Julie Green transcript IT’S TIME TO DECIDE

Searchable transcript for the Serious


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Goood Morning, Everybody. Today is actually still Monday, July 24th of 2023. You will see this on Monday, July 31st. And the reason for that is because I’ll be going out of town with my family for a Bible convention. I’m so looking forward to this and just being able to feed it with the Word of God, including my family. And, um, but while I’m gone, I want to make sure that you received all these prophetic words or encouragement, uh, prayer or whatever it is that God has to do, maybe even a Bible, a couple of Bible studies, whatever God has for me to do for you, I want to make sure that I did it for you. So again, I will be pre-recording. You’ll see me all the five days this week, even though I’m not in the office, I made I’ve been setting aside a time during my workday to get these out to you. All right now this prophetic word I’m gonna share my screen with you because once again, this was a Prophecy that was shared on our prayer call that Lord had given to us on a prayer call again So I do have that recorded and it’s called IT’S TIME TO DECIDE I heard this prophetic word on July 19th. Now, before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMinternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. So, I am going to share my screen with you. I’m gonna give you the scriptures that the Lord has me to give to you today regarding this prophetic word. And of course I will do prayer. So I’m going to share my screen and then I will be right back.


For I the Lord this day, say the winds of change are blowing. They’re blowing fiercely now. A fierce wind is blowing in the spiritual realm. It is blowing and it’s knocking out your enemies. It’s knocking them down. It’s destroying their power. It is destroying every lie. It is destroying them and everything they have against you. Yes, this wind. This wind. This wind. I’m in it. Because it’s my glory. It is my power. It is my power. That is flowing. It’s flowing. It’s flowing. And it’s blowing. My children, I have said time and time again, this is not the time to back down. This is not the time to give up. This is a time to be bold in my glory, to be bold in my name, to be bold in the blood covenant that I have made with you. If you don’t know the blood covenant, get to know it. These are the days you will need to know your blood covenant. Things are changing quickly now. Things are changing from bad to worse. It looks like these are the days I have warned you. I have warned you about. But these are the days to shout, even though it looks bad out. Even though it looks destructive. Even though it looks grim. even though it looks dire and depressing for some, it will look this way. But remember what I’ve said, on one side, it’ll look one way, but on my side, with my church, with my body, it will look another. I may ask you again, my children, time and time again, I’ve asked, whose report do you believe? Do you believe the enemy’s or do you believe mine? Do you believe what you see, or do you walk by faith? Whose report do you believe? A decision has to be made. Decisions have to be made. What side of the aisle you’re on, what side you’re on, you can’t have one foot in and one foot out. I’ve warned you about this. But again, I say my mercy and my grace is sufficient for you. And as the winds of change are blowing, I have talked to you about perfect storms and the damage that wind can do, the force behind it, and what it can do for destruction, total destruction. Wind can level cities. It can bring water out of its banks. You’ve seen these things. You’ve seen how destructive wind can be. That’s a natural wind, just think of mine. And how destructive it is against your enemies, a perfect storm is upon them, a perfect storm. You think of hurricanes, you think of thunderstorms, or duratios, you think of these things that bring such destruction, often we’re coming at one time, in every direction, one thing after another, one exposure after another. Truth is pouring out like a flood, like I’ve told you before, an avalanche, a volcano, a flood. Again, natural things that can destroy, natural things that can annihilate what it runs into. My children, your enemies are running into me, running into me because I am blocking them from you. I am blocking them from furthering their plans. I am in the way. I am blocking their way to their victory but I’m leading you into the way of yours through me because I’m that way maker. I’ve told you this day that I have made and rejoiced and be glad in it. Rejoice in these days now more than ever before. Say, Lord, I can’t rejoice. There’s too much darkness, there’s too much sadness, there’s too much sickness, there’s too much death. You rejoice in spite of all those things and you show your enemy that you’re not afraid. You show your enemy that you receive my power, that you receive my love, that you know that I’m on the inside of you and I’m greater than he is and I’m greater than anything that he tries. Goodness. Get excited today. Get excited today. That you’re mine. Get excited today. I love you. Get excited today. I have a plan for you. Get excited today. I will show you my goodness. I will show you my grace. I will show you my goodness. I will show you my goodness. I say it over and over and over again. My goodness. This absolute goodness, I want to pour out on each and every one of you, a goodness that you’ve never known, a love that you’ve never known. Get to know me in these days, get to know who you are with me. So again, jump and shout, dance about because I, I am about to show off and show out and remove all of these things that were hindering you. This world will be filled with my love. You will see, you will see my soon coming glory. Sayeth the Lord.

