Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, July 28 of 2022, and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called a mighty showdown is coming. I heard this prophetic word, the word on July 25. So three days ago. Before I get to that, I do have very important announcements to make, especially about Minnesota. So we are not going to have it live streamed, this two day event, July 31 and August 1, but we are recording it. And I will upload it here on rumble and all the other platforms that Julie Green ministries have. So we will not be able to do it live, but we are recording it for you so you’ll be able to watch it after you need to have any more information about the Minnesota event at the nation’s glory barn in Waldorf, Minnesota, you can go to jgminternational.org under our event page. We’re looking forward to seeing each and every one of you there who are coming expect miracles, because I do believe something big is going to happen this weekend, because this is god’s event. This is not Julie Green’s event or anybody else’s event. This is God’s event. And this is the day that we have been waiting for for a long time. So come expecting to see what God has in store for each and every one of you and the revelations he’s going to give and anything else that he wants to do that weekend or this weekend. Wow. It’s only a couple of days away, so I hope we can see you there. Also, I will make a video about other announcements, so I’m not taking too much time up on this one. But if you do have any prayer requests or appraise reports, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at juliegreen ministries bender 52722. And all that information is in the description box below for you. Now. I was on his Glory Take Five with pastor David Scarlett yesterday, and I will also have that link in the description box below. If you missed that show, if you did go and watch it. It was awesome, just like I know every single time I’m on the Pastor Dave. There are so many confirmation that God gives the both of us. So it’s so exciting. And instead of going an hour, it went almost an hour and a half because we were having so much fun, we didn’t even realize it. All right, well, that’s all the announcements today.
And here is the prophetic word, A Mighty Showdown is Coming.
Again. I heard this on July 25. For I the Lord this day. I’m telling my children to get up now. Life as you know it is all changing. Yes changing, but a good change. A change. You couldn’t have dreamed how good it would be. This will be like a dream. Many of you will shout and rejoice how awesome your lives will become. And how short of a period of time it took to get there. Many of you never thought anything like this could ever happen to you. But remember my children, I am a good God and I have a good life in store for you that I have promised. In my word, you will rise to new levels of my glory and splendor. You will come to a place of authority where your enemy can no longer control/dominate your lives. Oh, he will try. And he will fail. Because you will no longer be controlled or dominated by a lie. You know the truth to a level that your enemies will always be under your feet, as long as you continue to obey and heed my words. Things are about to shift in ways you could never have imagined. So hold on for this receiving ride that you are on. You are about to enjoy, Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Hell cat. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Keep your eyes on August. Something significant will take place and you’ll begin to see what I have been saying all along through my prophets all around the world was true. A plan has been in motion and it’s coming to an explosive place. Many things you will start to see. Your enemy’s last ditch effort to hold this world hostage, and then try to put it into a global quarantine. But it will not work. They will shout and they will try to convince the world to stay in their homes to have their final takeover, to stop your rightful President from taking his power back. If he gets this, then their plans are shattered. Well, they don’t realize their plans already are. And they will see that very soon. Nothing can stop the change in this nation or the changes in the nations around the world. There is going to be a mighty showdown in this world. And I will tell you again, my children, this showdown will end with your victory. Saith the Lord. My children, there will be a time where you will stay in your homes. But it’s not out of fear or their quarantine. No. It will be to celebrate a fake government falling to their real government that has been the rightful government all along. This is to protect you from your enemies demise. It’s this Passover I told you about. Do not fear. This time I will visit you and my glory shall fill your homes and miracles will take place. Yes, miracles. Everything they have done to destroy you, I will restore in you, and restore to you, sayeth the Lord, Your Redeemer. There is coming. A day very soon. You will see the jackal, the Biden, finally fall in front of the world. And the