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and Morning everybody today is Thursday February 16th of 2023 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it is called an unexpected end of an unruly government I heard this prophetic word on February 13th just a few days ago before I get to that I was on an interview yesterday it’s called Kingdom Age Studios International it was a very powerful and anointed interview if you had not watched that I will leave the link in the description box for you and especially the end when the Lord was just having me speak and speak to people regarding the things and he was praying regarding the things that people need freedom from it was awesome so if you missed that please go and watch it also if you do have any prayer requests or appraised reports please go to our website at jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at juliegreen Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 Davenport Iowa 52807 Also um I said this yesterday and I will say it quite often just to remind people there are a lot of fake channels on always different social media platforms many are asking for money and some are selling crypto currency or crypto accounts or something like that please ignore them Julie green Ministries International and any member of my team will never ever ask for money we’ll not have you deal with anything with cryptocurrency if they’re asking about charitable donations don’t do it when God tells us to give to certain Charities or certain places which she does we do not ask you to supply that he is the one who does that and so I just want to keep telling you please do not give these scammers and fraudulent channels anything okay all the direct links to the official Julie Green Ministry channels on always different social media platforms are going to be in the description box below or they’re going to be on our first page of our website that way you’re not directed to another false Channel and yes there are verified check marks on false channels so don’t give in to that or just think those are just and I’ll be all and that’s a true channel it’s not the scammers of course are allowed to do things which is ridiculous but they’re allowed to do things so we are having to get on all these social media platforms we did not want to get on just so we can get rid of these other ones that are scamming people okay so we just wanted to let you know that also please know that we pray over every request that is sent in um but due to the amount that we are getting we cannot respond to everyone individually okay we just do not have a big enough team for that yet but please know that this powerful priority and that God has put together here at this ministry we are praying for our partners for our viewers we are praying for each and every one of you. We just want to say how much we love you we appreciate you and we are standing on the word of God for your deliverance for your freedom for whatever it is that you are asking the Lord for we are standing in agreement with you and especially if it does align with the word of God so we are here for you all right now that is all the announcements today and here’s the prophetic word again its called


and this was from February 13th

For I the Lord this day am warning my children of upcoming distractions with what you see, and you will not understand what is fully going on. My children think they’re erupting all over this world that you haven’t seen yet. Many things will look confusing for some people and it will be hard to deal with and hard to bear. Some will turn away from me because many still think that prophecy is not for today, because some prophecies have not come to pass yet, when people expected them to, or how they expected there was a narrative about false prophets and false prophecies this has always taken place in the church, when a prophet was on the scene. Just know that I am speaking to my body in this hour for direction for comfort, for Revelation knowledge, for marching orders for truth to set my body free in an hour where your enemies are working overtime to bring you into a captivity you haven’t even experienced yet.

In Dark Times, in times of trouble. I’ve always had prophets to lead, to guide, to love, to warn, that hasn’t changed, because I haven’t changed these are the days of the prophets to prophesy but also the days where prophecies will come to pass even quicker now, to prove to my body and to prove to the world that I am the same God in my word,and I changed not. My children do not get, do not be confused do not get angry, do not judge, do not walk out of love, do not point fingers, do not be divided in this day, for today my children are to come together they to join forces no matter what denominations, no matter your beliefs or doctrines come together in my name because the sacrifice that was made for you. Do not be distracted do not be deceived. So your enemies cannot destroy you or bring you down in this hour.

My children I have told you about a great shaking that will shake this world.

You’ve only experienced tremors so far. Just a little tremor here and there

But things are growing and things are intensifying. Do not fear the shaking do not fear what is about to be seen by the world I am your protector I am protecting you in this hour, from the Judgment that is coming upon this Earth.

A great upwar is coming. A great upset is coming. A great

explosion is coming of Truth. and YES it’s truth will not be denied. The reason for the delays or the reason for things taking so long, is because my children were not ready and they were not awake.

My children you could not see what I see, or you can’t say what I see right now, and more of my church would have split apart.

