Searchable transcript for the serious Most Strident message yet
Goood uh Morning, Everybody today is actually Wednesday, June 28th of 2023 You will see this on Thursday June 29th the reason for that is because I am taking an unexpected trip out of town So I want to make sure you receive these prophetic words or any other video That God has for me to do before I leave town and I also want to remind you that there will be no uploads Monday or Tuesday of next week because the 4th of July holiday and because all of us here at Julie Greene Ministries we decided that if I did a video then the social media team would have to work when everybody else got off. So I want to make sure that the team got these days off so there will be no uploads on Monday June 3rd or Tuesday June 4th for the July again for the July 4th holiday and I we’ll be back on on Wednesday, July 5th of next week. So, I will have today’s video, which is Thursday, and then I will also be recording a video for Friday. So, you will have this. It’s just you won’t have Monday or Tuesday. And, of course, if you do have any prayer requests or praise before, please go to our website at under our contact page. Or, you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. And because we’ve seen this on Thursday, I will have a link in the description box for the live show that I have done with Pastor David Scarlett with Take 5 in His Glory on Wednesday’s broadcast. So if you did not see that broadcast, I will make sure that I have that link in this description box for you. And I know the social media team will share that out on different platforms so you can go and watch that live show. All right. Now, I also have to make a very important announcement about this prophetic word. Now, this prophetic word is called A GREAT DARKNESS IS COMING So, when I’m pre-recording and I do multiple in one day, plus all the other stuff that we do, I skipped over one so I mess up the date one was for the I did one yesterday. I prerecorded the day before that and It was the 15th. This one was for the 12th And so I’m human and when I am most I’m doing multiple videos a day. I did Accidentally skip over a date Okay, so I made a mistake. So on Wednesday’s video it should have been the one for today. So again, I’ve never done that before, but I apologize for making this mistake. But I want to make sure you’ve got this prophetic word. Again, this is another one we received on our prayer call. The Lord has been giving us prophecies on our prayer calls all the time now. But I did not want to just leave this one out. I needed to give it to you and fix my mistake. So again, I Apologized I somehow skipped over and overlooked and I went to the 15th instead of getting the one from the 12th. So All right, but I’m gonna share my screen with you it’s about 10 minutes or so long I think so once I Was this video is done this prayer call is down and I show you what the prophetic word and the Lord said I will Be back on to give the scriptures that he has given me for this prophetic word So, I’m sharing my screen and I will be back shortly. Thank you for your patience.
For I, the Lord, this day, am telling my children to prepare your homes, to prepare spiritually for battle, because yes, a gross and dense darkness will fill this earth, it will seem. Evil will grow out of control, it will look like. It will look like things will get much, much worse all over this earth. Yes, it will. But I’ve warned you of this shaking, I’ve warned you of this darkness, I have warned you of these times where I said there was going to be a place where I was going to lock you in, lock you in for your safety, lock you in away from the angel of death, to lock you in from my hand of judgment that is moving forth, that is moving across this earth. Yes, great judgments. My children, you are about to see my vengeance, not my wrath. That’s not for now, but you will see my vengeance. My vengeance is pouring out. It says in my written word that vengeance is mine. I have seen an evil in the world. I’ve seen an evil in governments, but I’ve also seen an evil in congregations, in churches no less, in pastors that were leading my sheep into a gross darkness of liberalism, progressiveness. It just progressed and progressed and progressed of legalism and religion, a progression that grew so dark and the webs that it was weaving all throughout the body of Christ. And that’s why no one was using their authority in my name that I have given. No one knew what my written word actually said in these churches. There’s been a small few who knew, who spoke these words, who are teaching my authority, who are teaching about the blood covenant. That’s the reason why you see so much evil. The evil is not done, not yet. It has its day. It won’t stay. Believe me, my children, that it won’t stay. This is my day to show the world who I am, who I really am, that I am the God of justice, that I am a God of vengeance and protection with my people. I will show the world that I am still the same God, but I will also show my church, I will show my body that I am still the God who does the miracles. I am still the God that saves, even though some of them believe that that’s not me anymore. You will see my hand in judgment against this earth, against the men and women in this earth that were trying to take me out, that were trying to steal everything that was rightfully my children’s stuff and their authority and twisted it and manipulated