2023 A Year to be FREE and a Year of Great Victory
Morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, January 5 of 2023. And I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called 2023. A year to be free and a year of great victory. I heard this prophetic word on January 2 of 2023. Before I get to that, I do have an exciting announcement to make. Now, only in a couple of weeks, a couple of weeks away, two weeks from today, we’ll be in Florida at the gathering with Robin and Robin Bullock, with Amanda Grace, Manuel Johnson, and of course, Timothy Dixon, because he is the one. This is his event. And there’s going to be the Isaacs and Jaron and the Kindred Sold is going to be a visiting event. And I hope you all can join us. If you want more information regarding the gathering, you can go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page or I have the link, the direct link in the description box for you to Timothy Dixon’s website to get your tickets for that. Tickets are free, but we want to know how many of you are going to join. So I really hope you can, because this is going to be powerful. Let’s start out the year of 2023, right? It is going to be an amazing event. All right. Now, also, if you missed yesterday’s broadcast with Pastor Dave on take Five with His Glory, it was an awesome jampacked show. It was over an hour and a half long of just confirmations and just exciting news. So if you missed that, we will have the link in the description box for you so you can go back and watch that live show. And if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page where you can write us at julie Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd street, suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. That’s all the announcements today, I hope. And I did have this 2023 declaration in the description box. I will continue to have it in the description box as long as the Lord wants me to have it there. You guys can declare this decree it every day. Do this every day. And watch us see how fast God is going to move in our lives when we have our words that they are agreeing with his words. All right, now, here is the prophetic word. I’m so excited when I heard this word that day and on, you know, January 2 on Monday, I wanted to give it to you right away. So all right. Now, as you can tell, because I started giving you part of it, so here it is,
2023, a Year to be Free and a Year of Great Victory For All sayeth the Lord. This day, I’m telling my children what to say, what to declare in this new year of 2023.
2023, a year to be free.
2023, a year of glee. 2023, a year of prosperity, of prophecy, 2023. A year to end what you see.
2023, a year of great victory.
2023, a year of great prosperity.
A year to bring a great correction.
A year that will bring justice.
A year that will bring a great exchange.
2023, a year for me. 2023, reversal of the captivity.
2023, the year of glory. Of great glory. Sorry. Great glory. The year of 2023 is a year to be free. Call in freedom. Freedom from sickness. Freedom from lack. Freedom from families being divided. Freedom in your lands. Freedom from tyrannical governments. Freedom from all the things your enemies have used to hold you captive. Say these words. Declare them my children daily. And watch and see how fast I show up for thee. For those in my church that are only looking to Trump and Trump prophecies, you are looking and paying attention to one thing and one thing only. If it doesn’t happen, you quit. But you’ve missed on all the things that I have already done. Do not be your ancestors in the wilderness. They focus on all the wrong things. Miss the great things I had already done for them. My hand is moving. My hand is delivering things I already started for a great and sudden shift. Don’t miss what I have already done and what I’m about to do. Remember, not all my children saw the promised land. Even though it was my will for them to see it and experience it right away, they chose to believe what they saw. They chose to believe what they felt. They chose to believe in evil reports over mine. Do not be deceived and tricked by your enemy’s influence or their persuasion. Do not listen to the people who don’t believe the truth. They are there to steal it from you. Get your strength from me and I will give it to you. So just rely on me. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. Something He just he just wanted me to say. So just rely on me in 2023. Sayeth The Lord your Redeemer he wanted me to have me put that in there. Right there.
Lord, But what about Trump and his return? My children- He never left his position. No matter what this crooked fraudulent government says, no matter what things look like, do not be moved, my children. I’m restoring a president back where you can see him. He has been restored. Even when you couldn’t see it, a reinstatement had taken place where you don’t understand it. Prophecy is being fulfilled. I’m not saying this to you today to only focus on this. This prophecy is not the only one that matters or the only one that is changing what you see. Stop just focusing on this. Or you will miss what I am doing right in front of you. Now. Call your rightful president back now to be seen in his rightful seat. Call his reinstatement also to be seen in front of the world. Call your enemies to fail. Call your enemies to be removed. Shout it. Declare it. This is the year of great fulfillment. This year, rely on your faith and trust in my word not to put your faith and trust in man. This year, rely not onto your own understanding, but rely on my words. I have great expectancy in the year of 2023. Remember a year, a great year to be free. Saith the Lord your Redeemer
Sodom and Gomorrah This will be in your news for surprising reason. Armageddon will be used again and again to describe many things going on around the world. But I said, remember, things are not how they appear to be. So do not walk by Satan sight. Excuse me, but walk by faith.