Julie Commentary

Okay, I don’t know if that excites you, but it excites me because again, he’s showing us over and over again. He’s telling us who he is. He’s telling us the authority that he’s given to us. I know I might sound like a broken record, but God really wants us to get so down in your heart that you know who you are and you know who you belong to. You are a child of the Most High God, and there’s something that you can do about every situation that you are Facing in your life’s day. You can change it. It is so awesome. He’s given us a power and authority to do that now I’m gonna read you guys a scripture And this is this one excited me Totally again, you can’t tell but I mean obviously his word excites me but in Isaiah Isaiah chapter 9 and thank you to all those who are writing these scriptures down in the comments who are doing it in the Live chat when I do live shows, but thank you again for all your help on that Okay, Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 through 7 Isaiah 9 6 or 7 for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government Will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Verse 7, Of the increase of his governments and peace there shall be no end. The government, this one up here in verse 6, and the government shall be upon his shoulders. And then he says down here in verse 7, In the increase of his governments and peace there shall be no end. Remember Who’s in control It is not the government’s that you see today. It’s not the people that you see today I know it’s hard to understand that but it says in God’s Word if you turn to I’m gonna read you a couple more scriptures if you turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 we’re gonna go back to Psalm here in a minute, but go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and And verse 7, for we walk by faith, we regulate our lives and in conduct ourselves by our conviction or beliefs, respecting man’s relationship to God, divine things with trust and holy fervor, thus we walk not by sight or appearance. He said the government is on his shoulders, the increase of his government and there shall be no end. God is a judge over all the earth, whether it looks that way or it doesn’t. Again, he says right here to walk by faith and not by sight so many people walk by appearances Well, Julie, this is not what it looks like Julie, it looks this way. It looks this way and this has happened. This has happened and God said listen Things are not how they appear to be So if things aren’t how they appear to be God is telling you to walk by faith and not by sight That’s why we’re supposed to have a firm focus foundation on the Father So we’re not deceived distracted destroyed by the devil So if we have that and we’re walking by faith and not by sight, we don’t care what the government is doing. We don’t care what these people are doing because God is the one who is in control and he just needs us to be in agreement with him. Now I also want to read to you, go to Luke chapter 12, Luke chapter 12 and verse 2. All right. This is something that’s really important in this time that we’re living in right now. Luke chapter 12 verse 2, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed or nothing hidden that will not be known. So right now things are hidden. You can’t see them. We don’t exactly know how what things are going on behind the scenes. We don’t exactly know how God’s doing all these things because we can’t see the stuff. But just because we can’t see them doesn’t mean That he is not doing something about it. It also says that for the there is nothing covered up So no matter what our enemies have been trying to cover up It doesn’t matter what any lie that they’ve told it says in God’s Word that every lie would be revealed now Psalm 75 This is another one Psalm 75 and verse 6 For now not from the east nor though from the west nor the south or promotion lifting up but verse 7 says But God is the judge he puts down one and brings up another So God is the one who brings it down all these people always evil rulers who think that they’re in control and they can do Whatever they want. This is what exactly what he did with Pharaoh He dealt with Kings in the past no matter what the plan of a king or Pharaoh or an evil ruler or you could say Presidents or anybody in control of governments. It doesn’t matter the plan of the purpose that they have God is saying it is he but God is the judge He puts down one and lifts up another and the reason why he has the scripture over and over He’s given to us in the past Well, probably a year and a half two years now is because there’s so many judges and there’s so many lawyers There’s so many people have let us down our justice system has let us down Our governments have let us down all these people have let us down and God said you can’t look to man because man First of all, they’re not a sure thing and they will let you down. But God is saying I won’t let you down I am the one who’s in control of these things. I am the judge over all the earth Even though again, even like what happened with Pharaoh It looked like Pharaoh was in control. It looked like he could do whatever he wanted to do. It looked like he could just Torment God’s people in every way he could torment them and then God stepped in The same thing happened with King Nebuchadnezzar The same thing happened with David. There’s so many examples in the Bible where it looks like an enemy who is in control God God intervened for his people when it looked like all hope was lost and there was no way of escape. God is saying, I am the judge. Even when judges let you down, even when your justice system lets you down, he is a God of justice. I want to read another one. Psalm 115. I’ve read this, this one, two, four before several different times. Okay. Psalm 115, and this is verse 15. May you be blessed by the Lord who made heaven and earth. Okay, man