The Movie you see
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Good morning, everybody. As you can see, for me, it is still Saturday, December 3 of 2022. You will see this on Wednesday, December 7. And the reason for that is I will be out of town now on Wednesday, December 7. I will also be on at 1130 Central Time with Pastor David Scarlett in his glory. And take five. And I will have all that information in the description box for you. I am so looking forward to that show and the confirmation that Scott’s going to have because he always does. And I love Pastor Dave and all of his team and his glory. They are just wonderful and amazing. I most love them. Okay, and then on Thursday, December 8, I will have a live show with Clay Clark and Eric Trump on this channel and this Rumble Channel at 02:00 Central time. And then on Thursday night, I will be on with Blessed to Teach and I will have all the information for you on Thursday’s video. I’m so looking forward to it, all these interviews because God is just doing so much right now. So it’s just so exciting to have to see God putting all of us together and just getting out the truth, because the truth will set you free. Also, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at our new address. It is 46 20 east 53rd street, 200 Davenport 52807. All right, so that is all the announcements I think I have for today. And here’s the prophetic word.
The Movie you see in Front of You is about to come to an End.
Now, I heard it for me because this is still December 3. I heard it just a few hours 2 hours ago. And so now I get to give it to you. So it’s going to be four days for you, but only a couple hours for me. Okay?
For I, the Lord this day, am telling my children, all is not lost. All that you see is not hopeless. You are not in helpless situations. Hell is not winning. No matter how things appear, no matter what your enemies are saying and they are doing, do not be shocked at what they do next. I have warned you something significant was about to take place. I have told you that they had great plans against you and they are now extremely desperate. So it will not be just one thing that they will try. No, multiple things at once are about to take place in many nations, not just this one.
Political changes, economic changes, laws are changing. Finances are changing course, and changing hands. Military changes, news stations and their narratives. Great changes are coming along with social media platforms. What you see, what you’ve seen with Twitter, is about to happen to Google, Facebook, TikTok and any of them who hid the truth, who were controlling the narrative who silenced my children
Changes, I have said. And great changes are about to happen all at one time. I will say this again, my children. A great shaking is coming in the land of the Eagle. This shaking that will affect the rest of the world. The enemies of Almighty God, they are in for a rude awakening, you would say, in the coming days and weeks. Their plans are failing and have been. But now my children, you will start to see them fall and fail before your eyes. Many of them will fall at one time. Many exposures. All the proof and the truth is coming. And the end is coming to this movie that they have played out in front of this world. Yes, I said a movie. It is fake. There are many actors and places of power in your government and there are many more than you realize. The news stations have joined in. Major corporations have played many parts and pieces in this movie. Hollywood has been very involved in props in the sets and with the actors and a lot of CGI to change the way many things look. I told you, my children, I am exposing these props before you on live TV. No one can stop it all from crashing down. Very soon you will see that all of this has been true. The words I’ve spoken through my prophets are in fact all coming to pass. Beware. Do not let your hearts fail and do not fear and believe what you are about to see will actually stay the way it is. It will not. I have promised to deliver. I have promised to judge. I have promised to give back everything that has been stolen and that is what I will do. I cannot lie. And I would not leave the things that you see to stay the way they are. I will not allow these people to stay in power. I will not allow them to hold you hostage. I will not allow them to steal your freedoms and take your nations for themselves. Your deliverer is coming to set all the captives free. So rejoice this day because I’m showing up and my hand will destroy all that is against you. Sayeth the Lord. Your Redeemer
antisemitism. This word will be in your news for a shocking reason. Israeli people are still my people and the world will know it for a fact. Sayeth The Lord.
Something significant is about to take place in Israel. A freedom will take place and land will be given back. Land that no one thought would be returned. Yes, this will take place. So my children, in Israel I am bringing back a great ally that you have been waiting for his return. One who is my David that will help you with your freedoms and your rightful lands that have been held back from you. The one world government will not have their way. I will not leave you to fight this fight alone. My David’s soon return will be seen by the world, saith the Lord of Hosts.
My Eagle Rise in this day. What changed you? What chained you? As being destroyed. Do not lose hope now. Soar higher than before. A great shaking will shock. The world was about to take place with my Eagle. My nation is about to be completely set free, saith the Lord.
Horseshoe this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. A great shaking is coming to a well known intelligence agency. Truth will no longer be held back.
