Today is July 9th so um I had to get this out to you before I went on my family vacation because this word is very profound it’s very important and God is giving us instructions to do, not only for the body of Christ but he’s giving instructions for us to do for our Rightful President, and what we need to do in this time period right now. So I want to read this prophetic word to you it is called A Shakedown has Begun I will try to read it as slowly as I possibly can and so you can understand it.
For I the Lord this day am telling my children the battle has already been won.
See everything in the world today that way see it that way Jesus has already defeated all your enemies, all your enemies and their plans are failing and they’re falling apart, You are on the side of the Lord so what can men do to you nothing so do not fear man when the most high God is your God and you are on his side.
If I the Lord had to separate the Red Sea for you again I would, because nothing is impossible with me, say this my children over and over again Nothing is impossible for our God. Say it until you believe it so that much when adversity comes nothing moves you. Believe it, changes are happening and your enemies are falling, the tide has turned and world leadership is about to change in a way that has never happened before my children don’t limit me with what has happened in the past because I am bigger and I am the same God yesterday today and forever. So never back off when you’re in battle, no matter how big how impossible or how hard it may appear, don’t back off and never back down for your victories are assured because I have paid for your freedoms and defeated all of your enemies.
Something big is on the horizon you didn’t even see coming. Oh Yes great surprises are in store for you my children sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Spectacular this word will be in your used a lot in the coming days to describe all the mighty things my hand is doing to change everything you see. Removing people from their positions of power it is over for the enemies of my children. Yes it is finished. Their end is guaranteed and so are their removals Saith the Lord.
A king’s eye this phrase will be in your news for an unusual reason it may appear at first, but it’ll be more clear when all is exposed Saith the Lord.
Hair pin this word will be in your use near news your enemies are exhausting all the resources and nothing is happening the way they want it to.
Lord they have oodles of money you would say. They won’t run out !
My children a transfer and a shift of wealth is taking place during this great Exodus they will all lose everything they once had and I mean everything Saith the Lord.
Pray for your prophets my children more than in days past.
Their responsibility in this hour is great. A battle they are fighting to keep my truth coming and destroying the lies of the enemy that once held you in captivity. A shakedown has begun. Things are intensifying and it has increased in the last few days and it will keep intensifying until all has been removed and the great Exodus is Completed.
Prepare your hearts for sudden changes, suddenlies, one right after another.
You are at the final days of this empire existing and holding the world with its power.
Shout out my children the war has been won. Claim your victories now !
A major Propaganda Machine is about to take yet another hit, but this time they will not recover from it.
Disney will fall to new lows. They have been caught in major scandal and the world will no longer let them hide things under the rug or let them continue on their way.
There will be many more companies to follow. The walls of Jericho have started to collapse. Keep singing praises, keep believing my words my children, it’s over for the ones against you Saith the Lord of Hosts. These are the days of politicians to fall by their own sword, and by their own mouth, one after another, they will fall, turning on each other now, more than any other time to save themselves. Watch they will be arrested, watch they will step down. Watch- some will suddenly die.
I told you my children your enemies will fall like pharaoh.
No one stands up against me or my children and wins.
Continue to watch the skies above the White House. Something big is about to be seen.
Listen to your Rightful President. His next words are important my children. He is taking back his power and his rightful place. Pray without ceasing for him Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Long-lasting politicians who have taken over the United States.
Watch their next steps, their next falls will be large.
Things they can’t hide or recover from anymore, like they have in days past.
Truth is destroying their lives the truth is destroying their narrative and their power. They’re falling my children they are falling big time.
Keep it up using my word and my authority your enemies are scared for their existence in their New World order. They see it crumbling. They see everything being decimated. They are shocked you are still fighting for your freedoms.
They believed you would have given up a long time ago but they didn’t count on me keeping you and giving you strength to keep fighting.
Your enemies have noticed something is not right but soon they will see why the great I AM is against them and that is and there is no one bigger than me.
A blast is about to be seen it’s a big one and you will know it when you see it Sayeth the Lord.