one who speaks in his ear will be uncovered. Obama. You can’t hide. And I will shut your mouth so you can’t continue to speak in the Biden’s ear. I will cut your line of communication off and he will slip and tell the world what is really going on. He can’t help it. The truth will continue to slip out of his lips and Obama you can’t stop it, because you can’t stop me sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Kamala video will surface of who you really are. How evil. How manipulative and it will show all your dirty secrets how you gave your body away several times to get to the positions you had, not by earning it. But by selling your body for it. I am stripping everything you hold dear because it never belonged to you when you stole it in the first place. Kamala You are not the Vice President You know this. The whole fake government knows it. Now the whole world will know it. Video is about to surface of all of you devising these plans. Talking it all out and the blueprints are already in the hands of people you didn’t know that had it. They are not on your side Kamala. You are finished in your days of the fake Vice President Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Shady deals are coming to the surface. Once this fraudulent government thought they could keep a secret. Watch as other nations will be exposed for helping them in their dirty deals against this nation, and China trying to keep their power over the US, but what some of them didn’t know was that they were all playing both sides, and were all out for themselves. China was never going to bow down to the One World Government. They were secretly going to take them all down. Yes, China had other plans but what China doesn’t know is that I am bringing THEM down to their knees, and they will never recover from it, like Egypt from the first Exodus. China will never recover from the great Exodus and neither will the elites. The showdown is about to intensify, so brace yourselves my children, for sudden changes all over the world, sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Cataclysmic this word will be in your news keep your eyes on the stars and look at what is being reported. I told you to watch for signs of the sun and the moon and stars and they will become more obvious in these days.
Uncommon. Not normal, abnormal. Unheard of these words will be common in your news. Biblical this will too stay the course and remember who said it first, Sayeth the Lord.
Ozone Layer something will be reported on that is taking place, do not listen to their lies. Global warming ha. I will show them global warming but it won’t be what they expected it to be. Hell will be their home for all eternity Saith the Lord they chose this my children they chose to harden their hearts and not repent. They chose to defy me and to go with the plans of the devil. There is no saving them now. They chose what they wanted, and they soon will regret their decisions. I wanted them to choose differently. But I can’t change anyone’s will. My word states I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. You choose and they chose. death. My children of time has come for great changes to take place. It will look unsettling, but it’s not. This is all for your freedoms. So rejoice, for you will see my hands start to move more and more. You will see me deliver the nations. You will see what will appear to be like Red Sea moments. Think bigger, much bigger than that. Because I am the most high God in the world, will know that for a fact. It’s your time to live as my children should have always lived. Don’t give up on me when all the things you have hoped for, prayed for, are all coming to pass at once. Sayeth the Lord Your Redeemer.
So what God is saying in this prophecy is that a mighty showdown is coming. This is not against people. This is a war between good and evil, the angels of Almighty God and God and Satan along with all of his demons, or all of his unclean spirits that followed him. This is a time that we are living in, that we are seeing it all unfold. A lot of it’s been going on in the spiritual realm that we have not seen. But now we’re going to start seeing it more and more in the natural. And as you can see in the last least few weeks for sure, there’s process being fulfilled so much every single day. There are some that people sent that happened the same day I released it, when I recorded it several days before that. This is God. He’s speaking to us. He’s telling us the news before their news. He gives us these warnings, the encouragement to give us this joy unspeakable. So when things look unsettling or they look like everything is falling apart, going the wrong direction and people are frantic, going What’s going on? I thought everything good was going to happen. Instead it looks like the world is falling apart. We know guys already talked about the economy, he’s already talked about us in a blackout or a time of silence when you are not here, the prophets, we may not hear each other. And the reason for that, he said when you hear of this great silence or experience it, or a blackout, that