Searchable transcript for the serious. This is a long, but a morale boosting revision of many long forgotten promises. Fading memories are a feature of this long drawn out exposure of evil. More evil to be exposed yet. Power shift forecast here.

Goood uh Morning, Everybody and I decided to do a live show today I was in prayer this morning and instead of doing a video in doing a prophecy The Lord really had this on my heart yesterday when I was doing that video About everybody is starting to ask questions more about the economy what happens with that economy crashing? What do we do and the Lord put it on my heart exactly the scriptures He wanted me to give to you and the teaching that I’m supposed to give to you today. So I’m very very excited To give all these words that the Lord has for me to give to you Now, of course before I go over any of this stuff if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page Or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. So a lot of the questions that we have been getting in this ministry is
What do we do with our stocks? What do we do with our investments? What do we do? Well, first of all, I am not an investment person, okay? So I’m not gonna tell you exactly what to do and how to do it. What I am gonna do is give you What the Lord is giving me to give to you and it is for each individual It’s going to be something different and the first and foremost thing I’m going to tell you to do is not to ask me you go to God because God is The our source God is our provider God gives us wisdom and knowledge understanding and I’m gonna give you the scriptures that God has done in the times past where there was a famine in the land or you can even say an economic crash or shortages and things to do and God gave his people what to do and how to handle these situations and So when we have things that go on in the world today that we don’t know how to handle them We don’t know what to do. God always gives us the solution okay, so When I was giving the video yesterday one of the scriptures that he did give to me was Joshua, I’m sorry, not Joshua, Deuteronomy. Not Deuteronomy. Hold on a minute. Galatians 26 was the first one. I have a lot of them I’m going to give to you. So why don’t you guys write these down today? Because we’re going to be in Genesis. We’re going to be in second Kings. We’re going to be in first Kings. We’re going to be in Proverbs. We’re also going to be in Galatians. We’re going to be in Deuteronomy and Proverbs and Philippians. So I’m going to give you several different scriptures. Now the first and foremost thing you have to know is the reason for the things happening with the economy, things happening with famines or shortages, is the Lord has been warning about this over and over again. So before I get to these scriptures I am going to go over prophetic words that the Lord has given to me a long time ago. So the first one I’m going to give to you, this is just a small excerpt from this one. September 29th of 2022, THEIR HOUSE OF CARDS IS COMING DOWN Okay, that was the name of the prophetic word. You can find that on our website. All right now and if I remember after the fact, after this live show is over I will copy these links in the description box for you so you guys can have these prophetic words and one I’m reading from. You know what? I’ll just share my screen so you guys can see them while I’m reading them. How about that? Here we go. So there it is right here. For I the Lord this day am about to show mankind that I am the great I am. I am changing governments. I am changing the court system. I am changing unjust laws. I am changing the churches. I am changing the economy. I am changing this world system in a way no man could have ever thought up on their own. I am doing this to show you, my children, that I am the God in my written Word. I am doing this to prove to those who don’t believe I exist. To show them I do. I am doing this for revival. I’m doing this for freedom and delivering you from a system that held you captive without knowing it. I am your provider and I am or and I will show you that I do what I say I will do And I keep my promises Okay, so first off he’s showing you right here. I’m showing my written word. I’m doing to prove to those that Those who don’t believe I exist To show them I do So the Lord has given us many different prophetic words that he is going to show the world that he does Exist and not in the man’s doctrine. Well, you know man says that God does this and God does that? No, he’s not going to show us that he’s going to show us who he really is and not a version of Him that people have been told God said everything that can be shaken will be shaken and that includes the economy that includes governments He already has just said that in just one of these prophetic words now I want to show you another one because there’s reason for the economy in the way It is going to go and it’s not to bring fear. It is not to bring worry. It’s not to bring Discouragement it is not to bring a panic in the body of Christ or the world. God is saying hey, I warned you of this I’m gonna give you scriptures in the Bible where he warned of things happen Before they happen, but then he gave him a solution before it occurred Okay, so God has been telling us this for a long time. I want to go to another one This prophetic word is called RESTORING MY AMERICA Now. This one is from quite a some time ago. This was December 13th of 2021 so again, he’s been saying this for over a year and a half now. I’ll read this the first two paragraphs America the beautiful you’ll be beautiful once again as I am moving across your land cleansing your soil cleansing your government cleansing your state officials, cleansing your military, cleansing now look what he’s saying FBI, CIA, NSA, FDA, and the UN which is United Nations, cleansing Big Pharma, cleansing education, cleansing your churches, cleansing your production companies, cleansing your news stations, cleansing businesses, and cleansing your economy. That’s every walk of our life. That’s everything that we deal with on a daily basis. God is saying he’s cleansing it. What is he doing? Shaking it. He’s going to shake it up to cleanse it out. That’s exactly what happened with Noah with the flood. What happened? Why was there a flood? There was a flood to cleanse the earth of that evil. So God is going to shake things up to cleanse it out of the evil that has been running rampant, that’s been controlling the economy, it’s been trolling the church, it’s been controlling the world. God is saying I’m cleansing it out. So he says now look at here in the second paragraph Wall Street watch out. I am moving my hand against you. I am wiping out your heinous acts and your manipulation of the markets and the Economy the puppet masters controlled you in order to control the money Where it went and who got the majority of it so they could get richer as the world suffered I am destroying your system, your economy, and bringing in a new one that will give more to the world and not to hoard it for just a few. I am destroying the bull in front of your street. Yes, tearing any and all monuments, old and new, that were put up in this country to mock me and my children. Watch as the circuit boards and the computer crash. The manipulation of your money is about To take a great fall concerning the four nations that control your markets. I am destroying their powers Even as I speak. So what is he doing? He’s showing to you why this has to take place Because some people are asking What is going on? And why does it have to happen? again, God has to destroy a beast system this system is a Godless system. This was system was put in around Nimrod back with the Tower of Babel. It’s a godless system I’ve talked to you about this many times before and so this system was to get you to look to it Instead of getting you to look to God how’s we as Christians are supposed to? So that is a reason why you are seeing things starting to shake when it comes to the dollar You’re starting to see things shake when it comes to the world economy. And the reason for that is not to get into fear This is destroy a market destroy an economic system that was controlled by the globalists that was controlled by these world leaders in order to enslave you to manipulate it So they would get richer while you got poor or you were controlled by them and enslaved by them That’s similar to what happened with Pharaoh and how he enslaved the children of Israel how he enslaved them with Taxation and once he got them with taxation he took majority their money again Manipulated their money he manipulated it and so they were into slavery. That’s exactly what they’re trying to do right now Manipulate the system in order for the markets to crash in order for them to get what they want out of the market in order for