it into their own and used it against my children. Many will say, these are dark days. Many will say, what in the world is going on? Many will ask, where’s God? I am here. I’ve always been here. This is an opportunity when everything goes dark. This is an opportunity where my children will see my light. They will see me as their provider. They will see me as their healer. They will see me as their protector. They will see me as their deliverer. They will see me that I am the same God. I am the God of Abraham. I am the God of Isaac. And I am the God of Jacob. I have made my promises and my word. I am faithful to those promises. I cannot lie. I have saved my children time and time again. What makes you think in this dark time and this evil that’s been going around that I would not save you this time? My children, what kind of God would I be? But ask yourself this, what kind of Dad would I be? I’m your Father. Who would I be if I just let this be? If I just let this go on and on and on. I’m doing this for your good. No matter what it looks like, I promise you, the evil regimes and the evil, evil governments, they are being removed. every last one of them. Read my word and what it says that I have done with leaders in the past. I will show the world who I truly am. And for some there will be no doubt. For others will be in shock because they were lied to for so long. As there is a darkness that’s growing, I will shine my light upon my people and it will grow and it will grow and it will grow and it will grow a glory upon this earth never known to mankind like this when the world seemed like it’s in chaos and the finances seem to be stripped away and you don’t know what’s going on this is part of my transfer.
One day you will have your bank accounts look one way, and the next it will look another way. Get prepared to see how big.
I’m an unlimited God. This is not for your own wealth and riches. This is for you to be my vessels. My vessels that I’ve called you to be. These are the end times. You will see. You will see me. I’m coming. Always be watching. The time of the completion is done and the word of my son goes through all the countries of the world. Every person has an opportunity. The end will come. It’s not very far off. Lord, how many years? 5, 10, 15? No one knows the day or the hour but me. But I am showing you this great jubilee. I’m showing you great victories. I am showing you my hand. I am showing the world who I really am. So more people come into my kingdom will show great mercy and great grace. But this is the day and this is the hour that you are living in where you will see me and the manifestations I’m about to pour out that no man has ever seen. No ears ever heard. Not like this. Not at all like this. You are coming into times of unprecedented things that will happen over and over and over again. Get ready for my flood. Get ready for my truth. Get ready for me in greater glory, saith the Lord.
Julie Green commentary Okay, so in that prophetic word, he talks about a darkness and that darkness is one that we should not be afraid of. I know the first time, you know, the first thing people think of when they think of darkness are thinking about, Oh my gosh, the evil is going to conquer. The evil is going to win. What are we going to do? We’re going to be without. And the fear just starts coming in. But if you look in the book of Exodus, and I know I talked about it a lot, but again, It’s another reference. It’s another example that we need to turn to in these times that God’s talking about In this great darkness that he says is coming Remember in the book of Exodus write these scriptures down okay, and in the book of Exodus it says in Exodus 8 and verse 23 and I will put a division and And a sign of deliverance between my people and your people by tomorrow, shall this sign be evidence. So he’s talking about greatly distinguishing or a great separation between the people of Egypt and God’s people. So there was going to be a distinction between the two of them during this times of judgment or the times of the plagues. Okay. Then he also says it in Exodus chapter 9 and verse 4 but the Lord shall make a distinction between And of course he talked about the livestock at that particular point because this was a plague of the livestocks dying And he said I’m gonna make a distinction Between the livestock of the of Israel and the livestock of Egypt and nothing shall die of all that belongs in to the Israelites So there the world you say the time Egypt had all the livestock die But none of the livestock or you could say food their food The food with Egypt was completely destroyed. All right now the Israelites their food and their supply was not God made a great distinction between now if you turn to Exodus chapter, uh, go to Exodus chapter 10 and verse 21, Exodus chapter 10 in verse 21. And the Lord said to Moses, stretch out your hand toward the heavens. There may be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness, which may be felt. So there was a darkness in the time of the Exodus. All right. Then he goes, this was the ninth plague, the plague of darkness. Verse 22. So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky and for three days, a thick darkness was all over the land of Egypt. Again, this was a darkness that could be felt. Then he says in verse 23, the Egyptians could not see one another, nor did anyone rise from his place for three days, but all the Israelites had