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Goood uh Morning, Everybody ! Today is actually still Sunday, May 28th of 2023. You will see this on Monday, June 5th. And the reason for that is because I am still out of town. I’m actually flying home on Tuesday, so I’ll be back in the office once again on Wednesday, June 7th. So before I get to this prophetic word that I have to give to you Today I want you to be aware there has been a lot of fraud and a lot of scam regarding this name of this ministry people are using it trying to harass people for money or Asking you to pray for prayer cloths or pay for prayer cloth We are not ever going to reach out to you and ask you for money That is not what this ministry has ever done and it’s not what we will ever do We are mandated not to ever do that So if you have been asked and people been you know Trying to get you to give them money for certain things and it looks like our name Please do not give it to them report them to whatever platform that you are on To get them to be able to stop Because this is something that has been going on for a long time with many other different ministries We’re hearing about so please do not give in to these people And give them anything. Mmm. If you want to contact this ministry, you can go to our website at JGM Under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807 okay, that’s how you get a hold of us We will not reach out to you like that on different platforms. Okay? Alright, now that is all the announcements to make and here’s a prophetic word and it’s called,
I heard this prophetic word on May 25th of 2023.
For I, the Lord, this day, I’m telling you, my children, a major shift is taking place. A great separation is taking place, a weeding out of the evil in your nations, but also a weeding out and cleansing in the body of Christ. There has been an evil in my churches, yes, an evil that snuck in over years and years, which led to twisting and a deception of my word. A great deception on who I really am and what my written word is saying and the truth that is in it to completely set people free. But there had been a time where it was so watered down that nothing was happening and my children stopped expecting anything from me because of this lack of power. Evil ran rampant and created chaos anywhere it could. My children, darkness has grown to new levels and spread far and wide and deeper than anyone thought it could. But remember, I know the end from the beginning. And I am telling you once again to get up, stand up, take back authority that Jesus has paid for. Because things are about to look more chaotic and out of control. It may look like it is getting much worse around the world, but I have told you this before it took place, and I didn’t leave you without solutions to overcome every obstacle. I have given you power, authority, dominion, faith, strength, joy, peace, revelation, knowledge, and understanding. I have given you my will for your lives, which is my written word. So take it all and use it how I’ve always intended you to do. My children, these are the days where you must live by faith. Where you will have to stand. Where you will have to know how to pray and use my authority. Your enemies are desperate and that desperation is growing and they are about to overwhelm many without with the amount of pressure there that they will try to put on you to quit. Excuse me.
But great judgment is coming. The weather will appear to become abnormal and out of control. Earthquakes will ramp up in various locations. Governments will fall apart. Chaos in many countries worldwide. Another virus they will try to put on the world, and they will continue to try to take your freedoms away. Chaos with more shortages, more inflation, planes will be grounded, again, but in a bigger way. Transportation in many ways will seem to cease, and a blackout will take place that I have continuously told you about. But despite all these things, I am in control, and the globalists will continue to fail and they will fall sayeth the Lord.
Watch something significant will take place in Great Britain to shake that location.
OPERATIVES this word is about to be used more and more in your news because many covert operations have taken place behind the scenes and it will soon all be in the scene, and it will shock the world what at all took place when people were totally unaware.
Another major bombshell of ELECTION INTERFERENCE will be exposed. This will not be ignored or denied.
Watch the Supreme Court will make a major ruling. Something significant is taking place in Texas.
Major exposures regarding the United States and the Deep State will be exposed on what had taken place and what they were a part of on Arab soil.
Another MAJOR PAYOFF by the Biden and Obama will be exposed. Something they never thought would happen with it coming out to the public.
There is much more than what it looks like with the DURHAM report. Injustice will be served on all accounts.
SCATTERBRAIN This word will be used in your news to describe Biden and he will not be the only one.
Mishaps and missteps. These words will be in your news for a shocking reason.
TREASON This word will continuously be in your news along with the phrase Watergate.
Deep Dark secrets, the United States, and the deep state, thought had been hidden for many years in a place no one would find. It’s now coming to the surface and it will free this nation from their chokehold. Brace for the great impact that is coming to free your nation from the death grip they had over you.
