Searchable transcript for the serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Monday, May 8th of 2023, and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today, and it’s called, THE WAR FOR THE SOUL OF THIS NATION IS COMING TO AN END I heard this prophetic word on April 28th of 2023. Before I get to that, I do have a few important announcements to make. Now, I will be prerecording starting today because Wednesday I will be flying to Miami, Florida for the Reawaken America Tour this Friday and Saturday, so May 12th and the 13th. If you’d like more information regarding that event, you can click on the description box below. I do have a link in there for you. Now, when I come back next week, I’ll also be prerecording immediately because I’ll be heading out of town that Thursday, so I’ll only hold like two days, and then I’ll be in Tulsa, Oklahoma for a one day healing revival event with Marty and Jenny Grisham from Loud Mouth Prayer. So if you’d like more information on that, you can click on the description box below and I will have a link for that as well. Again, it’s a one day event. It is Saturday, May 20th. Also, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgminternational.org on our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. Well, I think that’s all the announcements I have for today. So here’s a prophetic word. Now, I’m gonna do things a little bit differently today because this prophetic word was actually recorded I we’ve had this happen before but I didn’t know how to get the names off of the screen of our team members So I wouldn’t have to show their names on here So but we really wanted and we fell in our hearts all of us did that you should see the ones that are Recorded so you can see it actually the prophecy actually being set at the time So I’m going to share my screen, and I’m going to share with you the prophetic word that God had given during one of our prayer calls, because we have prayer calls every morning for not only all of our viewers, but also for our ministry team and our ministry. And so, uh, all of a sudden he just been starting to give prophetic words during that particular time. So, we thought we really wanted to give these out to you. So I’m going to share this with you and then of course I’ll give any scripture that God wants me to give and then I’ll say anything he wants me to do. Then I will go and I will read back over it, but I really wanted to give you the original first. So let me, uh, share my screen here. I’m going to change. Here we go.
For I the Lord this day I say a great awakening there will be because it’s a great awakening with me. For far too long my children have done things without me. They have done things in their own strength, their own ability, their own wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. They’ve done things without me, but this is a time to be set free. Yes. To be set free with me, a freedom that you have never known, a freedom you didn’t even know existed. Yes, that’s coming.
Why do you think the enemy is trying so hard to take every freedom away from you To bring so much darkness to bring so much division to bring so much confusion. Why? Why do you think he’s doing that? So this freedom and this great awakening, it’s great awakening to me Does not take place That is his ultimate goal To destroy your spirits Yes to destroy your spirits To destroy the light, to destroy your power that I’ve given to you. It’s inside of you. It’s already there. But in most of my children, it is dormant because it has been shielded, outshadowed, however you want to put that, it has been hidden from you. Your enemy has tried to put so much in this world, to bring so much heaviness, to bring so much despair and to bring so much darkness that you wouldn’t even search for the light that you wouldn’t search for ME My children don’t even look for me they weren’t the longest time I was just a God who sits on this throne and I pick and choose who I healed I pick and choose who is free or who lived or died How can people think that about me? But a lie crept in, the curse came in, a lie about me to twist with such wickedness that people thought I was someone else when I’m not that at all. But my church, the body of Christ, The body, where my son is the head, believed these things about me. And for so many years, there’s been a darkness, like a shroud over this earth, where they were believing lie after lie after lie, and wouldn’t even hear the truth when it was said to them. Father, how does that make sense? I said in my word, if you have ears to hear, let them hear. Because there’s so much deception, they would hear the word of truth, but they wouldn’t hold on to it, let it go. They let so much truth go. They let me go because your enemy had brought in darkness, circumstances, tests and trials. He brought in manipulation. He brought in propaganda. He brought in this system, a Godless, evil, and dark system that you see that’s trying, trying I said, trying to run this world, trying to run the governments around the world, trying to connect each and every one of them to each other. I told you I sit in the heavenlies and laugh. This connection will not be, oh no, because of me. I am stepping in and I told you their walls are coming down. Some