natural light in their dwelling. So the Egyptians had darkness so horrible that they could not see each other and they never left their homes. They probably didn’t even get out of bed because of how bad it was, but it could be felt It was horrifying to them the darkness that they were enduring The darkness lasted for them for three days but in the land of Goshen There was light God distinguished in the time of the plagues or again, you could say the judgments in that time God distinguished So even though he’s talking about a great darkness that’s coming that again might bring Automatic fear into some people but God is saying look what happened. Look at this example in my written word This is what God is telling us and it’s written word. That’s what he’s saying Look at it. He’s saying in my written word Look at the example that he has given to us which is He greatly distinguished his people. That’s why he’s saying this prophetic word There’s prophetic word. There is going to be darkness in the world But this is what he’s telling us He’s the same God yesterday today and forever if he was the God who distinguished his people from the Egyptians or Separated if you will separate his people from the Egyptians, so nothing that happened to the Egyptians happened to his people, why would it not happen again? Why would God not save his people or greatly distinguish his people if there were judgments coming upon the earth to this degree? He also said that he was locking us in. He also locked them in with the angel of death in the Passover. That was the last plague, the plague. He locked them in for their protection to save them from the angel of death. Again, why would God not do the same now? He’s been talking about the angel of death for probably about a year and a half now. Why would, or even, I might have been even 2021 when he started, started it, but I don’t remember exactly. I’d have to go back and look up all those prophetic words. But if he’s been talking about, say for instance, he’s been talking about it just for a year. He’s been Talking about an angel of death. Why would he not protect his people? He’s been talking about darkness. He talked about blackouts He’s been talking about a great silence Why would he not greatly distinguish his people to show the world who are his children who are not? He did it in the land of Goshen. I Also want to read you something else and and we talked about this I gave this one the scripture the other day, but again it goes along with this one Again, I’m gonna repeat myself Don’t take my word for it. Take these scriptures that God is giving you today Because he’s give them to me to give to you take these scriptures and Read them Study them Get into your prayer causes and ask the Lord what revelation he’s trying to show you Because God does give us revelation. He gives us wisdom and knowledge and understanding. I Don’t want you to take my word for it I want you to get into the Word of God Seek him. I Say that every day Because this is not about me. This is about him This is about what he wants you to know this is about what he needs you to do in this time that we’re living in Colossians 1 in verse 13 Now listen to this again. We’re talking about darkness. He said a great darkness is coming listen Colossians 1 in 13 the Father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and dominion of darkness then he goes on to say and he’s transferred us and the kingdom of his son it was love now he’s already drawn us to himself out under the control of darkness. So even though it may look like a great darkness, it may look like it gets chaotic, it may look like it gets crazy, it may look like it’s so abnormal and you don’t know what’s going on, God has said he’s drawn us out of that darkness to himself because he is light God is light he is shining his light upon his children so it’s dark for everybody else or everybody else is dealing with famine they’re dealing with they’re dealing with shortages and they’re dealing with all these different things God is saying it’s time for his people to be the light in the midst of darkness that’s why there’s gonna be a great distinction. All right. Now I want to also read to you in Psalm 34. I have quote this one a lot, but it’s important to know what God says about the things that you’re going through in your life and what he is willing to do about it. I’m going to give you scriptures to back this up. Psalm 34 verse 1719. When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of their distresses and troubles. Verse 19, many evil confronts the consistently righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all those bones and none of them should be broken. Now that’s verse 20. Again, he’s talking about, he hears the cries of his people and he delivers them out of them all. What does all mean? All means all. He doesn’t say Sometimes didn’t say every once in a while. He didn’t say well you win at some you lose some he said all So we have to get to know the word all All right. Now I Want you to turn to Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 18 Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 18. I’m building a foundation that God has given me in these scriptures when I was studying this morning building a foundation on how to trust God even when it looks dark even when it looks chaotic chaotic and the world’s out of control all right Hebrews 6 18 this was that by two unchangeable things his promise and his