You will soon, and very soon see, all these things that I have been saying and things you haven’t been able to understand yet. But soon you will see them all come to pass, but until then I will continue to say stay focused, stand firm, stay strong even when times get tough it will appear like.

Remember this is for your enemies not for you. This Darkness, the sorrow, the devastation is not for my children but for the enemies that have held you in a great captivity.

Soon and very soon my children will once again know me as their deliverer and Redeemer in a way they have never known before. Prepare for this Darkness prepare for this calamity. Prepare for this shaking with my word and with me.

All will be well with you and you will grow stronger in me and my glory, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Military will continue to fill your skies above you O United States. Things are going on above you and in the waters that surround you.

A war your enemies wanted and it is their main desire to take my eagle out in this time of great weakness that it appears like.

YES I said weakness. A weak and fraudulent government on the center stage, but this too will end in a way never expected by your enemies, or expected by the American people.

A great disruption is coming that will disrupt this fraudulent government. It will destroy their plans and remove them from their places of power once and for all.

A fall is coming people didn’t expect. No, not in this way, because it has never happened before. Not like this saith the Lord of Hosts

Tensions are growing in the Middle East

Tensions are growing in China.

Tensions are growing in the United States

And that tension will be be destroyed by my hand.

Terrorists and their infiltrators in this nation will never have what they want. No plan of the enemy shall succeed saith the Lord.

Watch AUSTRALIA not only a weather event will take place but something significant will take place in their government. It is falling and you will soon see a collapse of their government and of its power saith the Lord

Something significant and extraordinary will take place in Canada. Trudeau will not last much longer. A great upset will take place and Trudeau will leave the seat of the President no matter the plans or any attempts to keep him there, sayeth the Lord.

Something significant will happen to a Prime Minister in Europe a vacating of his seat will once again take place

Keep your eyes on Michigan the fall of the Governor is about to take place. This will also take place in California

“I told you to follow the governors” is here saith the Lord

the Pakistani government will fall unexpectedly

Your enemies will try something on the Gaza Strip but it will fall short and it will not succeed these are the days you will see many things collapse many things fair and many things will be hard to hear and hard to believe, but remember my children this is a great fall of a system that was never meant to be.

A fall of your enemies empire they have built to keep you in bondage. Their empire is collapsing before your eyes and things you are comfortable with or things that are normal will suddenly shift and suddenly change. Drastic changes are about to take place. Falls of governments and economies, yes so do not fear for I Am With You

I am your deliverer I am your protector I am the Avenger and I am the judge over this Earth and Justice is being served saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary NOW as you notice I tried to hold back tears almost the entire time one of the things that is so hard to not only hear these prophetic words, some of them are so joyous and they’re so encouraging, and they’re so easy to give out, because it’s the love of God.

And then you have these but yes you can see the heart of God the heart of God is For Truth. The Heart Of God is for justice. The heart of God is for your deliverance and your freedom.

So many people, want things to change right now we’ve all wanted our deliverance right now, we all wanted a rightful president back right now, in a rightful government right

now, but there are things that will happen that will take place that will tear people and their lives apart, so there is good in these things but there’s also a side that we have to remember there’s a side of judgment.

No matter how evil people are because they are, and what they’re doing to kill countless people they’re still people, they still have families, and God wanted them to repent, he wanted them to change he wanted them to turn from their Wicked Ways and follow him, but they refused, God doesn’t want any man to go to hell. That’s not what it was designed for, but in this judgment, there is a part of it where many will die and the heart of God is to save people.

It also is because there is coming a great separation not only a separation he was just giving me this, this morning and I wrote it down it was coming in a great separation from God’s body from the church from the world it’s like it happened in Egypt with the Israelites in Goshen there’s coming a time when there’s going to be a separation that’s already started in the body of Christ you know people will not pay attention, they won’t listen, do not see, and they will fall away. So I cry because it’s the heart of God, the body of Christ should be unifying together right now, not separating not dividing, but unifying, we should have our attention and fighting against our enemy not fighting each other.

