Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday. August 4 of 2022. And I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called the dominoes have started to fall. And I heard this word on August 1. So just a few days ago, before I get to that, I was on take five with his glory and Pastor Davis Scarlett yesterday. Go and watch that show. I had that link in the description box for you. It was awesome, as always. God was working through both of us. It was confirmation after confirmation, and that would excite that excited us, but it excites every single one of you because God is doing these things. And so if you have not seen anything yet or you think that God’s not doing anything, go and watch that show. It proves that he is doing so much behind the scenes for all of us. All right. Also, if you have any prayer requests, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Greenministries, PO. Box 1252, bendorfywa 52722. Well, that’s all the announcements today.
And here is the prophetic word, The Dominoes have Started to Fall.
For I, the Lord this day, am telling my children once again, I am your deliverer. I am raining down my glory. At the same time, I am raining down judgments against your enemies. In a time of change expect more from me. Do not settle with your lives the way they have been. Don’t settle with that pain. Don’t settle with that sickness, disease, plugging your bodies. You don’t have to take that lack, fear, depression, or all that has been tormenting you. That is the curse. And I have promised my blessing, which is an empowerment to rise above it all. These are the days to rise above all that has kept you down in the bondage, keep you down with bondage. My glory will destroy all the damage your enemies have caused you. My glory will rain down on you. We will be like none of that existed in your lives, because I will wipe it all out like it was never there. There will be no sign or evidence left. I am the healer, and I have promised that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. So I’m destroying the pain, the afflictions, the diseases, the panic, the fear, everything Satan has used to enslave you, I have destroyed it on your behalf. So take it now. Receive what the Lord has done. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Catskill I say this name again. Watch what is being reported about this name. Something significant is about to break and break wide open. Say- eth The Lord. The dominoes have started to fall, my children. Yes, it’s all coming and coming fast.
Demetrius, this name will be in the news. Democracy. This word will be in your news again. Watch what they are saying, and believe me, they will not have their way.
Hardseal this word will be in the news.
Boris Johnson will be in the news. It’s all coming out and they are all coming down. Boris by stepping down, he thought he would save himself from the news that would come out on what he has been hiding. They can’t run and they can’t hide from the truth. Know the truth has caught them all in their lives and is destroying their plans. Boris is only one of many that are about to be exposed in a massive way. They’re all connected My children. Yes. They’re all together setting their plans up against you and all the liars never prosper. The Seals are on the move. The avalanche of truth is here and is picking up speed now destroying all the lives of the enemy. My children is here. The time has come for all of what you see to be destroyed before you and before the world to see that I am God and I am good. Iceland will be in the news. New Zealand will also be in the news. Your enemies are against is blinding their eyes and shielding them from what is coming against them. My army is on the move. I’m coming down to judge. I’m coming down to heal. I’m coming down to deliver. I’m coming down to restore. I am the great I AM. And I will not fail you my children. This earth I have given to you and I will not allow your enemies to do what they wanted to do next. No a mass exodus out of their bondages into a freedom never known by my children. It’s here because I am here for you. Sayeth The Lord of Hosts.
I am destroying the legacy of Obama in this nation and what he did to destroy it ultimately to change this nation. Know he wanted a death of this nation to bring the one world government in. He brought division never seen by this country before. He caused a great divide to kill you from uniting together forever. But I am the one who restores. I am the one who heals. My United States is uniting again. Rise up to the nation you are meant to be for this world. Rise up my children in this nation. Take it back with your words and faith and trust in me even when you can’t see how I will do it. Just know that I am.