oath in which is impossible for God ever to prove false this means God can’t lie so he’s given us a promise is given us an oath. He cannot lie. All right. In which is impossible for God ever to prove false or deceive us. We who have fled to him for refuge might have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp, to hold fast the hope appointed for us and set before us. Verse 19. So we have his hope as a sure steadfast anchor traversal and I can’t slip and cannot break down under whatever steps out upon it and hope that reaches farther and enters into the very certainty of their presence within the veil God has given us a promise and an oath What are his promises? If you look up at 13 Hebrews 6 13 for when God made his promise to Abraham. He swore by himself since he had no one greater to swear saying blessing. I certainly will bless you and multiply you. And so it will be so that he Abraham having waited long and endure patient realized and obtained the birth of Isaac as a pledge of what was to come. What God had promised him, even in the midst of the most ridiculous, most impossible looking situation, Abraham was a hundred years old and he had eyes it but God promised him and he kept his promise. Men indeed swear by a greater than themselves And with all the disputes the oath taken for confirmation is final ending strife Accordingly, this is verse 17 God also in his desire to show more convincingly and beyond doubt to those who are inherit the promise and unchangeable miss of his purpose And his plan intervene and mediated with an oath God’s given us a promise That his word would not turn to him void guys give us a promise that his war is the same yesterday today and forever His those word will stand forever God’s give us a promise that he always caused us a triumph. He said in his word He always causes a triumph. That is 2nd Corinthians 2 14 Always because what the blood covenant with Jesus Christ We have a covenant with God that we should always triumph Even in darkness now Also, I want to read in Isaiah 40 and verse 8 the grass withers the flower fades But the Word of our God will stand forever So God’s promises God’s oath God’s written word will stand Forever when he says he’s drawn you out of darkness. He’s distinguished you He also says he always caused you to triumph. He says he’s giving you a promise and he’s giving you an oath God’s Word stands forever. I also want to read in 2nd Corinthians 1 and verse 20. I Know I’m giving you a lot 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 in verse 20 for as many are the promises of God When you talk about the promise remember, we’re Abraham seed And heir to the promise were heir to the blessing Abraham seed at Galatians 3 and 29 We’re Abraham seed. We’re heirs to the throne now as for as many other promises of God. They’re all fine. They’re yes His answer is yes in him Christ for the reason we also utter that the Amen, so be it to God through him in his person by his agency to the glory of God All of his promises are what yes and amen Yes, it’s a sure thing when you say God what’s gonna happen? Are you gonna lead us into victory? God says yes That’s his promise Yeah, and also and we say amen, okay Father God We just want to praise and thank you that we had the victory in the name of Jesus. Amen Amen means so be it again It’s a sure thing and then if you read in Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever I know I just gave you a lot of scriptures But it’s really important for you to get into these scriptures write them down and go read them get the revelation that God is given to you He’s giving us these prophetic words this fresh manna from heaven In order to encourage us in order for us to know the believers authority to know who we are in Christ Jesus to know how much God loves us to know that he is gonna do something to know that we can have faith and trust in Him because he’s a sure thing This is what all of this is about. It’s not about just me or just you it’s about him and his will God is not going to leave us in darkness He’s saying there is one coming but he’s not gonna leave us in it All right. Now before I go to pray I want to read over this prophetic word once again I’m gonna start from the top Okay, for I the Lord this day. I’m telling my children to prepare your homes to prepare spiritually for battle Because yes a gross and dense darkness will fill this earth. It will seem evil will grow out of control Now in any I need to put it in bold it will look like so it will look like the evil is gonna be out of Control it will look like these things will get much worse Didn’t say they were he said it will look like All over this earth. Yes, it will but I’ve warned you of this shaking. I’ve warned you of this darkness I’ve warned you of these things where I said there was going to be a place where I was going to lock you in Lock you in for your safety lock you in away from the angel of death To lock you in from the hand of judgment that is moving forth that is moving across this earth Yes, great judgment again. If you look at the plagues of Egypt, that was a form of judgment So something like that was happening again. He mentions this all the time We are living in the greater Exodus then he goes on to say great judgments my children You are about to see my vengeance not my wrath. That’s not for now. Let’s talk about the tribulation He says but you will see my vengeance. My vengeance is pouring out It seems