Searchable transcript for the serious

Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is Wednesday, June 14th of 2023. Happy Flag Day. I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it’s called AN ARMY IS MOVING THAT CANT BE STOPPED. I heard this prophetic word on June 7th of 2023. Now before I get to that, I do have a few announcements to make. I was on a live show yesterday and it was called the podcast called Alpha Vets. It was with two veterans Israel and Chris. It was a great live show I had a lot of fun and I will leave the link in the description box for you So you can also watch it and today I will be on again because it’s Wednesday I’ll be all with pastor David Scarlett with Take Five in His Glory at 11 o’clock Central time. I love Wednesdays. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do in this show today I absolutely love the confirmations. We get you probably hear me say that all the time, but it is so true And that’s why I love to do the shows with Pastor Dave now Also, if you do have any prayer requests or praise report, please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page Or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200 DAVENPORT, Iowa 52807 Now that’s all the announcements I have today and here is a prophetic word called


Again. This was from this was from June 7th For I the Lord this day I’m telling you that an army is moving a great and mighty army My angels I have sent to help my children in this hour and in this time an army that’s innumerable, an army that can’t be stopped, an army that’s undefeated. My children, you see giants in front of you. You may see their power and their strength. You may see all that they have done to you and all that seems that they have gotten away with. But what you don’t see is a mighty army that is with you and there is more with you than against you. What you see must end, and it does have an end date, and it’s coming due or about to expire, you would say. They, your enemies, thought they have gotten away with what they wanted, and in actuality, the opposite happened. As they push their agendas, they push their narratives, as they push their propaganda, as they push through their laws, as they pushed through their fraud and their elected officials and they did more of what they wanted. It seemed like everything was going so perfectly for them, but I was there and let them believe that so they could walk right into every trap I had set for them. Yes, every trap to end each and every one of their plans, and at the same time, awaken my body, to awaken my nation, to awaken the world, and to strengthen them, perfect their faith as they grew stronger. The enemy’s power grew weaker by the day. My children have been growing stronger and stronger in me, growing in my word, feeding on my truth to set them free from their captivity. My children, it’s all coming together, you would say. It is, and I am moving for all the world to know that I am the way. I’m the only way. I am your deliverance, that I am victory, that I am love, that I am the Most High God, and no one gets past me. So rest in me today. Rest in my words. Rest with my peace that I have given to you. Receive my joy that gives you strength needed to get through each day, to rise above your circumstances when your enemy wants to keep you down. You shout him down and tell him, no Satan, you will not take what belongs to me. You will not have your way because God is the way. He lives in me and he defeated you. That means you have no power against me. My children learn of me more and stand against your enemy and win every time Sayeth the Lord.

Great revelations are coming regarding Hammer and Scorecard. More than has been revealed. Much more.

Drones and the truth of what has been flying above your nation is about to be revealed. Big time.

Ragweed. This word will be in your news for surprising reason.

A GENERAL is about to be in your news, and great exposures are coming to more people in the government including the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and some in military positions that will shock this nation.

Watch what they say and do regarding the US currency. My children STAND AGAINST GLOBAL CURRENCY and shout it down now. Shout down this beast system. Do not give in to what they are saying, ever. Regardless of what it looks like, they don’t have the power to do it.

Another major corporation is about to be exposed and it will take a massive fall. Stocks are not done falling for many corporations and big banks is about to be hit in a major way.

A day is coming very soon where they will not be able to hold up their stock market because I am coming to shake it like it never has been shaken before. Wall Street is being exposed, and every government official who took part in shady deals and insider trading, along with getting paid to pass laws that are unconstitutional, these days are coming to an end.

A SENATOR is about to be removed from their seat in a shocking way.