Hezbollah will be in your news and will make a shocking statement that will get the world’s attention.
Greece will be in your news for a surprising reason. Antarctica will be in your news for a shocking reason. Yes, it will shock the world of what has been going on there and what has been hidden there that will not stay hidden anymore.
An earthquake will hit an unusual place that will definitely get the world’s attention. I will mention again the Pacific Ocean, the Ring of fire. They will say it has woken up to expect more earthquakes and devastation. My children, remember my words. They are doing things behind the scenes to cause destruction and distractions. Something big is on the horizon that is coming to destroy your enemies once and for all. Their distractions will become greater in this time. To discourage you, stand like never before. I told you to war like never before. Your enemies you see today. Your enemies you see today. Soon, and very soon, you will see no more. So start declaring this daily. Save the Lord of Hosts.
The Appalachian Mountains will be in your news once again. And the reason why will surprise you and shock the world.
Cedar Sinai Medical Center will be in your news for a significant reason. Great exposures are coming that cannot be held back.
A Supreme Court ruling will shock this nation and bring a great shaking to this land Sayeth The Lord.
Wake up. Get up, my children, and to start declaring your freedoms, demanding freedoms. Start declaring your enemies defeat every lie to be revealed. Do not wait. Shout these things out loud. Your enemies will run and scatter before you. They are running out of time. Their plans are failing and falling apart before your eyes. I will say this again. Don’t stop and don’t give up. It’s almost the end of the great Exodus in this land and across and around the world. Excuse me. So, rejoice in your freedoms. Rejoice in your victories. Rejoice in my deliverance that is coming for you to take it all back. Take it. Receive it now. My trumpet is about to sound, so declare this as well. The trumpet is about to sound that will destroy the power of the enemies you see today. Don’t give in to the pressure of today. Remember, I am on the inside of you, and I am greater than anything you see. Sayeth The Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary Now, before I go back over that again, he’s bringing up something in this prophetic word again. He talks about and we’ve said this before. I know this before on these videos, but people have to get this on the inside of them. There are only two reports in the world the report of Almighty God and the evil report or a lie from the enemy. And as you can see in Numbers chapter 13, Joshua and Caleb came out. This is Numbers, chapter 30, verse 13. Or hold on, numbers 13. Not I tried quoting it, but I can’t. All right, verses 32 33. Now, listen to what Josh wants. Caleb and there was a prophecy that the Lord gave me several months ago, and he said, Where am I? Joshua’s? Where am I? Caleb’s. Where am I? David’s what they face adversity they faced in most impossible looking situations. They didn’t care. They faced it with the eyes of victory, with trusting in the blood covenant of Almighty God, trusting in the great I am. They were trusting in him and knew him well enough. No matter what they faced, they ran toward it, not away from it. All right, now, Numbers 13 and verse 30. Caleb cried to the people before Moses and said, let us go up at once and possess it. We are well able to conquer it. Whose? Where did Caleb get those words? I believe Caleb got those words specifically from God. God spoke it in his heart. He just knew it. That he knew that he knew. And I believe when he spoke those words, he spoke those words with boldest. He spoke those words with just like firing his belly like I do for you guys sometime when it sounds like I’m shouting, I’m not. It’s just the authority that God has given to us, and you just know it. So you shout it. And it’s easy to because when you’re talking against the enemy, you don’t talk in a whisper or a wimpy voice. You talk with the authority of Almighty God, because remember, he’s on the inside of you. So anyway, when he says, we are more than able, I can just hear Him just shouting this. We are more than able. God is telling us that right now. We are more than able to stand up. We are more than able to take back our nations. We are more than able to take back our freedoms. We are more than able to take back all the things that ripe, that belong to us. Because Jesus had sacrificed, he died. He did this for us. We are more than able. We have the greater one on the inside of us. And get excited today I’m telling you, get excited today if you are down in the dumps and if you have been overwhelmed, I know so many people are. So many people honored the most severe attacks right now. Why? Because this is a time of the end, and the enemy knows it. So what is he going to do? He’s going to pile on pressure. He’s in a pile on circumstances. He’s going to pile on all these impossible situations. He’s going to pile on every test, every trial. He’s going to get you so overwhelmed and discouraged that you just said, it’s not working. You just say, I just have to give up. I have to quit because I can’t take this anymore. That’s what your enemy is counting on, and God is counting on you. I’m telling you, it’s almost like you have all these enemies piling up on you, and you just have all the courage on the inside of you, and it’s like you take your arms and just throw them all off and stand up and say, enough is enough. It is finished. Jesus has destroyed you on my behalf. Jesus says blood is more powerful than anything, and there’s nothing that you can do to keep me. Because Satan, you cannot penetrate the bloodline. Either can any demon, any principality of power and ruler or the daughters of those rules. You can’t penetrate the bloodline. So I plead the blood of Jesus on the top of the head of my soul, my