Shockwaves are Coming to Destroy your Enemies Plans
June 4th 22
so just a couple days ago
For I the Lord this day am telling you my children, not to be discouraged with what is being seen on this earth. Don’t let doubt and worry consume you with what your enemies are saying or doing. Soon these enemies you see today you will never see again. They have many plans in the works to destroy you, and all of your freedoms. They so arrogantly think they will see them all come to pass, but so did all the enemies of my children in my word. Look to my written word in these days my children, to see what I have done to deliver my people and set them free from all the captivity and all the plans of their enemies. Nothing Satan had wanted has ever gone the way he wanted it. Let’s say that again. Nothing Satan had wanted has ever gone the way he wanted it. I will remind you again my children, Jesus has disarmed and destroyed your enemies control over you. He has no power left to hold you.
When you get that revelation your adversary is a defeated foe, and is a loser in every way. He won’t seem too big or impossible to defeat I am pouring out revelation knowledge and my glory in this time like no other time, before. You are a special generation children of Almighty God you will see my works that I have never done before on this earth to this degree, you have all been handpicked by me Saith the Lord.
I know you’ve experienced much adversity, but my glory will outweigh all the bad, and it will be so good you will choose not to remember it Saith the Lord your Redeemer.
Catastrophe again I say this word will continue to be used in your news for many different locations and many situations. They will use this word to describe many things that are taking place to shake your enemies loose from the hold they have on you.
Do not be moved when things look so unsettling. But it will not stay this way. This will be short lived. It’s temporary my children, so stay focused on what I am saying, and not what your enemies are continually trying continually trying to do, because none of it will work Sayeth the Lord.
Rembrandt this name will be in your news for an unusual reason it may appear.
Elon Musk will continue to be in your news and soon my children you will positively know which side he’s actually on, and it may surprise you.
Metamorphosis this word will be used in your news to describe something you wouldn’t normally think this word will be used for.
Consequential this word will be used to describe many situations your enemies are doing to distract you. They are over playing their hand and more people from their own side will turn against them.
A political stir-up it will cause more people on the Blue to turn to the Red.
Right Side Broadcasting will be in the news. Revelations and exposures, that will be reported on, will shake the other news stations to their core. The station will rise up and stand firm for the truth and you will be rewarded by me Saith the Lord. Many truths shall be told from your station. Speak louder and more damage you will cause your enemies who are trying to take you out, and to destroy your network. It will not happen I am protecting you.
Do what I need you to do in this time. Do what you are called to do, and you will see your numbers grow to a level you didn’t think were possible so fast or so quickly Sayeth the Lord.
Anarchy this word will be used in your news to describe many countries, and what the people are doing to fight back for their freedoms. Mixed in these crowds are some good and some bad people to cause more havoc, and more things that will appear a way when it’s not. Do not get discouraged my children shout louder fight back with my name, and my authority, and watch how fast your enemies will be throttled Saith the Lord.
Disaster will strike the Netherlands my children there do not fear. I will stand before you and protect you. This is a warning to be prepared but not to fear Saith the Lord.
California you will feel more shakings beneath your feet, because I am allowing the ground to shake your enemies loose, from the choke hold they’ve had over this state.
The evil they have committed and continue to commit in your state I am destroying it Saith the Lord. So my children in California do not fear these shakings. I am protecting you and destroying your enemies plans against you sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Agriculture is being targeted to destroy your food chains and supplies.
My children you will hear of fires destroying crops and floods and other natural disasters, but do not focus on what is going on. I can and will supernaturally supply your every need.
These plans your enemies have will be destroyed by my hand Saith the Lord. Epidemic they will use this word again to bring fear upon this earth, and they will use more than one virus to do it they will try to cause mass chaos and many avenues to strike you all down, to bow to their every command.
I told you this before my children they are desperate, so now they will try many things against you all at one time to cripple this nation and the whole world. This will not go as planned. My hand and my army will stop them in the act. Strategies and plans are already underway to take this fraudulent government down once and for all as they pursue you. To a greater degree I am pursuing them when they don’t see it, and by the time they do, it will be too late for them to do anything about it Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Liability this world will be used to describe the Biden and his fall is coming big time in a big way Saith the Lord.
Obama will be front and center again and listen to the words he speaks. They don’t care anymore if you know what they are doing, because they think you have no power to stop them.
But they aren’t counting on me to intervene and take them all out, with a move of my hand that is against them Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Slip ups will become a common occurrence with your enemies. These are the days their lips will become their own enemy and cause more destruction against them.
Torrential rain in unusual places will be reported in your news. This sign indicates my glory that will fill this earth and how fast it will come to a flood this earth with my presence.
Strokes will be in your news, and the numbers will be staggering and unusual. They’ll report mysterious causes to this, but my children they are hiding the truth, and a whistleblower will reveal what is causing it. And how they planned this.
A blueprint has been retrieved and the world will see it, as the Angel of Death moves against your enemies. Everything they wanted for you, will come upon them. A great harvest. Your enemies are weeping in this hour of judgement, they’re all hiding what has been happening to them, that has been baffling them, but soon they will not be able to hide it Saith the Lord.
Get ready my children, Shockwaves are coming to destroy their narrative and their plans. their power and nothing can hold these nuclear truth bombs from hitting your enemies. Stay lifted up in this time of more shakings that are about to occur. Stay with me my children, stay in my word.
And I will give you peace and rest Saith the Lord your Redeemer.

I often wondered why the pandemic is a single virus. If Armageddon is intended why not do 10 diseases at once? Though it would be difficult to say that “they” are in control. “Supernatural food supply” is a most engaging idea.
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