it says in my word my written word that vengeance is mine You can find that scripture in Hebrews chapter 10 in verse 30 That’s just one of them. Anyway, I’ve seen an evil in the world. I’ve seen an evil in governments I’ve seen evil now listen to this even in congregations and churches no less with pastors that were leading my sheep into a gross darkness of Liberalism and progressiveness it just progressed and it progressed and it progressed of legalism religion and progression that grew He’s been talking about religion. He’s been talking about legalism Remember Jesus dealt with this before these are spiritual things of the darkness of this world and Jesus when Jesus was dealing with the religious Leaders, they wanted to kill him They hated him. They they wanted everyone to turn their back on him So the religious leaders could not accept truth They had their version of who God was and their version of what he says But it wasn’t Jesus became the he was the word that became flesh The Word of God was right in front of me was Jesus Christ and they did not see it People do not see right now because the blinders that are on their eyes what is real and what is not what is truth? And what is a lie because even God said in his word that even the elect would be deceived So he said so dark the webs that was weaving They were weaving all throughout the body of Christ so the enemy had gotten in to the body of Christ and started webbing or he’s not having all these webs and weaving all throughout the body of Christ on all these Manipulations and twisting of God’s written word to deceive God’s people in the wrong direction Again, go back to look what happened Adam and Eve. That’s exactly what he did and he’s not any different Satan doesn’t change All he’s trying to do is do the same thing is to take man and God out of his way Alright So he says that’s why no one was using their authority in my name that I was that I had given No one knew what my written word actually said in these churches So these churches now he didn’t save the whole body of Christ. He said in these churches There was no one that knew God’s authority. They didn’t know who God truly was They knew a form and a version of him which was manipulated and which was a lie So these people had no idea that they had authority they were deceived out of it because it’s religious Legalism that progressed so strong and so harshly in the body of Christ. Then he says there has been a small few That’s sad There’s been a small few who knew who spoke these words who are teaching my authority who are teaching about the blood covenant That’s the reason why you see so much evil. The evil is not done yet Why are we seeing so much evil because the authority is not in the hands of God’s people the authority is gonna be in the hands of our enemy and That’s why it’s so important for us today to know our authority that we have in Christ Jesus to use the authority of Almighty God to use that against our enemy to push them Down and to pull them down where they are the power that they have we have the ability we have the power And that’s why Satan hates the church and he hates the body of Christ so much He hates that man has more power than he does Who says there’s evil is not done yet? It’s had its day and it won’t stay Believe me my children that it won’t stay this is my day to show the world who I am and who I really am that I am the God of Justice that I am the God of vengeance and protection of my people God says he’s going to show the entire world Now, there’s a scripture really quick. I don’t for the sake of time. I have to another prophecy another video before my meetings, but It says look at this in Ezekiel chapter 38 in verse 23 Thus I will demonstrate my greatness and my holiness and I will be recognized and understood and known in the eyes of many nations Yes, they shall know that I am the Lord the sovereign ruler who calls forth loyalty and obedient service The world’s gonna know who God is and he’s gonna make it known. He says I will show the world that I am still the same God But I will also show my church Remember when he was in Egypt when God was showing the plagues of Egypt He was showing and demonstrating to the Egyptians that he was the most high God He was also showing his children that he was the most high God and he was showing them his people is the Israelites He was showing them that he was their protector and he was their deliverer She said I will show the world that I am still the same God, but I will also show my church I will show my body that I’m still the God who does miracles because it’s not taught in most churches nowadays I’m still the God that saves even though some of some of them believe that’s not for me anymore again God always heals. His name is Jehovah Rapha. That’s his name He’s not gonna stop being his name and That’s what religion has taught told people that God doesn’t heal because they don’t understand healing You will see my hand and judgment against this earth against the men and women in this earth that were trying to take me out People been trying to take him out since day one pretty much because that enemy was trying to do it through people That Satan’s been trying to overthrow God since he was he tried to overthrow him in heaven and he was Lucifer and he was thrown out He wants to overthrow God and he still thinks he’s gonna win somehow. I don’t even know how but he does He’s never gonna do it They were trying to