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Goood Morning Everybody. For me, you can see it’s still Monday April 10th of 2023. You will see this on Tuesday April 11 And the reason for this is be going out of town. I’m pre-recording all of these videos for you this week through Monday of next week. And before I get to this prophetic word it’s called “YOUR ENEMIES WILL NOT DECIDE THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THIS NATION” I do have a few announcements to make. Again, if you want to see any of the declarations, the decrees, any of the marching orders that God has given to us through these prophetic words, this ministry team tha tGod has put together, it’s so amazing. They have put all of this on the blog on our website so you can go look up all of these marching orders, decrees, declarations. You know how to decree and declare of the words that God wants us to say this very day in this very hour. And it’s such a great tool to have in this time. So if you want to you can go and check it out at Julie green ministries or it’s jgminternational.Org and that’s under our blog page. So go and check that out. Also if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports please go to our website at jgminternational.Org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie green ministries international 4620 east 53rd street, suite 200. Davenport, Iowa 52807. I’m not gonna mess up our address. And all that information is in the description box below for you. It’s always there or you can just check it out on our website. We do have all of our contact information on our website as well. So also don’t forget because you’ll be seeing this on Tuesday on Wednesday I will be doing a live show with pastor David Scarlett and take five and so that will be at 11 o’clock central time. So don’t forget to watch that show. In any shows that I am recording it’ll be on Tuesday. I’ll make sure I give you the links. One show I definitely will be with Clay Clark and general Flynn. So I will have that and share that link with you in the next coming days when I have it. That is all the announcements today and here is the prophetic word.
I heard this prophetic word on April 3rd of 2023.
My children I say again do not be moved by what you hear or what you see. I’m here to protect, to avenge, and to deliver you. Your enemies are walking right into every trap I have set for them. Yes walking right into their defeat, walking right into their judgment, walking right into their destruction. There is nothing that can be done, there’s nothing that can be done excuse me, to stop what is about to happen next to the globalists and to the elites and to this these fraudulent governments. To. All the enemies of almighty god, your time has come to fall. They refuse to turn, they refuse to heed my warnings, they refuse to repent, they refuse to back off, they refuse to do the right thing, they refuse the truth, so they refused me. So judgment must come to all who refuse to listen and kept going after my nation. Who kept going after my children, who kept going after their freedoms, who kept going after their health, their wealth, and all that belonged to them. You enemies of almighty God, know you stole these nations, you stole the presidential seats in many nations, you stole using anything you could to steal everything you wanted. You didn’t know that I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and I still live and I am against you. I know you are hearing these words and these words are to let you know no matter what you do you will fail. Exposures are coming that you can’t see. I will expose all of you and bring you to nothing. Your governments are collapsing, your plans are failing, your economies will implode, your fortunes and your power will all come crumbling down and slip away like it was never there and it never existed. You think with your arrogance that this will never happen because you are too smart to lose everything. Don’t worry, you will see that no one can outsmart me, saith the Lord of Hosts. Your powers are falling to nothing and I am tearing apart all your laws that you have held over my nations. Enemies of Almighty God you think that nothing will change or that you can continue with your plans. But the handwriting is on the wall. The destruction is coming for you, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Challenger, this word will be in your news for shocking reason. Watch your enemies moves, next moves excuse me, against Hunter and against the Biden because what is coming out next against this crime family will not be suppressed any longer. They know they can’t keep him in that position. He’s failing before their eyes and before the world and fewer people are believing he’s actually in control. They don’t believe he can win and he doesn’t have a cognitive ability or functionality to stay in power any longer.
So you will try and find a replacement, well that will not work either. YOU will not choose who the next president is because I am. I am also restoring what you have stolen including every president you have put there, and all the damage they have caused to this nation or any nation around the world, for your one world government. What you have tried against my David will come back right at each and every one of you because I have said before the days of Haman are here to stay until it’s all completed against you for all the seas of destruction you have sewn into this world.