of the walls already are. I am opening a great and mighty curtain this curtain I am going to show the world who they are Who they really truly are People like the Biden I told you there is going to be a great Unmasking of that person you’ve seen the ratings, you’ve seen the cognitive function decline, you’ve seen these things, I told you about these things, I told you about your news media, they won’t stand in my way. I will even show you the EARPIECE Obama was using, I will show you these things, I will show you how he led a shadow government from his home, I will show you, you will hear of the words that they have spoken, but they will protect him more than others. Yes, the globalists will protect Obama more than others. You will see. But don’t worry because they have to deal with me. My children, this great awakening has started. Blinders have been removed but something great is on the horizon. A darkness and things that will go on that will try people’s faith. This is my warning, not many more left because the time has come for judgment is going to strike. I have told you this before and I am saying this again, the judgments of Egypt is nothing compared to the judgments that are about to be poured out. And when you see these judgments and when you see chaos or mayhem, don’t focus on those things because at the same time or darkness will seem to get darker and harder to deal with, but My light is going to shine greater and it’s going to destroy every part of that darkness against you. They’re not winning my children But there are people they’re running out of time To choose what side they’re gonna be on when this all goes down Lines have been drawn. This great and mighty war. I told you there was another great American Revolutionary War. It’s happening now. for the soul of the nation. A soul of a nation. These globalists thought was already dead. But it’s not dead. Because I am not dead. They try to kill it but they can’t kill me. I’m in you, remember? So stand. Get up. Get up. Say, Lord, you say this a lot. Yes, I do. Get up from that darkness. Get up from that despair. Get up from those circumstances. Get up and tell those circumstances what to do. You tell those symptoms what to do. You tell your body what to do. You tell your bank account what to do. I’m giving you words. I’m giving you words to say. So say them. I’m giving you things to do. So do them. Because time is running out. Yes it is. It’s running out. So my children, receive from me. Get with me. Pray with me. Fellowship with me and I will show you an anointing and a glory that no man has ever experienced before. Not like this. An authority you’ve never known. Not like this. A rapid change. A rapid change. So hold on. Hold on! Not much longer now. Hold on to me. Hold on to my word and receive my glory, saith the Lord.
Julie Commentary Okay, so now what I’m gonna do is I’m going to remove that. And one of the things when he was, when I was listening to this word again, when he was speaking certain things, that it gave to me to say, there’s a few scriptures that came to my mind, or my spirit actually, was in the Bible it says, even the elect will be deceived. So he talked about a deception, he talked about a darkness. And what is that? It is when God’s people believe a lie. And when they believe a lie, then evil can come in, darkness can take over, because God’s people don’t realize what is really going on. Some people think this is just normal. This is just things that normally happen, or these are just laws that we have to deal with. This is just what our country does, and it’s really, truly not. It is when the enemy is trying to take over something, but puts blinders on people’s eyes so they don’t see what’s actually happening. That’s why God says over and over and over again in these prophetic words He says it continuously Don’t but go by how things appear because things are not how they appear to be Say Julie, how’s that scriptural? Well when God says to walk by faith and not by sight Why do we not walk by sight? And why is he saying that so particularly? Because if things were how they appear to be by sight, then why would he have to say walk by faith? We can’t go by how things appear. Your enemy wants you to go by sight. He wants you to go by how things appear. Then you can easily be deceived into something. And that’s another reason why it’s so important in the Word of God where it says, wow, okay, hold on, go to Romans. I want you to write this down, Romans chapter 12. Okay, Romans chapter 12. And it says in verse one, I appeal to you therefore brethren and beg of you in full view all the mercies of God to make a decisive dedication of your bodies presenting all your members and faculties as a living sacrifice, fully devoted, concentrated, and well-pleasing to God, which is your reasonable, rational, intelligent service and spiritual worship. Then he goes on to verse two, do not be conformed to this world, this age fashioned after and adapted to his external super superficial customs, but be transformed, changed by the entire renewal of your mind, by its new ideals and its new attitude, so that you may prove for yourselves what is good and acceptable in the perfect will of God. So what is he saying right here? We have to renew our