Julie Green transcript WORD OF THE LORD- Glory Days


Made this little transcript for you.

The one I’m reading to you today Glory Days was from Saturday.

So here is the Word of the Lord.

After the shift of power and great shakings all over this earth, of the enemies and their system, glory days you shall experience, days of great celebration and great glory. I am pouring out into this earth, that no one has ever experienced like this before. I have said this before, and a new level of anointing and a new level of power and authority. You are the head and not the tail. You are the above only, and not beneath.

Too long my children have lived as the tail and they have lived underneath their privileges of the children of the most high god. The glory that is coming will change this entire world, and the way people live, the church will be respected, the church will overflow of people wanting to get inside to experience the glory that is there. Miracles that take place. This glory will empty hospitals .This glory will raise people from the dead.

Yes, glory I have not poured out before, to this to this degree. You shall live in this earth. You shall live on this earth, like I have always intended mankind, like Adam and Eve, they walked with me in the cool of the day, and our fellowshipping together will be experienced by these generations on this earth now. Nations will be different, in your economy, the way you buy and sell will change, for I the Lord am your provider, and not this world .The just will live by faith, a higher level of discerning in the spirit, a higher level of power and authority.

I am love and the reason for this glory and for this great Exodus, is to bring in the greatest harvest of souls and to finance it and bring as many people into the body of Christ for the world to see the great I am. And who I am, and not, the world has betrayed me out to be. I have been distorted to this world by ideology, and man’s doctrines showing me to be someone I am not. The world will be able to experience this glory, and be able to choose which side they want to be on, before your lord and savior returns I need people to see the truth, so all could get a chance to know me, whether they take it or not, it is up to them, but my grace is sufficient for you. I am pouring out my glory my grace and mercy in these days like never before.

I love mankind.

I made them so I could have a family. I love so much I gave my only begotten son to save the human race.

This is another day in an hour I am pouring out such love Grace mercy the world has never seen or known.

My wind of change is blowing across this earth now blowing harder and harder and the enemies cannot stop this shift, and my plans, from coming to pass. Receive my children receive and receive anointings.

Wisdom,  inheritances, inventions, healing, restoration finances like never before, to overtake you. A flood of blessing, a flood of blessings, to your house, so again you take your place in the army of the lord.

Children of almighty god your enemies flags are white, and are about to raise, for they are defeated, and my angel armies have won the battle in the air, so get ready my children, get ready, for you are to see the great shift in a great fall, and great transfer. The year of 2022 will be a great year for my children like a dream everything is about to change, so rejoice and receive what the Lord has done for my children. my church, my nation saith the lord of hosts . End message.

Astonishing promises thru Julie Green. A return to the Garden of Eden fellowship, before the fall, seemingly when everyone was Gnostic, knew the spirit. Hospitals to be emptied. Some dead to be raised. Your lord and savior returns ! Wondering what the format will be for that. 2022 to be the greatest year we have ever had. A fistful of supernatural promises. Staggered I am, Anxious to see this great show unfolding.

So what do think dear reader ? Comments below.

Man’s predictions/guesses include Jesus descending from on high, apparently on a parachute or something, and the most ardent Christians rising in the air to meet Jesus at some altitude. God says man has distorted many things. Such claims by men are off-putting for many. Which leads many spiritually minded people to avoid the great religions.

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