Spectacular Things are coming. Death of their nations and their globalist agenda. They can’t have it. Their defeat has already been determined and guaranteed because they are against me and I always win. Saith the Lord. The battle is the Lord’s. A great battle you are about to see intensify would come to an end as fast as it starts. Their time is over. So are their next moves. Do not fear them. There is nothing to fear. They will shout war. They will shout viruses and lockdowns and worldwide emergencies don’t listen. They will shout shortages. Don’t listen. They will shout depression. Don’t listen. Cut the power off. Cut their power off. They can’t have what they desire. All they have are words that can’t do anything. My children, arise in this battle and take your victory, take your freedom, take your peace. In this time, receive my joy, which is your strength. I am pouring it out like never before, so receive it all in my name. Sayeth The Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary One thing that I love about the Lord and all of these powerful words that he gives is not only is he giving us God’s news before the news, but he’s given us encouragement. He’s given us revelations of his word, of the blood of Jesus, of the name of Jesus, of the authority that we have. He’s giving us insight on the future of our enemies, but also the insight of the future of what God has in store for us. He’s renewing our minds. He’s changing our perspective of the things that we see upon the earth right now on how they look. He’s been saying many different times, things are not how they appear to be. And that’s exactly right. Our enemy appears to be winning. Our enemy appears to be in control. Our enemy appears to have all their plans going in exactly how they want them to go. But is it really? Can you see behind the scenes? Can you see what’s going on behind those closed doors? No, but God can. God can see exactly what’s going on. And he’s telling us that no matter what their plans are, no matter what they desire, they are not going to get it. And neither did Pharaoh, neither did most of the kings in the Bible or all the kings in the Bible that were against God’s people. So all those kings, all those Pharaohs wanted to do things, had plans, they had their own agendas, they had their backdoor deals and things they were going to do, but it didn’t happen. Why? Because it’s God’s will, God’s plans. And God always wins. He always has the final say. So no matter what we do see and no matter what we do hear, no matter how bad things escalate, remember, focus on who is the one true God. Focus on whose plans always win. Focus on who lives on the inside of you. And that will destroy the doubt, the unbelief, the fear, the anxiety. And some of you still can listen to these words and say nothing’s happening. That is your adversaries lying to you. Many prophecies are being fulfilled all the time, by the day. I’m getting emails constantly, continually about prophecies being fulfilled. And I do promise I will make another one of those videos for you. But if you haven’t seen them, go back to the already, the ones that already happened, the ones I already have made, and look for yourself. Start doing some investigation work. Is that okay? Lord, if these words are true. Help me see it. That’s what we have to do. God wants you to get these revelations. He wants you to see what he is doing for you, but what he’s doing for the nations around the world. Something big is happening. Things are changing. We are getting our country back, we are getting our freedoms back. It’s just a matter of time. When God moves his hand, he says as fast as the war comes or as fast as it looks like the enemies are winning, as fast as it intensifies excuse me he used the word intensified. So as fast as it intensifies, that’s how quickly it will end. So I want to go back over the prophetic word and give some more insights on what God has about it. So he said in the last paragraph my children, arise in this battle and take your victory, take your freedom, take your peace of this time receive my joy which is your strength. I am pouring it out like never before so receive it all in my name. All right? So in this paragraph he says the Lord your Redeemer. Now if you look in the Bible it says that he made a table before us in the presence of our enemies. So in this table you can say there is a bowl of healing or you can say there is a bowl of finances. You can say there is a bowl of faith or peace or trust or joy or whatever it is. You can sit there and see all these things wholeness restoration. So if you’re sitting at a table and all these things are laid out before you, God is saying all you have to do is take and receive. So if you are at a feast with your family, like a Thanksgiving or Christmas and the food was prepared and made before you got there and all of a sudden you see all these things and you say can I have that? Can I pass that? Can you pass that to me? So God has already provided it before you needed it. So all you have to do is say okay Lord, I take and receive my healing that Jesus paid for. I take and receive my healing and restoration soundness wholeness