Get ready for GREAT REMOVALS and GREAT
REVERSALS saith the Lord.
Julie Commentary Now, before I go over this prophetic word, one of the things that, when I was reading over it this morning, before I made this video, I wanted to look up something, and you guys know this is how I study. I love when the Lord gives a word, or even something in the scriptures, and a word will just pop out at me in a scripture, and I’m like, I want to look more in, even though I know the meaning but I really want to know what the definition is fully and so when he had me title this the way he did one of the things I looked out was weeding out definition and I love again how he words things because not only does he give the prophetic board but he also gives the title of it but weeding out means to separate out, remove, or eliminate anything unwanted. I’m gonna read that again. Reading out means to separate, remove, or eliminate anything unwanted. So he’s saying he’s eliminating everything unwanted in our nations, and that has begun. So when you look at that for, if you look at it as a whole, and you look at what the word said, or the title said, and then what the definition is, it just puts a whole new perception, a perspective on what he’s saying. And I, that’s why I love it. It just, it brings more incitement to me when I’m like, and I looked this up and I’m like, I can’t wait to give them this definition because it just screams out at you to eliminate anything Unwanted in our nations. That’s exactly what we want. And right now it looks like Everything that we don’t want is just trying to remove everything We do want and it looks like it’s out of control and there’s nothing that we can do But that’s not what God is saying. Remember God is always gonna say the opposite of what it looks like why because he’s a faith God Okay, and he calls those things as not as though they are and so if you think about that for a minute He’s never going to align or agree with what they’re doing or saying why because what they’re doing is it or what they’re saying and what is in the scene is Temporal and that’s where you get 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 18 in an amplified version It says those things are fleeting which things are seen are subject to change or fleeting. They’re not gonna last forever You can also say those things have an expiration date So what we see with the tyrannical governments the lawlessness the injustice the treasonous acts Continuously all these things God is saying those are in the scene You can see these things obviously and he’s saying those things have an expiration date They cannot and will not last forever if you look in the Bible again I’m gonna remind you to go and read the Bible every single one You guys are probably tired of me saying this but every single video I’ve said or almost every video I’ve said don’t take my word for it but go into the written word and see what God says because it’s important to get that revelation of What God has done in the past for his children and in these impossible looking Situations and these situations where it looked like it was getting worse before it got better where you had prophets in the land No matter what the prophet said it did look like it was the exact opposite that was taking place But the thing is God when he sends his people and he sends them to speak They’re not going to align with what the world is looking like It’s gonna be the opposite because God is good and everything that’s going on right now is extremely evil So he’s not gonna align with that and that’s why it’s important to get into his written word and see what his written word says now Something else that again when I’m reading these to go over them before I make the video Something else that kind of just stuck out at me, which was the brace for impact. He has said that in several actually prophetic words So I was like, okay Lord What do you mean exactly by brace for impact again? I know what it is But it’s like I want to go in more depth of what he is wanting us to know So I look up this definition and it says to get ready for something unpleasant Now, unfortunately, that’s not something that I want to tell you but at the same time I have to One of the things that God has been telling us about this is he says it is gonna get darker and it is gonna look it looks gonna look like it’s getting worse and Not better, but what he said was he said looked like that’s the key phrase looked like doesn’t mean it’s going to it doesn’t mean it’s going to stay that way and I’ve given you the example and I will every day until you get it down into your heart until God says for me not to But if you looked at land of Goshen again, there wasn’t any of the plagues and judgment like there was in Egypt It was the same time period one part of the country was experiencing massive plague and judgments, you would say. And over here where God’s people were, there was nothing. So even though it may look darker, may look more chaotic, remember Goshen. And as much as I’ve been saying it, I’m sure you guys will remember it, but remember Goshen. Do not get into fear. Because fear will tell you that if there is something that happens, that you have to take part in it. Remember, it says in God’s word that you’re in this world, but you’re not of it. You’re not subject to it. You can read John 17, 13 through 17. Write that down and you can read those scriptures. And I do the classical amplified version. You can find that on Bible Gateway if you don’t have that Bible, then I want