feet, I refuse to quit. I refuse to give into this depression. I refuse to give in to this fear. I refuse to give into this impossible situation. I’m talking to somebody. Somebody needs to hear these words today. God is saying, get up right now from where you are. Get up. Stand up. Shout this out. I will not be defeated. I will not quit. God is on my side, and we win because of the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is above every name. Remember that. I don’t care if it’s a terminal illness. If a doctor gave you a bad report, you say, no. I believe in the report of Almighty God. He said that I can choose life. He said he said before me, in life and death, blessing and cursing, I choose life. So I command this death sentence. You are rebuilt. You are rendered helpless. I command life into my mortal body. I command the blessing of Almighty God into my body. I proclaim life because God said, with long life will he satisfy me. And I’m not satisfied. You have a choice. You have a choice. And I keep hearing something in my spirit about court cases. Court cases. I don’t know if this personal courts, like civil courts, or this is just judiciary or just big, huge courts. The federal courts, no matter what you are facing or what your country is facing, no matter what laws are trying to pass, no matter what it is, with you. No matter what it is, there’s multiple different people. Because I’m hearing I’m just hearing multiple things regarding court cases. Remember, the greater one is on the inside of you and he is a judge over all of the earth. And in Hebrews chapter ten, I was going to get to Numbers and he just happened again. It’s his plan, not mine. So praise the Lord. Hallelujah. I wasn’t planning on saying these things, but he needed you to hear it. That’s why I always prayed the way I do. Because I don’t know what you need to hear, but he does. All right, I want you to get out the Scripture. Those of you who are dealing with court cases, even the people who are praying about the court case in the Supreme Court that’s going tomorrow, pray this Scripture, demand this scripture, decree this Scripture. This is the Amplified version of Hebrews, chapter ten and verse 30. For we know Him who said, vengeance is mine, vengeance is Gods. Remember that I will repay. I will exact the compensation, says the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge. The Lord is a judge over all the earth. Does it matter? What supreme Court justice? Does it matter if it is a federal judge, if it’s a civil judge? I don’t care what judge they are and how much power and authority they have in their area. God is a judge over all the earth. There is no one higher to judge than Him. He out rents, he trumps every single judge upon this earth. Now look at this. I will repay. How exactly? Compensation, says Lord. And again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause in the cases of his people. God will settle the cause and the cases of his people. God is settling your case. Give him those cares. In one Peter, chapter five, verse six on read it. Cash or cares upon him because he cares for you. If it’s in your hands, then it’s not in his. His hands are bigger than yours. Okay, that was for somebody who needed to hear it today. Now, I’m going back to Numbers, chapter 13 again. Remember, Caleb and Joshua were shouting us out. We are more than able to take who to take the giants that were in the land. Verse 31. This is numbers chapter 31. Or Numbers chapter 13, verse 31. I’ll get it right. But his fellow scout said, okay, so Caleb and Josh will say, we’re more than able. And then you have the other ones. You could say religion, you can say legalism. You could say people full of fear that we’re there to drive fear, which there’s a lot of that right now going on in the body of Christ. Listen. Opposite report of God. God is saying this year is a year to be free. It’s a year of great victory. It’s a year of prosperity. It is a year for me say that this is a year for me, for every possible situation, everything that’s going on in my life, every test, every trial, sickness and disease, god is destroying it. I thank you, Father God. This is a year for me to be free. This is what God is telling you to say. Remember, he gave Joshua and Caleb something to say and it was the truth. It was the truth to set them free. Now you have all these people that are coming out and the body of Christ, and they’re saying the exact opposite. Listen, remember whose report do you believe? This is very important right now. Verse 31. But his fellow scout said, we are not able to go up against the people of Canaan, for they are stronger than we are. Where were these people when God destroyed Egypt? Where were these people during the plagues? When he spared Goshen. Where were these people for the Red Sea when he killed all fair? One of his men were killed in the Red Sea. Where were they? Where were they when there was a cloud by day and a fire by night? Where were they when he was raining down freshman man up from heaven? Where were they when he gave them water in the wilderness? Where were they when he gave him quail from the sky? Where were they? Where? They were there. Just like right now, there’s prophets being fulfilled every single day. I’m just talking about the ones I’m hearing. I’m talking about the ones that so many prophets are hearing through the land right now. Prophets are being fulfilled every day. And you know what people are saying? They’re going to the same thing their ancestors did back in the wilderness. No, nothing’s happening. Nothing’s going on. Nothing’s going on. God’s not going to do anything. The same spirits are here to lie, to deceive, to distract, to destroy. They’re here. Why do you think God has to give us these? God doesn’t prophesy every day. Who said? Who said there’s no law against it. If our enemies can speak every day again, I’m saying this again. Why can’t God? Why can’t God? Because it’s never happened before. Really?