it’s not fear. What kind of blackout? You may say, I don’t know, he didn’t give me that exact thing. It may not be electricity, it may just be communications, so phones, internet and so on. But he’s saying in that time, remember the Passover. I know this is not Passover time because that happened a couple of months ago. But this is a Passover type event in the Passover, the original one in the book of Exodus, when they were shut in their homes. God gave them various specific instructions, which he’s doing to us now. In the time of that passover, when the Angel of Death came, it passed over all the land of Goshen because they had the blood over the doorpost. But there were more miracles that happened in that period of time. Not only the death could not pass the blood, but each and every one of them. He said there was no feeble. He healed them. In that time, of all of the things that happened to them in their soul, they saw themselves as slaves. They accepted slavery. Their souls were broken. He delivered them and their souls. He delivered them and healed their bodies. And then the day of the Exodus, they plundered the Egyptians of all that belonged to them. And that’s in Exodus chapter three, in verse 22, they purged them of everything that belonged to them and they walked away with everything that had been stolen, plus more. There was a wealth transfer. So the freedom in their spirit, the freedom in their soul. The freedom in their body. Freedom from the slavery that they were in and he freedom from lack. He freed them from everything that the enemy had done against them. It was that quickly all of those things were restored. Why? Because God is a God of multiplication. He’s also the God who delivers. He’s a God who saves. He’s a God who heals. He’s also the God that provides. He is the God who comforts. He is our principiece. He is our waymaker. He is the great I AM. He’s. Elshadi. And no matter what we are facing in the world today, no matter what enemy we are facing against, yes, Satan uses people. You can see it all throughout the Bible. And he’s using these people against us. But Satan never, and I mean never, wins. And this time is no exception to the rule. Satan has already been defeated. He’s already been cast out of Heaven when he was Lucifer. He’s already been defeated. When Jesus came into this Earth and destroyed the power of the enemy, he destroyed the curse. He can say joy. The curse is all rampant, all throughout the world. And how did Jesus defeat it if it’s still there? He freed and delivered us. We are redeemed in Galatians 313 and 14. We are redeemed from the curse of law because of what Jesus did. We accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We are redeemed and we have a lack of knowledge of our redemption. Right? Then Satan can come in, deceive us out of what is rightfully ours, and then we accept things that we should never have accepted, because we just thought it’s something you have to deal with, because this is just life on Earth. Well, that’s exactly what happened to the children of Israel when they were in Egypt. They thought that was just a life they had to endure because that’s what they were born into. They didn’t know any different. We didn’t know any different. And God is saying I freed them to freely serve me back then, and I’m freeing you now to freely serve me in these days. That’s why we have to have another Exodus and this Exodus is far greater and it’s going to be things that you would not have expected. It’s going to be things in unconventional ways. It’s not man’s idea, it’s not man’s calendar, it’s not how a man does things. It is God. And no man is going to get credit for what God is about to do because only God can do what he is going to do. It’s his hand. And he is not going to get any other person glory for what he is going to do for each and every one of us. Does he use people? Of course he does. God does. We are vessels of Almighty God. We are his hands, we are his feet. We are the body of Christ. Remember, Christ is the head and we are the body. So that’s why he’s saying that we are supposed to heed or what? Listen and obey. That’s what heed is. Listen and obey his words. He talks about that in Proverbs chapter four and verse 20. We are supposed to attend. Okay, all right, I’m going to turn there because I don’t want to misquote the scriptures. So this is going to be the amplified version. I will read, I usually read the Amplified or I read the new King James, but this time I’m going to read the amplified version of the Scripture, proverbs chapter four and verse 20. Look what this, what this is. It says, my son attend, make this a priority, okay? Attend to my words, consent and submit to my sayings so listen to God’s words. So get into his written word. Study his word listen and obey his words. Let them not depart from your sight, keep them in the center of your heart. So do not let God’s Word depart from your sight. Do not let it get out of your heart because what your adversary does is it says in Mark chapter four, when Jesus was talking about the parables to the disciples, he