tries to kick God out of the heaven and earth that he created. It’s not going to happen. Just like Satan tried to overthrow God when he was Lucifer in heaven. That didn’t happen either. He’s not going to overthrow God Out of an earth he created then it goes down to verse 16 1 psalm 115 in verse 16 The heavens even the heavens are the Lord’s but the earth he’s given to the children of men Again, he’s saying to us. We’re supposed to shout What do you do with the children of Israel when they were supposed to be around the walls of Jericho? He told him to walk around the walls of Jericho when he told him to shout told him to shout when they did the walls Came crumbling down. That’s the reason why he’s telling us to do these things He’s telling us to shout the words that he’s given to us in a very specific time Because it does the ultimate destruction and the ultimate damage to the enemy’s power again. Look what happened with the walls of Jericho at the right Particular time. Do you think the same thing would have happened if God’s people would have been walking around in Jericho for the first day? And they started shouting No, they were supposed to be silent I know it’d be really hard for a lot of people to be silent right now You know and and just to obey God and say okay We’re looking like idiots walking around this building what we’re gonna do it because you told us to but they did and when they did God intervened at the exact right time It may not look like it. They look like they look like like they were fools You know, but then God God is the one who stepped in and said it’s done It was the walls came crumbling down when they started to shout. Don’t I read another one to you? Isaiah, Isaiah 30. Let’s go back to Isaiah. I know we were just there. Let’s go back there again Isaiah chapter 30 and verse 18 and Yeah, Isaiah 30 verse 16 verse 18 Isaiah 30 verse 18 I’ll get it right I promise and therefore the Lord therefore the Lord earnestly waits expecting looking in longing to be gracious to you and And therefore he lifts himself up that he may have mercy on you, showing loving kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice, justice. And that’s what a lot of people are really screaming and crying out for right now. And God is that God of justice. and I read to you last week and Jeremiah 33 and I talked about how the He restored he restored the years and he reversed the captivity of that land And so no matter how much long we’ve been in captivity No matter what the enemies have ever tried to do to and try to enslave us in any way God is the God of justice. He’s the judge over all the earth. He’s not going to let us down That’s not God. God’s a faithful God and a lot of people think that right now That he’s not gonna do anything about it But he is now he said in this prophetic word. He says it’s time He said hold on a second. Let me get this back up here It’s time to decide Now I want to also read to you a scripture in Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter 30 Deuteronomy 30 in verse 19 Deuteronomy 30 in verse 19. I call heaven and earth as witness today Against you that I have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life That both you and your descendants may live God said it’s your choice It’s not the evil rulers choice. It’s not the oppressors choice. It’s your choice He said I said it for you life and death blessing and cursing you choose and he wants you to choose life And one thing that’s also another example in the Bible in the wilderness There was an earthquake and they decide which side of the earthquake they’re gonna be on Were they gonna be on side of God with Moses? Or are they gonna be on the side? Of acting any way they wanted to and wanting to go back to Israel. They didn’t they were just absolutely acting like fools Because they were frustrated with what they saw They were being moved by what they saw and not what God had already done for them. Remember, this is a God who got them out of Egypt, who destroyed any power that the enemy had, gave them all the finances that were due to them, plus extra. He healed them. He completely set them free from everything. And they got in the wilderness, they got uncomfortable, and they turned their back on God. A lot of Because they’re uncomfortable because they don’t see a way out. They don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel They don’t see where things are going. They get frustrated and they turn from God and that’s why God’s warning us over and over and over again It’s time to decide he said there’s a great separation was gonna happen. There is a time of a great separation And that’s like he did with Goshen. There was a separation like he did with the wilderness and there was earthquake There was a separation and I’ll go back with this prophetic word again He says for either this day say the winds of change are blowing now. I looked up a couple scriptures this morning before I got on here and That’s right here. Psalm 107 in verse 25 Psalm 107 in verse 25 Because he kept saying when he’s been talking about when the change He’s been talking about the destruction of wind not only naturally but spiritually so I really wanted to look this up I said, okay Lord Where is this in those scriptures? I know if you’re speaking about this prophetically. I know it’s in the scripture somewhere So I looked it up. It’s Psalm 107 verse 25. He commanded and a mighty wind began to blow and stirred up the waves Okay All right Yeah, for he commanded and right and rises up the stormy wind in which lifts up the waves of the sea Then it goes on but I want to read down in verse 28 also then it says and then they cry to the Lord and in their trouble and he brings them out of all their distresses he hushes the storm to call a gentle whisperer so the waves are of the sea are still then he says and the men are glad because the calm and he brings them to their desired