Fighting each other, the enemy is trying to divide the church and he has for so long and reason for that is because of the God’s glory, the Revival has already started in her the enemy is so angry and he’s trying to get people to be confused and divided and offended and angry and it keeping your eyes off what God wants, and what he’s saying remember Paul says in the word, think about those things that are above those things that are pure, those things are a good report

I’m asking you this is what the prayer team is praying for almost daily is a unity in the body of Christ I was planning on giving so many scriptures ,but that’s not what God had today.

Again I get off here every day to remind people of the goodness of God, to encourage them that he’s in control, no matter what anybody says, that is all the whole purpose of this ministry, is to give you the words, that God wants spoken for this very day and this very hour. Pray for those people who will choose to walk away I don’t understand how people can, but they will.

So I want to go back over this prophetic word. There was a couple scriptures that I have and um oh I want to give you this before I go back over. There’s a five-fold Ministry that exists right now okay it will always exist because God doesn’t change you can find this in Ephesians chapter four and verse 11.

So Christ himself now listen Christ himself

gave the apostles the prophets, the evangelists,

the pastors, and the teachers, Five

I’m gonna read that again Christ himself gave the apostles Prophets the evangelists, the pastors, and the teachers, to the church/

Those five why to equip his people to equip his people for works of service now listen for the body of Christ may be built up.

So the body of Christ may be built up

verse 13. Ephesians 4 and verse 13. why does he have Five and why is he very specific about the Five until we all reach Unity,

in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature attaining

to the whole matter of the fullness of Christ why do you think since the beginning of time Satan has caused division in the body of Christ why do you think there’s so many denominations ? why do you think

there’s so much division in these churches and churches are splitting apart left and right ?

Many churches and nominations don’t even believe in a five-fold.

But Christ himself gave Fivefold he gave the church these five parts of the ministry like a hand to work together

We cannot let Satan tear these things apart.

Remember it all goes back to God

But Satan is trying to stop this unity in the body of Christ to stop this revival to stop the glory to stop the Great Harvest of souls to stop.

Remember we are fighting a persistent adversary.

Don’t get mad at people please do not point fingers do not get mad do not judge do not do not get upset with people, it’s not people

It’s our enemy so please– I’m gonna pray this at the end

we’re going to pray for the unity in the body of Christ Unity

okay there’s many denominations out there that are preaching the exact opposite

All right now I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word here there’s other scriptures but I don’t have time to get to them right now all right now this is the last paragraph drastic changes are about to take place

Falls of governments and economies things are going to change God is warning about the economy and I have said over and over and over again do not expect me to tell you what to do with your investments in the in the stock market I’m not going to tell you that. Its not my place I don’t have that authority to do it.

God will speak to each and every one of you individually and what he wants you to do because every situation is different remember you don’t look to a man don’t look to me look to God

I can do nothing without him nothing Look to Him He will give you the

direction he will give you what to say he will give you what to do

He said listen even though when you see economies crashing you’ll see things go crazy

this is for a short time why is this for he said do not fear for I am with you and I am your deliverer I am your protector and I am the Avenger and I am the judge over this Earth and Justice is being served remember in Psalm 75 He is a judge over the Earth he takes down one and brings up another God is the final say period the end does it matter what these governments are doing does it matter what these people think they have God is the judge over all the Earth

listen this is why things have to shake as hard as they Shake he said earlier in this prophecy he talked about we’ve only

seen little Tremors like little

that’s why it’s people are almost giving up now these

Little little shakings and he said oh no things are going to get intense they’re

going to intensify you know how sometimes you have and I’m not a scientist but you’ll have like little tremors

or little things going on before the volcanic eruption or an earthquake

to Signal something is building and something is building and something is building

this is that time of things about to be they’re being built up so much that all of a sudden at

one point in time there has to be a release that great earthquake or that huge

volcanic eruption and I’m telling you even physically and naturally I mean and Also spiritually it’s happening