Hanky panky this phrase will be used in your news to describe many things your supposed leadership has been doing. He’s a liar, he’s a liar remove him !
These words and these shouts will be loud all over the world. Who you may ask Is the Biden and the one who speaks in his ear ?
One will fall, two will fall, and they all will fall, these are the days of major players falling to their own lies. They are caught in their own traps they set themselves but meant for someone else.
They have so much destruction and now they are receiving what they have sown says the Lord.
A mountaintop will appear to have blown off. I told you my children the earth is travailing for you. uh my children to arise, the earth is revealing for you for my children to arise in my glory, so I rise now together in one accord I am waiting for you my children, more than you are waiting on me. Remember I have already defeated your enemies.
Now is the time for you to put them underneath your feet and stomp.
Keep him from rising above you. Again receive all I have for you now my
children these are glorious days indeed Saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie commentary Now in this word it gives us things to do.
First of all he tells us that we have to be in one accord. A lot of the body of Christ has been divided over certain type of religious traditions they’ve been divided because of man’s doctrines and God is saying to stop all the division stop letting your adversary divide us all the time and we have to be in one accord with being one accord in God’s glory his authority and knowing who we are in Christ Jesus, and he also says that we are supposed to arise he said remember I have already defeated your enemies and that’s something that we all have to have on the inside of us that knowing that God is already defeated he doesn’t have to defeat our enemies again he already has defeated the one that’s behind the enemies that we see today and so he said put our enemies underneath our feet and start stomping we have God’s authority we have the name of Jesus that is above every name. So this is what the instructions we have for today he also said pray for the prophets it’s really important to pray for the prophets right now he said because of what they have what the job they have to do because it is they who are getting out the truth destroying all the lies of the enemy. It is waking up the body of Christ, so right now start praying more for the prophets, but he also said pay attention to the rightful President, we all know who that is. It is President Donald J Trump pay attention to his next words what he’s about to do, and what he’s about to say. He’s about to take back his power in this country you can say Julie how is that going to happen God will do things in unconventional ways, that you would never have thought about anything like this happening. God is not a God we’re going to put him in a box, oh this is going to happen and this has to happen no God will do things the way he wants to do that, and when he wants to do them, but he also uses people to do them, but one of the things that is so important, I had to get this out before I left on my vacation with my family we have to pray for our President without ceasing we need to pray for our military without ceasing there is a job that they have, that they have sacrifices that they’ve had to make sacrifices they continue to make and God is saying to us as a children of Almighty God we need to get up we need to arise awaken right now start doing our due diligence and start praying the way God needs us to pray. Start saying things that he needs us to say because these people in this time right now need our help, because the prayer is the most powerful weapon in the world, that we can use against our enemies of course it’s the name of Jesus and it’s a power of prayer, and especially using the word of God, having faith in the word of God and speaking it out. Our angels are arching diligently to the voice of the Lord thy
God we give God a voice in this world so what we need to do is speak the word of God speak truth speak the name of Jesus pray God will give you the right things to pray how to pray for these people, but I’m going to do it right now, as I close up but I want to go over really quick, really quick this is, a this isn’t bold and this is something we have to know — You are at the final days of this empire existing and holding the world with their power. What empire are we talking about ? The One World Government the cabal, the deep state, it has been their empire that has been controlling the world enslaving the rest of the world and God’s saying its their final days this is the reason why we have to be paying attention to what God is saying. Not what the news is saying, not what things look like, don’t look at the impossible, look at God who is nothing is impossible for him, and I also want to read what he said something big is on the horizon you didn’t even see coming and then no matter how big how impossible or how hard it may seem or appear, don’t back off never back down for your victories are assured because I have already paid for your freedoms and defeated your enemies and then he also said believe it changes are happening and your enemies are falling, the tide has turned world leadership is about to change in a way that has never happened before, so don’t try to look at the days past of all the things that have happened. God is saying he’s going to change it the way it’s never been changed before and then I’m reading what he said about the prophets again. Pray for the prophets my children. More in days past the responsibility in this hour is great. It battled there fighting to keep my truth coming and destroying the lies of the enemy that once held them captive, and then I want to read about the Rightful President again because I think that’s important for me to go over it really
Quick um let me find it —
“Listen to your rightful president his next words are important. Important my children he is taking back his power and his rightful place. Pray without ceasing for him so things are happening right now behind the scenes that you and I don’t exactly know how things are happening.
