Good Morning everybody today is Friday February 11th 2022. I have another prophetic word today called Justice will Prevail and Justice will be Served in this prophetic word I heard yesterday morning February 10th of 2022
Before I get to that this one its a little bit longer than normal they’re usually between four and five pages long,
This one is eight, so I want to let you guys know before hand this is a very long and detailed prophetic word.
So before I get to it if you guys have any prayer requests please email us here at jgm the number four prayers gmail.com you can also write us at julie green ministries po box one two five two bettendorf iowa five two seven two two also there’s prophecies being fulfilled all the time so if you guys see prophecies being fulfilled email me write it in comment section write us here and let us know what you are seeing in the news that lines up with these prophetic words and you guys are such a blessing and a help to this to all of us here at JGM just want to thank each and every one of you and god bless you.
Okay now here’s the prophetic word for today
Justice will be Served and Justice will prevail and Justice will be Served Again I heard this yesterday February 10th of 2022
I the Lord this day, I told you my children, there will be signs that the great I am is in control.
There has been many signs and many prophetic words being fulfilled,
while the pace is picking up, and more fulfillment of prophecy.
Just as fast as they are spoken, they will be fulfilled .
A great shift is taking place now, great shaking in this world will take what you see, and remove it all.
These are no longer normal days, or days you will just survive on this earth. No these are days of your freedoms.
You are taking your authority on this earth like a true child of God. No more being slaves no more victims. No more beneath your circumstances, no more being wimpy,
And now there will be boldness.
Authority righteous indignation, it will rise up in you.
You will stand in the face of adversity and shout and praise me without moving an inch ! You are coming to a place of authority you never thought was possible.
Your enemy’s nightmare is coming to pass in this hour.
Your awakening is rattling the gates of hell, so rejoice and spend more time on praise and worship which destroys the powers of the enemy. Get up from your places where you were, and fight the good fight of faith.
Would you win ?
My word promises that. Turn every test into a testimony by standing on my word that is truth, and it will set you free.
Just like Joe said from the pit to the palace in one day.
Yes, that is happening again.
There was a reason what you see now, had to take place.
You will understand more in the coming days and months, how I had to destroy them, the way I did with my timing.
And my timing is always the best, even when it looks like in that time of waiting, all hell is breaking loose, I have been in control this whole time my children, so look forward to your victory.
Say every day I am on the winning side. God is on my side so I can’t lose.
I am undefeated because the great I AM defeated my adversaries and everything they had planned for me, my victory is here, and now the greater one lives in me the line of the tribe of Judah is in me and reigns in my life.
My enemies fall before my face and complete restoration is mine in Jesus’ name and that time is now.
My children the battle has been won by your Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
He bought your adversaries to nothing and to make no effect in your life, so stand against the onslaught of your enemies attacks and no, he is nothing in your sight.
You will hear of a massive avalanche as you see this sign. No the avalanche of truth is at hand.
A major volcanic eruption in the Hawaiian islands
This will be a major news story. this is another sign of an eruption taking place to destroy all the works of your enemy at the same time. A major earthquake
all these natural phenomen at one time and then an unusual hurricane in that hour, and this hour is brewing.
So watch all of this hit.
The perfect storm and the spirit is hitting your enemies.
I have told you this before and I’m reminding you because this is that hour for it to take place..
Great removals great turnarounds these are the days of the Red Sea moment, but what I do is much greater than that the world will be in shock and awe, when they see my hand move against all their governments in all the nations of this earth at one time.
The one world government is falling to the ground
Many of the puppet masters will be uncovered and exposed
Big names you will never have thought could be.
It will shock the world
Who was all on the side of the elites, how much money they actually had, how many companies they owned, how they manipulated the entire world system and markets, from our money and power, by doing this they became filthy rich, you would say, to cause more poverty throughout the world to enslave as many people as they could.
I’m blowing the roof off their planned shortages, their economic crash, their wars and their control over the world.
Everything is being exposed with the move of my hand you will see them all fall.
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Prince Charles, Justin Trudeau, and Prime Ministers all over the world including my nation Israel
You will see them all fall like flies in a fly trap
Where there is nowhere to go. They are trapped.
There are many more my children. They will be exposed and will pay a high price for their heinous acts and crimes on this earth.
Heat in unusual places for this time of year.
Cold in places that should be hot. Even the weather continues to be affected in this time of great shaking, and great changes, overturning of elections.
There’ll be sudden boldness arise coming in your civil courts across this land to restore this nation and bring back justice.
Yes my hand is moving now in your court systems.
Justice will prevail justice will be served once again across your land.
A major death on the Senate floor will rock your Senate chambers on the same day. One will fall in the House of Representatives.
Watch my children I am moving across DC to judge and settle the cases for my children.
Vengeance is mine and the world is seeing my vengeance strike the enemies down to the ground.
More congressmen will suddenly step down, more will say I am not running for re-election. They see the handwriting on the wall. They know justice is going to be served, and they want no part of it.
Audio recordings are coming forward with truth of January 6th.
Nancy Pelosi giving instructions on what to do that day, to make it look like an insurrection took place to destroy any standing up or any changes to electoral college votes
Yes Nancy you can’t stop these recordings from coming into the open it will be heard all over the world.
Some will say it’s like a shot heard around the world
Damning evidence that can’t be undone.
YES Nancy, truth is finding you, not just for January 6th
but for both impeachments and the 2020 election.
Everyone with you has been recorded along with Harris
Biden Obama Romney Schumer MccCnnell
All have been secretly recorded and those recordings are coming into the light. The whole world to see and hear.
Yes my children they are all finished Saith the Lord of Hosts. Their days on earth are coming to an end, and Jesus will be served. Sentences handed down by me, the judge over all the earth, my children great explosions of truth are great.
I’m sorry I should have added this first. My children great explosions of truth are hitting DC destroying their narrative and their fraudulent government.
I am taking them down, removing all of their buildings
they will burn to the ground along with any monument
or assemble
The Statue of Liberty is about to fall, the crack is getting bigger, and it will crumble to the ground.
Watch the lightning hit some monuments across this land, to show you I am in control destroying all evidence of your enemies tyranny and control on this earth.
Get ready my children all will come down.
Your rightful President will be back in his seat in full power in a new house that was built for this very day.
You will see him walk down the steps of Air Force One.
Cheers and celebrations never heard to this degree over the earth.
This is about to come to pass so hold on a little longer my children my show has started and great celebrations are breaking out all over this earth Sayeth the Lord Of Hosts

And DC is demolished with Lightning fire and earthquake.
Rightful President returns on Air Force One. A New Reality.
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