minds with the word of God. Why? So we have what we transform or change by the entire renewal of our mind, new ideas and a new attitude. That way deception cannot deceive you or a lie cannot deceive you into believing something that’s not true. It also says in God’s Word in Proverbs chapter 4 and verse 20 through 23, it talks about, hold on. Okay. I was going to quote it, but I’m not supposed to. Proverbs. This is talking about, if you need healing in your body, this is a great scripture for you. But it has more than one meaning, but Proverbs chapter 4, now listen to what the first, uh, Hold on, Proverbs 4 verse 20, My son, attend to my words, consent and submit to its sayings. So what this first scripture is saying that I’m giving to you in Proverbs chapter 4 and verse 20 is talking about making God’s word a priority. Why do we make God’s word a priority? Well you make God’s word a priority because it in this verse says, do not let them depart from your sight, keep them in the center of your heart. What? God’s words. For they are alive to those who find them in healing and health to all your flesh. Or the word is medicine. The world is life. Remember it says in John 6, 63, the word is spirit. The word is life. It also was a really good example about the power of God’s word in Joshua in Joshua chapter chapter one and verse, let’s get past it, hold on a second. I’m going to read verse eight and nine. Yeah. So Joshua chapter one, verse eight and nine, this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth. So in Proverbs chapter four, he talks about sight. Okay. Now he’s talking about it should not depart from your mouth. Um, but you show the meditate on it day and night that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it for then you shall make your way prosperous then you shall do wisely and have good success you will do wisely and have good success what you won’t be deceived then he goes on to say verse 9 have I not commanded you be strong vigorous very courageous be not afraid neither be dismayed for the Lord God is with you wherever you go yeah especially if you have the Word of God in your heart and it’s first priority. It’s in your, so you’ve had it in your eyes and then also you’ve had it in your mouth. So you have it in your heart to the point where your enemy can’t take it away. Remember what it says in Mark chapter four in the parable of the sower, the thief comes immediately to steal the word. Why does he come immediately to steal the word? because he wants us to deceive you and With the word if he’s stealing the word out of your heart Then he’s still in the joy out of your heart. He’s telling the joy out of your heart. Then you have no strength I’m gonna go on to more teachings on this Okay, this week maybe this week. The Lord has me changing things up and not doing prophecies every day You guys need teachings, too But how? Yes The prophecies are great. And I love the fact that he’s given us his fresh manna from heaven every day we You also need we all need Scriptures we all need of to get a foundation of the Word of God So then when we see these things We’re not moved by things and we know how to actually how to deal with them and that’s why he’s also had me doing it’s like small teachings in between a hearing the prophetic word, and then reading it back to you. All these things are important. And faith comes by hearing. That’s, again, write all these scriptures down. That’s in Romans chapter 10. Go to Romans chapter 10 and verse 17. So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. What is faith? Faith is trusting in God. Faith is trusting in God. and what God’s Word can do for you. Trusting in God more than what you see, trusting in God more than what you hear, trusting in God more than what you feel. How do you do that? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If you are hearing the Word of God all the time, then you’re going to have great faith. And so when the enemy comes and he tries to steal something from you or he tries to put and circumstances in your life, you won’t get into fear. You won’t get into worry. And if you do, pick yourself up again because Micah 7, verse eight says, rejoice not against me, O my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. So then you won’t, if you fall, everybody falls. But it’s how long you stay down. Don’t let your enemy keep you down. Your enemy is a liar. He’s a thief and he has to give back everything he’s taken. He can’t keep it. He can’t keep something that God has given to you unless you’re deceived out of it Remember this the three D’s deceive distract destroy Your enemy wants to deceive and distract you. So in the meantime when he has you looking one way he can destroy you That’s why it’s so important to get into the Word of God every single day I just gave you several different scriptures And so I want you to go over and I want you to read these scriptures Why don’t take my word for it you get into the Word of God and you say what God says about your situations? Because it’s so important for you again. I say this every single day. I’m gonna keep saying it Until it gets down on the inside of you You need to have a greater relationship with God and not based upon somebody else’s relationship. It’s good to hear