So 2022 God Always has the Final Say
I the Lord this day have spoken of your enemies bragging and boasting how they are in control, and how they are planning. It has been worth the prices they have paid, that everything for a short time was going as they planned, which they thought I the Lord have stepped in, and I’m showing your enemies how their plans mean nothing.
I will say again that your plans mean nothing against the one true God.
No, they will not stand anymore in their high places in ruling over my children, or in the world that I have created NO, they will not take me out of this world or overthrow me in my power. This is a year of reckoning, of paying for the damages they have caused in my children, what they have done on this earth, of shedding of innocent blood ,sacrificing children and anyone they could for their supposed God. They worshiped the fallen Lucifer and little did they know that his powers were stripped from him by me and how little power he actually has in this earth compared to a child of the living God. Lucifer who was once called that is now the Devil and he’s been brought to nothing and so was everybody with him if they wanted to rule on this earth they chose the wrong side right now my children hold on your adversaries are throwing out everything they can in a short time to discourage you to depress you to weigh you down to take you out once and for all. That’s why I need my children to awaken now, and to know who lives on the inside of you. You are my children and your adversary has nothing compared to the resurrection power on the inside of each and every one of you. No longer let it stay dormant. Tap into that power today, it is there for you. Your enemies will try in things but I the Lord am telling you this day that it won’t stand, they won’t stand.
You are at the door my children of their entire empire imploding in front of you, they are falling now and there will be no one left standing. Watch the Supreme Court – they will stand against this illegitimate government more in this hour- they see the writing is on the wall, that the supposed government is finished, and while the threats they had made against them are now over, how the puppet masters were for a short time controlling what and how all the justices were ruling, so they were forced to turn their backs on the elections.
ONE. I did not want them taking the credit.
TWO. The puppet masters blackmailed threatened their lives, and the lives of their families, so a few had to rule in the ways they never wanted. To watch the boldness come forth out of the Supreme Court, I am making the highest court in the land powerful once again. But first I will remove and cleanse the justices, the ones that don’t belong there. I will remove by my hand. One will step down on his own because of the truth that is coming for him. He knows he cannot stay in that seat of power any longer the supreme court will be filled with people who love me, and will stand for the constitution again and justice is coming in a magnitude never seen before on this earth. (SCOTUS Judge Breyer/ Brewer stepped down 12 days later)
Watch as the deaths come in the headlines, on a daily basis. Watch for names in your illegitimate government in Hollywood, Disney, news reporters, judges, generals, governors, mayors, state officials, and anyone in power that stood against me, and refused to repent.
Watch massive news will continue to come out of the state of Georgia YES regarding Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensberger the truth will flow out like a flood out of that state. A decertification will happen and not just in this state.
All your enemies say how impossible that is, and that cannot happen, when they’ve all been saying such, when they’ve been asked, that’s what they’ve all been saying.
Watch all the dominoes will fall when my hand moves over the states and will restore power and order in this hour, in my America the beautiful, the United States will be united again and nothing can stop the rebirthing of this nation
Biden, you are a jackal, and your puppet strings have been cut, and they are letting you go onto the floor, and the one that stands in your place will be revealed, and all the pieces to your intricate steal will flow like a flood onto this earth.
Every foreign nation that helped you I will expose. So watch the news. You’ll hear the countries of China Iran Italy Germany Mexico Switzerland Sweden the Czech Republic and many other nations will be revealed in this coup against you.
Whistleblowers will come forward more and more to expose what they were paid to do.
This illegitimate government will continue to take massive hits. It’s a sinking ship that cannot be stopped.
My children watch massive news out of your Congress. Explosions of truth. There has been a secret group hidden in plain sight, that has been infiltrating the traitors to expose them all. The time has come forward in this hour because they have everything they need to bring the circus down.
Trump had his orders from me, and he is moving forward with his plans.
Continue to pray for his family as he takes his steps back to move back into power.
Yes the time has come in his year. This year your rightful President will be placed back in his seat of power in your nation for all the world to see. He was leading some things on the sidelines.
But I am bringing him back to center stage.
But he will not return to your White House because I have a new capital and a new house with a rightful president in this hour, because your Capital as you know it, will be destroyed for all the vile things that happen in and under those buildings.
Watch my children the rats are running to and fro to save anything they can from their sinking ship, but they cannot because I the Lord have had enough, and they will not escape their judgment that is coming upon them. The world will see this year who had been in control. So many of my children’s hearts will mourn, they cannot believe, they couldn’t believe or hold on for so long, and they gave up on me.
My children stand, for there is a great reward for those that do in this hour of choosing, the doors closing to choose now before my hand moves for the final push to remove your enemies out of their power.
Yellowstone will be in the news. Watch there will be an eruption that they can’t hide along with unusual things there and an earthquake that will shake the truth loose of what they have been hiding. Your time has come my children. It’s your time now on this earth to receive these words and receive my plans receive the love, my love, and receive my inheritance that I have given to you I the lord have waited for these days to pour out my spirit like never before I am ready, so get ready for this great outpouring of glory and fire that the world has never experienced before these days are for you to enjoy and live how I have always desired you to live Saith the Lord your Redeemer End message.