MI6 will be in the news for a shocking reason in the United Kingdom. Something significant is about to happen in your land that will start a revival in a great resistance. Wake up, my children who are there. I’m removing the ones who are oppressing you. So press into me, siath the Lord. Do not give up now on me. My glory will be seen, and I will cause a great awakening in your land. Yes, I am shaking your shackles off. So stand and shout for your freedoms, and you will see the great I am move in your land Sayeth. The Lord of Hosts.
Pennsylvania something significant is about to be exposed in your state. An exposure that most would have never most would have never seen coming. I have my hand on you. And my hand is moving to remove those who stole, those who lied, and those who are in these high positions that do not belong to them. Josh Shapiro. How dare you stand and defy me? You know what you have done. And you will not get away with it because judgment is coming for you. You will fall. You will be exposed. And you will not have the seat you were promised by the world leaders and the one they tried to steal for you. No. My hand is against you. You will not hold the harvest back in the state because it’s harvest time. So, Josh, watch who will turn on you, that I had near you and in your presence. They have all they need against you. And you will fall before this nation. You will be tried for treason, and it will be your end.
Judges in this nation, it’s time for judgment. It is time for you to be removed for not upholding the laws in this land. All who are against me will fall, saith the Lord.
Arizona something significant is about to take place to expose the evil against you. Your enemies will not have their way. Truth will not be held back or denied. I am truth. And you will see a great fall in Maricopa. So do not give up yet. Justice will be served Sayeth The Lord. So, my children. Things may look rocky. Things may look confusing. But remember what I have said so many times before. Things are not how they appear to be. And things will not stay the way you see them now. So pray, stand rejoice, because I am healing your lands, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary So one of the things about this prophetic word that I’m sure you guys are probably asking – A movie? how can this be? You’d be surprised what they can do with voices, what they can do with faces, what they can do with props and sets. All these things that we see before us. Remember, God is saying things aren’t how they appear to be. He’s been saying many times before about pulling the curtains back, about puppet masters and the puppet show. And now he’s talking more and more about a movie which is fake and false. He’s been giving us all of these pieces to a very, very, very big puzzle. But something he also said that was really surprising to me this morning is, he’s talking about actors that are playing the parts ! Now, I knew there were some of them, maybe a couple, but I didn’t realize how many. And I knew when he was saying this, it’s a lot. It’s not just a couple. And that does make sense because the things he’s talking about arrests being made and people are being detained, but the movie still had to go on. So if you’re watching a movie and somebody had unfortunately passed away and I know it’s happened in many different movies before, they had to put a person in that particular place and they could make their face look a certain way and their voice sound a certain way. They can do all these crazy things for a good production in a movie. So when they need things to happen like this in real life, why wouldn’t you think they would do it? They’ve even had movies about this where there was a president, something happened to him. They didn’t want the world to know. The United States had no idea something happened to him. So they put a lookalike in his position to play the part until they didn’t need him anymore, until they had somebody else dealt with. So that again, there’s a lot of things that are happening. And what we all have to take away from this, even though no matter what it sounds like, is that God is in control. And he’s been saying this and just like he’s been saying about all these different states, he’s been saying about the United States of America, but now he’s mentioning all the nations around the world. And again, this is not just about this country. The One World Government is not just affecting the United States of America. That’s a huge piece of it. Because if they don’t have America, then they can’t have the rest of the world. Because America was that light or that beacon in this world, in America would always go and help other nations because God has blessed this nation to do that. And so God is saying the light is not going to go out. The United States is going to be united. There’s a birth that’s happening in this country that you are about to see. The only God can do all these things. And that’s the reason why people have been asking, why is it taking so long? People don’t realize that this is so in depth. And when you are dealing with things like this, you want to get the big fish and not just the little ones. You want to have all your evidence. You want to have all your ducks in a row. You want to have all the cards. You want to have all the evidence. You want to have all these things. So then when things go forward, when you move forward, there is no denying the fact of what is being said. So what we do in the meantime is we’re supposed to do our declarations. We’re supposed to be decrying. We’re supposed to focus on God. We’re supposed to be getting into his word and we’re supposed to be because what he wants us to do, because he’s been warning us about things looking a little bit darker and things could potentially look a lot darker. But God is saying don’t be afraid of that because he’s saying it’s always the darkest before the dawn. And he’s been saying that many different times. He is the one in control. So even if you saw things get darker