There is more prophecy going on in the world today. Because we need it. Because there’s more fear going on today. There’s more deception going on today. Why would not God speak? Religion will tell you he’s not. Legalism will tell you he’s not. The enemy, the liar, the deceiver will tell you he’s not two reports we are more than able that was the words of Almighty God. I believe that Joshua and Caleb had those words because that’s what God sent him to say. God is saying that to us today. But then there’s people saying nothing’s going happening. We’re going into the Tribulation period. We already are in the Tribulation period. Everything is going wrong. What more government is going to take over? Woe to us. United States of America is going to go down and so is everybody else. Does God ever give you that? Does God ever say, oh, sorry, not this time, no. God said in his words that he will always cause you to triumph. Does that sound like these people are giving you doom and gloom? God gives you the good report. He has given you every victory over every trial, every circumstance. Julie, look what’s going on. It looks like anything’s changing. Really? Really. Because prophecy is being fulfilled so fast right now. All the things that God’s been saying for the last year and a half, two years, it’s now coming to pass quicker. Don’t believe the evil report. I got to go on so I can go back to this prophetic word because there’s a lot there that I have to go over. All right, now, verse 32. Listen to them still. So they brought the Israelites an evil report. What does an evil report mean? A lie. They brought them a lie. God’s will for them was to take the ten or eleven days, however long, was supposed to take, from Egypt to the land of Canaan, the promised land. That was it. They were supposed to walk right in. Who stopped it? The devil. The devil caused a delay. The people believed it. People are believing alive from the pit of hell today. They’re believing fear. They’re believing doubt. They’re believing worry. They’re believing what they see. They’re believing what they feel. Same devil. He always puts certain circumstances that are so overwhelming that you stare and you focus at the evil report and you don’t focus on guys anymore because it’s just too hard. There’s nothing new under the sun. All right, now, the land that which has been scouted out saying that the land through which we went to spite out the land, bowers its inhabitants. And all the people that they saw were the men of great stature. They saw the nephilim. The nephilim were giants like Goliath. They were, you know, nine to 12ft tall, the sons of Anna who came from the giants. And that we were we were in our own site as grasshoppers, and we were in our own site as grasshoppers, and so we were in their site. They walked by sight and then rehab later on told them that everyone was afraid of them. Everyone was petrified of the children of Israel because they all heard what God did for them in Egypt. They would have walked in Canaan and those giants would have scattered and fled. But they believed a lie. God is telling us right now not to believe the lies. There’s plenty of them going out right now, but every day, multiple times a day, all day long. Remember the news used to be like at 06:00 in the morning, like five or 06:00 in the morning, and then you get a few hour break, then it’d be at noon, and then from noon and there’d be a break until five and then from five and 06:00 at night all of a sudden. And then 10:00 at night, the 10:00 news. Now all of a sudden the news is 24/7. Why? Evil report. Lie. Narrative propaganda. You hear a lie long enough, you believe it and think it’s the truth. So so much of this is going on. But God says believe his report and don’t just pay attention. What is he saying here? I’m going to get to that. And one about Trump, because it doesn’t look like how people thought. I’m giving up, I quit. Don’t do what they did. He’s been giving up these answers all along in these prophecies that he could have passed. Who said it’s not because the way you think they were supposed to come out happen that way. You’re leaning on to your understanding. Look at what he’s been saying. He’s been giving you the answer. He said don’t miss it. And those are not the only prophecies that are going to change what we see. Don’t put your faith and trust just in a man. Yes, we need to pray for a rightful president. He said it. Pray for him without ceasing. That’s not the only prophecy that’s going to change the world. Stop focusing on just that one. There’s tons of another problem to pass right in front of our face. We need to focus on all of them now. He says your enemies will run and scatter before you. They are running out of time. They are running out of time. Why? Because it’s God’s time. It’s his plans, it’s his will, it’s his purpose. He’s a judge. Overall Earth. No one’s bigger than him. Stop focusing on what the enemy is doing is what he’s telling us. They’re running out of time. Their plans are failing and falling apart. Julie. No, they’re not. Yes, they are. Things would have been way worse by now. We see how bad things are. Think about this at like ten times bigger or more. COVID