![]() Steve you talked about Transcendental Meditation and how you have practiced it for 12 months and found that it has had a very profound effect on you. So when we practice mantra meditation we are able to join the dots and gain a psychological boost a mental and spiritual boost, if you can elaborate on this and tell me more about this, I think you mentioned how you can be listening to a mantra and suddenly find yourself somewhere else, so mantras are very effective in reminding people that yes we live in this world but we are not native to this world, and mantras can go a long way in sparking creativity in people and reminding them of their internal creative genius. You talked about how E.T.s can all do telepathy except for us and that our exceptionally low attunement is the main reason why. You mentioned how you have been practicing mantras for about 30 years if you can tell me the effect that it has had on you. So the situation is that here we are at the best time ever to be alive, and that with truebluehealer in just 20 minutes anyone on the planet can have their divine spark activation, and this can go a very long way in changing the world and making the world a better place. Because one of the biggest things holding back the evolution of humanity is a lack of knowledge of self the question of “what are you”? That is the question that everybody wants answered and Layman’s Gnosis can answer that question in just 20 minutes. , It is now during k rise that source is telling me about the time when as a 9 year old my dad picked up a dvd in a shop and the dvd was a cartoon movie about the Odyssey and source is telling me now during k rise that it was source that made sure my dad picked up that movie so I can watch it and it has always reminded me of my life story. And that I am here on a very challenging mission that my life is like an oddysey in itself just like you said Steve, k rise will emphasise that your existence is entirely dependant on the whim of God, if only the sleepwalkers knew just how close god is to them if only the sleepwalkers knew what a world we could have just like you said. , ![]() |

And that’s why I was elated that Natural Law had been changed so drastically in the last few years.
Finally the skeptics catchcry is demolished ! There is NO proof of God whatsoever. Its entirely in your own head ! You are deluded ! I think it was Occam who said that. Skeptics love to quote him.
So now there are TWO TYPES of physical proof that God exists. Not just words in a book. There is the sensation of one’s divine spark making itself physically known to every individual. And its contagious ! Others can feel it too ! And it works on ANIMALS. And a criticism of it is, that its dependent on one’s own attention. That one can summon it up at will. So it could just be placebo or ideomotor effect.
But the second type of signalling, the soft prickles occurring during K rise. They remain after K rise, and you cant fake it, you can’t summon up those soft prickles at all. And they are used to communicate with you to add physical substance to mindseye communications. That’s a major breakthrough, a massive concession to the human race. That we no longer get the silent treatment from Mr G. No more playing hard to get. So we live in the best of times and its a time worthy of great rejoicing. If only the poor sleepwalkers knew. Their greatest enemy is the Modern Media and education system and hypnotic television that pushes secular globalism and Atheist Materialism at every opportunity.
I actually supplied all my videos to a community TV station in Sydney where viewers could provide program material. Much of it quite amateurish and mildly interesting but nevertheless genuine backyard productions. It was on a DVD. Connecting oneself to God in 20 minutes I thought it could go well amongst all the DIY people showcasing how to pull the transmission out of a 56 Oldsmobile, or paint a picture, or do advanced tapestry, intricate basket weaving, building surfboards etc. I thought if I could get 3 sessions a week on this local TV channel I would get a TV audience ! The way to fame and fortune.
Producer actually looked at it and said it wasn’t very suitable for TV ! He said it presents as a DIY video, but for religious subjects one needs a celebrity presenter, and I was no celeb. So he returned my DVD and went back to broadcasting basket weaving, making fishing rods, skateboards etc because they were more “suitable” than connecting people to God in 20 minutes ! If I could get on TV I could do a million people per day. But they are all watching Big Brother CNN and cat videos. Maybe I should come back as a cat ! Could be my Plan D LOL.
It may need money to get the message across en masse. To buy advertising space somewhere. Would need a logo splash screen thing. It could be held back because its free. If it was on a 1800 number TV add and cost $89.95 and included a free set of steak knives it might take off like those kitchen appliances.
If I had a lot money I would try that. LOL
And the question you raise of What are you ? it makes a total mockery of all the skeptics and pseudoscientists and secular globalists who think they own rationality and logic and can answer any question using logic. Because any logical proposition re God and psychic phenomena etc where one strings together logical operators and “if then” statements is fatally flawed at the outset if you don’t know what YOU are. Because that determines many of your assumptions at the begin.
So logic is not a useful pathway to a whimsical God at all. LOL.
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