haven all that men would praise and confess the Lord his goodness and loving-kindness and his Wonderful works to the children of men let them exalt him as in the congregation of the people and praise him in the company of elders Listen, no matter what it is Look what the wind and that’s another example of the wind was in the book of Exodus I know I go back there again some access preacher but in the book of Exodus the Red Sea God caused such a wind That it separated the Red Sea so his people could walk across that Red Sea to their safety to their freedom on dry ground God does these things he’s talking about this winds I’m gonna go back to it he says the winds of change are blowing they’re blowing fiercely now okay I’m gonna look that up let’s look this up I’m curious I mean everybody knows like fiercely but I just want to see the definition for it okay fiercely is in a savagely and a violent or aggressive manner. So it’s savagely, violent or aggressive manner. Another definition is in a powerful and destructive manner. So God is saying that the winds of change are blowing there fiercely. Now a first wind is blowing, a fierce wind, I’ll get that right, is blowing in the spiritual realm. It’s blowing and it’s Knocking out your enemies. It’s knocking them down So a fierce Wind is blowing Then he says it’s destroying their power. It’s destroying every life. It’s destroying them and everything they have against you Yes, it’s wind this wind this wind. I’m in it Because it’s my glory. It’s my power. It’s my power. That’s flowing. It’s flowing. It’s flowing and it’s blowing My children I have said time and time again. This is not the time to back down This is not the time to give up. This is not the time to this is a time to be bold Excuse me This is the time to be bold in my glory to be bold in my name to be bold in the blood covenant that I have With you It’s time to be bold as a lion It’s how you be bold as a child the most high God how do you be bold? when you know the truth that truth sets you free and you know that Jesus is the head and you are the body and you Are with him and when you’re joined with him and you know that he’s on the inside of you and you know that the greater See that’s inside of you the heath in the world. You can have that boldness He said to be bold in my glory to be bold in my name He’s bold in my blood covenant that I have made with you get to know the blood covenant Look that up what Jesus did in your redemption rights of the child the most high God This is if you don’t know the blood covenant and get to know it These are the days we will need to know your blood covenant These are the quickly changing now things are changing from bad to worse It looks like they these are the days Days. I’ve warned you I have warned you about These are the days to shout even though it looks bad out even though it looks destructive You know, it looks grim even though it looks does dire and depressing for some it will look this way But remember I’ve said it on one side. It will look one way but on another side my church and my with my body It will look another Look what happened with Goshen perfect example. I’ve asked I may ask you again my children time and time again I’ve asked whose report do you believe the same thing? He gave us and the book of Numbers when it talks about Joshua and Caleb gave a good report The other spies in the land gave him a bad report and that all the congregation and all the Israelites Wanted but they believe the bad report the evil report and they did not get into the promised land and it delayed them So what something was already promised to them He’s saying who’s report you believe do you believe it’s gonna be? Okay, do you believe that God’s gonna intervene? Do you believe that he is going to take down our enemies? Do you believe these things or do you believe the report of the enemy the saying it’s hopeless? Well God, it’s never hopeless because God is hope So do you believe what you see? Or you walk by faith and just gave that scripture in 2nd Corinthians 5 7 you walk by faith and not by sight Whose report you believe a decision has to be made decisions have to be made What side of the aisle you’re on? What side are you on? Can you have one foot you can’t have one foot in and one foot out means you can’t be undecisive I’m gonna live like the world talk like the world be like the world and then on Sunday I’m gonna be a Christian gotta say there’s no more time for that. I’ve warned you about this But again, I say my mercy my grace is sufficient for you as the winds of change are blowing I talked to you about a perfect storm and the damage that the wind can do the force behind it and what can we do For destruction the total destruction winds can level cities now. He’s describing to you how powerful these winds are You can see destructive wind can be I’m sorry, it can bring water out of its banks. You’ve seen these things. You’ve seen how destructive the wind can be. That’s a natural wind. Just think of mine, and how destructive it can be against your enemies. The perfect storm is upon them, a perfect storm. You think of hurricanes, you think of thunderstorms or duratios. You think of these things that brings up destruction. All of them are coming at one time and in one direction, in every direction. One thing after another, one exposure after another. Truth is pouring out like a flood. Like I’ve told you before an avalanche a Vic a volcano a flood again natural things that can destroy Natural things that cannot annihilate whatever it runs into My children your enemies are running into me So he’s saying running into me because I am blocking them from you. I am blocking them and furthering their plans I am in the way I Am blocking their way to their victory, but I’m heading you into the way of yours for me Because I’m the way maker. I’ve told you this day that I have made it rejoice and be glad in it Rejoice in