everything. I take my freedom from those bondages. I take my freedom from fear and anxiety. I take my freedom from that depression. I take my freedom that’s how you take what Jesus has already done. You use your words and trust in God. I don’t care, Father God, if I don’t feel it I don’t care Father God if I can’t see it or if I don’t. It doesn’t seem like anything is different. I trust you because you are the God who said it and you are the God that I believe. I believe you more than I believe my symptoms. I believe you more than I believe what my adversary is telling me. I believe more than what I can see. I can believe more what I can feel. That is trusting in God. That’s how you start. But getting God’s word and the more you see God do it for other people in the word of God, then all of a sudden then you have faith. You know what? He did it for them. He should do it for me too. Because God’s no respect for a person. All right. Now listen this I love when he did this. He repeated himself three times in his paragraph. He said the battle is the Lords, a great battle. You are about to see to intensify, but come to an end as fast as it starts. Their time is over. So are their next moves. Do not fear them. There’s nothing to fear. They will shot war, they will shot viruses and lockdowns and worldwide emergencies. Don’t listen. They will shock shortages. Don’t listen. They will shout depression. Don’t listen. Cut their power off. They can’t have what they desire. All they have are words that can’t do anything. Cut their power off. Cut off you believing what they say. Stop believing any power that you think they have because they don’t have any power that is more powerful than God Almighty. I don’t care what position they sit in. It didn’t matter that Pharaoh was the leader of the entire country of Egypt. It didn’t matter what he said. He did act like he was God. Does that sound familiar with people that are on out in the world today? But it doesn’t matter ever. No matter how much power they have, no matter what seat they sit in, if you are not anointed and appointed by God, it doesn’t matter. All you have are just words. If it doesn’t line up with God’s will, it will never work. And it’s not working in north then, it’s not working now. So God is saying to us, don’t listen to what they are doing. Just like with Peter, when he walked on the water, Jesus was saying come. So Peter got out and came, but he should not have listened to the storm. But even though he did and he started to sing, Jesus came up. It was very beautiful. He came up, he didn’t correct them. He picked Him back up out of that water and he put them back on the boat for safety. The whole thing is that he did take that step of faith. Just like you have to take that step of faith. And even if you fall down during that step of faith, God is always there to pick you back up again. All right? So he’s saying don’t listen to anything they’re saying they’re doing because it’s not going to matter anyway. So he said spectacular things are coming. The death of their nations are globalist agenda. They can’t have it. Their defeat has already been determined and guaranteed. Their defeat has already been determined and guaranteed.
Praise the Lord. All right. Now I’m destroying the legacy of Obama in this nation and what he did to destroy, ultimately change this nation. No, he wanted the death of this nation to bring the one world government. He brought division never seen by his country before. He caused a great divide to kill you from uniting together forever. But I’m the one who restores. I’m the one who heals. My United States is uniting again. Rise up to the nation you are meant to be for this world. Rise up, my children, in this nation. Take it back with your words and faith and trust in me when you can’t see how I will do it. Just know that I am so a lot of us don’t know how God is going to do it. A lot of people did not know how God was going to do any of those things in the Bible, you can look at how he saved Daniel. Lions in Daniel had no idea how God was going to save them either to the king. But God did. He shut the mouth. And lions, the children of Israel, had no idea how God was going to save them when they were caught against the Red Sea. But he did. People didn’t know. Shadrack, Knees, Jack and Medio, they had no idea how God was going to save them in that fiery furnace because the people who were throwing them in died. But God saved them, not want to save them. They didn’t smell like smoke. And I give those instructions and illustrations a lot because you know what God is giving. I mean, I’m giving those illustrations a lot. God is giving us these instructions. That’s what I meant to say is giving us the instructions not to be moved. Everything. I know there’s been lost paths. I know there are evil people in this country that are doing things that are trying to destroy this nation still. But it doesn’t matter. God always has the final say. So don’t be moved by what is going on. And God has heard the prayers of his people and he’s healing our land. So it doesn’t matter what our country was because it had been infiltrated since the beginning. This is not