Something Significant will take place on Capitol Hill
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Morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, December 29 of 2022, and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today, and it’s called Something Significant will take place on Capitol Hill. I heard this prophetic word on December 27. Before I get to that, I do have a few announcements to make. Now, I was on with Pastor Dave and Take Five with His Glory yesterday, and I will leave that link in the description box for you. Of course, it was another awesome show, and of course God had all these different confirmations for us and it was wonderful. I really do love being on that show with Pastor Dave. I know it encourages me and I hope it encourages you as well. And also, we were getting emails and there are people that are portraying to be this ministry, whether they’re on Facebook. The original Facebook page is only on the link in the description box below. That’s it. Now it’s only forced to be on there because there’s people portraying to be us on all different platforms, including YouTube, TikTok, and also on Telegram. People are reaching out, saying to us, asking for money. We don’t ask ever for money. So if somebody’s asking you for money and asking for charities, that’s not us. Yes, we give to charities, but we don’t ask you to help us give to charities. God wants us to give. We give. We don’t ask anybody’s help. That’s how the Lord has us doing this ministry. So if anybody is reaching out to you that are on Telegram, Facebook, YouTube, we’re definitely not on YouTube. If they are reaching out to you, asking you for help, or asking you for charity money, that is not us. Do not give them a single red cent because they are portraying us and they’re not us. So I know people have had complaints about it. It is not us. We do not ask. This ministry will not ask for money. So I just want to let you guys know that because so many people have been deceived into believing that it was me or this ministry team reaching out to you on these different platforms, and it’s definitely not us. So do not give them anything because it’s not going to the kingdom of God, it’s not going to the work of God. And yes, we do give when God tells us to give, but we’re not going to ask you to do that. That’s between us and God. And he always provides when he wants us to give because he’s the provider. Also, if you have any prayer requests or prayer reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at julie Green Ministries International, 4620 east 53rd street, 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. All right, that’s all the announcements to make. Again, the only reason why I was making that announcement is to warn people. That’s it. I want to warn people. We do not ask for money. All right, now, this is a prophetic word, and it’s called
Something significant will take place on Capitol Hill.
Again. I heard this word on December 27. For I, the Lord this day, am reminding my children that you win, your enemies lose. Nothing you see today will stand. I am moving. I am delivering. I am saving. I am setting you free. I am destroying your enemy’s control. I am destroying their plans. My children, I need you to receive and believe these words. No matter what comes or what will be seen, you will not be moved, quit, give up, or give in to fear. Stop allowing their control to continue. You do have every tool and every weapon to have a victory in every situation. I do not leave you without hope. I do not leave you to just deal with or put up with their hopeless situations that they have created. They can’t consume you or destroy you unless you give in to it and give up your authority. So fight today with my words. Fight today with my name. Fight today with my blood covenant. You are completely covered. You have an army of angels at your disposal that are fighting, that are protecting, that are ministering angels that are bringing you what all belongs to you. So today, believe that I am on your side. Believe that I am in control. Believe I am bringing your enemies down once and for all. Nothing will stop what is about to happen upon this earth, to bring your freedoms and deliverance nothing, because nothing can stop me Saith the Lord, your Redeemer
Hitler. This name will be in your news for significant reason. A well known waterfall is about to be in your news for a surprising reason. Allison. This name will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Hellfire I say this phrase again will be in your news for a significant reason. Something big is about to be released out of Israel that will shock the world. Truth is coming that no one can stop, and it will bring great destruction to your enemies that are against you. O United States.
A morning show will be in your news because of a scandal that will consume them and destroy their narrative. Listen to the news regarding the Today Show. How they cheated, how they lied, how they deceived the masses into believing their narrative. Their connections to the Biden and his fraudulent government will be released on how he used them as a tool to further his agenda.
All major news stations will have one exposure after another. The scripts are about to be released to the public to show you who really, excuse me controlled the news. Because it wasn’t news. It was their narrative to control the world. I am bringing them all down, sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
A hostile situation is about to be in your news, and soon the truth will be revealed on how fake it really was.
Russia is about to come out with bombshells. Not weapons of destruction, but weapons of truth that will destroy the Biden’s narrative, destroy the Ukrainian narrative, their liars, murderers, and thieves. And you will know what they were just about to do against you. That won’t go as planned. My hand is moving, and their plans are useless and powerless against me Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Lewinsky. This name will be in your news for a surprising reason.
