Steve I would like to know you mentioned how you have vertigo fear of heights and how this stops you from experiencing fully fledged OBEs. You talked about how you are working on overcoming this. You mentioned how you have had a past life in India and that you are familiar with Hindu and Buddhist philosophy you mentioned how people dismiss this philosophy because they both say that everything is an illusion.
For instance when we look at a child who is afraid of the dark for instance they don’t want to go to the garden by themself it is pretty much guaranteed that the mind of the child is not developed enough to be able to understand that there is nothing to fear about walking into the garden at night when we look at this it is very obvious that our free will is largely an illusion when we look at psychology and emotions and the conditioning that we have it is very obvious that Hindu and Buddhist philosophy has a great deal of truth to it.
Astral boo baby the guy from your favourites playlist really did hit the hammer on the nail when he said by being ignorant of one’s true self is by default consenting to be fodder and pawns on the board and this is why ignore-ance is so heavily promoted in the matrix, if only people understood the real meaning of words then they would have a much easier time understanding what they are.
The word ignorant is exactly what it sounds like ignore-ant the individual is choosing to ignore they are choosing to turn a blind eye to suffering and source does not like this source is incredibly good at empowering each individual and reminding them of what they are and giving them the perfect advice they need to come home and for some it takes longer for them to take the message onboard than for others.
Source has always scolded me in the most loving way when I would let the wrong people into my life source would say to me Adam your nature your character and the character of these individuals is completely different you shouldn’t give in to peer pressure and such, just like ABB said take what resonates and leave the rest behind. when I came across Mark Russell Bell it was like I was looking straight into a mirror so once again electromagnetism is a very real thing it is no coincidence that we identify with certain individuals and certain things so much it’s because these individuals remind us of who we are. Just like the cartoon movie about king Solomon’s mines caused something to click inside me after I watched it, it’s because it reminds you of previous life experiences it causes a smile to appear on your face.
When we are children we find it incredibly easy to remember our dreams it is only when we grow up that we become disconnected, source has always praised me when I have positive interactions with people when I would give them positive advice and now during my k rise I understand this better than ever it is clearer than ever.
That yes everything is indeed an illusion, but I don’t agree with how they ignore suffering that is happening in the world, we should treat others the way we want to be treated, that is the golden rule, but once again Hindu and Buddhist philosophy is very valid in the sense that they acknowledge and accept just how easy it is to be led astray just how easy it is to say words and hurt others, and cause a negative domino effect just how easy it is to look at something and come to all sorts of conclusions about it based on a single glance, just how easy it is to step on a slippery surface and fall down so yes Hindu and Buddhist philosophy has a lot of truth to it.
Though I would add a note of caution its possible to spend a lifetime lost in the wilderness of Indian philosophy.
Just like the Bible and the Qur’an do have real truths inside them for instance in the Qur’an where it is stated that if a human being saves the life of another human being it will be as if they have saved the whole of humanity so they are referring to the positive electromagnetic domino effect that is created and that cause and effect is a very real thing. It is all too easy to ignore suffering and the easiest fastest most comfortable decision is almost always the wrong decision.
Source has led me to a wonderful documentary created by a sleepwalker talking about the history of southern Africa and the sounds that I have heard in that documentary automatically caused me to experience so much internal ecstasy once again this is a shining example that reincarnation is indeed very very real and that k rise will emphasise that God is closer to you than you can ever possibly imagine.
So you have been African in ancient times !
That woman living in Ethiopia that was brought into truebluehealer really does show that there is another intelligence out there that has pinpoint precision across the entire planet. When you said, upon having their divine spark activation the individual does not automatically realise what they are, it takes a while and you used the example of birds with an open cage and how when we open the cage they stay in the cage as we have learned to live with the grief of separation.
Once again Steve to me you are a saint I can never thank you enough. When we pay close attention to our dreams the information trickles down and we are slowly realising what we are we are slowly remembering and being reminded of what we are by source. The more we pay attention to our dreams the more we will become awakened mentally and spiritually.
