Searchable transcript for the Serious and this is the most dire warning yet in a series of dire warnings to ignore how alarming and distressing things appear and remember what we have been told in advance.

Goood uh Morning, Everybody today is Monday, June 19th of 2023 and I have another powerful prophetic word to get to you today and it’s called
I heard this prophetic word on June 8th of 2023. Now before I get to this, I do have a couple of announcements to make now tomorrow morning. you will not see me upload a video around 630 when I usually do because I will be doing a live show with Manuel Johnson here on this rumble channel at 1230 central time. And then later on in that afternoon, I’ll be doing another show with Clay Clark and General Flynn and a few others. And so I’ll make sure, because I think that’s a recorded one. And if it is live, I’ll make sure I get those links for you. And if it’s not I’ll make sure I share that link as soon as I get it so you can watch it So that’s the reason why you won’t see a video tomorrow morning is because I’ll be doing other live shows during the day or other shows So and if anything changes, I’ll make sure I share anything out for you If I you know, the Lord has me do a video instead, but as of right now, I won’t be doing one in the morning And also if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page Well, you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200 down for Iowa 52807 now, that’s all the announcements I have today and here’s a prophetic word now I’m going to share my screen this prophetic word was actually given to us once again The Lord has been really giving a lot of prophetic words while we are on our prayer call every morning So I want to make sure that I share this with you so you can actually see it How we got that prophetic word that morning. So let me share my screen here
For I the Lord this day. I’m Telling my children that a storm is coming Yes, a storm is coming. A storm like no other storms. It’s not a natural storm that you’d be thinking of when you hear that word. This storm is something totally different. It’s a storm in the spirit. A storm that will shake this earth. You’ve been hearing me say that word a lot. Shake. Things have to be shaken up, shaken up to destroy all of these things that have been built up around you and against you. This storm that’s upon you that’s coming, it’s coming. It’s right here. It’s right here. It’s upon part of the earth as we speak, but it will fill the earth. This storm is so great and powerful, that it will affect the weather. It will affect politics, governments, laws, yes. This storm, it will be harsh, like a hurricane, as you see a natural hurricane, the destruction that it brings, depending on how big it is. Even a Category 5 hurricane cannot compare to the storm that is coming. A great judgment and judgments are here. There have been things in the scene that you haven’t seen. And this storm will bring those things out. Just like a storm or a tidal wave or a tsunami wave can bring things that were in the ocean and bring them out onto dry ground, the storm is going to shift up and bring things up that were hid from the world, things that mankind didn’t know was going on or could. I’ve told you I’ve heard and seen these things. I have been in their offices. I have been in their boardrooms. I have been in those tunnels and things and places that they thought were hid so dark and so deep that no one else would know what they were doing. But I did. Just like the storm that came upon your enemy. In Egypt, yes, that was a storm. It was judgment upon judgment upon judgment upon judgment. And yes, you can use the word plague. Because that’s what I called them. But plague is just another word for judgment. You are (in) an hour right now. A great judgment is going to hit and it will be very noticeable. It will change the course of this world and the course that it was on. It will change nations in a day. You’re about to see falls of many governments around the world. Not just one or two. Everybody has their eyes on the United States and they should. Oh yes, they should. Because of what’s about to happen in the land of my eagle will shake the rest of the world, but I’m not leaving other nations out. I’m not leaving our nations out to be cleansed because they will too. Things are shaking up, shaking up to separate. A separation is coming. A great separation is coming. Yes. It’s coming to separate my children from the world. I told you about it. It’s also one that will separate the church, the lukewarm, and ones who turn their back on me. This is a time where warnings will cease very soon. Because everything that I’ve warned about, you’ll start to see. So stay looking at me. Stay in my word. I’ve said this over and over and over. I have to repeat myself. so my children know exactly what to say what to do and what to believe that your five physical senses will not dominate you they never should have you should always been led by the spirit by the inner man by ME so this is the time right now to get with me, sit with me, hear from me. I am speaking. I speak to all my children. They just have to have ears to hear what I am saying. So have ears to hear this day. To hear this day what I have to say. Thou bring life. Thou bring blessing. Thou bring breakthroughs that bring miracles yes things are shaking in the world and it will shake uncontrollably but my church my body will be unshakable The world will know and take notice of who you really are they will see you how they’ve always should have seen you strong and mighty in my name spend more time in my written word and more time with me because there is coming that time very soon for you will need it and you’ll be glad that you did because you’ll be strong to stand. Stand your ground stand firm stand strong look up don’t look down don’t look around Look to me and you will see, like I’ve said before, great and mighty victories sayeth the Lord.