steal everything that was rightfully my children’s stuff and their authority and twisted it and manipulate it into their own and Use it against my children Many will say these are dark days That’s in bold many will say what is going on? What in the world is going on people are gonna start getting into fear many will ask. Where’s God? They’re gonna start to question if he’s doing anything about anything. I am here I’ve always been here. This is an opportunity when everything Everything goes dark now. Listen when everything goes dark This is an opportunity where my children will see my light See, it’s not about the darkness. It’s about God showing his light. So we are not distracted So we’re not going moved by anything else We will be and to see God in his light in his glory his revival the Jesus Revolution Everything good of God he is going to show us It’s not about the bad. It’s all about the good You will see me as their provider People are gonna actually see him first and foremost as a provider So when they can’t provide for themselves God saying hey remember the loaves and the fishes Remember what I did remember what I did with the oil With the widow woman remember why I did the oil for the other widow woman with a flower So their oil and flour they did with the loaves and the fishes what he did with Peter and fishes what he did with the tax money He was a provider He’s a multiplier. He multiplies. They will see me as their healer. Look in the Bible. How many times God healed? It’s his promise. We were deemed from the curse sickness and disease pain and affliction lack. It’s all part of the curse They will see me as protector. He’s in a shows that he’s our deliverer. They will see me as a deliverer They will see me that I’m the same God and I am the same God of Abraham. I’m the same God of Isaac I’m the same God of Jacob. I made my promises in my word. I Original scriptures that God is faithful to his promises It also says in his word in Isaiah 55 11 that his word does not return to him void He says I cannot lie. I also gave you that scripture. I have saved my children time and time again What makes you think in the dark time and this evil that’s been going around that I would not save you this time God’s asking that question. Why would he not save us this time? I chose what kind of God would I be? If he chose not to save us, he’s saying, what kind of God would I be? But ask yourselves this, what kind of Dad would I be? I’m your Father. Who would I be if I just let this be? But just let this go on and on and on. I’m doing this for your good, no matter what it looks like. So he says it’s not going to go on and on. He’s doing something for our good, even though it doesn’t look like it. God is saying, stay focused on him. I promise you the evil regimes and the evil governments They are being removed every last one of them Read my word and what it says that I have done with these leaders in the past I will show you the world who I truly am and for some there will be no doubt for others that we shock because they Were lied to for so long as there’s a darkness that’s growing on will shine my light upon my people It will grow and it will grow and it will grow and it will grow a glory upon this earth never known to mankind That’s hopeful again. This is a part of the greatest harvest of souls And so what God needs is he needs his people in control with his power with his authority with his dominion with his glory With his light shining so more people come into the body of Christ. It’s all about saving souls It’s all about bringing people to Christ Jesus. That’s what it’s all about When the world seemed like it was in chaos and the finances tend to be stripped away You don’t know what’s going on. This is part of my transfer. She’s talking about he’s also talking again about the economy and how things are gonna look like it’s Out of control and the stock market is crashing and whatever. He says this is part of his transfer There was a wealth transfer in the original Exodus. There’s a mean other wealth transfer in this one He says one day you will have your bank accounts look one way in the next day I’ll look another get prepared to see how big and how I’m limited. I I’m an unlimited God This is not for your own wealth or riches This is for you to be vessels now again You can have wealth and riches as long as they don’t have you the love of money is the root of all evil That means you love money more than you love God But if you have money and God can trust you with it and you’re a good steward of it God will abundantly bless you so you can not only be blessed yourself and have no lack But you can go and be a blessing vessel to bless others. That’s what he’s talking about There’s been another lie in the body of Christ. We can’t get that to today about wealth And guess why it was in the body of Christ. So Satan could have his people have it He says my Let’s say this is for you to be my vessels my vessels. I’ve called you to be these are the end times You will see you will see me. I’m coming. I’m I’m Always be watching when the time of the completion is done He says the time of completion you can find that in Acts chapter 3 in verse 21 Time of completion then Jesus will come the time of completion has not happened yet The word of my son goes through all the countries of this world. Every person has an opportunity that end will come It’s not very far off. And then he’s people are gonna be asking. It’s not