you to also read where it says in Galatians 4 4 through 7, okay, so John 17 13 through 17 and then Galatians 4 verses 4 through 7 Just even those two and also Galatians 3 13 and 14 Okay He won’t let me I have to I have to read at least a Galatian part I had to make another video and I want to get ready for church. That’s why I’m Didn’t want to have too much time But the Lord wants me to read it and not quote it and I’m going to okay, so Galatians 4 okay, and it says But when the proper time had fully come God sent his son born of a woman born subject to the regulations of the law Verse 5 to purchase the freedom now listen to what he’s saying to purchase the freedom to ransom to redeem to atone for those who were subject to the law you at one point were subject to the law okay then which is the curse which is going on in the world from what happened when Adam gave over his power over to the serpent or over to the devil and the devil took over which became the little G of this world, which he brought the curse of the law into the world. And then this is saying, but Jesus came subject to the regulations of the law. When he came as a baby, he came subject to the regulations of law. Now every single time that Satan tried to do something to Jesus, Jesus was like, get behind me, Satan, knock it off. I’m not going to fall for it. Jesus was not even though I was saying tried to tempt him. It didn’t work. Okay, and then when Jesus died on that cross and He bore the curse on his body He went to hell in our place And he says that in belly there for three days and guess what? Then he came out of it with the keys and held death and a grave He destroyed So he paid your ransom He paid for your freedom on that cross And then he says to redeem to atone for those who are subject to the law Now listen that we may be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us and be recognized as God’s sons. So God’s children So what Jesus did? Recognizes us as God’s children. That’s the reason why when we say Heavenly Father in Jesus name you’re getting heaven’s attention and that’s why when I’ve told you this before when you say Heavenly Father in Jesus name and you’re in your prayer closet and I said I had that vision one time for those who don’t know I’m gonna say this again But I had a vision in my prayer closet and I don’t usually have visions, but I was kneeling down On the floor and I saw Jesus when I was I had my eyes closed I saw Jesus and not myself and I asked God what that meant I said, why am I seeing Jesus sitting here in my closet and not myself? And he says, because I see you through him, I see you through his sacrifice. He doesn’t see us as the, you know, this unworthy, these people who fail all the time, these people who, you know, sin all the time, these people who, you know, don’t deserve his forgiveness. He doesn’t see that. He sees us through the blood and through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ It’s a beautiful thing. He sees us through Jesus So it says in verse 6 and because you really are his sons God has sent the Holy Spirit of his son into our hearts crying out a Father Verse 7. This is what I’m getting to Therefore you are no longer slaves Bond servant but a son and if you are a son then it follows that you are an heir by the aid of God through Christ So Jesus paid for your ransom So even though God has been saying brace for impact Because what is brace for impact mean to get ready for something unpleasant? That’s for the world We don’t have to be partakers of something unpleasant The reason why he’s saying that again, I just read you that For the fact of showing you you are not subject to what happens in the world again Read John 17. It says you are in this world, but you are not of it in Galatians 3 13 and 14 talks about you are redeemed from it So even though things will get worse and appear like it will get much worse God is saying you don’t have to be subject to that part Get ready means Don’t get into fear. Don’t get into worry. Don’t be partakers of it. Don’t accept that in your own life Don’t accept that say Lord you said this was coming, but just like when the angel of death came and Your children put the the lambs blood over the lentils in the doorpost and the angel of death death had to pass by I thank you the same thing that’s going on right now Father God no matter what virus no matter what happens with the economy no matter what the they try to do for this global reset I don’t care Father. God. I thank you that I stand in you on your word I stand because you said to stand I walk by faith. I don’t walk by sight. I thank you Father God, I am not subject to the what’s going on in the world today. I thank you that you have separated me from this I thank you Father God that I will thrive not just survive. I in that’s That’s that part where you’re thanking him. You’re praising him. You’re worshiping him You’re you’re just giving that ultimate praise That’s keeping your eyes focused on him and not all the bad things that are going on So then you won’t get into fear and then I want something that also says brace for impact. There’s another meaning to warn someone to be prepared for something To warn someone to be prepared for something So the reason again, I wanted to read these things is because he said in many of these different prophetic words to brace for impact And then the weeding out definition was to separate out, remove, or eliminate anything unwanted. We have a lot of people and they’re doing a lot of things that are unwanted, alright? So