you to lose everything that you own and you have to control you even more That’s exactly what the world elites want to do and they want to do that right now God is saying they are not going to get the crash. They wanted. Okay, they want a world economic Complete reset God is saying it’s going to be a biblical one That is the one that God controls and not man Man has tried to control this they try to manipulate and try to twist it that they’ve been trying to hold this up even since last year Again, God is not going to allow them to get what they want. Now. I want to read you another one Okay, this is from It’s called THE TIDE IS TURNING IN THIS NATION AND AROUND THE WORLD This is from June 8th of 2022 now it says I the Lord this day am telling my children regarding the works of the enemy and the Damage that has been caused in the world today with the economy food supplies oil, jobs your children government schools your churches entertainment in your countries That no matter how much they have done to destroy every walk of life Remember, my children, who I am. I am the Restorer. I am the Deliverer. I am your Provider. I am your Comforter. I am your Advocate. I am your Standby. I am your Avenger, and I am your Victory. So again, he’s telling us regarding the works of the enemy and the damage that they have caused in the world today, reading up here in this first paragraph again, with the economy, food supplies, soil, jobs, your children, government, schools, churches, everything. This is another act, I must say the three-letter word, WAR A lot of people don’t believe anything like that is going on right now. Yes, there is. There is a war of different disinformation. There was a war for our freedom. There’s a war for our countries. There is a war for the economy. There is a war for all These different things going on right now. The enemy totally wants a Global reset and because it’s global reset there is an actual war going on It’s as a tactic of war and one of the things a tactic of war again I’m gonna show you the scriptures here in a minute. This is nothing new under the Sun Okay, they have messed with food supplies before they have messed with your water before they have messed with shortages and all those type of things To get you to surrender if you are desperate enough You will surrender into their power and to their control and so that’s exactly what they are doing right now With the food shortages. I just heard from one of The team members here at Julie green ministries. Apparently there’s a port and that was closed as of last week Anyway, it was closed in California. It’s cutting causing shortages and causing things with stores to have bear uh, um, bare shelves again, just like what kind of happened with COVID. Now, will it get that bad again? I don’t know, but that’s what the enemies want. However, God lets them go. I don’t know how far they’re going to go, but all I know is that no matter what, God always has a way out and God never lets the enemy get exactly what they want, when they want, and they never get to go as far They want to go ever and also he late leads them into a trap So everything that they’re doing they’re thinking they’re getting away with it and they’re actually not So what we have to do is we have to get into discernment Which is get into prayer see what God needs us to say see what God needs us to do He will give us the instructions and he’s telling us not to fear of what we see again This is a tactic of war, but God is saying don’t give into that Don’t give in to that kind of fear, but he’s also showing you he’s showing you. Hey, I am the provider. Let me provide I Am wisdom knowledge understanding. Let me give it to you. Let me give you the plan that I have for you Let me show you what to do That is what God’s ultimate plan is what he wants for us is for us to submit to him And not to be controlled and submit to the enemy. Okay. Now I want to read another one. This is from April 19th of 2023. It’s called A BIBLICAL ECONOMIC RESET IS COMING Okay. So he’s been telling us for over a year. So the first, one of the first ones I read to you was in December 21st of 2021. Now we’re back to 2023, but it’s also gave you some in 2022. Now he says a Biblical Economic Reset is Coming. The first two paragraphs, I’m speaking to my children today. I’m speaking these words, these thunderous words. I’ve spoken of this economy. I’ve spoken of shifts and changes. I’ve spoken of shakings. I’ve spoken of great darkness. I’ve spoken of turnarounds. I’ve spoken of earthquakes. I’ve spoken of these things happening in biblical proportions. Yes, weather of biblical proportions. I’ve spoken of these things, including volcanic eruptions. I’ve talked about wars and rumors of wars. I’ve talked about your enemies the Giants that you are facing the ones that are trying He didn’t say they were Trying to control to steal and to kill the ones that are trying to bring in this one world government I have warned you about it. I have taught you about this, but something is coming and it’s on the horizon a Great and mighty something and that something is ME So again, God is telling us something big is happening And when you see it look dark and you see it look like it’s going crazy when you still look everything is going upside down Instead of right side up. God is saying it’s him cleansing and destroying what the enemy had done It’s gonna look like they’re gonna get away with certain things. It’s gonna look like they’re gonna do more power grabs It’s gonna look more Where people again would freak out but God is saying don’t The same thing happened with Pharaoh Again, he was Pharaoh was caught in the trap. He had no idea because of his arrogance and because of his pride Pride comes before a fall. I’m gonna keep saying that pride comes before a fall so when they’re arrogantly doing these things, they are not seeing all the mistakes are making and What really is going to happen? They just see this is what I want I don’t care just like with Nebuchadnezzar when he was trying to throw Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace and he thought By throwing air by heating it up seven times was gonna make it even worse Well, that was not logical thinking Fire would have killed, you know, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego no matter if it was the regular strength or seven times hotter They don’t think clearly when they’re like that So God is saying this is happening again. They’re getting very prideful. They’re getting very arrogant They’re doing they’re falling for things. They don’t realize they’re falling for and it is for their ultimate destruction. Now. I’m reading the second paragraph Man is moving. Yes, it’s moving to wipe out that system What system is he talking about the system that was just speaking to you about it is the economic system Why because that economic system has controlled and manipulated countries is controlled and manipulated Our freedoms is control that manipulated your finances and guys saying it will it will wipe it out So abruptly as I will wipe it out. So abruptly it will shake the world There is nothing that has ever happened to this degree on earth before now the only thing close to this that you know with an economic crash to this degree and a shift of Possessions like this was the original Exodus. You can find that next is chapter 3 God talks about his hand moving and what all the belongings that were due to you. God says he’s gonna give it to him He says ONE NIGHT YOU’LL GO TO BED NEXT MORNING YOUR LIVES WILL BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Your storehouse will be massively full overflowing There’ll be more than you know what to do with. A shift is taking place. A shift of power that I have talked to you about. A shift of power politically a shift of power and authority upon this earth. This is not just something that people are like will do all you talk about with this. It’s money. No, it’s not This is power and authority and dominion that God’s shown We’re supposed to have if you read in Psalm 115 in verse 16 The earth is that he’s given to the children of men Not these men and not these globalists. He’s giving it to his children Now it’s time for his children to take back the authority and take back the economy Take back the nations take back what with what the authority of the name of Jesus that we have been given The problem is because there has not been teaching like this in the body of Christ God said in his word in Hosea 4 6 God’s children are destroyed for a lack of knowledge Because you have no knowledge of this you have no idea what you were been stolen from and how how they were stealing it from you remember what happened with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were manipulated into believing that the serpent could give them something they didn’t have when in