming to move all of this out of the way because I am here to stay and to the days of Tribulation where I will not be for that time.
“I am here to stay” meaning he has been away for several millennnia at least, playing hide and seek with us after we were locked out of home. And he is abandoning us again in the future he says, during Tribulation. So God comes and goes almost like a cook waiting for some process to complete on its own, in his absence.
That process seems to be the revolutionary governmental process he is installing, where, pardon my interpretation, to survive in government, the permanent political class, or what remains of them, surrender and install chosen Christian advisors behind them. Many of the worst ones will be already removed via numerous step downs, resignations, deaths etc.
Coming to mind is The analogy of complaints to occupying US General Patton in 1945, that he was employing known Nazis in Government positions how could he ? His reply was they are the only qualified people available to do these vital government jobs.
Seeing the NWO SURRENDERING by hiring an occupying force of God’s chosen Christians so the permanent political class becomes Gods Puppet government, Is something I just can’t wait for. It will be an astonishing magical turn of events leaving logic behind in the dust.
And is this really possible ? We already have a taste of it in the form of House of Reps corrupt ultra RINO McCarthy, who once stripped of his corrupt powers he should never have had, turns out to be an unexpectedly staunchly performing Republican once he was threatened with instant removal if a single Republican objected to his behaviour. So YES its possible, this occupation force infiltrating the entire government provided by God. Exactly the same, but opposite in sentiment, to the way Organised Crime had infiltrated the US Government starting in 1941 when the feds mistakenly got into bed with Organised Crime only to prevent dock strikes, and brought us 100 years of the great apalling mess we are now leaving behind via divine intervention.
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