then he’s saying, brace for impact. Well, to eliminate and remove those things and those people who are unwanted, get ready for something unpleasant. Same thing would happen with Egypt. When God was eliminating or weeding out and eliminating things that were unwanted and showing the Egyptians he was the one in control. It got unpleasant for the Egyptians. But again, Goshen was protected. And then you had to warn someone to be prepared for something. God always warns. That’s why he had and gave specific instructions to the Children of Israel with Passover. This is what you need to do. He gave them specific instructions. This is what you need to do and the angel of death will pass by and we found out no Israeli or Israelite, excuse me, no Israelite was touched. So that means that they were obeying what God was saying. What is God telling us to do right now? What God is telling us to do right now is focus on him. What he’s telling us to do right now is to get into his written word. What he’s telling us to do is to get in our prayer closets and search him out, seek him Find out who he really is and not what somebody says he is That’s his instructions for us. He’s also giving us marching orders decrees declarations You can find those on our website at JGM Under our blog page and they are updating those quite frequently now the dates may look like they’re older But they’re not they’re new but they’re dated with the prophetic word that was given All right. So even though it’s may say like April right now or whatever. That is a new Marching order because what they’re doing is they’re taking the perfect They’re going to the prophetic words are taking what God says in these prophetic words turning it into marching orders and or decrees and declarations So you can say them out and speak them out. So they’re not old. They are new they are updated Okay, so I think they have it on there now, which was the date of the prophetic word of the prophecy where these Marching orders and decrees and declarations came from and then the date of when they posted it on the website I think that’s what they were doing We’re not I do apologize, but that’s what is easiest to explain that now I want to go back over this prophetic word once again and Something he said again brace for great impact Okay, brace for great impact. That means not even just brace for an impact. That means brace for something Great. Big. I want to look up the definition and even though, even though, again, we all know what great means for the definition is something that I, I will find something else more out about it. So great. All right. It means an extent amount intensity can serve considerably above the normal or average. All right. Now to put that, so brace for great impact. So what did brace mean? To get ready for something unpleasant, to warn someone to be prepared for something. Now the definition of great, an extent amount of intensity considerably above the normal or average. So, if we take that, what he’s saying, again, there is going to be an impact, it is going to be great. That means it’s going to be above the normal. And why does it have to be that way? To get people’s attention. Not to fear it, but to get people’s attention, to realize and have the world know that God’s not dead. I love that song. God’s not dead. He’s surely, I just love that. God’s not dead. He’s surely alive. I love that. He is surely alive But a lot of the world because of what he said in the beginning of this prophetic word a lot of the world doesn’t know it because of the watered-down religious Doctrine man doctrines that have been preached in the body of Christ for so long in the churches that had watered things down That people weren’t expecting from God or even really knew who God truly was It was just a form of him but not who he truly was and so This impact is to it. It will wake people up It will shake people up because he said everything that can be shaken will be shaken Then he said brace for the great impact that is coming to free your nation So even though it may look abnormal, even though it may look like it’s something that is unpleasant It’s setting us free again Look what happened in Egypt. That would have been unpleasant as well to watch all those things happened All things happened in Egypt, but it was very unpleasant But the ending result was their freedom from that slavery So that’s what we look at. We look at the positive thing. Just like with Joshua and Caleb Joshua and Caleb We’re trying to tell the people of Israel Hey we are more than able to go up against these Giants to go into the Promised Land and Then all the other ones came out and said no, we’re not we’re just mere grasshoppers in this site That is the all of the Israelites. They believe the evil report or at least the older generation did They believe the evil report They didn’t go in they wandered around the wilderness for 40 years when they didn’t have to because they were Well, they didn’t believe God they believed an evil report or a lie more than they believed what God was saying Even though God showed himself over and over and over again. The same thing is happening today No matter how many times God has shown himself Even prophetically how God has shown himself People are still questioning can God or will or will not can God they know God can but will God okay, so then he says Listen, the reason why I have to be unpleasant is also to set our nation’s free from the death grip It was trying to kill the soul of our nation It was trying to kill our