It’s good to hear preachings and teachings of the Word of God, but it’s also important for you to get in the Word of God yourself That’s what he talks about renewing of their mind That’s why he talks about making God’s Word a priority in your sight, but he also says keep it in your mouth Okay now To move all these things around here. I have a brand new setup brand new camera just all these things and so I’m still trying to get used to all this stuff. So, all right now So if you see me fumbling a little bit, that’s just because I’m not used to everything where it’s at Okay. Now in this last paragraph here to listen to what he says So my children receive for me get with me pray with me fellowship with me. I will show you an anointing a Glory that no man has ever experienced before not like this an authority never known not like this a rapid change a rapid change So hold on hold on now much longer now. Hold on to me. Hold on to my word and receive my glory What is he talking about? He’s talking about this complete restoration and you’ll find this in Acts chapter 3 and verse 21. But if you also read in Acts chapter 3 verse 19, refreshing comes with spending time with the Lord in prayer. So, all right, I was gonna quote it. I can’t. I gotta go to it. I’m sorry, I keep hitting this mic again. These things are different where I’m used to having them placed. All right, now In Acts chapter 3 and verse 19, so repent and change your mind and purpose turn around and return to God that your sins may be erased blotted out wiped clean that times of refreshing of Recovery from the effects of the heat reviving with fresh air may come from the presence of the Lord That’s why it’s so important to get into the Word of God and to receive from him a what? Refreshing He wants you to be refreshed and renewed because he knows the battle is hard, he knows the battle is long. He knows the battle, people can get battle weary. That’s how a lot of people right now are around the nations, especially in this country. Because what we see, all the evil and injustice that keeps going on. That’s what’s going on with Canada and so many other nations around the world. People are battle weary because it looks like evil is winning. Your enemy counts on the battle weariness, because if you are going to be weary, then you’re not going to be strong enough to fight him. And that’s why it’s so important, again, to get the Word of God in your heart and in your mouth. That’s how you fight, remember? The Word of God is not only truth that sets you free, it separates you from how the world thinks, talks, and acts. You can find that in John 17, verse 13 through 17. Again, write these down, write it down and read them, but it’s health to our flesh. The word of God is so important. It keeps you grounded. It keeps the joy in your heart. It keeps you in peace. That’s why your enemy doesn’t want you to have all these things. He doesn’t want you to think that getting the word of God is important. He doesn’t want you to think that spending time in prayer is something other than I’m I’m going to go to God, I’m going to complain about everything that’s going on, I’m going to walk out of my prayer closet. That’s not prayer. Prayer is, oh wait, it’s fellowshipping with God. Yeah, you can tell him what’s going on, but remember, give him the word, his word, because his words don’t return him void. You’ll find that in Isaiah 55. His words do not return him void. And maybe one of these days I’ll even go on how to pray, okay? and we have on our blog, again, go to our website, under our blog, there’s marching orders, decrees, declarations, there’s also why praise ? and why pray?, why those things are so important, why praise? and why pray? Go check those out, those are great tools on the website to help you. And all the marching orders, decrees, and declarations, the team has done such an amazing job with them, because I go over them before they get put on the website. They do an amazing job trying to get All of the scriptures that go along with that they spend a lot of time in prayer and they get exactly what God wants out of these marching orders decrees and declarations for you to have it’s a great tool. I love it All right. Now I’m going to give you words to say I’m going to give you words to say then say them So God’s gonna have us giving us words to say who says go Sam I’m giving you things to do so do them because time is running out. Yes time is running out He said it twice now. What did he do? This is an example of the book of Exodus in Exodus chapter 3. He did the same thing. He gave them something to do He gave them to eat unleavened bread He gave them to put the blood of the doorpost of the unspotted lamb And then he also told him to eat the lamb, but don’t have any leftovers. Give it to your neighbor He gave very specific orders and when he gave him very specific orders, none of them were affected by the judgment that came down None. Oh, I mean, especially the angel of death, and that’s what we’re talking about. But even before that in the land of Goshen, Goshen was not affected, okay, by all the plagues of Egypt. Now, he says, get up, get up and say, Lord, you say this a lot. God’s telling us to get up. And then his people are saying, well, you say this a lot, but