we were never supposed to be free from that lockdown. That was their plan. We were never supposed to be free from it. We we were we were supposed to just be on this a cashless society by now. We’re supposed to be under their complete control. Millions, billions of people were supposed to be dead by now. That’s what they want. That’s why the church has to wake up. Yes, I did say billions. I didn’t misquote. They want 500 million people left on this Earth and there’s 8 billion. They want depopulation. They’ve been talking about this since the 1960s. That’s what these world elitists want. Because we are taking up their resources. That’s why we have to know our authority. That’s why we have to know what to say and what to do. I will say this again. Don’t stop and do not give up. It’s almost the end of the great Exodus. The Exodus started in the year of 2022 with the original Exodus that started out harsh. Look what’s been going on. Year 2022 started the Exodus, the great Exodus. Then he says in this land and around the world, this is not just happening in the United States of America. It’s happening all around the world. Rejoice in your freedoms. Rejoice in your victories. Rejoice in the deliverance that is coming for you to take it all back and receive it now. Now listen to this. My trumpet is about to sound. So declare this as well. The trumpet is about to sound that will destroy the power of the enemies you see today. Don’t give in to the pressure of today’s. Remember, I am in the inside of you, and I am greater than anything you see. Say the larger redeemer. Don’t give in to the pressures of today. Even says in the New Testament, think about those things are above. Think about the things are lowly. Those things are pure. In a good report, what’s a good report. This is the good news. Think about what the word of God says, not what’s going on in the world today. Don’t focus on that. Wake up and get up, my children. Start declaring your freedoms, demanding declaring your freedoms and then demanding your freedoms. From who? From the enemy. Demand your freedoms because Jesus has already done it for you. Start declaring your enemies. Defeat every line to be revealed. Do not wait and shout these things out loud. Shout them out loud. Shout them out loud. Shout as loud as you can. I don’t care if your neighbors think you are a freak. Sure my neighbors do too. But when you speak to your enemy, don’t ever speak it. And it’s, oh, get off me. No, get off me. In the name of Jesus, I command my freedom. Say it with authority. Say it with power. Say that you know that you know that you know the great ones on the inside of you. The heat that’s in the world, remember the one that was in on the inside of you has overcome the world for you. You have every victory guaranteed to you because you have the resurrection power of Jesus on the inside of you. All right now. He says a Supreme Court ruling will shock this nation and bring a great shaking to this land. Remember, God is going to get credit for it. Not the Supreme Court will get credit for this. God will get credit for this. But something’s going to happen and watch supreme Court. I don’t know if this has anything to do with tomorrow’s. Don’t say Julie says I don’t know. He didn’t say that ruling. He said a ruling. Don’t go and say and just assume because that’s not what the prophecy said. It said a court, supreme Court. Now, it could be, but I don’t know. I didn’t get a specific one. I didn’t get a specific one about where or who. It just said Supreme Court. Now. Cedarside and I Medical Center. I’m pretty sure that’s in California, maybe Los Angeles area, the hospital will be in your news for a significant reason. Great exposures are coming that cannot be held back. Now, that’s wrong, but I’m pretty sure that it is. But watch this hospital. Something significant he’s saying is going to be exposed there. The Appalachian Mountains. This is not the first time he’s given me a word about the Appalachian Mountains. So pay attention to them. Again, this is probably third or fourth time. Maybe it will be in your news once again and the reason why we’ll surprise and shock the world. So something significant regarding the Appalachian Mountains. Your enemies you see today, soon, and very soon, you will see no more. And then he said, start declaring that daily. So how about right now? Repeat after me. The enemies we see today, soon and very soon, we will see no more. Write that down. Declare it on a daily basis, even go back to get your face to rise up in that. Go to Exodus, Chapter 14, verse 1314. I think I gave him one yesterday where Moses was talking to the children of Israel. As they were just about they were stuck at the red seat rector the Red Sea parted. This is what he declared and said to them. What once was will be again to a greater degree. I got that prophecy twelve years ago, not 13. What once was will be again to a greater degree. He’s talking about the great Exodus
