Searchable transcript for the serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Thursday, July 27th of 2023 You will see this on Thursday, August 3rd And that is because I am out of town at a Bible convention with my family But I wanted to make sure you received all of these videos each day that I was gone because again It’s so important one of the things that the Lord wanted me to do every single day these this all week long Whether I’m here or not is to give you words of encouragement to give you his word To start your day out, right? To start your day out with seeing through the eyes of Christ seeing through the eyes God and how he sees you And how when you’re going through all the tests and trials for the rest of the day You know how to handle it God wants to give you his word to encourage you to strengthen you in your most holy faith So no matter what you’re up against, you come out the winner in the end, because that is exactly what God has planned for each and every one of us. So it is important to me, whether I’m here or I’m out of town, that you have these words, that God encourages you, that He just strengthens you. It is such a blessing and an honor to be able to get in front of this camera every day to give you his word, to give you his and the revelation knowledge he’s given to us, or this fresh man from heaven with these prophetic words, or revelation from heaven when he’s giving us these awesome teachings. Whatever it is, it’s awesome and it’s such a blessing to be able to do it. And that’s why I let you guys know, no matter where you are, no matter what country you’re in, all of us here at JGMI love you very much. We appreciate you. We pray for you guys each and every day that the glory of God is on your life. That the God of breakthrough changes things and breaks through for you. No matter what you are dealing with, God changes what you are seeing in your life. God’s Word changes what you see in your life. And so, if you do have any prayer requests or praise report, please go to our website at JGMinternational.org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Devonport, Iowa 52807. And please keep sending in those praise reports. It is such an encouragement for all of us here at JGMI to see what God is doing in your life. It is so amazing to see the Creator of heaven and earth, the miracles, the signs and wonders that He is doing for all of His people all around the world. And it’s just so awesome to be a part of it and to see what He’s doing for you. So thank you for sending those encouraging words in and sending those praise reports in. We just love them. So thank you, each and every one of you now I am going to share this prophecy was from July 24th of 2023 so just a three days ago for me but it’ll be over a week for you and it’s called THE GIANTS ARE FALLING this is another one that we got in our prayer call so I will be sharing my screen and then I’ll get back to you once it’s done so I will We’ll be right back after this video.
For I the Lord this day say, the giants are about to fall. Great and mighty giants are about to fall. People you didn’t think would ever leave, would ever fall, would ever come down, would ever be exposed, would ever have justice done to them. These people you never thought would ever be taken out of the spotlight or the power to be taken away from them. You are about to see that day and not just one or two or a few. I’m talking many people. Many people in your governments. Many people in high corporate positions. Many people in the banking system. Many people in Hollywood. Many people all over the place. Soon you will see no trace of what they’ve tried to leave, what they’ve tried to have stay in your presence. Everything that they have done to you, everything that they desired is going to be wiped out. I will make sure that there is nothing left. So my children this day I want you to keep saying THE GIANTS HAVE FALLEN The kings and the pharaohs of today have the same fate. They are about to fall. So my children, don’t ever quit and give in. Don’t give in to the pressure. Don’t give in to their tyranny. Don’t give in to their power. Don’t give in to what they are about to try next. I said try because it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Things are changing swiftly now. They’re about to pull out everything they can at you. They are about to do something to cause mass chaos. In your governments, it’s going to get chaotic. In your economy, it’s going to get chaotic. Things will seem to be upside down completely. Things were seeming to go in such a dark path, in such a darkness to overwhelm and there’s something that they’re about to do or try to do to your rightful President. Pray for him. Pray for him. They want to end his life. They’re getting very desperate now. Pray for him for his protection. Pray for his strength. Pray for his boldness. my David. My David’s coming to a crossroads. He has to pick or choose my way or his way. Pray, lift him up that he will choose mine. That he will choose the path that he doesn’t think, doesn’t look like it’s secure, doesn’t look the right way, but it is the right way. Pray that he will be of sound mind and he’ll be clear to get in line with what I’m doing and what your enemies are trying to do to him