And here is the prophetic word
A Great Change upon this Earth
again I heard this on April 23rd of 2022
For I the Lord this day encourage my children don’t ever forget you are the children of the most high God and there is no one greater than me. Your adversaries pretend to have so much power and authority and they don’t. The only authority they have been given is from Satan who I threw out of heaven for trying to overthrow me then Now he is using those you see, in your fraudulent government and the world leaders to try and do the same thing to overthrow me here on earth. They are trying to take me out of the earth that I have created for you my children. Your adversary has yet to realize his power is nothing compared to mine, and his plans never work the way he wants them to.
Jesus has disarmed him and made him powerless against you, when you used the authority of the name of Jesus and when you plead the blood of Jesus that was shed for you your adversary has no power to resist it or to get past it.
He cannot defeat that blood, therefore when you have faith in that blood and you use it along with the name as above. Your enemy cannot defeat you because each and every one of you was bought with that blood. Jesus paid a high price for you to have authority on this earth.
So stand on that name and that blood, and receive your redemption rights. You are no longer slaves of Satan or any of his army or the system they put in this earth to destroy you and your authority, for in this hour my children, you will see this whole earth change, their system, their control, their manipulation, deception, their businesses, their news stations, churches and everything they use against you, I will destroy just like Pharaoh no matter how much power wealth authority he thought he had, he was nothing in my sight and he had nothing to use against my power, the same thing goes for the ones you see today. They don’t have the right to enslave you, hold you captive in the system, they designed to kill you with, for I the Lord am moving my hand against them, and everything you thought was normal way of life that they use against you, I will annihilate it like it never existed.
Everything they have done to your bodies with food, medications, electronics no matter what they did I will reverse it and make you whole like you have never known before freedom healing power energy strength Joy peace and everything they took from you I will give back even greater than you can imagine.
The time you are living in is very special and I have hand-picked each and every one of you to be a part of this Great Exodus you are about to experience. I am moving greater for you now than I did in the book of Exodus there is nothing impossible for me.
I’m about to prove that to the world. Get ready my children for sudden changes for your good Saith the Lord,
Mavis this word will be in your headlines. Lord what can this possibly mean ?
You will see my children, the plots against you are worse than you thought, but I am exposing them and destroying it all.
A well-known temple will be in your headlines. A destruction that took place that people thought was impossible, for I am destroying every symbol every monument every temple or building they used against the little children, and they used to deceive my children, for I am the Lord and I have spoken their destruction and there is nothing they can do to stop what is coming to them Saith the Lord.
Harold this word will be in your headlines. Listen to who is using it and what is being said for I AM the Lord am exposing them, all of their lies and deception and none of them will get away with what they forced on you in this time but also in times past.
A well-known Secretary of State will be in your news exposures and scandals, and shame, this person will be enveloped in. There is no getting away from judgment or justice no matter how hard they have tried to hide their crimes, justice is not coming. it’s here Saith the Lord.
Commonwealth this word will be breaking news and nothing that has done been done against you, will stay hidden.
Marxism will be in your news exposing everything they use against you, to steal your freedoms children of Almighty God. No more what they wanted to stay in the dark will, because in this hour I’m shining my spotlight on it Sayeth the Lord.
Capitalism this word will be in your headlines. What was designed to grow you and help you, they tried to use against you, but I am taking down the companies and their leaders, they try to destroy you and to enslave you with their designs.
Matthew McConaughey will be in the news. He will stand for truth against Hollywood. Just watch there are more from this community that will begin to turn against and speak out with more boldness on what has been hidden in Hollywood
Jezebel this word will be used to expose and describe who is one in this hour. Hillary Clinton more truth will be revealed and more explosive information will be made public, not only with your Treasonous acts but your murderous acts against so many in this hour Hillary, when you didn’t get your way you killed for it, but this is a time when judgement and justice will prevail against you, and you will pay for each and every crime you have committed. The world will see your fate and your death Saith the Lord of Hosts
Anthony Fauci will be in your news again. The truth will come out of China, on what really occurred, and who really paid for what had been done to this world in 2020.
Anthony I have seen all you have done and now you will pay with your life, Sayeth the Lord.
Mount Pillier will be in your headlines. Look at what took place and where this is located nothing is a coincidence my children.
A major art gallery will be in your headlines look at this location and know more will come out of this area
Georgia this will be in your headlines once again. Major headlines and a discovery that was mad.e Truth will be told and heard a great shaking will occur in Georgia. The shaking is not what you think, this is for justice and freedom O United States.
France this country will be in your news. Explosive information will be released from this place for nothing in secret will stay that way in this hour of truth.
President Zelenski of Ukraine you have a lot to answer for your treasonous acts against your own country for money and power you are a liar and a deceiver and I will unmask you in front of this world Saith the Lord.
Obama is about to make another public appearance listen to what he says.
It’s no accident the truth will slip from his lips that he will try and turn it into a joke but it’s too late. People heard what he had said and he can’t change that. Truth will continue to pour out of their lips unexpectedly.
An Archbishop will be in your headlines listen to what was being said. There is more to the story that will be revealed the Pope will be in major headlines once again. Exposing who he really is, a one-world government pawn to destroy as many lives as he could with bare lies, but a high price will be paid in the time of justice and judgement Saith the Lord.
There is more about to come out regarding the Steele Dossier and a Major Republican who deceived many into thinking that they were on the side of the right.
Bradford this name will be in your news. Truth is being told and truth is prevailing Saith the Lord.
Putin is about to come on live TV to release some information that the elites were terrified would get out, and well it’s coming like a freight train, barreling down the tracks with momentum and power they can’t withstand.
Hunter Biden will continue to be in the news and not only to bring him down, but this information will continue to implicate Joe Biden to help the elite state to save themselves from the Biden, and his disastrous numbers and performances they can’t get away from. It’s worse than they could ever could have imagined and he is bigger problem than they ever thought he could be. Total destruction of the Biden family is coming Saith the Lord of Hosts they will all pay for the sins of the father that they went along with.
Another well-known mega church pastor will fall from a scandal my children, and I warned you even the church was being shaken to awaken my remnant Saith the Lord.
A high-rise building will be in your headlines my children look at where it is located. Justice is being served.
These were their days of great deception and enslavement of this world but now is a time of reversals and restorations.
Remember these words when your enemies try more attempts to destroy you. They will not prosper and nothing they do will stand in this land or in the nations because it cannot stand against me Saith the Lord.
I am here. I am moving I never fail and I never lose Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.

This warrants repeating — Everything they have done to your bodies with food, medications, electronics no matter what they did I will reverse it and make you whole like you have never known before. Freedom healing power energy strength Joy peace and everything they took from you I will give back even greater than you can imagine.
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I can’t wait!
World is getting juicier and more delicious daily. I keep asking when ? and the reply is “this year 2022” We can’t have long to go. I cant help thinking of my Mum who carries 30 yrs of Big Pharma drug damage. Mr G is quite strident toward Big Pharma.
And Zelensky being exposed is already in Infowars where real journos video Ukrainian people lining the streets cheering and making signs of the cross as Russian troops drive by in armoured vehicles. They reveal all the Mariupol damage was done by Zelensky’s NAZI Azov regiment.
Its starting up again