Good morning everybody. Today is actually Saturday, August 6 of 2022. You will see this on Monday August 8. I am prerecording several videos for you for this week because I am traveling out of town. You go to the Reawaken America tour in New York and that is on August 12 and 13th so I hope you guys can join us. If not, hope you guys can watch online. It’s always a blessed time. So many things go on there. It is amazing time at these tours. Also, I will be on with Todd at Coconuto on Tuesday. I’ll give you guys more information on that show. I cannot wait for that show so I’ll give you more information and of course you will see this on Monday. So I will be preaching at my home church on August 7 so I will have that link in the description box for you so you can watch that Sunday service also if you have any prayer requests please go to our website at JGM international.org under our contact page or you can write us at juliegreenministries And if you guys have any more questions about any of the events that we are going to be attending you can go to our events page on our website. Now there are a couple of things that have changed so you can go to our website and check out the things that we will be going to places will be going to next. I think that’s all the announcements for today and here’s the prophetic word it is called a great fall is coming and I heard this word on August 4 of 2022 so just a couple of days ago so
A Great Fall is Coming
For I the Lord this day am telling my children to declare and decree health. Freedom. Justice. Liberty. Wholeness restorations declare your nations free. Declare abundance and more than enough declare and decree peace and joy. Declare the defeat of your enemies. Can you hear it? They are all falling and they are starting to fall now. Nothing can stop this great fall. No. The fall of the globalists is at hand. It’s not their time and they will in no way get their way. A famous waterfall will be in the news amplifier this word will be in the news for an unusual reason. A town square will be in the news. A major weather event will take place and get the world’s attention. Liz Cheney is about to fall big time and nothing can stop this fall from taking place Sayeth The Lord of Hosts. Albert this name will be in the news. A major military move will be seen and the world will stop. It may appear like to watch what will happen next. Your enemies wanted a war of great proportions, a takedown of this world they wanted. But the war they are getting is not the one they prepared for, or even expected. They truly thought their moves are going the way they wanted them, and not knowing what was lurking in the shadows. My people and my plans. Destroying all of what they had planned for you. I had people strategically placed everywhere around the world and inside the innermost circle of the enemies. And your enemies had no idea. I was always there. And so were my people. Taking it all down. Taking intel and bringing it to the right people. To sabotage your enemy’s plans in every way. Sayeth The Lord of Hosts.
A terrorist move is about to be made. But it will fall flat. And it won’t go the way they thought it would go. Where are they? Your enemies are asking. Where is the big move to shut the world down? Why didn’t it happen? Who is responsible? They will start to shout. They will turn on their own. Nothing is going right anymore. They are starting to suspect something is happening and someone they can’t trust is around them. They can’t trust who is around them. But they won’t figure out who it is until it’s too late. They’re losing it all. They’re also about to lose their minds. They will make decisions so desperately it will bring them down even quicker. Some will make decisions that will cost them their own lives. They made those choices. I can’t stop them because that was their will to defy me, and to act like they were Gods. They are just mere men. And they will soon realize that they have nothing and are nothing compared to me.
Excuse me. I forgot that part. It’s coming. They will shout. Another virus and another pandemic. This is another move to shut everything down. They think for the last time. This is where they say, this is our time and our decision. The world not realizing what is on the other side of that decision. This is where they say, this is our time in our world. Not realizing what is on the other side of that decision and not move. And it’s me and my army. They’ll be taken down once and for all. Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Atlas This name will be in the news. NBC. The truth is coming for you. Your scripts will be shown. You are liars and had to see the nation and the world. You don’t have integrity at all. Know you were serpents and I will shut your mouth and your narrative will be destroyed Sayeth The Lord. India will be in the news. Indonesia will also be in the news. Taiwan Do not fear China. They will not get their way with you. And neither will this fraudulent government in the United States. Their plans against you will be shown. And my hand is there stopping their power against you. Do not fear. For I the great I AM is near. Sayeth the Lord. Taiwan. They want something you have. They also hid something in your land. You have traitors in the midst of you and I will reveal who they are.
Okinawa. This name will be the news.
Starburst. This name will also be in the news. Albertville, this name will be in your news. Catastrophe is about to strike a certain nation that has to fight me, and that was going after my nation in the United States and Israel. Their plans will not go forth and they will not succeed. Saiyeth the Lord.