in any fashion whether they’re trying to arrest him or trying to kill him either way it will not work, but just because it will not work doesn’t mean I don’t expect you to stand because you are standing you are the ones that are holding him up. You don’t understand to the degree of what evil and the amount of evil that he is under. The amount of pressure that he is under. The weight your enemies are trying to put on him. You are the ones lifting him up. You’re the ones keeping him up and strong. strong. Keep it up. Keep going. Speak louder. Shout strong, strong prayers, not wimpy, strong. Decisions have to be made, very important decisions right now. As we speak, they’re making these decisions and pray that they made the right ones. Not the path that looks of least resistance and it looks good for the one that I have. The one that guarantees a speedy recovery, a speedy recovery of everything that’s been stolen. Yes, I will restore this nation. I’ll restore the wealth. I’ll restore the inventions. I’ll even restore the entertainment industry. So this day, my children, make sure you’re focused. Make sure you stay and stand. And what exactly I have for you to do today, don’t look to the right and don’t look to the left. Be focused and stand on me. Stand on my word. Get to know me. I say this continuously because you’re at that time, a very pivotal moment where you have to choose. So choose this day. I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, you choose. So choose this day which side, because soon that choice will be made for you. That’s something to fear about, my children, but it’s something you have to be aware about. You have to be aware of this. You have to be aware of the time of choices and time of decisions. I told you about the great separation. It’s coming quicker than you think. Don’t get off the focus of my word and the importance of today because your enemy will try to deceive you into thinking, well they’ve been saying this for a long time and nothing’s changing. He’s counting on that. Always be watchful. Always be focused. Always be in my word. Always be with me and nothing you see will affect you, will affect your family. I have turnarounds. I will lavish my children. I’ll restore everything that’s been stolen from you, even from generations before you. I’m going to restore it all. And these are the days of a great restoration. Sayeth the Lord.
Julie Commentary
Okay. Before I go back over, when I was playing this video, one of the things that there was Descriptors that were coming up. I actually had it for a different video and This is something that I know that was actually for this one as well And I want to start really with Psalm 18 Psalm 18 Let it I had these written down for another one and I was just gonna write some fresh new ones and he was like Oh use these I’m like, okay I’ll use a couple of these or ever about he wants me to use and I wrote down some new ones But in this prophetic word once again, he’s telling us What’s gonna happen? He’s telling us we also have to pray We have to stay focused He says this a lot and I know people like well Why would he say and repeat himself all the time because people aren’t paying attention and they’re not staying focused and they’re getting off On this tangent or that tangent or they’re believing this or they believe in that and God says no stay focus, stay single-minded on His Word. Now, Psalm 8, Psalm 8, and I want you to see how He views mankind. Psalm 8, verse 3, When I view and considered the heavens, the work of your fingers, and the moon, and the stars, which you have ordained and established, what is man? That you are mindful of him, and the Son of earthborn man that you care for him. Yet you have made him a little lower than God or heavenly beings and you have crowned him with glory and honor. You made him to have dominion over the works of your hand. You have put all things under his feet. Look at that for a minute. Now as part of this translation here is you’ve made him a little lower than God. It is. It’s a little lower than God. There’s No translation said a little lower than angels. No, we have been made a little lower than God We actually have more power and authority than an angel does That’s why we have the angels hearken diligently to the voice Lord their God We were supposed to give that God’s Word a voice. We’re supposed to speak the words of God It’s another teaching that I cannot get into right now, but listen God this the whole entire Scripture here You have made him to have dominion over the works of your hands This is another scripture that God says in his word that we have been given dominion That’s why he says you call down the Giants you tear down those walls You have put a hedge of protection and pray for your present rightful President. You do these things because he’s given the dominion and even the angel this was like when David was Doing this psalm He was like he knew This was like that. It was angels were saying What is man? They never heard of man before? They never heard a man So it’s like they’re saying okay God, what is a man and they were saying look? What is man that you were so mindful of him and the son of earth for a man that you care for him You’ve made it a little lower than what yourself. This is