My children something is coming you don’t see. Don’t let it blind your eyes you would say. Don’t let it move you. What you see is the End of the Ones who are against you. They will not have what it looks like. Normal is about to look very differently, but get excited that all things are changing for your good Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary
Now again one of the things that I want to read to you before I go back over this prophetic word it wasn’t very long but it was very strong. What was God saying? It’s not the enemy’s plan. It’s not their will. You say Julie they’ve gotten away with so much for so long. So did pharaoh. Pharaoh had God’s people in his enslavement for over 425 years. The country this nation, is not even that old. If you think about this for a minute think about it. No matter how long that pharaoh had God’s people it doesn’t matter his plan was for God’s people. It didn’t matter what he was doing what he said or what he wanted. It was God’s ultimate will in the end. And the prophetic word I gave you yesterday be yesterday for you. God said he is the one who holds the ultimate gavel. It’s not our enemies. Our enemies have put many judges over across this nation all over the place even up until our Supreme Court. And they think they have it all. They’ve stolen seats in our congress and our senate our presidential seat. They put people in news media to say exactly what they tell them to say. Not the truth just their propaganda just what they want you to hear. Dispute fear and worry and anxiety throughout this nation around the world. They think they have it all. They have all the money and the power you know they control the economies. How could they fail? They’re the one percenters. They have majority of the world’s wealth. They’re so intelligent. They have intelligent people on their side. They’re scouting out more intelligent people right now to do their bidding. But remember it doesn’t matter how intelligent they are or how much they think they know. It’s only human intelligence. God is the God over all the earth. He knows the end from the beginning. So nothing our enemies have done surprises God. No plan of our enemy is going to take God off guard. Like I can’t but they just did that. Maybe for us but not for God. He knows all. He sees all. He hears all. He’s omnipotent. He’s everywhere. That’s why the God can say and that’s what we can believe that when he says he’s got our enemies exactly where he wants them. They’re falling in every single trap. Why? Because he knows how they think. He knows what they’re doing. He hears their conversations no matter how dark and sinister they are. Remember how underneath ground or wherever they are they think it’s so secretive. Nothing is secretive to God. Our enemies just have so much arrogance like he said. They don’t think our God exists. They think our God is dead or our god’s not important. He’s irrelevant. Soon they will realize how relevant that God is. He is the most high God and he has the final say always. He’s undefeated. And so something I want to I’ve said this many many times before and you guys you know me who watch all the time but there’s a scripture that he’s bringing to me again because so many people are questioning does God hear our prayers and if he does hear them will he do anything about it? Does God hear our prayers and will he do anything about it? So with all the heart and minds of so many people around the world right now and God has an answer in many different scriptures. This is not one or just two there’s several. Here’s one. Exodus chapter 3 yes I know you’re surprised I’m in the book of Exodus but that’s where he had me turn. Exodus chapter 3 in verse 7 now listen very carefully he’s answering the questions that people are having if you have any doubt or unbelief and you’re asking is God hearing our prayers and is he going to do anything about it? This is answering this for you right here in his work because he’s the same God yesterday today and forever so here it is. Exodus chapter 3 in verse 7 and the lord said I have surely seen the afflictions of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their task masters and oppressors for I know their sorrow and suffering and trials so he sees what the enemy is doing to them not only does he see what the enemy is doing he also hears the cries of his people. Verse 8 so if you know he hears you know he sees then what does god promise to do about it? Verse 8 and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the power of the Egyptians to bring them out of that land and a land that’s good and large and a land flowing with milk and honey and land of plenty and he goes on to the place of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Pessarite and the Habitite and the Jubisite then he goes down to verse 9 now look now behold the cry of the Israelites has come to me and I have also seen how the Egyptians oppressed them and then he goes on and remember that is the first time you see in verse 14 verse 14 that God said to Moses you go to pharaoh and say I am that I am has sent you, and who is I am? I am is everything we need him to be if we need a protector he is that if we need a healer he is that if we need an avenger he is that if we need a provider he is that if he’s our comforter he is that if we need joy for our strength he is that if we need peace he is that everything that we need he is I’ll say that again everything we need he is he is that I’ve said so many times before when I was watching and listening to that movie and reading the Bible and when he said I am that I am I didn’t get that at first I could not believe out of all the names of God why did he go with that one why didn’t go with I am elohim I creator of heaven and earth why didn’t you go thou should I the god who nothing’s impossible why didn’t go with those things because he wanted them to know no matter what they think no matter who they think they’re up against he is everything against them and everything for his people he was everything against the enemies of Almighty God and he was everything for the