A hailstorm will get the world’s attention because of where it’s located and how unusual it is. Watch more unusual weather events start to happen in multiple locations all over the world at one time. Sayeth. The Lord.
Harold, this name will be in your news for shocking reason. Something Significant is about to take place on Capitol Hill, and you will know it as soon as you see it. Your enemies are all being removed by me Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Gold digger. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason.
The Biden will try and give an Eloquent Speech, but it’ll go dramatically wrong. He will stumble, he will fall and fail in the speech. He will have a major gaff and tell the truth when he meant to lie. And no one can cover this up. And it will be the final act in his fall. Sayeth the Lord,
My children. Fight now. Stop the beast. Stop the elites. Stop this fraudulent government. Stop their laws. Stop their stealing. Yes, you can. Stop their narrative and their control. I have given you this authority. So stand and believe this day that the great I AM is fighting for you, and I am undefeated. So go and take what belongs to you. It is my marching orders today. Take it with my words that I give to you. Take it with my name. Your victories are now. So take them, saith the Lord Your Redeemer.
Again. One of the things we have to take away from this prophetic word is God is giving us the news before the news. Yes. And I’ll go back over this prophetic word like I always do. The something that he just said in this last paragraph, I am fighting for you. I am undefeated. Now, those two things, of course, are in bold, but he says, go and take what belongs to you. It is my marching orders today. So he gives us marching orders on what to say. He’s also giving us marching orders to receive, to take what rightfully belongs to us. You could say, Julie, what rightfully belongs to us, what righfully belongs to us is our freedoms. Jesus ransomed us. He paid for us that we are in this world, but we are not subject to this world. We’re not enslaved to this world. And this is scripture that he’s just bringing up to me right now. This is in Galatians. I was not planning on giving the scripture but he did. All right. Now, this is Galatians four and verse four. But when the proper time had fully come, God had sent his son and born of a woman born subject to the regulations of this law. So Jesus was born as a human being, subject to the regulations of this law. And until he became born again when he was 30 years old, he became baptized in the Holy Spirit. That’s when he did. He started his ministry. And that’s when he started all the miracles, signs and wonders. Now look, why was he born regulated to the laws of this world? Why was he born subject to those laws? Excuse me. He was born, why, subject to the laws? For this reason, verse five. To purchase the freedom to ransom, to redeem, to tone for those who were subject to law that we might be adopted and had sonship conferred upon us and be recognized as God’s son. So it came as a mortal man, a human being. Religion will tell you that is a farce. That is a lie, and it’s not. It says that in the written scriptures he was subject to the world like other human beings were subject to the world. Why? So he would pay the price to ransom us, to atone for us. And it says in here that we might be adopted. So he gave up the power that he had in heaven to come to this earth to be subject to the regulations of this world, to destroy the power of the enemy, to destroy the curse. Even said that he was tempted in all areas. He lived as a human being. To know what all the temptations that we were going to go through, all the people that were on the earth at the time, all the temptations that they were going through to destroy that power, to destroy those temptations, to destroy the curse upon this earth that was regulating this earth. Remember Because at Adam and Eve, when they came in, the curse came in because they sinned and they ate of the fruit in the garden that they weren’t supposed to eat because at least they believed a lie. They were deceived into believing a lie. So the curse became dominant in this world. The world became under a curse. There was no death. There was no lion eating this and doing that. There was no things like that. There was no murder, there was no sickness, there was no disease, there was no fear, there was no pain, there was no affliction, there was no oppression, there was no depression. All those things are part of the curse. You can find those out in Genesis or Galatian. Deuteronomy, I promise I’ll get that right. Deuteronomy, chapter 28, one through 14, talks about the blessing, the blessing of the Lord. And then 15, this is Deuteronomy 20 815 on, talks about the curse. And it says in Galatians chapter 313 and 14, because Christ purchased us. He redeemed us from the curse of law, just like it says here the reason why he became subject again. Religion won’t teach you this. Religion will teach you the opposite of this, because religion is a lie. It deceives people into believing something that’s not true. He became human to purchase our freedom, to ransom us, to take the curse upon Himself, because he said that he took upon sin who knew no sin. Because the whole entire time he was living on Earth, for over 33 and a half years, he never sinned. He had every opportunity, but he never took it, because, you know, if he took it, then he could not take the sin upon his body and