A well-known GOVERNOR is about to be exposed. I told you my children this is a time of great reveals and great exposures every lie about to be revealed in this establishment in DC is about to be brought down in a way no man would have thought possible I am the way to bring it all down faster than any man or any military power I am moving with my army toward your enemies and Soon, you will see a great defeat and a great overthrow in not only this country, but many around the world sayeth the Lord of Hosts

Julie Green NOW, of course, I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word But when I was studying this morning, the Lord had given me a few scriptures that I need to give to you today Regarding this prophetic word. There’s so much in this prophetic word. That’s a great revelation For us to know first and foremost when is this title of this prophetic word AN ARMY IS MOVING THAT THEY CANT BE STOPPED That army is God’s angel armies We may not be able to see them just because we can’t see them doesn’t mean that they are not there God is saying they’re that they are an innumerable the angels that are with us are innumerable and it shows and I want to read Read this yesterday, but I really felt in my spirit that I needed to read it again today because it goes along with this prophetic Word we’re talking about the angel armies now Elijah and Gahazii. I and I read this again. I read this yesterday Elijah and Gahazii were surrounded and it was just the two of them the Prophet Elisha and Gahazii and they were surrounded by an incomplete army It was huge and one of the things that Elijah the Prophet was saying to Gahazii he said in verse 16 He said so he answered Do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them Now naturally that Seemed insane or outlandish and crazy but spiritually again, God says in his word in 2nd Corinthians 4 and 1118 that things that are seen are temporal they’re fleeting and subject to change and then it also says with the things that are unseen are eternal Okay, they last forever But read the classic amplified version of that scripture now Why am I saying that because the things that we are seeing have an expiration date? They are not going to last forever That is in the scriptures again Write this down 2nd Corinthians 4 to 18. Okay, he wants me to not quote it. I Gotta read it Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen The things that are visible are temporal brief and fleeting but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting. So he’s talking about an angel army that is with us. Okay, there’s so many examples that I want to get to today. If I can, I can. If I can’t, we’ll just see what I can do. All right, now again, 2nd Kings chapter 6. Now, he says there’s more of us. Now naturally, again, seemed pretty outlandish and impossible. But this is what the Prophet Elijah prayed to the Lord for Gehazii. Verse 17, the Lord prayed and said, Lord I pray, open his eyes that he may see. The Lord opened the eyes of the young man and they saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. Open his eyes. His physical eyes were already open. It was his spiritual eyes. God opened his spiritual eyes so he could see the chariots of fire we have chariots of fire we have angel armies that surround us so it doesn’t matter what our enemies try to do there is more of us than there is of them and what the Lord said in beginning of this like first paragraph I’m pretty sure it was he said they’re undefeated. God is undefeated. So again, I would also read something when I was reading this prophetic word this morning before I got on here to do it, when I was studying. The Lord brought me back to this scripture as well because he said ONLY HE COULD DO IT Only God can get us out of what we see today. No, not just a man, and not just a normal military. It has to be God that’s with that man. That’s with that military power. It’s God and God will get the glory. And look what he says in Exodus chapter 3 and verse 19. And I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so, not by a mighty hand. What does that mean? That’s Exodus 3, 19 in the classic amplified version. What does this mean? No, not by a mighty hand. So that means Pharaoh would not have let the children of God go, the Israelites go, not by a natural might, not by natural means or natural power Not what the Israelites had it had to be God’s hand That’s what again. I’m gonna read this and I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless Forced to do so who’s gonna force him to do so? God. The same thing is going on right now. God is going to force them to let us go They’re not gonna want to they’re gonna keep pursuing just like Pharaoh did because again, he calls him the Pharaohs of today But even though they may do these things Remember what happened to the original and I know you say Julie talkS about this all the time. Yes get this down into your spirit I also want to read something that he showed me again this morning 2nd Chronicles in verse well the whole thing read all of 2nd Chronicles chapter 20. Okay for the sake of time. I can’t read it all but in 2nd Chronicles chapter 20 in verse 2 now listen to this scripture it says then some came and told Jehoshaphat saying a Great multitude is coming against you from beyond the sea from Syria and they are the Hazor on of Timar which is and it says another name and then it goes on and says and Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judea or all Judah. So what was he doing? He was told that there was a great multitude or a great military might that was against him. And of course that looked impossible because there was so much more of the enemy than there was of Jehoshaphat’s army. All right. And you go down in verse 6 Oh Lord of our father or God of our fathers. Are you not God in heaven? Do you not rule? Listen, do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations and is your hand is there not power and might? So that no one is able to withstand you? They’re reminding God and remind themselves. Are you not the most high God? Don’t you have more power than any kingdom or any nation or a military might? Don’t you have more of that power? You see that I’m gonna read that again. Oh Lord our God of our fathers. Are you not God in heaven? Do you not rule now? Listen, he does rule over all the earth and they knew it Do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations and in your hand is there not power and might they even knew the power of his hand Because they heard of all the things that were that happened before They knew he was the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob so that no one is able to withstand you and Then you look down in verse 7 Are you not our God who drove out the inhabitants of the land before your people of Israel and to go to the sentence of Abraham? you’re for your friend forever and verse 8 and they dwell in it and have built you a sanctuary in it for your name saying a disaster comes against sword judgment pestilence or famine Listen to all these things if disaster comes upon us with sword Judgment pestilence or famine we will stand before this temple in your presence for your name is in this temple and cry out to you in our affliction and You will hear and save Now I’m gonna jump to verse 11 Here they are rewarding us by coming to throw us out of your possession which you have given us to inherit So the enemies were coming to throw the you know Jehoshaphat and all of his people out of the land that God had given him So they were standing and reminding God of his promises that he had given to his people and in verse 12 O God will you not