people for almighty god he was everything they needed he was there everything and he’s still the same if God heard them if God saw and then he did something about it if you turn over to Exodus chapter 3 and 20 it says so I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders which I will I will do in it and after that he will let you go he’s I will smite them with all my wonders but he first said first that he then he said I will stretch out my hand and we receive god we see got reference his hand that means he’s placing judgment on one party and he’s placing blessing on another and we saw what he did and then if you jump down verse 21 I will give his people favor and respect in the sight of the Egyptians and it shall be that when you go you shall not go empty-handed so he’s going to move his hand against the enemies of Almighty God against God’s people and he’s gonna make them the enemies of almighty god give god’s people everything in their possession and people think when they hear prophetic words like this well that’s not true god wouldn’t do that really he did it before when the enemies of almighty god became unruly and try to control everything god stepped in and not only took their power but took their money wasn’t just our power he also took their money verse 22 and every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and of that may be residing at her house and jewels and articles of silver and gold and garments which you shall put on your sons and daughters and you shall strip the Egyptians this is verse 22 in the amplify version it says of belongings due to you of belongings due to you this was a retroactive restoration of everything that that’s been stolen by the Egyptians or so on from the Israelites the Egyptians took from from the Israelites they stole that stuff they enslaved them and God was saying everything that belonged to my children that the Egyptians took I am forcing it out of their hand so the Egyptians couldn’t keep it truly that’s not true yes it is if you see what happened in the day right after the angel of death happened they gave them everything farrow even said just take it take it all I don’t care basically and they did they took all the silver and gold how do you think they made a golden calf in the wilderness with all the gold they took from the Egyptians remember when when they came from Canaan in with Joseph after Joseph you know wanted his family and after he was second in command they came wealthy they were not poor the Egyptians taxed them into slavery sound familiar what’s going on right now ? With all those taxes and stuff nothing new under the sun all right !
Now really quick before I go back over this prophetic word again he’s giving me another scripture and you guys have heard me say this one in psalm you can read all psalm 34 psalm 34 and let’s see here I’m gonna read verse 4 also I sought and inquired the Lord and required of him of necessity on the authority of his word and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears so he delivered him that his people from all their fears now verse 7 and the angel of the Lord in camps around those who fear him or who respect him and worship him with awe and each and what and each of them he delivers that’s verse 7 psalm 34 verse 7 verse 8 o taste and see that the Lord is our God is good blessed happy fortunate to be envied is a man who trusts and takes refuge in him why because he’s our everything so we trust in him not ourselves not somebody else we trust in God now verse jump down to verse 17 when the righteous cry for help the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their distresses and their troubles, not some of the things that he delivers them he delivers them out of all of their their distress and all of their troubles he doesn’t just pick some you don’t win some you don’t lose some he says. I always called you to triumph because of what Jesus Christ has done for us now jump down to verse 19 now listen again many evils can confront the consistently righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all he delivers them out of them all okay. He’s giving me another scripture I got to read before I go back over this prophetic work John 17 verse 13 now listen listen to these words very carefully John 13 or John 17 13 through 17 and now I’m coming to you I say these things that while I’m still in the world so that my joy may be full and complete and perfect perfect in them so they may experience my delight fulfilled in them that my enjoyment may be perfected in their own souls that they may have gladness within them filling their hearts was the importance of trying to keep our joy if Satan can’t steal our joy he can’t keep our goods I heard that from an awesome brother his name is brother Jerry Seville and I don’t know him personally but I did watch over and over and over and over again in the dark days that I had I listened to that powerful teaching over and again and it saved me from so many things. If Satan can’t steal your joy he can’t keep your goods. Why is that so important for US to know the joy of the Lord is our strength so if our Satan if that our enemy Satan cannot steal our joy he can’t steal our strength, if he can’t steal our strength and he can’t keep what he’s trying to steal from us because we will be fighting him back we won’t give in, we won’t quit don’t let him steal your joy. Protect it protect your joy it’s so important in these times that we’re living in right now protect your joy so I had nothing to be joyful about you think of what Jesus we just celebrated over that weekend Resurrection day not Easter but resurrection day think of what our and our heavenly father sent a son to be sacrificial lamb for you, and I to ransom us that’s what we can be joyful for we can be joyful that we have a name above every name. We can be joyful that the greater one lives on the inside of us. we can be joyful that God has redeemed US from the curse we can be joyful that our enemy is supposed to be under our feet we can be joyful on these things there’s plenty to be joyful that’s why you get into the good word