destroy it like he did on the cross for us. Then it says, listen, he purchased our freedom. He ransomed us. He purchased our freedom and he ransomed us. Then it says verse six so we could be adopted. This is what says in verse five. This is the amplified version. This is the Amplified version of Galatians four and verse five, so that we might be adopted, have some shift conferred upon us, and be recognized as Gods son. I want to read that again before going on to verse six, because in verse six says, and because you really are his sons. So because of what Jesus did, we are now the sons of God, the children of Almighty God. He sent the Holy Spirit of his Son into our hearts. Crying abba Father this is a scripture that I wanted to get to. This is a scripture that was bubbling up in my spirit as I was reading the last paragraph of this prophetic word. Again, prophecies will always align with the word of God. I don’t even plan on this scripture, but when he gives me the scriptures, has to go over this. All of a sudden, when he has to go over these prophetic words, these scriptures just bubble up in my spirit. Why? Because they are confirming the word. Now listen to this. This says in Galatians four and verse seven, again, this is Amplified because a lot of you ask, what version do I read? I read out of the Amplified most of the time because I have a parallel new King James and an Amplified. But I love the Amplified Bible. He says, Therefore, you are no longer slaves. Now you have a one world government system. You have these elites, you have these tyrannical governments that are trying to enslave you, that are trying to enslave the nations. In the scripture right here, you are no longer slaves, bond servants, but a son. But if a son, then it follows that you are an heir by the aid of God through Christ. Remember, Jesus said in John 17, and I write this before the sake of time. I’m not going to read all of it, but John 17, this goes along with it. I’m going to read verse 17, sanctify them, purify consecrate and separate them for yourself. Make them holy by the truth. Your word is truth. Just as I set you sent me into just as you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. But it also says in John 17 and verse 16, they are not of the worldly belonging to the world. This is I am not of this world. Jesus would not be subject and regulated by them anymore. And the reason for that and the reason why I was saying that is because he has destroyed, brought to nothing. He says that in Hebrews two and 14, he’s brought our enemy, the devil, to nothing and to make no effect. His power to make nothing and no effect. And then Colossians two and 15 says that he has disarmed him. Now it looks in the natural remember, God says all the time in these prophetic words over and over and over again. So we get it down in our hearts where it can’t be stolen. The reason why I’m saying that in Hebrews chapter ten,
okay, this is Hebrews chapter ten. And verse 32. Be, be ever mindful of the days gone by in which after you were first spiritually enlightened, you endured a great and painful struggle. There’s another part of the scripture that talks about this. In Mark, where it says Mark, chapter four, the Source owes the Word.
The source owes the word. And then in verse 15, the one along with sorry, let’s see here. There we go. Yes. So the Source owes a word. This is Mark four, four and four and 14. Then 15. The ones along the path are the ones who have the Word stone in their hearts. But when they they hear so they’re hearing the Word. It’s like you’re hearing the Word right now. You are hearing the Word, the Word of God, which is and it says in John 663, it is the spirit in its life. So as you’re hearing this word right now, satan comes at once and by force takes away the message which is sown in them. Why does he take the message that is sown in your heart? He does that so then you won’t have that enlightenment. So you won’t have that joy of the Lord. It won’t separate you from the world because the word of God separates you from the world. We are no longer subject to this world. We are no longer enslaved by this world. We are no longer under the control of the evil ones in this world. Why? Because of what Jesus has already done. He’s already destroyed our enemy. But it looks like right now the things of which are seen, remember, are temporary, fleeting, and subject to change. That is an
Ephesians. Hold on. And it’s not Ephesians. It’s in Corinthians. Corinthians here. Second Corinthians and four. Two Corinthians. Four. I promise. Why make mistakes? I correct them. Two Corinthians, four and 18 since we consider and look not to the things which are seen, that’s scriptural, we’re not going to look to the things that are seen. Why? But we’re supposed to look to the things which are unseen. For the things that are seen are visible. They’re fleeting, they’re temporal, brief and fleeting. For the things which aren’t invisible are desolate and NEVERLASTING. So it means the things that are visible are subject to change their fleeting. They have an expiration date and I know I’ve talked about that many times before, but that’s why we’re not supposed to put so much faith and trust in the things that we’re hearing of the world and the things that we’re seeing of the world, because those things are temporal, they’re fleeting and subject to change. They’re not going to last forever. God talks about that over and over and over again to us in these prophetic words and in his scriptures. Listen, our