judge them ? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us nor do we know what to do But our eyes are upon you they knew They weren’t arrogant. They weren’t prideful. They weren’t haughty They knew that this great multitude had more power, but they also knew that God had more power than that great multitude And so instead of trying to do these things on their own with their own strength and their own ability They sought God in his right hand his strength his ability and They prayed and they fasted there was a fast in the land because of what was against them This is the end of verse 15 and it says do not be afraid nor dismayed because this great multitude The battle is not yours but God’s I’ll work from the Lord Do not be afraid nor dismayed because it’s great multitude for the battle is not yours But God’s all right. I’m gonna jump down to verse 17. You will not need to fight this battle Position yourself stand still and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you Oh Judah and Jerusalem Do not fear or be dismayed Tomorrow go out against them for the Lord is with you Why did he want me to read these scriptures to us today to remind us? To not do anything in our own strength and our own ability and not look to the right not to the look to the left but look straight up to him and Remind ourselves that his hand is moving that his hand is the one that defeats the enemy His power is a power that no foe can withstand and remind yourselves that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the Most High God He lives on the inside of you and he’s greater than he that’s in the world We say the scripture all the time. I say it continuously the Lord has me say I say he wants me to say it to you The reason for that is because he wants you to know that it’s not your strength alone You don’t have to fight these battles by yourself You don’t have to sit there and try to struggle and just try to survive every single day God says it’s by his strength. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us not our own ability Not our own strength not our own wisdom and not our own wisdom or understanding now look at then Jump down to 2nd Chronicles 20 20 at the last part of this verse It says believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established believe his prophets and you shall prosper then Look what they did in verse 22. This is another thing that he’s been telling us to do in our marching orders Now when they began to sing and praise began to sing and praise The Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon Moab and Mount Seir who had come against Judah and they were defeated God set ambushes now Remember yesterday if you not miss out you’ve missed that live show go back and watch it because there was part of it that God Was giving to us it was in second Kings in chapter 7 when it was four lepers that went Because they were gonna die no matter where they were because they were lepers And so instead of just sitting at In front of Samaria, they’re like, okay We’re just gonna go and with a Syrian army and see if they were actually, you know spare our life so they went to the Syrian tents and They were gone. The reason why they were gone is because the Syrians had heard horses and chariots You can say God set an ambush And so they took off running in stark terror because they thought there was a military might greater than them Coming after them when it was just for leprous men again The lepers didn’t have to fight Samaria didn’t have to fight God did it God destroyed the enemy without even having to them that and lift a finger Same thing happened with this God’s people instead of getting panicked instead of giving in To the fear of the multitude the fear of the pressure of defeat in battle Okay they praise and worship God and because they did that God set ambushes up and The enemy was defeated. I want to read one more scripture and it says in verse 24 when Judah came to the place overlooking the wilderness They looked toward the multitude and there were their dead bodies fallen on the earth. No one had escaped Again, the battle was Lord. It wasn’t theirs Who do you think fought them? How do you think they all perished? Hmm? Now verse 25 when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away their spoil They found among them an abundance of valuables on the dead bodies and precious jewelry Which they stripped off themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days gathering the spoil because there was so much There was a transfer of wealth as well So the battle was won by God and then there was a transfer of wealth We don’t have to always fight these battles How we fight them is with prayer Praise and worshiping God focusing on him and not focusing on what all the enemy is doing all the time We have to know what they’re doing to pray against it, but not to focus on it and getting into fear over it Okay, I’m gonna go back over and read the prophetic word again. Now the last paragraph I am moving with my army towards your enemies and soon you will see a great defeat in a great overthrow and not only this country but many around the world sayeth the Lord of Hosts Why that is so profound you can see when he says the Lord of Hosts He’s been saying it in many different of these prophetic words. He says that many different times in the Bible Lord of Hosts means the Lord of Angel Armies God is moving his hand and he also has a military might in an army an angel army the chariots of fire the angels the chariots of fire they are moving with him and They are undefeated and they are on our side Remember if God goes before us who can be against us and if God is on our side whom shall we fear? Two different scriptures that are great to know that you are not alone and not fighting battles by yourself I told you my children. This is the time of great reveals and great exposures Every lie is about to be revealed and this establishment in DC is about to be brought down in a way Now listen, what are you saying in a way? No man would have thought possible we’re thinking of possible that like the establishment DC and how it’s gonna come down is by another election and God is saying in a way No man would have thought possible. Just like what’s own of Israel says I says all the time I know by the Red Sea no one thought about the Red Sea. No one. It was right there, but no one thought that that was gonna be the way of escape. There’s things probably right in front of us that we don’t see are the way of escape Until it’s that time He says many then listen to this. I am the way to bring all of it down faster Than any man or any military power What is that talking about? Any military power naturally could not do it by itself without God’s help. Without God’s help. Because this is a spiritual battle. It’s not just a natural battle. You cannot fight a spiritual battle with natural ability or strength. You will lose. And that’s what God is showing us right here. I am, I am the way to bring it all of it down faster than any man or any military power. So again, he’ll help them, but they couldn’t do it without him.