fact they already had what the serpent was saying okay they already had discernment they already had the power and he was manipulating what’d he do he Manipulated them out of it God’s people have been manipulated out of their power and authority and dominion just like Adam and Eve They’ve been manipulated out of it and it has gone to the world Okay, it’s gone to the globalists. It has gone to these world leaders It has gone to these countries and these nations with these people who should not be in power It has gone to them because the church was asleep because the church didn’t know their authority The church didn’t know what God had for him The church didn’t know and first and foremost if you think you’re unworthy and you’re just falling short of the glory of God Then you won’t receive these things when God has said I have made you righteous of God what through Christ Jesus So these things that the Satan has done in the church have been teaching doctrines. He’s been teaching religion. He’s been teaching this legalism He’s been teaching this stuff to cheat people out of what rightfully is theirs So that’s why you see these people in control of these nations. That’s why you see the globe was in control That’s why you see them doing what they’re doing is because the church didn’t know What their place was upon this earth the church didn’t know their authority They didn’t know they were supposed to be in control. They didn’t know that they could use it. Well, okay. Hold on They didn’t know this scripture first and foremost Okay, of course you can read in Genesis chapter 1 when he said what I’ve given you complete authority and dominion over everything that creepeth Upon the earth. I’m just doing it really quick because I want to get into other things right now so you can read Genesis chapter 1 verse Genesis chapter 1 26 or 28. It talks about God has made us an image of him The Father Son the Holy Ghost we’ve been made an image of him. All right, then it says it’s given us complete authority and dominion upon this earth that’s amplified version of verse 27 26 and 27 28 all right now I want to read to you Luke chapter 10 I’m trying to go through this quickly because there’s so many things that I have to go over all right now Luke chapter 10 verse 19 behold I’ve given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power That the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you. He’s giving you power authority and dominion Okay, and I’ll have to do I know I’ve done a teaching on it before about all the definitions of those three words I’m gonna have to go back over that again today. I won’t have time. I want to go over another prophetic work alright August 16th of 2022 YOUR ENEMIES PLANS ARE DENIED All right For I the Lord this day and preparing my children for what is coming This is exactly what he’s been talking about. He’s been preparing us for what is coming He said for what it may appear like is taking place Your enemies are about to make another power grab my children Declare this day What is he telling us to do? To say what he’s telling us to say and do what he’s telling us to do Because remember we have he said in Deuteronomy He says before us life and death blessing and cursing you choose. How do we choose we choose with our words? Okay, then he says my children declare this day. That means how do you use your authority you use your authority by speaking? He says they are denied. So speak they’re denied the ability to accomplish the plans. They are trying to fulfill Now I’m gonna stop right there for a minute One of the things that they are doing, I promise you, with these indictments, to the rightful president of the United States of America is not the Biden, it is President Trump. Why do you think the indictments are coming? Don’t be surprised that they’re going to try at least one or two more. Why are they doing that? Because, if you have a person that can’t be bought, if you have a person that is fighting arrest of these globalists, if you have a person that knows what they’re doing, he has certain secrets, he has certain things, you know because God says that President Trump was his David. Why do you think all of them are after one man? Do you see them going after DeSantis? Do you see them going after any other Republican nominee running for president? Do you see them going after anyone else to this degree? No. Why? Because there’s one person that is anointed and appointed for this time to do the will of Almighty God. They’re afraid. So what are we supposed to do? Speaking of these– any indictment they try to do, of course, the truth will come out and he’ll be vindicated God said Vindication you remember he says in Hebrews 10 and 30 that vindication or sorry vengeance is mine But what are we supposed to do? Deny their access to control your life Deny access for their control of The economy for their control of this nation for their control of your nation for their control of the narrative for their control of the food, for their control of the Churches or schools or whatever it is. You deny them the control and the power So again what they’re trying to do in this nation, they’re trying to destroy Trump’s name They’re also trying to destroy Benjamin Netanyahu Why are they trying to do that? Those two are Specifically God says my nations and so you have two people that can’t be bought You have two people that are extremely strong-willed you have two people that won’t back off and back down You also have two nations that the globalists want because if they have these two nations they can have the world Okay, but they’re not gonna get it. They’re not even gonna get it in the book of Revelation They don’t fully get exactly what they want. They almost– but the Antichrist never gets what he wants So, what is he saying? They’re denied the ability to accomplish the plans they are trying to fulfill They’re trying to fulfill the takedown. What did President Trump say several different times? It’s not about him only alone. It is about if he they can get him they can get to us If they can get to him they can get to us Its trying to Fundamentally take down this country once and for all if you take down this nation, you will have the rest of the world But they’re not going to do it He says they are denied the ability to accomplish their plans fulfilling Your enemies are denied access to control your lives They are denied the power to control this nation. They’re not to the power to control the world and its economy They’re denied the power and the ability to could cause another pandemic. That’s what they want to do But they want to use to kill most of the people on this earth The globalists want to bring the the the world population down to 500 million They are bragging about it. Okay, 500 million out of 8 billion people. That’s what they want Covid was just a beginning. That was kind of like a trial run But again, they’re not ever gonna get what they want My children. It will not work. So do not fear their next moves I am warning you. So you use my authority my name and yes a power I’ve given you on this earth They are denied the ability to fulfill their plans Again, this is why God is saying this. He’s been warning us these things So when you see these things start to shake even more God is saying they are denied the ability to fulfill their plans They’re not gonna get what they want. They’re denied access to the one world government now. It’s not for now They’re denied access to the start of wars Because they wanted more. Why do you think we have open borders in this country right this second to start wars? They so desired all over this world Their power is denied to continue the big lie to steal more elections Deny their power my children by shouting my word and not believing Their ability to fulfill anything they want to do So first and foremost is we have to not get in fear and not to believe that they’re gonna get anything that they so desire That is what God is telling us to do not to give in to thinking that they’re gonna get what they desire Okay Now I’m going to stop sharing because I want to go over these scriptures that God has given now I want to show you something again. Why I say this is a tactic of war. That’s exactly what it is If you read in second Kings Write these scriptures down second Kings chapter 7 Okay, so Syria besieges Samaria into famine so a tactic of war is famine or shortages why to bring in fear and fear will bring in desperation and Desperation will get you to submit to their power or to control now look what the Prophet has said in that day, which was Elisha and 2nd Kings chapter 7 verse 1 then Elisha said hear the word of the Lord Thus saith the Lord Tomorrow about this time and measure of fine flour will sell for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria Now that the Prophet had spoken and it looked