enemies will never conquer. They will never win. They will never overthrow God. Satan trying to overthrow God in heaven and look what happened. He got thrown out of heaven. It’s never going to happen. There’s nothing new under the sun. So when you see all these things focus on God. That’s why he says in His Word, we are not to lean onto our own understanding. If we lean onto our own understanding, that’s what brings fear, that’s what brings discouragement, that’s what brings worry, that’s what brings all of these doubts and unbelief. We’re not supposed to be moved by these things. We’re only supposed to be moved by what? The word of God. So get into the word of God. Get into the word of God every day to fill yourself up, to get that joy. It separates you, it renews your mind. So you change the way you’re thinking. It changes your perception of how you see the world, of how you see the tests and trials and how you see all these impossible situations. You won’t see them that way anymore. You will see Him through the eyes of victory. You will see Him through the eyes of faith. You will see them the way God needs you to see them. So you won’t lose your faith, you won’t lose your joy, you won’t get into fear, you won’t get into the discouragement because why? Jesus has overcome the world. He’s overcome the world. We have to have faith in the fact that he has overcome the world. He just deprived it of its ability to harm us and he’s conquered it for us. As John 1633 amplified version, we need to rely on the fact that he is the conqueror, that he is disarmed, that he has brought our enemies to nothing. No matter what it seems like, no matter how bad it looks right now, Jesus is and always will be an overcomer. He has destroyed their power. He is never going to be subject to them, ever. He’s not, he destroys them with the blood, with what he did for us on calvary. But going to hell in our place for three days. It’s even said that he was in the belly of the earth for three days. He was. And the reason why he had to do that, he tasted death for us. He destroyed the power of death for us. He gave us back the keys and death and hell in the grave. It even says that in the scripture. He got back the keys, the hell, death and a grave. And then he gave those keys to us. So we have power and authority in his name. His name is above every name. His blood destroys the power of the enemy. Let’s wait. We have to know more about this blood covenant that we have with Almighty God to sacrifice. We should never take the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for granted, ever. He shed his blood for us. He died for us. He became sin for us to destroy it. Why? So we can be forgiven of our sins. He was on that cross, became sin, was separated from His Father,
that’s spiritual death, separation from God. And he did it for us. He did it so we wouldn’t be subject to what is going on. He did it so we wouldn’t have to be suffering, we wouldn’t have to be tormented. All these things that we’ve been subject to in this world because we didn’t know ultimate price. Churches don’t teach this like they should. They don’t teach the sacrifice of Jesus enough.
When he was in the garden of Gethsemane and he was sweating troughs of blood, the amount of stress that he was under and torment that he was for you and I, stripes on his back were for you and I. The nails in his hand and his feet were for you and I. The crown of thorn on his head was for you and I. Even when they pierced his side, that was for you and I. Every place that he shed his blood was significant for our freedom and deliverance. The church’s religion doesn’t teach the significance of this blood covenant. The significance in the name of Jesus Christ, where it even says that his name is above every name. His name is above COVID. His name is above all these globalists and world elites and their system. It’s above every name. Because religion has got in. Because the elites have gotten into our churches and have been teaching us religion. That spirit of religion has destroyed the power of God’s people. That’s why in this time we need to wake up. In this time we have to know that we know that we know the authority in the name of Jesus. We have to know the power of that covenant, of that blood sacrifice for us, so we don’t ever back down. What Jesus did was more than enough to defeat everything that we see in the world today.
It’s so hard to think people don’t believe that
We need to have more revelation of our authority that God has given to us, more revelation of how powerful that blood covenant is. Look at how powerful the blood was on the door posts and lintels the children of Israel and Goshen. It stopped the angel of death. And that was just a natural lamb. Jesus, Jesus Christ was our sacrificial lamb. And if the blood and Goshen and the natural lamb stopped the angel of death, just think how much more powerful the blood of Jesus and what it stops for us today. But people don’t have that revelation of the power of the blood of Jesus. That’s why it’s so important to get into the world. It’s so important to hear these prophetic words. It’s so important to go to church, to the right ones, and to hear the truth, not religion to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. So I want to go back over this prophetic word. Hopefully I stopped crying so I can do that, so I can finish in this last paragraph, it starts out My children, fight now. Why should he have to tell us we should already be doing that.
