Time has come for the world to know the Great I AM
For I the Lord this day and speaking through my prophets to give you hope encourage you and to strengthen you.
Lord you have spoken these words before !
YES my children I have so you would get these words down on the inside of you further.
Father for your faith to grow to a new level and to trust in me when facing such adversity fear confusion, storms
I’m here to strengthen you to raise you up higher than any attacks from the adversary. My children these are the days for my body to awaken. Arise and receive glory like never before. These are the days of turnarounds breakthroughs and for the world to know the great I AM still lives
I still deliver and save.
I am the same God in the Bible that avenges my children and destroys your enemies.
YES in this time you will see me do more excellent works than I did in the book of Exodus for Daniel in the Lion’s den, for the three Hebrew men in the fiery furnace, for David against Goliath, for the widow no oil, for the woman with the issue of blood and raising Lazarus from the dead.
In all these examples my children you have a better covenant with me than they did.
Believe me that I will do far more remarkable works these days, because you are a part of the latter ring (?).
I will show the world there is nothing impossible for me to overturn, destroy, restore even better than it was before, just like with the fiery furnace, I will make you come out like you are never in there.
Yes I am that God. Do not be surprised by all of these things.
I’m about to show the world that I am the Creator. I am the healer and I am the provider.
You are my children and the covenant you have with me is stronger and more powerful than anything your adversaries have.
My children with the Great Exodus your enemies will never forget who is on your side and who is with you. You are all marked with the blood of Jesus. Know this, even when you can’t see this, your enemies can. Have more faith and trust in the blood of Jesus than anything in this world.
Children of Almighty God your enemies will not be able to cross that bloodline. Just like he couldn’t in Goshen on the night of the Passover.
The blood speaks.
The blood defeats.
The blood destroys.
The blood heals.
The blood delivers.
Have more faith in my blood in this hour my children, you are never alone, never forsaken. Despite how your enemies make you feel. I AM is always with you in your darkest hours. I am your light that will destroy and expel all the darkness in your life.
You can trust me I will get you out of every entrapment from the devil.
He can’t win against me nor you when you trust me more than what he is doing.
Don’t just tell me in prayer all that he is doing, I already know my children.
Just raise your hands and say God I thank you that you have defeated all of what Satan has put in my life.
He has nothing that can beat me and he can’t beat you.
I have the victory and I believe this more than what he has done.
I receive Lord my healing deliverance, strength, finances, a way out of all the evil Lord, because you are my waymaker.
My children I am telling you to pursue overtake and recover all that has been stolen from you.
I will be your everything, children of Almighty God
I say Fear not. There is nothing to fear.
I’ve told you my children it is a time for turnarounds, breakthroughs. I am doing more for my children and the world, than at any other time in history. My child in my written word it states if my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity my face, turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven.
Forgive their sins and heal their land. I have heard the cries of my people and all the nations of this earth I am healing your lands and destroying all that is against you.
They will call it a monstrous storm. Its about to hit the Netherlands the United Kingdom and France
This storm my children is to prove that a perfect storm is hitting your enemies..
I have told you about these storms earthquakes and volcanoes. Do not fear and be discouraged.
I am moving to deliver you, to trust me more than what you see.
I will protect you.
Brace for impact oh United States. Your supposed government is planning a power grab they are very desperate at this hour to stay in power.
Just stand and pray. You are about to see the works of my hand against them. This power grab and hijacking has gone on far too long.
It is coming to an abrupt end.
My children in the army of the Lord the battle is won and you are on the winning side.
Danger is lurking behind so much in your nation oh United States and the countries of the world, that you had no idea what was taking place.
I will destroy and annihilate anything that is against you
Revival and glory are coming your enemies want so desperately to stop it but nothing will work against me, Saith the Lord of Hosts.
News will break out regarding the Grand Canyon National Park look for the sign
Breakthroughs and turnarounds will follow. 2022 is a year for you my United States. Look for an uptick of Eagle Sightings. eagles will be reported across your land in greater numbers, which is another sign I am raising the eagle.
This nation will rise greater than before.