Now. I will mention again the Pacific Ocean. I don’t know how many times he’s mentioned the Pacific Ocean, but he’s mentioned again and the ring of fire. The Ring of fire is over between in the Pacific Ocean, over like coast of Mexico, all the way up around the United States of America on that the West Coast, all the way up to Alaska and all the way over, I think it’s over by China and all the ones. It’s a big, huge circle. So you can go take out the mapping of the world and you can see that it’s a ring. It’s in between Asia countries and in between us. And it goes down, up and around. And if I’m wrong, I apologize, but I just know it’s over in that region. It’s in the Pacific Ocean. So go look it up. You can Google anything, but go look up where the Ring of fire is now. The enemies will say this is what they’re going to say on the news. They will say it has woken up and to expect more earthquakes and devastation. They can cause weather. They can cause earthquakes. Yes, they do have the technology and the machines to do this. It’s crazy. But God says, we’re watching a movie, but Mike shall remember my words. They are doing things behind the scenes to cause destruction and distractions. Something is big on the horizon that has come in to destroy your enemies once and for all. Their distractions will become greater in this time. So he’s warning us their distractions will become greater. Why? The three DS deceive, distract, destroy what they try to do. They try to deceive you, distract you. While they’re in the process of destroying you. Three DS. Write them down. Deceive, distract, destroy. This is a strategy of war. If they can get you looking over here and distracted over here, they’re going to destroy you over here. That’s why the 3D deceived, distract, destroyed. Don’t pay attention to their distractions. He says it’s going to intensify and they’re going to become bigger to get you to just focus on those and not focus on the words and not focus on what God has been saying. An earthquake will hit an unusual place that will definitely get the world’s attention. So earthquakes are going to be ticking up higher and more frequently. Do not fear it. God says it. Remember, plead the blood of Jesus over your homes. Plead the blood of Jesus over your families. Plead the blood of Jesus over your vehicles, that it will not touch you. Remember line of goshen. I don’t care if you have an active footline underneath of you or around you somewhere. Don’t get into fear. Take your authority. God will protect you, just like you did in the Line of Goshen. You have a better covenant than they did. Antarctica. I’ve had many prophetic words, and he’s spoken more than once about antarctica will be in the news for a shocking reason. Yes, it will shock the world what’s been going on there and has been hidden there. And that will not be hidden anymore. Greece will be in your news for a surprising reason. Hezbollah will be in your news and make a shocking statement that will get the world’s attention. Armageddon will be used again and again to describe many things going on around the world. But I said, remember the things that are not how they appear to be. So don’t walk by sight. Walk by faith. That’s a mandate. Walk by faith, not by sight. That is in the written word of God. To walk by faith, not by sight. He’s telling us this over and over and over again for a reason, because the things we’re seeing are going to become very distracting, is going to intensify, it’s going to get overwhelming for people who are not focusing on the Lord. And he’s been saying this Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, Sodom, Gomorrah, this will be in your news for a surprising reason. So these names are going to be the news, and I don’t know exactly why, but it will get the world’s attention. Because this is an odd statement for somebody to say or phrase it for something to say the names for somebody to say, but they’re going to say it this year. Rely not onto your own understanding. This is biblical. It says in this words, lean not into your own understanding. He’s saying this year, relied not onto your own understanding, but rely on my words. What are his words? His written word also, the prophetic words that he’s given to us all the time. Listen to these, the written words, prophetic words. Put them together. Pray upon them soak in what God wants you and receive what he wants you to know. Receive the revelation from knowledge that he has for you. Have a great expectancy in the year of 2023. Remember, a great year to be free. Say at the Lord jury dimer. Call your enemies to fail. Call your enemies to be removed. Shout it. Declare this is the year of great fulfillment. Fulfillment of what? Of prophecies. The prophetic. This year, rely on your faith and trust in me and in my word not to put your faith and trust in man. People have been putting their faith and trust in too much. They’re either themselves or man. And you’re not supposed to do that. Guy saying don’t do that anymore. Call your rightful president back now to be seen. Look what we said. He said just call him back. He said to be seen. That’s a huge statement, because he said that was a bold, that part. Now, to be seen in his rightful seat. Call his reinstatement also to be seen. He’s given you the answer regarding our President. Things are not how they appear to be. Look at what he is giving you as an answer. If you’re only a person that is focusing on Trump, don’t