what that’s saying. You’ve made a little lower than yourself God You have crowned him with glory and honor. You made him have dominion over the works of your hands You put all things under his feet That’s what as a child of the Most High God, we have to know That we have power and authority and dominion That’s why so many these different prophetic words that God’s been speaking about this power about this authority and about this dominion We should know about we should be using. Then, so I want to read this again because there’s been so many scriptures I’ve been giving to you. Of course, Genesis 1, 26 through 28 talks about you having dominion, complete authority. That’s what the Amplified Version says of Genesis 1, 26. And then you have Genesis 1, 28 and then you have Luke 10 19. And then it talks about in Hebrews 1, verses, uh, I think it’s Hebrews 1. Hold on. So I’m not going to quote that wrong. Remember in Romans 8 17, we are joint heirs with Christ. Well, what is Christ heir of? Verse 2. I was right, but I just want to double check. But in the last of these days, he has spoken to us in the person of his son, Who means appointed heir and lawful owner of all things. So Jesus is the lawful owner of all things your joint heir with Jesus Christ It means you’re a lawful owner of all things That’s something that the the body of Christ really doesn’t know about and they haven’t been taught that at all because of religion and legalism So what we have to know is we have power Authority and dominion and even that scripture said that we have been that all these things are under our feet That even talks about that in Ephesians chapter 1. I wasn’t going with these scriptures today, but that’s how he wants to go today All right now and Ephesians chapter 1 verse 22 and he put all things under his feet Remember Jesus is the head. We’re the body. Where’s all of our enemies under our feet? And that’s why we have that power that authority and dominion in this earth. And so when God is telling us to pray remember You have the authority to pray Because remember that one, uh prophetic where I think was like the monday. Maybe you guys would have seen this When he talked about how you have authority and he was showing you and he gave you the illustration about a police officer and about how they have authority because of their badge and what’s behind them. So say friends, if you have somebody trying to come into your house and steal something from you, you can call the authorities and they have the power and the authority to remove that person out of your house. The same thing with you. It’s like you have a badge right here that says you are joint heir with Jesus Christ and lawful owner of all things. And that means you can cast your enemy out or the one who’s stealing from you or whatever God is telling you to do when you speak his words, you can speak his word boldly. That’s why I want to give you these scriptures. So it just rises up on the inside of you. So when you’re praying, you have that knowing on the inside of you, I don’t have to be wimpy. I don’t have to be wondering, is this going to work? Is this not going to work? No, God has given you that power that authority and that dominion Dominion, I’m gonna look that up really quick Definition of dominion. I know I’ve given it out before but I want to give it again sovereignty or control the territory of sovereignty or government another one is rule or power to rule sovereign authority So the biblical definition is when God grants people dominion. Oh And this one says over animals, but remember God said over everything that creepeth upon this earth You have dominion So that’s why it’s so important When God’s given you these marching orders the decrees the declaration you can find those on our website I know that the JGM team is sharing those out When you speak them speak them with the authority knowing that you have that power you have that authority you have dominion over your adversary He’s underneath your feet All right now and then Psalm 18 Psalm 18 and verse 3 Psalm 18 and verse 3 I will call upon the Lord who will be praised So shall I be saved from my enemies and this is what all of us as born-again Christians and children The most high God had to know that God will save us from all of our enemies. Not just some Here’s another one verse 17 Psalm 18 verse 17. He delivered me from strong enemy He delivered me from my strong enemy and those who had hated in a hoard and hoard abhorred me For they were too strong for me So he was talking about right here That God delivered him from a strong enemy and those who hated him Then it said verse 18. They confronted me. They confronted and came upon me in the day of calamity But the Lord was my stay in my support memory. We’ve been learning about the blessing we’ve been learning about God’s favor God is protecting us and the blessing is an empowerment for us to rise above and The favor of God is the one that protects us like a shield And then verse 19. He said he brought me forth into a large place He was delivering me because he was pleased with me and delighted with me now also want to read Psalm 18 verse 48 Who delivers me from my enemies? Yes, you lift me up above those who rise up against me people have to realize in this time