May 29 2023 See Afterword

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Good morning everybody. Today is actually Thursday, September 8 of 2022 but you will see this on Tuesday, September 13 and the reason for that is because I’ll be traveling to the Reawaken America tour in the Washington Idaho border for September 16 and 17th. If you want any more of that information you can go to our website@jjminternational.org under our contact page. We also have many events coming up, one each week actually or two actually some days there’s two. So on September 24 we’re going to be a part of the prayer breakfast here in the Quad Cities and if you want more information again go to our website. All of this go to our website and also there’s links in the description box below for you. And we’re going to be a part of the Patriots Arise event and that is in Pennsylvania on the same day, September 24. Then at the end of the month we’re going to be a part of the God sorry glory in America and that is going to be in Clearmont, Florida. Again all this information will be in the description box or our web page. So you can go and find all the information so you can be part of one of these events. God is moving everywhere we’ve been across the United States in the last well since beginning of this year and it has been an amazing to see what God is doing. So I hope you can make one or all or how many ever god is doing a lot of things in this part of the year is going to be something very exciting to be watching for. Alright well also if you have any prayer request or appraise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at julie Green Ministries, 1252 Bettendorf 52722. All right now the prophetic word for today is actually called a great silence is coming. Lord has been talking about a great silence, he’s been talking about blackouts and all of a sudden now you can see that all the people in the news are all suddenly talking about blackouts and it’s been going in different countries and now even in this country. So again, God always warns before anything were to happen because he doesn’t want you to be in fear. We shouldn’t fear any of this stuff because the reason he said is a great silence is our victory. So praise the Lord. All right, so I heard this prophetic word on September 7.
Again it’s called A Great Silence is Coming.
For I the Lord this day am reminding my children of their blood covenant with me. Stand firm and believe in it today. Your enemies have no power against it. They are and always will be defeated by the blood of Jesus that destroyed and disarmed them against you who have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
To my children who are still caught up with religion and religious traditions. I am warning you of great changes in your congregations. No more manmade doctrines, no more being lukewarm, no more living for yourself or by what someone else tells you about me. Get to know me personally through my written word and through your time of fellowship with me (Gnosis or knowing the holy spirit) and woe to those who doubt the prophets or doubt my words. (I suspect this blue text “lesson” on the errors of manmade laws was due to Julie behaving in a harshly theocratic way at Infowars) The previous day where she agreed with the host theocrat that God cannot be heard internally and anyone who does hear internal sound is tuning into demonic entities. Basically everyone else is insane or under demonic attack. Its just like Leftists calling everybody racist. And LOL Julie often says God gets her attention early am by producing internal audible music. Christian theocrats are wrongly convinced they own God and He is required to do what THEY SAY according to their manmade laws. Well said sayeth the Lord. An internal message to me while typing
Now back to the daily lesson with Julie.
Sudden darkness is about to fall on this earth and you don’t want to get caught up in this trap. Get up now my children. Get ready to receive my glory which I have already given to you. Praise in these days like never before there is power in your praise. So praise, my children like never before. And you will see your circumstances change. You will see your lives change. You will experience freedom and health like never before. Praise destroys sickness and disease. It destroys fear. That’s why you can’t go by feelings. There is much power when you praise. It says in my word to give sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise. Your body and mind will tell you not to. Your circumstances will tell you that you can’t. Don’t listen. That is Satan using his distractions to keep you from prospering and losing complete control over you. Praise makes your enemies run. So praise me louder my children. In this time seek me like never before. Your chains are broken so start to celebrate right now even before you see it because you will see it quicker. Sayeth The Lord your Redeemer, A dismantling of your enemies has begun. My days of vengeance are here. Destruction of your enemies plans you will see with your eyes more and more. Nothing can stop the interruption of Truth. No. The eruption sorry the eruption of truth that is about to take place. And the world will see that I am the God of Truth. Your enemy’s lies cannot stand up against my power say the Lord of Hosts.