like it was the most impossible stupid outlandish thing that anybody could have ever said because I Don’t want to get into the scriptures that were before that but they were eating their own children and and bird feces, and they were eating things out of desperation because they had nothing. They were surrounded in their city, so they couldn’t go get water, they couldn’t go get food. And so when they got into desperation, they were eating things that no man would ever think about eating logically in an insane, you know, you’re saying, you know, we wouldn’t eat those things. But when people are desperate, they do certain things. So this was the most impossible looking and Opposite of what it was going on at that particular time Okay So the prophet had spoken again God and do anything without first revealing it to the servants of prophets Amos 3 7 Verse 2 now look people always mock a prophet always always always it’s always happened So he said so an officer on whom’s hand that King leaned and answered the man of God and said Look if the Lord would open and make the windows in heaven. Could this be? Now, I’m gonna read that again Look if the Lord would make windows in heaven. Could this be? So he’s saying even if he got opened up the windows of heaven, how could we have everything we need? in 24-hour period Okay, he’s mocking him. He’s doubting. He’s saying it’s not possible Look what the Prophet said to him. He said and he said Elisha said in fact you shall see it with your eyes But you shall not eat of it So the people that are mocking that the people who won’t listen to what God is saying God is saying they won’t be partakers of it So and then it goes on to say now there were three There were four leprous men at the entrance of the gate and they said to one another. Why are we sitting here until we die? Verse four if we say we enter the city the famine in the city And we shall die there and it goes on and on and on for the sake of time I want many many scriptures. I got to read to you So the four leperous men say okay, we can stay here at the city at this gate. They won’t let us in there because we’re lepers They’re not gonna let us in. We’re gonna stay here We’re gonna die if we let’s just go to the enemy’s camp and we might find mercy for them They might let us live So the four leperous men went to the enemy’s camp and at the same time that they went now look what verse 6 Four leprous men were just walking to this camp. That was it for people verse 6 for the Lord had caused the army of the Assyrians to hear the noise of Chariots and the noise of forces the noise of a great army They said to one another look the king of Israel has hired against us a king of Hittites and the king of the Egyptians to Attack us. So the four leperous men were by themselves out walking to the tents of the Assyrians and the Assyrians heard Chariots and thought that the Israelites got the king in another country to come and fight against the Syrians And so they got into fear and left everything in their tents. They left everything they left their food They left their money they left the horses left the doggies anything they had they left it and guess what happened The four leperous men that they were eating and they were excited and all of a sudden they said we can’t just keep this for ourselves They took it back. They told what happened to Samaria Guess what? They sent people out. They got everything from that camp and exactly what the Prophet had prophesied It was exactly what happened Okay for what he said in verse 1 tomorrow about this time and measure of fine flour will sell for a shekel and two measures of Barley for a shackle in the gate of Samaria. That’s exactly what happened again Why I’m showing you this is because it was a tactic of war The Syrians had covered Samaria in order to bring discouragement in order to bring fear in order to bring the famine in order to bring Shortage to get them to surrender to the Syrians but God’s mouthpiece Which was Elijah at the time spoke and said hey don’t get into fear knock this crap off because I’m paraphrasing Knock this crap off because tomorrow at this time things are going to be a hundred percent different God Took those four lepers men. They just walked there and it sounded like horses and chariots and they got into fear God can do things that we could not even think of in our wildest Imaginations. Okay. I also want to show you something else in Genesis chapter 26 This is the story of Isaac There’s a reason why he’s talking about this. There was so many other prophetic words that he talked about the economy He talked about a biblical reset. He talked about a crash. He talked about all these things Why he’s a warning you something is about to happen. You asked Julie. When is it gonna happen? I don’t know Okay, I am NOT a date setter. I am NOT gonna tell you what to buy I’m not gonna tell you what to invest in. I’m not gonna tell you where to move your money I’m not gonna tell you those things. That’s not what I do. Okay, I don’t do that All I’m giving you is a prophetic word of what God has spoken, but I’m also gonna give you Biblical scriptures of what God has done in the past when certain things like this had happened All right now Genesis chapter 26 and verse 1 now listen to what he happened with Isaac There was a famine in the land besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham So we talked about there was a famine in the days of Abraham Okay, then he said and Isaac went to Abemelech king of the Philistines and Gerar verse 2 The Lord appeared to him and said do not go down to Egypt live in the land of which I shall tell you now Why that was so significantly a significance? That was so important is because when in this day Egypt was the superpower Okay, or you can say Egypt was a control of the economy God was telling Isaac not to depend on that system Not to depend on Egypt not depend on their economy Everybody else around the world was depending on Egypt It was depending on that economy because that was that power it was controlling the world at the time Egypt was in control, but God said Isaac don’t do what everybody else is doing I Want to show you you go to the land that I tell you and I want to show you how to live and I want To show you that you can live opposite of what everybody else is living So when everybody else is living in a famine whenever else is living in an economic downturn a depression when all these things are happening to them. You won’t have that happen to you That’s what God was telling Isaac now. Look what happened. He says verse 3 This is Genesis chapters 26 and verse 3 dwell in the land and I will be with you and bless you for to you and your descendants I Give all these lands and I will perform the oath Which I swore to Abraham your Father So again, he’s making him a promise. I am going to take care of you Don’t rely on Egypt to take care of you. I will tell you what to do and That is what God is telling you and I today He’s telling you and I today Don’t rely on that economy. Don’t rely on the world’s way of doing things Don’t rely on those things He will tell you what to do He will tell you what to invest in or he will tell you where to go He will tell you what to do God promises it these things because even in his word, he’s Jehovah Jireh Which is our provider Okay, the economy is was never meant to provide for us in that way It never was supposed to control what we did Okay, God is and was supposed to be our ultimate source of everything Now verse 12 now look what happened Isaac obeyed, even though I’m sure his feelings and even though his thoughts were probably telling him this is insane Everybody else is going down to Egypt and they’ll be spared from the suffering Okay But he said I’m gonna believe because what happened with my father and how God provided for him. I am going to believe and trust in God. I’m gonna do what God tells me to do. So in a Biblical reset or a famine you can say a depression and in the countries look what God said This is verse 20 Genesis 26 verse 12 that Isaac sowed in that land Now what happened and he reaped in the same year a hundredfold and the Lord blessed him verse 13 the man began to prosper and continue prospering until he became very prosperous why because he didn’t Follow the world’s way of doing things He followed the instructions of all mighty God Okay, that’s how he became prosperous and that’s the reason why he was not affected by an Economic shortage and you can say Julie. How does this pertain to us for first off? It says in Genesis chapter 6 or 26 and verse in Verse 3 he says for you and your descendants All right. We are Abraham seed an heir to the promise you can find that in the New Testament Galatians Galatians 3 this is how this pertains to us and what happened with Abraham and a famine what happened with Isaac and a famine how it