So right now I want before I close I want to pray and have you guys an agreement with me because it is important but one can put one thousand a flight two could put ten thousand to flight and the more we are standing and praying together the more damage we do to our enemies camp and God said the walls of Jericho are already crumbling, so let’s pray that the rest of the walls fall down so heavenly Father right now in Jesus’ name we are obeying this prophetic word as you told us to pray for the prophets and we lift up every single one of them to you right now Father God that they are protected their families are protected they are, their whole teams are protected, we plead the blood of Jesus over them and I find every spirit of the darkness of this world that will try to hinder them that try to harm them they try to stop the mouthpieces that God is using right now as vessels of his in this earth today Satan you will not have your way and I thank you Father God that you are rising up these prophets above every single tool, every single weapon every single plan and plotting scheme of the enemy, and I thank you that no weapon formed against them shall prosper and I thank you Father God that they rise above, stronger now than any other time that they have ever lived and heavenly Father we also lift up our rightful president to you there is important decisions that he has to make right now. This is a pivotal time in our nation, and I pray the blood of Jesus over President Donald J Trump I put the blood of Jesus over his family, I put the blood of Jesus over his entire team, and all the government that is coming back with him every single person Father of God that you have put in his path with him I want to praise and thank you that you are giving them peace that you are giving them wisdom and knowledge understanding that you are giving them that joy right now that they have to have during these times of decisions that they have to make that are crucial for not only the United States of America but it is crucial for the world and I thank you Father God that you are protecting him heads of protection around him his guardian angels are protecting him everywhere he goes, everything he does give him wisdom and knowledge understanding and I thank you father God that he is rising up in you as David in this time as that person Father God that you have for such a time as this and we thank you for all the people that you’ve called we plead the blood of Jesus over our military and I thank you Father God not only that we have our military and all the weapons they’re using but I thank you father God as they move closer to taking back this nation and taking back the world that they are knowing you in a greater way that they have the ultimate weapon which is in their mouth and they will start praying and agreeing in one accord that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and he is on their side and they know that he is on their side and we thank you Father God for their sacrifices they are making right now to bring back peace and to bring back restoration and bring back the freedoms that many, so many men and women have already paid, for this country and around the world and I always want to thank you and praise you father God for rising up this generation for raising up these prophets today for raising up our rightful president and everybody that he has with him Father God you chose us for this time and such a time as this and we get to experience something that you have never done before you said something biggest on the horizon we receive it we take it and we believe it by faith in Jesus name amen and amen well I hope to encourage you today. I want you guys to pass us on. This is not just a prophetic word, this is an assignment this is um something that God is telling us these are marching orders that we have to do we are in the army of the Lord we have our marching orders to protect those people with our prayers so that’s something that we have to do so pass this along and have people start praying all over the world for what they’re doing for each and every one of us so God loves you, I love you, and God bless you.
oh I just want to say if you guys need anything please go to our website at jgm international.org If you guys have any prayer requests, if you guys have any prophecies for being fulfilled go to our website we’re here for you we love you and of course God loves you and um have a wonderful day.

For all the people moaning that “Nothing is happening” now is the time to bite your tongue. 2 world leaders effectively removed from Office, Shinzo Abe shot to death, Biden teetering on removal by his own party, globalist President and Prime Minister chased out of Sri Lanka by outraged citizens, that’s a lot of happening ! And they are all major losses sustained by Globalism. Its going to continue and will likely be followed by Justin Trudeau and many many others around the world. CCCP is predicted to lose their leadership faction. So much to look forward to.
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