White, I say this name again. Things have been hidden and buried deep enough. They thought, your enemy thought, no one will ever know what really happened. They didn’t count on me to expose it all. Saith the Lord. Apostasy, this name will be the news. Aegya is about to fall and they are not the only ones. Many will follow, said the Lord. A major bank will fall. A scandal will consume them. Many judges will be judged for unjust ruling and manipulation of laws and being paid to look the other way. I am cleansing the courts in this nation and no one a part of the globalists will stay in the seat of power they thought they were safe in. Don’t get comfortable because your power is soon to be taken away.
Decertify Get used to hearing this word. It’s all about to happen. Yes, to bring down the big lie of 2020. Your enemies thought they did it. They pulled off the best, most eloquent election fraud in history, but they had no idea I had people on their side recording and getting evidence to pull it all down at the exact moment I say. There is nothing your enemies did to steal your nation that I, the Lord, and my army doesn’t already have. We have it all and every person involved. It’s coming, my children. It’s coming quicker than you think. I told you this before. I am fixing. This, man alone can’t do what is needed to be done. I am moving. And I am moving for you, my United States, in my children, to save this world from your enemy’s corruption. I told you unconventional ways and my ways will not be expected. How big and how explosive it will be. You will see it and know that I am the one true God. Sayeth The Lord of Hosts, my children, I am protecting you from your enemies. I am protecting you from all their plans. Do not fear what they say or what they try to do next. Yes, I said try. They will not accomplish what they’re after. Their plans are finished and so are they. Hold on.
July Commentary. Now you guys all know that I do go back over the prophetic word, but a lot of times the Lord will give us instructions. He will give us scriptures and something to hold onto and also revelation knowledge. In the midst of all these prophetic words, what does God give? God gives hope. God gives us the good news, which is his word. He also gives these prophetic words to encourage us and have us hold on to something during the midst of any test or trial or any adversity. He also gives us these words to change our perspective of how we see things. He says in His Word that we are supposed to walk by faith and not by sight. What does walking by faith mean? Walking by trusting in God alone and not by what we see. Trusting in God and his ability to help us, deliver us, save us, and set us free when everything is shouting, defeat impossible. No way. Give up. Quit. Your feelings are telling you you’re overwhelmed with all this situation and you can’t seem to shake it. Those are all lies from the pit of hell getting you to change your perspective of how you see things, not through the eyes of victory, but through the eyes of defeat, in the eyes of what your enemy and how he wants you to perceive the world in every single one of the things that you’re facing in your own life today. Jesus has already defeated everything that you are facing. He has defeated your adversary and everyone he’s using and everything and every tactic that he’s tried against you. Satan doesn’t have anything new he can’t create. He just does the same thing over and over and just calls us something different. But God, during these prophetic words, changes our perception of what is really going on in the world today is not how it appears to be. And I know I’ve given this example lately in the Bible, but I want to give it again with Peter. When he was focused on Jesus, when he was walking on the water, he was walking by faith. How many of us really, truly have ever walked on the water? None of us, as far as I know. But Peter did. He was the only one that did. When he kept his eyes on the Lord. He did walk. But when he kept his eyes, all of a sudden the wind got stronger and the waves got stronger, and he took his eyes off the Lord and started focusing on the storm. You just hear Peter, I can’t walk on the water when it’s windy. Who can walk on the water normally anyway? Again, it was the wrong perception. When he would focus on Jesus, he could do all things. When he focused on the storm, his face stopped and he started to sink. But Jesus, he’s always there to pick us back up. He’s always there to put us back on solid ground. Mathew, chapter seven and verse eight says, rejoice not against me on my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. And that’s what God has for us today. No matter how many times you fall, no matter how many times you quit and give it up, never focus on the fall. Focus on you rising back up and becoming stronger so you won’t fall in that same situation again. God always perfects us, strengthens us, when we keep our eyes on the Lord. Focus on Him. And that’s exactly what he’s been telling us a lot lately. So these words focus on me and not the enemy. Magnify God. He is the problem solver. Don’t magnify all the problems. We’ve got to keep our focus and attention on God, because that’s where that truth is. That’s what freedom is. That’s what Restoration is. That’s what that Deliverance is, is keeping our focus and trust on God. If we focus and trust on everything the enemy is doing, there’s three D’s. Deceive, Distract, Destroy. So if we’re deceived, we become distracted. If we’re distracted, then he can destroy us. If we are focused and consistently righteous, we are focused on God. Focus on the blood of Jesus. Focus