the word of God the word of God the truth it sets you free. Okay verse 14 I have given and delivered to them your word your message and the world has hated them because they are not of this world do not belong to this world just as I am not of this world I do not ask you that you take them out of this world that you keep and protect them from the evil one remember he hears the cries and what does he do he will protect and he will avenge. Verse 16 they are not of this world really belonging to this world just as I am not of this world we don’t belong to this world just as Jesus didn’t belong we are in it but we are not of it how do we separate ourselves from this world and what goes on around in it verse 17 sanctify them purify consecrate separate them for yourself make them holy by the truth your word is truth how we separate ourselves from this world and what all these darkness and all this stuff happens in this world by the word of God that truth it sets US free so we don’t think and act and talk like the world we will talk as a child of the most high God we will say the words that God needs US to say we’ll believe what god needs us to believe we’ll stay focused on him no matter how hopeless a situation seems God is your hope he is your answer there’s nothing and there’s nothing or no one God can’t fix and if your enemy is trying to tell you that it’s a lie because he’s a liar and a loser. Don’t forget about it all right. Here’s the last paragraph normal is about to look very differently but get excited that all things are changing for your good say the Lord your Redeemer all things are changing uhh John 1633 I think I read that in yesterday’s video he’s overcome the world he’s conquered it for us he’s deprived it if it’s ability to harm us he’s conquered it for us remember that Jesus has conquered this world for us he’s brought our enemy to nothing Hebrews 2 and 14 Think about these things and that will give you something to smile about my children
Something is coming you don’t see now. He had me put that in bold don’t let it blind your eyes you would say don’t let it move you what you see is their end of the ones against you they will not have what it looks like so this to me is giving us a warning things may look they’re not gonna look normal and it may look like what’s going on the opposite is happening. Why does it look worse and God saying don’t be moved by it what you’re seeing is the end of our enemies of their plans and what they’ve been trying to do against us for this how many ever years don’t be moved. Stand firm stay focused on God. He will I promise you he will be there for you he’ll never leave you nor forsake you, all right ?
Now then he says what you have tried against my David- now he’s talking to the enemies of almighty God right now okay I’m gonna go back up and read watch your enemies next moves against Hunter and against the Biden because what is coming out next against this crime family he’s calling it This crime. This crime family. Gods calling it a crime family because they are He says it will not be suppressed any longer they know they can’t keep him in this position. He is failing before their eyes, before the world and fewer people are believing that it’s actually, he’s actually in control. They don’t believe he can win, and he doesn’t have cognitive ability or functionality to stay in power any longer. So you know He is talking to the enemies again You will try and find a replacement, but that will not work either YOU will not choose who the next president is, because I am.
I am also restoring what you have stolen including every president you put there and dammit and all the damage they caused this nation or any nation around the world for your one-world government thing with that for a minute now people think that and I’ve said this before people think that it was only 2020 and 2022 days they’ve seen that you know seats were stolen and the presidential seat was stolen and things like that they think that this is all that’s been going on. No. You have to remember the establishment in Washington DC. They had people on both sides so either one democrat or republican they would win that’s why this is not a democrat republican fight it’s not this is a fight good versus evil, this is a fight of truth versus a lie, this is a fight between life and death, this is a this is a fight that’s spiritual remember God said in Ephesians 612 we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood that means we don’t wrestle against people but against principality powers and rulers of the darkness of this world. We’re not dealing with people here it may look like it we’re dealing with what’s behind them, controlling them, this is not a democrat and republican fight period. It’s not I don’t care if they have a D or an R beside their name what’s in their heart is what counts not their title the establishment have both sides they were choosing who was president in either way it was our first pick or their second pick either way they got their pick now there’s a select few presidents that were not a part of the establishment. Ronald Reagan was one of them for sure that’s why he was they attempted assassination against them in JFK was also not because, then look what happened to him they’ve had control of presidential elections for a very long time they just had the illusion that we had the right to our vote because that’s what our men and women who fought and died for this country gave us the freedom to fight they gives it freedom they fought in the battle, so we could fight with our vote and they took it away without US realizing it until President Trump stepped in and then we started seeing the two-tiered justice system along with the swamp the establishment the deep state whatever you want to call it same thing now they’re coming out so arrogantly and it’s so obvious to the world what they’re doing they don’t care it says what you’ve tried against my David will come back at each one of you because I have said before the days of Haman are here to stay until all is completed against you for all the seeds of destruction you