how God intended this nation to be. But God is destroying all the evil, all the wickedness that has been in control and he’s putting his people in control. All right, I’m coming down to judge. I’m coming down to heal. I’m coming down to deliver. I’m coming down to restore. I’m the great I AM. And I will not fill you, my children. Excuse me. This earth I have given to you, and I will not allow your enemies to do what they wanted to do next, knowing mass exit out of their bondages into a freedom never known by my children. It’s here because I am here for you, say the Lord of Hosts. You could sit there and read that paragraph over and over and over again. That is a powerful paragraph. I am coming down to judge. I’m coming down to heal. I’m coming down to deliver. He’s the great. I am. And he’s coming down to restore what all has been stolen because of what our enemies have done to us. And he says it’s here because I am here. God is here for us. Don’t be moved. Focus on God. Not focus on what your enemies are doing. Your enemy’s arrogance is blinding their eyes and shielding them from what is coming against them. My army is on the move. So God’s army is on the move, and we can’t see it, but they’re on the move. So just in that even when you don’t see, you trust in God. Okay, we have all these examples in the Bible. Go back, open your Bibles, read all these things, build up your faith and trust in God. Even when God’s people couldn’t see, God still did it. So just believe God, all right? New Zealand will also be in the news. Iceland will be in the news. My tone is here. The time has come for all what you see to be destroyed before you and before the world to see that I am God and I am good to have. Lance of truth is here. It’s picking up speed now to destroy all the lives of the enemy. Praise the Lord. And then he said, the Seals are on the move. Okay, now, I was saying Boris Johnson, and I did not edit this properly after I dictated it. So that’s why I stumbled on a couple of words. But Boris Johnson will be in the news. It’s all coming out and they are all coming down. Boris is stepping down, and he’s trying to step down to save himself from the truth that completely come out against him. This is what this paragraph is talking about. He’s thinking that stepping down, it would save himself in the news. That will come out on what he has been hiding. So Boris Johnson has been hiding something. He thinks he can just step down and walk away and it’s all going to be okay. And it’s not. They can’t run and they can’t hide from the truth. Know the truth has caught them all in their lives and it is destroying their plans. Forrest is only one of many that are about to be exposed in a massive way. They’re all connected, my children, yes, they’re all together, setting their plans up against you, but all but liars never prosper that. Liars never prosper. Now, this is a weird word that he said, hard seal. So it’s exactly how it sounds and exactly how it’s spelled. It’s the word hard and seal, and it’s put together so hardseal. And he said, this word will be in the news. That’s the first time I ever heard of that word. So I had to double check it with him. But that’s what it sounded like to me. All right, democracy. This word will be in the news again. Watch what they are saying, and believe me, they will not have their way. Demetrius, this name will be in the news. The dominoes have started to fall, my children. Yes, it’s all coming and coming fast. Catskill, I say this name again, watch was reported about this name. Something significant is about to break and break wide open. And catskill is spelled catskill and then another paragraph. I’m, healer, and I promise that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. So I’m destroying the pain, the affliction, the diseases, the panic, the fear. Everything Satan has used enslave you. I have destroyed it on your behalf, so take it now. Receive what the Lord has done. Thank the Lord, your redeemer in this time of change. Expect more for me. Do not settle with your lives in the way it has been. Don’t settle with that pain. Don’t settle with that sickness, disease plug in your bodies. You don’t have to take the lack of fear, the depression, or all that has been tormenting you. That is a curse. And I have promised my blessing, which is an empowerment to rise above it all. These are the days to rise above all that’s kept you down in the bondage. My glory will destroy all the damage your enemies have caused you. My glory will rain down on you like none of that existed in your lives, because I will wipe it all out like it was never there. There will be no sign or no evidence left. Praise the Lord. For I the Lord this day I’m telling you, my children, once again, I am your deliverer. I am raining down my glory at the same time I am raining down judgments against your enemies. Isn’t that powerful, what God is saying in this word? He’s saying, don’t settle for that sickness and disease. Don’t settle for panic, worry, anxiety, fear. You say, Julie, what does that mean? Don’t settle because you’ve gotten a doctor’s report. Don’t just say, well, that’s what I have, and there’s nothing that I can