We should see the sacrifice that Jesus, he fought for us. It should never be a question in our mind that what Jesus did was enough. No matter how hard life can be, because it can be really hard, what Jesus did was enough. It was more than enough. And he sacrificed like no other person. No matter how bad our lives are sometimes what he went through was worse. And it was more than enough for you to get out of every situation that you see today. My children, fight now. Stop the beast. What beast? The beast system, the one world government system that is trying to overtake this world right now. It’s not time for tribulation. I don’t know how many times God has to say that it’s not time for the tribulation period. It’s not time for the one world government, it’s not time for the mark of the beast. It’s not time. But they’re trying to force it down our throats. That’s why there has to be a shaking around the world. It has to be shaking in the body of Christ, because they are not listening. There has been delays. We should already have our Exodus. We should already have had the great Exodus, we should already have our president back and our countries back. There have been delays because people aren’t
they’re believing evil reports more than they’re believing God. Again, the children of Israel in the wilderness, they delayed. They delayed their promised land. And then people are believing prophecies and prophets and they’re wrong and they’re false and they didn’t get it right. No, we did.
But things have prolonged them because there has to be an awakening in the body of Christ. That’s why we have to pray for the ones who are not awake. We have to pray and stand for the ones who don’t believe. Just like when Jesus said on the cross, Father, forgive them. They know that what they do. A lot of us have been persecuted horribly, but it doesn’t matter as long as the truth is getting out there and as long as it’s helping people. If it wakes people up, it doesn’t matter what persecution any of us go through. It’s worth it for Jesus. So he said, Stop the beast. The beast is the beast system, the One World Government system. He said, stop the elites, the globalists. Stop this fraudulent government. Stop the law. Stop their stealing. Stop their stealing. Yes, you can. Stop their narrative and their control. I have given you this authority. He’s been telling us this over and over and over again. He’s given us this authority. We just have to know it. He says, oh, stand and believe this day, and the great I AM is fighting for you, and I have never been defeated. God is undefeated, and he will never be defeated in any way. He’s the most high god. He said, Go and take what belongs to you. It is my marching orders today. Is this marching orders? To take what belongs to you. What belongs to you, your health, what belongs to you, your freedom. What belongs to you. To be free spiritual is in your spirit, in your soul and your body, socially and financially, to be free in every area of your life. That’s what God is saying. Take it now. How do you take it? Believe his word. Say, Lord, I take my freedom in my spirit. I take freedom in my soul, which is your mind, your own emotions. I take freedom in my body, I take freedom in my social life. I take freedom in my finances. Lord, every way that you’ve destroyed the enemy, I take it right now. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I take what you have given to me. I receive it by faith. That’s how you take it. You take it and believe it before you even can see it. And then when you do that, then you will see it. He said, that’s your marching orders. Your marching orders is to take what Jesus has done. And he says, Take it with my words that I’ve given to you. Take it with my name. Your victories are now, so take them. Take your victories now. Don’t wait until it looks like you have them. Take them now. Don’t be a doubting Thomas. Thomas Owen believed until he saw it.
The Biden will try and give an eloquent speech, but it will go dramatically wrong. He will stumble, he will fall. He will fail in this speech, and he will have a major gaffe and tell the truth when he meant to lie. And no one can cover this up. And it will be the final act in his fall Sayeth The Lord.
So he has had listen, prophesies have been fulfilled because before they even called them gaffes, the Lord was saying that in these prophetic words that he was going to have many gaffes and he does that. He slips up or have gaffs all the time and all of a sudden now the news media, that’s like a normal word for them. Oh, Biden’s gaffes. Biden’s Gaffs. But God said it first. That’s prophecy fulfillment right there. So he’s going to give this eloquent speech. It’s not going to go as planned, which it probably won’t surprise most of you, but he will stumble and following his speech and then what he says they can’t cover it up and make it like it was not a big deal. They’ve been trying to do that over and over and over again with all the stumbles in the falls that he’s had. This time it’s not going to work. It’s going to be so big and so bad they cannot cover this up and it’s going to be his final fall. Final accidental fall.