have sown into this world. Why would you say it doesn’t God were about seed time and harvest is either good you’re sowing. Seeds of good or seeds of bad either way you reap what you sow that’s biblical you will reap what you sow you sow destruction you will reap destruction you sow evil you will reap evil you can’t get away from that it’s it’s in the Bible you cannot get away from that whether our enemies believe that or not now it’s funny that he has this word in here I mean it’s not right in my spirit I think I know what he’s talking about Challenger this word will be in your news for a shocking reason now that is NOT the spaceship challenger it could be, but I think there’s going to be this word is going to be for a shocking reason because I think they’re gonna, this is my opinion I could be very wrong this is not what it says this is kind of why I’m just kind of giving you my insight it could be they’re bringing a challenger to to the Biden that could be shocking and it could be about the spaceship or the space shuttle it could be about that one. I don’t know but look for the word Challenger okay could be it could be something totally different I have no idea but it’s gonna be shocking now all right your powers are falling to nothing and I am tearing apart all your laws that you have held over my nations enemies of almighty god you think that nothing will change or that you can continue with your plans but the handwriting is on the wall now that wasn’t bold and this is too the destruction is coming for you handwriting is on the wall the destruction is that destruction is coming for you look at Belshazzar I have time to read that go look in the Bible about the handwriting on the wall with Belshazzar the hand writing was on the wall thank you in their destruction all right now then it says um you think with your arrogance that this will never happen, be never happen because you are too smart to lose everything don’t worry you will see that no one can outsmart me saith the Lord. N
ow what he’s talking about up here he’s talking about the enemies of almighty God and what they’re refusing to do he says they refuse to turn they refuse to keep my warnings they refuse to repent they refuse to back off they refuse to do the right thing they refuse the truth so they refuse me God his truth so judgment must come to all who refuse to listen and keep going after my nations, who kept going after my children, who kept going after their freedoms, who kept going after their health, their wealth and all that belonged to them. You enemies of almighty God know you stole these nations it wasn’t just United States America they stole, oh they’ve been stealing nations and leaders of states and they’ve been stealing governments for years. We just didn’t know about it. Again all this now is just coming out we had no idea they were doing this. That’s why I had to be the way it is right now. So we could see it all. You ain’t you enemies of almighty God you know you stole nations, you stole the presidential seats and many nations, you stole using anything you could to steal everything you wanted that’s a powerful statement. You stole using everything you could steal, everything you wanted but you didn’t know that I am the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I still live. That’s in bold. And I’m against you I know you were hearing these words, and these words are to let you know no matter what you do you will fail. God knows enemy listens. Why do you think so many people been silenced because they listen and it’s not just their they have algorithms yes but they also have people listening he’s saying it and he wants them to let them know you will fail. Exposures are coming that you can’t see I will expose all of you and bring you to nothing. Your governments are collapsing. Your plans are failing, your economies will implode, your fortunes and your power will all come crumbling down, and slip away like it was never there, and it never existed. Think pharaoh.
Julie that’s too impossible you think about the pharaoh of Egypt he was the superpower he thought he was the God at the time and look what happened to him. He didn’t win it didn’t end well for him. First paragraph my children I say again do not be moved by what you hear or what you see I am here to protect, to avenge, to deliver you, your enemies are walking right into every trap I have set for them. That is all in bold yes walking right into their defeat walking right into their judgment walking right into their destruction there is nothing that can be done to stop what is about to happen next to the globalists and to the elites to these fraudulent governments to all the enemies of almighty God your time has come to fall these are powerful words why do you think the enemy wants to discredit them so much if these words weren’t powerful for you to hear then why would they care why would they discredit why do they have people out there constantly to persecute why they take us off social media platforms and I’m just talking about myself why think about it why if these words did not mean anything then why would they care about them ? They’re just laughing say okay they’re just crazy lunatics who cares ? They do care because the truth is setting you free God’s words do that they’re not mine they’re God’s and that’s why they’re afraid. They may act like they’re not but if they weren’t they leave them up. They wouldn’t have to do nasty things in the comment sectiona or in the live streams and people wouldn’t just accidentally take some of the videos down or restrict them from people’s sight, take platforms away over and over and over again, they’re afraid they are afraid you’re not listening to them you’re not believing them. You’re not cooperating you’re not being sheep you’re using your own mind and you’re fighting them and they don’t like that. They want you to be compliant they love that word but you’re not because you don’t have to be you’re a child of the most high God in the army of the Lord and the Greater one is on the inside of you don’t forget who you are. You are a child of almighty God.
