Julie Green Augmented II Unexpected Catch LoveSumsItUp

Unexpected catch under this video



6 days ago (edited)I have the still small voice and I’ve a supernatural audible songs and inner songs and heard an audible voice commanding wake up.


Steve Trueblue


Steve Trueblue


7 replies


@kimbo994 days agoAt www.truebluehealer.com its described and activated in a formal lesson to correct the confusion caused by overly insistent theocrats. Also at www.truebluehealer.com God installs physical sensations used for clear definite signalling of awakening children. More things come naturally thereafter. And having done the 20 minutes BEGINNERS TOUR one gets a little bit of homework. While you carry on doing whatever self attunement you normally do, whether its martial arts meditation yoga holy books, prayer etc. You might recall God has advised many times thru Julie to stop thinking Religiously and Legalistically. Julie hangs on to old theocratic habits and also lacks verbal skills bless her. The fact is Knowing God in a state of Gnosis that you are already in, is a completely NATURAL process. Not religious. It even says so in Cornthians 2 verses 7-11 Amplified. It says knowing the spirit is available to every person on the planet of any faith.That would include non faith. Seculars. Gods master plan is for the whole planet population to be awakened very very soon. Everyone in a state of Gnosis personally knowing the spirit. One problem is that God has to use the religious metaphor to address the leading nation’s Christian population, using Religious metaphors such as the Bible which is incomplete and has some twisted word translations. So example, in 553 AD Emperor Justinian forced the Pope to remove any references to Reincarnation. Which is a major bible distortion. It was got rid of for a very practical reason. Numerous volcanoes erupted in the years following Halleys comet in 530 producing a nuclear winter that lasted for many decades, producing crop failures starvation and plagues and wars. The news was that many slaves were suiciding hoping to reincarnate to a better venue. That was their main workforce disappearing and the Empire was falling. So in 553 Justinian ordered the Pope to expurgate reincarnation from Christian teaching. And its still missing 1500 years later. So humorously even God is forced to use this censored bible to talk to his children thru Julie LOL. So you can toddle off to www.truebluehealer.com do the 20 mins BEGINNERS TOUR and discover more stuff about God. Like physical evidence and lots more. Its been going 15 yrs and proven in 10 countries All questions answered. Pleasure meeting you LoveSumsitup.Read more





4 days agoAnd it was after your activation video


Steve Trueblue


@kimbo994 days ago @LoveSumsItUp  You clever girl you have tricked me completely. LOL




@kimbo994 days ago I get a signal from the Big Chief when somebody is rummaging in the website. One day I’ll tell you what it is.




@kimbo992 days ago @LoveSumsItUp  I’m following Julie videos paying attention only to the intro message from the Big Chief because its the first time in history God has done daily Internet broadcasts ! I pay much less attention to the preaching. I’m told that Julie will be brought in to TBH to give her the formal lesson that she and many others sorely need. To put us all on the same page. I’m also told other people will be brought into TBH like Jordan Peterson or even Elon Musk. of course we are never told WHEN. People years ago wrote that they were “brought” in on the RESPONSES page actually had the website address typed into their mindseye. So the procedure is tested and proven. Question is only WHEN. Some good news is that the criminal Elite permanent political class is close to being taken down such as very noticeable sudden resignations, sudden retirements of Presidents and Prime Ministers. Also includes many deaths of these evil elites. That’s in Julies last coupla videos. So God is making his Big Comeback after making himself very scarce for millennia. So how did you find TBH LoveSumsitup ? Was it just an accident ? Were you following an evidence trail ?Show less




@kimbo992 days ago @LoveSumsItUp  And there is an email link on the TBH site.




@kimbo992 days agoIn your channel you are a very serious student of Gnosis. Notice “The Vedic Way of Knowing God” is a very slow way to reason one’s way into the arms of God. It can take a lifetime of study and one can get lost in philosophy and metaphysics. Its been that way for thousands of years. But now you don’t read about it anymore. With Laymans Gnosis you dive into it immediately and effortlessly, with immediate physical confirmation that something has changed. Which is a huge leg up from God. And you get to be the adored star of your own life story. What a blast ! All questions answered. stevebtlr866@gmail.comShow less




@kimbo990 seconds ago @LoveSumsItUp  Did you know this ? Quite a few people make brief contact with me when they first go thru the Tour. Some of them then wait up 9 years to contact me again to assure me that every thing I say in TBH is true and verified. So please don’t wait that long. There is some value in reporting a few gnostic adventures back to TBH as they are instructive to others. Example did you scroll down to the bottom of the DREAMS page ? Participants left instructive footprints there for other travellers. So good luck with your progress. Have you got physical tingle signals yet ? And later on you will get another complete new set of physical signals. beginning in your Big Toe. Its under the Kundalini heading left index. Laymans Gnosis is action packed thrills compared to those dry metaphysical philosophical books. Show less

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