Gold digger. This phrase will be your news for a surprising reason. Now again, this is the name of the prophecy and he names them. Something significant is about to take place on Capitol Hill and you will know it as soon as you see it. Your enemies are all being removed by me, saith the Lord of Hosts. So watch what happens on Capitol Hill. And that’s for those of you who do not live in this country. That is the Capitol area. It’s in Washington DC. It’s like the Capitol building area.
Now, Harold, this is spelled H-A-R-O-L-D. This name will be in the news for a shocking reason.
A hailstorm will get the world’s attention because of where it’s located and how unusual it is. Watch more unusual weather events start to happen in multiple locations all over the world at one time. Sayeth the Lord again. He’s been talking about major weather events. Things are becoming unusual because he needs to get the world’s attention and we see. Just like we talked about yesterday about the Christmas, it was horrible here in Nyla and I know it was worse over in the East Coast and that was almost all of the United States wide. That polar vortex went down really far, I think was far than ever before. Even Florida got snow parts of it. But anyway there was like a week before that. Then there was massive storms that caused tornadoes and outbreaks and really crazy weather and that affected every single state in the United States of America. That was two major storms. Again, prophecies fulfilled because they called it a monster but God called it a monster first. But these are two major storms back to back that affected almost every state in the United States of America. That should get the United States of America’s attention. It’s something that is about to happen. So he says, Watch the hailstorm. It’s going to happen somewhere. We’ll get the world’s attention because of where it’s at and how unusual it is. Lewinsky, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. Now, this is interesting. I talked about yesterday with Pastor Day.
Russia is about to come out with bombshells and not weapons of destruction, but weapons of truth that will destroy the Biden’s narrative. That destroy the Ukrainian narrative. They’re liars, murderers, and thieves, and you will know what they were just about to do against you. That won’t go as planned. My Hand is moving, and their plans are useless and powerless against me. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Remember, he talked about and it was yesterday’s prophecy the day before that was about what’s happening in Ukrainian labs and the viruses that are being created. And then, of course, he talked about sacrifices. Fortunately, what they’re doing with children, also sex trafficking, what they’re doing with children over in Ukraine. And so he said, Russia is about to come up with bombshells. Why do you think the Biden administration is coming out so hard against Putin? Now, I’m not saying Putin is an angel, because that’s not what I’m saying at all. Not at all. But he is being used by God, whether he knows it or not. But they flew in a Ukrainian flag in our capital. That should say enough right there. Things are not how they appear to be. Zelensky is an actor. He’s a liar, and he’s a murderer. And I want everyone to start praying for the Ukrainian people because they are under his tyrannical regime. And just like we’re under, you know, Biden’s well, basically Obama, but we’re under such it’s what? It’s the one world government trying to control everything. But watch for Russia. Why do you think they’re going after Russia so hard? He’s got stuff on them. Watch, watch. He will come out with stuff about Biden and Obama. He’s got a lot of it. Why I know that is because that’s what the Lord has said.
A hostile situation is about to be in your news, and soon the truth will be revealed on how fake it really was. So we talked about there was going to be a hostage situation. This was in a prophecy a couple of days ago. Now we’re saying a hostile situation. It’s about being the news. The truth is going to be revealed that it’s fake. Remember, he said, we’re watching a movie. A lot of the stuff is fake. You’ll see.
All right, now, all major news stations will have one exposure after another. They are scripts this is the second time we talk about the scripts have been handed out on all news media platforms. Yes, Fox News has been talking a lot. I mean, look it. They talk about the JFK assassination. The CIA was involved. No one talked about it. That boggles my mind. Anyway, that’s not a process. That was fulfilled that I already did last week. I’ll go over more in the process. Failed. Tomorrow, the scripts are about to be released to the public to show you who really control the news. The one world government controlled the news. The Biden administration, fake administration, basically Obama, abiding, whatever you want to call it. They’re controlling the news because it wasn’t news at all. It was their narrative to control the world. I am bringing them all down. God’s bringing them down. So watch more exposures regarding all news media platforms. And then this paragraph is that a morning show will be in your news because of a scandal that will consume them and destroy their narrative.