what does that mean? He’s saying, he says, yes, I do. Get up from that darkness. How do we get by a lot of darkness? The truth the Word of God separates you from that darkness the Word of God. I just explain all these things It sets you apart. It sets you aside. You renew your mind. You change your course of action The the Word of God gives you joy the Word of God gives you peace the Word of God gives you healing the Word of God Gives you restoration the Word of God gives you everything you need It’ll give you revelation of your situation and what you’re seeing you can see it during a whole different perspective or perception and then all of a sudden you can see it like, well this isn’t an impossible situation. This is easy because God will show you the right way to see it. Get up from that despair, get up from those circumstances, get up and tell those circumstances what to do. Remember God has given you power, authority, and dominion over all the power of the enemy. Luke 10 and 19. Read that scripture. All right. Now you tell those symptoms what to do. You tell your body what to do. You tell your bank account what to do. So it’s telling you all these things that are going wrong in your life. You tell it what to do. With what? By the word of God. I told you there was another great revolutionary war. It’s happening now for a soul of a nation. A soul of a nation, said twice. This globalist thought was already dead. They already thought they destroyed our country with stealing our elections. They already thought our country was dead by infiltrating our government. They already thought all they could do with our judicial system and everything that it was dead They had the news media The arm of them that the globalist is a news media. That’s another arm of them They thought because they had it all that all and every tool every weapon they thought was against us But they didn’t know they didn’t understand this God is on the inside of us They can’t kill a soul of a nation when God is on the inside of us and he can’t be killed. That’s not dead. I Love it. He’s not dead. He says it’s happening now for a soul of a nation a soul of a nation This globalist was our This they thought was already dead, but it’s not dead because I am NOT dead They can’t they tried to kill it, but they can’t kill me and I’m in you remember so stand That’s what he talks about getting up now Don’t focus on those things because the same time or Darkness will seem to get darker and harder to deal with but light is going to shine greater And it’s going to destroy every part of the darkness against you. They’re not winning My children, but there are people that are running out of time to choose what side they’re going to be on when it all goes Down lines have been drawn this great and mighty war. We are in a great and mighty war He said it you know what the thing is even though we’re in a great battle God has given us every tool. He’s given us every way to win. He’s given us a victory. Remember the battle is the Lord’s All right now then he says because the time has come and judgment is about to strike are going to strike I have told you this before I am saying this again The judgments of Egypt is nothing compared to the judgments that are about to be poured out when you see these judgments and when you see Chaos and mayhem, but don’t focus on that’s what he’s talking about Then he says but something great is on the horizon a darkness things will go on The people will try it will try people’s faith. This is my warning not many more left so there’s things that are going to happen that are going to try people’s faith and That’s why again God keeps saying get into the Word of God get into the Word of God if you get into the Word of God then faith comes And faith comes and in your get it so down in the side of your heart and your adversary cannot steal your faith All right now then he says people like the Biden I told you there’s going to be a great UNMASKING of that person you’ve seen the ratings you’ve seen the cognitive function decline you’ve seen these things I told you about these things I told you about your news media they won’t stand in my way I will even show you the EARPIECE Obama was using I will show you these things I will show you how he led a shadow government from his home I will show you you will hear the words that they have spoken they will protect him more than others yes a globalist will protect Obama more than others you will see don’t worry because they have to deal with me My children this great awakening has started and blinders have been removed And we have already started started seeing blinders on people’s eyes being removed Because people are starting to turn from the left to the right or the right even when they were more on the other side like with The RINOS they’re also turning and realizing this is this is the fight of our nation. This is not just another election This is not an election coming up. This is not just another election that will happen happen before last couple It’s not we’ve been lied to We can see that with all the Hunter and the BIDEN stuff It’s ridiculous what they’ve done. He says I’m stepping in I told you their walls are coming down So some of the walls already are I am opening a great mighty