very far off Lord Is it five is attended at 15 years? No one knows a day of the hour about me, but I am showing you this great Jubilee I’m showing you great victories. I’m showing you my hand. I’m showing you the world who I really am So many people come into my kingdom will show him a great mercy and great grace But this is the day this is the hour that you are living in or you will see them me in the manifestations I’m about to pour out like no man has ever seen remember or no ears ever heard Scriptural now like this not like this at all. You’re coming into times of unprecedented things will happen all over and over again Get ready for my flood get ready for my truth Get ready for me in greater glory. You say of the Lord So again, when it talks about what he’s talking about this great darkness He’s talking about all these things that are gonna go happen in around the world. This is not for people to start panicking This is not people to start, you know getting into fear about what’s going on. God is saying I’m gonna shine my light on you I’m gonna shine my light on you So you can be a light in a beacon in the midst of this darkness and bring people to Christ Jesus It’s all about making the kingdom of God even bigger, bringing more people in, billion harvest of souls. And that is what our ultimate goal is. It’s about saving people from hell. It’s about saving people from that darkness, saving people from that deception. And God has put us on this earth and he’s given us an assignment to be those vessels. All right, I hope that encouraged you. And I really want to pray over each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I just pray over every person. of the sound of my voice. I praise and thank you, Father God, for every precious soul. No matter how dark their life has been, no matter how many situations that they are in, it looks like they’re going to lose without a doubt. I thank you, Father God, that they can shout that you are their light, that you are their provider, that you are their comforter, that you are their burden bearer, that you are their joy, which is strength. You are their peace, which passes understanding. I want to praise and thank you Father God that their chains fall off I want to thank you Father God that they get out of that pit they get out of that darkness They get out of that discouragement. They get out of that depression they get out of that fear and worry and anxiety that they get out of that that sickness and disease which they just try to Hold them back and to hold them down I praise and thank you Father God for your miracle working power to show your people that you are The same God yesterday today and forever. You are Jehovah Rafa. You are Jehovah Nissi You are Jehovah Jireh. You are the Elohim. You are El Shaddai. You are the great I AM We thank you Father God That you are the same we thank you for Father God for your promises and your oath We thank you for your written word in your blood covenant in the name of Jesus We thank you Father God for all the victories and all the freedom In all the restoration in Jesus name amen. Amen. I want you to say every day I am restored. I am redeemed. I am healed. I am made whole I am new Because you are a new creature You’re a new creature in Christ if you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior If you haven’t it’s really easy. You can say Heavenly Father in Jesus name. I believe that Jesus died on that cross and was raised again. I’m asking him to be in my heart, to be my Lord, and to be my Savior. And I thank you, Father God, that I am a new preacher in Christ. I have been made new. And I thank you that my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. And I thank you, Father God, that I am your child. In Jesus’ name. That’s it. All that is, right there, is that few-second prayer. It’s life-changing for you. And if you receive Jesus today, I want you to write in. I want you to let us know. I want you to reach out to us. We can congratulate you for being one of our brothers and sisters in Christ. And you can be assured that your spend all eternity in heaven with our Lord and Savior. Well, I hope to encourage each and every one of you today. God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.
“One day you will have your bank accounts look one way, and the next it will look another way. Get prepared to see how big”
This will be a very strong signal for the many unbelievers.
This has already happened. Have read of Christians in desperate financial straits struggling to make mortgage payments who hand a payment over the counter and the Bank Clerk says What’s this for ? Screen says your loan is discharged. Fully paid off. Next !
So this will be happening en masse. WOW.
Certainly something to look forward to.
This the most strident message we have had from Julie.
The stridency has been rising suggesting implementation of the announcements is close.
For thousands of years God has made himself scarce so that so many evidence based thinkers said Miracles are only in the bible. There is no evidence that God exists. And logical science rules because there is nothing else. The song of the Globalists.
So God is now poised to make a massive shock and awe comeback where magic over rides logic repeatedly.
Bank account boosting is a good way to get the attention of many scientifically minded people and give them pause to reconsider their beliefs.
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