if you see it in the natural happened it also happens in the spirit before you can even see it but that’s why people, that’s what God keeps saying please listen

foreign open up the Bible open up your Bibles is what I meant to say open up the Bible

open up God’s word please and listen to him read his word he will guide you he is your comforter he will he will guide you on what scripture to read but don’t lean on any idolized people don’t lean on people to do the work for you please get

into the word of God and seek Him for yourself because there’s going to be a time where you’re not going to hear from us you talk about a GREAT SILENCE he needed to leaned on him and have that relationship don’t have like us people like me that are out there

that are preaching or prophesying be your middle man yes we are here for a reason but God wants a personal relationship with you I say this all the time

because he said his sheep know his voice he wants you to know him not through me or not through any other teacher or a prophet or the people in the Fivefold ministry he wants you to know him

so your faith builds so your trust in him gets to a level well nothing will

shake it he wants you to have these Revelations for yourself not just get it through us these are the days where you will see many things collapse many things fail and many things will be hard to hear and hard to believe

but remember my children this is a great fall this is why is this shaking it to be so violent this is a great fall of a system that Will was never meant to be remember the Tower of Babel go and read it that was never meant to be God stopped it they were trying to build a tower to heaven God had to stop it God’s gonna stop this it’s a god-stopped Pharaoh in Egypt it’s like God stopped look at Nebuchadnezzar

what he was trying to do was Shadrach Meshach and a minute ago you try to make examples out of them you

can’t bow you’re not gonna if you don’t bow to my image I’m gonna kill you

and then Saturday showed up in that fire and Nebuchadnezzar realized what he did

A lot of people are going to realize what they’ve done to God’s Church to God’s body

we’re going to see him in so many awesome ways so when there’s Darkness there’s also

light there’s also you see Revival breaking out again I’m gonna say that over and over again

because God’s grace who abound even greater all right if all of your

enemies Empire what is that this Babylonian system or this one world government system the great reset system

whatever you want to call it the globalists and that’s their empire

this is their empire seeing their empire come to fruition you’re seeing their empire being you know prosperous right

now God’s saying no their empire is going to fall he said your enemy’s Empire will they will have okay

if all of your enemies Empire they have built to keep you in bondage this Empire is collapsing before your eyes and

things you are comfortable with or things that are normal will suddenly shift and suddenly change the things are

you are used to it says don’t get used to them don’t rely on those things to be comfort you like rely on God in his word

Now listen these are the things to watch in the news your enemies will try something on

the Gaza Strip but it will fall short it will not succeed so something was about to take place

on the Gaza Strip then he says the Pakistani government will fall unexpectedly now he’s talked about uh

that governments are going to fall in a day that’s already happened I can’t remember exactly what country that was

we will have it on the prophecy fulfilled uh video for tomorrow because that was a fulfillment of Prophecy that

God’s been speaking about more than once keep your eyes on Michigan the fall of the governor is about to take place this will also take place in California I’ve told you these that they told you the

fall of the governors is here so these are the times where God says people are going to fall whether they they either

they are removed or they walk away but they didn’t walk away on their own

accord so you will start seeing uh vacating of seats and also you are going to start seeing

um other things take place to remove people out of seats

foreign because there’s judgment again look at Israel I mean Israel when

they were in the land of Goshen in Egypt when the last plagues was death

and unfortunately he’s talked about it the Lord’s talked about it and that will happen again

something significant will happen to a prime minister in Europe a vacating of a seat will once again take place so watch

a prime minister happened in the uh that over in that area

in Europe something significant and extraordinary will take place in Canada Trudeau will not last much longer a great upset will take place um and Trudeau will leave the seat of the president so he’s talked about Trudeau many many

times to talk about the French president or France his the president is Macron

that he’s talked about China he’s talked about Australia

over and over and over again those specific countries watch things happen

because he’s talked he’s been talking about it more and more a great upset will take place Trudeau

will leave the seat of the president no matter the plans or attempts to keep them to keep him there save the Lord so

watch these things start to happen and they’re going to start intensifying remember we’ve only seen a little Tremor so far and now we’re going to start seeing uptick of an intensity of it and the shaking will get greater watch