A well-known GOVERNOR is about to be exposed and he’s been talking about governors. He’s actually mentioned a few of them. Um, he’s mentioned the governor of New York. He’s mentioned the governor of California. He’s mentioned the governor of Michigan. He’s mentioned the governor of Georgia. He’s mentioned the governor of Arizona. Old and the new one. None of them are getting away. I don’t care if they stepped away. It doesn’t matter. Judgment is coming. A SENATOR is about to be removed from their seat in a shocking way. Wall Street is being exposed and every government official who took part in shady deals and insider trading along with getting paid to pass laws that are unconstitutional then he says These days are coming to an end So all this two-tiered justice system all these things that are unconstitutional God is saying it’s coming to an end whether it looks like it or not A Day is coming very soon where they will not be able to hold up their stock market because I’m coming to shake it like it never has been shaken before God says I am coming now you can see even with 2nd Chronicles 20 20 or 2nd Chronicles 20 the whole entire chapter again God’s people didn’t have to fight and then there was a wealth transfer you can see what happened in the original Exodus There was a wealth transfer. You can see in many different places. God multiplies and God provides Okay for his people no matter who they’re up against Doesn’t matter Because God’s the same God no matter what And who they’re and who we’re fighting Stocks are not done falling for many Corporations and big banks. It is about to hit in a major way So we’ve seen like the prophecy when he talks about Anheuser-Busch We’ve been seeing what’s been going on against them because I hope Bud Light conspiracy thing with Dylan Mulvaney And then you’re seeing what’s going on with Target. You’re seeing what’s going on with people who’ve been sticking up and and sticking up for that whole entire situation You’re seeing these things and their stocks are plummeting and he’s saying this is not the end. This is just the beginning of Big banks or big corporations that think they can do and say whatever they want to say and do– that’s not going to happen These are the days where people are receiving a great harvest. They’re reaping a great harvest of what they have sown. This is part of what’s called judgment. They’re doing it to themselves. God’s giving people time to repent and they didn’t. Another major corporation is about to be exposed and it will take a massive fall. So again, he’s talking about another major corporation.