Catapult this word will be in your news for an unusual reason. Another war is about to be announced in your news. Do not pay attention. This act of war is a complete farce and a set up for a major distraction on this earth to get your eyes on it. So you don’t hear the truth when it comes. So you don’t pay attention to when multiple whistleblowers come forward or when more step down from their places of power to obviously hide from what is coming. They can’t hide from truth. They can’t hide from me. Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Major news is about to break regarding the Midterms. Oh yes. Oh United States. Your enemies had the stage set for Major Chaos to steal yet another election. But I am stopping it before the Midterms. Watch and see a great change from before then. Don’t fear this election my children, your enemies should. But just know I don’t need an election to change this nation around. And I don’t need another election to bring your rightful president back. No. My hand is not without power. And my hand is moving to bring him back along with everyone with him. But my children, don’t look to a man to save you. I’m the one doing that. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
An aquarium will be in your news for an unusual reason.
A major sandstorm will be in your news. Watch this location. Many things are about to take place there. The weather will become very unusual in this region, and weather reports will show biblical plagues. They will shout. We are seeing in our time. How can this be? A body of water will turn blood red, insects will cover the ground. And everything seen, it will appear like hail will turn into fire, and frogs will be seen in unusual numbers. Mysterious deaths will occur. I told you to watch for these things that are coming to show the world that this is a time for another Exodus. This is a time for the Great Exodus. My children are walking out from this Babylonian system, free as my children should be. Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Syracuse. This name will be in the news. Something significant is about to take place in the Arctic Ocean. Remember, my children, who I am. I always warn before anything takes place like this. Another warship is about to be in your news. Watch your enemies fail at another attempt to take over my nation of Israel. They are planning their next strikes, but I will stop their missiles. And the world will know that this only could have been done by ME who stopped them. Your enemies will soon know that God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob still lives. And so protect my nation of Israel Saith the Lord of Hosts.
I say this word again, catamaran will be in your news. Look at this location and know the truth is about to destroy your enemy’s plans and they will sink like the Titanic
Windshear. This will be in your news because something unusual has taken place that the weatherman cannot explain. Unusual times you are living in. An unusual things will be seen more regularly to get the world’s attention. I am here, and things are changing Sayeth The Lord
Constantinople This word and this location will be in your news. Something significant is about to take place, at Istambul. You will know it as soon as you see it Sayeth The Lord. Turkey is hiding something that will still come out like a bang, and it will tear down your enemy’s plans. Just watch what they have and know more countries are about to come out against the One World Government. Countries you never thought would stand up and fight back. I told you there is a resistance growing among the nations of the world. They are pushing back the propaganda, pushing back on the stealing of their freedoms. You will see this growth worldwide. The United States get up and join the resistance Sayeth the Lord.
How your enemies have tried everything to divide you, but a uniting has begun. A shift has taken place that no man can stop O United States. Arise now, stand now and take back what is already yours. See through all your enemies lies and plans to know that none of them are working. Laugh at your enemies because they’re all losing their power, their positions and their mouths will keep giving themselves away over and over again on live TV. TV is about to become very entertaining as they stumble fall, and some will accidentally tell the truth. Some are turning on each other and will escalate their dismantling. It has started. And this season you are in will be great and very memorable. Don’t ever forget what I have done and what I am about to do. Tell this to your children and your grandchildren about what the Lord has done across the world. And revival will break out to agree to a degree. It is all starting now, so don’t be moved by the upcoming crashing of the market. I have one of this before. It’s their kingdom that’s failing and falling. A new one is rising. Saith the Lord