for a short time, remember it’s short. It’s not something that’s going to last forever. It’s not something that’s going to be like Covid that lasted for a very, very long time and it completely just upset the entire world and put the world on a standstill for almost two years, basically. So God is saying, no, it’s not going to be like that, nothing like that. But it is going to do something that is going to bring a lot of shock and an awe. And so what we need to do as children of Almighty God is to walk by faith and not by sight. He keeps saying that things aren’t as they appear to be. So then we have to stay focused on, okay, if things aren’t how they appear to be, then what does God want me to see? What does God want me to know? What does he want me to say? What does he want me to do? And when we do that, when we press into Him, he will give us that peace and he’ll give us that rest. What do you think? He’s so awesome. He is so awesome. He is so good and he’s giving us these words all the time. I mean literally. And not only are we seeing and hearing these words all the time, but we’re seeing them come to pass on a daily basis. Again, in the description box you can go to the Telegram Prophecy Fulfilled page and you can also go to Prophecy Index and you can see it for yourself. There is proof all the time. Every day it’s being updated. Prophecies are being fulfilled every single day. Whether they’re the small ones or the bigger ones, they’re being fulfilled all the time. And so what we had to do is we stay focused and trust and believe God. I love how he says certain things. Like I said, I am not a writer. I cannot thank these things up. A lot of these things will seem like outlandish at times. But God, I mean, look at that. If you thought about this for a minute, if God would have told the tone of Israel, okay, I’m going to put ten plagues and the 10th plague is going to be an angel of death. And after the angel of death, pharaoh, the Pharaoh’s son, is going to be dead and everybody’s the firstborn is going to die. And so he said it’s going to let you go. I’m going to give you all silver. I’m going to give you all the gold. I’m going to give you all the precious things that they had, the things that meant the most to them. You can take them. You can go into the wilderness, and then you’re going to get stuck. And then after that, the Red Sea that’s in front of you, I am going to park that. And then that sameRred sea that saved you and delivered you is going to be the same sea, the same body of water that is going to kill your enemy. Then you’re going to walk around the wilderness for 40 years because you’re disobeying me. And then after that, you’re in willing promised him they would have not received that because it would have sounded too outlandish and too crazy. So God can’t give us every single piece of puzzle. First of all, he’s never going to do that because he’s never let your enemies know exactly what he’s doing. He’s never going to do that. He’s never going to give him every piece. He’s giving us pieces. He’s giving us pieces to a puzzle, a very, very mass big puzzle. But he’s never going to give us every single one. But he wants you to think. He wants you to press into Him. He wants you to pray. He wants you to start thinking like, okay, if this really isn’t real and this prophecy is coming to pass, and this prophecy is coming to pass, than the ones that haven’t yet, they’re going to. Because God also said that. Because God is a God who cannot lie. So if you put all these things together, that’s why you can sit there and have so much joy in your heart because you’re like, well, God said that and it came to pass. So if this thing I’m questioning and I just know it’s going to come to pass because he said all these other things, that’s going to pass. So it should excite you to see what God is saying. Now, I want to go over each and every one of these paragraphs before I go. So to give you a little bit more and have read to it again because God will always give more in depth. When I think I go back the second time, I never used to do this, but this whole entire video is how we have these prophecies. All this has changed since beginning. Is this evolving and how he’s wants it. It’s amazing how he gives a prophetic word. Then I read through it, then he gives all of a sudden he’s just scriptures and teaching. Then after the teaching, then he has to go back and then saying something else that he wants to enunciate in the word. They’re his words. That’s how good our God is. I just love how he’s doing this. It’s so amazing how he’s just so good. All right, so in the last paragraph it says so my children, things may look rocky, things may look confusing. Remember, Satan is the author of confusion. So don’t get caught up in all the things that look a certain way that will confuse you. Because Satan is the author of confusion. And if you are confused and you’re not at rest and you’re not at rest, you’re not at peace, you’re not at peace, you don’t have joy, you don’t have joy, you don’t have strength. That’s the reason why. This is a tool of warfare. Our enemy uses that the seed, distract, destroy. He also is using huge confusion. Well, this person said this and this person said this and this. It looks this way, but God’s saying this and I don’t understand and it gets you to get frustrated and that’s what was it? Listen, I want to read something, my Bible’s on this side. I’m still using this other laptop in front of my computer, so I had to remember where I put my Bible. Now this scripture just came up in my spirit, so I need to read this before I go on. John 1633 Amplified I’ve said this one many different times before, but there’s a reason for this, because God wants to get this scripture into your heart. Now he says, I have told you these things that in me you may have perfect peace. Why do you think he’s giving us these prophetic words? So we will have perfect peace and we can be at rest and we’re not going to be in fear, we’re not going to be