on the name of Jesus. Focus on the prophetic word that he’s been saying. Focus on his written word. Then you cannot be defeated, because you know the truth, and the truth will set you free. And you won’t waive that white flag. You won’t give up. You won’t quit. Your enemy has to, because he’s the one who’s already been defeated. He knows it. He just doesn’t want you to know it. Remind him of his defeat. Remind him of Calvery. Remind Him what Jesus has already done for you. He’s already defeated your adversary for you. He already has a way out of everything that you see today and everything that you’re facing in your life today. He has the way out because he is the way maker. All right, I’m going to go over this prophetic word quickly, and then I’ll pray for each and every one of you. All right? So here’s the last paragraph. My children, I am protecting you from your enemies. Remember the Land of Goshen? God is protecting us from our enemies. I’m protecting you from all their plans. Do not fear what they say or what they try to do next. Yes, I said try. They will not accomplish what they are after. Their plans are finished, and so are they. So shout. Your enemies are never going to win. That’s what God is saying. So shout. Our enemies are never going to win. Shout our victories. Shout their defeat. That’s what one of our decrees are supposed to be. To shout our victory and to shout their defeat. That’s our marching orders. Okay? I told you. Unconventional ways. And my ways will not be expected. How big and how exposed of it will be. You will see it and know that I am the one true God. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Now, he had me put that in Bold. This part. I told you unconventional ways. My ways will not be expected. How big and how exposed of it will be. God does things in unconventional ways. Look at all the places in his word that he did unconventional things for his children. It was never what man could dream of or what man could think, or it wasn’t how old man could have done this on their own. Man cannot have done what God has done for them. But man could not do what God is about to do for us. He uses people, but he gives them the ability. And God will show himself strong in this world because he wants to get the world’s attention that he still lives, still love, still saved, and he still is a God that created this earth. And no man can change that. And no man can kick him out of it. All right, so listen to this. Your enemies thought they did it. They pulled off the best and most eloquent election fraud in history, but they had no idea I had people on their side recording and getting evidence to pull it all down at the exact moment I say so. When God says, pull it down, it has to come down. There is no other way. There is always a choice. When God said, just like with Pharaoh, when God said, Let my people go, Pharaoh had to do it at that exact moment. So when God is saying, Put all down now, the big lie, the election of 2020, it has to come down. There’s no way the enemies can stop it. No way, no how. It’s God’s will. God’s power, God’s plan. So he’s saying that he has the exact moment in time. I know we all would have liked it by now. And I’m sure that children of Israel would have liked it before they had it too. Before their exaets came. I’m sure they wanted it a long time before that. I’m sure they didn’t want to go see all the plagues and everything that was going on in Egypt. I’m sure they wanted to get out months before that. But God, it’s always perfect timing. And God is never late. There’s nothing your enemies did to steal your nation. I the Lord and my army doesn’t already have. God already has all the proof. We have it all. This isn’t bold. We have it all and every person involved. This is so intricate and detailed. God already knew every person. But the people on his side, his army, his military might hear on this earth. They had to know it. And so he sang they have it all. It’s coming, my children. It’s coming quicker than you think. Don’t look to another election to fix this. That’s also in Bold. I told you this before. I am fixing this. Man alone can’t do what is needed to be done. So no man could have done this by himself. Only God could have done it. I am moving. I am moving for you, my United States and my children, to save this world from your enemy’s corruption. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. I can scream and shout, but people in my house are still sleeping, so I’m trying to be quiet all right. Decertify Get used to hearing this word. It’s about to happen. Yes. To bring down the big lie of 2020. And all of us know what the big lie was. And that was the election. Okay. Many judges will be judged for unjust ruling and manipulation of laws and being paid to look the other way. I am cleansing the courts in this nation and no part of the globalists will stay in the seat of power they thought they would stay in. Don’t get comfortable because your power is soon to be taken away. Sayeth the Lord. He’s talking about all the Unjust judges. All the Unjust judges will be removed. Including the lawyers. I do believe he is cleaning the court’s systems out of all of the seats of the globalists, and all the ones they paid off. The Yes men Yes women that pay to do the dirty deals for the globalists. Alright. A major bank will fall and a scandal will consume them.
A giant is about to fall. And they are not the only ones. Many will follow. So there’s going to be a giant which I’m assuming it could be a big corporation. I don’t know. Could be a person. But anything is also a bank. So a giant is about to fall and then also a bank.