A silence is coming to silence your enemies, to stop their influence. So my children start shouting and proclaiming that this is a time to celebrate. Proclaim your freedom and your healing. This is the time to receive from me in greater measures, saith the Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary Now in this prophetic word before I go over it one thing that we have to know. This silence is nothing to fear. The reason why there has to be a silence is to stop the fear and the propaganda machine, which is the fake news, but also it is to protect God’s people from what is about to take place. Now, this great silence again is to shut the mouths of the enemy so they can’t control, they can’t influence, they can’t keep holding us back from the truth. And you can see this example. You say, Julie’s are the same. Why not the lions den with Daniel? Remember when Daniel was put in the lions den because he refused to submit to the king and what the new law had? But he went into the lions den and the lion’s mouths were shut and they could not harm him. He could say they were silenced and Daniel was protected again. How many times would you be up against a lion and a lion’s mouth be shut? As many times as you, pretty much. It doesn’t matter what our enemy tries to do if he uses a literal lion or if it’s some of our enemies and their news stations. Time and time again, God saves and delivers his people. Look. With Shadrack Mishak and a minigo, they were in a fire in a fiery furnace that King Nebuchadnezzar heated up seven times hotter. They want to die with a regular heating, they didn’t need to do it seven times harder. He just got angry and he wasn’t thinking. That’s what our enemies do when they get that angry. They don’t think. But what I mean by all of this is no matter how many times we come up against lions, we’re just like with David, he came up against a lion and a bear and God gave him the power in order to destroy and kill both of them. That’s why he was not afraid when he came up against Goliath. So no matter how many times we come up against an enemy, God can shut their mouth. God can stop their power over you because he is your protector. We have guardian angels protecting us everywhere we go and everything we do. That’s why we cannot go in places and go being in fear, being faith and knowing and trusting in God. If he hadn’t shut the mouth of a lion or lions in front of you, he would. No matter how many times it took, if he had to stop any type of natural disaster, no matter what it was, he would do it. He is your protector. Now, I want to go over this prophetic word again, but remember this silence is our victory and our enemies defeat, even the crashing of the market. God said, do not fear this. Julie, how can you say that? Because it’s their economy selling. It is their prison. That what they have done to oppress the world. What they have done to put many people in prison cells because of financial woes, suppressing them being in so much debt and poverty and lack. The enemy has been withholding things from the world that rightfully belongs to the world again. This is just nowadays Pharaohs. Look what happened in the book of Exodus. Look at all the things that Pharaoh did to God’s people in order to enslave them. They were free people before, but he brought them under slavery with taxation. Sound familiar? So anyway, there is things that are going on and nothing new under the sun. So I want to go back and read this prophetic word again and go over certain things. So a silence is coming to silence your enemies, to stop their influence. That’s what guy’s saying, stop their influence. So my children start shouting and proclaiming that this is a time to celebrate. Proclaim your freedom and your healing. This is the time to receive from me in greater measures, say the Lord your redeemer. And he’s been talking about receiving glory or his presence in greater measures because this is a day he’s going to fill the earth like the days of Noah. This time, instead of with literal water, it’s going to be going to rain down his glory like never before. It’s going to fill this earth. That’s why you’re going to see so many miracles, signs and wonders and people coming to Christ with this great harvest of souls. So don’t ever forget what I have done and what I am about to do. Tell this to your children and your grandchildren. What the Lord had done across the world and revival will break out to a degree never seen. He said in his words several different times in the book of Exodus, and he also talked about that later on. But he also said, earnestly, remember this day you talk about the accidents. Earnestly, remember, tell your children. We still to this day should always remember what God has done and remind ourselves even when we are facing giants or when we’re facing impossible looking situations, god is still the same God yesterday, today and forever. That’s what stops the fear. That’s why God tells us to earnestly remember what he’s done, because he is still that same God who has the power to do those things. And he will, because that is his promise. All right now, O United States, how your enemies have tried everything to divide you, but unity has begun. A shift has taken place that no man can stop. ounted states, arise now, stand now and take back what is already yours. See through all your enemies lies and plans and know that none of them are working. Laugh at your enemies because they are all losing their power positions and their mouths will keep giving themselves away over and over again on live TV. TV is about to become very entertaining as they stumble and fall. And some will accidentally tell the truth. Some are turning on each other and will escalate their dismantling. It has started, and the season you are in will be great and very memorable. So he’s saying now that a live TV is going to be very entertaining because what? Our enemies will continue to stumble. They will continue to give themselves away through their mouths, through their actions and things like that. This is the time that we have been waiting for for almost two years now. This is that time. This is that season. So that’s why get prepared and know that God is doing something. And I love this part in this word. He talks about the election. I’ll go over that. But he said, auniting has to be done. That’s our name of this country, the United States. That’s why our enemies have tried to divide for so long, because a house divided against itself cannot