that God is still the same God yesterday today and forever and if he has done it from These people for so many places in the Bible that he saved God’s people from the enemy you have to know God is going to save you from yours God is gonna save the Nations from the enemies that have been trying to sit there tear them down and completely destroy or annihilate it You try to destroy our freedom. Just try to destroy our health to try to destroy any Reality of normalism they just they’re trying to destroy every single thing in every walk of our life They don’t want normal. They don’t want us to be free. They don’t want us to think and have a mind of our own and think for ourself. That’s why they’re getting this AI thing involved. They don’t want you to have your own brain and think the way that’s opposite of them. And this is why we have to stand up more than any other time. If a 16 year old boy or 17 year old boy, David, when he faced Goliath, I want to turn that really quick. And then I will have so many more scriptures. David and Goliath this story. I love this story. And the reason why I love this story is because David’s faith It’s David’s faith in God Samuel first Samuel chapter 17 and verse 37 David said the Lord who delivered me see again. He reminded himself. The Lord had delivered him God delivers his people from the hand of the enemy No matter who they are. No matter how big they are David said the Lord who delivered me out of the power of the lion and out of the paw of the bear He delivered me out of the hand of his Philistine He will deliver me out of the hand of the Philistine and Saul said to David go the Lord be with you David knew no matter how big Goliath was God was with him then David said in verse 45 1st Samuel chapter or 1st Samuel chapter 17 verse 45 Then david said to the philistine you come to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin so with natural weapons remember we can’t fight a natural or a Spiritual battle with natural means or natural weapons You will lose That’s what goliath did goliath came to david with natural weapons And look what he said you come to me with a javelin you come to me with a spear but I come to you In the name of the Lord of hosts. What does that mean? The Lord of hosts means God of angel armies The Lord of God that ranks it is Israel whom you have defied So he knew that this enemy was against God. That means it begins God is against him against David this day This day he didn’t say well, maybe next week and maybe next month maybe even tomorrow He said this day the Lord will deliver you into my hand I will smite you and cut off your head and I will give you the corpse that army The Philistines this day the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth and all the earth may know That there is a God in Israel The earth is soon gonna know that the God of Israel. He’s still alive the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob He’s still alive and he’s still in the job and the business of delivering his people So when you see these things remind yourself that God is the one who delivers you out of the hands of the enemy So no matter how many giants we face in our own life No matter how many giants we face around the world or in our governments No matter who is against us who can be against us as God’s before us who can be against us Who can be against us think about that? God goes before us who can be against us. God is the one who’s in between us and them I want to read over this first product word again this prophetic world said that right and then I’ll go back over there There’s a couple more scriptures that I can give We’ll see when he has me do that. But alright, the Giants are falling for I the Lord this day Say the Giants are about to fall Great and mighty Giants are about to fall people. You didn’t think would ever leave or would ever fall or would ever come down, would ever be exposed, would ever have justice done to them. A lot of people think right now that there’s so many people that are out there because they have that protection with like, well, what’s going on in our country? You have a corrupt DOJ, you have a corrupt FBI, the CIA, all of it. Now, not everybody. Not everybody in the CIA, not everybody in the FBI is corrupt. I’m not saying that, But there’s a lot of them But not all there are some really good men and women we need to pray about those who are in there who are good Who are doing the right thing? Pray for those whistleblowers who are getting that boldness to come out and stand and fight against these people But there are gonna be people That will have justice done. So no matter how many layers that they had that they thought because our government Has taken all the DOJ over the three-letter agencies Well pretty much the Supreme Court and a lot of these courts around the world or I mean around this country I mean so we have this protection around them So no matter what came out and came exposed they tried hiding it with this judge or with that judge or with this person with This person they are all these layers of protection So people thought because there was so much injustice and they are all these layers of protection then no matter what they were never gonna have justice served and God is telling us and reminding