Australia not only a weather event will take place but something significant will take place in your government and it’s falling you will soon see a collapse of their government and of its power so again same thing’s gonna happen in Australia

Terrorists and their infiltrators in this nation will never have what they want no plan on the enemies shall succeed remember God is going to expose

all of these there’s things going on and we’re going to start seeing things again you’ll you’ll start seeing false Flags

whatever they call them things are going to get people to really get upset to get freaked out get into fear get into worry

distractions you’re gonna see more distractions start to intensify do not fall for them God says they will not succeed pray against them tensions are growing in the Middle East tensions are growing in China tensions

are growing in the United States and this tension will be destroyed by my hand they’re trying to cause a war

they’re trying to cause World War Three and God says it’s not going to happen it’s not time they are never going to

um to uh change the plan of God or the will of God never I don’t care how much money they have I don’t care much power

they have God will not allow it period the end they will have nothing they can do

against it a fall is coming people didn’t expect no

not in this way because it has never happened before not like this stay at the Lord of hosts now a fall is coming what a Fallout government a fall of

people either places of power and their influence a fault of companies and corporations a fall of Wall Street yes

God said Wall Street you will see the IRS dissolved you also see the uh the um

Federal Reserve be destroyed why because he said these things were never meant to be these things are part of this Empire

there’s a globalist agenda that was never meant to be in the position where it’s at but the church did not know that

this was wrong the church didn’t know that this was evil and now we know and now we have something to do about it that’s why God is giving us marching

orders that’s why he’s giving us authority to use in this time in words to say a great disruption is coming that

will disrupt this fraudulent government it will destroy their plans and remove them from their places of power once and

for all people think this can’t happen people think sometimes possible God removed Pharaoh from his place of power God

removed his kingdom he destroyed it period destroyed it

no one is has more power than almighty God

now then he also says military will continue to fill your skies he’s talked

about this military fill in the skies for a long time now all of a sudden we’re seeing it more and more and more and more grounding up Pines have already happened

that’s already prophecy that I’ve already talked about that been fulfilled more than once

he says it’s so military will fill the skies above you oh United States things are going on above you in the waters

that surround you so things are going on and the skies above you and then the waters that surround the United States of America a war your enemies wanted and

it is their main desire to take my eagle out in the great the time of great weakness the world sees this fraudulent

president as weak you can see that with the with the China balloon that went all across the United

States of America I wasn’t shot down until after they got everything they wanted so there’s no point there was just a show you oh yeah he’s doing the

right thing no he’s not he could have shot down earlier didn’t because he’s paid by them and we’re already

starting to see that come out that’s already prophecy is fulfilled about between Hunter and him and his brother and all that kind of stuff

uh that appears like I said weakness a weak and fraudulent government on Center Stage but this too will end in a way

never expected by your enemies or expected by the American people the American people and your enemies are

expecting if it were ever to end which they don’t think it’s going to but if it ever to end it has to be an election to do it and God says no he is doing things

in unconventional ways so do not wait for 2024 or do not just expect 2024 to save everything God says don’t do that

you aren’t supposed to use your uh God-given Power into Thorn and Dominion to start you speaking in the will of

almighty God for now he said things are going to happen in a way we didn’t expect it because it’s never happened before

it’s like taking out a pharaoh that never happened before never took off pharaoh and all of his men at

one time soon and very soon my children once

again know me they’ll know me as the liver and a redeemer in a way they’ve never known before prepare for this Darkness prepare for This calamity

prepare for the shaking with my word and with me all will be well with you and you will uh grow stronger in me and my

glory save the Lord your Redeemer what does it saying don’t fear these things are happening he’s talking about things are going to get darker he’s talking

about things they’re gonna shake he’s talking about Calamity he’s talking about all these things that are going to make that really really bad or look really really bad he said this is not