stand. Don’t let them divide us with all their tactics and all their lives and all the things that they’re doing. They’re liars. And we have to know that. That’s why in Hospia four six that God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Let’s not have a lack of knowledge. Let’s investigate. Let’s pray. Let’s get into God’s word. Let’s seek Him in his wisdom and know his understanding and see what he wants us to do and win. And destroys the power of the enemy over us and destroys the power of the enemy in our nations because we will know what to do and how to respond. Now listen to this. Turkey is hiding something. I have no idea what that is, but Turkey is hiding something that will soon come out like a bank and it will tear down your enemies plans. Just watch. They have what they have and know more countries are about to come out against the one World Government. Countries you never thought would stand up and fight back. I told you there is resistance growing among the nations of the world. They are pushing back the agenda, pushing back on the stealing of your freedoms. You will see this growth worldwide. The United States. Get up and join the resistance. Come on USA, let’s go. Let’s join the resistance. I know there’s a lot of people who have already given up to the fact of the ceiling of that 2020 election. Don’t give into that because God doesn’t need another election. He said to bring back our rightful President, all he needs is our faith, our trust, our reliance in Him to lean on Him, to trust Him, to believe in Him and what he’s saying, and not believe in what we are seeing. Because what we are seeing is a smoke show or a facade or a puppet show or fake. You will start seeing fake props. God even said that in a prophetic word. Now Constantinople, if I’m saying that correctly, this word and this location will be in your news. Something significant is about to take place in Istanbul. You will know it as soon as you see it. So Constantinople was the name of this area which is now Istanbul. And God is saying you’re going to hear that name and then you’re going to know it’s. Istanbul in that area. So that area, something significant is going to happen in that region. So watch for that word and then watch also the area again now known as Istambal wind shear. This will be in your news because something unusual has taken place that the weatherman cannot explain. Unusual times. You are living in unusual things. You’ll be seeing more regularly to get the world’s attention. I’m here and things are changing. The Lord, now, he’s been talking about unusual weather for quite some time now. And so we are already seeing that. He’s been talking about wild weather, pretty much our unusual weather since last, I don’t know if it was October or September, october area, it might have been before that. I had to go back through all my old prophetic words from last year that I don’t have up on my website yet, which we will, we’re working on again. We have a very small team here, so just give us some time to get them all up there. But he’s been talking about weather for a long time in different types of weather events and we’re seeing that now play out almost all year long. It’s got grown in intensity it’s gotten more weird and unusual. What’s it doing, it’s getting our attention. God talks about that. He said that because why God gives us his news before the news. And that’s why prophetic words are so awesome and they’re so amazing and they’re such a blessing to be able to hear. Now he’s saying this word again, cadmaran. He gave his word to me several, several months ago. It will be in your news. Look at this location. So in the news headline or whatever it is, there’s going to be a cadmaran in the news. So look at this location because this location, the truth is about to destroy your enemies plans and they will sink like the Titanic. So where this catamaran is located, there’s something that’s going to come out in that area and it’s going to sink the enemy’s plans like the Titanic. Watch your enemies fail at another attempt to take over my nation of Israel. They are planning their next strikes, but I will stop their missiles and the world will know that this is only would have been me who stopped them. Your enemies will soon know that God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob still lives and still protects my nation of Israel, say the Lord of hosts. Yes, he does. And even says in God’s word that he never sleeps or slumbers. So he’s always watching. So nothing can get past God. God always knows. He knows the ends from the beginning. So no matter what our enemies try to do against Israel, no matter what they try to do against the United States of America, and what they’re trying to do now, it doesn’t matter what they’re trying to do, god is still the same God. He protects, he delivers, he sets free, he has vengeance, he has judgment. And our enemies have been given plenty of time, of course, because God has full of grace and mercy, but these people are not taking it and they’re not repenting, they’re not turning around. And that’s why you’re going to see judgment. We kind of like to play. We’re not kind of like the play against our enemies. Another worship is about to be in your news. Something significant is about to take place in the Arctic Ocean. Remember, my children, who I am, I always warn before anything like this takes place or anything takes place like this. So the Arctic Ocean, he has mentioned the Arctic Ocean twice now in the last couple of days. So watch the Arctic Ocean. He’s talked a lot about Atlantic, he talked a lot about the Pacific, but now it’s the Arctic Ocean and something significant is going to happen. So watch