Julie Commentary Okay. So, in that prophetic word, he’s been talking about, again, he’s been saying about shaking and he’s been saying shaking. The reason for that shaking, and he even says it’s a prophetic word, is a shaking to bring a cleansing, to cleanse this earth. He even said there was gonna be like a flood a flood of his glory and a flood of his truth The reason for that just like you saw with the days of Noah. There was a flood for a cleansing and so also with him him talking about shaking When I was sitting there just praying here while listening to this There was a scripture that came This is Haggiai chapter 2 All right. So shakings are scriptural Haggiai chapter 2 and verse 6 for this as a Lord of Hosts yet once more in a little while I will shake and make tremble the starry heavens the earth the sea and the dry land verse 7 I will shake all nations and the desire and the precious things of all nations shall come in and And I will fill this house with splendor says the Lord of Hosts, verse eight, the silver is mine. The gold is mine says the Lord of hosts, verse nine, the latter glory of this house with its successor to Jesus came shall be greater than the former says the Lord of Hosts. And in this place will I give peace prosperity says the Lord of Hosts. See how many times he says the Lord of Hosts in those four or three scriptures, the Lord Host is angel armies. He’s been talking about this army that is undefeated. An army that is unstoppable. In this time of shaking, he’s talking about the angel armies as well. He’s talking about, he says, I know he said the Lord of Hosts and he kept saying it over and over and over again. He’s been talking about these shakings to get our attention that there’s going to be a separation. A Separation from the the body of Christ and from the world just like he’s given us in Colossians 1 He’s just given that one to me again. I know I just gave that I think sometime last week, but Colossians 1 and verse 13 the Father has Delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the dominion of the darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of his son of his love Now he has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and dominion of the darkness. What out of the world he’s drawn us out. He’s protecting us. I give this example all the time. You guys probably already know what I’m going to say, but he drew them out in the land of Goshen out of that darkness. He protected them from it. So no matter how dark it got no matter how much things were shaking around them No matter how much those judgments or the plagues hit the land of Egypt Nothing hit the land of Goshen And that’s a great example for us today No matter how much he’s been talking about these shakings and how bad this shaking even Use the example of a shaking how bad this storm is or the judgment is is about a hat a category 5 hurricane. The destruction, we even still know what happened with Hurricane Katrina back early in, I think it was like 2005, and how damaging that hurricane was to places like Louisiana. Now he’s talking about this storm and he says a storm in the spirit and this storm is going to bring in, now I’ll go back over that later but the use- he used that such a powerful example about how even a category 5 hurricane cannot compare to the storm that is coming a great judgment and judgments are here there have been things in the scene things have been going on in the scene that you haven’t seen if you like what What does that mean? Things that have been going on in this world that we didn’t know existed. We didn’t know that was actually going on. And that’s why he said that we can’t go by how things are seen. And he said, he’s also been talking about how we can’t go, how does he put that? He says, we can’t go by how things are seen because everything that is seen, okay. Hold on. I’m gonna get that scripture out first. Okay 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and 16 Therefore we do not become discouraged utterly spiritless Exhausted and wearied out through fear though. Our outer man is progressively decaying and wasting away yet Our inner self is being progressively renewed day after day verse 17 for our light affliction our light momentary affliction That is slight distress of the passing hour is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of his glory beyond all measure excessively surpassing all comparison and all calculation a vast Transpondent glory and blessedness never deceased again. It’s the second Corinthians chapter 4. I started with verse 16 Then I read 17 and now I’m reading 18 Verse 18, since we consider and look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen, for the things that are visible are temporal, brief, and fleeting, but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting. So he is telling us over and over and over again that we are not to pay attention to the things that we are seeing, because things are not actually how they appear to be. He’s been saying over and over and over again in prophetic