us in these these prophetic words over and over justice is going to be served How do we know that because God is the God of justice? He’s a just God and He is what he is the judge over all the earth. So it doesn’t matter how many judges are corrupt It doesn’t matter how much law enforcement is corrupt or whatever Again, not everybody in law enforcement and don’t ever say that I back the blue. I pray for these people I pray for people in the military I pray for people in these positions in these three-letter agencies who are doing the right thing. We pray for them But there are people who have been paid off and are corrupt But there is going to be justice and that is what this is saying. So people thought Um, whatever come down whatever be exposed would never have justice be done These people you never thought would ever be taken out of the spotlight or out of their power to be taken away from them You were about to see that day and not just one not just two not a few I’m talking about many people many people in your government many people in high corporate positions now He’s naming all these different places Then he says many people in the banking system. Oh, yeah He’s also talked about the judgment of Wall Street Because that is extremely corrupt Then he says many people in Hollywood Many people all over the place soon. You will see no trace of what they tried to leave So no matter if they were staying those positions they tried to still cause damage so say for instance this person was going to be Removed well, they’d have somebody else to replace them So their plans could keep going forward. They’d have fall people With their protection Then it says they try to stay They try to stay in their presence and everything they have done to you everything they have desired is going to be wiped out Everything that they have desired is going to be wiped out and That’s what we have to realize is God is a God that will annihilate and completely bring to nothing our enemy And any plan that he had He says, I’ll make sure that there is nothing left. So my children, this day, I want you to keep saying the giants have fallen. The giants have fallen. Remember, call those things that’s not as though they are. It says the king and the pharaohs of today have the same fate. You see what happened with the pharaohs of old. You see what happened to the kings in the Bible. They have the same fate as the leaders you see now. He says they are about to fall. Now again, if they come to repentance God wants me to come repentance and that’s the reason why there has been delays God wants people to repent He wishes that no man perish God’s a loving God and he’s long-suffering merciful But some people won’t repent He said so my children don’t ever quit and give in don’t ever give in to the pressure Don’t ever give in to their tyranny. Don’t ever give in to their power. Don’t ever give in to what they are about to try next I will I have said what they try because it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen things are changing swiftly now they’re about to pull out everything they can at you when they are desperate they are gonna try desperate measures desperate times calls for desperate measures that means that’s why it’s going to get darker but don’t fear it because God is a light so the darker it gets for them The brighter God’s light will shine They’re about to They’re about to do something to cause a mass chaos in your governments They’re gonna caught going to try to get chaotic in your economy, which we already know they’re trying to pull that down It’s going to get chaotic things will seem to be upside down completely Things you will mean to go in such dark a path Such a darkness to overwhelm your enemies want to get such a darkness to overwhelm you and God said don’t that’s why we’re supposed to Focus on him focus on his word Because he is our light in the midst of darkness. There’s something that they’re about to do true or try to do to your rightful President They’re gonna try to do something to our rightful President. We already see what they’re trying to do with these indictments. They’re so Ridiculously desperate because they’re seeing no matter what they’re doing. His poll numbers are going up No matter what lie they’ve said those lies are being revealed Everything they’re doing against him is falling apart. So they gotta try something else this says Pray for him when you pray for President Trump. That’s what there’s what he’s saying right here pray for him pray for him They want to end his life Pray for him They’re getting very desperate now pray for him for his protection pray for his strength now again They’ve done this before They’ve been trying to this for a long time. It’s not working But our job is to pray for one another Our job is a pray for who God has anointed and appointed Then it says they’re getting desperate now pray for his protection pray for his strength pray for his boldness. My David my David So he says my David is coming to a crossroads He has to pick and choose my way or his way Pray to lift him up pray that he will choose mine That he will choose that path And he doesn’t think he doesn’t look like it’s secure. It doesn’t look like the right way, but it is the right way Pray that he will be of sound