do it. You’re missing out on the other things that God is doing. He said don’t do it. Yes. Pray for him. Yes, pray for his protection. Pray for him without ceasing. But don’t pay attention to only Trump prophecies. Don’t do it, because then you’re missing what God is doing right in front of you to bring you peace. You’re you’re missing all the other prophecies that are being fulfilled. This is what he’s saying. Those people are asking this question. I heard people’s voices asking this question in my spirit. But Lord, what about Trump and his return? What about it? What about it? Look what he’s saying. My children, he never left his position. But Julie, he did. He did it easy. He left DC. DC. If it was a capital, it’s not going to be for much longer. Even in sight is what we’re seeing. He says he’s moving the capital. Things are how they appear to be. He said no matter what this crooked and fraudulent government says, he’s talking about the Biden and Obama and everybody with them. Look what he’s saying. No matter what they’re saying, no one wants to say, I want to do. No matter what things look like looks like they’re in control. It looks like they’re in control. Who’s in control? Not man. God’s in control. Do you have you moved? My children, I am restoring your president back. Now, look at this. This is in bold. I am restoring a president back where you can see him. He never left his position. One of the aphetic words that I got yesterday morning that I will give out here in a few days, you are going to see me prerecording. I’m going to do another one right after this prophecy fulfillment video. He said his assignment changed, not the fact that he isn’t still the President, because he is. He was rightfully voted in even though they stole it and cheated it. But they also can’t stop and can’t change an anointing. I’m not glorifying him. Yes, I love and respect him, and I thank God that he chose him. But I looked to God and God alone. But people are looking to man. Man can’t save you. God does. God uses man, but it’s ultimately God. Don’t forget your focus and on him. God says a focus on him, not focus on man. He said, I’m restoring your President back where you can see him. He’s already been restored back. He never left his post or position as President. It just looks differently. He has been restored. Even when you couldn’t see it, a reinstatement had taken place where you don’t understand it. Prophecy is being fulfilled. I am not saying this for you today to only focus on this. Don’t focus on it. Don’t focus on this part. This prophecy is not only the one that matters or the one, the only one that will change everything. You see. Everyone is basing all these prophecies on. As soon as Trump gets back, everything is going to be fine. Don’t stop it right now. God’s saying it’s not the only one that matters and not the only one that changes things. It’s not just Trump prophesies that are going to change something. All prophesies are going to change something, all of them. It’s not one, it’s one big puzzle piece. There’s so many pieces to a puzzle. His is not the only one that’s going to change it. So many people have been broken because of this. Don’t do it. Listen to what God is saying to you right now. He’s giving you the questions. He’s giving you the answers to the questions that you’ve been having. Knowing what matters is the almost changing everything you see. Stop focusing on this. You will miss what I’m doing right in front of you now. That’s what happened in the tone of Israel in wilderness. Don’t do it. Don’t follow that in their footsteps. He says my hand is moving. My hand is delivering things I have already started for a great sudden shift. Don’t miss what I have already done and what I am going about to do. Remember, not all my children saw the promised land. Not everyone’s going to see the promised land again. Everyone’s going to receive all these things that God has a reward that God has for people who are standing and believing by faith. And not walking by side. Even though it was my will. It was his will for all of them to go right in, right away. He can’t change your will. He wanted them to experience right away. They chose to believe what they saw. They chose to believe what they felt. They chose to believe in evil. Report over mine. Do not be deceived and tricked by your enemy’s influence or their persuasion. They’re persuading people right now. Do not listen to people who don’t believe the truth. They are they are there to steal it from you. Those religious minded people that are around you. They are trying to steal the truth from you. Oh, there’s no prophets in the land. Stop believing what they’re saying that’s to bring see the doubt and unbelief and fear into you. There’s always been prophets and there always will be. Get your strength from me. I will give it to you. So just rely on me. In 2023, saith the Lord jury dimer. Julie, why you saying about there’s always prophets? The fivefold ministry look it up. Look up the fivefold ministry. There’s always profit. There always will be. God will not take one of the fivefold away. Religion took away. All right, we’re supposed to say these words fry the Lord this day and telling my children what to say. He’s giving us marching orders again. What to say and what to declare in the year of the new year of 2023. 