words, things are not how they appear to be. So in this prophetic word, when he was talking about the things that are seen, they’re not how they appear to be. So things may appear to be one way when they’re actually another. That’s why he also has been mentioned time and time again that we’re not supposed to walk or we’re not supposed to a live by Our five physical senses and that’s another reason why he says in his word in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 He talks us to walk by faith and not by sight why because things are not how they appear to be and Even says in the word a couple different time things like four times that the just shall live by faith Which is faith is trusting in God no matter what you see no matter how things feel no matter what your five physical senses are Telling you we’re supposed to pay attention to what God is saying So again, he talked about in Haggiai I’m gonna go back to that one because something in there Now listen, he says For thus says the Lord of hosts yet once more in a little while I will shake and make tremble the starry heavens the earth in The sea in the dry land verse 7. I will shake all nations He will shake all nations what and the desire and the precious things of all nations shall come in and I will fill his house With splendor says the Lord of hosts. What’s the house? It’s the body of Christ So everything around the world the desire of all nations. What’s the desire of all nations? Well, you could say power. You could say power. You can say influence. You can say the financial part of it, which is the financial round, because he also gets in and he talks about the silver and the gold. Now the church is going to be brought into a place of power where we already should have been. Because it gives us in the scripture in Psalm 115, again, write all these Scriptures down. Psalm 115 and verse 16. The heaven even the heavens are the Lord’s but the earth he has given to the children of men. The earth he has given to the, what? To the body of Christ. Remember Jesus said and John, John 16. Now I’ve told you these things that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence in the world you may have tribulation, trials, distress, and frustration. But be of good cheer, take courage, be confident, certain, and undaunted. For I have overcome the world. Jesus has overcome the world. I have deprived it of its power to harm you, and I’ve conquered it for you. So no matter what evil, no matter what is going on in the world, Jesus has already conquered it for us. It also says in 1st John, 1st John, chapter 5, in verse 4, for whatever is born of God is victorious over the world. And this is a victory that conquers the world, even our faith. Verse five, who is it as victorious over that conquers the world? But he who delivers the believes, excuse me, that Jesus is the son of God who adheres to trust and relies on that fact. So no matter what happens in the world, this is another example. no matter what happens with the economy, no matter what happens with, you know, a global pandemic, no matter what happens with a shutdown or them trying to stop or block anything like they kind of did with COVID back in 2020. No matter what happened with that, we should have been standing firmly on the Word of God and saying that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. That’s Isaiah 54 17. But also that you are in this world, John 17 verse 13 through 17, I’ve given these before. You are in this world, but you are not of it. You are not subject to these things. You’re a world overcomer because of what Jesus has done for you. And so no matter what happens in the world with this shaking. Because a lot of people are getting in fear and are starting to panic with how bad things are. And if it’s going to shake, it’s going to get so much worse. Then what do we do? What do we do is we focus on the Word of God. Jesus says right here in John 16 that he is, he’s conquered the world for us. So he’s taken us out of the control of the world. He’s conquered the world for us. Then what should we be afraid of of anything in the world? Nothing. We should be we should not be afraid of anything That happens in this world. The world’s gonna shake. He said it’s gonna be the perfect storm He talks about a storm or a shaking that’s going to He said a storm is coming that will shake this earth. So a storm is coming so strong That’s going to shake this earth. And again, it’s not a natural storm He uses a natural storms to compare to it because the destruction that natural storms can bring This is spiritual again. We’re fighting a spiritual battle We can’t fight a spiritual battle. We can’t fight the spiritual storm or this shaking With natural ability or natural strength or like common sense. We have to be dependent on The God giving us wisdom knowledge and understanding Relying on him. He will give us the things to do He will give us the same things to say exactly what he did in the land of Goshen when it came to the angel of death It also when it came to the wilderness