for you you don’t have to be partakers of that Goshen focus on that he

protected them they didn’t touch he didn’t touch them nothing happened to Goshen

you have a better Covenant so focus on that don’t focus on the bad focus on what God did focus on his glory call in

his glory call on the Revival call in all these great things that God is doing for you this is a time where you’re

supposed to press in and what press through press through all these impossible situations press through all

these situations are telling you it’s not going to happen it’s not going to happen God said no press through trust in me and watch watch and see what God’s

gonna do now the reason for the delay or the reasons for things taking so long

because my children were not ready God wanted it things to happen faster just like he wanted in the wilderness he

wanted his children to go right to to the promising that was God’s desire why do you think he had Moses on the a

Forefront to speak the prophetic words to God’s people but they didn’t listen

they were delayed so God is saying listen speak get on his

um get in his will know his will get on his page I would

say and that’s what our mannerism or whatever we would talk about now get on his page and receive him my children you

can’t see what I see right now more my church would have split apart you will soon see and very

soon all these things I have been saying and things you haven’t been able to understand yet but soon you will see

them all come to pass but until then I will continue to say stay focused and firm stand strong even when the times

get tough it will appear like it will appear like

remember this is for your enemies not for you this is for God’s enemies not for you this Darkness the sorrow the devastation

is not for my children but for the enemies that have held you in great captivity that isn’t bold there’s a lot

of bold so when this gets on our Pro uh when it gets on our prophecy page of our website there’s a bold that’s because

God has me bold those things for you to pay attention to what he’s saying especially in those areas

a great uproar is coming a great upset is coming a great explosion is coming for truth yes this truth will not be

denied what God’s truth God’s will will not be denied my children I’ve told you about a great shaking that will shake

this world you will have only experienced tremors so far I talked about that earlier just a little Tremor here and there but things are growing

things are intensifying do not fear the shaking do not fear what is about to be seen by the world I am your protector I

am protecting you in this hour from this judgment that is coming upon this Earth so again do not expect to be partakers

it says in John 17 uh John 17 13-17 we’re in this world but we’re not of it

now I’ve already gone over this entire paragraph so I’m not going to try to explain it anymore

um there is a narrative about false prophets and false prophecies this has always taken place in the church when a

prophet was on the scene just know that I am speaking to my body in this hour for direction for comfort

for Revelation knowledge for marching orders for truth to set my body free in an hour where your enemies are working

overtime to bring you into captivity that you haven’t even experienced yet so what God is saying there is your

captivity what’s going to get worse that’s what they wanted it’s not going to happen but that was their design in dark times and in times of trouble I

have always had prophets to lead to guide to warn that hasn’t changed and that hasn’t changed because I haven’t

changed these are the days of the prophets that prophesy but also the days where prophecies will come to pass even

quicker now to prove to my body and to prove to the world that I am the same God in my word and I change not my

children do not be confused and do not get angry do not judge not walk out of love do not point fingers do not be

divided in this day for today my children are to come together they are to join voice forces no matter the

denominations no matter your beliefs or doctrines come together in my name and because the sacrifice that was made for

you do not be distracted do not be deceived so your enemies cannot destroy you or bring you down this hour remember

stay focused on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and pray for unification and uni

unifying of the body of Christ to come together because this will ultimately bring in this glory and this

revival that the world has never seen before again don’t point at people

all right now many things will look confusing for some people and it will be hard to deal with and hard to Bear some

will turn away from me because many think still think that prophecy is not for today because some prophecies have

not come to pass yet when people expected them to and how they expect it so again that’s when Satan comes in as

an author of confusion to confuse people but this is what God is saying go back and read this and pray into the fivefold

ministry pray into what God is saying about what is going on right now for I the Lord this day and warning my children of upcoming distractions with

what you see and you will not understand what is fully going on my children things are erupting all over this world

that you haven’t seen yet and again things are erupting all over the world

but also things are that so the distractions will also become greater and uh the focus on and off the word of

God is our enemy is trying that even more I wanted to get to scriptures in Hebrews chapter 10.

and many other scriptures about that but hopefully I will do that on another one

um maybe even one of these days instead of a prophecy I’m just going to start preaching and and praying over people uh

because that’s what God’s people need to.