freedoms. It was trying to kill everything. That was good the death grip that they’ve had over you Get ready for great removals and great reversals Now God removed Pharaoh and he’s removed other kings in the past So if he did that again if he did before why would he not do it again if he’s the same? Yesterday today and forever now listen to this paragraph deep dark secrets the United States Then it says, the DEEP STATE in bold thought had been hidden for many years in a place. No one would find is now coming to the surface and it will free this nation from their choke hold. So it’s talking about the United States, deep state, is that a choke hold on this nation And things that they had hidden very deep are coming to the surface and will be exposed and it will destroy the power that they’ve had over this nation. That’s what God is saying about this. And then he said, TREASON, this word will continuously be in your news along with the phrase Watergate, or you can say the name WATERGATE, but they’ll use it. And a lot of the things that are going on right now and what we’ve even seen with the Biden even than this last You know several weeks or whatever and may all this Exposure at one after another that is way worse Watergate was nothing compared to what this administration has done Me and these people have done and it showed it even in the Durham report so God is saying treason and he’s been mentioning treason for over a year and And he said, treason was going to be written on their names for all, on them for all eternity. So you’re going to see all these people on all the acts of treason that they’ve committed. Then he says, mishaps and missteps. These words will be in your news for a shocking reason. Mishaps and missteps. All right. Then scatterbrain, this word will be used in your news to describe the Biden and he’ll not be the only one now. So what are you saying is somebody else, they’re all going to get to the point where, um, more More than one person is going to kind of act like that, that scatterbrain type of actions. Like with, with even with a Biden, when he’s having problems talking and having problems finding the stage or having problems with where he’s located and things like that. It’s not funny. It’s sad that he’s that incoherent sometimes and he gets really flustered and he has to have a cheat sheet. Sometimes the cheat sheet isn’t even good enough, but he’s not going to be the only one that’s going to appear
that way. How many? I don’t know. He was not specific on that, but he did say he’s not the only one that will be considered scatterbrained Now he had me put this in bold. THERE IS MUCH MORE that those four words there is much more than what it looks like with the Durham report and They have been put this in bold JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED ON ALL ACCOUNTS It looks like there was a report the report came out it was devastating to for us to find out all the things that they were doing against President Trump and of course against us and it looked like Nothing’s being done and God is saying It’s not done Another MAJOR PAYOFF by the Biden Obama will be exposed something They never thought would happen with it coming out to the public So they thought again Obama and Biden thought that this was something that they were getting away with and it was never going to be exposed. The public would never find out what they were doing and what all the money they were getting paid, what they were paying people off for and God is saying I’m exposing all of the money. Okay? Follow the money, find all the crimes, you can find all the people with those crimes. All right now, major exposures regarding the United States and the deep state. There’s another one But then he says will be exposed on what had taken place and WHAT THEY WERE APART OF ON ARAB SOIL So they were doing things a deep state in this country. We’re doing certain things against our country on Arab soil or against even the world. I don’t know. He wasn’t specific on that, but we’ve we’ve seen a lot of evil go on where look what happened with Afghanistan all of a sudden when we pulled out they just were given 81 million 81 million 81 billion I’m emotional it was a lot of money plus all of all the equipment we left there the helicopters the guns everything a lot of things were done on Arab soil that we don’t know about yet and God’s going to expose it. Something significant is taking place in Texas. That’s not the first time he said that and this is the second or third time he’s mentioned Texas. So watch something happen in Texas. Washington Supreme Court will make a major ruling and then he says another major bombshell of ELECTION INTERFERENCE will be exposed. in This will not be ignored or denied. Even with the DURHAM report, that was a lot of election Interference we saw just with that alone. We obviously know with Twitter that they even said that they when Elon came out with all of the Things with Twitter. He even said that there was a lot of an election interference So they were trying to shut people up when it came to Hunter and it came to the Biden campaign Use Twitter to help them out and they used to help them use with Facebook to Facebook helped with it All right. Now OPERATIVES, this word will be used more and more in your news because many covert operations have taken place behind the scenes and it will soon all be in the scene and it was shocked the world what all took place when people were totally unaware. He had me put that in bold, WHAT ALL TOOK PLACE WHEN PEOPLE WERE