with son of Israel. He has always given them instruction He always gives them look what he did He when they were all walking to the promised land when they were supposed to go to it right away He was a cloud by day and a fire by night. He was directing their path God will always direct our path no matter how dark things are no matter how light things are. He is always our protector in our guide So I don’t go back over this prophetic word and one of the things that he was talking about here in this last This last one is stand your ground. This is last paragraph stand your ground stand firm now you can find that in Ephesians Ephesians chapter 6 This is when he’s talking about The whole armor of God This is really really important to have the whole armor of God on why so we can stand against the wiles of the devil So in anything that enemy tries to do to us we have the armor of God to sustain us through it That’s we are the heavy armed soldiers so Right down in here. It says therefore put on this is the first 13 therefore put on God’s complete armor that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on The evil day of danger and having done all the crisis demands to stand firmly in place No matter how many things shake and may not make crazy things get around we can stand firmly in place what and it’s a stand Therefore hold your ground having tightened with and then it goes on to the whole entire armor of God So, um, I also want you guys to read Ephesians 6 10 This is Ephesians 6 10 through 18 and read out of the classic amplified version. You can just go to like gateway Doc a Bible Gateway dot com and you can look up Bible verses and you can even look up any translation I read out of the classic amplified But again, it says resist and stay in your ground God gives us the ability to resist and stand in our ground and He even says in Ephesians 6 10 in conclusion be strong in the Lord and be empowered through your union with him Draw your strength from him that strength which it boundless might provides He’s the one who give us as he gives us that strength to stand He gives us that that ability to stand and not to be moved and again in Amos 3 7 He doesn’t do anything without first revealing it to her servants of prophets. So he’s giving us these warnings. He’s giving us clarity He’s giving us instruction and things to do So he says stand your ground stand firm stand strong look up That means focus when we get he keeps talking about focusing on him. Don’t look down. Don’t look around Look to me and you will see like I’ve said before great mighty victories Sayeth the Lord now again, he talks about victories. Why because the battle is the Lord’s he’s already guaranteed us victory He’s already guaranteed that we’re world overcomers. He’s already guaranteed that he has disarmed our enemy He’s brought our enemy to nothing and that’s why no matter what happens in the world no matter how bad it shakes no matter What craziness it looks like he is guaranteed for us to stay in our ground To look to him and to not be moved and to receive what already has been done And that is our victories have already been guaranteed So he says spend more time in my written word more time with me Because there is coming that time very soon or you will need it. You will need it so it’s important for you to be in the Word of God to know what the Word of God says because he’s saying you’re if there’s Gonna be a point in time you are going to need it Well, we need it We should need it every day all the time, but some people just kind of put it by the wayside But he said there’s gonna be time where you have to have this word You’ll be glad that you did because you’ll be strong so stand So you can’t stand without the Bible without the Word of God because it was standing without the truth With you won’t be able to stand without it You really won’t because the truth is what’s gonna set you free and the truth is what’s gonna give you that strength to renew Your mind and to give you that faith to trust in God. So you have to have the Word of God It says yes The things are shaking in the world and it will shake uncontrollably But my church my body will be unshakable the world will know and take notice of who you really are They will see you and how they’ve always should have seen you- Strong mighty in my name Even Jesus told his disciples to go Go in my name We’re supposed to do even mightier works than he because he went to the Father We should not just be People that get mocked like the church does There should be miracles signs and wonders and people take notice who the children of Almighty God are not to bring glory on Us not at all But to bring glory to God that he is a still the same guy yesterday and day and forever and he still does the same things That he can be that light in the midst of darkness that he can be the healer when so many people are sick and broken people need to see that God still exists and he’s still the same God and the church is what’s supposed to be again Jesus is the head we are the body people should