mind. It’ll be clear to get in line With what I’m doing and what your enemies are trying to do with him in any fashion Well, they are trying to arrest him or trying to kill him either way it will not work But even though it will not work. We are still supposed to pray That’s our job But just because it will not work. It doesn’t mean I don’t expect you to stand because you were standing you’re supposed to stand You are the ones that are holding him up You don’t understand to this degree of evil and the amount of the amount of surrounding him the amount of pressure that he’s under The weight your enemies are trying to put on him You’re the ones lifting him up. You’re the ones keeping him up and strong. Keep it up. Keep going. Speak louder. Shout strong. Strong prayers, not wimpy. Strong decisions have to be made. Very serious decisions have to be made. Very important decisions right now. As we speak, they’re making decisions and pray that they make the right ones. Not the path that looks of the least resistance and it looks good, but the one that I have. The one that’s guaranteed a speedy recovery. A speedy recovery of everything that has been stolen. Yes, I’ll restore the nation. I’ll restore the wealth. I’ll restore the inventions. I’ll even restore the entertainment industry so this day my children make Sure, you’re focused. Make sure you stay and stand and exactly what I have told you to do today Don’t look to the right and don’t look to the left be focused and stand on me Stay on my word get to know me stand with me Sorry, get to know me because you’re at that time a very pivotal moment where you have to choose So choose this day I said before you life and death blessing and cursing you choose So choose this day with side because soon the choice will be made for you. That’s something to fit That’s not something to fear. That’s not Something to fear because a lot of people again They’ll hear certain things and then they’ll stop at that and they won’t hear the rest of it He says it’s not something to fear about my children. It’s something you have to be aware of You’d be aware of this You have to you you have to be aware of this at times of choices and times of decision You have to be aware of the times of choices and decisions. I told you about the great separation It’s coming quicker than you think Don’t get off the focus of my word and the importance of today because your enemy will try to deceive you into thinking Well, they’ve been saying this for a long time and nothing’s changing He’s counting on that Hand me put that part in bold Always be watchful, always be focused, always be in my word, always be with me, and nothing you see will affect you, will affect your family. I have turnarounds, I have lavished my children. I will restore everything that’s been stolen from you, even from the generations before you. I’m going to restore it all. These are the days of great restoration. So again, no matter what we see, David saw a massive Giant he did But he saw this giant That he was defeated already Because he was against God. We have to see our enemies the same way. They’re defeated because they’re against God They’re defeated because Jesus has already defeated them Jesus has brought him to nothing to make no effect. And yes, we do have to pray for our rightful President we don’t understand to the degree of the amount of pressure and the spiritual things that are trying to hold him back to keep him from taking that position back. And again, this is not about a man, just a man. It’s about assuming God is anointed and appointed. We can do nothing without God. And this is not about a man. This is about God’s will to be done. And I know this will get twisted and this will just… Don’t let people think they can think the way they want, it doesn’t matter. But let’s obey God today and let’s not only pray about this nation, but pray for our rightful President like he told us to. Pray for our freedoms. Pray that the church is fully awakened and take the power and authority and dominion that God has given to us. So Heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus we just want to praise and thank you Father God from this fresh manna from heaven. We want to thank you for revelation from heaven. We want to Praise and thank you Father God that you have given us power authority and dominion upon this earth that we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ that we are lawful owners of all things because of Jesus and what he has done I thank and praise you Father. God you put all things under our feet So no matter the Giants that we face in our lives. I thank you right now We call those Giants down we call on those Principalities those powers and rulers on a darkness of this world in any assignment from the pit of hell That’s against us. We rendered helpless right now by the blood of Jesus and we thank and praise you Father God we declare the victory because the blood covenant we have with Jesus Christ and I want to praise and thank you Father God we pray for our rightful President. We pray for his protection. We pray Father God that he makes the right decisions We pray Father God that he has that Enlightenment that he knows and he hears from you the exact words that you have for him in this very day in this