said that Satan comes immediately to steal the Word. He was talking about the soul, or sowing the Word anyway. So he says in verse 22, they are life to those who find them in healing, and how through all their flesh keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard. For out of it flow the springs of life. So we have to be vigilant, we have to be faithful, we have to be steadfast, we have to be constant listening to God’s Word. Listening, but not only miraculously, just hears of the Word. We’re supposed to be doers of the Word. And it’s health and healing into your flesh. So if you need healing in your body. The Bible, the written word of God is health and it’s healing to your flesh because it is life and it’s power. This word is spirit. And I’m telling you, it destroys the power of the enemy. Because the enemy has no weapon against the word of God. And he definitely has no weapon against the name above every name, which is Jesus Christ. All right, that’s your short teaching for the day. Now, I’m going to go over quickly the prophetic word, because I want to clarify something that people could get confused about and I want to make sure that people get the clarification on this word. All right? It’s your time to live as children should have always lived. Don’t give up on me now. And all the things you hope for, prayed for, are all coming to pass at one time. And some people could say that is too good to be true. While the children of Israel thought the same thing when it came to Egypt. So if you need faith and what God is about to do in this greater Exodus, go study the original Exodus and see what God did. They could never have dreamed up what God was doing for them. Never. It even looked like he wasn’t doing anything until he showed up. And the perfect timing. All right. Now he says rejoice, for you will see my hands start to move more and more. And you will see me deliver the nations. You will see what will appear to be like Red Sea moments. Think bigger, much bigger than that. Because I am The most high God and the world will know it. That for a fact. He said they’re going to know the great I AM still lives, still loves and still saves. And there’s no denying that. And why ? The greatest harvest of souls. So people the blinders are removed, their hearts are softened in order to be able to receive God in ways they couldn’t have before. Because they were imprisoned to deception and lies and adversary, keeping them enslaved to receiving what and who God really was, who he really is. Excuse me. All right, my slow. The time has come for great changes to take place. It will look unsettling, but it’s not. This is all for your freedoms. So he said it’s going to look unsettling. He also says this for a short time it did look unsettling for the Children of Israel right before the Angel of Death came. Because Pharaoh made it more harsh for the chosen of Israel to live. He wanted to break them even more so they would not rise up against Him. That’s exactly what we are seeing now. There’s nothing new under the sun. I know I’ve said it over and over. There is nothing new on the sun. Our adversary doesn’t think of anything new, so they are doing things to break you. If you know those strategies of the enemy, then it’s easier for you to see your victory and not give up and quit even in the midst of it when it looks like you should. God will never fail and remember those two words, but God never forget that. But God, when your adversary says, you’re lost, you say, But God says, he always caused me in a triumph. And your adversary says, It’s too impossible. You say, but God I serve the God of Nothing is impossible. See, if you give those two words and you give the scriptures with it, it destroys the fear and destroys the worry, destroys the doubt and destroys unbelief. That’s trying to consume so many people in these days of a great lie. All right, now, they chose this, my children He’s talking about how they are talking about global warming, and he’s saying that they are going to live in hell for eternity and that’s their global warming. But that is not we’re not supposed to rejoice in that fact at all. And that’s not what this word is about. This word is about when he says, they chose this, my children. He didn’t want them to choose this at all. He wanted them to repent. He wanted them to turn back, and they refused. They chose to harden their hearts and not repent. They chose to defy me and go with the plans of the devil. There is no saving them now. They chose what they wanted and soon will regret their decisions. I wanted them to choose differently. But I can’t change anyone’s will. My work states, I said before, you life and death, blessing and cursing, and you choose. And they chose death. So God wanted them to repent. He wanted them to change their course, and they didn’t. All right, Ozone layer. So they’re going to come up with some big lie. And he said, don’t listen to it. And then he gets used to the words uncommon, not normal, abnormal, unheard of, and biblical. These words are going to be in the news a lot. He says, Remember who said it first.