TOTALLY UNAWARE. That’s why he said over and over again that things are going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about. And he said don’t go by how things appear to be He says that a lot He probably said it to the children of Israel to whether they listened. I don’t know But I’m sure he said it to them and warned him what was going on in Egypt All right now watch something significant will take place in Great Britain to shake that location now Great Britain is the location and I think it’s like three countries and in our four countries, but it was it’s about that area The area of Great Britain. So something he said something significant will shake that location then he says BUT GREAT JUDGMENT IS COMING That’s also in bold The weather will appear to become abnormal out of control earthquakes will ramp up in various locations Governments will fall apart chaos in many countries worldwide ANOTHER VIRUS They will try to put on the world they will continue to try to take your freedoms away Chaos with more shortages more inflation PLANES WILL BE GROUNDED AGAIN But in a BIGGER WAYand then he had me put in bold that TRANSPORTATION IN MANY WAYS WILL SEEM TO CEASE It’s like almost like you find out about COVID all over again, you know, that’s because that’s how what all these things happen during COVID And a BLACKOUT will take place that I will have continuously talked to you about now Of course a blackout didn’t happen. But again GODs been warning us about something. He said he was locking us in And again another example Goshen locking us in If you lock us in it protects us from all the evil that is being dealt with to eliminate and remove it Then he says my children darkness has grown to new levels and spread far and wide and deeper than anyone thought it could but remember I know the end from the beginning and I’m telling you once again to get up stand up and take back authority That Jesus has paid for it He tells us that in a lot of prophetic words to remind people who and what kind of authority we have in that name Who we are we are children of the Most High God We have that we’ve images that may the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus We have the blood covenant we have with him We have power throwing dominion in this earth and we have to get that down in our hearts to realize what we can do We’re not subject to things. We can do something about these things But back take back the authority that Jesus has paid for because things are about to look more chaotic and out of control He’s warning us. It may look like it is getting much worse around the world But I’ve told you this before it took place. I didn’t leave you without solutions to overcome every obstacle I’ve given you power authority dominion faith strength, which is joy peace revelation knowledge understanding I’ve also given you my will for your lives, which is my written word So take it all use it how I’ve intended you to to do my children things Sorry, my children. These are the days where you must live by faith Now he says that in this word more than once the just shall live by faith. We are there just we’re supposed to live by faith We’re just living by faith mean walking by faith and not by sight Don’t go by what things are looking like walking by faith is walking and trusting in the Lord Despite what you feel you see despite all your five physical senses You are steadfast trusting in God that he is able to get you out. That is walking by a faith Alright now where you will have to stand where you’ll have to know how to pray and use my authority Your enemies are desperate that desperation is growing and they are about to overwhelm many with the amount of pressure that they will try and put on you to quit Now even though like he talked about the great judgment was coming. I forgot this little part of the paragraph He said but despite all these things I’m in control and the globalists will continue to fail and they will fall He said this again more than once Things will even though it looks really bad. They will not get away with what they’re doing. Um Let’s see here Now I go up to here for I the Lord this day I’m telling you my children a major shift is taking place a great separation is taking place a weeding out of the evil in your Nations, but also a weeding out and cleansing in the body of Christ There has been evil in my churches. Yes an evil that snuck in over years and years Which led to twisting and deception of my word a great deception on who I really am and what my written word is saying And the truth that is in it is completely set people free But there has been a time where it was so watered down that nothing was happening and my children stopped expecting anything from me and Because of this lack of power evil ran rampant and created chaos Anywhere it could that’s what happened Because of RELIGION and because of LEGALISM things got watered down in the churches Where people weren’t even expecting God to do anything because they were totally doesn’t It’s a lie The healer is not dead. He’s Jehovah Rapha and I could go on and on about all of his names Alright now my children darkness has grown to new levels and spread far and wide and deeper than anyone thought it could but remember I know the end from the beginning I’m telling you once again to stand up and take back authority in that name that Jesus has paid for Take back the authority that Jesus has paid for he’s been telling us about the authority and remember the name of Jesus is above every name And if we know that name