that area and see what he says. But God always warns, so I have no idea what that can be. But again, God protects no matter how bad it is. All right, Sarah Cues, this name will be in your news. And then a body of water will turn blood red insects will cover the ground and everything seen it will appear like hail will turn into fire and frogs will be seen in unusual numbers. Mysterious deaths will occur. I told you to watch for these things that are coming to show the world that this is a time for another exodus. This is a time for the great exodus. And my children are walking out from this bad lawn system free as my children should be saved, the Lord of Hosts. And what’s he talking about? About all of the signs of the place because it said the paragraph right before that a major sandstorm will be in your news. Watch this location. Many things are about to take place there. So watch location of this sandstorm that’s coming up. The weather will become very unusual in this region and watch reports will show it biblical plagues. They will shout, we are seeing our time, how can this be? So all the plagues of Egypt and that’s why God mentioned some of those right there. Watch these things happen and know that this is a sign of the great exodus and it’s going to be in the region, especially on the one where the sandstorm is, but doesn’t mean that nothing will happen over here. But God is saying over in that region of Egypt in the first exodus, look at the location and also where that sandstorm is going to be in that region. You’re going to see a whole bunch of plagues that are going to happen, like biblical plagues of that. For this, an aquarium will be in your news for an unusual reason. I thought that was odd, but you never know because it comes to animals and people. You never know what happens in aquarium anyway, no matter how weird it is or what it sounds like, I say it anyway because God tells me to say it. Major news is about to break regarding the midterms of the United States. Your enemies had the stage set for another major chaos to steal yet another election. So we’re going to try yet more chaos, more distractions, more disruptions. It’s not going to work, but I am stopping it before the midterms. Watch and see a great change come before then. Don’t fear this election. A lot of people are fearing this election because of what they did in 2020. And they’re fearing the fact that, oh my gosh, they’re going to steal another election and then we can’t anything do about it. Why do we not fear this? Watch my children. Your enemy should your enemy should be fearing this election, not us. But just know I don’t need an election to change this nation and God does not need an election to fix this nation. I don’t need another election to bring back the rightful president. Why would he have to have another election to bring back the rightful president when he won the original line, he won it so he doesn’t have to have another election to be put back in place. That’s my way of thinking, knowing my hand is not without power and my hand is moving to bring back now and everyone along with him. But my children. Don’t look to a man to save you. Don’t look to anyone else to save you. You look to God. He uses people, yes, but look to God that he’s the one who’s saving us. I’m the one doing that. Save the Lord of photos. OK, now another war is about to be announced in your news. Do not pay attention. This act of war is a complete farce. It’s a set up for a major distraction on this earth to get your eyes on it, so you don’t hear the truth. This is what your enemies do. They try distractions so that when the truth comes out, you’re not paying attention to truth. All you’re paying attention to is this distraction over here. When they want you to pay attention over here, don’t pay attention. When multiple whistles they don’t want you to pay attention when multiple whistleblowers come forward or when more step down. So when more people are stepping down like CEOs, and more people like in our government will step down and all of a sudden you’re not paying attention to that. Because this war that’s over here, don’t pay attention to that. He said when people step down from places of power to obviously hide from what is coming, they can’t hide from Truth and they can’t hide from me. All right, catapult will be in your news then. A dismantling of your enemies has begun. My days of vengeance are here. Destruction of your enemies plans will see with your eyes more and more. Nothing can stop the eruption of truth that is about to take place. And the world will see that I am a God of truth. Your enemy’s lives cannot stand up against my power, say the Lord of Hope. All right, now for the sake of time, I’m going to go through this quicker. But he says praise. In these days, praise is powerful. Remember, God put praise and worshipers on the front line. So praise God even when you don’t feel like it. Praise God. Even when your circumstances tell you there’s no reason to praise God, you look and focus on God. What he’s telling you to do? Praise, praise, praise. Satan hates it. He hates it. He does not know what to do. When you should be crying, you should be weeping, you should be freaking out and you’re saying, no, I’m going to praise God. Keep your eyes focused on God. It destroys the power of the enemy. Now, when he talks about religion and religious traditions, remember, God is a God. In the Bible, Jesus went after also the religious traditional people, because it’s not about religion, it’s about God. It’s not about man says about what God says. No. It’s about God and what God? Says in his written word, getting his written word and find out what God says. Now, I just want