Keep your eyes on the stars and look at what is being reported. I told you to watch the signs of the sun and the moon and the stars, and they’ll become more obvious in these days. Those are the signs. So go look for those. And the Lord trust me, we’ll know what he’s talking about in this word. When we’re looking in the sky and looking for the stars and what they say and what is being reported on
Cataclysmic, this word will be in your news. All right. Now, shady deals are coming to the surface. One, this fraudulent government thought they could keep a secret. Watch as other nations will be exposed for helping them and their dirty deals against this nation, trying to help China get power over the US. But what some of them didn’t know was that they were all playing both sides, and they were all out for themselves. China was never going to bow down to the One World Government. They were secretly going to take them all down. Yes, China had other plans. But what China doesn’t know is that I am bringing them down to their knees and they will not recover from it. Like Egypt from the first Exodus, China will never recover from this great Exodus. Neither will the elites. The showdown is about to intensify, so brace yourselves much sooner for sudden changes all over the world. So what he’s saying here is that they were all in cahoots with this whole One World Government and China supposedly was saying they were too, and everybody was out for themselves. And there was people trying to help China take over because they wanted to defeat the elites and the One World Government, because China was out for themselves. And God was saying he was going to destroy them just like he destroyed Egypt. And Egypt never became a superpower again. They still are down at their knees because they are under complete curse of what they did to God’s people. The same thing that’s going to happen to China. All right, now he’s talking about Kamala and he’s saying the videos about to surface of how evil, how manipulative, which a lot of us know, how evil that woman is, but there is more, she’s more evil than we realize. It’s what God is saying here. So it’s obvious that she’s evil, but God is saying, no, she’s more evil than what you think. He said he’ll show all the dirty secrets, how you gave your body away several different times, get the positions you had, not by earning it, but by selling your body for it and stripping everything you hold dear because it never belonged to you when you stole it in the first place. I love this. When he said it, Kamala, you are not the Vice President, Biden, you are not the President. It’s not yours if you stole it. All right? He said, Kamala, you know, you’re not the vice president. You know this. The Fed government knows this, and now the whole world is going to know it. Now the world already knows that the 2020 elections were stolen, but now more and more people are going to realize that fact because more states are going to rise up, more decertifications are going to take place and God only knows what’s going to happen and how he’s going to do it. But things are falling apart for this fake administration. And I love how we talked about earlier in this prophetic word there’s. Coming a day very soon, you will see the jackal which is the Biden finally falling in front of the world. And one who speaks in his ear will be uncovered. Obama, you can’t hide and I will shut your mouth so you can’t continue to speak these words in the body here – I will cut your line of communication off and You will slip and tell the world what’s really going on. That’s what Biden does. He can’t help it. Why, the truth will continue to slip out of his lips. And Obama, you can’t stop it because you can’t stop me saying, the Lord of hosts, no one can stop God. This is what we have to get in the body of Christ in our hearts. No one can stop God. I don’t care how much money they have. I don’t care how much power they have. I really don’t care who they think they are. No one can stop God. He allowed certain things to happen. We needed to be awakened. We needed to get up. We need to realize what all the evil was going on in the world. We were just living our lives day to day, normal, just living in our own little bubbles. And God was saying, there’s so much going on in this world that we are supposed to take authority over. We are supposed to do certain things that we weren’t doing. He didn’t shake the body of Christ and shake the world away from the grips and the shackles and the chains of One World Government. We didn’t know how enslaved we truly were, each and every one of us, into their system. And God is destroying that system. And, yes, at some point there will be a tribulation period. Yes. And these people will have their glory days for a few short years. It’s not now. It’s not yet. It’s not that time yet. All the prophecies in the scriptures have not all come to pass yet. They’re too soon. So that’s the reason why you’re not going to see the tribulation happen just yet. All right, now this is something we have to realize, my son. There will be a time where you will stay in your homes, but it’s not out of fear or their quarantines. No. It will be to celebrate a fake government falling to the real government that has been the rightful government all along. So he says during this time, it’s going to be like a passover type