Apostasy That word will be in the news along with Whitewater. I say the same again. Things that have been hidden and buried deep enough. Your enemies thought no one will ever know what really happened. But they didn’t count on me to expose it all. So watch the word Whitewater. And there was more to that story that they tried to deeply bury. And they couldn’t bury it deep enough. All right.
Catastrophe is about to strike a certain nation that defied me. And that was going after my United States or my nation. The United States and Israel. Their plan will not go forth and they will not succeed. So we’ll see if somebody try to come against Israel and the United States. And it’s not going to work. Alright.
The word Albertville. That name. Excuse me. That name. And then Starburst. I’m guessing Starburst. The candy Starburst. And then the name Okinawa. And they talk to Taiwan. Taiwan do not fear China. They will not get their way with you. And neither will this fraudulent government in the United States. Their plans against you will be shown. And my hand is there stopping their plan against you. Do not fear for the great I AM is near saitheth Lord. Taiwan. They want something you have. They also hid something in your land. You have traitors in the midst of you. And I will reveal who they are. So speaking to Taiwan. You have traitors in the midst of you. Something is in your land that they hid. And that’s what they’re coming after. And so God is saying he will protect you and he will reveal who has been a traitor. And who are the traitors in the midst of you and the infiltrators? You also can say Indonesia and India. Both of those countries will be in the news. And then he’s speaking to NBC. This is not the first time. This is the second, 3rd, or fourth time he’s brought up NBC. The truth is coming for you. Your scripts will be shown. Now, of course, they were told a lot. They’re told exactly what to say. And I believe every single one of them were told exactly what to say. And the scripts were written down. And you are liars that have been deceiving the nation and the world, and you don’t have integrity at all. No. You are serpents. And I will shut your mouth, and your narratives will be destroyed. God shut the mouths of the lion. So why wouldn’t it be able to shut the mouths of liars? All right, Atlas. This name will be in the news. Net name. Yeah, okay. It’s coming. They will shout, another virus, another pandemic. This is another move to shut everything down, they think, for the last time. So they want to shut down something for the last time. The whole world. This is where they say, this is our time in our world, not realizing what is on the other side of that decision in that move. And it’s me and my army. They will be taken down once and for all. So they’re about to make a move. So they tried to make this move before, and it didn’t work. And that’s what the above paragraphs were talking about. That’s why it’s so important to go over these. So they tried doing this before, and it didn’t work with COVID. We were never supposed to open back up again, but we did, because they’ll never have their way. They wanted to kill more people than what were actually killed. They wanted more devastation, destruction, and depopulation of this world. That was their whole, entire goal. They didn’t get what they want, and they won’t ever get what they want. All right, listen to this. They are losing it all, and they’re also about to lose their minds. That’s what happened. Look at Nebuchadnezzar. When he didn’t get his way, he lost his mind. They will make decisions so desperately, it will bring them down. I guess the network can actually lose his mind. Excuse me. At one point, he did. They will make decisions so desperately, it will bring them down even quicker. Some will make decisions that will cost them their own lives. They made those choices. I cannot stop them because that was their will to defy me, and to act like they were gods. They are just mere men, and they will soon realize that they have nothing and they are nothing compared to me. So God doesn’t want anybody to defy him. He doesn’t want anybody to go to hell. He doesn’t want anybody to live under the curse. But he said before you life and death, blessing and cursing, you choose that’s in Deutronomy. He can’t make somebody choose life. He can’t make somebody choose to obey. Man has their own choice, just like with Pharaoh. He can see the kings of old, the Pharaohs of old. They had choices. They made choices, and they paid with their own life. Did God want that? No. God gives people time to repent. It’s their choice whether they do it or not. All these people we see haven’t given a choice. They’ve been given a choice. They repent, turn around, but they refuse. They’ve hardened their hearts. They’ve dug in their heels and they said they would do it again if they had to. And that’s why judgment is coming. A terrorist move is about to be made, but it will fall flat. It won’t go the way they thought it would go. What are they, your enemies, acting? Where is the big move to shut the world down? Why didn’t it happen? They’re saying at this time they wanted this to happen and hadn’t happened yet. Who is responsible? They will start to shout. They will turn on their own. Nothing is going right anymore. They’re starting to suspect something is happening and someone they can’t trust is around them. But they won’t figure it out until it’s too late. So something’s going on. They’re going to try terrorist attack. It’s not going to work. It’s not going to work. God’s just stopping them in the midst of their plan, and they’re going to be shouting and screaming. What is going on? And why is it not working? We should have already shut the world down. The world should be shut down right now. It’s not working. They’re going to try it in something else. And also that plan is not going to work. So they’re trying multiple things and nothing is going to work. All right now, a military move is about to be seen and the world will stop. The world will stop. It will appear. Like he said, military move is about to be seen, and then the world will stop. It may appear, like to watch what will happen next. Your enemies wanted a war of great proportions, a tick down on this world they wanted. But the war they are getting is the one they didn’t prepare for or expect. And what is that? A war against God. They didn’t expect to lose. They truly thought their moves are going the way they wanted them. Not knowing what was lurking in the shadows. My plans destroying all of what they had planned for you. I had people strategically placed everywhere around the world and inside the most inner circle of the enemies. And your enemies had no idea I was always there. And so are my people. Taking it all down, taking intel and bringing it to the right people to sabotage your enemy’s plans in every way. Sayeth The Lord
Albert this name will be in the news
Liz Cheney she’s going to have a massive fall and no one can stop that. A major weather event will take place and get the world’s attention. A town square will be in the news.