know about God and then know and tell the difference between who a child of God is and who isn’t to bring him glory not a person not at all he says I’m speaking. I speak to all my children. They just have to have ears to hear what I’m saying So I have ears to hear this so have ears to hear this day To hear this day what I have to say that will bring life that will bring blessing that will bring breakthrough that will bring miracles Even Jesus said he would talk about this in the book of Revelation He said if you have ears here, let him hear because you can have natural ears Just like when Gahazi I and Elijah when Gahazii and Elijah I saw the people I’ve talked about about this last week when he saw the mountains or other armies surrounding them and Elijah prayed God let him see well, he already saw the enemy Naturally, but he needed to see the angel armies spiritually Well, you have a natural ear, but you also have a spiritual ear to hear, because even God said in his written word that his sheep know his voice. And it’s not audible. I mean, yes, sometimes he does it, but don’t ever pray for that way. I say it all the time, because he usually speaks to you in the inner, still, small voice. Almost it seems like a thought sometimes, but how I know is because I’ve trained myself And to just sit and listen quietly and I know when he’s speaking and you will too because he gives it to everybody He says so my children know exactly what to say and what to do and what to believe that your five physical senses will not Dominate you they will never and they never should have Now when you saw Adam and Eve when they were in the Garden of Eden, they were not Before the curse they were not dominated by Five physical senses they were dominated and they were controlled by discernment Which is their spirit their spirit was in control not their body And it was they believe their five physical senses will not dominate you. They never should have that’s how God how God had Adam I mean, that’s how we should have always been You should have always been led by the spirit by the inner man by me We should have always been led by God and not by five physical senses This is a time right now to get with me, to sit with me and hear from me. How do we do that? Turn the world off. And one of the things that the Lord even said was turn these off and stop being so distracted by technology. And that’s one thing I think that destroys, um, it’s nice to have it, but it shouldn’t control us because if we’re dominated by technology and by all these things, then we Don’t hear and we don’t we’re not paying attention to what God is saying. So we need to focus and give him attention This is a time for warnings and they will cease very soon So he’s giving us all these warnings, but he says it’s soon very soon There’s coming a time where they’re we’re not gonna hear any warnings because everything that I warned you about you will start to see That’s why there’s not gonna be any warnings because everything he’s warned us about We’re gonna see it Now notice that he says see it. He doesn’t say you’re gonna be partakers of it He says you’ll see it So stay looking at me me stay in my word. I said it’s over and over again over I have to repeat myself. So my children know exactly what to say He repeats himself. He’s saying to stay in his word. He’s saying to get in prayer. Why? So this gets down in your heart so when this time comes You will know exactly what to say and exactly what to do. He’s giving you a Strategy he’s giving you something in a battle or in war. He’s giving you something to do and Thanks for us marching orders for us to obey so we become Stand we stand our ground we stand firm. We won’t be moved and We can receive we put he puts us in a position. I’ll say this way He puts us in a position so we’re to be able to receive what’s rightfully already ours Because our enemy is on constantly trying to take it away from us He says the separation is coming. You saw a separation with it with Moses in a wilderness by the the mountain what happened was is that they were acting like wild drunkards you should say and they were acting all crazy and they were doing things when Moses was up on the mountain and so when he came back down there was a sudden there was an earthquake and they got the two sides and some people went with side of Moses and some people did it there was a great separation right there and there he said there’s gonna be a great separation he’s talked about a great separation is coming yes a coming to separate my children from the world Separate my children from the world and he also says I told you about it. It’s also one that will separate the church The lukewarm and ones who have turned their back on me So there are not only we’re gonna be separated from the world But he’s also separating the church the lukewarm people from the people who actually will listen and obey That’s why there’s so many warnings because God’s trying to get people’s attention. So they’ll be on the right side of things He wants people to listen