can pertain to us Galatians chapter 3 and verse 14 this is the amplified classic amplified version to the end through their receiving Christ Jesus the blessing promise to Abraham might come upon so the blessing or the empowerment as you saw when God spoke in Genesis chapter 1 He gave the blessing upon mankind And of course, we know how Adam and Eve lost it But God said a seed of a woman will bruise your head to the serpent and then Jesus came What? to bring that blessing or that empowerment back So in the New Testament, it says again Galatians 3 14 to the end through the receiving Christ Jesus a blessing promise Abraham might come upon the Gentiles so that we through faith might all receive the revelation of the promises of the Holy Spirit Now also you can read in Genesis 3 29 again read all of these scriptures write them down verse 29 if you belong to Christ are In him who Abraham seed then you are Abraham’s offspring your Abraham’s offspring and spiritual heirs according to the promise How did he treat Abraham Abraham was not affected by a famine? Okay. Also Isaac was not affected by the famine all right now, I also want to read to you and Now if you look I had to go over this quickly because it would take me forever to read all of those scriptures But if you go to Genesis Genesis chapter 41, all right the story of Joseph You know how Joseph he had the dream he could interpret dreams and his brothers envied him They got mad at him. They gave him over into slavery. He got into Egypt Then he found favor men all of a sudden He got thrown into jail Because you know supposedly, you know, he did whatever he did to Potter first wife, even though he did it and so on so he ended up in prison. Well, then he interpreted dreams To those people they then when they were freed, he said don’t forget me which the guy did. But anyway when it came time The Pharaoh had two different dreams and it tormented him for two years He had the dreams of the seven fatted calves and then the seven sickly calves that ate the big a healthy cat of the healthy cows, excuse me cows and he didn’t understand it and it terrified him then he had a dream of the stocks of the ears of grain and They were healthy and all of a sudden this the the sickly ones came and devoured the other ones Okay, the seven other ones. Well, then the the man who was That Joseph helped in the prison when he interpreted the dream and it came to pass He’s one who forgot but then told Pharaoh. Hey, I know a guy who was in prison who can interpret dreams His name is Joseph. So then Pharaoh called for Joseph and then Joseph told him and Interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh Okay, he said what those dreams meant was seven years of famine and there are seven years of plenty and that’s gonna be seven years of famine So what was God doing with this also when it came to a famine God warned about a famine in the land. He warned about a depression or he warned about economic collapse. He warned about this. Why? To spare God’s people. He used Joseph. Joseph went from the pit to the palace in one day in a 24-hour period. One minute he was enslaved and the next minute he was second in command of all of Egypt. Why? Because God had given him that ability no matter how bad Joseph life looked God was using Joseph to save the nation to save his people around the world for that particular reason for that famine there was a famine coming seven years of plenty there were seven years of famine again God always warns God always tells something any again Amos 3 7 God does not do anything without first revealing it to his servants the prophets okay and so he He always warns, but with that warning, look at all the times that there was a famine. There’s more I’m going to give to you for the sake of time to see how many I can do. But every time there was a famine, every time something happened with an economy, every time God warned, and then at the same time he provided. And so what do we have to do when we hear about the dollar, when we hear about the global currency, when we hear about all these things, what do we do? Instead of being in panic mode, what do we do? We get into the scriptures or we listen to these prophetic words that God has given and say, okay God What do you want me to say in this particular time? How do you want me to handle the situation? What do you want me to do? I will do it. You always give instruction God is giving us these marching orders decreased declarations against I’ve told you guys you guys can go to our blog It’s JGM international org under our blog post and you can see the decrees Declarations and things that he’s giving us to say and he’s giving us to do in this particular point in time right now And the reason why he wanted me again to do a live show today is because this is extremely important as well We have to know that something big is coming. God has talked about it He’s warned about it, but I also don’t want any of you to fear about it That’s what he’s telling me to tell you. He’s giving you encouragement. This is going to happen We don’t know exactly how it doesn’t matter how but we know that God will do something in order to Protect us from something that’s coming. He gives us many illustrations in the Bible now. I also want to give you something else What happened when there was a shortage? This is a first Kings 17 Now there was Elisha. Okay, Elisha again. This is verse 1 Elijah the Tisbite of the temporary residence of Gilead said to Ahab as a Lord The God of Israel lives before whom I stand not to be drawn nor rain for these years except at my work So there was a drought Okay again caused a famine caused shortages in verse 2 But then the Lord then the word of the Lord came to him saying He was telling Elisha what to do in the midst of a famine where he was at Then he says in verse 3 get away from here Turn eastward and hide by the book of Cherith which flows into the Jordan Verse 4 and it will be that you shall drink from the brook and I have commanded the Ravens to feed you there Now for most people that people that’s hard to swallow You do what now? I’m supposed to go out of my place where I live and I’m supposed to go by a brook where birds are going to feed me. Logically, it doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t sound like it. And, but Elijah knew God. Again, God’s a supernatural God. He’s not going to line up with what looks, what it looks like naturally or sounds like naturally. God is super upon a natural. He’s a supernatural God. All right. Then in verse 4 and it will be that you shall drink from the brook I’ve commanded the Ravens to feed you there verse 5 so we went and he did it So he obeyed he heard the word of the Lord and then he obeyed what God told him So he went and did according to the Word of the Lord and for he went and saved by the brook of cherries Which flows into the Jordan verse 6 look what happened the Ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and Bread and meat in the evening and he drank from the brook The birds fed him in the morning the birds fed him at night only God but to our natural reasoning our natural minds we would have thought Why would I trust in going somewhere? I don’t know and then wait for birds to give me food? Logically again, it doesn’t make any sense But look what happened exactly what God said to Elijah is exactly what happened Verse 7 he happened after a while that the brook dried up because there had been no rain in that land and they told him to go to see a woman by He said then the world the Lord came to the saying arise go to their path which belongs to Sidon and dwell there see I command a widow there to provide for you Now again, this is a longer story so this widow woman had Was going to go get some water She had a little bit of flour and she’s gonna make a little bit of bread and she was gonna prepare it their last Meal and her and her son were gonna die because they had no money. She was a widow they had no food except for this tiny little bit of flour and Then Elisha saw the widow woman that God told him about went to her and said make me a cake first. Oh My goodness. Oh my goodness religion nowadays and legalism would have just torn that Prophet apart from limb to limb saying how arrogant how cocky how rude how selfish is this man? That she only has a little bit of flour to make for herself for her kid They’re gonna die, but instead he’s telling her to make her him a cake. How how horrible is that prophet? How horrible is that man of God? God had a plan Again, it may not go with natural reasoning May not make any sense the woman the woman said okay, and she did she made him a cake and Then she made herself for her son. The flower didn’t run out Why? Because of her obedience. God is a God who multiplies. I have seen oil I’ve told you guys this before in Oklahoma City and also in Florida. I saw jars of oil Refill time and time again until a service was over Over and over and over again, and I was shocked I was dumbfounded. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t believe my eyes and God said Julie I am the same God in my word if I multiplied in my word Why would I not multiply for you now? For my children now is what he was saying for my children now. Why? I Am a multiplier. I multiply you saw Jesus with the loaves and the fishes. He multiplied they only had a Little bit but that little bit they multiplied and they fed like how many thousands of people? God multiplies you can see this happen again and second Kings and Chapter 4 2nd Kings in verse 4 Okay, there was another widow woman. She had two sons They’re gonna go into slavery to pay off the debt of her husband that he died, but they have go pay off the debt They didn’t have the money to pay the pay what they owed So there’s something we’re gonna have to go into slavery. This is what happened Again, I’m showing you and giving these illustrations of what happens when there’s nothing What happens when your storehouses are empty? What happens when this when the stores are empty? What happens when there’s a famine what happens when there’s shortages? What happens when there’s an economy and there’s no money There’s no way to get money. What is God doing? He illustrates it time and time and time again in his word He always warns but he always provides all way out for each and every one of us. That is his promise okay, then it says in 2nd Kings and chapter 4 and verse 1 a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the Prophet cried out to Elisha and Saying your servant my husband is dead and you know that your servant feared the Lord and the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves So we’re sons. We’re gonna be taken away to provide to fulfill that debt And then so Elijah said to her what shall I do for you? Tell me what to do in this house And she said your your maid servant has nothing in the house, but a jar of oil So she had nothing She was poor. She had nothing left. All she had was a little Jar of oil now listen to what the prophet had told her then he said Verse three go borrow vessels from everywhere from all your neighbors empty vessels and do not gather just a few Verse four when you have come in you shall shut the door behind you and your sons then pour it into all the vessels and set it aside for the full one There was a shortage of oil at that time and all and I’m not kidding all she had there was a shortage of oil and all she had was this tiny little jar of oil okay there was a shortage of oil in that particular land look what God did for this woman so she went and did she got all the vessels and the jar the vessel that she had she kept filling all these other ones and it didn’t stop then verse 6 now came to pass when the vessels were when the vessels were full she said to her sons bring me another vessel and he said to her there is not another vessel so the oil ceased so when they didn’t need any more oil, the oil stopped. I saw that in two church services. When we didn’t need the oil anymore, it stopped refilling. Again, why is God showing us these things in his word? Why does he have these particular stories in the word? Why does he do that? Because there’s nothing new under the sun. The enemy does this constantly he will make shortages. He will make famines He will cause economic crashes and downturns and he will cause this to bring fear He’ll cause us to bring shortages will cause us to bring God’s people under submission into his beast system into his People that he’s using to control the world at that particular time God will always have and that’s why I say over and over and over and over and over again God will always have mouthpieces in the earth because there’s always a plan of the devil but God will always have a plan that will stop that will destroy the plan of the enemy and he has to have people that Are bold enough to speak that word to speak the opposite of what the enemy is doing in order to get God’s people’s attention to listen and to obey the Word of God to listen to what God is saying to not fear and to not Submit and to do what God’s telling you to do to receive your victory That is why prophets have always been important. And again, it’s in the New Testament That’s a five full ministry and prophets were one reason and the reason for that is to bring the body of Christ together Okay. Now again with this 2nd Kings chapter 4 Verse 7 now look what happened. So there was a famine in the land. There was a shortage of oil All she had was oil. He said go get a bunch of empty vessels because nobody else had any oil. She fills the oil People pay for that oil now look verse 7 Then she came and told the man of God and he said go sell the oil pay your debt and you and your sons will live on the rest She was debt-free She was debt-free and I do believe that not only God delivered them out of debt But there wasn’t a oil famine at that particular time anymore And then she had the rest to live on for the rest of her life her and her sons God made her extremely wealthy why again when there is shortages when there is famines when there is time when the enemy again It’s a tactic of war to get you to submit into their power There’s nothing new. And so what do we do? We get into the scriptures. We find out what God tells us to do The first and foremost thing I’m going to tell you to do is do not panic if God could multiply Food he could multiply the flour. He multiplied oil. He multiplied loaves and the fishes He turned water into wine. He shows us time and time again This is what he did with Isaac when Isaac listened Isaac prospered He received a hundred times a hundred fold in the time of famine and then of course even with Isaac he dug wells that Enemies try to steal in the wells from them and every time they got wells and they got wells of water Again, when and whenever the enemy comes and tries to steal something God will always provide a way out God is tearing down an economic system that has enslaved the entire world. It is a godless, it’s a Babylonian system, it’s a system that is designed to take God out of every area of your life and mine. And so what God is saying is he’s going to bring something in. What is it? I don’t know what it is. I can’t tell you. That’s not what he’s given me if he gave me something to tell you regarding what the system is I would tell you but he hasn’t I’m only telling you what he’s telling me to tell you First way again go to our website you can go to look at all the prophetic words that he’s given about economies and about the warnings of what is about to happen I Just read a few of them and if you guys were just joining you can go back and watch the beginning of this live show and it will Um, I you can go back and read the prophetic words that God had given that I had spoken And I read through just again beginning of this live show Because God is giving us he’s trying to get our attention And that’s the reason why he had me do this today and said the prophetic word that I was originally going to do. I There’s been a shift in this last week or two, especially since I was gone out of town There’s been a shift of what hat and how he has me doing these videos in the morning for you Whether I pre record or whether I do a live show It’s been shifting because there’s been a shift in the spiritual atmosphere Something big is about to happen And so God is saying I need to get my children’s attention To get their focus on me to get their focus on what my word says To get their focus on who God is on what we can expect him to do Because if all the scriptures I just read you in the Old Testament where he proved himself as the provider He proved himself as the one who protected and and showed and warned and then also provided a way out he was their victory and This is the Old Covenant. They these people were under the Old Covenant All right, we have a new covenant and we have a better covenant so if God multiplied their food if God protected people in the midst of an economic depression or an economic famine and Shortages and he provided money. He provided food. He provided water. He provided things that they needed Why would people think in this day and age that God would not do the same? that He again had a mouthpiece in the land at a time and was giving God’s people instructions He gave instructions to Isaac himself, but he also with these other ones these other examples I gave you he gave that was from Elisha and through Elisha God is not going to have anything happen in this world that he is not going to warn you of first Another example of what God is saying about an economic crash or an economic downturn and why these things have to happen Proverbs chapter 13 Proverbs 13 in verse 22. I know I’m giving you a lot