Watch what they say and do regarding the U.S. currency, my children. STAND AGAINST GLOBAL CURRENCY Shout it down. Marching order right there. You want to see all the marching orders and the decrees and declarations, things that God’s been giving us a say and do, you can go to jgminternational.org under our blog page and you can see that. And also because I’m in the middle of this, because it’s harder for them to edit, I am no longer on YouTube. So if you are watching on YouTube, this is not the original Julie Green ministries YouTube channel Somebody has taken our videos and then putting them up on YouTube without our consent So, all right. There’s why I’m saying that it’s because it’s harder to edit. It’s harder for them to edit That’s why I don’t do it in the beginning anymore. All right now Then he says shout down the Beast system do not give in to what they are saying ever Regardless of what it looks like, they don’t have the power to do it. So people are going to say they don’t have the power to do what? THEY DONT HAVE THE POWER TO BRING IN THE GLOBAL CURRENCY The complete beast system which you see in the book of Revelation. First of all, Satan never gets what he wants even in the book of Revelation. He almost gets it, but he doesn’t get it. And so when they want with this global currency or a one world government, they’re not going to get it They don’t have the power to get it God’s against them. God’s army is against them That’s what God says. We need to shout them down. Remember remind yourselves of the walls of Jericho God’s people been told to shout against their enemy before no matter how impenetrable that they may seem shout down what they have, shout down their plans, shout down their walls, and see what God does.

A GENERAL is about to be in your news, and great exposures are coming to more people in the government, including the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and some in military positions that will shock this nation. Now, God’s been talking about the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA. He’s been talking about those three-letter agencies, I think since the end of 2021, if not the very beginning of 2022 and we’re seeing Massive exposures in the FBI and the CIA he’s prophesied that he told us about that. Why cuz God gives us news before the news God gets all the praise and the glory for us and I’m just so thankful that he is been giving us these things to show Us hey, he is still speaking and not only is he still speaking, but he’s still doing something about what things look like right now So a GENERAL is going to come out in the news Great exposure coming to more people in the government including the FBI CIA the NSA and some in military positions That will shock this nation.

All right RAGWEED This word will be in your news for a surprising reason I thought that was kind of interesting when I heard that word, but I heard it So I wrote it down

All right DRONES and the truth of what has been flying above your nation is about to be revealed big-time ( drones are snapping flying metallic orbs all over the world video Afterword below)

Remember God has given us many different prophetic words regarding the skies above us Especially in the United States of America and now he’s talking about specific Drones that have been up above in our skies that we have not been aware of and God is saying the truth about what’s been Flying above our nation is going to be revealed