these days now more than ever before Lord, I can’t rejoice. There’s too much darkness. There’s too much sadness. There’s too much sickness. There’s too much death You rejoice in spite of all those things and show your enemy that you’re not afraid Do you show the enemy that you receive my power that you receive my love that you know that I am on the inside of you And I’m greater than he is and I’m greater than anything that he tries Get excited Today get excited today that you’re mine get excited today that I love you get excited today that I’m a I have a plan for You get excited today that I show you my goodness. I Show you my grace. I’ll show you my goodness. I will show you my goodness. I say it over and over again my goodness Absolute goodness I’m wanting to pour out on each and every one of you a goodness that you have never known The love that you’ve never known get to know me in these days get to know me Who you are with me again jump and shout dance about Because I am about to show off and show out and remove all these things that they were hindering you This world be filled with my love. You will see you will see my soon coming glory Saith the Lord. So again, what is he telling us? Now, I know a lot of you are going Julie. What does this mean? This means no matter what our Heavenly Father has to do to our enemy, whether it’s natural or if it’s spiritual first and it goes into the natural, He destroys our enemy every time. We may not know exactly how God’s gonna do it. We just have to know that He will because there’s a lot of people that have, is God. Is He going to do anything that if our enemies are about to But just like he said, there’s so many prophecies that are being fulfilled right now There’s truth that is coming out and it’s coming out more and more There’s more exposures that are coming out today there has in a long time And that’s what we should be excited about focus on what God is doing. Not what the enemies are doing And yes focus on your blood covenant Get to know what Jesus has done for you get to know how powerful that blood is the name above every name You have a covenant with God Almighty. Just start doing some studying on it. It’ll excite you on what Jesus did when he asked for you. I want to pray for each and every one of you that you get to know and have that peace on the inside of you. No matter what is going on around the world or in your own life, you have that assurance that God is there with you. And the decision he’s talking about us making, are we going to believe him, or are we going to believe our enemy? Are we going to stand in faith, or are we going to give in to fear? That’s a decision. God, I believe you, no matter what our enemies do, no matter what they try, I decide I trust you. I’m not going to be moved by what I see, I’m not going to be moved by what I hear, I’m only going to be moved by your word. That’s a decision. A decision has to be made. Whose side are you on? Are you on the side of God? Do you trust Him that He’s gonna help you? Do you trust Him that He’s gonna deliver you? Do you trust Him that He’s gonna heal you? And I promise you, He will give you the ability to do it. He’s given us all the seed of faith. It’s just our ability to grow it. It might be the size of a mustard seed when he first gave it to us. We can get it to grow. And a mustard seed can grow so massive. And so this is what we have to do, is just trust in God. And that’s what our decision is to trust Him, to trust in what He’s doing, and to not be moved by anything we’re seeing. So I want to pray over each and every one of you right now. I’m gonna pray that you can make that decision to speak life, to speak blessing, to start saying these declarations and decrees, and again all these things you can find on our website under the marching orders and decrees and declarations. God has these things for you to say and speak what words he needs you to say for this very day in this very hour. He should encourage you that God is on our side and he’s greater than anything we see. So Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I just love that every person is Son of my voice and I thank you Father God that you are getting them up on the inside The most holy faith that you are helping them Father. See the truth Set them free. I thank you for a newfound boldness in you a boldness Father God that they know how much that you love them that they know the Importance that each every one of them are this end time harvest of souls and I thank you Father God that they can see that your word is a weapon against the enemy and when they speak it they can speak it with boldness when they pray they can pray in boldness and when They pray they believe they receive They have it and they will I thank you Father. God. You’re rising up an army a Powerful powerful army of the Lord you are rising us out Father God and I thank you that you are Destroying everything that was against them that was keeping them back holding them down Discouraging them bringing on depression. Whatever it is Father. God. I Thank you that you are rising them up Because you said in your word that they are the head not tailed above or not beneath You also said in your word Father God that we are far above We are far above our any we’re on the same level. We’re live far above So I praise you and I thank you Father God to heal them from the top that has the soles of their feet. I I thank you, Father God, that they are set free from any discouragement, from all the torment, any sickness and disease, no matter what it is, Father God, I thank you that they are healed, sound, and made whole. And I thank you for it in Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Well, I hope this encourages you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know. Who needs to hear an encouraging word? Who needs to hear the truth? Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day