and obey to be on the right side of things before the separation happens Then he says, um Let’s see here Judgment upon judgment upon judgment. Yes You can see the world though You can say the world the word of plague because that’s what I call them The plague is is just another word for judgment You are in an hour right now where a great judgment is going to hit and it will be very noticeable It will change the course this world in which course it was on so the world was on the wrong course It will change nations in a day He’s been talking about that a lot too. You’re about to see falls of many governments around the world. Not just one or two Everybody has their eyes on the United States and they should oh, yes They should because of what’s about to happen in the land of the eagle will shake the rest of the world But I’m not leaving other nations out. I’m not leaving other nations to be to be cleansed because they will be too so he’s not leaving other nations out to be cleansed not leaving other nations out to be restored of what had been stolen from him The things are shaking up shaking up to separate He talks about the separation is coming Then he says, um Let’s see here that you haven’t seen in this storm will be will be brought bro. Hold on We’ll bring those things out Just like a storm or a tidal wave or a tsunami wave can bring things that were in the ocean and bring things out onto dry ground the storm is going to sift up and bring things up that were hidden from the world Things that mankind didn’t know was going on or could I’ve told you I’ve heard and seen these things I have been I’ve been in their offices. I’ve been their boardrooms What was he talking about? He knows exactly their plans and what they’re trying to do that they could they all could see these things we couldn’t They’ve been doing things right in front of our face that people have been too blinded to see And God thing I know exactly what they’re doing. I’m gonna stop what they’re going to do You are going to see things that they’ve been trying to do But he’s not gonna let it go to what they wanted it to their plans to be fulfilled How far they wanted their plans to go it won’t Some things were hidden from the world things that mankind didn’t even know what’s going on or could We’re seeing that now. We didn’t know these things could have gone on It’s gonna get worse. I’ve told you I’ve heard and seen these things. I’ve been in their offices. I’ve been in their boardrooms I’ve been in their tunnels Talks about tunnels again and things in places They have been they thought were hidden so dark so deep that no one could ever no one else would know what was going on But what they were doing, but I did just like a storm it came upon your enemies at Egypt Yes, this is a storm is a judgment upon judgment He saw what the Egyptians were doing to the Israelites He sees what’s happening in the world with what these world elitists are doing to the rest of the world doing to his children And he’s saying no even what they’ve been trying to do in the unseen They’ve been trying to do the darkest of darkest of places. They’re trying to do in these tunnels I’ve been trying to do and they’re behind their closed doors God is saying no He’s saying it’s not gonna happen Then he goes on to say so this is the first paragraph for I the Lord this day I’m telling my children that this is a storm is coming. Yes. A storm is coming a storm like no other storms It’s a not a natural storm that you’d be thinking of when you hear the word So people think oh my gosh, it’s gonna be a storm of all storms and he’s saying it’s not that kind of storm It’s a spiritual one. He said this storm is something totally different It’s a storm in its spirit a storm that will shake this earth You’ve been hearing me say that word a lot Shake things had to be shaken up shaken up to destroy all the things that had been built up around you and against you That’s why there has to be shaking to destroy these walls Remember like the walls of Jericho that were built up. It was a shaking that brought those walls down God says that the things like that are gonna happen He’s shaking these things to bring their walls completely down that they built up around themselves to protect themselves And destroy the rest of the world. He’s saying no Then he says to destroy all the things that have been built up around you and against you this storm upon or that’s upon you That’s that’s coming. It’s coming. It’s right here. It’s right here. It’s a it’s upon part of this earth So the storm has already started as we speak, but it will fill this earth The storm is so great and powerful that it will affect the weather. And yes, it will affect the weather. He’s saying it will affect politics Governments and laws. Yes, this storm it will be harsh like a hurricane as you see a natural hurricane destruction That will bring depending on how big it is. Even a hurricane five cannot compare the storm that is coming a Great judgment and great judgments are here There have been things in the scene the