This is great revelations are coming regarding HAMMER and SCORECARD More than has been revealed much more now some of the Hammer and Scorecard that had came out around Right after the 2020 election. I mean before I can’t remember. I don’t remember much about it I just remember hearing those words, but a lot of evidence had come out and God saying it’s not done There’s much more to be revealed regarding Hammer and Scorecard. All right now he says my children. It’s all coming together You would say it is and I am moving for all the world to know that I am the way What’s let me saying I am the only way that is the way the truth in the life He says that I am your deliverance that I am victory that I am loved that I am the most high God and no one gets past ME so rest in me today rest in my words rest in my peace that I’ve given to you receive my joy That gives you the strength needed to get through each day to rise above your circumstances when your enemy wants to keep you down You shout him down then he’s giving you something to say No, Satan, you will not take what belongs to me. You will not have your way because God is the way he lives in me And he defeats you and that means you have no power against me Remember it says in James of four seven Resist the devil and he what must flee Resist the devil and he must flee. He doesn’t have an option God is telling you to say NO He’s telling you to tell him to go to the enemy to go He doesn’t have the power over your life over your family over your situations and circumstances He doesn’t have the power of what’s he’s doing in this nation or around the world He doesn’t It just looks like it, but he truly doesn’t God has given us power and authority in this earth Then look what he says in this paragraph they your enemies thought they got what they wanted and in actuality the opposite happened this happened in so many different times and illustrations in the Bible of stories of the enemies of Almighty God really thought they were getting it and You can even read the book of Esther. I would love to read that one today I was planning on reading I didn’t have time but with Haman he wanted it He thought he was getting what he wanted. He even built the gallows and so arrogantly was gonna say hey, you know King I’m gonna take Mordecai. I’m gonna hang him on his gallows and then instead it was Mordecai that was raised up and it was Haman that hung on the gallows That’s why God keeps saying the days of Haman way the book of Esther. It’s I love it I love that story All right now as they push their agenda as they push their narratives as they push their propaganda as they push through their laws and they push through their fraud and their Elected officials because they weren’t elected and they did more of what they wanted and it seemed like everything was going so perfectly for them But I was there God’s omnipresent. He’s everywhere He says and let them to believe that so they could walk right into every trap I had set for them gets every trap to end each and every one of their plans At the same time awaken my body to awaken my nation to awaken the world You strengthen them to perfect their faith as they grew stronger the enemy’s power Enemy’s power grew weaker by the day So as a body of Christ was wakening up as we were receiving more power more authority and dominion that we were realizing it because The truth was setting us free regarding it. The enemy was power was growing weaker while we were growing stronger Then it says, um, my children have been growing stronger and stronger in me growing in my word feeding on my truth to set them free from their captivity. Now, listen to this one. My children, you may see giants in front of you. It may seem like we have, well, there’s tech giants, but you see all these giant corporations and companies and all these different people that have multi-billions of dollars, and it looks like they can do whatever they want when they want. It looks like these giants was that the people that are in the government, it looks like, you know, they can say and do whatever they want and they can get away with it. But what does God say? You see the Giants in front of you You may see their power and their strength. You may see the all that they have done to you and all that seems They have gotten away with BUT God’s not done talking He says what you don’t see is the mighty army that is with you and there is more with you than against you What you see must end and it does have an end date. It is coming due or about to expire you would say. Then the first paragraph, for I the Lord this day am telling you that an army is moving, a great and mighty army. My angels that I have sent to help my children in this hour and in this time. An army that’s innumerable, an army that can’t be stopped, and an army that’s undefeated. An army that’s innumerable, can’t be stopped, and undefeated. And that’s something again, where God is saying look to him and not look to what things may appear like or seem like because he says Things are not how they appear to be He tells us that all the time. So what we need to do is focus on the Word of God Don’t take my word for it. I say this every day people are probably annoyed with it But I say this all the time go check out the scriptures go get in the presence of God Seek him out ask him these questions get revelations. God will give them to you His sheep know his voice just because you’re not called in the five-fold ministry does not mean you can’t hear him So don’t ask for audible. I say it’s all the time. DO NOT ASK FOR ALL THE VOICE Do not do that Okay, it’s this the still small voice on the inside of you So I want to pray over each and every one of you But I really I truly feel like we need to pray and shout the enemies down today shout their power down Every lie to be revealed what’s going on with the global currency what’s going on in our governments? What’s going on with the two-tiered justice system? I really believe that we as so in the most I got again We’re at this point where we have to hold the line we have to hold the line the battle is been Defeated already the battle already has been won God has already defeated our enemy. It may not look that way yet, but their loss is guaranteed So heavenly Father right now in Jesus name. I just lift up every person on the sound of my voice I plead the blood of Jesus over them and I thank you father God that you are Strengthening them with giving them all of your truth your word Father. God is truth. You’re separating them You’re perfecting their faith. You’re growing them in who they are supposed to have always been With you we thank you that you give us the power You can we can do all things through Christ who strengthened us. I thank you Father God that you are giving them that power You’re giving them that strength because you’re giving them more joy And I think that Satan cannot steal their joy in the name of Jesus and I thank you Father God that they see They see through your eyes Father. I they see what you need them to see in this very day How you see these things how and what you are going to do now how you’re gonna do it But then you are going to do something that they have that knowing on the inside of them and Father God We thank you that you’ve given us and Luke 10 19 You’ve given us power throwing dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing in shall anyway harm us So we call down these tyrannical governments. We call down their unconstitutional laws. We call down every lie to be revealed. We call down all their power. We call down these indictments. We call down every single thing that the FBI, the CIA, every single thing that the Biden administration is doing, everything that these people are doing in the Congress or Senate that is against you. I thank you for our God. You said, just like what you did with Pharaoh, just like we did all of that. It was your hand you remove them you judge them and I thank you father God that you are placing judgment to place blessing on all of us and we thank and praise you father God that evil never wins that you are undefeated that we are on your side that we proclaim and decree our victory because of the name of Jesus and we thank you for it in Jesus name amen, and amen again Remember This is not people that we are dealing with. We have to remind ourselves that on a daily basis. This is a Spiritual battle we need to deal with it spiritually if you deal with it spiritually, then that’s where you win Okay, and that’s how you win because you’re doing it with God’s strength and his ability All right. Well, that’s all I have for today and I hope this encouraged you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone. You know who needs to hear an encouraging word Who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day


Is this the first time God has talked about UFOs ? Recall decades ago satellites sometimes snapped UFOs. Now we have drones everywhere. They are snapping small metallic Orbs all over the world that cant be denied.

It would seem obvious Drones could be tasked with shooting them down. Good discussion here from the very serious Angry Astronaut.

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