Youtube has severed email notifications to my main channel Uploads to punish me for daring to appeal their Copyright strike with a very reasonable and kind note to Julie asking for an exemption. So my Youtube channel is effectively dead.

So I will be emulating Julie and using Rumble as my main channel and also uploading to Bitchute. Though they both do censorship, but a lot less than Youtube.

The ideal solution to my being shadow banned for daring to appeal a copyright claim on another channel Julie Green Mirror  is for Elon Musks new X Platform to include a video wall. He says he can steal Youtube customers with a better monetisation deal. He wants to make twitter- X into a do everything app. I cant wait for that. An alternative to Youtube. Hope its smoother than Rumble.  God says the Tech Giants will be taken down with new righteous management. As usual we cant wait for this. Already started when a Supreme court judge ordered the WH to stop telling tech giants who to deplatform. That’s a major win. God also says there will be a “white flag of surrender” from the deep state.

So Gang to stay in touch please subscribe to this same PJW video on Rumble and Bitchute below.


And Bitchute

And Jamie (LoveSumsitup) has confirmed that the new Blog subscription process works. Its below the blog page among large Red Text

  • Layman’s Gnosis Regardless of faith or lack of
  • Expect vivid messaging night dreams within one week
  • immediate physical evidence something has changed
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  • messaging music morphing into an internal mentoring voice
  • And much more and its FREE and All questions answered
  • www.truebluehealer.com 20 min BEGINNERS TOUR.
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