overwhelmed, we’re not going to be burdened down with these cares in the worries of the world. And we won’t have no strength because we’ll have no choice. That’s why he’s saying these and doing these things constantly. I told you these things within me. You may have perfect peace and confidence in the world. You’ll have tribulation, trials, distress and frustrations. But be of good cheer, take courage, be certain and undaunted, for I have overcome the world. I’ve deprived it of its power to harm you, and I’ve conquered it for you. God has conquered everything that’s wrong in this world. He’s conquered it for us. Failure and defeat are not in your future. Say that with me. Failure and defeat are not in my future. Say that again. Failure and defeat are not in my future. So no matter if it’s you or it’s your nation or whatever nation, no matter wherever it is in the servants, I’m getting time, so I’m getting excited. No matter the situation in your life, God is a God. He’s saying, Failure and defeat are not in your future and a good fight is a fight you’re going to win. He said, fight the good fight that’s guaranteed win. So fight the good fight and know that you are the winner in the end and God’s not going to stop till you have your victory. All right, so now he says, things may look confusing, but remember what I have said so many times before. Things are not how they appear to be. And things will not stay the way you see them now. So pray stand rejoice, because I’m healing your lands, saith the Lord’s. Redeemer things are not how they appear to be. But, Julie, what about this going on? Things are not how they appear to be. But, Julie, what about this? Things are not how they appear to be. And then you can also say if you have all these horrible things that are going on in your country or in your nations or wherever you’re at, no matter where you’re at in this world, say to yourself, but God, if you have an impossible situation in your life but God, read about the God of the impossible. Satan loves that word. You get to know that word and realize that Satan’s a liar and say it Satan, you’re a liar. This thing is never going to go away. Say Satan. You’re a liar. Because he is. All right, now,
Arizona, something significant is about to take place to expose the evil against you. Your enemies will not have their way. Truth will not be held back or denied. I am truth. You will see a great fall in Maricopa. So do not give up yet. Justice will be served. Saith the Lord. Now, he has given me several prophecies about Arizona and Maricopa and the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County. They think they’re smart. They think they’ve gotten away with something for the second time. And God is saying, I got your number. Remember, no one else out smarts God. No one’s going to have their way but God. So they didn’t get away with anything. They have not. No matter what the judges have said, no matter what is going on. Remember, God said he set traps. And I think it was yesterday’s video, but it was just a few short hours for me when I did the one for Tuesday. How can you go and be tried for treason if you were not caught in the act? So there was the people that were caught in 2020, but everyone was caught. This time there was a difference. So things have to be a certain way for a short time to end up being something good in the end.
All right, judges in this nation, it’s time for judgment. It’s time for you to be removed for not upholding the laws in this land. All who are against me will fall, say the Lord. There has been judges in place that will not rule for the Constitution, that will not rule for the laws in this land. They rule how the One World Government wants in a rule. And that includes the Supreme Court and the high school land. That includes I don’t care if it’s circuit court judges, I don’t care if it’s just local judges or whatever. There has been judges that have been put all over this country for a reason. Evil, evil, evil. So when they need something, they got a judge in place there. And God is saying I got your number too. And you’re not saying those positions of power. Alright, now I’m going to read there is a whole paragraph about Josh Shapiro. Now he’s the AG or Attorney General in Pennsylvania. Same thing with Katie Hobbs. Attorney Generals running for governors, not something down staying their positions involving elections. Just saying those two states, I will tell you from what God has been saying, those two states, watch out, God’s coming. Alright, we got to come for all of them. But I’m just saying those two he’s been naming more than other ones. Pennsylvania, something significant is about to be exposed in your state. An exposure that most would have never seen coming. I have my hand on you and my hand is moving. To remove those who stole, those who lied, those who were in high positions that don’t belong to them. Josh Shapiro, how dare you defy me? That’s what God is saying to him. Josh Shapiro, the AG of Pennsylvania. How dare you defy me? That’s what God is saying to him. You know what you have done and you will not get away with it because judgment is coming for you. You will fall. You will be exposed. And you will not have the seat you were promised by the world leaders and the one they tried to steal for you. No, my hand is against you. You will not hold the harvest back in the state because it’s harvest time. So Josh, watch who will turn on you that I had near you and in your presence they have all they need against you. And you will fall before this nation. You will be tried for treason and it will be your end, say the Lord of Hosts. When the Lord calls his people out and he’s warning them, I wouldn’t want to be them at all. You look at all the people that defied God in the bible and their end was all the same. No one got away with it. No matter what they tried, no matter who they had with them, no matter how much money they had with them, it’s not enough. Because no one’s bigger than God. God is the most high God.