curtain the curtain I’m going to show the world who they are who they truly really are Now that you see they are trying on because your enemy had brought in darkness circumstances tests and trials He brought a manipulation he brought in propaganda. He brought in these systems a Godless system Evil and dark system that you see that’s trying and trying I said trying to run this because it said he was trying they didn’t say he didn’t say they were going to accomplish it He said they were trying to run this world trying to run the governments around the world Trying to connect each other every one of them to each other I told you I sit in the heavenlies and I laugh this connection will not be Oh, no, not because of me Remember, this is not a time for the globalists. This is not time for the one world government. They’ve tried to do it too quickly It’s not time for the book of Revelation yet. It’s getting closer, but it’s not that time So and again off to do a teaching at some point on the book of Revelation Uh, and on the tribulation period, but I don’t have time for that today, obviously now, cause I have another, uh, video I have to make before I have all the meetings for the rest of the day. So I have to keep going. Now, Father, how does this make sense? What is he talking about? I’m going to go up to, um, a couple of paragraphs above that a lie about me to twist such a weakness that people thought I was someone else when I am not at that at all, but my Church the body of Christ the body where my son is the head believed these things about me for many years there’s been a dark a darkness like a shroud over the earth when they were believing a lie after lie and wouldn’t even hear the truth when it was said to them father. How does that make sense? I said in my word if you have ears to hear let him hear because there’s so much deception They would hear the word of truth. Now, listen to what he’s saying They would hear the word of truth, but they wouldn’t hold on to it They let it go They let so much truth go They let me Go because God is truth And so when they heard the truth It didn’t get down into the heart because the adversary came nearly steal it And so it’s separating them from the truth of God and what God was saying and what God was doing That’s why it’s so important to get into the Word of God All right now And what was a lie that that God said up here in this paragraph? I was just a God who sits on his throne and I pick and choose who I heal I pick and choose who is free or who lived or died how many how can people think that about me? But a lie crept in and then the curse came in because again if you’re believing a lie You believe any things are normal and things are okay Then the curse can come in because you just think it’s normal And that’s why God says it’s so important for us to know the truth because if we know the truth in the truth sets you free. All right now then he says No, I’m just gonna read up from up here All right for the Lord this day I say a great awakening there will be because it’s a great awakening with me for far too long My children have done these things without me. They’ve done these things on their own strength their own ability their own wisdom knowledge understanding They’ve done these things without me, but this is a time to set you free Yes to be set free with me a freedom that you have never known a freedom. You didn’t even know existed. Yes, that’s coming Why do you think the enemy is trying so hard to take every freedom away from you? Try to bring so much darkness to try to bring so much division to bring so much confusion. Why? Why do you think he’s doing that? So this freedom in this great awakening this great awakening to me does not take place Why do you think all this is going on with our government? Why do you think this is going on with our schools? Why do you think all this stuff that’s going on in religion and legalism is overtaking the churches? Why? To stop the Great Awakening. To stop the greatest harvest of souls. To stop the God’s glory from coming to this earth. To stop the what? Just God being invited back into this earth and his children being in control Because he says in Luke 10 19. He’s given us all power and authority Dominion. We haven’t had because there’s been a great deception Then he says, um, why do you think this is he’s doing that? So it’s freedom and great awakening That’s great awakening to me does not take place. That’s his ultimate goal. His ultimate goal is for this great awakening not to take place To destroy your spirits. Yes to destroy your spirits to destroy the light To destroy your power that I’ve given to you. It’s inside of you It’s already there, but in most of my children, it’s dormant because it’s been shielded out shadowed However, you want to put that it has been hidden from you Your enemy has tried to put so much in this world to bring so much heaviness To bring so much despair to bring so much darkness that you wouldn’t even see the search for the light You wouldn’t search for me. My child wouldn’t even look for me. It weren’t Look weren’t oh, they weren’t for the longest time. I was just a God who sits on the throne and he goes on to that So this darkness has crept in and because this darkness has crept in it has brought