in a short period of time But I want to do I want to get this out to you before I have meetings and before I do another show today I just felt led to do this differently. All right now, Proverbs 13 and verse 22, a good man leaves an inheritance of moral stability and goodness to his children’s children and the wealth of the sinner, now look at what this says, this is a classic amplified version, finds its way eventually into the hands of the Righteous for whom it was laid up. I’m gonna read that again Proverbs 13 22 a good man leaves an inheritance of his moral stability and goodness to his children’s children the wealth of the sinner finds its way eventually into the hands of the righteous for whom it was laid up is the wealth for the sinner Look what they’ve done with the control of the wealth People think money is a dirty word It’s not the love of money. If you put money before God, that’s the root of all evil The love of money is the root of all evil not having some Religion will tell you if you are we have to be poor because no no, no, no, you don’t Jesus was poor and that meant spiritually he bore the curse for you and I so what that we may become rich Not for ourselves not for greediness not for my name is Jimmy I’ll I’ll take all you give me not for selfish reasons it is exactly what he told because we are Abraham seed and heir to the promise look what it says in Genesis chapter 12. I Know I’m giving out a lot in a short period of time Approximately done this maybe in two teachings instead of one and I might even do another one who knows Genesis chapter 12 in verse 2 look at this and I will make of you now. He’s talking to Abraham remember I just gave you in Galatians 3 14 we have been made Righteous, but we also have been redeemed from the curse. We’re Abraham’s offspring Going to the heirs of promise and then Galatians 3 29 We are spiritual heirs To Abraham and what Abraham what God promised to Abraham now verse 2 and I will make of you a great nation I’ll bless you and with a bunt increase of favors make your make your name famous and distinguished and you’ll be a blessing dispensing goods to others The reason why God wants a wealth transfer or something just change with the wealth It is because he wants you and I to be a distribution center In order to get the gospel of Jesus Christ into all the nations of the earth. It takes money to do it Okay, that’s why God wants his people to have it. That’s why he wants us to change now when I read something Remember God said this is the greater Exodus The greater Exodus it’s greater than the original Exodus what you guys know I’m the Exodus preacher. I preach Exodus all the time. I love the book of Exodus But there was a wealth transfer in Exodus people would say now this will never happen. This is insanity. And this is stupid There has been wealth transfer several times. I’ve already read you several different things about wealth transfers I just read them all I just read a lot to you not them all but I’ve read some to you Look what happened with Exodus chapter 3 God’s been promising that vengeance is his God’s been promising that he is going to do something against the enemies of What they’ve been doing to us in our nations was have been doing to us with the economy what they’ve been doing to us with Our freedoms he’s been saying he’s gonna do something Now look what he promised them in Exodus chapter 3 verse 19 and I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go not unless forced to do so These people we see it before us right now. They would not let us go They’re not gonna let our nations go. They’re not gonna let the economy to go They’re not gonna let us go unless they are forced to do so Same thing again Ecclesiastes there’s nothing new under the Sun Same devil. He just uses different people Verse 20. I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders, which I will do in it And after that, he will let you go So again, he talks about his hand and I’ve told you examples about God’s hand placing judgment on one party placing busting on another Look what this says in Verse 21 I will give us people favor and respect in the sight of the Egyptians and it shall be when you go you shall not Go empty-handed the original Exodus. They did not go empty-handed Why would guys why would you think that God would want us to go empty-handed out of this economic system? The money has to first of all has to go somewhere and why would God want it in the hands of the evil ones? which it’s already been in for the last how many years and They’ve used it to control the user manipulate. He’s used to steal. He’s used to kill the user destroy John 1010 The thief comes to steal kill and destroy but if God’s people don’t have a knowledge of what God wants for them, then they won’t know and That’s why there are teachings like this to let God’s people know The truth of what God’s Word is saying of why now look at this. I Just read you Proverbs 13 22 now look what this says Exodus 3 22 but every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and of her her may be residing in her house jewels and articles of silver and gold and Garments, which you shall put on your sons and daughters and you shall strip the Egyptians of belongings due to you it Belonged to the Israelites these things belong to us. It was stolen It was manipulated out of the hands of the body of Christ at the hands of the church because of religion religious indoctrination in the body of Christ They were asleep Didn’t know what rightfully belonged and then it got into the hands of the wicked the wicked is The reason why you’re seeing evil running so out of control That’s why we’re seeing these things right now Okay, he says the Egyptians are the belongings that were due to you God is telling us these things These things belong to us but the people of the world have taken it and have used it and manipulate it to kill us with it you see what they’re doing to our food you see what they’re doing to our soil our air you see what they’ve done by their propaganda in the news and what they’ve done with different foreign countries and their Leadership where they’ve done in this country in this supposed leadership The Lord has me All right Proverbs 10 22 the blessing the Lord it makes truly rich and he adds no sorrow with it. Neither does toiling increase it I could go over so many scriptures about in this day and age of what scriptures we are supposed to be reading and Believing God for it says in Philippians 419 that God will look what liberties apply filled overflowing your every need so in the time of need in a time of a biblical reset When it looks like the economy is crashing It looks like the world is going into chaos and it looks like all these things Julie Why are you saying these things you usually are encouraging? Why are you you know, you’re freaking us out I’m not here to freak you out. I’m here to set it straight as a warning to the body of Christ of what is going to happen. It’s not if This will happen. It’s when the enemy is doing it for their own financial gain Okay, they’re doing it for themself But when they actually do it for myself God has been saying how many times that they will reap what they sow See time and harvest you can’t get away from it They’ve so much destruction. They will reap much destruction. That’s what God is saying He’s tried to get them to repent just like he did with Pharaoh and you look and saw what happened to Pharaoh He lost everything. He lost his own life all the Kings men all Pharaoh’s men. They all died but first They lost all their possessions They lost their power In Egypt to this day over after 4,000 years is still never regained their superpower status They never gained what was what was theirs at one at one time That power they had at one time why because they’re still under that curse or some of that judgment God’s talked about judgment. He talks about things happening. He talks about things shaking. We talked about earlier the beginning of this video that there has been a war and it’s Strategic tactic of war that they’ve been trying is shortages is famine Inflation, why are all this is not all this is happening by chance right now you have the Biden and what’s going on with him is that by chance the same day that came out that he received five million dollars and Hunter received five million dollars is that coincidence the same day all of a sudden another indictment came with President Trump. Again, first you have disinformation, you also have propaganda, you have all these things that the news media is trying to spew and trying to twist and manipulate truth in order for you to pay attention to be distracting. They’re causing all these distractions so people pay attention to that and you’re not gonna be paying attention to what they’re doing to the dollar. You’re not gonna be paying attention to what