All right, now the United Kingdom. Something significant is about to happen in your land that will start a revival and a great resistance. Wake up, children who are there. I am removing the ones who are oppressing you. So press into me. Sayeth The Lord. Do not give up on me now. My glory will soon be seen, and I will cause a great awakening in your land. Yes, I am shaking your shackles off. So stand and shout for your freedoms and you will see the great I AM move in your land. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. So the UK, United Kingdom. Don’t give up on God. Stand up, shout. Receive what God is doing. He said, great glory, great revival, restorations are coming. So do not give up hope. There is hope coming. And his name is the great I AM.
Okay, so MI6 will be in your news for a shocking reason. MI 6, I’m pretty sure it’s like the FBI and the CIA here and it’s over there. So they will be in the news for a shocking reason. A great shaking is coming to a well known intelligence agency. Truth will no longer be held back.
Horseshoe. This word will be in the news for a surprising reason. My eagle, rise. Who is God’s Eagle? The United States of America. She’s saying rise in this day. What chained you is being destroyed. Do not lose hope. Now soar higher than before. So the United States was soaring for a while and then of course, it’s trying to be suppressed and held down and chained down. You got to say our chain is coming off and you’re going to soar more than you ever were before. That means it’s going to be a greater nation than it ever was before. And he says what it once was will be again to a greater degree. And that’s a great Exodus. And that’s going to usher in all these things that we’re about to see that God’s been saying. He says, soar higher before a great shaking will shock the world. What is about to take place with my Eagle. So something that’s going to happen in the United States, America is going to shock the world so much, he said my nation is about to be completely set free. So how God does the freeing of the eagle or the freeing of the United States of America is going to shock the world and how he does it, and no one’s going to deny that it was God.
Something significant is about to take place in Israel. A freedom will take place and land will be given back. Land that no one thought would be returned. Now that is in bold. There’s a lot of places that are involved. I’m saying that land that no one thought would be returned, yes, this will take place. So my children, in Israel, I am bringing back a great ally and that you have been waiting for his return, one who is my David, that will help you with your freedoms and your rightful lands that have been held back from you. The one world government will not have their way. I will not leave you to fight this fight alone. My David’s soon return will be seen by the world. Saith the Lord of Hosts. Now that is in bold. My David’s soon return will be seen by the world. Who is David? David is the rightful president. United States of America. Who is Donald J. Trump? And the United States is a great ally to Israel. So when he brings Trump back, he’s bringing the ally back to Israel. And Israel has been waiting for this, just like we have. I know us, me being a United States citizen, I know that I’m not the only one. I know there are people all over the world that want him to come back. Now, we’re not glorifying him. We just know that he’s anointed and appointed by God and he’s blessed by God to do this part, what he was supposed to do. So pray for his protection, be persistent about praying for him. All right?