this deception this earth that all these things We’re okay, or this is just how things were in life and it’s really truly not and so God is saying to us today there’s been a deception and The reason is is because Satan did not want you to know the full truth because the full truth will set you free And so if you know the truth the truth will set you free. So know the truth today know the truth that God is not Sitting on that throne picking and choosing who gets to who gets to win who doesn’t get to win who gets to get healed who? Doesn’t get to heal what nation gets to be saved and what nation doesn’t get to be saved. God’s a respecter of persons. So again one of these days this week However, he wants and I know he’s having me do certain different things. I have plenty of prophetic words to give out Without the Word of God, without a solid foundation of the Word of God, hearing prophetic words is not enough to keep your faith up. So I’m going to have to do something different. And he’s had me, he keeps, now I’m not, I don’t like change very much. I’m a person, I like things, I get used to it, you know. But he’s changing it up. And I will give you, I’m going to give you prophetic words exactly the day he wants me to give it to you. But this is also important to give you scriptures to give you teachings longer teachings than just a few short in between Okay, but I want to pray over each and every one of you. I want to pray that you know the truth And the truth will set you free and you have a greater Fellowship with God and Sometimes Satan tries to make that hard He tries to put up walls and tries to put up where you just feel so frustrated that you can’t get to God
So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name I just want to lift up each person at the sound of my voice that’s listening today or whenever day they listen Father God, I thank you for each and every one of them. I thank you for the truth that’s setting them free today I thank you for your written word is spirit and his life into their bodies. It’s life into their souls I thank you Father God right now in the name of Jesus Christ for getting them up out of all that despair getting them up out of all of that overwhelming situations, for getting them up out of that impossible looking situations, for getting them up out of the guilt, the shame, the condemnation, the fear, the worry, the doubt, the unbelief, everything that the enemy is using to keeping them down. I rebuke it right now by the blood of Jesus Christ and I plead the blood of Jesus over each and every one of them. And I thank you Father God for all your children. I thank you for bringing us up for such a time as this and showing them, Father God, your love, showing them how important they are to you, and how they’re important to the world, that they do have a purpose, that they do have a place, that you have something for them to do, even if it’s not in the five-fold ministry, that each and every one of them are important, and they can make a change, they can make a difference in this world. And I thank you, Father God, they are knowing the truth that is rising up on the inside of them. They change the way they think the change the way they look at all this world because they’re seeing it through the eyes of victory They’re seeing it through the eyes of Jesus And I thank you Father God For getting them up for getting them up out of that darkness for getting them up and Restoring them in every single way. I Thank you for each and every precious soul. I thank you Father God of how much you love them, and they know how much you love them, and it’s setting each and every one of them free today. In Jesus name, amen and amen. I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, subscribe. You know me, how I do things sometimes. I’m sorry. Like, subscribe. I’m trying to hurry. I put my words together. And share. And give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

My take on this unusual lesson. Its God homecoming after a long absence. WE were locked out of home with him, for our early psychopathic behaviours.
For far too long my children have done things without me. ( Millennia?)
Now right at the begin.
They have done things in their own strength, their own ability, their own wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. (They had no choice for millennia they were alone) They’ve done things without me, but this is a time to be set free. (So it was banishment. We were abandoned) Yes. To be set free with me, a freedom that you have never known, a freedom you didn’t even know existed. ( A new epoch when everyone is gnostic, previously unknown)
Could we summarise this by saying In the absence of God man invented religions? And now he complains that the religions have led people away from knowledge of Him because he made himself scarce. So that nobody knows him as he actually is. (Many complaints from the chief in Julie pages) And now he is back he is advising everybody to cease religious thinking and cease legalistic thinking.
So what thinking is left ? …..umm….. Gnostic thinking. Gnosis for all. as we progress toward being an ascended planet. One giant leap for mankind.
This is a most exciting time to be alive.
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