2023, a year to be free. 2023, a year of glee. 2023, a year of progress. Prophecy. 2023, a year to end what you see. 2023, a year of great victory. 2023, a great year of great prosperity. A year to bring in great correction. A year that will bring justice. I know people are crying out for justice. Declare it the year 2023 will bring justice. A year that will bring a great exchange. 2023, a year for me. 2023, a reversal of captivity. 2023, the year of great glory. This year 2023 is a year to be free. Call it in. Call in what? Freedom from sickness? Freedom from lack? Freedom from families being divided? Freedom from in your lands. Freedom from trianranical governments. Freedom from all the things your enemies have used to hold you captive. Say these words. Declare my children daily. Watch to see how fast I show up for thee. For those in my church that are only looking to trump and trump prophecies, you are looking and paying attention to one thing and one thing only. If it doesn’t happen, you quit. But you’ve missed all the things that I’ve already done. He’s already done so much. Do not be your ancestors in the wilderness. And they focus on the wrong things and they miss the great things I already had done for them. And I just said that they were not allowed into the promised land. So what are we going to do? We’re going to pray before I go. What are we going to pray for? We’re going to pray and declare and decree these things right now. We’re going to pray and decry them together right now. In Jesus name, heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, I just look up every person the sound of my voice. We’re declaring and decreeing right now that 2023 is a year to be free. We’re declaring that right now. We’re declaring that 2023 is a year of glee. 2023 is a year of prophecy. 2023, the year, the end of everything that we are seeing. 2023, a year of great victory. We’re declaring into creating 2023 a year of great prosperity. We thank you, Father God, that you are bringing a great correction in this chair. You are bringing a justice in this chair, that you are bringing a great exchange in this chair. I thank you, Father God, that 2023 is a year for me. 2023 is a reversal of the captivity. 2023 is a year of great glory. We thank you, Father God, that we are right now, we are free from all sickness and disease. We are free from last, we are free from our families being divided. We are free in our lands, we are free from trying radical governments. We are free from all the things our enemies have used to keep UP’s captives. We’re declaring the kingdom, the blood of Jesus Christ of Naga’s, authority of that name. Our enemies are under the arms, our feet. We’re calling every lie to be revealed. We are calling our governments, every single one that is already father God, falling apart. We are calling down every evil ruler. We’re calling down every election. We’re calling out that was a lie. We’re calling out every single fraud to be exposed. We’re calling every single person in this governor, in this country that does not belong there. We are calling them down the name of Jesus, that they will be taken from the deceased they do not belong in. We are calling for justice and liberty in this nation. Once again, Father God, we thank you that vengeance is yours. We thank you Father God, for avenging us in this nation, avenging us in the nations around the world, no matter what government is holding your people back, all around the world, we are calling, declaring and decreeing that you are tearing down the one world government. You’re tearing it apart. We tear it apart with our words. We command destruction to them right now, in Jesus name, we command that they be exposed. Expose it all, Lord, with the avalanche of truth and the flood of truth that’s filling this earth. And we thank and praise you, Father God. The year of 2023 is a year of our great victory. And we do pray for our rightful president, Father God, we will pray for him without ceasing. Pray for his protection, pray that you give him wisdom, knowledge, and understand. Not only pray for him, but pray for his family and anybody with him that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. But they know exactly what you want them to do and when. And we thank you, Father God, for his return to be seen in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. We’ll hope this encourage you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Dynamite. So people have to commit solid crimes to charge them, so Trump never really left office and allowed the fake Biden government to commit High Treason ! This is Bigtime QAnon type stuff. Here it is
Lord, But what about Trump and his return? My children- He never left his position. No matter what this crooked fraudulent government says, no matter what things look like, do not be moved, my children. I’m restoring a president back where you can see him. He has been restored. Even when you couldn’t see it, a reinstatement had taken place where you don’t understand it.
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