Just watch my children I am giving you multiple signs to show I’m in control.
I’m delivering you and your enemies never win.
To my children in Ukraine I am your protector and everything done in your land in the dark of night, behind closed doors will be suddenly ended.
If this didn’t take place there would be genocide not only your nation, but all the nations of this world.
I am shielding you, I love you, I want you to know my hand is moving to set you free. Saith the Lord of hosts Mar 2
Australia another event will hit your land for a cleansing, exposing and annihilating the plans against you.
I am here for you Australia I’m completely setting you free from this tyranny.
Watch Poland a major weather event will take place in your land it will be breaking news everywhere.
My children this event is yet another sign, to let you know I am in control of this hour of confusion and everything will be okay.
A lightning storm will hit your land oh United States in Washington DC
Yes multiple states as well. It will destroy and start multiple fires, destroy things against you.
Vengeance is mine says the Lord in this hour and this is the hour of vengeance.
Multiple exposures of government officials will break out all over the news.
They told you these were conspiracy theories, these exposures are true, but twisted to make people believe they were far-fetched and could never happen.
Every lie will be revealed to the children of Almighty God
so brace for truth you never thought you would hear, an avalanche of truth to this degree all at one time.
But the time has come, for an avalanche of truth.
So watch for more worldwide major events will be reported because the avalanche of truth is not coming, it is here Saith the Lord
The winds of change are here.
Watch for gusting wind reports in the news. They will talk of major unprecedented ratios no way.
They will say that inland hurricane of this magnitude has never been recorded. True, because my children it never has happened before. My hand is swiftly moving across your land oh United States and the nations worldwide to cleanse to heal and to restore. Breakthroughs will occur one right after another.
There will be freedom from all the evil rulers everywhere in your lands.
My children will be placed in the places of power.
Honorable men and women of God who care about people who were handpicked and prepared for this hour.
There will be some who are not children of Almighty God yet, but they will be.
I see their heart and they can be trusted to protect you my children. They will not become unruly like the ones before.
God all this seems impossible ! Well my children it is a good thing there is nothing impossible with me. I will show the world that is who I am You will all see that I AM is your protector deliverer healer comforter protector and soon coming King.
Rejoice in your victories and start to celebrate, the winds of change are moving across your lands, and will change everything you see now, Saith the Lord

And another useful way to get to know God personally is Laymans Gnosis at truebluehealer.com/ as detailed in the bottom panel.
A better covenant with God today than way back in biblical times, when there were NO communications and nobody could read and write. Paper wasn’t even invented. No printing. Today over the NET God reaches millions daily. So he intends to out-do his ancient Biblical achievements on a GLOBAL SCALE. Yahoo !
“To my children in Ukraine I am your protector and everything done in your land in the dark of night, behind closed doors will be suddenly ended.
If this didn’t take place there would be genocide not only your nation, but all the nations of this world “
So golly, what was intended to emanate from Ukraine ? Worldwide genocide ? Smacks of US biowarfare labs (15) many of which Putin has already destroyed. Se we are told. US embassy took down their webpage verifying this. Older web pages support this thesis. So has Putin done us a massive favour by invading Ukraine ? Post script Social media Salty confirms US Ukraine bioweapons discussion has been DEPLATFORMED.
“Australia another event will hit your land for a cleansing, exposing and annihilating the plans against you”
TWO record breaking floods 24 hrs apart in Sydney and Brisbane. Have never seen this in all my 60 years in Sydney. Still in Progress 9th March. OK we get the message Chief. My district here Bankstown-Bass Hill. Its not due to the rising Georges River its the sheer volume of falling rain unable to runoff to get down to the river.
This flood is longer than 1000 km. Sydney up to beyond Brisbane. Places are flooding that have never flooded before.
Worst of rain over but flood threat remains for NSW | 9 News Australia
600 mm (24 inches) of rain fell on Sydney in 2 weeks. Wierdly complex rain system described here first minute. This has certainly got everyone’s attention Mr G. But I wonder how many will make the supernatural connection ? More strangeness required.
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