But wait there’s more ! Another message ! 38mins -07 Same Lecture
38 mins in Word from the Lord.
All right this was this morning.
It’s coming faster and faster saith the Lord of hosts, Fulfillment of Prophecies as my words are spoken through my prophets, I will fulfill these words at a pace no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard.
These are the days of fulfillment of my words, these are the days and hours of my hand to move swiftly ratifying the plans of your enemies and making them to naught
He’s ratifying them and then making them to naught and to make no effect against you.
Yes, these are the days upon the earth, to show the world your enemies were never in control. Never did they have that power that they were playing or saying they had a huge part in this world to deceive the masses into submission by this leader, and I can’t even read somebody’s writing ! God help me read it.
By the leader and all them who has been a smoke show to get you to believe so you would receive it, and give into it.
Now I want to stop right there for a minute.
He’s saying they didn’t have that kind of power that they’re showing you but because of fear people believed it and they received it which gave them power through fear. It wasn’t theirs, they don’t have that kind of power, but because people spoke it and people believed what was said, and they believed what was going on, more than they believed what God was saying !
Okay ? So you would receive it and give into it so they could control you when you know you have all the power and control you will not be afraid of your adversaries anymore.
God is in control, your enemies are not stay with me God’s in control and the enemies are not.
If you know that, then it wipes out fears control over you know your enemies tactics when he tries, slam the door in his face and don’t allow him to control your thinking your perspective or your life in any way to his deceptive ways don’t give him power he doesn’t have. Know your Lord and savior stripped him of that power, so stand against him my children with my name and my blood, he has nothing to use or the power over you he has to flee. He’s got no power over you he has to flee when you tell your adversary to flee in James 4- 7 Resist the devil and he has to flee. He doesn’t have an option don’t give him one so tell him to get out of your life get out of your finances get out of get off your children you get out of your economies get out of your governments and your um you have your control your governments and anything my children that he’s been trying to control you with tell him to get out Amen Amen Hallelujah
I have put you on this earth to be kings and not servants and not slaves.
That’s what God’s telling you. I put you on this earth this to be kings not servants and not slaves to your adversaries.
Be my body that I have put in this earth for such a time as this these are your days your hours to rule and reign and not your enemy, so rejoice in these words.
Do not question them get in my written word and I will show you what is to come who is a true prophet of mine and who is leading you astray. Don’t take any man’s word for it take my word and apply it daily in your life that’s how you rise higher and awaken fully in this hour so arise and awaken my children unto me in my will, for you in these days you are to start to see my glory in places never seen you will see fire on buildings where it’s not literal fire. It’s my glory and my fire raining down from heaven Amen. YES the doors have been opened for the days where no eye has ever seen no ears ever heard. Well, for what, I’m about to do to this earth, these are the days now. No more waiting, these are the days and in this year of 2022 and beyond, it will grow and become so great until I come to take my body from this earth.
Believe it, receive it these words today. Watch how they will manifest in your life saith the Lord of Hosts. Can you take something if God’s word is saying this, but if you believe your adversary can come into your life ?
You have to believe. Choose right now, body of Christ what report you believe.
He’s saying there’s tons of prophets out there. Some are true and some aren’t in his word, and see for yourself if what he’s saying, for if the prophet lines up with this, if it doesn’t line up with it, throw it away.
Remember he says in his word – I bring down, I can pull down and bring up another– he’s talking about leaders he’s saying I am the judge over all the Earth.
He’s also saying, and he’s going to get this word tomorrow -when I get you I’ll give you a quick little hint of it-
These are the days where I was with Moses no man can stand before you all the days of your life.
So I was with Moses, so I will be with you. How was he with Moses?
Moses came up against a lot he was beaten down, even by his own party, his own people, but god still was with him and God took down the enemies that were against them. He removed them as they kept pursuing as they kept pursuing. What’s going on in this earth today they keep pursuing, they keep pursuing and one day God’s gonna go Enough ! It doesn’t take long for God to have to do something but he’s been waiting. He gave our enemies time to repent and turn back because he loves the person he doesn’t love the sin.
He loves the sinner.
He always gives everybody a chance because God is Love
He’s also given his body a chance to wake up from what Satan has been doing to him how he’s enslaving them and how he has completely – I’ve gotten so many people say I have no faith left !
Where does faith come from. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God if you have no faith then, that means your word is low, your reading level is low.
Faith has not come from any other way it has to come from the Word of God.
If you’re not in here all the time, and listening to God’s written report and what God’s will is, the enemy’s going to destroy you. Got to get in here and this will bring joy.
Why ? Because it’s good news.
All that stuff out there is, well, crap !
It’s junk.
It’s lies that they want you to believe.