and we know that name is above every name and that every knee must bow to the sound of That name even says in Ephesians chapter 1 that we are far above principalities and powers and rulers. We are far above we are far above We’re not on the same level We’re far above because of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us So that’s the reason why no matter what things look like no matter how things are gonna get This is not meant to bring people into fear I’ve given you a lot of encouragement because the Lord has been giving me all these things to give to you And I love when he does it because he loves his children and I love each and every one of you Because you’re my brothers and sisters in Christ, but listen, there are things that he is warning about There are good things that are gonna happen But there are bad things that are gonna happen But even though there’s bad things are gonna happen He’s saying you’re not subject to those bad things, but you have to be aware of them Not submit to them. Just be aware that they will happen Okay Of course, I want to pray over each and every one of you that we have that greater revelation of who God really is He’s on the inside of us, but that not to fear we’re gonna rebuke the spirit of fear and That spirit of depression and everything that’s trying to keep you back and hold you down from realizing the full truth Even though you’re hearing these things not to fear these things. Okay, so Heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus We just buying that spirit of fear right now in the name of Jesus Satan. You shut your foul mouth I command you at every single one of your cohorts every single demonic spirit There’s been a trying to attack these people. I render you helpless against him then because it says no weapon formed against them shall prosper. I Command those blinders to be removed They’re hearts to be softened and I come man that heaviness that has been on them That’s trying to weigh them down to give in to defeat I rebuke that spirit of heaviness off of them right now by the blood of Jesus Christ and I thank you Father God for the garment of praise for the garment of praise to just Overwhelm them to excite them to get them back up No matter how many times they’ve fallen down. I thank you for Father God for giving them that impartation of joy an Impartation of joy where they didn’t think they could even pick themselves up with any joy at all. They had nothing left I thank you Father God for giving them That strength to get up to giving them that that revelation knowledge that you’ve been pouring out on us every single day We’re learning more about you We’re learning about what to say and what to do and how you see us and we thank you Father God for this fresh manna I’m from heaven and I thank you that they’re realizing that they have a greater one on the inside of them that they don’t They aren’t subject to the regulations of this world. I thank you Father God that they are realizing who they are in you and We thank you that we get to know you. We thank you Father God that you are a protector that you event that you are deliverer I thank you Father God for everything good that you are doing in their life today And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. And amen I said, Julie, it seems like nothing good happens to me any day. This is what I want you to do. Like Oral Roberts used to always say, something good is going to happen to you. But Julie, what if I say that and it doesn’t happen? I’ve said it several times and it didn’t happen, but I kept saying it and things started to happen. Keep saying, just like the woman with the issue of blood, she kept saying and she got what she kept saying, so you keep saying something good is going to happen to me today. Something good is going to happen to me today. My God is changing my life around. That’s how it starts. Those words, those words that will change the course of your life by speaking blessing and not cursing, speaking the things that God needs you to say in order for him to step in and to remove those things that are keeping you back and holding you down. Well, I hope I encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word. Who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
Now the Big Bang has been demolished by the JWST the Big Bang travelling road show Michio Kaku Neil De Grasse Tyson etc have taken up the cause of stoking fears daily about Yellowstone Volcanic park destroying the world though its not due for another million years. And they have been wrong about everything else their entire lives. I suppose there is no chance of them having an attack of humility.
And today God is stoking fears also promising more earthquakes and extreme weather events that were predicted by Gnostics more than 10 years ago and appear to be becoming permanent.
And that’s only the backdrop to tons more revelations of the deepest secrets. Its seems there will be no secrets left by the end of this exercise.
I was hoping there would be no more man made pandemics and planes grounded etc.
But we have to go thru it again. I hope it doesn’t last 3 years like covid.
We are certainly well educated by covid and thus aggressively skeptical and now we have twitter working as it should, for most parts. So thats a plus. Even Youtube allows truth about the massive covid fraud to be published now.
Internet blackout is still coming.
And we can just ignore so many of these dark happenings. Its good to know.
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