Now Antisemitism, this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. Israeli people are still my people and the world will know it, saith the Lord. So what this word is going to be said, God is saying I am going to show that the Israeli people are still my people. Because even in the body of Christ I’ve heard people say that God’s forsaking of that nation, that his people and all that. That is not true. That is so wrong. The Jewish people are still God’s people, period, the end. They’re still his people and Israel is still his country. And no one’s going to take that or destroy it. Your delivery is coming to set captives free. So rejoice this day because I’m showing up. My hand will destroy all that is against you, sayeth the Lord. Your Redeemer. Now that was the end part of the paragraph of very soon you will see that all this has been true. The words I have spoken through my prophets are in fact all coming to pass. Beware. Do not let your hearts fail and do not fear because or believe that what you are seeing will actually stay the way it is. It will not. I promise to deliver, I promise to judge. I have promised to give back everything that has been stolen and that is what I will do. I cannot lie. I would not leave the things the way you see to stay the way they are. I will not allow these people to stay in power. I will not let them hold you hostage. I will not let them steal your freedoms and take your nations for themselves, because that’s what they’re doing. They’re trying to take our nations for themselves. That’s what they’re doing to this country and to many countries around the world now, many exposures, all the proof and the truth is all coming. And the end is coming to this movie. We just talked about that earlier. They have played out in front of this world. Yes, I said a movie. It’s fake. There are many actors in places of power in your government, and there are many more than you realize. The news stations have joined in. Major corporations have joined or played many parts and pieces in this puzzle. Hollywood has been very involved in props and sets with the actors and a lot of CGI to change the way many things look. I told you, my children, I am exposing these props before you on live TV. No one can stop it from all crashing down. Not going to go over all that again. So I just went over before. But a movie. Think about this for a minute. Things about how they appear to be. A lot of liars, lot of fakes, and a lot of actors are in positions of power. People are acting. All right. Now, I will say this again, my children. A great shaking is coming in the land of the Eagle. The shaking that will affect the rest of the world. The enemies of Almighty God, they are in for a rude awakening, you would say, in the coming days and weeks, for their plans are failing. And they have been the plans have been failing, he says, but now, my children, you will start to see them fall and fail before your eyes. They’ve been failing behind the scenes and got to say no. Now you’re going to start seeing it in front of your eyes. Many of them will fall at one time. And that is just like the pharaoh of old. If you think the pharaoh and he had Pharaoh and all of his men, all his chariots, they all fell at one time. So again, that’s something like that is happening. OK, so I’m going to go for this one. Do not be shocked at what they do next. I have warned you something significant was about to take place. I have told you that they have great plans against you, and they are now extremely desperate. So it will not just be one thing that they will try. Multiple things at once are about to take place in many nations, not just this one. Political changes, economic changes, laws are changing. Finances are changing course and changing hands. Military changes, new stations and their narratives. Great changes are coming along with social media platforms we’ve already seen. Something huge happened with Twitter. Look what God said. What you have seen with Twitter is about to happen to Google, Facebook. Now Google owns YouTube. For those who don’t know, Google owns YouTube. So if Google is being judged, so is YouTube. He says to Google, Facebook, TikTok, and any of them who have hid the truth, who are controlling the narrative, who silenced my children, changes I have said, and great changes are about to happen all at one time. So no matter who they were and no matter who is behind them, the social media giants are coming down. They will not stay the way they are. And yes, we will have freedom of speech back for the Lord this day. I’m telling my children, all is not lost. All that you would see is not hopeless. You are not in the helpless situations. Hell is not winning. No matter how things appear, no matter what your enemies are saying, no matter what they are doing. It’s a powerful paragraph. You are not in a helpless situation. Hell is not winning. Hell is not winning. Evil is not winning. No matter how things appear, no matter what your enemies are saying and what they are doing, they’re not winning. Don’t be discouraged today. I know things can be discouraging, but don’t let that overwhelm you. Don’t overtake you. That’s why it’s so important to be in the reward of God. It’s why it’s so important to pray or be in his presence, because it will destroy that discouragement, that Heaviness, whatever is weighing you down, god will destroy it with his presence, with his glory.
So I want to pray over each and every one of you today. Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, I just want to pray over each and every person. I thank you that your glory fills their room right now and anything that’s been chaining them, anything that’s been holding them hostage, any prison cell that they have been in, no matter what their situation or circumstances are, I thank You Father God, that you are the great I am. You are their provider, you are the healer, you are the redeemer, you Are their avenger, you are their deliverer. You are everything. You are their provider, you are everything that they need you to be. And I want to praise and thank you for their deliverance. I want to praise and thank you for the healing of manifestations right now in their body. I want to command the name of Jesus, your souls to get up right now to the spirit and then the soul in the body, I command to get right now in the name of Jesus, in that right order, spirit, soul, and body. I thank you, Father God, that your people are being freed from all that fear. They’re being freed from all that heaviness. They’re being freed from all that discouragement. They are being freed from that oppression. They’re being free from that obsession. They are being freed from all these things and holding them those addictions. Anything that’s been holding them hostage, I break its chain off of you right now. In Jesus name and I’m declaring your freedom and deliverance. And I thank you for the manifestation of their life. In Jesus name, amen. And amen. Now, I want you guys to say every day, I am free. Repeat after me. I am free to freely serve God. I am free in every area of my life to freely serve God. Let’s say it again. I am free and every area of my life to freely serve God. You just keep declaring it. You keep decreeing it, no matter what your situation looks like. You have the authority of the name of Jesus that every knee must bow. Remember, Satan can’t defeat the blood. And you have a blood covenant with God Almighty because of Jesus Christ. So hopefully encourage you today, please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs your encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

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