Source has told me that Percy byshhe Shelley was also a gnostic poet and source has used the poetry of Percy byshhe Shelley to remind me of the shear power of music and thought and sight and smells etc once again Steve just like you said gnostics wrote in code that sleepwalkers are unable to understand, source has told me that the authors of children’s fables and stories like Aeosop’s fables for instance were also gnostics .
The story about the tortoise and the hare is a gnostic story referring to how easy it is to take a single glance at something and take it at face value someone will look at the story of the tortoise and the hare and start laughing and think oh yes there’s no way the tortoise will win.
Just like when a soul who is not very wise thinks they can cause pain and suffering for others and be forgiven for it and get away with it Scot free that’s simply not how it works source is telling the individual “how did you figure that out?” the story of the tortoise and the hare is referring to gnosis it’s referring to how when one is extremely careful and extremely good at paying attention when one doesn’t rush to make decisions when one takes information and combs it with a very very fine toothed comb,When one doesn’t follow the crowd.
Sometimes stuff is so in their faces and they still don’t stop for a second look. So you are dead right, Adam. An example was the death of Beatle George Harrison. His wife described his death in great detail, facing the camera, in plain English. She said When George finally passed, he lit up the room as he died, chanting Hare Krishna. I read 12 reviews of the documentary. Not one commented on him Lighting up the Room. They were all rapt in lovely Beatles music and the wonderful 60s and Penny Lane.. Nobody called for an enquiry. or research or asked if George was a saint or something ? I have the clip somewhere in TBH, I think. Sleepwalkers all.
Back to the tortoise. They will find that they will win in the long run they will consistently make wise decisions hence why the tortoise has won the race the tortoise is seen as a wise creature for a reason the native American culture understands this perfectly well that there is much to learn from nature there is much to learn from animals.
Source has told me that Roald Dahl was also a gnostic author and the story about the “big friendly giant” is a story that is referring to source and his relationship with us with his beloved child the human race.
When Roald Dahl wrote the book called “Going solo” he is referring to introspection. He is referring to how when one spends a great deal of time practicing introspection, they will find self discovery they will realise one’s true self. Believe it or not Steve after I have read Roald Dahl’s book “going solo” I have even had a wonderful dream where I would find myself in a very similar setting, so yes indeed ,source speaks to us all the time in our dreams.
Once again if people simply open their eyes and pay attention they will find that source is literally everywhere. He is all over the place just said the word reality means exactly what it means “re-all-ity” it’s literally recreating itself all the time.
There are many children’s authors who were natural gnostics long before any of the world’s major religions were created. I remember watching a cartoon movie about the Odyssey and I am now being told by source that Homer was indeed a Gnostic just like Plato and Socrates and so many others, just like you said Steve k rise will emphasise that your entire existence is entirely dependant on the whim of God.
That could explain how Homer knew so much, writing his poem He wrote it 500 yrs after the event. Historians never take Gnosis into account as a source of knowledge. Homer could have been shown images, videos in his mindseye, names of characters, pictures of stuff he never saw. Sounds even. Maps.
“fodder and pawns on the board” If you want a useful analogy to how we operate here, its something like a chess game, where we have various properties assigned to us and we can interact with other chess pieces to give us the illusion of free will for a while, but occasionally source can step in from above the board and nudge two pieces closer together for an unexpected encounter. It changes the life story of everyone involved. Then they all carry on business as usual.Thinking they have free will.
Another dagger into Freewill is our Genetic behaviour. Twin studies reveal that twins separated at birth raised in different cultures are still identical. They still have the same favourite colours, drive the same cars wear the same jewellery have the same conversational mannerisms and may even marry a woman of the same name. So it turns out 80pc of our behaviour is genetic. Even political preferences Conservative or liberal. So we don’t have much area left for Free Will do we ? LOL
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