So I want to pray reaching every one of you and I want to pray over this nation, and your nation, you pray over your nations too. This is not just for this country he may mention this country a lot, because this country, the world is watching God has a special assignment for this nation and he’s not gonna let it go. So do not fear it. Do not fear with what you see it’s not gonna stay this way.
Heavenly father right now in the name of Jesus we just looked up this nation to you father God I just want to praise and thank you that you are not letting it fail. It is not dead because you’re not dead. We thank you father God that you are healing the soul of this nation, that you are raising up your body of Christ, a church that hell will not prevail against. Hell will not prevail against this church, no matter how divided it looks, no matter how destructive it looks, no matter how many people think they’re going after one another, I thank you father God that you are bringing your people in one accord that you are uniting this nation into the United States of America the country that you have always designed it. You always had the assignment for this country to fulfill and we thank you that your will is being done. I thank you for getting up each and every person from where they’re at, if all those tests, and all the trials and all the struggles that they’re going through. I thank you father God that you are the way and you are in the way that enemy cannot have their way with your people because you are everything they need you to be right now and I thank you father God that you are the way maker so I thank you that the God of the breakthrough visits them I thank you father god for healing them for restoring them I thank you father God for getting them up out of that pit out of that darkness out of that hopelessness out of that despair out of that self-hatred out of that failure mentality.That defeated mentality out of the hands of the spirit of suicide. You are shining the light on them, of your love of your compassion of your long-suffering of your mercy and your grace. I thank you father God for touching each and every one of them the top of the head of souls of their feet and I thank you for it in Jesus name amen and amen. Well I hope to encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs here an encouraging word, who needs here the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Even among those who have met the Holy Spirit, it’s activated within them. We find dissenters. People have different reactions to discovering the God inside them. Examples from the column beneath Julie’s videos.
God helps with Gardening. Waits for your helplessness to peak.
Ten years ago this June 17, I made the decision to get baptized. I had been baptized as a baby, as that was part of my upbringing in the Catholic church. But I strayed from the church from teen years until I was 42. I didn’t agree with some of the things the Catholic church taught, and I felt as if the teachings didn’t align with what I believed. I wandered aimlessly for years, attending other churches, but never felt my calling to God with them. But a decade ago, something clicked in my head as I was learning to garden. I was out in the middle of a weed infested garden area, and asked for help, it was an overwhelming garden. On that day I found myself talking to God, and every day since I have daily conversation with Him. Sometime within a few weeks of this garden moment, I went to a non-denominational church and asked to be baptized. I didn’t belong to the church, and had no connection to fellowship there, but I knew I needed to give myself to God. It was the greatest decision I ever made in my adult life.
And here is an opposite response same thread
If any out there want a relationship with the Lord don’t play religion. The LORD want’s a 24/7 conversation with you every day. It’s not 1 hour on Sunday Morning. Talk to him like he’s your best friend because he is. Spill your guts, give him every everything he will give you peace. Do you sleep through the night? If you don’t ask him to fill you with his peace. He IS the prince of peace! No monthly bill here folks!

I am like this last fellow because I could never see any connection to pointy buildings. No need for listening to preaching from sleepwalkers. Nor their holy books.
My Holy book deficiency is being remedied somewhat by Julie. Have listened for about 12 months. So I have noted the long term themes that God likes to make dramatic entrances when people are cornered, with no obvious way out so he appears to enable a miraculous solution like closing the Lions mouths for Daniel etc. An unexpected solution. So that’s why we are all being pressured today. The lunatic left have been almost cultivated to peak their maximum power over us to maximise the harvest of souls and make people realise no man or group can fix our world society situation so there is only God left to effect a rescue. Enter Stage Right, Mr G.
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