So I just want to pray right now and I want all of you guys to be in agreement about praying over the unification and the unifying of the body of Christ heavenly father right now in the name of Jesus we just want to praise you and thank you that this is the day that you have made and we will rejoice big Laden father God we’re bringing up the body of

Christ to you and we thank you that no weapon formed against us shall prosper we bind the spirit of religion we bind

the spirit of legalism we bind the spirit of division we bind the spirit of strife we bind the spirit of confusion

we bind the spirit of fear we bind the spirit of offense we are binding right now every principality every Power every

ruler or the darkness of this world that’s trying to divide the body of Christ we render you helpless right now in the name of Jesus– Satan take your

hands off of God’s Property take your hands off the body of Christ because we Jesus is a head we are the body and we

unify with our Christ we unify with the Messiah we unify with him because of his blood sacrifice that is destroyed is

disarmed you and has brought you to nothing so we thank you Father God right now in Jesus name and that you have

disarmed our enemy you have brought him to nothing we thank you Father God for showing us your glory we thank you for your Revival we thank you Father God For Your Glory to pour out in this earth more than any other time in history I

thank you Father God that your glory is stronger that your glory is more powerful that your glory will outweigh

Your Glory will destroy the enemy it will destroy the darkness it will destroy their power it will destroy

their plan it will destroy their empire father God that they have built up against us we praise and we thank you

we’re calling it Done We’re calling it finished because you’ve already done it all you’ve

already completed all these things we just haven’t seen the manifestation of it yet but we trust you we lean on you

we thank you Father God for this fresh manna from heaven we thank you Father God that you are our deliverer we thank

you Father God that you are our savior we thank you Father God that you have everything you provided you are our

healer you are everything we need you to be and we thank you for your outstretched arm that’s placing judgment

on our enemies and placing blessing on us and we thank you Father God for our deliverance oh we thank you Father God

for our deliverance right now in Jesus name amen and amen that is what we focus on today the sacrifice of what Jesus has done we focus on the good news the good report

we focus on what God is saying not what people are saying around us, we focus on

him and you will not be shaken you will not be moved you will not give into fear you

will not give into confusion Jesus is the way he’s the truth and he’s alive well what was it encouraged you today please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to

hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day.


Julie gets overwrought by emotion sometimes about the natural flow of events that include some negatives and defections, walk aways, interdenominational debate etc. But perhaps she is too close and is missing the big picture Good news from Dr Steve Turely that the atheist left is seriously concerned about the unstoppable rise of evangelical christianity via its greatly superior birthrate which is literally going to bury Atheist pro-abortion Liberals to their extinction. Even Latino illegal immigrants turn out to be Catholic and become mostly natural conservatives. Its the liberal flooding of America with foreigners plan which is backfiring on the atheist liberals.

So here is the good news reported by Dr Steve Turely that leftist newspapers are moaning in despair about their own losing birthrate and the rising “Christian Theocracy”

Quote (Liberals) “If you don’t replace yourselves, don’t expect your vision of Politics to continue”

embedded video and some memorable snapshots below

Quote from Dr Turely —

Documented by Dr Edward Dutton’s research

is that religion and political persuasion are highly heritable meaning they’re largely inherited by genetics Jordan Peterson has talked about this a lot there’s a wide body of literature that’s shown that both religious sentiments and political leanings tend to come from our temperaments and our temperaments are largely inherited. They’re largely genetic so what this means is that as liberals demographically decline conservative Christians and conservative religionists in general will start constituting a greater percentage of the overall population and that appears to be exactly what the study on Christian nationalism is finding out.

Regardless of genetics beliefs or non beliefs Laymans Gnosis works for any honest calmly curious person. Connects the individual to God in about 20 mins. A gift from God.

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