do about it. And doctors will say there’s nothing they can do about it. They can’t. That’s a fact. But truth, God’s word, is health and healing to your flesh. So even though a man, it’s impossible for man, but it’s not impossible for God to do what he said he was going to do. He said, By Jesus stripes, you are healed. So if your doctor says you had cancer, you know what? Cancer has a name, and it has to bow down to the name of Jesus. Cancer cannot prosper against you. If you are speaking, if they’re speaking death over you. The doctors have spoken death over you, you start speaking the exact opposite call. Those things is not as though they are. That is Romans four and 17. Just like Abraham when he wasn’t the father of many nations at the time, he was no father at all but God, he went from Abram to Abraham, which meant the father of many nations being happy kids, so how could he, the father of many nations, he had to call those things as not as though they were already and you know what? The more people call them that. But guess what? He was a father and he’s the father of many nations. And so even though it’s impossible and the natural is saying no way, no how, it’s not going to work, it’s not going to happen. God is saying, don’t listen to that. God said, But Jesus stripes, ye were healed. Jesus already paid for your healing. If you’ve been diagnosed with anything, some type of paralysis, if you’ve been diagnosed with ALS or Ms, neuropathy, it doesn’t matter those names, it doesn’t matter what the doctors say, it doesn’t matter the medicine they try to give you, God’s word is medicine to your flesh. So that’s what you need more of God’s word. God’s Word heals, restores, delivers, it sets free. So don’t settle for anything less than what Jesus is already paid for. God is absolutely good, and his name is Jehovah Rafa, which is our healer, jehovah Gyra, which is our provider, jehovah Nisti, which is our banner or our victory. He is Elohim. He is the creator of this earth. He is El Sheddai, the God whom nothing is impossible. There are many names of God. He’s our comforter, he’s our waymaker, he’s our prince of peace. He’s a king of kings and Lord of Lords. He is Your victory. He is everything that you need Him to be. So cry out to Him today and say, God, I’m not going to be moved by what I see. I’m only going to be moved by the Word, your Word. Just receive what the Lord has already done for you. Well, I hope to encourage you today. I want to pray each and every one of you, heavenly Father, right now in Jesus name. I just lift up every person right now the sound of my voice, and every sickness, disease or virus and infection, everything that is plaguing them, everything that is orienting them, I thank You, Father God, that they are healed, they are restored, they are sound, they are made whole. We thank you, Father God. We are touching the hem of Your garment, just like the woman with the issue of blood. And when she touched, she just kept saying, I can just touch the hem of his garment. I shall be made whole. We’re touching your garment, Father God, and we thank you that we are whole. That is our redemption, right to be free. Who. The sun sets free is free indeed. So we are declaring our freedom right now, in Jesus name. We’re declaring our healing. Right now. In Jesus name. We’re declaring sound, as in all is right now in Jesus name, in heaven. Father, I thank you that you are building them up on their most holy faith. And no matter what happens in this world in the next couple of months, I thank you, Father God, that they will not be moved. I thank you that you are building them up in joy and strength and peace right now. In Jesus name, I thank you that they see themselves the way you see them through the eyes of Christ. Not through their mistakes, not the same consciousness, not through anything that Satan like a failure, not a quitter, no matter what it is. I thank you that they see themselves worthy to receive from you this day, and I thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen. And amen. Don’t let Satan tell you that you were just unworthy, falling short of the glory of God. You’ve been made the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Jesus made you worthy. There’s nothing you could have done to make yourself worthy, but Jesus did it for you. So receive that gift. Receive what the Lord has done. Receive your freedom. Receive your redemption rights. Receive your soundness wholeness. Receive those freedoms from those chains that have been holding you back. Well, I hope to encourage you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give this to anyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Truth set you free. Well, God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day. Bye.

So Boris is going to fall a lot further. And he is not alone. Part of a global network. We are not the least bit surprised. “I am destroying the Legacy of Obama” Just how could that happen ? And destroying removing things leaving no evidence of their existence we have not seen here on earth. So its been held in reserve. Hard to even imagine.
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