You’ve got to stand firm and stand fast and believe this word over anything that you see over anything that you feel over any other five physical senses that has been in this earth you believe this and then you know Paul said he’s actually moved by what he sees. Let me move by the way here’s the only way we’re moved only be moved by this, so if you are weak today, if you have no joy, if you have no strength that is where you’re missing it.
God wants to pour it out in you, but you have to open it up, get it on the inside of you, put the word on in your house all the time, when you’re not even there I think my dog’s probably a tongue talking a dog. I have the word of God on when we’re not home all the time. Why? Because I want the atmosphere of God in my home.
I listen to it all night long why because even though my mind might be asleep, my spirit man never sleeps and you’re feeling your spirit man all the time I learned that from my Dad. He taught me that I’ve been doing it for many years, as long as I can remember. And when something turns off my spirit, wakes me up and I turn it right back on again because my spirit is hungry. It’s hungry, it’s hungry for the word. It wants a word in there to what, fill it, to also have a rooted grounding system on the inside of me, so then when things do arise and things show up I’m not gonna be moved don’t leave don’t take your focus off Jesus.
In this day and this hour no matter what they say no matter what they do, no matter what they try, no matter what their plans are, just know that your God is more than able. Just think about this I’m gonna close with this just about this for a minute they’re trying to kick out the Creator of Heaven and Earth out of the earth that he created. Common sense would be How stupid are you? You can’t kick out a creator that’s already created this what kind of power do you honestly think you have ?
Not very good, obviously.
If you think of common sense, common sense just says how stupid some of this stuff is, and God’s saying I’m going to expose it I’m going to reveal it but as you see the winds change and as you see these unusual weather patterns and as you see and you’re going to hear of more earthquakes and you’re going to hear of them, and there’s going to be more natural disasters, but when there is a natural disaster if it comes in your area, what do you do?
It will not come near me and thousands may fall one side and ten thousand an hour but it won’t come near me in my house.
I put the blood of Jesus over my house. You can change the course of any storm. You can speak peace to a storm and it has to, it has to listen.
But the reason why it hasn’t manifested in a lot of children of God is because they haven’t believed what they say because words become so nonchalant not a big deal my words don’t count I don’t care if words created this world why do you think that the words are not important in your own life and in your own body ?
Another thing that Satan the lord told me one time that satan had me tricked with he said you saw yourself as broken and I did. I had so many different health issues and I saw myself as broken and he said a man thinketh in his heart what so is he so when your adversary has got you entrapped in that mind way of thinking that’s why God says renew your mind with what? the Word of God, renew your mind with the Word of God
But as you renew your mind with the word of god all that stink and thinking goes away then you see yourself the way God wants you to see yourself. You’re going to see yourself as indestructible.
Why ?
Because God’s in here. Pointing to self.
So no matter anything that you face and hear and I don’t know how many people said I feel um I’m all alone. I feel
Alone. Everyone feels alone, and you’re dark and sour I know people, I’ve got people writing me all the time they say all the time I feel alone, I know for a long time when I was under so much fear and anxiety and panic attacks I did feel alone. Even though you have a room full of people
you have family all around you but you feel isolated you feel alone because no one understands you but you know in all those moments when your adversary wants to make you feel like you’re alone God never ever left your side, and as soon as you said Heavenly Father
in the name of Jesus, he’s right there, and all of heaven is
standing attention listening, remember Daniel when he prayed for 21 days, It didn’t look like anything happened.
21 days but when Gabriel said from the first day God is saying no matter what you’re standing on, no matter what you’re believing, for by the first day when you spoke it and you prayed for it God heard and God has an answer and all those things that you’ve been believing for you’ve been waiting for and you’re asking God for he’s restoring it in this year, so that’s what you got to speak, speak those things and you can have whatever you say, life and death, and the power of your tongue by the words you’re justified, by your words you’re condemned. You have a choice every day to choose victory to choose life to choose blessing or to choose cursing. You choose but as God is moving in this earth this year watch how God moves for each and every one of you and how his heart’s desire is to give you the desires of your heart what you’ve been praying for what you’ve been standing for. What you’ve been longing for. Well, you’ve been crying and you could not see the end result God saying you’re going to see it this year. Isn’t he good ? God’s absolutely good. Right ? Amen.

But not surprising to anyone acquainted with the knowledge that Earth is a hatchery for Godlings and not our permanent home. We are born half in the physical natural, and half in the supernatural. Though most remain unaware of that. They can be awakened in various ways to boost the harvest. The awakening method used above is thru prophets intellectually persuading people to be more self attuned and self aware. That comports with standard Christian doctrine. Its difficult and arduous and not the most efficient method. Put in place by God, but kept virtually secret is Laymans Gnosis. Which requires no faith, no holy books, no study, with immediate physical evidence to deal with doubting Thomases. Takes only 20 minutes. Am sure God will introduce this to people because its serious mass production on a global scale, which will greatly boost the soul harvest from the Godling hatchery.
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