Amplifier this word will be in the news for an unusual way, a famous waterfall.
And then God is saying can you hear it? They are falling and they’re starting to fall now. Nothing can stop this great fall now. The fall of the globalist is at hand. It’s not their time and they will in no way get their way. Save the Lord. And then the first paragraph for I the Lord this day I’m telling my children to declare and decree health, freedom, justice, liberty, wholeness restoration declare your nation’s free, declare abundance more than enough declare, decree, peace, joy, declare the defeat of all your enemies member we have power and authority in our words. God created this world with words. Words create words are they’re either life they’re blessing or their death and cursing and we have that right to choose what words we say and what words we decree and what words we can declare and decorate a blessing in our life and declare and decree our enemies to come down. We can also pray for them to pray that day. Some of them still have a chance to repent, some of them harden their hearts and refuse. But God is saying in all of this that everything is going to turn around and we’re about to see something that we’ve never seen before. Unconventional ways. Don’t look to an election to fix the last one. Don’t look to man or just men to fix what has to be fixed. It is God. God alone is only one that can do it, and God can. God will and God’s, God’s praises and he said great I AM he delivered before and he’s doing it again. So I hope as I encourage you today, but I want to pray each and every one of you. Heavenly Father. Right now I want to pray over every person the sound of my voice. No matter what they’re facing. No matter what they’re going through. Father God. No matter what thoughts have been their mind or what their adversary has lied to and tell them and to feed them with. I thank you that they are seeing right now and they’re getting that revelation knowledge of who they are in Christ Jesus. They don’t have to put up with all these things that Satan has been doing to them. They are not just anybody in this world. They are a child of the most high God. They see that the name of Jesus is the name above every name. They know who they are in Christ and they know they have authority over their adversary and they are far above every principality of power, rules of darkness, world and their enemy is underneath their feet. And Nothing can stop a child of the Most High God when they know the greater one is on the inside of them. The heat, it’s in the world. So I thank you, Father God that we all have a revelation knowledge. We are God inside minded. We know that we are never alone. We know that we are never forsaken. We know that we are always delivered because you promised it. And we thank you for all the promises. We thank you for all your written word. We thank you for this fresh manna from heaven every day. We thank you for who you are, Father God. We thank you that you are our Father and that you are our good God. You are a good Dad. And we thank you for all the things that you are about to do that we couldn’t even dream up of. In Jesus name, Amen. Amen. We hope to encourage you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give us to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth sets you free. Well, God loves you. I love you. God loves you. God bless you and have a wonderful day. Bye.

Nation affected by catastrophe while fighting God would seem to be Iran.
Don’t look to another election to fix this. Agreed totally rotten corrupt system cannot be remedied by a man, or a group of men no matter how good they are. My personal suggestion in a video years ago was Eliticide done by God. Their breathing can be stopped. I only got past the youtube censors because they didn’t understand the word Eliticide. LOL. So God appears to be already embarked on this process though its paced with exposures so its a slowed domino effect. But much is supposed to happen in a single day. And the hint is things will happen before the Midterm Election in Nov 4.
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