Listen to their news regarding the Today Show. A major, huge, whatever you want to call it a scandal is about to break out with the Today Show. How they cheated, how they lied, how they deceived the masses into believing their narrative, how their connections to the Biden and his fraudulent government will be released on how he used them as a tool to further this agenda. Not only watch the Today Show, other news platforms, but Google. Watch Google. Breakthroughs are going to meet exposures about Google. And not only Google, Facebook and all social media. All this is going to come to a head, and all that’s going to come out. All right?
Something big is about to be released out of Israel that will shock the world. Truth is coming that no one can stop, and it will bring destruction to your enemies that are against you or United States. And he had me put this in bold. Something big is about to be released out of Israel. All right, now, hell fire. It’s hell and fire on one. Hell fire. I say this phrase again will be in the news for a significant reason.
Alison, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. A well known waterfall is about to be in your news for a surprising reason.
The name Hitler. Hitler? Yeah. This name will be in your news for a significant reason. What it’s going to be out. I have no idea because he doesn’t give me specifics. But Hitler is going to be the news for a specific reason. I don’t know. All right, now. So fight today with my words. Again, this is marching orders. Write them down. Fight today with my words. Fight today with my name. What is his name? Jesus. Fight the name with Jesus, because know the name is above Jesus’s name. Fight today is my blood covenant. What was he just going over with before I went back over this prophetic word? His blood covenant. Get to know his blood covenant. Get to know the word of God and what his blood covenant is, how important it is for you to know. You are completely covered. You have an angel’s army at your disposal. They are fighting. They are protecting. They are ministering angels. That are bringing you what belongs to you. That’s in Hebrews. All right now. So today, believe that I am on your side. Believe that I am in control. Believe I am bringing your enemies down once and for all. Nothing will stop what is about to happen upon this earth to bring your heat to freedom and deliver on something, because nothing because nothing can stop me. So nothing can stop the deliverance. Nothing can stop our freedom. Nothing can stop what God is about to do. Nothing. Why? Because they can’t stop him now for I the Lord this day and reminding my children that you win, your enemies lose. Nothing you see today will stand. I am moving, I’m delivering, I’m saving, I’m setting you free. I’m destroying your enemy’s control. I’m destroying their plans. My children, I need you to receive and believe these words no matter what comes, no matter he’s telling us, he’s warning us again. No matter what comes or what will be seen, you will not be moved, quit, or give up or given affair. Stop allowing their control to continue. You do have every tool, every weapon to have this, a victory in every situation. I will not leave you without hope. I didn’t leave you just to deal with or put up with you hopeless, with their hopeless situations they created. They created these hopeless situations. They cannot consume you or destroy you unless you give it in and give up your authority. Now, I said something about ministering angels and I misquoted because it’s not in Hebrews. I want to correct this before I go. You know what, I’m going to go back and find that maybe even tomorrow. Yeah. This is just one scripture. There’s other ones, I think there is one in Hebrews, though. But it says in Psalm 91 and verse eleven, for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in your ways, in their hands. They shall bear you up unless you dash or put against a stone. And then it goes on and on. So that’s just one. Talking about angels, we have garden angels, ministering angels. So we need to know more about angels because what is in the unseen is more powerful than what the things are in the scene. That’s another odd teaching that I’m not going to get into today because of the sake of time. I want to pray for each number one of you right now.
Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, we do. We thank you and praise you. That we are in the army of the Lord, that we have the righteous ending nation that is rising up on the inside of us, that we will not bow down, we will not quit, we will not surrender, we will not give in, we will not get into fear or worry or doubt and unbelief. And I bind its control over your people right now by the blood of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth. I put the blood of Jesus over them, the towel head, the soles of their feet. I think that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. And I command everything that’s been stolen from them to be given back seven times in the name of Jesus. No matter what it looks like, Father God and how you do it, we know it doesn’t matter how, but we know that you are a sure thing. You promise in your word. You’re faithful to perform your word and we trust you. We believe you. We thank you for the blood covenant. We thank you for the name of Jesus. We thank you that you destroy the power of the enemy. And we thank you for all that in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. And amen. We hope saint curse you today. Please like subscribe and share and give it to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

End of the Biden — we cant wait. Exposure of the Tech Giants cant come too soon. 2022 goal delays explained as sleepwalkers slow to awaken.
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