a man tells you that’s why I said, you check this out. Anytime you hear a pragmatic word getting the presence of God, ask Him about it. Get the revelation that he wanted to do know about it, and then also getting his written word. Now, I’m sorry I am rushing through this because I see my time and I have another video to make. All right. For all the Lord this day. I’m reminding my children of the blood covenant with me. You have a blood covenant with God Almighty. Stand firm and believe in it today. Your enemies have no power against it. They are and always will be defeated by the blood of Jesus that destroyed and disarmed them against you who accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. To my children who are still caught up in religion, again, I’m warning you of great changes in your congregations. There’s going to be revival in congregations. So instead of people just going to church and go, oh, that was a great teaching, no, people are going to go to church and see limbs come out. People didn’t have one. They’re going to see people who are blind, they’re going to see. You’re going to hear about people that were deaf, that can hear. We’re going to see those miracle signs and wonders again. Why? Because that’s going to draw people into the body of Christ. It’s going to place all the light of God in this world. In the midst of all this darkness, god is going to shine his light brighter. He says, no more living for yourself or by anyone else tells you, get to know me personally through my written word and through your fellowship with me. And he says, woe to those So He’s warning them who doubt the prophets who are doubting prophets or doubting His Word. People are still doubting God’s word. And he said, sudden darkness is about to fill this earth. Why? Because judgments are going to go against our enemies. And it may look bad, but God is saying, don’t be moved by that. Just like with the land of Goshen, there’s going to be light in the land of Goshen. And then there was darkness in Egypt. It’s not going to affect us. But don’t get caught in all this stuff because people just like what happened with Kobe, people got caught in so much fear and worry and doubt and unbelievable because of what they were seeing and what they were hearing going on in the news that they forgot what God was saying about it because of the storm and the darkness and the fear that struck this earth. People got overwhelmed. And God does not want that to happen again to you. He wants you to keep his focus on Him. You keep your focus on Him, and you will not fear and you will not be moved. We’ll also encourage you today, I want to pray for each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name. I just want to lift up every person right now the sound of my voice. I want to praise and thank you for revelation knowledge. I want to praise and thank you Father God, for the God given authority that you’ve given to us. In the name of Jesus, I thank you. The name of Jesus breaks every chain. So every chain, every sickness and disease, everything that they have been going through, Father God, I thank you. It’s broken by that name. I pray the blood of Jesus over each and every one of them and I thank you Father God, that they are whom the sunsets free is free indeed. I am declaring their freedom. I’m declaring their health. I’m declaring their soundness and wholeness of mind right now. I break those chains of depression and suicidal tendencies. I broke it right now off of you. In the name of Jesus, I command your soul to be freed by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And I thank you Father God, that they are rising up knowing who they are in Christ Jesus and nothing can defeat them. I thank you. Everything standing in the way is going to fall by the wayside and they’re just going to walk through because it says in your word that we walk through the valley of shadow of death, it shall not fear, it shall not come near us. We shall not fear it. So we thank you Father God, we can see all these things, we don’t have to fear and we can be in perfect peace because you are our Prince of peace and I thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen. And amen. I hope it’s encouraged you today. Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth set you free. Well, God loves you. I love you, God bless you and have a wonderful day.

I was apalled at a pair of Christian “theocrats” including Julie on Infowars doing an all too common thing, namely insisting that only their restricted low resolution way of contacting God was real. And anybody else hearing internal signals (Sound) was insane and or deceived by demonic entities. Even though their own bible says in Corinthians 7-11 it says every person is equipped to know the spirit regardless of faith. So its a human natural thing, not religious at all. And thus there is no compulsion to read the bible, or ever hear of Jesus. The Bible says it. This is one of the major defects of Christianity and I registered my anger with the Big Chief. Which apparently led to a reprimand the following day’s Julie lesson (bluetext) about Christians letting go of man made religious rules and not to listen to others second hand reports about God (preachers) (the basis of religion) God advises everyone to make direct personal contact via Gnosis. And he has got that ready in the form of Laymans Gnosis. So I see this a wonderful development that skids are under the great religions and personal gnosis is intended for everyone. I consider that Heaven on Earth.

TODAY MAY 29 -2023 Here’s The CHILLING Reason The SENATE WAS JUST ISSUED SAT PHONES and it’s Not Good At All
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