Very our and what you want done in his life and the decisions that you want made no matter what they look like No matter how they may seem that he will follow you that he will obey you And we thought that they will humble himself before you and do your will Then your will is done. We thank you Father. God that no weapon formed against him We plead the blood of Jesus over him and taught his head of the soles of his feet and everybody around him We thank you Father. God for their guardian angels protecting them wherever they go, and everything that they do. And I thank you, Father God, for rising up this body of Christ right now to be fully awakened to the truth of your word. I thank and praise you, Father God, right now, that the waking of the body of Christ, the awakening, the revival, your glory. I thank you, Heavenly Father, that Jesus’ revolution is going on right now, That people just know that they know that they know who they are with Christ Jesus that they know the truth that will set them free of your word of who they truly are and not what the world says they are I Thank you. Father. God that the church is Waking up the church is getting up. The church is taking back its place. The body of Christ is taking back its place They need to be aligned with the head and we thank you for all this in Jesus name Amen and amen. Again, remember God’s in control, but we have a part to play. Just like you saw the children of Israel when they had to walk around the walls of Jericho. God needed their participation. Now He’s telling us to shout and to shout our enemies down. That’s what we need to do. He told them exactly when to shout to tear down the walls of Jericho. It wasn’t their shout, but it was their obedience. It was their obedience to God. So even though we don’t always understand, but if we have that willing heart to obey and just do it, great is your reward. So stand and pray. Stay focused on God today. Again, this country and what’s going in it is not about a Republican versus a Democrat. It’s not. It’s about good versus evil. It’s about life versus death. They want to bring this nation completely down to its knees and destroy it, destroy the fabric of our country, destroy why it was created to begin with. They want to bring it down to bring in a one world government and great reset. And that’s why they’re after our rightful President, because he is one that’s anointed by God to help stop it. He’s not the only one who’s anointed by God to stop it. We are here anointed by God to help to stop it. We do need to pray for the ones that God has chosen in leadership roles. So pray and stand. It’s the same thing for your country if you’re not from this country. You pray and you stand. You pray the words that God wants you to pray. He’ll give to you. And you can see the manifestation of God at work. God is faithful to perform His Word. He promises that. So remember, God will deliver you from every enemy that you are facing today. Well, I hope this encourages you today. Please like, subscribe, and share. And give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging Word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set them free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

Trump is suffering numerous false indictments which are distractions from the almost daily scandals coming out about the democrat party as all “secrets are being revealed”. The laughable irony is Trump gets increased support each indictment. So the Democrat machine is self destructing.
It comes as a surprise that Trump is “at a crossroad” and could make a wrong turn by choosing what falsely “appears” to be the most bountiful path.
And YES he was taken for a ride by the covid conspiracy which dovetailed with his desire to go down in history as the great vaccine maker ( which has killed some 20 million people. Just the vaccine.) And still he insists he is the great vaccine Saviour. And we still keep reading of astonishing extraodinary post vax death rates among 18 to 59 year old people causing Insurance companies to sue PFIZER. So its definitely REAL. We now have a permanent WW2 death rate built into our culture. Thats measured thru burials which cant be covered up by statistical fraud and censorship
And “Trump at the crossroads” brings to mind God’s explanation of why he could use a villain like Vladimir Putin to take down the NWO. He said he could use ANYONE HE PLEASES. Even evil people when nobody else is available. Though he also says some hardheaded evil doers won’t repent and prefer the death consequence. A big round of elite deaths is coming. So not everyone is a complete puppet.
So Is God only saying this cross roads thing to get millions to pray for Trump ?
In my personal experience over 20 yrs I utterly abandoned the concept of free will. Realising I am a puppet like Pinocchio given the illusion of free will. We have a life-story to live that we agreed to before incarnating here.
Oh but all references to reincarnation were removed from Christianity in 553 AD by Emperor Justinian. And they never returned.
So God is knowingly using an expurgated version of Christianity to appeal to the US Southern Bible Belt. Its the right thing to do. But its a hindrance to understanding.
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