they’re doing to the ports in California. You’re not gonna be paying attention to what they’re doing to your store shelves. You’re not gonna be paying attention to all these different things. You’re not gonna be paying attention to inflation going up. You’re not gonna be paying attention to this because all your focus is you’re laser focused on one thing. God wants us laser focused on one thing, but it’s not what the news is telling you. It’s not oh my God, what we gonna do if the economy crashes? God is saying focus on him. Don’t focus and don’t get your heart set of going. What’s gonna happen to Trump? I promise you he will be fine. God will take care of it What do we do? We pray We pray we use our power authority and dominion that God is telling telling us to say telling us to do okay Same thing with the economy same thing with inflation same thing with shortages. What is God telling us? He’s giving us things to say he’s giving us things to do. He’s giving us things to look at Not to what the world wants your attention at there’s so many scriptures that I have That I wanted to go over still I’ve given almost all of them I think Hold on he’s giving me this this scripture that a lot of people Don’t read maybe never even ever heard before It’s an Ecclesiastes This is another reason why you’re seeing the economy switch and you’re seeing all these political things happen. So you’re seeing the economy, you’re seeing politics, and you’re seeing inflation, you’re seeing shortages, you’re seeing all the wars that are going on supposedly with Ukraine and Russia, a lot more going into that than what they’re telling you. Again, all these things are going on right now to distract you from what they’re trying to do. Now, Ecclesiastes chapter 10, verse 5, there’s an evil which I have seen under the sun, like an error which proceeds from the ruler. Verse 6, folly is it set in great dignity in high places, and the rich sit in low places. Verse 7, I’ve seen slaves on horses and princes walking around like slaves on the earth. What is that scripture talking about? An evil. When evil is in control the wrong people are in control. He says folly is in great dignity in high places and then the rich sit in low places. I’ve seen slaves on horses. That means people who are not supposed to be in control are sitting on those horses or high places and they are in control. When princes are walking around like slaves on earth, God’s children should not be enslaved to these globalists. They should not be enslaved to these tyrannical governments they should not be enslaved why because God said in again I read that I quoted that I guess in Psalm 115 in verse 16 God’s children the earth he’s given over to the children of men the earth does not belong to the evil wicked rulers the earth belongs to the church and that is the reason why we have to know these things we have to know what’s going on we have knowledge of what’s going on so then we know what to do about it so when these things happen you will know what to do you say Julie you’re doing a video regarding you know an economy in regarding what’s going on and and you know why are you bringing up Trump in it because it’s It’s getting people in fear. It’s getting people discouraged. It’s getting people beaten down to the point where they’re not fighting anymore. The enemy, this is a tactic of war. They want you to be so beaten down, you give in. Never, never, never, never give in. Never give in despite how bad it is, okay? God is in control and that’s why I wanted to give you today Go through go back and watch it. There’s tons and tons of scriptures. I gave to you I know that I gave him quickly and I spent way more time that I was planning on because there’s so much of this I Could go on even longer on this teaching There’s God’s children need to awaken and realize who they are and who is in them So when these things go around and it shakes and it gets dark and it gets crazy and it gets chaotic and people are going What’s going on? What’s going on? You are stable You are not moved because of what God is saying and what God has given to you God has given you something to do. He’s given you the ability to rise up above That’s why he’s giving you power authority and dominion and I really truly hope this encourage you today I do have to go because I do have meetings I have to get to but before I do that Of course, I want to pray over each every one of you and if God wants me to to Do more of an in-depth on this or talk about this that you might see me do another part to this Okay, I don’t know. It’s all I would tell you this all the time It’s all what he wants me to say and what he wants me to do If he wants me to go on in this I will go on another teaching on this. Okay, but right now I want you all to be encouraged. I want to pray for an awakening. All right I want to pray for the peace of Jerusalem pray for the peace in this country prayed for the peace in this in this in the body of Christ But also for an awakening so people can see the truth. So Heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus. I Left up every person at the sound of my voice. I left up all their family members to you I left up their nations to you. I thank you Father God I left up this country to you and I thank you for a great awakening in the body of Christ awakening in the United States America awakening in Israel awakening the nations around the world a great awakening right now by the blood of Jesus Christ and Awakening to you father God and awakening to the power and authority and dominion that you’ve given your children awakening to the truth Awakening father God of what you have for us and what you put us on this earth for we praise you We thank you that nothing the evil ones are doing no matter what they want We thank you father God that they will not prosper and the things what they’re doing because it says in your word And I as they have 54 17 no weapon formed against us shall prosper So we call down their weapons we call down their propaganda. We call down their news stations We call down that what they’re doing with these indictments. We call down there what they’re doing these famines We call them what they’re doing with this economy against us We thank you, Father God, that nothing the enemies do, it will not affect us because you are the God, the same God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And you put your people in the land of Goshen, and you protected your people in Goshen. And I thank you, Father God, that you are protecting us now because we have a greater covenant than you had with them. I thank you, Father God, that we are protected by the blood of Jesus. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I pray for the peace in this country I pray for the peace father God no matter what the enemies are trying to with chaos No matter what they try to do with that with the economy no matter what No matter what it is. You’ve given us warnings, but not also you’ve given us warnings You’ve given us the strategies you have given us things to do you’ve given us things to say you’ve given us things to look forward And I thank you father God that you are the way maker. I thank you father God that you are the provider I thank you father God that it says in your word in John 17 that we are in this world But we are not of it We’re not subject to it and I thank you for what Jesus did I thank you for our blood covenant and I thank you for each and every person that’s watching now They watch later on God I thank you for blessing each and every one of them because they had the empowerment of the blessing on them to succeed to excel and rise above all Which will try to keep them back and to hold them down and I thank you for that and manifestation in their life in Jesus name amen and amen Well as usual I hope this encouraged you today, please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone, you know Who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day

So our morale suffers because of the long drawn out parading of exposed evil with nobody in an orange suit. Not one. The sheer volume of the evil is hard to face. This Julie reminder of promises made is a morale booster. Newly released Tucker Carlson is race calling Donald Trump arrested for the second time to distract from the 17 taped Biden criminal phone calls involving a Ukraine foreign national bribing the Bidens with $5 million each. Criminal FBI is stonewalling. Sitting on the tapes. I am hoping the simultaneous death of two politicians upper and lower house and then a third Senate death will cause Biden Government collapse. Senate only has one seat majority today.( Kamala Harris) Chuck Schumer Senate Leader has been tipped as the first one to die. And Biden’s final fall could be any day. Much to look forward to.
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