okay, then it goes on and on and I’ve already read that part again So again, he’s talking about a storm What do storms do? Storms can bring great destruction. And then you also talked about a hurricane how you know it can like or a tidal wave or a tsunami where things that have been in the ocean on the ground like the ground of the ocean it can basically bring it out and put it out on the beach. Talking about things that are sifting up so things that have been hidden underneath something can be brought out into the open. And so what we have to, again, it’s not something we should be afraid of. I say this over and over again, over and over again, don’t take my word for it. Write all the scriptures down that he’s given us on a daily basis because he does give us scriptures on a daily basis. Write all these scriptures down. Go back and don’t take my word for it. Go back and get the scriptures, get these revelations of what God is trying to say to you. He gives us these sayings to an anchor to our soul so that when storms come, we are on solid ground. So we won’t be moved. We won’t be swept away. We won’t be in the part of the path of destruction. We will be firm in our foundation of Christ Jesus and what he’s already done The one thing that we have to focus on every day and everybody has certain things that the adversary uses to get your attention off of God every day one worry or another one stress or another one circumstance or another that just slams you right in your face and You’re focusing on God you’re doing so good. And then he just tried to do it didn’t knock you it down and knock you out But stand firm on the Lord. There are going to be a time where we’re not going to have these warnings anymore. He already said that, where the storm will be upon us fully. And then what are you going to do? That’s why he’s trying to perfect your faith and you’re trusting in him now. So when these things come, you won’t be moved and it’ll be strong and it anchored down and you won’t be moved. You’ll still have your joy. You’ll still have your peace. You’ll still have your faith Because you’ll be looking to him And you won’t care what happens around you because you know the Lord of Hosts the Lord of the angel armies the one who’s Protecting you It’s not going anywhere He’s staying right with you and he’s shielding you from all the effects of the storm because that’s the goodness of Almighty God. Well, I hope this encourages you today. I want to pray over each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, no matter what storm happens, no matter what storms are in their life today, the worry, the fear, the doubt, the unbelief, the stress, the anxiety, the pressure, the cares of this world, no matter what they are, Father, I thank you that you are the one who takes away all that stress, you take away all that pain, you take away all that weight, you take away those cares for them. And I thank and praise you, Father God, right now, no matter what their circumstances are screaming at them today, that you are everything that they need. You are the solid rock, that you are their protector, that you are their healer, that You are their comforter that you are everything That they need and I thank you Father God that more and more people are waking up to this truth more and more of the body of Christ is aware of Who you are and who we belong to? That we are not outnumbered that we are not Victims we are victorious because what Jesus did and I thank you Father God is becoming more revelation to your church to your body Father. God that we have already Been guaranteed the victory through the blood of Jesus. So I just want to plead the blood of Jesus over each every one of them. I want to thank you for an impartation of joy and impartation of peace Father God I think there’s no distance in the spiritual realm. So no matter what they need I thank you that they have the ability to take that anointing that resurrection power on the inside of them to receive what you have for them this very day and I thank you for it in Jesus name amen and amen well hope to encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word needs here the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I love you God bless you and and have a wonderful day.

In terms of dire warnings we seem to have reached the limits of language in the last 3 or four lessons.
Its emphasized here that the warnings are about to end.
Extreme weather, literal eruptions earthquakes and political and religious eruptions and collapses simultaneously.
We all know why we incarnated into this generation to see this once only once-upon- a planet spectacle.
The final separation of good from evil.
And the righteous are safe from what happens to the ones who chose evil. Chose anti life. Anti child. Anti God. Chose self worship.
Suspect those who complain perennially nothing much is happening, will soon complain its all to much at once now.
We are told this maelestrom has an END.
Going to be quite an event. Yeehaaaa
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