event. And he’s going miracles, signs, glory. His splendor is going to fill our homes. So even though we’re going to be shut off to some parts of the world, we’re not going to be shut off to Almighty God, praise the Lord, because he will show up in our homes more and more, because we won’t have that distraction of the outside world. All right, there’s going to be a mighty showdown. This showdown will end with your victory. Okay, now this is something I wanted to clarify before I go. Keep your eyes on August. Something significant will take place, and you will begin to see. What I have been saying all along through my profits all around the world was true. A plan has been in motion and is coming to an explosive place. Many things you will see will start to see your. Enemy’s last ditch efforts to hold this world hostage and try to put into a global quarantine. But it will not work. Not only is that in full, but it’s cap locked. The Lord was very specific about that. But it won’t work. They will shout and try to convince the world to try to stay in their homes, to have their final takeover, to stop your rightful President from taking his power back. If it gets this, then their plans are shattered. So something’s going to happen if it gets this next move, then their plans are shattered. But they don’t realize their plans are already shattered because God has already destroyed their plans. But they don’t realize their plans are already are. And they will see that very soon. And nothing can stop the change in this nation or the changes in the nations around the world. Now this prophetic word about August does not say our rightful President is coming back in August. Okay? We’re going to start to see things happen dramatically in August. It could be about the economy. Very well. They’re trying to do the lockdowns or whatever next month. So things are going to start to intensify. It will look bad, yes. But God, that’s going to appear that way, it’s not going to stay that way. So do not let Satan grip you with fear with these words. That is not what this is meant for. This is meant to warn you about what’s going to happen. But do not let the fear get inside of you because God is saying, no, this is for your victory and not for your defeat. This is for your healing, your restoration, for everything that’s stolen to you and against you. He’s going to give back to you in this time. So it’s a time of victory, not a time to lay down and quit. Okay? So that’s what God is saying in this work. All right? So look for the word, the word hellcat. One word, hellcat. And he says to me, for a surprising reason, all right, now and then the Lord is saying, life as you know it is all changing. Yes, changing, but a good change and change you couldn’t have dreamed of how good it would be. This will be like a dream many of you will shut, rejoice how awesome your lives will have become and how short of a period of time it will look like to get there. And many of you never thought anything like this could ever happen to you. But remember, my children, I am a good God, and I have a good life in store for you that I have promised. In my work, you will rise to new levels of my glory and splendor. You will come to a place of authority where your enemy can no longer control/dominate your lives. Or he will try and you will fail. Because you are no longer going to be controlled or dominated by a lie. You know the truth to a level that your enemies will always be under your feet. As long as you continue to obey and heed my words, things are about to shift in ways you could never have imagined. So hold on for the receiving ride that you are on and you are going to about to enjoy.
Okay, I went a long time but there had to be bible scriptures and a teaching in there to let you understand what this is all about because anytime these prophetic words are heard, they always have to line up with the written word of God and it explains what God is saying, what’s going on in the world today.
So hopes to encourage you today I want to pray each and every one of you heavenly Father right now and Jesus name I pray over every single person that is watching. Father God in the name of Jesus, I thank you that their shackles are destroyed right now and everything that’s been holding them captive, every lie that’s been holding them down, every word that’s been spoken over them, I command those words to come down right now and in Jesus name those words will not hold you captive any longer. I proclaim and decree your freedom that Jesus has already fought and died and paid for by the blood, the shed and blood of him and I thank you Father God that you have already delivered, you have already set them free, you have already healed them and sickness is seeds them and he can no longer see them. We’re receiving that new level of glory and knowledge father God, the truth that you are pouring out right now, these revelation knowledge and we thank you this fresh manna from heaven each and every day we thank you that their lives are changing in Jesus name, amen. Amen. We hope to encourage you today, please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear and encourage you. Learn who needs to hear the truth because the truth sets them free when God loves you. I love you, God bless you and have a wonderful day. Bye.

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